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Anonymous No. 211966

>mfw I don't need to train martial arts because I'm a natural fighter

Anonymous No. 211969

You know what's natural? Drowning.
You know what comes from training? Swimming.
(I stole this from Craig Douglas)

Anonymous No. 211984

that's not true though, everything knows how to swim naturally including humans
we just 1 wear clothes that makes our bodies much heavier in water than they should be
2 are told to be afraid of water and so we panic

you put little babies in the water and they'll hold their breath and splash around, and toddlers+ will doggy paddle

Anonymous No. 211993

This is one of the most retarded posts I’ve ever read
>erm, ackshually, you’re not drowning because you don’t know how to swim. You’re drowning because SOCIETY told you to.
It’s truly incredible that you have brain damage without ever putting gloves on in your life

Anonymous No. 212050

I learned in AP Psychology that humans naturally know how to swim

Anonymous No. 212053

when little kids drown it's usually because they can't figure out how to get out of the water, not because they couldn't swim full stop
even a turtle will down if it doesn't have a way go climb out of the water eventually

Anonymous No. 212056

Anon, one year from now I'm going to drop you in the ocean a mile from shore. Do you want to prepare by swimming laps, or do you want to rely on your natural swimming instincts?

Anonymous No. 213422

Based. Only genetic weaklings need to train martial arts.