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🧵 BJJ culture

Anonymous No. 213329

What makes BJJ culture so insufferable compared to other martial arts?

Anonymous No. 213335


Anonymous No. 213342

BJJ’s initial success in MMA is to blame. That, and the nature of BJJ being “soft” compared to striking or wrestling. It attracted the wrong kind of person.

Anonymous No. 213370

firstchy postchy bestchy postchy

Anonymous No. 213374

It's the popular thing right now. If something is popular, it will inevitably attract its own fair share of morons, who are inevitably the loudest and most obnoxious

Anonymous No. 213389

It's high school locker room culture but expanded

Anonymous No. 213390

it's the reason why bjj is such a revolving door
that level of trash talk and horrible interaction doesnt happen mostly in other martial arts

Anonymous No. 213391

everyone is scared of the bjj guy because of ufc

no one is scared of the judo guy till the orange belt fuckes up the seoi nage, injures your shoulder mid throw because they're panicking and slams you onto concrete and causes your head to crack open because of the interia of the throw

Anonymous No. 213406

>everyone is scared of the bjj guy because of ufc
I don't think that's true at all, it has always been the least popular aspect of MMA and has been a joke since the 00s
It was so normalcore even the simpsons made fun of it in 2012
Just the other night all of these Brazilians I was hanging out with (including a literal gay couple) were laughing at their friend for doing jiujitsu because it's so gay
"That wouldn't really work in a fight thought, right?"

And it's my contention any time a big strong guy gets "humbled" is because his cardio is shit from only weight lifting and once you're tired a twink can do whatever he wants to you
It's not because the techniques are effective

Anonymous No. 213407


Anonymous No. 213568

well if he could do judo he should.
But judo is very far and few the old guard that runs all the schoold are dying out.
the average of them is like in their 70s

Anonymous No. 213580

True, this one time one of the judo teachers who's in his 70s was in the locker room getting changed and dropped his pants revealing the fact he doesn't wear underwear under his gi, along with this saggy heavy set of balls that was like 2 clementines in a tube sock
And he said the old judo masters don't wear anything under their gi either

And it's like breh that's just a cultural thing because Japan didn't use underwear 200 years ago. Put on some shorts bro

Anonymous No. 213581

Gotta have that deep ballast for good kuzushi

Anonymous No. 213582

fucking kek

Anonymous No. 213585

well here's another thing.
Compared to other grappling arts bjj while difficult to become a black belt has a low entry point for it compared to other martial arts since it's entirely dependent on the bjj gym you go to.
While it's unheard of to get your black belt and suck shit at bjj it's entirely possible.
The governing body for bjj simply cares more about making money in the now than they do about making sure the sport isnt viewed as a cesspit 10 or 20 years from now.
You could be a literally ex convicted rapist and get your black belt in bjj and open a bjj gym since you dont really need any approval from the governing body like you would in Judo.
There is also no registry to see if someone is legit. You can literallt just walk in and say "im a blue belt" make up some lie about how you dont wanna roll yet because you wanna get to know people etc etc and they would only have two options:
believe it
or tell you to leave for not wanting to prove it.

Almost everything is word of mouth and it's not like doing these things like making a registry would be hard.

Anonymous No. 213586

Hell, ive read stories in reddit of all places of blue belts opening their own gyms and everyone just saying to leave because that's absurd

Anonymous No. 213587

ive even read stories of blue belts teaching classes in front of their black belt instructors which is something ive experienced first hand myself.
bjj has a lot of issues that it needs to resolve if it wants to be taken seriously outside of the martial arts community. Because even in it it's talked about as this taboo topic.

Anonymous No. 213639

Also what the fuck are "mat enforcers"? I've never seen this in Judo or Wrestling.

Anonymous No. 213643

People who think they’re hot shit for smashing a white belt for doing spazzy white belt things or for damaging their fragile ego in some arbitrary way.

Anonymous No. 213649

bjj is so jee of a martial art the classes arent even structured to some extent
the professors dont even teach shit properly to new members they just let other guys go home ham.

so like>>213643
mat enforcers exist to stop spazzy shit and bullies

they're like cops of the mat since the instructors are too busy browsing facebook or somehit.
Go into a bjj gym
once the instructor lays eyes on someone else he wont take them off or once he opens facebook he wont get off.
In other martial arts it's the opposite
the instructor is constantly looking back and worth during sparing ti make sure everyone is doing things correctly

mat enforcers obviously dont work because if they did mat bullied would be completely unheard of

Anonymous No. 213650



Anonymous No. 213677

also mat enforcers dont exist in judo because the ceiling for teaching is high.
As a shodan you're expected to be profecient enough to teach judo.
In BJJ you could be a master of specific shit and still get your black belt. Some bjj skills even encourage you to get good at a specific guard and have decent offense.
You have very basic offense and defense and still be a black belt in bjj.
It all depends on the school.
You could be a shit black belt in both bjj and judo. But in judo you'd get some eyebrows raised in bjj you'd just be the master of a guard and specialize in some oddly specific offense and no one would bat an eye. Being really good at landing kimuras or arm bars for example. it all depends on the school you go to

Anonymous No. 213678

forgot my point entirely.
Basically it's expected for the sensei in judo to actually be good enough to enforce if he needs to.
In BJJ the professor could be an expert at specific shit. There are blue belts out there that are stronger and better than their instructors but respect rank anyway.

Anonymous No. 213679

you could go your entire life without competeing like john danaher and no one will bat an eye or even question if what you're teaching bjj wise is even effective. I mean you could do the same in judo. But who would you rather take judo instruction from since competitve players can obviously prove their minute technique works

Anonymous No. 213752

>saggy heavy set of balls that was like 2 clementines in a tube sock
What a mental image that is

Anonymous No. 213753

I don't have any firsthand experience with this but from what I've heard, if someone acts like a retard during sparring and/or endangers themselves or their partners, a mat enforcer is the guy you send to "humble" them.
So in a sense yes, they're bullies, their jobs is to bully people into conforming to certain social norms and rules, namely training etiquette, or leaving. Something of a "if you make sparring bad for others, I'm going make sparring bad for you" kind of deal

Anonymous No. 213758

great way to my your bjj gym a revolving door

Anonymous No. 213779

Possibly, but I can understand why some people feel that a designated tard wrangler could be needed. Obviously they shouldn't bully complete beginners, bur rather people knowingly going too hard, ripping subs and generally being assholes on the mat

Anonymous No. 213813

I've seen ringers at Judo schools before, same as boxing, but it's less an issue of these days because assholes don't show up to try and fight school owners. It's just the guy who kicks the shit out of you when you FAFO.

Anonymous No. 213814

most of thise ringers in judo are bjj guys coming in to "improve their standup"
only to feel like absolute dipshits when they get beaten by a green belt
then they never come back and stick to bjj

Anonymous No. 213816

Sorry if I wasn't clear. The ringer will be from the gym, not the rando walking in the door.