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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 224305

Imagine this if you will
An MMA promotion , but a little different. The fight is set in a stadium and there are no rounds, in fact there is no time limit.
Two fighters enter maybe they fight and finish at the very beginning, but maybe the other runs when he feels at a disadvantage. will the other one be able to catch up? maybe the stronger fighter knows he won't be able to catch the faster fighter and saves his energy, then they both wait. Who will go to sleep first ? will they wake up as the other fighter steps towards them at 4 a.m.?
It could be called extreme real fighting.

It seems to me that for this kind of fighting , the best kind of phenotype would be a 5'7 endurance athlete. a 6'4 240 lb man might be able to function and stay awake for 4 days in a flight or fight situation, but 6 days or a week? enjoy falling asleep and waking up to 170lbs jumping on your face or throat heel first just for him to run away before you can gather your wits, knowing you can't catch him and he;s going to do the same thing when you fall asleep in a few hours again and again.
Looks like you're the one who;s going to get heemed, lanklet.

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Anonymous No. 224309

OP vs picrel and pic rel is a boxer
who wins

Anonymous No. 224310

but who would win between two boxers in this format? Athony joshua or a boxer 50lbs lighter than him with a good 400 meter time ?

i think you know the answer.

Anonymous No. 224312

*jumps on your neck while you're asleep from exhaustion then runs away before you get exhausted and fall asleep again, biglet*

Anonymous No. 224317

>pretend to be asleep
>counter-ambush my opponents ambush
>flawless victory

Anonymous No. 226095

Thought picrel was wristless for a good second. Goddamn. Ugly ass hand.