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🧵 Problems starting

Anonymous No. 205344

In my town there is only karate and it seems to be 90% kids. Not to mention how questionable the effectiveness of the art is outside of the sport. The only other option is boxing but that will take me half an hour drive. I am not sure how stressful the training would be and since the training is in the evening when I get home and go to sleep I would have like 6 hours of sleep max. Most likely 5 or 4. I could maybe make up for it the other day when I get back from work if I go to sleep super early or if I take 1-2 hour power naps before going to training. Even then I think I could only train twice a week.

Anonymous No. 205352

define your goals

Anonymous No. 205354

>The only other option is boxing but that will take me half an hour drive
Why are you acting like this is significant obstacle? Can you not drive? Go do boxing, retard

Anonymous No. 205383

Learn to fight so I can defend myself and my loved ones and have the confidence of knowing I can beat the average untrained person.
The obstacle is that I won't have enough time for rest and recovery.

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Anonymous No. 205414

>get home and go to sleep I would have like 6 hours of sleep max. Most likely 5 or 4
Forget boxing, that kind of abuse does not even work if you are young.

Go to karate and check if its a mc Dojo. If it's looking ok, then sign up, Karate is fine, if taught correctly.
Also, it does not really matter where you start with your journey (as long as they dont teach straight up bullshit), you can surpass them by using DVDs and books. Point is, the basics are pretty much the same everywhere, but it is much easier to learn the basics in a club where you get feedback. But knowing those you can become better by consuming other stuff. You will never learn how to punch properly from a film, but if you learn how to punch, then you can learn other things, like combos and stuff.
Take the shuto uke, a karate block. Some guy told me not to use it as static, but to use it more as a philly shell from boxing. Only difference he said was that you are supposed to shoot your ridge hand forward like a punch to slip under his chin an hit his throat, since even tucked in, the ridge is small enough to slipp through. Blew my mind.

In general, martial arts are all connected, if you get good at one martial art, you have a much more easy time learning another martial art.

Anonymous No. 205710

after a lesson or two you can easily beat up any untrained person, provided you lift weights and practice either at home or a regular gym. Most gyms have bags these days for excersise. You can also buy one for relatively cheap. I bought mine for £60

Anonymous No. 206179

>go to a couple of karate classes
>go to a couple of boxing classes
>see which work better for you
>if one of them works for you, do it
>if neither work for you, train by yourself
That simple, anon. Practicing by yourself is great, but you still need to pressure test it somehow, so you could, Idk, go once a month to one of these gyms around you on sparring day and just use what you learned. Or maybe call a couple of friends that have practiced something before and ask them to spar just for exercising or something

Anonymous No. 206217

If you want to defend yourself and your family a gun or pepper spray is better

If you can't get those in your country, being a muscular super heavyweight is better

Lastly it's learning any sort of martial art
Of course boxing is the most practical and easiest to pick up and get decent at

Anonymous No. 206219

>If you can't get those in your country

Just get a baseball bat in that case

Anonymous No. 206649

>Learn to fight so I can defend myself and my loved ones and have the confidence of knowing I can beat the average untrained person
It takes effort to get into fights, they don't just happen. Deescalate, apologize and walk away, that's how you defend the people you love.

Anonymous No. 206739

>how questionable the effectiveness of the art is outside of the sport
Orochi Doppo used his karate skills to beat a tiger with his bare hands. Show some respect.

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Anonymous No. 206741

>got 'sashied
Karate is performative and that tiger was a paid actor.

Anonymous No. 208480

>Just let niggers rape you and your love ones, bro

Anonymous No. 208492

Are you in US? Get a gun.

Also 30 mins isn't that bad if it's a decent gym. I drive that much to mine 3 times a week

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Anonymous No. 208493

Baki Musashi was so much fun...I miss him

Anonymous No. 208503

>In my town there is only karate
What style or organization? Post link if you can