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Anonymous No. 218594

I wanna do no gi martial art but I'm ashamed of what other people will think of my self harm scars on my arms so what would be the right move here?

Anonymous No. 218595

Get sports tape and cover it up.

Anonymous No. 218596

do you think I'll be judged by the others? What would your reaction be seeing someone with scars similar to pic rel. Would you care or not?

Anonymous No. 218600

no one gives a shit about these things when training on the mat. most people wouldn't even notice.

Anonymous No. 218601

If you're a normal dude otherwise, no one will judge. Maybe they'll ask about it if you're friendly.
But if you're too self-conscious, just wear a long sleeved rashguard

Anonymous No. 218602

thanks guys that'll do it I feel confident and a lot better to go to practice next year

Anonymous No. 218603

Almost nobody gives a shit, they're too worried about their own problems. Don't stress over it. If anybody brings it up or gives you shit over it, just own it. There's no shame in having those scars, you went through a self-destructive state but it's in the past (hopefully, otherwise stop hurting yourself).

Anonymous No. 218611

wear a long sleeve rashguard

Anonymous No. 218612

well self harm is pretty gay and totally not rockin, but as long as you don't act like a fag nobody will care and you can wear long sleeves

like we had this one girl with a bunch of tattoos and significant body modifications like a forked tongue and pointed ears and she had no license because of a DWI and a robust catalogue of hardcore porn online, really depraved stuff like getting blindfolded and hogtied while having a train run through her AtM and face fucked until she started puking and then pushed down into it and slapped around spit on

well everyone in the gym knew about it and watched it and nobody was mean to her about it

Anonymous No. 218613

if it was bjj id imagine most if the guys hitting on her

Anonymous No. 218616

she got around, I mean she had no car and needed rides home, you expect her not to pay up?
actually the reason she was asked to leave is the owner was afraid she was eventually going to metoo someone at the gym and kill the business

Anonymous No. 218617

gross dude
this is how epidemics start

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Anonymous No. 218625

She smelled exactly how she looks

Anonymous No. 218626

like a man?

Anonymous No. 218627

she's even pagan
i am ashamed to be in the same religion as these people.

Anonymous No. 218628

Spicy armpit sweat and weed breath
She said she's a luciferian or some edgelord shit

Anonymous No. 218633

that fucking mjolnir says otherwise. What an insane person

Anonymous No. 218640

Wear a rash guard like everyone does, are you retarded?

Anonymous No. 218648

I have puffy gyno nips
no no-gi for me

Anonymous No. 218663

Them abs though

Anonymous No. 218669

Wear long sleeve t shirts??

Anonymous No. 218688

>everyone in the gym knew about it and watched it

Anonymous No. 218692

certified cum gutters

Anonymous No. 218697

Where a rash guard dumbass

Anonymous No. 218698

Probably at the rash guard store

Anonymous No. 219856

>actually the reason she was asked to leave is the owner was afraid she was eventually going to metoo someone at the gym and kill the business
How was that handled?

Anonymous No. 222471

If you're self conscience just go to the GI class, its fun. Nobody should be giving you a hard time at the gym, if they are they're a loser. It seems places these days have enough gyms that you should be able to find one with cool people in it.

Anonymous No. 222475

she was told since she had MMA aspirations that our gym isn't the right place for her and we'll hold her back in the long run, she needs to go to an MMA coach, and she was handed off

Anonymous No. 224203

This seems so obvious that I think OP is just attention seeking.

Anonymous No. 224695

Rash guard with long sleeves

Anonymous No. 224750

> Most martial arts manga tough guys have scars all over.
> They don't give a shit.
Why do you give a shit? You are just a nobody, nobody is going to care unless it physically is itchy during sports, then cover it up for comfort rather than insecurity.

Anonymous No. 225209
