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🧵 Design the perfect BJJ school

Anonymous No. 220494

We all have so many valid complaints about how BJJ is run. List how you would design your BJJ academy, addressing the each problem you have created a solution for. I'll start with my ideas:

24 hour access to blue belts and up.

Separated area for advanced members to train during fundamental class times so the entire place is not off limits. Can also be used by members who prefer to stretch or run their own warmups so they don't feel pressured to do difficult warmups when injured, old, etc.

Zero class time used for discussing IBJJF rules and point systems. Offer a dedicated seminar class outside of regular class hours for this if you even want to focus on competition.

Be proactive in making sure members are appropriately matched for drills. A 200lb 40 year old man and a 115lb 20 year old girl who have never met are not appropriate. Not due to sex or age, but body type, and everyone deserves a productive class where they have an appropriate body to work with.

No stripe White belts are not allowed to interrupt to ask questions. But Blue belts are tasked with helping them and addressing them during drills. Can ask individually after class. This sucks up so much time and annoys seasoned members who just want to drill the move.

Adhere strictly to the old school system of promotion roughly based on years in and objective progress unless someone is a phenom for which early promotions can be justified by competition results. If a student is especially anxious and capable perhaps go to a few regional open mats with them and see how they fare against higher belts. Never promote based on being the big fish in a small pond.

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Anonymous No. 220496

no brazilian cultural memorabilia anywhere, no gracie slop pictures on the walls, no brazil flag, no portuguese terms for moves
no use of the word "professor" for the instructor. He's not a professor of anything, he barely has a GED
no gi, if you want to wear a gi you can go to the biweekly judo class and learn a real sport with it
no retarded PE class group callisthenic warmups wasting everyones time
no static repping, this isn't aikido class. all drills are to be done live with resistance
no under belts asking questions of upper belts, they're customers trying to work out too and it's not their job to teach you anything
no upper belts "showing stuff" to white belts without getting the OK from the instructor first. If you want to teach fill out a job application otherwise stay in your lane
no laying on your side while the teacher is talking, it's disrespectful. If you're too tired sit up straight then go home
and god help you if you're a white belt and you get in the way of competition prep like what happened the other day when this kid is sitting on our side of the mat talking to someone on the bench and does a back roll to "show him something he saw online" and crashed heads with one of the guys mid roll prepping for a quintet competition our gym is participating in. I just about blew my top

most important of all, members do not ever wash the fucking mats! they're paying money for a clean facility, it's not their job to clean up after class. The owner needs to get off his lazy ass and pick up a mop himself.

I don't know, thats just off the top of my head but I'm sure there's more

Anonymous No. 220499

no wonder your martial art is dying.
You guys cant agree on anything and are always in fighting like a bunch of women in their period.
You cant just be chill and relaxed like judoka.
always have to act like you just got out if prison. No wonder you guys always get beat by judoka. Too insecure to come up with a system that benefits everyone. No wonder you have to charge exuberant prices to people who have no idea that there are cheaper and much more effective martial arts around the corner.
matter of fact ignorance is the only reason bjj is still relevant.
>People hear from influencer that bjj is really good
>go to class
>get ass kicked day one
>"wow this js really good"
>$200 a month for classes
>wow this must be normal
>has no idea about other martial arts outside of BJJ
>thinks bjj is an unstoppable force because their professor with a horrible win loss ratio says so.
>meanwhile the judo school around the corner charges like $50/month

Anonymous No. 220500

>meanwhile the judo school around the corner charges like $50/month

and you learn everything bjj teaches you without the fucking gay gatekeeping of "you arent ready yet"

Anonymous No. 220504

Bjj = dying
Judo = already dead and buried

You can only charge $50 a month or less and work on a volunteer basis because that's all its worth

Anonymous No. 220506

how's the transition coming along?

Anonymous No. 220507

>can't take anyone down because it's not winter in Minnesota and your attacker doesn't have a double weave wool coat on
>gets touched 3/4 of an inch below the waist line
>panics and rolls over into a turtle desperately waiting for someone to call mate and save you
>get choked and offer no more resistance than just gritting your teeth as hard as you can and hoping his arms get tired before you pass out

quite the grappling art you have there, I can see why it's so popular

Anonymous No. 220508

>made up shit because he cant come up with a realistic scenario in which judo loses
classic, sounds like someone needs to take a hot shower to warm up

Anonymous No. 220509

>cant come up with a realistic scenario in which judo loses
you lost in that there's no less than 5 threads on this board discussion various aspects of bjj and the judo thread hasn't managed to hit bump limit in over 2 months and hasn't been posted in for 3 days

that's why you're coming in to shit up someone elses topic

Anonymous No. 220510

sounds like the shower wasnt hot enough

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Anonymous No. 220511

>he has to have more than one thread to feel relevant

Anonymous No. 220512

oh are you the guy that has been trying to convince people for a week now that running in circles is a good use of their training time (which they're paying for) maybe that's why nobody is going to your judo classes
funny I don't see many bjj schools clamoring to find a judo black belt to teach classes. It's always the judo places that can't pay their rent so they're starting bjj classes to get people in the door

Anonymous No. 220513

>funny I don't see many bjj schools clamoring to find a judo black belt to teach classes

because they dont need to if they can just teach you to scoot on your ass.
What kind of logic are you using?
I think you need estrogen blockers

Anonymous No. 220514

so we're in agreement, judo has no value and there's no point in learning it

Anonymous No. 220516

You sound like a massive faggot

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Anonymous No. 220518

>t. too afraid to fight a judoka

most bjj fighters are

Anonymous No. 220519

>Competent instructor
>Actual structured curriculum
>Lots of sparring
>No elitism and sucking off higher belts

Anonymous No. 220520

>most bjj fighters are
No, BJJ fighters are homosexual. Not every homosexual is a faggot and not every faggot is a homosexual
That anon seems to be both thoughever

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Anonymous No. 220523

>No, BJJ fighters are homosexual

Anonymous No. 220524

>no brazilian cultural memorabilia anywhere, no gracie slop pictures on the walls, no brazil flag, no portuguese terms for moves

I don't have any reason to disagree here. The lineage stuff has gotten way out of hand.

>no use of the word "professor" for the instructor. He's not a professor of anything, he barely has a GED

I have a masters. But the whole professor thing is ridiculous.

>no gi, if you want to wear a gi you can go to the biweekly judo class and learn a real sport with it


>no retarded PE class group callisthenic warmups wasting everyones time


>no static repping, this isn't aikido class. all drills are to be done live with resistance

Actually mentally retarded

>no under belts asking questions of upper belts, they're customers trying to work out too and it's not their job to teach you anything

They're going to ask regardless. But the owner should never encourage much less require upper belts to pair with lower belts. I have been victim of this many times and it makes me incredibly angry. I did not sacrifice whatever else I could be doing to help someone else's clients.

>no upper belts "showing stuff" to white belts without getting the OK from the instructor first. If you want to teach fill out a job application otherwise stay in your lane

Purple and above showing White is ok. Cuts down on dumb questions.

>no laying on your side while the teacher is talking, it's disrespectful. If you're too tired sit up straight then go home

But I thought you hated all that?

Anonymous No. 220526

>and god help you if you're a white belt and you get in the way of competition prep like what happened the other day when this kid is sitting on our side of the mat talking to someone on the bench and does a back roll to "show him something he saw online" and crashed heads with one of the guys mid roll prepping for a quintet competition our gym is participating in. I just about blew my top

Comp prep should be limited to people signed up to compete

>most important of all, members do not ever wash the fucking mats! they're paying money for a clean facility, it's not their job to clean up after class. The owner needs to get off his lazy ass and pick up a mop himself.

If someone seeks to be enslaved let them choose their own path

Anonymous No. 220527

>But I thought you hated all that?
It's a far cry fromm requiring people to blow smoke up someone's ass to having the common decency to sit up and listen attentively when they're speaking

Allowing people to lay on the mat like it's a couch is one of those little cancers That turns into people having side conversations or hanging out in the locker room when class is supposed to have started, or going to the bathroom and leaving their partner waiting

The mat is for training use the space correctly or get off of it

Anonymous No. 220528

The fuck you talking about? Judo has been an internationally renown grappling art since the 1950s. I respect BJJ and it's growing ever more popular but judo has way more practitioners and it still has stacked competitions.

My only criticism with BJJ is too many Indians not enough chiefs, they lack a real international governing body like Judo has with the IJF or Sambo with FIAS.

Anonymous No. 220530

The IBJJF tries to be that, but no one likes them
But the way it is now works I think. No governing body, every tournament has similar but somewhat different rules that you have to read up on before competing
My only problem with this is that there is no curriculum and objective standards for progression, belts are mostly vibe based. It works, but I like having some structure and a concrete objective to work towards, rather than a vague "just git gud", true as it may be

Anonymous No. 220532

This is done purposely, Remaining nebulous is by design, So this Mexican dude in California can come up with all the 10th planet stuff, and a kiwi in New York City can develop entire leg lock system nobody has ever seen before, And this lanky white Hawaiian kid can invent all of these revolutionary lapel guards
And the Brazilians can sit back and take credit for all of it because they never defined what bjj actually is

Anonymous No. 220535

the ibjjf is completely absent from the sport and diesnt regulate anything

what the fuck are you talking about
they're literally just a figure head
they do so little for the sport aside from tournaments they may as well not even exist.

Anonymous No. 220536

They are the arbiters of da rulez
Why is passing to side control good? Ibjjf said so
Why are hooks good? Same reason
Why can't you heel hook in the gi? You guessed it
How come people only pull guard and don't learn takedowns? Ibjjf says its only worth 2 points so it's a waste of time
Whether you participate in their tournament or not they are the defacto rules all the gyms follow

Anonymous No. 220537

i like how everytime this faggot makes a thread it's just him getting shit on for his dumb ideas

Anonymous No. 220539

I didn't make the thread, you quoted 2 different people
Have fun running in circles tho, really gonna accelerate your grappling for sure. Just keep at it! Eventually you'll get that blue belt

Anonymous No. 220540

you're really annoying
not in a good way you come off as an insecure faggot. No wonder bjj is dying
no one wants to be around this.

Anonymous No. 220541

and i dont even train bjj.
I think bjj is fucking stupid as a defense system and as a sport

Anonymous No. 220542

IBJJF have an increasing stranglehold due to belt recognition and the huge focus on competition. Now you have to be an accredited two stripe black to promote to black. Once upon time a black belt was it. You were your own man. Now if you don’t get all that paperwork it makes your school look ghetto and students may be upset their belt doesn’t “count.” It’s awful. Plus they lowered the required time spent at a belt before promotion below what it had historically been accepted as (10 years for black unless you make some objective case). Now it’s like 7? Absolute shit. I saw people I brought to their first class when I was purple get black belts before me because they stayed at a newer school that desperately wanted to look legit and fast tracked every guy they could get away with it for with ZERO comp wins to back it up. It undermines the entire integrity of the black bet. There should be some regulation but IBJJF do it all wrong.

Anonymous No. 220543

that's a lot of words to say the ibjjf does nothing

Anonymous No. 220544

So you came into a thread about bjj gyms for...reasons

Anonymous No. 220545

i came in to talk about how much bjj sucks and how much of a faggot you are
bjj fighters can do shit
>get beaten by wrestlers
>get beaten by judoka
>get one tapped by boxers
your sport is a joke and you're a faggot

Anonymous No. 220546


Anonymous No. 220547

I don't think I'm the one that sounds insecure and annoying around here

Anonymous No. 220548


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Anonymous No. 220572

Anonymous No. 220580

bjjfags... it's over
i'm starting judo

Anonymous No. 220582

This is in my area. I was shocked to see this troonthing wearing a black belt so I looked into it and the first thought that came to my mind was OF COURSE he's one of Gina's students.

Gina sucks, is a cunt, has her gay little leftist school Uptown Minneapolis, and requires students to address her as Ma'am. I've been at a few events where "males" from her academy were present and their presence always made me queasy. The Minneapolis BJJ scene in general is full blown AIDS but they really carry the standard high. The only surprising thing about this is it is located in Northfield, which is pretty rural. Royce Gracie used to train a filthy rich Native guy there one on one who opened a Royce academy in Shakopee. Mostly a kids program. But still he did it out of passion cause that dude does not need a single dollar. I feel like he probably should have opened in Northfield instead to protect the local children from this predator. There is no way Northfield has enough queers to keep this place financially viable and they must drive in from the city.

Anonymous No. 220583

>There is no way Northfield has enough queers to keep this place financially viable
Are there any other martial arts gyms? Maybe people just don't care or put up with the queer stuff so that they have a place to train. And who knows, maybe this person is a decent coach

Anonymous No. 220584

Try to remember what Minneapolis is. The entire woke revolution blew off here from George Floyd. When the weather is nice enough to be outside I see a new tranny almost every single day. Very unsettling place if you are not a sick freak. There are dozens of schools much closer and they are not full of trannies. It's safer to assume they all commute to be at this place.

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Anonymous No. 220586

Taps sig.

Anonymous No. 220587

I meant people from Northfield, anon. There seem to be two BJJ gyms in that city, so not many choices if you don't want to commute
And fwiw, if you ignore the "1 star because gay" reviews (which is about half of them), most seem to praise the instructor. So probably a decent teacher but also a terminal activist

Anonymous No. 220589

>The Minneapolis BJJ scene in general is full blown AIDS but they really carry the standard high

not high enough
in judo it's either blue or white gi or you cant do judo

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 220594

not much to discuss considering judo has a much more laid out cirriculum. Most schools do things right, so there isnt much to discuss

🗑️ Anonymous No. 220595

meanwhile every bjj school does something different hence a bajillion threads.
You're pretty much guarnteed a similar experience per judo school so the only reason to do drop ins would be for randori experience.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 220596

and even then most experienc instructors will tell you to just save it for competition.

Anonymous No. 220607

Man you guys make so happy I switched to a mma gym when I was still a one strip.
No one cares about anything but have fun and getting better.
None of the bs about rules and RESPECT

Anonymous No. 220609

I am waiting till they drop the names and just have submission grappling. It doesn't matter to me if the move I use is bjj judo or wrestling as long as it works.

Anonymous No. 220616

As if those aren’t from every gag they know. Come on anon. Use your brain.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 220619


Anonymous No. 220763

Do people actually care about belts? My impulse is that belt progression systems are for kids. I don't really care if I ever get a different color belt.

Anonymous No. 220769

Without a hekkin belterino how am I supposed to make people respect my authority?

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Anonymous No. 220770


Where do you train? I even made a list of all the BJJ schools in Minneapolis & ranked them by how shit they are & hers was at the bottom of the list. Her school didn't even have a 24% win rate. Shit was ATROCIOUS. I left minneapolis after shitting all over The Cellar & making their instructor's look like a fucking retards heel hooking & toe holding them every roll. The BJJ scene in Minneapolis is actually cancer.

I made this in 2022 btw. Don't even get me started on how shit Akagi is. Holy fuck.

Anonymous No. 220787

A boxing gym. Your meme martial art is only good for getting stabbed

Anonymous No. 220820

belts mean fuck all in bjj considering sandbagging is a common occurence in the sport

Anonymous No. 220821

Half of this is bullshit, the other half is very relatable

Anonymous No. 220829

I think largely the claims of sandbagging comes from the skill level of the average practitioner getting lower every year, so anyone looking half way competent get accused of sand bagging

Anonymous No. 220833

Idk, you sometimes hear about people competing at WB despite having photos of podiums from 5 years ago or something ridiculous like that. Some people just don't care how they get that medal

Anonymous No. 220838

Look at daisy fresh they get so much hate for sand bagging but they will promote anyone who comes in and passes there test.
Heath just has old school standards that aren't about money or making parents happy there kid got a black belt.
I am sorry but all I can think of is westside barbell, what do you mean?

Anonymous No. 220839


Anonymous No. 220841

Ah fair gotta ya

Anonymous No. 220845

Yes the scene has terminal cancer but not every school sucks.

That Team Sakuta ranking is SouthSide. The dude who runs that is completely insane. Like in a sort of impressive way. It took him years to get an affiliation because the locals he was under got him blacklisted. I don't recall the initial drama. But then he went rogue for a while and his whole merchandise campaign was #unaffiliated. Wore it like a badge of honor and created this intensely competitive school that won all the local white and blue belt matches since they could not do IBJJF. Then he shacked up with one of his female students and all the cucks hate him 2x for that. He is driven by pure spite. I have no idea how his upper belts fare but any home grown ones should just be getting to the purple level if I recall the timeline correctly.

M-Theory has a lot of Worlds and Pans gold on the wall. Of course Greg Nelson's Academy is legit, both are Sauer. Alliance is run by a holster sniffing douchebag manlet no one outside of that cult can stand being in the same room with. And there are spots of light here and there at other places but mostly it's all about the business aspect now. I can't think of anywhere that has more than 40 students that is not family focused at this point and personally I don't like sharing an academy with children due to germs, that their parents often train after kids class and the children wander around, etc. Most of the GFTeam places are kid-heavy.

The Cellar was known for BJJ a looooong time ago when Marcelo Nunes was the instructor. And believe me you would not have an easy time with that man. He teaches at Zenith HQ now I think. Now i's more of a Muy Thai place. Everyone who was any good left when Marcelo left, and the few who hung on left a couple years ago.

Anonymous No. 220846

Part 2

The Gracia Humaita school is the passion project of some unbelievably rich Native guy who did like all of this training personally with Royce so to see them on the board is odd because I thought they were kind of self defensy. To see him beating out GFT by even 1% is pretty funny because GFT have a load of affiliates and the main guy is from Brazil and I believe the highest ranking black belt in MN.

Akagi is probably better now than it was then. But there is a definite attitude issue there. I kind of liked the head instructor but everyone around him have bad vibes.

Anonymous No. 220852

Well to me the main issue is that belts are given by individual dojos/gyms and rely on the judgment of the people there, so a belt is not a hard reliable metric. Like if someone tells me something is 2 yards long, I know exactly how long that is. If someone tells me they're a brown belt, I don't know precisely what that means.

And just to be clear, I don't think it's worth drilling down on further. I'm not saying the system should be fixed or even could be, it just is what it is and if people like that fine but I can't imagine taking it that seriously. Skill should be fairly obvious even when you lose and lack of skill fairly obvious even if you win. If you know you know.

Anonymous No. 220854

Oh i got it
>dump the BJJ entirely
>turn it into a boxing/kickboxing/muay thai gym
Its perfect now

Anonymous No. 220855

i think there needs to be more accrediation for rank because from what i can tell from irl and here on 4chan it's really pick and choose
>oh jm a blue belt
and then they either shit test you or they scower social media attempting to find a photo of you with your instructor wearing your blue belt

Anonymous No. 220856

like there are some schools in judo that will not let you train there unless you're willing to retest for your belt or you have a piece of paper that says you are who you say you are.
You can have all the social media proof you wanf if you arent accredited you cant train there

Anonymous No. 220857

I've only ever gone to one place so I haven't had that problem yet, but that's a thought I hate.
>I'm a brown belt
I'd probably just tell them my old place didn't have belts, I don't need that shit in my life.

The main problem I'd see with accreditation is that then you have to have standards for what means what that applies to at least most gyms, which means you need everyone or just about everyone to agree on and comply with those standards, and you need enforcement/inspection mechanisms to make sure the rules are followed which would cost money. Which I don't know if IBJJF has the capacity to do that? Or motive to try.

It would be nice though, because then that black belt would be like a degree you can take with you anywhere. Like being in the Seals or having a purple heart or something.

Anonymous No. 220858

Redpill me on bathsalts ben

Anonymous No. 220859

This is why if you are serious about it you find a way to get your black from someone beyond reproach like a coral belt, or some luminary like Mendes, Galvao, Danaher, etc. And even then it can be a crap shoot cause sometimes guys get old, have kids, and care more about the money and start awarding black belts to all sorts of undeserving cretins to keep their income going and people hear about it and see it on IG.

I moved a lot and never had a close relationship with any coach nor did any individual influence my BJJ in any serious way so when it was time for me I found a coral belt who offered a test as long as you could convince him it was the best path for you. And it was not easy or simple. It had around 140 combinations you had to design and demonstrate. Imagine having to come up with 6 COMBINATION escapes from north south. It took months to design, more to memorize, and this was after I had been training for well over a decade already. When I saw every shit brown belt I used to smash get awarded black belts on Christmas regardless of their skill from the school I left a month prior I was so sick of the bullshit that I didn't want to spend another X amount of years having to impress some new guy I don't give a fuck about and spend a boatload of money and attend classes constantly I was bored to death attending so I went that route and the coral belt agreed given my history. And I am glad I did. I'm not beholden to any local asshole.

Anonymous No. 220861

You could just go to a globetrotters camp and ask to be tested
You can be promoted if all black belts there unanimously agree

Anonymous No. 220864

That doesn't go down the way you think it does and I think IBJJF stopped recognizing those promotions.

Anonymous No. 220865

It was purely political, some bullshit reason about how the head of the organization doesn't verify the promotions as though heads of checkmat or gracie barra are personally signing off on every promotion that happens within the affiliation

The reason is they didn't like that globetrotters was giving people a way to participate in ibjjf tournaments without having to pay ibjjf fees to get their gym chartered since globetrotters doesn't charge anything to be in the association

But anyway, that only matters if you care about their certification which I don't. I have no interest in participating in their tournaments
There are many other high status organizations that allow people to participate without annual fees

Anonymous No. 220866

He's unstoppable when he's on bath salts.

Anonymous No. 220867

>It was purely political
As is almost every black belt promotion.

Anonymous No. 222490

Many dojo put too much focus on takedowns. At this point, it’s best to focus on ground game and encourage students who want to throw to crosstrain in Judo. My school would have a limited gameplan of standing to ground transitioned, entirely reduced to either the hardest or softest possible option. Pulling guard and Kani Basami only. Both of them would be permitted at white belt level, as would leg and (especially) ankle locks.

We need more respect and tradition in my school than I often see. This will be achieved by all sitting being done in seiza, frequent uses of the word “osu” and everyone carrying shinai that we won’t spar with, but we will treat as though they were shinken and the movement and decorum will flow naturally.

Also, no one will be permitted to directly roll with me. I will only personally train with my yudansha privately.

Striking is an important part of self defence. Therefore, our standup striking will pull from shin kicking, and our ground striking from combat jujitsu.

Weapon defence is also crucial. We will use the shinai not to spar, but to practice aikido weapon defence and joint locks. This will prepare us for the possibility of a modern knife attack.

A missing colour from the jujitsu belt curriculum is the traditional green, which should ALWAY come directly before brown. Green and brown are intermediate ranks. Black is advanced. Other colours are beginners. This is how they did it originally, and any other way is wrong.

However l, also want to honour the troops. Our colour system would thus be:
White, Blue, Purple, Camo (predominantly Green), Brown, and Midnight Blue (taken from Tang Soo Do, black represents death and I won’t have it in my school where I train my students to survive). There will be no stripes. Stripes are infantile.

Anonymous No. 222491

Many jiujiteiros lack grounding in footwork. To address this, we will open and engage from the ginga, and have a full capoiera band playing live during rolls. No other capoeira techniques will be necessary, although cross training, as with judo and aikido will be fully encouraged.

I want my students to have a proper grounding in kata and bunkai. To this end, starting at Camo belt I will teach them the original set of 20 (not the modern 24) Chang Hon Hyung. Plus U-Nam.

We will keep Ko-Dang, but I will rename it Juche, as the name has a strong spiritual importance to me, and I strongly prefer it. Apart from this, I will include the iron wire form from Hung Gar, and Ung Moon. All of these will be practiced with iron rings. The learning of these will take place in seperate, relatively inexpensive weekend long seminars. Filming of the Hyung will result in expulsion from the dojo, and exile from my federation

I will not elaborate on my reasoning for the choice of Hyung (the word kata will be banned), nor will I directly teach boonhae (as will the wordbunkai. We will show proper respect to Nam Tae-Hi.). Both will become apparent after ten thousand hours each of practice of them and ten thousand more of supplemental hojo undo.

The usage of any of the deadly techniques from the Hyunh, ESPECIALLY nukite strikes will be banned, punishable by expulsion from the dojo permanent exile from my federation.

To increase community outreach, and empower young women, an Uchi Deshi program will be offered for any female students 25 and under, accessible after a 45 minute long private interview in my windowless office. Membership to the program allows free training for any women who fall under the minimum waist size.

Anonymous No. 222492

Finally, all classes will begin and end with a brief 30 minute long Taikiken or Bagua circle walking warmup (these will alternate daily), and end with a Falun Gong method Chi Gong cool down of the same time period. This will settle our chi, and incorporate my mixed martial art in a perfect, jeet kune do style blend where you don’t actually ever need to crosstrain again after being awarded shodan. Crosstraining post shodan, OR as a member of the Uchi Deshi program (I hold those young girls to the high standards I KNOW they can meet), will result in banning, and exile from my federation.

This is how I will save Jujutsu.

Anonymous No. 222493

>green, which should ALWAY come directly before brown.
This is quite simply because if it was good enough for Funakoshi, it should be good enough for my students. I’ll therefore have a framed photo of him as the only decoration in the dojo. But I’ll tell everyone it’s a photo of Kimura. Then I’ll let a feeling of dread build up as everyone tries to workout whether the first person to speak up is congratulated, or expelled.

Anonymous No. 222494

Hear me out drop one j
A school for just BJ

🗑️ Xcat No. 222499

In Morocco we have many judo training links but we have been training on one movement for three years. I really don’t know why. Is this a judo training system or is it McDojo?

Xcat No. 222500

In your opinion, what is the strongest combat sport?

Anonymous No. 222503

>Mexican Ground Aikido

Anonymous No. 222504

I’m actually going to call it Gokyokkuken, because although we physically fight with four of our extremities (the hands and feet), the real battle is in the fifth extremity (the head, or more specifically, the mind). Miyamoto Musashi may or may not have once “a battle is won or lost before swords are drawn.”

Seriously, I don’t know if he did. I haven’t read the Book of Five Rings, but I do have it on my shelf, which impresses my students. So I’ll authoritatively pretend he did say it. And that’s why you need me to teach you a oomoplata through a non contact tai chi style flow drill. Because, otherwise? You’ll simply never get it down properly.

Anyway, my ground tumbling boxing classes are open to all who are willing and able to sign up to my unique, fixed price (no hikes! ever! wow!) decade long membership plan. All inclusive. 3 classes a week!

I know if you’re astute enough to have picked up that I am in fact mixing Shaolin and Wutang derived traditions with a pretty liberal hand (in which case, you show promose, and you may get the one off opportunity to hold horse-riding stance for three hours and become a closed door student), you may doubt my credentials. But what can I say. In my youth I traveled the world and mastered 127 forms of hand to hand combat. No big deal. You know who else did that? Batman.

Could I take to the night and save the world? Unfortunately, my truest teacher, made me vow that I would walk the path of the pacifist before he showed me the ultimate truth. So we’ll never know. (I think I could though).

Xcat No. 222573

I respect your opinions. But I think you are the one who makes this martial art so strong.

For example, if we have a Taekwondo player or any other art player who trains for eight hours, he will definitely beat a kickboxing or boxing player, for example. What do you think?

Xcat No. 222574

I am training in kickboxing in Morocco. In fact, the gym is not good. The trainers are bad and they repeat the same movements every session. Can you teach me some movements if you are interested?
My id in teleguard

Anonymous No. 222753

Sumo of course

Anonymous No. 222755

Judo with more ne waza combined with muay thai

Anonymous No. 222977

Agreed. Exactly why I learned groundwork from Judo Ne-waza techniques.