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Anonymous No. 223550

>from paintball, through skiing, medieval combat arts, to jeet mud wrestling
>no mention of rowing

Anonymous No. 223556

>no mention of stilt walking
Where is the performing arts board

Anonymous No. 223749

She Stroke on my Cox till I Crab

Anonymous No. 223759

There are supposedly quite a lot of river rowers on this board, and whitewater stuff seems pretty extreme to me.

Anonymous No. 223869

Rowing is a genteel and refined sport like cricket, golf, or polo, and it has a strong enough pedigree to justify being on /sp/ - it isn't niche or unknown.

Anonymous No. 223908

>it isn't niche or unknown.
I'd say all the sports you mentioned except polo are quite a bit more popular than rowing.
And boxing/mma (both of which are plenty present here) are definitely more popular.
Rowing is constrained by it's cost and usually only colleges within proximity to water (more precisely, rivers) can afford to substantially invest in it, and let students participate.
Not arguing whether it should or shouldn't be on /xs/, but I'd say it's niche enough to be pushed out by football bulshit within an hour of being posted on /sp/.

Anonymous No. 223912

I'm from /sumo/ and we keep a thread on /sp/ every other month when there's a tournament on, and typically go through four or five threads over the 15-day duration without being totally obliterated by football. I think if football doesn't get it's own board (it won't) this ought to be the meta for smaller sports. There ought to be enough people interested to maintain a thread during any big events in the rowing calendar.

Anonymous No. 223940

Really? Kayaking or white water rafting or some shit like that I could see. But I bunch of college kids on the flattest, most serene piece of water they can find is hardly extreme.

Anonymous No. 223961

Nigga there are threads on here about skiing, skateboarding, paintball and fencing.
A billion figting sports where your worst fear might be a slight concussion.
"Extreme" means fuck all here.
>on the flattest, most serene piece of water
The water isn't the key here
That's like criticizing F1 drivers for not racing off-road instead of their carefully prepared molten tracks.
Rowing optimally even in a perfect environment is no easy feat.