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๐Ÿงต /esg/ Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 211227

Fuckin rad edition

Anonymous No. 211228

What happened to stylish looking men in skateboarding? These guys only look like dirtballs or silver chain wigs, who out there is catching your eye right now?

Anonymous No. 211229

>Fuckin rad edition
can you not read you fucking fairy

Anonymous No. 211230

i couldn't tell you but i know what im sick of. nikes. blazers and dunks, so fucking boring.

Anonymous No. 211231

well i guess as far as clothes, tastefully thrifted well fitting clothes are good i guess, anything that alludes to your personality or interests is cool. skate clothes made by skate companies are not worth the money and not interesting, also don't like expensive hypebeast shit like dime and supreme so just another reason to buy second hand. it's also a more fulfilling way to find clothes.

Anonymous No. 211232

Why didn't you make the thread then faggot, I am the creator and you are the critic

Anonymous No. 211236

Anonymous No. 211237

Where did 90s boomers find anime shit? The comic book store? OG weeb shit, he's gotta lurk the chans, or nah hes probably on some obscure jap forum

Anonymous No. 211238

nah in the late 80s this dude was importing jap games and shit like that in his first interviews... i know he played quake in the early 2000s but never seen him mention chans

Anonymous No. 211246

When I was 10 some guy had a hook ups board with a naked girl and I took note

Anonymous No. 211275


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Anonymous No. 211291

tf does this mean?

Anonymous No. 211302

sk8 in and around rough ground like shitty nyc sidewalk rough ground

been skating for about a year n still wanna do tricks wut wheels should i buy

Anonymous No. 211304

Spitfire F4 54mm Conical Fulls 99a

Anonymous No. 211350

1:42 in the new limosine vid, aaron loreth doing some 1ft high wallride trick yet again

i actually drove past him trying this trick, i was driving to lowes to get materials for work and it was like 3pm on weekday, dude needs to get a fuckin job

Anonymous No. 211372

any of you fags ever skate in japan?
how busted are the spots?

Anonymous No. 211381

>shitty nyc sidewalk rough ground
americans are like little babies

Anonymous No. 211390

>permanently banned within literally 5 minutes for "misogyny" on Slap just for suggesting that the Cole allegations need to go to court before he's crucified
I know I should have expected as much but jesus christ what fucking faggots. They should just remove every thread on that site except the "Queer shit for queer skaters" thread because they all belong there.
Just disappoints me how limp wristed everyone is these days and I dont like seeing it seep into skateboarding too

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 211395

Lmao. Yes it sucks but you cannot laugh at the faggotry.

Anonymous No. 211396

Lmao. I feel bad for Chris Cole.

Anonymous No. 211399

Anonymous No. 211403

>VF Corp employees were notified via email that as soon as January 31, 2022, unvaccinated persons would be terminated without severance.

Anonymous No. 211418

What's the most amount of stairs you ever hit

Anonymous No. 211422


Anonymous No. 211423

watched this yesterday, not sure how i feel about the excess b roll, felt like a music video or advertisement at times. when poison oak by bright eyes started playing i stopped watching. gay

Anonymous No. 211429

That's pretty incredible. Most I ever did was 6 but I haven't skated in years.

Anonymous No. 211430

i was like 14 years old, i would never skate anything that size now. i dont skate stairs at all anymore desu. too old for that shit.

Anonymous No. 211440

yea i posted this but havent watched it yet.... bright eyes man thats fucking gay.... and i cant believe they seem to still be doing the whole witch house thing.. i was a big fan of matt kings videos like 10-12 years ago nowadays i mostly just like kevin scutchfields

Anonymous No. 211441

Why didn't you link threads?

Anonymous No. 211442


Anonymous No. 211447

The baker 3g wannabe crack head spouting dickies got it off to a rough start

Anonymous No. 211448

Wait that was dickies vid not the zoomer wave one
It's nice that the video knows what it wants to be

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Anonymous No. 211458

I miss BA.KU. What are they up to these days? And what is with canadian skate culture and crews? JAKs, BA.KU., Red Dragons...

Also, any OP that doesn't link threads is made by the troll.

I asked before, I'll ask again: is there an /asp/ archive?

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Anonymous No. 211504

the most beautiful man in skateboarding is pro now, everyone cheered!!!

Anonymous No. 211513

Iโ€™m going to be that guy who no comply tre flips into every ledge grind

Anonymous No. 211522

September seems to be the worst time of the year for package shipments. The sudden influx of inept seasonal workers seems to disrupt the flow of operations majorly, QoS nosedives, and everything that could go wrong goes wrong. Then in October it seems to improve but only slightly as everything recalibrates to the new flow, much of it might be due to drive-by hires leaving. Then in November the hecticness ramps up due to the massive increase in holiday shipments, although there seems to be less shipping problems. December is about the same. January, same? Lots of return shipments. February seems to be when everything finally starts to return to normal which stays much the same until the next September. This is just a pattern that I've recognized. I could be wrong.
Thanks for reading my blog.

Anonymous No. 211525

Sick and well deserved
buy locally bro

Anonymous No. 211534

Many of the local skate shops are closing shop. It's becoming harder and harder.

Anonymous No. 211553

so glad the skateboard meme is finally dying now that zoomers are getting older

Anonymous No. 211555

It's been a very long time since a beginner has turned up at my local, used to be almost every session

Anonymous No. 211557


Anonymous No. 211559

t. fruitbooters
I still see beginners all the time. I see boomers trying to learn as well as kids. This one park I go to has a group of girls in their 20s that ride the transition. The scene in your area must be weak

Anonymous No. 211594

Shaggy is pretty based

Anonymous No. 211598


Anonymous No. 211618

new fancy lad full length

Anonymous No. 211649

they will never top new hell

Anonymous No. 211656

For me, it's "Is this skateboarding?"

Anonymous No. 211659

Is this a good place for beginner questions?
I've been pushing off with my front foot (normal, not goofy) but I keep hearing that's a bad idea. Should I learn to push with my back foot?

Anonymous No. 211661

It's a bunch of boomers larping. Still exists but the whole occult satanic skate crew shit is quite lame now we know the elites are really out here fucking children..
No. Yes.

Anonymous No. 211666

this is the perfect shop video you can just let play in the background or in the window on a CRT for hours while you grip boards or whatever

Anonymous No. 211671

That's called pushing mongo, and I will take you to the gender clinic if I see you doing it

Anonymous No. 211672

boring to me, but cool for the oldheads that skate like that I guess

Anonymous No. 211674

>the whole occult satanic skate crew shit is quite lame

You should not have bothered with replying to me, unbeliever

Anonymous No. 211707

I am not digging Ed Templeton taking the piss out of jab deniers.

Anonymous No. 211710

isn't he a pedo

Anonymous No. 211719


Anonymous No. 211771


Anonymous No. 211777

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Anonymous No. 211886

I haven't touched my skateboard in 4 months so you KNOW I had to jump on these new Venture V8's

Anonymous No. 211902

the way gifted hater drinks is so retarded and unnatural looking, it's like he drinks just so one day he can say he's getting sober. he's like actively practicing alcoholism for the sole purpose to have that arc in his life not because he has an actual reason to drink kek. just seems so forced and weird, like just be normal bro.

Anonymous No. 211904

sorry didn't mean to get all para social but i have never seen drinking cheap liquor look so lame

Anonymous No. 211935

that smith tailgrab at 3:22 looks so good. lots of good frontside flips in this too

so sick of edits using excessive slow mo. no need to slowmo a bailed 5050 for forty seconds no matter how high the rail is.

Anonymous No. 211946

I wish this post was in slomo

Anonymous No. 211955

you can read it as slowly as you'd like

Anonymous No. 212104

>slow thread
do we all agree Shane from Tom Astas videos is the most relatable skater of all time?

Anonymous No. 212107

I just got back into skating this year and only found Tom Asta because he made a video featuring a local skatepark 2 days before I was there and originally assumed he was just some douchebag with a camera, but them guys are pretty cool. Skate spots and skate parks on the east coast arent very inspirational for me, but I dont see myself quitting skateboarding entirely like I did before so Ill keep trying.

Anonymous No. 212109

His skating is so satisfying to me, how i dream to skate. Then shane brings me back to reality. I like that they're just comfy skating sessions, no clickbait or nonsense.

Anonymous No. 212110

Shane's banter makes the videos watchable
>originally assumed he was just some douchebag with a camera

When I watched this in 2009 I had no idea one would become a wife beater and the other a youtuber

Anonymous No. 212113

>wife beater
who'd have guessed mr cancel culture was a negative nancy

Anonymous No. 212114

heres my intro to chris cole

Anonymous No. 212115

based. comfy thread. I'm escaping /pol/ and glad I found here :)

Anonymous No. 212116

>cancel culture
>negative nancy
chris cole defense force assemACCKK MY KNEE

Anonymous No. 212117

i. must. post. about. chris. cole.

Anonymous No. 212169

> [Embed]
i see why chris cole fanboys are the way they are, that was excellent.

Anonymous No. 212172

He is, without a doubt, one of the best to ever do it

Anonymous No. 212192

those are some small wheels

Anonymous No. 212197

chris cole was nice to me when i met him so he and tiago can hit as many women as they want

Anonymous No. 212264

Favorite underrated skaters? I've always been a fan of Tyler Surrey since back when Sk8mafia Saturdays were a thing. His lines in the last section of this video that just came out are incredible

Anonymous No. 212273

I was reading berle dropped a bunch of footage this year and was a SOTY candidate I haven't seen any of his footage since alright ok which seemed super controversial. What are the new parts and does he have a chance?

Anonymous No. 212274

>berle winning soty
god that would fucking suck

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Anonymous No. 212285


do you guys prefer thin shoes or puffy shoes

chunky/puffy skate shoes have been making somewhat of a resurgence it seems, at least online and I see them pop up at the park usually on zoomers lately
When I started skating I always heard the advice that thinner shoes are best because they give you more "board feel" or whatever, but I've also seen oldheads say the chunky shoes are better because they last longer and are more comfortable

I skate half cabs which arent super thin but definitely are compared to stuff like DCs but I[m curious how much of a difference it actually makes on the board

Anonymous No. 212287

I went for thin shoes when I came back to skating, but when I used to skate when I was younger I had the chunky shit only. I kind of want to give it a try again having some fat shoes.

Anonymous No. 212289

thin, love the board feel of last resorts and converse

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Anonymous No. 212295

don't mind me just passing through

Anonymous No. 212306

I've always skated vulcs. I've had a few cupsoles here and there, board feel is important to me
Scootering is so young that any time I see a scooterer? that is visibly over 18 they look really out of place to me and I wouldn't trust them

Anonymous No. 212307

I'm also a fan of the sk8mafia dudes. Wes Kremer and Tyler Surrey have stayed on sk8mafia even when they could have left for larger brands. When Wes got SotY in 2014 I bet he received a few offers.

Anonymous No. 212309

I always liked Jimmy Cao from that crew. Has a Herman type style. i think i downloaded this vid from limewire or some shit lel

Anonymous No. 212312

the entire city crew was pretty sick

Anonymous No. 212319

bhadw2 is down did anyone download it?

Anonymous No. 212321

i drove past berle today. he was hanging out at a spot with diego todd and some other guys but not sure who else. maybe a vans thing.

Anonymous No. 212322

kek good post

Anonymous No. 212323

it's true, it's not even really edgy to be a satanist anymore. it was cool back in the day but now it's cringe

Anonymous No. 212324

bonelessed 9, ollied 7

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Anonymous No. 212367

>go to the local
>see this

Anonymous No. 212371

Scooter kids can be annoying sometimes but the biggest skatepark near me is plagued by kids on mountain bikes.

>scoots typically hang around a single set of ramps and take turns
>bikes cover ground so quickly that a couple of them can tie up every fucken line in the park
>drag in pebbles on their tyres

Anonymous No. 212374

The park nearest me has a flow like a toilet bowl where you can enter in a few ways and find a few ways out where a skater good at transition can take up every line possible. I miss the park I grew up with that is gone now where you had a wide range of banks and quarter pipes back and forth and obstacles in the middle.

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Anonymous No. 212375

pic related. I hate it.

Anonymous No. 212376

actually they built a lot more since that photo, but the flow remains the same and it is always pretty crowded.

Anonymous No. 212378

worst bowl i ever skated but the inside layout of the park is fun. the outside layout is stupid as fuck.

Anonymous No. 212380

youve been there? the inside would be fun if youre alone. I just try to pretend the park doesnt exist because I havnt had any fun there.

Anonymous No. 212383

yeah, its fine with a few people, we always get there before 12 so its fine. ive never been there with more than like 7 or 8 people. I also like skating the mini and dont mind the ledges so I got options if its feeling too crowded on the drop in. i have fun, lots of shit to do and try, really wanna get a nollie big spin at the top of the tall bank. last time I was trying to get a front 5-0 around the coping on the other side of the drop in

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 212384

this is what I was envisioning that day.

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Anonymous No. 212385

this is what I was envisioning that day, just couldnt make the 5-0 happen.

Anonymous No. 212386

hmm makes it seem like i want to revisit going there again. Its so fucking close. Im sure ill give it another shot before winter.

Anonymous No. 212400

is that a rifle?

Anonymous No. 212407

If I skated this park I would probably just do circles around the outside hitting ledges and flatground between obstacles

Anonymous No. 212408

the outside unfortunately has the shittiest flow, its narrow, many blind spots, shoots you out right into the qp/drop in/main area. that L curve you see is a curb thats too low to the ground to actually slappy.

Anonymous No. 212411

thats what I do cause I suck at transition

the L curve is a big curving ledge now, but I still hate the flow. The rail is a rail on a manny pad now

Anonymous No. 212414

>the L curve is a big curving ledge now
well at least that makes it somewhat skateable. still not in a good spot, cant get a good run up to it without possibly getting in someones way
>The rail is a rail on a manny pad now

what no 5th pocket does to a mfer

Anonymous No. 212416

blame grind king lol. Im too lazy to drive over 30 minutes to a park

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Anonymous No. 212420

Guys the owner of Socal skateshop is dying of cancer AND his sales are all down. Apparently all of the skateshops are doing horribly. The industry is in the toilet...

So today the owner of my local shop showed us the boards they're going to get for skateshop day, which is in February, they're ordering stuff now.
If anyone is interested in those limited boards, the stuff for next year is going to be a skateshop day graphic with a skeleton, a Real Natas board with a cat and little kittens that is kind of nice desu, an Ishod board with cars on it, a There board with disgusting scribbles on it for the gays, and then for the boomers there's a Grosso board drawn by Lance Mountain.
I hope our shops are still in business by then lol

Anonymous No. 212424

all my friends hate on 5th pocket till we end up at a grind king park lmao

Anonymous No. 212433

>Apparently all of the skateshops are doing horribly. The industry is in the toilet...
good. deserved.

Anonymous No. 212442

pretty much, burn it all down

Anonymous No. 212443

>all the skateshops are doing horribly
lol, lmao even

Anonymous No. 212445

skate shops and their $70+ decks and 90 dollar shoes can get fucked

Anonymous No. 212447

thats what the companies are selling them for dipshit lol

Anonymous No. 212450

extremely wide decks with extremely high prices being normal is this even reality

Anonymous No. 212451

>dont forget your minimum order requirements
>dont forget we hold the right to undercut you at other outlets
All the skate shops i grew up with are closed long ago, the new ones are not connected to the local scene. I just buy straight from companies websites now.

Anonymous No. 212452

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Anonymous No. 212453

humbled hater

Anonymous No. 212455


Decent defense on his end, got a little too cocky though.

Anonymous No. 212456

why did flatground culture die?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 212457

>I just buy straight from companies websites now.
that's what i do now, my local skate shop, doesn't put enough back into the community for me to care to support them, but one of the owners just bought a new boat.

Anonymous No. 212458

>I just buy straight from companies websites now.
that's what i do now. my local skate shop doesn't put enough back into the community for me to care to support them but one of the owners just bought a new boat.

Anonymous No. 212464

Flatground is like limited version of freestyle and freestyle is kind of gay. The only time I think flatground is cool when it is just insane tricks.

Anonymous No. 212465

its difficult

Anonymous No. 212468

anyone who recommends a good technical introductory book will have my gratitude
the pastebin I saw only had advice on gear

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Anonymous No. 212469


Anonymous No. 212471

Holy shit thats sick that its real. I will definitely read it at some point.

When I started, the shops picked my gear and I had primitive internet explaining how to ollie and I probably would have never stopped skating if I had any skate friends.

Anonymous No. 212472

>I will definitely read it at some point.
forget what interview it was I was watching recently but the guy told daewon that he wanted to read his book and daewon was like "you definitely dont need to read that"

Anonymous No. 212474

gifted respecter one day.

Anonymous No. 212482

lifespan too short, meanwhile 50yo chads are still cruising the vert

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Anonymous No. 212490

thanks boss
well I'm going to anyway

Anonymous No. 212493

you should upload it to mega links for future OPs

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Anonymous No. 212494

pointless, just read pic related

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Chad Muska.jpg

Anonymous No. 212495


Anonymous No. 212499

you should also upload it to zlibrary because I couldnt find it there.

Anonymous No. 212500


Anonymous No. 212503

it was on the .do frontend. there are a lot of fake frontends rn for some reason

tried that one but it was all consumerism and complaining abt celebs and gear

Anonymous No. 212505

I DID NOT like power suck.
I still prefer watching people kickflip into giant banks like the ones at nyc courthouse or skating some other oversized bullshit spots.

Fancy lad stuff might be considered โ€œprogressiveโ€ but itโ€™s some boring hipster shit to me.

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Anonymous No. 212507

That bowl at the top looks okay though.
Not sure what to do in the middle, itโ€™s just empty concrete

Anonymous No. 212508

>Fancy lad stuff might be considered โ€œprogressiveโ€
they're just a bunch of silly goofballs bein kind of silly

Anonymous No. 212510

there is a better bowl like 1 mile away, but the other park is literally just the bowl. It makes me mad they built it so close to me and I hate it. like why each rail is the same height?

Anonymous No. 212512

I just need a miniramp like that near my place and I will be happy

Anonymous No. 212513

>it was on the .do frontend. there are a lot of fake frontends rn for some reason
im a retard i looked up how to skateboard for dummies instead of skateboarding for dummies

>That bowl at the top looks okay though.
its trash
>Not sure what to do in the middle, itโ€™s just empty concrete

Anonymous No. 212514

the mini has square coping, hate that shit

>there is a better bowl like 1 mile away
wait where?

Anonymous No. 212515

maple shade NJ. also FDR is not far away.

Anonymous No. 212516

>maple shade NJ
also yeah I was gonna say phillys only like 20 minutes from pennsauken park you could drive into the city and hit multiple parks in a day.

Anonymous No. 212521

i didn't find it that entertaining until they started skating the weird board with hinges, their whole shtick is reddit as fuck though

Anonymous No. 212525

They're all mentally ill and they live in a dilapidated crack house. Plebbit would be more like There skateboards.

Anonymous No. 212527

ok that was funny
first time I see that dude skating

Anonymous No. 212532

/esg/ crackhouse when

Anonymous No. 212534

you might be on to something here...

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Anonymous No. 212536


tom mattasello No. 212537

>theyve never had fun skating like retards
>theyve never experienced the pleasure of your friend landing a retarded ass trick
>theyve never driven around with a van full of homies with people saying "hey that could be a spot!!" every 2 minutes
>theyve never had an idea
>theyve never built anything
>theyve never lived in a big house with their good friends
>theyve never spent their time doing or thinking anything interesting
>theyve spent all their time shitposting on the internet

Anonymous No. 212539

are you one of those fancy lad kooks here to defend your "le quirky" skating? The only difference between you and There is a gay pride flag

tom mattasello No. 212544

>he's never sucked the homie off

Anonymous No. 212567

In additon:
>they've never dropped in
>they've never learned how to ollie
>they've never had friends
>they've never kissed a girl
>they've never held a girls hand
>they've never hugged a girl
>they've never skated

Anonymous No. 212575

>held a girls hand
lol gay
Captcha: VGGAYX

Anonymous No. 212577

i was making a joke, you're just being a fag

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Anonymous No. 212578

no u were being a fag and I made the joke

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Anonymous No. 212579

you dont know who your messing with here boy

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Anonymous No. 212580

yeah, that's the nature of being anon, bitch.

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Anonymous No. 212581

this is a warning dickhead. better not reply to this post

Anonymous No. 212591

When I go out skating with someone itโ€™s usually shred until someone or everyone gets injured. I see no fun in this technical mostly flatground stuff at low speeds.
If I canโ€™t do a trick down a stair set - itโ€™s not a real trick.
Grinds/slides should be long, last multiple seconds, otherwise itโ€™s trash skating. Itโ€™s fine to do a short grind if youโ€™re learning but if you know how to do a proper grind there is no excuse for not doing the whole ledge.

I donโ€™t care if I sound like a dick or a faggot Iโ€™m just tired of seeing this shit when the guy KNOWS how to to skate but CHOOSES to skate like a fucking pussy
>look man I just donโ€™t wanna get hurt
Fuck off choose a different sport or wear a helmet.

No I wonโ€™t listen or respect alternative opinions.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 212592

I don't agree with everything you said, but I agree speed is important. It feels better and looks better.

There is a dude at my local that will hit the box in 3 different places because he is going so slow, and everyone else just has to stand there and wait for him to finish. He's also prone to doing freestyle tricks right next to the box( this park only has one flat ledge that is like 16 feet). This dude will be in primo stance blocking access to the box unless you are okay almost running into him. His grinds/slides are basically stalls. He also does this thing where he does a manual on the box and goes in circles on top holding the manual as long as possible. Its fucking irritating and I think he thinks he is rodeny mullen or some shit. He is at least 40.

Anonymous No. 212594

>When I go out skating with someone itโ€™s usually shred until someone or everyone gets injured.
lol yeah sure dude

Anonymous No. 212595

>itโ€™s usually shred until someone or everyone gets injured.

Anonymous No. 212596


Anonymous No. 212598

>If I canโ€™t do a trick down a stair set - itโ€™s not a real trick
lol. lmao even.

Anonymous No. 212601

Probably a samefag either way, go big or go home. And donโ€™t ever post your ugly 3 inch grinds on instagram again Iโ€™m tired of these vids.

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Anonymous No. 212602

loser faggot schizo larper

Anonymous No. 212603

Take your meds anon. They will help you.

Anonymous No. 212604

hes got cte from too much rail chomping and doing real tricksโ„ข down huge stair sets obviously

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Anonymous No. 212617

wyd when the andy anderson crew shows up to your spot?

Anonymous No. 212622

>real tricksโ„ข down huge stair sets
That made me laugh though, unfortunately boys I am not a real skaterโ„ข cause I can't do
>real tricksโ„ข

Anonymous No. 212623


Anonymous No. 212638

really just get 90a-97a 57-60 ish mm wheels from any reputable wheel brand
93a-99a if said brand does the "83b=103a" thing
no, you don't need riser pads

Anonymous No. 212640

how do you call this trick? was is truck or wood?

Anonymous No. 212644

>90a-97a 57-60 ish
way too large and soft

Anonymous No. 212646


the question the guy asked was "What wheels to use for skating in rough ground that can also do tricks" not "What wheels to use at a skate park with a lot of street obstacles"...

56 is standard at most, what my brother rides, who's small and mostly just practices flip tricks, so saying to go smaller for skating rough streets, when you see people killing it on 58s at the park all the time, is bloody stupid. Having your board an extra 2-3mm off the ground isn't going to fuck up your flips if you're skating in the rough.

Anonymous No. 212647

>56 is standard at most
lmao no

Anonymous No. 212648

or, I won't bullshit, half the really talented skaters I see ride wheels around the 58 mark, the other half would just ride whatever size wheel until it's just a bearing cover. That still works at the skate-park but it wouldn't get you very far in the streets.

Anonymous No. 212649

sure as hell is in my neck of the woods. Don't know what smooth-pavement heaven you're skateboarding in.

Anonymous No. 212652

i live on the east coast US known for crusty ass ground and most people I know are still riding 54s we just push through it man

Anonymous No. 212655

sure thing, suit yourselves, but the guy who asked the question, wanted a smoother ride that he could still flip, not just to buy regular wheels and push through... Granted even my F4's that wore down to 50mm are still much smoother then some wheels on completes...

if you've got shit wheels like Elements, it's probably the wheels and not the concrete that's the problem. Maybe, check with a friend's board, if it's still rough as shit, get a 58/60mm 95a or 97a. If not, 54mm F4's would be better if you're into tech.

Anonymous No. 212657

and uh, if you're into tech and it's still rough as shit, get like a 55 97a. If you're into bowls and it's smooth get like a 58 99a

Anonymous No. 212667

Are you sure you have the sizing correct? Anything 56+ is huge

Anonymous No. 212671

he's a fucking retard that has no idea what hes talking about. probably started skating in the past year or two and now wants to dish out advice like he knows something, happens a lot here.

Anonymous No. 212678

I skate transition and very little street but very much can do almost any terrain with 56s, realistically they're more like 54's now - formula fours obviously

Anonymous No. 212686

56s are pretty nice but i hate the wheelbite

Anonymous No. 212690

I have 55mm 85A on a cruiser set up and any bigger would feel weird andnthe wheel bite would be a problem.
>Having your board an extra 2-3mm off the ground isn't going to fuck up your flips
I disagree. Nyjah struggled to kickflip Tony Hawks board and it took some adjusting. For a pleb like me every little change throws my timing off.

Anonymous No. 212743

i get wheel bite on 54s cause I ride really loose I couldnt go bigger if I wanted to

Anonymous No. 212775

I wish I could read

Anonymous No. 212791

Jamie griffin won every batb game for like 3 yrs in a row

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Anonymous No. 212794

>industry outsider destroys made goys
>kvetch and shut it down
yeah but but can he 270 grind a skate park rail?!

Anonymous No. 212813

i havent really been watching but this dumb data SKATE series seems like one of the most embarrassing things happening atm. just how many skate tubers are there and why are they so damn lame

Anonymous No. 212818

Its been mildly entertaining. One of the youtubers actually rage quit. He was supposed to play a match, but had disappeared from the park. He texted dumb data saying GH was too annoying and Kelly Hart's judging sucks.

Anonymous No. 212819

You don't actually like Jamie Griffin's skating, right?

Anonymous No. 212821

i know thats what Im saying i was just catching up on the drama and its fucking embarrassing as fuck. and the craziest thing is that the crybaby that quit doesnt even seem to be wrong about GH and Kelly

Anonymous No. 212855

I watched it all last night. Was thoroughly entertaining. What a bunch of fucking awkward weirdos (some were chill). GH getting smoked, acting like a tard then having a cry in the comments that he was just pretending to be retarded was the cherry on top.

Who bailed? That Zach guy got pretty heated in both his games.

Also hilarious dumb data built his whole channel shitting on batb and skatetube then this is what he comes up with. And reveals himself as an overweight nerd.

Apparently 2k is in the line which is why half are taking it more seriously which just adds to the weird vibes. Good shit.

No he isn't my favourite skater but I can enjoy and appreciate his skill. How the fuck can you not respect what Jamie does?

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Anonymous No. 212862

pic rel is jeff dechesare on the Zack situation, seems like an absolute dickhead

>Apparently 2k is in the line
fucking retarded honestly, thats way too much money for a youtubers game of skate where you know half the people are going to be fucking around or dont even have a shot at winning.

Anonymous No. 212863

like how the fuck was that emo retard supposed to beat tom asia, so dumb

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Anonymous No. 212879

lol so if I have this correct
>zach goes straight to tricks he knows Jeff doesn't have
>this makes Jeff look pretty bad
>Kelly assumes it will be easy win for zach
>starts to be lenient with Jeff
>*zach is running out of tricks he knows jeff doesn't have*

Anonymous No. 212881

ricta clouds or bones stf?

Anonymous No. 212885

I can vouch for clouds for a smoother cruise on crusty ground, at least, but never bought bones anything outside of reds and never will.

Anonymous No. 212886

not that anon, but i was interested in ricta clouds too because vibrations kill my feet when I try to skate around to find spots. Do the 92a slide? I currently have 99a? or 101a f4 spitfires 52mm. They take so long to wear down that I havnt been incentivized to replace them yet.

Anonymous No. 212887

>Do the 92a slide?
I can only speak for the 87's, but if I try even just a simple revert I get pitched, but the ground I used them on is really uneven and crusty, so might depend what you're dealing with. I can't imagine 92's being that much different. If it's just for cruising anyway, losing your slide isn't a big deal, just use your foot to slow down instead if you tend to ps a lot.

Anonymous No. 212892

im speaking from recent experience when I say do not fucking get rictas holy shit worse decision of my life I found out quick why they were on sale for $13. Everyone told me getting rictas would be a mistake too, I didnt listen. I took a chance on pig wheels and even these are way better.

Anonymous No. 212893

seems like a serious fucking loser to me. musta really needed the money

Anonymous No. 212897

>And reveals himself as an overweight nerd.
is DD the chubby autist with the glasses??? lol dude doesn't look like he can even skate

Anonymous No. 212898

What about your rictas were so bad, were they 99a or above? I heard clouds are good for cruising (>>212887) and they were, but otherwise don't think any fucker buys them above 92a for general skating.

Anonymous No. 212899

That's him. He has a 'i played tony hawk, watched a few skate videos and read thrasher, so i think i know a thing or two about skating' look about him. I blame him fully for the atrocious vibes. Even the edits for the YT uploads are fucked, like the fucking gay sound effects and slow mos at the weirdest moments. He's just not built to be a public facing, public speaking person, but he's forcing it anyway. Lame cunt.

Anonymous No. 212903

>but otherwise don't think any fucker buys them above 92a for general skating.
hi its me im a stupid fucker. I got 99a's and they were the most vibrations I ever felt outta a wheel, they wore down quick, people warned me I'd get flatspots and I was like eh I hardly powerslide anyway, still got flatspots. fuck em. idk for cruising but I wouldnt buy rictas ever again on principle alone.

Anonymous No. 212905


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Anonymous No. 212929

>Kelly Hart's judging sucks.

Kelly Hart hooked with Gifted Hater? Fuck that. Why? I didn't watch ANOTHER game of skate. You know what I watched? Ben DeGross' guide on how to improve my POP.

Anonymous No. 212933

jeff does wear his emotions on his sleeve and gets frustrated easily, so I don't know how much I trust his word on "i joked that i was skating poorly and out of nowhere he called me negative!"Jeff posts plenty of clips of him seemingly on the verge of tears over stupid shit. Theres no doubt that playing skate with him for a year wouldn't involve seeing even more of it, so not that crazy to think Zach would get sick of it after a while. I don't think Jeff is intentionally misrepresenting the situation, but I don't think he's aware how his words/tone when he's frustrated comes off to other people.

That being said, Zach was a whiny bitch the whole game and Jeff busting out the "do my inward heels count?" in response to the pressure flip was gold.

>GH getting smoked, acting like a tard then having a cry in the comments that he was just pretending to be retarded was the cherry on top.
I thought it was obvious he was just shit talking and wasn't serious. It was just a bad move to be the only person trying to bust balls. Mogely seemed like he picked up on it and tried to chirp back a bit, but neither of them were funny enough with it and after the jeff/zach match it all just came off as awkward.

Chris Chann was super chill as always and seeing zach/jeff spazz out and joa awkwardly double down on trying to make shit talk work in the situation while Chris is just effortless radiating zen makes their behavior look even worse.

Anonymous No. 212934

Gifted Hater offered Dumb Data money to cut him out of the videos and Dumb Data refused. Gifted Hater wanted to commit suicide over the way it all ended up but I thought it was really funny, he should have landed some tricks against Mogely though.

Anonymous No. 212937

>fucking gay sound effects and slow mos at the weirdest moments
they were so annoying, not a fan of DD
lol he should probably embrace all this, its pretty on brand. Maybe scared Tim Pool would see.

Anonymous No. 212947

>Gifted Hater offered Dumb Data money to cut him out of the videos and Dumb Data refused.
no way, sauce? hilarious if true

Anonymous No. 212954

>Gifted Hater offered Dumb Data money to cut him out of the videos and Dumb Data refused
Ive been following the slap thread on this and havent seen this once so its bull shit unless you can provide sauce

I dont mind the sound effects it kept me awake during this boring shit

Anonymous No. 212955

Chris Chann is very beautiful to me!

Anonymous No. 212973

GH is onboard one of the craziest gravy trains i have ever seen. dude just streams himself watching youtube videos and people give him money, on top of this he gets flowed sci fi fantasy boards and last resorts. I think his days are numbered though.

Anonymous No. 212976

2,883 paid patreon members times $5 is 14,415 a month.

Anonymous No. 212980

pros don't even make that much

Anonymous No. 212981

doesn't even include youtube monies, he's netting at least 200k yearly by being a friend simulator.

Anonymous No. 212983

I've never seen a video of a guy doing a 540 on street (like into a bank or down a flight of stairs). Does anyone have any examples of this?

Anonymous No. 212986

also doesnt include the people who pay $10 a month, he could easily be making 20k off patreon alone. also Im assuming he takes donations on twitch or whatever? really kinda pathetic for all of skateboarding. if I was making that kind of money off of fucking nothing I would not let a company flow me shoes or boards, Id be buying boards and shoes and giving them to people. people who watch streamers and give them money should be put up against a wall, fucking idiot losers.

im sure jeff has done a 540 shuv down a stair set on another occasion but youll hardly see 360 shuvs in street parts even, just not a trick people do.

Anonymous No. 212988

also if youre paying $5 or $10 to watch a dude play video games and rant about skateboarding you need another fucking hobby. I cant stress enough how boring and lame core skatersโ„ข who's only hobbies and interests are skateboarding are, especially if your in your mid 20s or older. people who only watch skate videos, play skating video games, read skate zines, listen to skate podcasts, watch skate tubers and skate streamers, wear skate clothes... just absolute fucking dipshit losers who 90% of the time are cool guysโ„ข. most pros have other hobbies and interests ffs

Anonymous No. 212989

I mean a 540 as in a 540 spin although a shove would be cool as well. Just weird that people can do 360 ollies on flatground but I've never seen people try and push it and do 540's anywhere outside of a vert ramp.

Anonymous No. 212991

Matt Hensley in that Plan B footage. Brian Lotti did one in like 1991 down some stairs. Vincent Alvarez did a 540 off a bump. All of them fakie though, I guess you have to wind up with a lot of force.
Like this random guy on youtube

Anonymous No. 212992

oh I thought you were referencing the dumb data vids. yeah gonna not see a lot of those for sure,

this just looks stupid lol

Anonymous No. 212993

>this just looks stupid
This is the answer to this question 95% of the time
>Why do we never see someone do X trick?
Because it looks like shit even if its difficult
>That's dumb! I think its sick!
go back to r/skateboarding

Anonymous No. 212994

>if I was making that kind of money off of fucking nothing I would not let a company flow me shoes or boards, Id be buying boards and shoes and giving them to people
This is some ridiculous shit. Its good money but not /madeit/ money. He can to do what he wants with it, which should be autistically saving and investing it. Looking after his future.
He deserves credit for some things, YSL, giving skaters more of a voice in the industry, putting over jeffwon etc.
I think Zion has them, pretty sure I've him do one over a pyramid in some skate park demo clip.

Anonymous No. 212997

Fireball Terra 54mm 78a

Anonymous No. 212998

its over 150,000 dollars a year you fucking parasocial faggot

>He deserves credit for some things, YSL, giving skaters more of a voice in the industry, putting over jeffwon etc.
this is pathetic hes not gonna fuck you bro

Anonymous No. 213000

I deliberately didn't flame him to keep a partial take on that particular subject, but your absolute faggotry shows absolutely no bounds.
150k a year is nothing, you broke loser faggot. Its not a sustainable income. It wont set him up for life unless he is smart with it. I am not a fan of his, he is a petulant little cunt and his fans are the worst, the entire internet celebrity culture gay shit stinks.

Anonymous No. 213001

I only skate vans. If only slip-ins had extra rubber for the ollie/heel

Anonymous No. 213002

that is what shoe goo is for

Anonymous No. 213005

>who's only hobbies and interests are skateboarding are, especially if your in your mid 20s or older. people who only watch skate videos, play skating video games, read skate zines, listen to skate podcasts, watch skate tubers and skate streamers, wear skate clothes...
I don't think these people exist and the only reason you do is because you're confusing "only puts out skate content" with "is only interested in skating."

Paying for Gifted Hater content is dumb as fuck but I have a little respect for taking "this is a skateboard channel not a vlog" approach unlike most youtube skaters. Keyword is "little" because being one of the least garbage youtube skater is still being a youtube skater.

Anonymous No. 213013

dipshits, both of you.

Anonymous No. 213023

>I don't think these people exist
Of course they do and are exactly as anon said. Braindead and can literally only talk in length about skate related shit. They will obviously dabble in films, tv or music as most people do, but good luck getting any kind of depth out of the conversation if you actually care about one of those things. My experience with these types are mostly older guys 35+ and the only other thing they love to do, other than talk about skating, is spout off basic life advice and platitudes as if it's some kind of sage wisdom they have attained in old age. It's fucking insufferable, those dudes love to huff their own farts. You know them straight away by how they try to teach you how to do a trick you can already land. Miss it once in front of them and that's it, they will be on you trying to give you a reddit-tier breakdown for the next 15mins.

Anonymous No. 213029

yeh i hate people who are passionate about stuff too, fuck em

Anonymous No. 213032

nice bait, but also try to use the reply function so we know who you are misquoting.

Anonymous No. 213037

150k is more than enough to sustain, I wish Joa good luck. I will say, he does need to be really smart with that money - that shit is not forever.

Anonymous No. 213038

anon needs to read the "how to leave your driveway" chapter of the /esg/ skateboarding for dummies book.
I have met the dreaded old head who is still as I described but in personal experience its dudes in their 20s and early 30s who have never so much as even been flowed shit from their local shop but still act like one day they could be pro, IG page full of park clips @ing companies trying to get noticed. grateful for my group of friends who skate for fun and personal progression and have lots of other interests/hobbies.
>they try to teach you how to do a trick you can already land. Miss it once in front of them and that's it
i've only had to deal with this once and I just shut the guy down "dude I got this" as soon as he started talking.

keeping digging that whole man, you're halfway to china by now.

Anonymous No. 213039

i would pay you guys 5$ a month to be my friends desu

Anonymous No. 213040

I'd be your friend for free anon :) especially if you can help me learn how to do nollie flips better

Anonymous No. 213043

what hole?
>i dont like guys who..
>obsess over skating
>dont have other hobbies
>have delusions about their skill
>dont have depth in their conversations
>dont like the hip films and music
>gives unwanted advice
>post clips on ig
>I'm grateful for my cool friends
>this one time a guy offered advice and i shut him down with a "dude I got this"
who fucking cares

Anonymous No. 213045

why even post faggot? why are you even here?

Anonymous No. 213047

I have to think it's less about being friends for 5$ and more about give this fucking jester 5$ cause he made me laugh. I'd imagine you're naturally gonna be nice to the people giving you money, and you probably want to hang with the guy who makes you laugh.


Anonymous No. 213048

whatre you some kind of fucking cop

Anonymous No. 213051

go change a car battery faggot.

Anonymous No. 213053

>why are you even here?
because sometimes people post about skateboarding

Anonymous No. 213057

i can nollie flip but they're not that good.
riding switch a lot kind of helps you build strength in your nollie leg though
>who's only hobbies and interests are skateboarding
i was that guy and i probably only stopped being that guy because the mags died and i'm too much of a boomer for instagram

Anonymous No. 213060

>really kinda pathetic for all of skateboarding.
>people who watch streamers and give them money should be put up against a wall, fucking idiot losers.
my exact thoughts, he needs to be taken down a peg.
yeah and they are all the biggest cock gobbling dick riders regularly laying on the thickest glaze cause they base everyones worth on how good or cool they are at skateboarding. very corny and dog shit people at the end of the day.

Anonymous No. 213061

once again you are misquoting and missing the point of what people are saying just cause it doesn't interest you. What you probably want from these threads is something like this:
>(you) the faggot: sup fuckers did you see that new gh vid
>another faggot: yeah it was tight
>(you) again, being a megafagget: yeah it was
Please go back to twitch and/or discord where you belong, then promptly kill yourself.

Anonymous No. 213062

>giving skaters more of a voice in the industry
when has anything he said ever made a difference though? industry is still the same as it ever was. no one important is listening to that guy.

Anonymous No. 213063

bowling has to be the most lame npc hobby that every boring as fuck core skater picks up during the winter. just goes to show you how uninteresting these people are.

Anonymous No. 213064

>post about skateboarding
please enlighten us about what skateboarding discussion is supposed to look like

>i was that guy
i mean its ok to be that guy up until you are like 23. after that its lame, like branch out a little bit, explore things.

what about pool? thats what my friends do.

Anonymous No. 213065

>an old man at the skatepark tried to relate to me by talking about skating
>they must be obsessed with skating and only talk about skating
you should start wearing a helmet. your brain can't take any more damage and clearly you don't care about looking retarded.

Anonymous No. 213066

who are you quoting, retard?

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Anonymous No. 213067

I just built a box that fits in my car. Its made out of scrap wood from my work and an old bedframe, so it only cost me about $8 to make. Gonna take it to nice dry spots come the winter snow. I'll have my hot coffee and cigs. It will be comfy :)

Anonymous No. 213068

I keep seeing furniture people are throwing out and I keep getting tempted to just put some steel on it for an easy box. I have a prebuilt round flat rail, but its annoying to put in my car and boxes are more fun. Plus if its mostly hollow i can keep it in my car and not really lose storage space.

Anonymous No. 213069

tell us more about how you've never left your driveway

very nice anon, how did you do it for 8 dollars? salvage the materials or have them laying around? I have two six foot angle irons laying but very little carpentry skills so Im just waiting till I can steal enough cinderblocks to make a perma box somewhere.

Anonymous No. 213070

metal filing cabinets make decent boxes and people are always giving them away or selling them for 5 - 10 dollars.

Anonymous No. 213071

>it only cost me about $8 to make
damn, where did you ge the metal for the coping from? thought that would at least have bumped the cost up beyond pocket change tier.

Anonymous No. 213074

Yeah, having it hollow is nice because I can tuck stuff inside of it. I used this site , but I made mine 70" because that's the exact length of the angle iron I got from the bedframe
The warehouse at my work has a lot of 2x4s just lying around. The only thing I had to buy was a couple 10' 2x4s because most of the scrap wood was too short to use on the length. I got lucky with the other two long pieces I needed.

I had the bedframe already, but that thing was a bitch to pull apart. Probably a third the time I spent building it was tearing that thing apart. Had to cut a bunch of metal rivets with a reciprocating saw

Anonymous No. 213075

I imagine its easier to drill through the rivets.

Anonymous No. 213077

I tried that first, but I didn't have a bit that would work on them

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Anonymous No. 213078

Here is a better picture. Today was my first time really testing it. There are a couple tweaks I need to make to the inner legs, but other than that its pretty much perfect

Anonymous No. 213079

That looks like a lot of fun. Nice work anon.

Anonymous No. 213080

hell yea nice dude

Anonymous No. 213081

thanks :) I was just excited and wanted to share. we can go back to talking shit to each other now

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Anonymous No. 213082

>we can go back to talking shit to each other now
I bet you cant even front 50 that little shit box you lil faggot ass bitch ass hoe ass nigga

Anonymous No. 213084

>what about pool? thats what my friends do.
thats better than being a DJ i guess

Anonymous No. 213085

do you think this nigga got made fun of for being named Joachim, so he started going by Joa because it sounds way less corny?

Anonymous No. 213086

"DJ" is a good grift though, make some decent beer/drug money just setting up speakers and playing music. As long the person doesnt actually take themselves seriously as a real DJ

i dont even know how you would pronounce that

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 213087

joachim is respectable biblical name

Anonymous No. 213088


Anonymous No. 213091

thats so fucking funny he looks like his name should be Zachary or some shit

Anonymous No. 213099

>You know what really grinds my gears
>*Insert bait and retard shit*
>"Why you calling me out for being a fag?!"
already told you I wasn't his fan.

Anyways, that anons box is inspirational

Anonymous No. 213117

comfy bam viewing

Anonymous No. 213122

mj does a nollie 5 into a ditch in fully flared iirc

Anonymous No. 213123

Is this what is known as a red herring argument?

Anonymous No. 213124

>You know them straight away by how they try to teach you how to do a trick you can already land. Miss it once in front of them and that's it, they will be on you trying to give you a reddit-tier breakdown for the next 15mins.

That's not an age-restricted behaviour

Anonymous No. 213125

The gap between the base and the top is making me hesitate

Anonymous No. 213126

why? it makes it easier to carry around. What trick is going to be hindered by that gap?

Anonymous No. 213129

I mean it makes me hesitate mentally. The box is fine.

Anonymous No. 213130

bam and steve-o need to go away forever. tired of both of there lame asses and how normies glaze the shit outta them.

Anonymous No. 213139

yeah honestly i just hate bowl fags

Anonymous No. 213140


Anonymous No. 213175

bowling as a hobby is fine if your like 40. much better than pickleball and not as pretentious as golf.

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Anonymous No. 213181

zoomer detected

Anonymous No. 213193

nah youre a complete faggot if you entertain either of these fucking retards still. facebook boomer tier shit.

Anonymous No. 213194

>he didn't grow up watching cky with his frens
Golf is awesome. Its like skating where you can do 10 kickflips but one just feels right. Hit the same 10 shots but one you'll hit sweetly. It gives a similar satisfaction.

What about surfing, you fags got a problem with surfing too?

Anonymous No. 213195

i grew up watching viva la bam and loving bam. but now hes just a retarded old loser junkie. and steve-o is a retarded old attention whore

golf is fucking stupid. you gotta be old as shit, too old to be talking shit to me thats for sure.

Anonymous No. 213198

>viva la bam and loving bam
wrong era zoomie

Anonymous No. 213199

im actually a millennial technically but I definitely relate to older zoomers than older millennials at this point and youre a perfect example of why.

Anonymous No. 213201

Youll grow out of hating.
It felt different in the cky era. Before all the glamour and big budget shit. Viva La Bam was fun but didn't hit like those early videos, almost like a celebration of Bam /makingit/.. before it was just a group of friends in suburbia having fun. Making bootleg videos and doing dumb shit you and your friends could emulate.
People grow old and sometimes become retards, doesn't change that golden era for me.

Anonymous No. 213203

Bam has always been cringe. Most people I knew that were into that shit didn't even skate. He was a pro for normies to latch onto. Him, Sheckler, and Dyrdek were always considered wack for being TV personalities

Anonymous No. 213205

I thought the people who thought they were wack, were wack*. In retrospect I still do. We are talking early internet where to get skate content was to download a 3 min part for 12 hrs from limewire and a 411 each month. And I got free skate content on TV?! I loved it..

Anonymous No. 213208

thank you for backing me up

go back to facebook faggot

Anonymous No. 213214

Hating things makes you look and feel more intelligent than defending things you like when you're younger.
It will also make you feel more vulnerable while stating you like something because at any time someone can just accost you and make you feel like you're on the defensive.
When you're hating something, you feel like the attacker, an aggressor, and that will make you feel powerful.

Anonymous No. 213217

its peak redditor

Anonymous No. 213218

Ryan Sheckler came to Australia and smoked home made dabs in my friends shed

Anonymous No. 213220

ahut up retard

Anonymous No. 213221

I hate golf too, rich cunts shit

I surf as well, bitch

Anonymous No. 213227

The first rule of the skatepark is dont talk about bam.
The second rule of the skatepark is dont bring up bam.

Anonymous No. 213230

drydek looks like he has progeria

Anonymous No. 213233

>It will also make you feel more vulnerable while stating you like something because at any time someone can just accost you and make you feel like you're on the defensive.
wrong, idgaf what anyone thinks

Anonymous No. 213234

Rob and Big is the best pro skateboarder turned reality star tv show aside from when Dill was on the Osbournes

Anonymous No. 213253

I want to build an old school setup to fuck around with.

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Anonymous No. 213261

>this is one of the top posts on r/skateboarding
And people think Slap is bad

Anonymous No. 213268

the consequences of andy anderson are immeasurable

Anonymous No. 213271

seems more like he's trying emulate gou miyagi but doesn't have have a hundredth of the skill or a thousandth of the creativity.

Anonymous No. 213272

do it they're fun

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Anonymous No. 213274

I just bought this deck

Anonymous No. 213286

oh my god

Anonymous No. 213287

is tom knox a hack?

Anonymous No. 213290

kek he roasting starting to like him

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Anonymous No. 213291

he's even pretending to roll away all cool
look at how he stares into the camera at the end oh my god

Anonymous No. 213293

>go to r/skateboarding for laughs
>most the clips are far better than me
Damn kek. Some redditor is out there alone hard flipping 10 sets in a ghost town with his camera phone on the ground. I wasn't expecting that from those faggots.

Anonymous No. 213296

Its a mixed bag for sure. They'll prop up the wackest shit imaginable, but also actual good skating like that hardflip dude. Most times I look on there its retarded shit.

Anonymous No. 213309

No, Atlantic Drift was sick. GH is cooked.

Anonymous No. 213310

wasn't this fag going off about how gnarly big set skating is played out just a few months ago? make up your mind nigger.
if you can hardflip a 5 you can hardflip a 10

Anonymous No. 213325


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Anonymous No. 213372

This cunt is really needs to go. He's not doing anything different by pointing out that sometimes pros put out lazy footage for their brands just to have something to sell. Most people can probably tell this, the only difference is they don't voice all their thoughts in front of a camera and put on YT. The audacity to say he has a style like Knox as well, jesus this guy really has let a bit of internet fame go to his head (if that wasn't some kind of throwback joke to another one of his vids, or something). That dumb data event really showed what it would be like hanging out with that guy in real life without being able to edit himself to appear funny.

Anonymous No. 213410

ninja lifestyle needs to analyze this guy

Anonymous No. 213411

>rich cunts shit
nah, I bought a used sset of clubs and also find balls at thrift shops like the goodwill. It's fun to go play with your friends or dad or something especially at a cheap course. Don't take it too seriously or you'll get frustrated though

Anonymous No. 213433

Sir, this is the skateboard thread

Anonymous No. 213464

golf is still boring as shit tho. would rather go on a hike or just a long walk.

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Anonymous No. 213505

i'm in my tre slop era
i suck balls and heel click
i'm an incel as well

Anonymous No. 213509

tres are like gacha. it's so addicting to just spin to win and see how many you land.

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Anonymous No. 213517

damn thats literally you?
well, this is literally me
(damn, audio streams not allowed gang - take this instead - timestamped)
>I pull up to my local, don't say what's up to anybody
>get to my favorite obstacle
>do the trick thats the most fun
>fuck everything and everyone else

also switch tricks are for homosexuals

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Anonymous No. 213532

/esg/ i have a question for you. I was watching the latest SLS in Sydney and there was this weird man on the sidelines they kept showing. I have seen him before at previous competitions. I don't like this man. I don't like seeing him. I don't like how he's there all the time. He doesn't seem to ever actually compete in anything. He is just there.

Who is this man? Why does he wear strange fashion accessories?

Anonymous No. 213538

look at the shirt dude thats fucking tony hawk man

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Anonymous No. 213540

i still cant do tre flip mannys

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Anonymous No. 213551

Please help with landing my kickflip, anons. I can do the motion and get the board to flip, I can do it at a decent height, but I cannot understand getting my feet back on the board, especially getting the back foot out of the way and back on. Also don't understand if I need to jump slightly sideways (in the direction of the kick) to catch the board, or whether I jump straight up. I can't even YOLO attempt a land cause my feet just spaz out after the flip cause I am predicting it being a primo land before I've even confirmed the flip properly, so always do a one foot catch. Is there anything that I need to know that makes this part easier, or is it literally grind it out until I get that one confident moment and it just happens? Sucks seeing other beginners who are clearly much worse on their boards landing kickflips cause they are low and fast, but I can't even do them like that as a compromise.

Anonymous No. 213552

third episode of kasso streaming live

Anonymous No. 213579

No one can help outside of telling you a bunch a basic shit that everyone regurgitates. You really just need to land on the board. Keep your shoulders square with your feet and commit. If you want it badly enough it will happen. Don't beat yourself up over it. Confidence is key with most tricks.

Anonymous No. 213603

move your back foot heelside more. play around with different placements but the ball of your foot should be somewhere on the heel side of the tail.

Anonymous No. 213606

bros I got a weird issue the inner diameter of my wheels where the bearings sit is like .5mm too big so the wheels have like diagonal 'play' and it sounds like i've got massive flat spots. is there any way to like shrink the wheels down or stuff the gap with something? the bearings popped in pretty easy when they were new but it wasn't loose enough to be an issue at first. only like 2-3 months old they're basically brand new otherwise.

Anonymous No. 213613

i somehow caught it live. 1 week for the next ep is a bit much these days. sick to see madders, wes and leo in it.

Anonymous No. 213614

imagine wanting to land that low close to the ground flip shit draws negative envy from me I'd rather just not

Anonymous No. 213615

>Also don't understand if I need to jump slightly sideways (in the direction of the kick) to catch the board, or whether I jump straight up
protip when learning any new trick: do the flip a few times without trying to land on your board and look at where it lands. That's where you should try to land. For now, it doesn't matter if it lands a little crooked or if it lands a bit to the side or front or back or wherever. Get landing on it consistent and then you can work on building the board control to clean it up.

Anonymous No. 213616

I don't understand what you are describing. You should post a pic

Anonymous No. 213628

DESPITE catching kickflips with your back foot most your weight should be landing over your front foot. I suspect the reason you dont want to put your back foot on is because too much weight is over that leg and if you do force it on you'll slip out backwards, so naturally you avoid it. imo thats the issue.

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Anonymous No. 213636

see how much the wheel moves without the bearing moving? i figure I could wedge something in there or something. it basically thuds around and feels/sounds kinda like a flat spot especially when putting more pressure on one side than the other

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Anonymous No. 213647

Thanks anons, these tips have given me some confidence. I'm gonna do it, bros. I'm gonna fucking do it. If I land even one sketchy kickflip before the year is out I will get a tattoo of a car battery on my leg.
It's a desperation thing. It looks ugly and gay, but at least they are flipping the board and landing back on it.

Anonymous No. 213665

That looks like a manu defect. It's covered under the warranty.

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Anonymous No. 213705

Anonymous No. 213720

Is this a THUNDER general? Because I think it is.

Anonymous No. 213722

why does this look like a south american bootleg baker deck

Anonymous No. 213724

if i cant do it the way i want why even fucking bother trash

Anonymous No. 213727

Did you land it?

Anonymous No. 213729

this. cmon anon get out there. you owe us a kickflip.

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Anonymous No. 213733

>Did you land it?
Pic related. I did some attempts, but no make. It's been at least 4 months coming back from an ankle injury, so I'll need to warm up first, but I will say my confidence is through the roof and my ollies are so fucking clean all of a sudden. The resting did me some good.
I'll be sure to come back and update if I land it.

Anonymous No. 213754

I think it's a 5-8 year old deck.

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Anonymous No. 213757

>8 year old deck

Anonymous No. 213769

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 213772

October 2024
New trick just invented

(Monkeyflip with a body varial)

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Anonymous No. 213773

October 2024
New trick just dropped

(Monkeyflip with a body varial)

Anonymous No. 213774

now i just gotta get it moving, then do it off of stuff.

Anonymous No. 213780

do old decks lose all their pop even if they've just been on the shelf? i set up a 2020 board and it feels super dead even just popping up the curb

Anonymous No. 213781

I set up my last board I had before I took a break from like 2000 which I barely rode and it has 0 flex lol. It kind of still has pop, but I kind of wanted to preserve it even though its just a blank.

Anonymous No. 213804

pray i don't ever catch you doing this ballerina spin reacharound handjob "trick" irl cause the first thing to break would be your legs, then your board will follow shortly after

Anonymous No. 213808

>deadpool sweatpants with techwear pockets
>kook trick
>what are thooseeeeeee
>44mm wheels
now this is reddit

Anonymous No. 213810

Wow you're so edgy and cool

Anonymous No. 213811

just think of how many car batteries you could fit in those pockets

Anonymous No. 213821

Im assuming anyone wearing pants like that is probably edgy in a reddit/soundcloud rap kinda way. do you have a xanax addiction?

do you wanna see my cool car batteries?

Anonymous No. 213823

not new just rightfully neglected. It's incredibly lame on flat. can look ok sometimes on tranny but even then usually looks bad and there's no shortage of better tricks to do.

Anonymous No. 213827

Can you post a clip? I've been digging.

Also I'm going for drops, think itd be cool for that.

Anonymous No. 213835

>Can you post a clip? I've been digging.
>Also I'm going for drops, think itd be cool for that.

speak english esl

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Anonymous No. 213839

I never realized how important it is to setup in the โ€œbackseat.โ€

I just figured this out today and now all my tricks/pop just feels so much more consistent

Anonymous No. 213840

What does that mean?

Anonymous No. 213842

niggas in these threads just making shit up

Anonymous No. 213845

>1 bearing not fully seated

Anonymous No. 213849

you'll have better luck finding them with searches like "early grab fingerflip body varial" than with monkeyflip. first result on duckduckgo is some redditor doing a really ugly one and mistitling his post:

you might see them in some older amateur tranny contests but I don't have any links offhand.

>Also I'm going for drops, think itd be cool for that.
anything will be cool down a big enough drop

Anonymous No. 213850

I dont think you landed this, its like Joslins tre down el toro. Tighten your trucks lad.

Anonymous No. 213851

That is indeed the trick, thanks anon

Anonymous No. 213853

holy fucking shit play that one back with sound on lmao

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Anonymous No. 213854

Copped this deck today

Anonymous No. 213855

>anything will be cool down a big enough drop
wrong, this place becomes more and more reddit every day

Anonymous No. 213858

if a boneless was not called a boneless it would be called a gay boi scoop di lou

Anonymous No. 213859

That graphic is pretty neat ngl

Anonymous No. 213862

>&& grip
>&& deck
>that music


Anonymous No. 213864

boomer deck are unironically really fun to ride

Anonymous No. 213865


Anonymous No. 213881


Anonymous No. 213883

he bleeding

Anonymous No. 213888

I can't even ollie anymore.

Anonymous No. 213890

you never mastered it to begin with

Anonymous No. 213892

I actually like it.

Anonymous No. 213896

This might be good if you ride into a big puddle and need to reverse direction and dry your board asap.

Anonymous No. 213897

i want to see this clip - make sure to get the akira taillight trails on the puddle to dry rollaway

Anonymous No. 213899

maybe his knees are giving out

Anonymous No. 213919

I have nothing but distain for old/fat people
they actively destroy aesthetic by existing

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Anonymous No. 213923


Anonymous No. 213925

come on dude he literally came here to complain

Anonymous No. 213970

New CONS vid

Anonymous No. 213985

6.26 is this thread rn

Anonymous No. 213987

That also happens to be the beginning of the best part in the video, so hopefully that means the next thread will start off better than this one ended

Anonymous No. 213990

That was actually pretty decent. Lots of speed in there.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 214005

i really like arianna spencer, it sucks they put that whack ass song over her part

Anonymous No. 214006

almost every song on this sucked asstbh

Anonymous No. 214014

New thread
New thread
New thread

Anonymous No. 214016

>more corporate skate slop
what is with these billion dollar companies shitting out bad shop vids. these companies killed the skate shops they now steal their aesthetic from.