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🧵 I made a family tree of all the most popular martial arts

Anonymous No. 225001

All of the martial art family trees online are shit, so I decided to create a half-decent one. How did I do? What did I do wrong? What should I add?

Anonymous No. 225008

>What did I do wrong?
Made this absolute abortion of a thread, for one. There’s no one who’ll end up ITT who’s not autistic enough to tell you how Fujian White Crane connects to Goju Ryu, or whatever the fuck else. And even after all that, your family tree is a minimalist piece shit, containing almost no information. A thread died for this you FUCK. I wish it was you who died. Now, get ye gone, and never post here again.

Anonymous No. 225019

>Krav Maga

Anonymous No. 225028

>wrestling and boxing, the two most effective martial arts are missing

Anonymous No. 225043

Krav Maga is mainly based on a mix of European martial arts. It's founder was born in Central Europe.
Wrestling and boxing are generic terms. As the image says, I have have only included codified martial arts styles.

Anonymous No. 225044

As someone who has always been slightly confused by the various lineages of ancient juujutsu and aikido branches, I'd like to see more of that.
Judo being a hybrid of kitou-ryuu and tenjin-shinyou-ryuu seems interesting enough to mention, for example

Anonymous No. 225048

No arnis?

Anonymous No. 225078


>What should I add?
Shuai jiao and sanda/sanshaou are notable omissions. Weird how you mentioned Funakoshi but not Shotokan the style he founded. You spelt bjj wrong.

>What did I do wrong?
Sambo didn't descend entirely from judo. European boxing and old school savate were also big components.

>I only included the most popular styles
You have Chuck Norris system on there.

>Wrestling and boxing are generic terms. As the image says, I have have only included codified martial arts styles.

>What is Greco-Roman, freestyle, folkstyle, catch wrestling, luta livre, etc.
>what is bareknuckle, queensbury rules, dutch kickboxing, american kickboxing, etc.

Anonymous No. 225112

>A thread died for this you FUCK
Oh no, not the x>y bait thread with last reply from 2022, how will this board ever recover

Anonymous No. 225137

That was a better thread than this, and you know it, you disingenuous cunt.

Anonymous No. 225139

where would vale tudo and luta livre fit here? they competed with bjj but also influenced it. vale tudo was brazilian proto mma. also bjj was originally known as gracie jiu jitsu.

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Anonymous No. 225688

you forgot the best one

Anonymous No. 225909

Any updates from the OP?

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Anonymous No. 226257

OP here. I had a bit of free time today, so I expanded on karate and kenpo. More coming when I get more free time.

Anonymous No. 226627

Shouldn't there be a direct line drawn from Shotokan to Taekwondo? Which ancient Korean martial art is Taekwondo supposedly based on?