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🧵 Just Started Skating

Anonymous No. 215541

Got this Element skateboard as it’s the same one I use in the THPS Remake and immediately bailed out and fell backwards but I ain’t giving up
>Practice makes perfect
How do I get better at balancing and learning to fall backwards
I probably would have died or got heavily injured if I didn’t wear that helmet or ended up becoming a bigger tard than I already am
I was laughing my ass off when I fell though
What’s your advice on a beginner skater like me

Anonymous No. 215542

There’s a board (no pun intended) for that with a general for skateboarding /esg/ you’re welcome to post there

If you’re being serious I’d ask how old are you

It’s always a good idea to watch lots of videos

For me it’s all about developing muscle memory with constant repetition

I wouldn’t be a good person to ask since I learned that as a kid but I guess you could get a balance board or try balancing yourself in the grass first

Anonymous No. 215543


Anonymous No. 215544

This guy is cool

🗑️ Anonymous No. 215545

I’m 29
Have sex

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Anonymous No. 215546

>Just Started Skating

Anonymous No. 215612

Take your meds

Anonymous No. 215613

i didnt ask you what 9+10 was

Anonymous No. 215919

Just ride around on it a lot. Don't worry about doing tricks yet. Once you get comfortable enough try doing kick turns and manuals. I learned to pop shuvit before I could ollie but it's whatever feels natural. Don't try to run before you can crawl is the point.

Anonymous No. 215953

When I first started I would just take it inside the house and just stand on it or on the grass outside, fuck around and lean with it as much as you want. If you can find something to hold on to while you push it on normal ground, you'll eventually get it

Anonymous No. 215977

Find somewhere to skate around In a circle. Ideally flat smooth ground

It's a young man's game most pros start off skating since the age of like 6 and then get insanely good by 21 know how to fall etc

Good luck

Anonymous No. 216020

There is no shortcut, time on the board is all that counts, find a basketball or tennis court and just push around for a few days, figure out what stance works best for you (have your non kicking foot at the front of the board) figure out how to stop, first by just putting a foot down, then figure out how to stop by putting the tail on the ground, once you can do that learn tic tacs, then kick turns front and backside, then manuals (wheelies). then find an incline and roll up and back to fakie. then roll up the incline and kick turn, by then you should be able to balance on the board well enough to start thinking about ollies, oh and learn to run out instead of letting the board shoot you onto your ass/face, once you are at that point you can go to a skate park only look mildly retarded, also if you are serious about skating you will destroy the bearings in that element complete.

Anonymous No. 216049

>fell backwards
the balance with skating is almost constantly leaning further forward than you'd think. not like bending at the waist but putting much more weight on the forward foot.

wind No. 216055

>Element skateboard
its so over

Anonymous No. 216064

this fucking retard thinks "Have sex" is a good come back
newsflash faggot you had 2 decades to learn to skate and now you're doing it at an age that is gonna raise eyebrows at the skatepark.
Go do something more socially acceptable for your age
like bjj or boxing or someshit. You're just gonna look like a pedophile for being the weird guy that started doing a teenager hobby at 30