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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 215908

Bruhurt thread

Anonymous No. 215920

Why is armor so expensive?
Are their any cheap kits for beginners or no?

Anonymous No. 216116

>Are their any cheap kits for beginners or no?
The cheap way is to build it yourself. It's time consuming so most people choose to pay someone else to do it.
>Why is armor so expensive?
It's niche labor-intensive athletic safety equipment. If you want safety and mobility and somebody else to build it for you it's not going to be cheap. You can choose to compromise on any of these points if you want to spend less money.

Anonymous No. 216141

In a similar vein to this anon, I’m interested in non financially ruinous options if they are to be had. I’ve been looking at this historicum tinycorn starter set
Looks nice enough, funny name for sure but pretty good price, made in Poland I believe (trying to avoid pajeet plate) but I’ve yet to get any experienced opinions on which starter sets are the best deals.
Any tips or recommendations from the experienced crowd?

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Anonymous No. 216352


Anonymous No. 216353

I'm not kidding, but join Facebook groups for HMB, SCA, and other armored combat. They have marketplaces and even vendors will post sales or excess stock.

Anonymous No. 218449

i REALLY want to know something about buhurt.
WHAT is the average person like as compared to HEMA. I found that HEMA was very very highly autistic and nerdy. are they perhaps... slightly less autistic? maybe a little bit more athletic? I am dying to know

Anonymous No. 218457

>slightly less autistic?
>maybe a little bit more athletic?

Anonymous No. 218458

>maybe a little more athletic
the top fighters are all ultra fat rich people kek and now because of the armor

Anonymous No. 218459

and not*

Anonymous No. 218991

so this is the consensus, really? ive snooped on a group in a city i will be moving to and from the pictures they look moderately older than the hema people and... only a few of them look tistic. if they really are just as tistic though on the whole then its gonna be a no go. sad. i felt hema because i couldnt stand the people. they all think they are anime protagonists.

Anonymous No. 219004

If you read the >>>/xs/hema thread you'll see discussions about varying levels of 'tism between clubs. You're posting on /xs/, which is an autism marker itself.
>only a few look tistic
They probably looked more autistic when they were awkward teenagers, they just mask better now after decades of practice.

Anonymous No. 219108


Golden Ring IV from yesterday. A couple of the fights are decent.