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Anonymous No. 220663

How to do sports? I've always looked at stuff like BMX, surfing, skate boarding etc and admired it, been interested and thought I wish I could do that. Never considered maybe I could.

I love surfing and I've tried it once. But I'm basically landlocked. How might I find one I like, and I'm overweight and non athletic so what are some sports with lower bars for entry until I get into shape? Any off the wall ideas rather than bikes, boards, the common ones?

Anonymous No. 220717

You do that shit as a kid, if you're really about that life.

Then at least as an adult it's not completely cringe. Still is a bit but not as much.

If you're an fat adult gamer posting 9gag tier images and asking how to skateboard, yeah it's too late. It's over. Try at your own peril, the damage to your body will only be outweighed by the damage to what little dignity you have left