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Anonymous No. 208767

Why isn't rabbit punching taught more for self defense?

Anonymous No. 209037

People don't expose the back of their head like that in a typical self defense encounter.

Anonymous No. 209039

Yeah I only learned it in my assault the defenseless class

Anonymous No. 209047

People do all sorts of stupid shit in street fights. I’ve seen videos of people full on turning their heads in the opposite direction to try and avoid punches
The issue is that it’s not legal in combat sports. The people who don’t do combat sports and practice this kind of shit can’t fight. The people who can fight typically focus on doing their sports, not practicing meme moves for self defense.

Anonymous No. 209049

Because braincase is rock hard and it will break your knuckles

Anonymous No. 209080

You're punching the neck.

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Prichard Colon Ra....webm

Anonymous No. 209460

It's only useful in a life or death scenario. If you do it in a bar fight or whatever, you're going to be paying for the other guy's hospital bills for years for turning him into a vegetable.

Anonymous No. 211713

Rabbit punching causes blood to pool in the back of the head which is why it is dangerous, but this is not an immediate incapacitation like a punch to the jaw anyway so it is not even useful for self defence it is just pure sadism.

Anonymous No. 211717

>but this is not an immediate incapacitation like a punch to the jaw anyway so it is not even useful for self defence it is just pure sadism

Any punch can be purely sadistic or immediately incapacitating depending on how hard you hit a person and how resilient they are.

A blow behind the ears and back of the head are actually highly incapacitating, not like a knockout but more like a drunken fall and inability to get up. You're hitting someone on the pearls of their internal equilibrium or the inner ear's vestibular system.

Strikes there are almost a guaranteed stunner, if you're hit with one or two with good force you'll be forced to the ground the same way if you spin in circles for a few minutes you eventually collapse to the ground and unable to recover for a minute.