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🧵 a stone and a hard place

Anonymous No. 211293

ive recently picked up kickboxing and wrestling after a half a year absence from half a years worth of boxing.

the days I can go to the kickboxing gym we just end up doing nothing but 90% conditioning and 10% drills.
I have still yet to learn how to actually properly throw a leg kick, high kick, knee etc. not to mention the place is fucking full to the brim of people.

the other gym where I could train kickboxing at spars really hard (imo atleast) and the first day I showed up they, although friendly in conversation, were absolute dicks in sparring and would go hard constantly even during regular fucking drills. I left that gym with a splitting headache, the first time something like that has ever happened.

What the fuck do I do?
Look for another gym?

Anonymous No. 211324

>wahh it hurts

Martial arts may not be for you

Anonymous No. 211329

>this gym is too soft!
>this gym is too hard!
>What the fuck do I do?
get mauled by a bear, Goldilocks

Anonymous No. 211339

Look for another place or another sport, otherwise it is better to train and not learn anything than to have a permanent injury.

Anonymous No. 211346

Find another gym, they are going to have acquired retardation in 10 years. You barely need to spar hard to get good, sparring at 50% to 10% is perfect

Anonymous No. 211426

Actually I recently went to the 'hard gym' on 2 different days than the first day I went there and it was much better, sparring was controlled, no-one trying to take my head off and I actually felt like I learnt something.

My question now is; why do your two guys' opinion differ from

Anonymous No. 211431

These guys might spar hard:

Anonymous No. 211432

Hazing is still a thing in kickboxing gyms. Might have just lit you up for a day to see if you'd have a second one in you.

Anonymous No. 211433

Am I too naïve too understand why people would haze others? When I was getting semi-OK at boxing after like 3-4 months every time a new guy came I would be as nice and playful as possible, that also went for literally everyone I trained with there at that gym, all super nice and only like 1-2 were dicks in sparring.

Why is it different in kickboxing? And "lighting someone up for their first day to see if they'd have a second one in them"? Really? People do that shit? Are we larping as fucking spartans? They don't even fucking compete as far as I know, why?

Anonymous No. 211501

>Am I too naïve too understand why people would haze others?
It's because they are retarded chimps. Some people need to be checked, but that's not the same as hazing.

Anonymous No. 211571

Stay on the easy gym, practice technique at home by yourself, ask instructors to see if you are doing it right or something when you are there. Eventually, as you pick up more confidence and both your technique are alright, test waters in the hard gym again.

Anonymous No. 211584

T. Pussies

You are practicing a COMBAT sport. they don't want little larp shills in there, they want people who have heart.
If they're any good that is.

Anonymous No. 212300

Hard sparring has been proven to be almost worthless. You aren't learning as much as in light sparring, and you're not pressure testing as well as in full-contact competitions.