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๐Ÿงต Skate rant

Anonymous No. 209121

I have a love/hate relationship with skateboarding, more emphasis on the hate.

The highs are not really that high, but the lows go so far that I can't even see the bottom. A 20 min sesh can ruin my mood for the whole day, even leading into the next day, and the next. Yet no matter how much abuse I take I always find myself crawling back to the obsession.

Ive been skating for over 3 years, and don't get me wrong, I'm pretty okay, But not nearly as good as I want to be. I can literally count all my tricks on my fingers. Really fucking sad and annoying.

I've felt my progression recede, especially in the last year since summer of 2023. I used to fly down stairsets and gaps with steez. Then one day i spent like an hour straight trying to ollie a 6 stair that had a weird landing. Never stuck the landing; kept puting my foot out to catch myself. Ever since that night, i havent been able to do a stairset bigger than a 2. That was over a year ago. I can no longer progress it seems like. I've hurt myself so much doing such basic things that my body locks up and won't let me do anything I'm uncomfortable with. I get fucktards everyday telling me to "just commit bro" well it's not the fucking simple. Easy for them to say when they haven't multiple debilitating injuries.
For reference, I've injured myself to the point where it changed the course of my entire life (having to drop out of post secondary school).

I've thought about quitting so many times. But it's impossible to escape. All my friends/hobbies/fashion/ memorabilia is directly related to skateboarding. There's that thing people say, once a skater always a skater.

I hate skateboarding, but I'm addicted and I'll never quit.

Anonymous No. 209135

>injured during student days
>incapable of actually doing the sport any more
>unwilling to give up on the sport entirely
Your path is clear. You must become a coach and skate vicariously through your students. You might think you're awful at skating, but to a kid who can barely balance on the board you're going to seem like a grizzled veteran. If you choose this path, one day you're going to watch one of your disciples surpass you, and that will make it all worthwhile.

Anonymous No. 209139

you are a mentalcel

Anonymous No. 209148

you need to stop chasing those mother fucking stairs and work on other shit

can you skate transition
is your manual game solid
can you skate fakie
hows the switch game

jumping down stairs very rarely lasts and you have a long life ahead of you to skate

Anonymous No. 209150

I understand what you're saying in that, the more you push it the more it punishes you - why not let the progression come to you and instead of chasing a larger stair set...

>I'm pretty okay, But not nearly as good as I want to be

okay, I feel that man why are you so pressed about if you could or couldn't land a trick, why not focus on fun

hows your manual game?
you fucking with some low impact transition?

you're a young man you'll probably cool off with time

Anonymous No. 209151

>Ive been skating for over 3 years
lol, lmao even

Anonymous No. 209156

>Ive been skating for over 3 years, and don't get me wrong, I'm pretty okay, But not nearly as good as I want to be. I can literally count all my tricks on my fingers. Really fucking sad and annoying.
i remember being 9 years old

Anonymous No. 209157

>Zoomies growing up
Don't be a bitch and quit because you suck. That's the biggest lesson skating will teach you that will translate to the rest of your life.
Besides jumping down big shit is only cool during your Sheckler years then becomes quite lame imo. Skating has so much more.

Anonymous No. 209158

Skateboarding is 1% neato athleticism and 99% trying to fuck vulnerable teen whores, an excuse to loiter in cities, thrusting you manlet balls into the air hoping Cutty McMolested will blow shoplifted cigarette smoke on your dick.

Anonymous No. 209159

im gay, will skateboarding get me twink bussy?

Anonymous No. 209213

Literally just have fun, man. Skateboarding has so many possibilities that it's impossible to stop learning new stuff. I skated as a kid, then quit for almost 10 years, then picked it up again and got frustrated like you seem to be, left it aside for a while, and went back to it 4 years ago. I'm 31 now and have never had so much fun doing anything like I do when skating. Lower your expectations, try new things, just be out there spending time on your board. Watch amateur videos to get inspired, there's so much shit you never thought of. Who cares if you're landing stuff, just use your imagination with new settings, new obstacles, new stances. I can't do axle stalls for the life of me and gave up on 360 flips and backside grinds altogether but I can do nollie hospital flips and I'm introducing body varials on transition, working on fakie nosegrinds, old-school primo casper shit, popping off manuals, trying to understand the difference between throwing a hardflip vs a FS flip... Failing is part of the fun, you don't have to get anything down to call it a good session. Taking it easy as it comes and mixing it up is the best advice I can give. Maybe give it up for a while, accept that you can't do as much as you wished you would, even start over in switch. Skateboarding is too much fun and at the same time it's too silly of a hobby to get so frustrated and depressed

Anonymous No. 209407

Like every one else is saying, do lower impact stuff and just focus on being creative. Don't be so emo about it skating is supposed to be fun. Try new things. It's not like you're gonna go pro or anything so why not just have fun. Skate with friends, maybe drink a beer or two, and if you're not landing something don't just try it over and over again for 30+ minutes. Just move on to something else that's coming more naturally to you that day. Don't treat it like a job, like you HAVE to land something, just move on

Anonymous No. 210770

skating never got me laid. just felt like I was spending all the time I would be doing normal shit hanging at the skate park where there was zero (0) pussy.

Anonymous No. 211041

>Then one day i spent like an hour straight trying to ollie a 6 stair
you can't be serious

Anonymous No. 211093

fr that's a regular skate sesh

Anonymous No. 211539

>can you skate transition
>is your manual game solid
>can you skate fakie
>hows the switch game
i dont understand the "i cant progress" mindset