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🧵 *ruins any hope of learning martial arts*

Anonymous No. 205330

do any ADD anons have tips on training despite having ADD?
For me it's
>instructor is demonstrating something
>my mind wanders off
>when it's time to do the technique i'm totally clueless
And no, i will not take (((meds)))

Anonymous No. 205335

What are you thinking about when the instructor is demonstrating?

Anonymous No. 205336

You know how jitzniggers cry about hour long wrestling warm ups? That shit is great for adhd. You'll be so fucking exhausted your head will have no ability to do anything but what you're told.

Anonymous No. 205338

That's because the instructor is not instructing properly

Anonymous No. 205345

Literally anything else. If you had ADD you'd know what I mean. Just random things. Most of the time it's important (going through a weird time in my life right now and have a lot of important shit on my mind) but sometimes it's random bs

Anonymous No. 205348

because the teacher is most certainly using the information processing method similarly to how they brainwa- uh I mean "teach" children in school by just doing things and making you repeat them
repeat after me class, 1x1=2 2x2=4 3x3=9
watch and repeat, watch and repeat, watch and repeat
its a shit method which is why they need to medicate children with amphetamines to make their brains susceptible to conditioning

what you need is an instructor that uses the environmental perception method
task based exercises that you are physically participating in the entire time
you're given a goal, get chest to chest with your partner, dont let him put his knees in front of you
now go play, see how far you get, don't sweat the details, and we will fix the mistakes as they happen

you tell me which class style you would prefer to do

Anonymous No. 205350

wrong video

Anonymous No. 205389

I am diagnosed and what I do is:
-stop eating inflammatory food inflammation can cause brain fog mmkay
-stop looking for excuses

Anonymous No. 205528

do you actually want to do martial arts?
I've noticed when I can't get interested in something and pay attention, it's usually because I don't give a fuck about it
t. adhd

Anonymous No. 206196

do any asthma anons have tips on training despite having asthma?
For me it's
>instructor is demonstrating something
>my lungs start failing
>when it's time to do the technique i'm totally breathless
And no, i will not take (((inhalers)))

Anonymous No. 206199


Anonymous No. 206204

Your problem is not asthma any more than op's is ADHD. Your problem probably IS ADHD/anxiety and op's is just anxiety. Anxiety is the #1 problem anons face when doing full contact martial arts. Even if you are strong willed and have been more than less conquering your anxiety issue in daily life you are not prepared for how bad it gets when you have to work physical techniques with a partner who is pressuring you.

Tips: Let instructor know this is an issue for you and ask if he can tell you what techniques he plans to cover that week in advance so you can familiarize yourself with them, feel mentally comfortable, and then use his instruction to fine tune.

Lots of anons shit on kratom, but in very small doses (1g) white vein can be very relaxing and calming for the mind. This also helps stymie the anxiety breathing issues.

>You know how jitzniggers cry about hour long wrestling warm ups? That shit is great for adhd. You'll be so fucking exhausted your head will have no ability to do anything but what you're told.

Literally the opposite for BJJ. High heart rates = no learning retention. Scientifically it's considered nearly impossible to learn with a HR over 170. Your body is in flight response, higher brain functions are shut down and yielding to lizard brain.

Which brings up a seemingly contradictory truth. Competition focused BJJ schools aren't very good at the martial art. Their warmups are actually just soul killing drills. They don't train a "martial art" as much as they do a sport. You get really good at a select set of high percentage techniques you can do both physically and mentally faster than opponents over and over. You do not train to solve puzzles. So you have to decide what it is you want. To have the fastest toreondo pass and single leg takedowns to win gold plastic discs at local gymnasiums, or to become a martial artist who has an answer for every scenario.

Anonymous No. 206218

>What a lifetime of tik tok and low iq brainwash does to a zoomer

Anonymous No. 206220

Is this that coper who says competing is beneath him ? Lmfao

Anonymous No. 206223

Have you tried paying attention?

Anonymous No. 206331

I've got severe ADHD. My tips would be 1. Find a Martial Art you actually like (if you don't enjoy it you'll never do it), 2. Learn the techniques through instructional videos online, memorize things throughout the day when you have moments of focus because you can't just choose to focus at class time, 3. Treat class time as time to practice what you learned earlier and most importantly to spar. Sparing is almost always stimulating. 4. Practice the techniques you like, you need to know everything to defend against everything, but you only need to be good at a select few offensive moves to win. 5. Be creative, ADHD has a lot of drawbacks but if you really have ADHD you should have a lot of creativity too, put that to work and come up with irregular combos and practice moves from funny angles.

Anonymous No. 206551

Half of the top BJJ and MMA guys would probably get an ADD or ADHD diagnosis. Shit, that black guy in the UFC got popped for meth (ritalin) by USADA for not declaring his ADHD diagnosis, Look at the Diaz brothers - do you think they could concentrate in school? Nigga you just have to stop being a zoomer faggot and stop limiting yourself with the psychiatric labels.

That's a lot of acronyms btw, damn

Anonymous No. 206600

Stop pretending to be ill and you might be able to do it

Anonymous No. 206674

ADHD is not real. Have you tried paying attention?

Anonymous No. 206690

Just get on meds. I like combat sports though, it kinda forces to you think about nothing but the fight. Hard to zone out when someone is punching/choking you.

Do you even like martial arts? I'm never bored training. Physical activity in general is amazing for ADHD. Exhausting the body helps the mind rest.

Anonymous No. 206719

>You get really good at a select set of high percentage techniques you can do both physically and mentally faster than opponents over and over.

That is absolutely a legitimate way to practice martial arts lol, especially for a hobbyist and especially for a hobbyist who wants to train for self-defence. In a self defence scenario getting to your number 1 option mentally very quickly is best rather than worrying about half a dozen things you don't know as well. Being versatile is actually more of an advantage in a combat sport scenario than it is in self-defence.

I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10000 times type thing.

If you think training for a combat sport and training for a martial art are mutually incompatible you don't understand either.

Anonymous No. 206776

Brahmi daily for 2 months

Anonymous No. 207084

ADHD isn't real. there's your tip.
you've just conditioned yourself to be scatterbrained. you're probably doing it right now.
learning new things isn't instantly rewarding and fun. that's just how the world is for everybody. but rather than accepting this you hide behind a meme term to dodge responsibility. it's not that I'm too undisciplined, I'm sick you see... I would do all these things, but... it's not my fault! I have an illness!

Anonymous No. 207090

post body

Anonymous No. 207219

BJJ via the ecological dynamics/CLA approach. No more instructor rants, only positional sparring (basically).

Anonymous No. 207302

build up your cardiovascular endurance over months and years. don't work to the point of an asthma fit. for me running triggers asthma much more easily than cycling so that's how I usually train.
no, there's no shortcut here. good luck

Anonymous No. 207303

>>207302 (cycling) is how I usually train

Anonymous No. 207407

i've been doing wushu for 5 months and i still keep getting tripped up by what i'm supposed to be doing with my upper body for certain moves (wu long pan da, hammer fist, etc)
my sifu says i've learned my bo staff form faster than anyone though
my therapists are fucking useless and can't figure out what to diagnose me with

Anonymous No. 207410

Moderate ADHD here. Martial arts (read: combat sports) are great, especially if you have an advanced buddy to keep teaching you things. I will admit only doing classes and the basic shit they do is fucking boring

Anonymous No. 207896

Drinking fresh raw carrot juice or other fresh raw vegetable
juices with raw milk, if available, daily, restores mental functions.
Drinking fresh raw ginger root blended in raw juices or grated and
eaten with other foods helps to stimulate mental functions. Drinking
fresh raw asparagus juice with other vegetable juices helps mental
functions. A lot of memory problems result from concentrations of
accumulated toxins, especially aluminum from vaccines, cooking
utensils, canned food and drinks, and packaging, including aluminum
foil. Eating ½-1 cup organic raspberries blended with 4-6 tablespoons
raw coconut cream, 1 tablespoon unsalted raw butter, 1½ tablespoons
raw dairy cream and 1 tablespoon unheated honey helps remove
aluminum from the body. Adding ½ teaspoon clay to that drink
increases its effectiveness. If you do not like the taste with clay added
to it, you could put the clay in your mouth and wash it down with the
raspberry drink. See Clay page 181.

Anonymous No. 208353

diet can affect it along with environmental pollutants.
but cut out the sygar

Anonymous No. 208796

aajonus helped my lack of focus and spazzy behavior so much thank god for sv3rige and my unwillingness to listen to the (((teachers)))

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Anonymous No. 208802

just take meth