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🧵 Combat sport

Anonymous No. 219383

So i’m 19 and can’t stand my family and I feel i’m not respected at all. I am constantly mocked and treated like a child. What I would like to do is starting fighting back physically. I want to train like a combat sport but I’m not sure which. Any advice

Anonymous No. 219385

top kek
move out

Anonymous No. 219386


Anonymous No. 219430

Do Muay Thai or bjj.
Both are good enough to get you to ease up to confrontation and allow your nervous system to adapt to stressful environments.
Most of the time people who get picked on have a hyper sensitive nervous system from being sheltered. So even the slightest aggression makes them recoil. Combat sports will help you get tougher in every aspect of life not just physically. Bruises and pain won't matter anymore and your brain won't even pay attention to them. Plus the purpose and competitive nature of these sports will get you to focus on self improvement

Anonymous No. 219542

Learn Wrestling or Judo, even a monkey knows striking, but your mom won't be able to defend a takedown

Anonymous No. 219543

You are a child, if you think punching your dad will solve your problems. If you were really out for blood you could probably take him down already. You will only be a man when you no longer want to fight.

Anonymous No. 219548

chill bro if they haven't kicked you out that means they love you = they bring sacrafices for you
don't fuck this up
I've been there, please don't hurt the people who love you neither emotionally nor physically because you will regret it later on

Anonymous No. 219549

*but combat sports can help you mature and realize the good things you have. Do some BJJ

Anonymous No. 219561

Don't forget to learn a few chokes. It's the only way to assert dominance over your mom.

Anonymous No. 219708

>I feel i’m not respected at all.
A combat sport won't help with that. If you get physical with them, you'll still be thought of as a manchild with no impulse control. The fact that you even considered getting physical because they upset you means that they might be right. As for which sport to try, just find out which local one has good reviews in their adult classes; it might be the BJJ gym, boxing gym, Muay Thai gym, or even a less common one.

Anonymous No. 219734

Don’t do that

>t. did it, went to jail

Anonymous No. 219741

Did you assert dominance in jail?

Anonymous No. 219756

If anyone knew he was there for beating up his mom, he would've gotten his ass turned inside out

Anonymous No. 219799

I think you should get into combat sports to get rid of the mentality you have. Idk if you're still here but learn a combat sport to better yourself, sure being able to beat people up is a plus but don't get into it for the sole purpose of beating up family lol. I recommend muay thai or mma. Boxing is full of nogs and any mma/muay thai gym in the states will have you practicing kickboxing too. BJJ is probably more practical but I personally like being able to use my 8 limbs

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Anonymous No. 219816

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Anonymous No. 219817

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Anonymous No. 219818

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Anonymous No. 219819

Anonymous No. 225401

Bad paperwork homes

Anonymous No. 226990

bjj will help you develop a productive mental attitude