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๐Ÿงต New Sport in 30s

Anonymous No. 225400

>only liked martial arts as a sport growing up
>as an adult have had knee problems (ACL, MCL)
>have tried to continue martial arts but have blown my knees previously and now realise BJJ/MT is just going to result in that again
>need another sport so I can meet people and not be a shut-in

Surely others are in this same situation, i.e. don't like team/ball sports, prefer something like martial arts but can't do it anymore

What sport should I do?

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Anonymous No. 225407

hey man, what about boxing? how much emphasis is put on your knees there? There's a lot of bending and moving so i don't know.
If your acls and mcls are fucked though then maybe what you need is fuckin' surgery. If you can't get surgery then ripppppppp. Especially if boxing won't do it for you.
Might have to be, like. A walking club or something dude.
Or some fake martial art, like aikido.

Anonymous No. 225409

Didn't you make this thread before and people told you BJJ/MT were going to shreckt your knees, but you did it anyways?

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Anonymous No. 225413

if so, he is fucking epic for that hahaha.>>225400
one thing i forgot to mention: have you checked out ATG? Like, kneesovertoesguy on youtube? If you're fucked anyway, you might as well go ham on that (with proper rest also) for a while. Maybe it'll take a month, maybe it'll take a year, maybe it'll never get your knees to a comfortable level, but it's worth a shot if the alternative is never training again.
ATG is exercises that are specifically to strengthen your knees and increase their mobility to prevent injuries, and to rehabilitate existing injuries. Stay hard brother!

Anonymous No. 225477

if you play a proper jiu jitsu game you probably shouldnt injure your knees

Anonymous No. 225573

Just do whatever martial art you want but take it easy. You're not gonna be the best at anything you start at 30+ anyway and you can still enjoy being part of a community.

Anonymous No. 225701

No not me, though I could imagine this is fairly common 30yo boomer scenario

Anonymous No. 225702

I never found the instagram/youtube knee guys really made a difference for me. What made the difference was doing physio for like 6 months twice a week, then less regularly since then

We started from scratch with basic isometrics, strength, pliometrics etc and kept building up. Legs are strong as they've ever been now so it worked like a charm

But now that they're fixed I'm pretty hesitant to fuck them up again, like maybe BJJ would be okay but I'm aware of the risk.

Fuck it, maybe I'll just go to /fit/ and become a powershitter. It's only lateral movements that cause my knee issues so powerlifting would be fine

Boxing would probably be the best out of martial arts for my circumstance I guess - I've had surgery in the past, not in a state where I need it now but more like aware that I need to derisk a bit

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Anonymous No. 225706

Pickleball. Can play mostly solo. Easy on the joints. Incredibly fun. Can be learned in literally 15 minutes. Awesome for aerobic health. I play at my local YMCA a few times a week and I've developed a bunch of good friends.
>muh senior sport
It's not just old people. But even if the people in your area are mostly older, the great thing about Pickeball is that age doesn't matter. I'm 30 and I play with a few 70 year olds that mop the fucking floor with me.

Anonymous No. 225952


Train your knees, dumb dumb

Anonymous No. 226051

Gordo was a BJJ guy who invented half guard because his knees were fucked. Bjj is the tai chi of combat sports dude.

t. Training since '02 and 3 knee surgeries from unrelated BJJ injuries

Anonymous No. 226055

If you wanna be super casual, bowling and other bar esque "sports" like billiards and darts/axe throwing could be good.

It can get competitive, but it's also casual and good for meeting people. Plus gentle on the knees.

Anonymous No. 226056

you could still try judo or wrestling, you aren't going to get your knees destroyed if you take it easy. just make sure to always warn whoever you're training or sparring with.

Anonymous No. 226062

>What sport should I do?