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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 205873

I used to love urban exploring so much, climbing up the side of abandoned buildings, exploring inside, chilling on the roof. I moved to a country which has a high amount of crack heads in a lot of these places, meaning I can't get that feeling of freedom through climbing since there's more to worry about than just falling. Because of this I resorted to doing stupid shit on my motorbike.

How else do you fuckers get this rush and freedom? Should I go to Eastern Europe to train hop, should I hike up a mountain, should I try shoplifting? Or maybe I should just get into drugs?

Anonymous No. 205882

Train hopping is not something you do for the fun of it. It's a rejection of modern travel and living expectations and standards, hence why it is a staple of the travel punk community. You do it for the freedom and beauty of being unchained from the System. If anything, just hike up a mountain or go surfing if you want a thrill. Maybe cycle the 2024 Tour de France route in your free time if you really have that much pent-up energy inside to release

Anonymous No. 205886

Just go and beat the crackheads, do the best with what you got man.

Anonymous No. 207737

I fight

Anonymous No. 207786

I like riding my bicycle very fast on MUP/bike trails.Going over 30mph on descents on 23mm tires at 100+psi is fun to me, even better with the bros.

Anonymous No. 212479

it's impressive how you made traveling by train sound so fucking gay

Anonymous No. 213336

Let's be realistic here - it isn't the fault of the crackheads. If the crackheads had been around in those halcyon days you're remembering, they'd have just been one more hazard that you blithely ignored in your quest for thrills. You're older now, aren't we all? Things that your younger self wouldn't even think about now loom large in your imagination, causing you to make excuses to yourself as you try to rationalise why you no longer have the desire to do things that you used to love. You, who swore that you'd never turn into one of those boring people, have woken up one day and discovered that your journey along that road is already well under way. And there's no coming back. One day you'll come up with an excuse as to why you don't want to be reckless on your bike any more, too.

Anonymous No. 213344

Are you a yuuropoor? Try Skiing

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Anonymous No. 213356


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 213358

Jesus Christ the Son of God promised all who believe in Him. Will receive the free gift of eternal life. Just ask Jesus for eternal life in heaven. He also promised to heal your body.