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๐Ÿงต Indian fighters

Anonymous No. 223188

Where did it all go wrong?

Anonymous No. 223210

when one of them forgot to wash their hands before a fight and everyone in the indian bracket got cholera

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Anonymous No. 223236

their population is so huge, they could have potential if they adopted olympic style wrestling but they would rather wrestle in mud pits

Anonymous No. 223244

This is some hardcore shit. Imagine being a pajeet then you join the wrestling club and the first rule is no sex.
>"No, Rajesh! You can't join your normie homies on their gangrape expeditions! You made a vow when you joined!"
In exchange for strength to ragdoll people, you must master nofap/norape.

Anonymous No. 223249

you have to master the art of not wiping your ass with your hand.
master the art of using a wipey to pull one ply toilet paper stuck to your asshole hair

Anonymous No. 223250

He won a couple of fights before the recent fiasco. People don't realize they are getting PSYOP'd by the chinks to hate poojets. I'd say to give him another chance.
...Or so I thought until I watched an interview where he says he could submit Khabib.

Anonymous No. 223279

There's certainly at least a few olympics-worthy wrestlers in there, but this form of wrestling is their traditional sport that they see as preserving their culture, so good luck convincing them to start doing freestyle instead

Anonymous No. 223479

in the womb

Anonymous No. 223626

Seems unfair tbdesu, their opponent would be unwilling to be within a 5 foot radius of them due to the stench, let alone grapple.

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Anonymous No. 223914

Jubli bros....

Anonymous No. 224256

the first word

Anonymous No. 224503

That's not the issue, they dont need western style wrestling. There just isn't enough jeet wrestlers for them to have a big enough talent pool/people who want to compete in other countries. Punjabis/curries would rather their children study than do anything physical.

Anonymous No. 224754

>actually you're being tricked into not liking Indians
Good one rajesh

Anonymous No. 225973

that desi cutie from the wmma is a sign that it can go right

Anonymous No. 226316

Nope, she just got arm barred and tapped tonight. This Irish chick got her good.

Funny enough the Indian chicks name is Pooja, kek. You cant make this shit up

Anonymous No. 226320

They put all their athletic elites and attention on cricket. Also malnutrition is big in India