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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 207445

What are some P.E.Ds that help boost your chances against a stronger/skilleder/Larger/Faster/Smarter opponent?

Anonymous No. 207449

PCP, one freak on enough PCP can go toe-to-toe with four or five cops.

Anonymous No. 207458

Bit of a retarded question, no PED is going to make you strong if you're just a fat/skinny and weak piece of shit, you still have to get some kind of stimulation to build muscle while on them.

Anonymous No. 207459

>Test users build morr muscle while doing nothing than active natties lifting.

Anonymous No. 207461

Lean mass /= muscle. Running a cycle while sitting on your ass is a great way to fill up on glycogen while the guy actually training is using his up.

Anonymous No. 207470

this isn't true and it's based on one retarded study that did not account for any physical activity besides lifting weights
if a TRT user is doing manual labor, they will build plenty of muscle
if a TRT user sits on a couch day-in and day-out while funneling food and not doing anything, they will not build muscle

Anonymous No. 207553

real answer, TNE. it's a steroid that powerlifters take on meet day. you could also use it before a fight. just be aware that every time you use it you're taxing your organs.

Anonymous No. 207555

this study found that men who were inactive and took testosterone gained just as much, if not slightly more muscle than men who exercised without taking testosterone.

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Anonymous No. 207557

yeah this study is complete dogshit like I said
this is while excluding the fact that it was only 40 people
spoiler: 40 men is not an accurate representation of a population of 4 billion

Anonymous No. 207558


Glycogen bloats. ggez

Anonymous No. 207559

also like I said, absolutely no mention of careers or non-sport related hobbies that could still give stimulus
it doesn't even have to be hard labor, someone on TRT that's lifting 50lb boxes a few times a week to stock a fast food restaurant will see muscle growth
yes testosterone makes it a lot easier to build muscle
no, you will not develop muscle just by taking testosterone and being inactive 24/7

Anonymous No. 208692

Clenbuterol, meth

Anonymous No. 208704

anything in the nandrolone family

Anonymous No. 208707


Anonymous No. 208708

Apologists like to go durrr steroids don't do the work for you
But training is easy and fun when you feel great and have limitless energy and instant recovery

It's hard on those days when your body is feeling run down and everything hurts and you have no gas in the tank but you still have to stick to the routine and get in there

So yet it kind of does do the work for you

Anonymous No. 208709

(You) me next time pussy
>It's hard on those days when your body is feeling run down and everything hurts and you have no gas in the tank
that's because you're out of shape and have bad habits, be a healthier person and it won't be an issue

Anonymous No. 208714

I have no idea what you're talking about I didn't even read the thread, I just gave my 2 cents