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3 hobbit hole 14 ....jpg

🧵 /wip/ - Works In Progress

Anonymous No. 1003386

/wip/ - Works In Progress - HO HO HO Edition

Brothers, the end of the year is nigh, may 2024 have been a productive year for you, and if not, may 2025 be the one. Amen!
Now please do go ahead and post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here, cheers friends.

Previous thread: >>998180

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3 hobbit hole win....jpg

Anonymous No. 1003387

Winter edit of the hobbit hole for those who might want to fiddle with it in the future

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Anonymous No. 1003389

Finished some home appliance props I had lying around for a long time. Was a bit of a pain to make these not because they're hard but because of how mundane they are, but I'm happy with the results

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Screenshot 2024-1....png

Anonymous No. 1003405


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Anonymous No. 1003406

Haven't done low poly stuff in years, but trying to get back into it. Was actually slightly inspired by Yiik of all things.

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Anonymous No. 1003415

This will never be finished

Anonymous No. 1003430

very nice

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Banana Terracotta....webm

Anonymous No. 1003433

Rig test.
Lil guy after sniffing a few too many fruit scented markers.

Much weight painting needed, no idea on how to solve the clipping near the ears and also making them bend.

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Anonymous No. 1003441

This is the start of something special

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Screenshot 2024-1....png

Anonymous No. 1003444

what is it missinggggg

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Anonymous No. 1003449

doing some sculpting practice and messing around with rendering. hopefully i can get this to look good enough to retopo

those look really good wow

very cute, if you want to emulate the orthographic reference more i think you should make her hair bigger (it might actually big that her bangs are too big). that might be it

you got the yiik style down really good, the face especially it looks like something brian would make

looks cool, i respect artists who model architecture, i've never tried it yet

good luck on the rig, i need to practice it more as well

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Anonymous No. 1003454

god I hate this part of the project
can't wait to start messing around with textures and lighting

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Anonymous No. 1003455

making fat anime bitches feels antithetical. like you have to bloat parts of the face but somehow still remain smooth enough to not show pronounced wrinkles that the bloating would cause irl

Anonymous No. 1003456

i love those collages

Anonymous No. 1003463

cuz theres sexy fatties and unsexy fatties.
sexy fatties have chubby cheeks but no goyder. unsexy fatties are all goyder

Anonymous No. 1003464

i dig the design

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Anonymous No. 1003467


Anonymous No. 1003468

sick, love wh40k

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Anonymous No. 1003469

I'm calling it a night
we still got a long way to go

Anonymous No. 1003478

>those look really good wow
Thanks! I'm glad you like 'em

Looking cool, I dig the large gap in the middle there

Anonymous No. 1003484

what software did you use to do this?

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Anonymongus No. 1003505

It's based on this concept art of Anno

Anonymous No. 1003518

Maya for modeling, blender for sculpting (zbrush interface pisses me off), i'll do the finer details in substance.

Anonymous No. 1003519


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Anonymous No. 1003526

Anonymous No. 1003540

Wow dude I've been horny all week I finally cummed now

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Anonymous No. 1003587

Modeled, textured, rigged and gave some facial expression shapekeys to a customizable rodent guy character. Next up I'll give it shape keys to morph facial features

Anonymongus No. 1003600

I tried fapping once a week
For a while I felt good, even noticed my tolerance increased when I was lifting
But I noticed that I had lost all my libido, for a while I was worried I'll have a floppy disk for the rest of my life
Luckily I didn't.

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Anonymous No. 1003602

Today's progress

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Anonymous No. 1003608

learning sculpt and blockout

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Anonymous No. 1003647

i know it's not great but this is the first time I think I've been able to sculpt lips that can actually be recognized as lips so it's a minor step forward.

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Anonymous No. 1003668

512 texture 8k tris I might throw it away I don't know if it goes with green

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Anonymous No. 1003672

am i getting close to my reference?

Anonymous No. 1003706

Your reference is a white woman so yes, I can't see the difference, maybe make it a bit more annoying and entitled

Anonymous No. 1003720

most accurate white female human sculpt I've ever seen. I'd hire you in an instant if that portfolio came across my desk.

Anonymous No. 1003722

You're racist.

Anonymous No. 1003725

I wouldn't say I'm racist, more like severely discriminatory towards white female humans in such a way that could be considered biased, bigoted, and exclusionary

Anonymous No. 1003729

In other words, you're racist.

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Anonymous No. 1003730

why is anatomy so hard brehs how can i improve

Anonymous No. 1003732

read The Anatomy For Sculptors and sculpt along

Anonymous No. 1003733

that's literally what i'm trying to do, got almost the entire book up in my pureref

Anonymous No. 1003735

I used to be all over girls who looked like that circa 2005.

Anonymous No. 1003758

Yeah pretty much

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Anonymous No. 1003766

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anatomy wip.png

Anonymous No. 1003782


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Anonymous No. 1003811

My god this thing is taking forever

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 1003814

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anatomy wip leg f....png

Anonymous No. 1003835


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Anonymous No. 1003850

I want to become a cheesburger

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Anonymous No. 1003882

Quick softbody hair test

Anonymous No. 1003883

is she jewish

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Anonymous No. 1003885

Rat mob for a game I'm making with some other fellas from /3/ who've disappeared on me.

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Anonymous No. 1003887

I don't know. It's the old MakeHuman default model.
How do you defeat it?

Pic related is nothing in particular. Just another test case for my IK rig I've made sometime.

Anonymous No. 1003888

ok but she definitely looks jewish.

this is why I don't tell people I do 3d.

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Anonymous No. 1003891

This is from a newer version of MakeHuman. I'm going to swap it in at some point.

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can i even call i....png

Anonymous No. 1003896

been procrastinating on the hands. maybe I will do what I did with the feet and append in a nice hand model and use it as a guide alongside other references

have tested it a few times by remeshing and smoothing and it looks better than anything I've been able to sculpt so far so i will for sure need to learn more in this area. original plan was to make it into a fully rigged and posable basemesh for myself but I think i will study more and make a few more iterations before moving on to rig it.

so far it's all pretty much subdivided cubes and curves so once I finish the rest of the body I will apply everything and roughly sculpt and adjust some shapes that I couldn't quite get with just cubes and curves. especially along foot/ankle area and back/arms area

Anonymous No. 1003904

hit it with a sword

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Anonymous No. 1003914

Alomst there

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Anonymous No. 1003916

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Anonymous No. 1003939

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i hate hands.png

Anonymous No. 1003941

i hate hands i hate hands ihateh ands i hate hands i hate hands

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hand 5.jpg

Anonymous No. 1003946

Hands are cool and fun

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Anonymous No. 1003947

And one day a hand will be under your bed

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Anonymous No. 1003957

Anonymous No. 1003962

amazing model

looks like a tranny

Anonymous No. 1003965

teach me your secrets, blessed hand master

Anonymous No. 1003978

do not extrude fingers off of the palm. Make the fingers first and after placing them correctly, make the palm to conform to the finger geometry.

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Anonymous No. 1003981

To fix the IK in Blender is taking longer than expected but I will get there eventually.

Anonymous No. 1003985

Box with basic shapes
voxel remesh
shape to desire
add fine detail if you want

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Anonymous No. 1003986

Forgot epic pic
Merry clitoris

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Anonymous No. 1003987


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modern jew vs nea....png

🗑️ Anonymous No. 1004003

see i knew i wasn't crazy. merry christmas frens

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Anonymous No. 1004006

kinda losing steam on this one, probably i'll just fix the hand and call it a day
anyone have any ideas how i can do the atmosphere/earth out the window? ideally i'd find an HDR pano from 10km up but that seems unlikely

Anonymous No. 1004010

why dont you rig and animate the hand stirring the drink and then simulate the ice cubes and the liquid moving and then upload it here

Anonymous No. 1004013


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scuplt wip.png

Anonymous No. 1004014


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Anonymous No. 1004016

sigh. new year coming and i have nothing to do..

Anonymous No. 1004030

because each frame takes 8 hours to render

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Anonymous No. 1004043

is my neck too long? it feels too long but it matches up with the reference. am I just retarded?

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Anonymous No. 1004044

first time sculpting a fat bitch, still has a lot left to work on but i´m getting burnt out of trying to work while my computer is shitting itself, so i´ll continue after i upgrade my shit

Anonymous No. 1004047

i like it

Anonymous No. 1004048

This looks like a 2 minute render on a 3060.

Anonymous No. 1004050

yeah haha i totally dont have a 1050 that took 34 minutes to render a single fucking cycles frame

Anonymous No. 1004054

maybe get a job or something dude

Anonymous No. 1004064

you have zero idea what you're talking about, i have like 5x the compute of a 3060 in my computer, but please, show me a 2 minute render that has refractive participating media, i'd believe octane or iray can do this 2-4x faster but no renderer is doing this in on a 3060 in 2 minutes kek

Anonymous No. 1004068

I just tested it on my 3060, i rendered it in 1 min 45 seconds.

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Anonymous No. 1004069

Dragon pencil holder

Still need to fix the wings

Anonymous No. 1004070

this is an eevee tier render at best, unreal tier at worst

Anonymous No. 1004071

you forgot to post images ^_^

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Anonymous No. 1004073

i brought it down just a touch

Anonymous No. 1004075

Rig it with Mixamo and look for issues such as forearms being longer than the arms. Stuff like that.

Anonymous No. 1004077

Consider that while posing you should be able to put the wrist and the knee on top of the shoulder and the heel on top of the hip joint.

Anonymous No. 1004078

>put the wrist and the knee on top of the shoulder and the heel on top of the hip joint.
sorry what does this even mean

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Anonymous No. 1004079

Like this. It's to check proportions.

Anonymous No. 1004080

oh i get it sorry
way too high poly to put it into mixamo right now and blender's pose tool shits the bed when I try to pose so I'll give it a shot after retopology.

Anonymous No. 1004083


isnt that a mine shaft? fuck i hate AI shit.

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Anonymous No. 1004084

With the spine fully bent forward, the knee should be able to contact the shoulder. Roughly anyway.

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Anonymous No. 1004099

wow thanks!
i finished the eyes changed the shape and made some shape keys

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Anonymous No. 1004100

no funny face

Anonymous No. 1004101

>i will never be this good
that's it I'm done.

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Anonymous No. 1004108

i genuinely have no idea what im doing, winging this as i go but this is the farthest I've made it without giving up so I gotta see it through

Anonymous No. 1004114

you can literally just copy his topo. He posted it. It's yours now.

Anonymous No. 1004116

are you making hoe gear? This may be tough depending on your hardware, but what I do for super tight outfits is duplicate the body mesh, push all verts in a tiny amount so that it's entirely encased within the body mesh. Then go over areas with a brush I want to have cloth so it barely pokes out. Or the opposite, poking an expanded mesh in to hide it. Whever works best for the outfit. Then when It's done I do a boolean subtraction so only the mesh sticking out is left and there are now verts hugging the edges of the body mesh, conforming to topo perfectly.

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Anonymous No. 1004119

not making clothes, attempting to retopo. can see how you would think that though given the other pic. is very lewd looking at it again.

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Anonymous No. 1004192


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SDF test 02.mp4

Anonymous No. 1004224

Don't remember if I posted my last sdf test. But this one is an improvement over the last. I'm still not sure if it's "right". But it's handled better. Before, I was projecting the position onto a plane that's always 1m in front of the camera. and then project points onto that plane to make the SDFs. That caused scaling issues. So I tried to reposition the 1m plane, onto the actual camera's position. But that was wrong too.

This time, I realized that the points shouldn't project to a single fixed plane. Rather, the scene should project to a plane at the point's position. Doing that seems to make everything else fall into place. Now the scaling works. I'm a little concerned it might still be off. Because when I set two SDF sphere flush against each other(mathematically speaking, they SHOULD be flush) I can still zoom in eeeeeextra close, and see a teeny gap. I'm hoping that's just some rounding wonkiness, and not an indication of a real problem.

Next step is to re-learn how to make the tube shape. Which I'm unsure how to do now that things are projecting differently.

Uncompromisingly economical topology, while still retaining decent deformation and shading. I dig it. This is the kind of "low poly" I can get behind.

I don't want to get into the subject of topo. But her actual body shape is not very appealing. You over emphasized her musculature, not making her soft enough. And you gave her strong boxy core like she's some kind of athlete, instead of the curvy hourglass shape she normally has. The pec/shoulder/bicep musculature is wrong. The bicep should be a lot closer to the pit, and tuck up under the pec. The pec tucks under the shoulder, so tends to give way to the shoulder. And the face? Well, it needs some work too.

Anonymous No. 1004231

Why is it so hard for you to pick up a middle school math book and read it?

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SDF test 03.mp4

Anonymous No. 1004247

Dammit, are you that anon who pestered me the last couple times about learning math? How do you know it's me? Or are you just pester everyone about math?

I don't know why. It's boring I guess. I'm not even sure what I need to learn exactly. Every time you pester me, it's in vague terms. According to you, I'm just supposed to learn math... and that's it. But what should I learn?

This guy has some real good insights on the topic of SDFs
I just have to wrap my head around what he's showing. I feel like I'm getting an understanding of it in parts. But having trouble putting it all together in nodes. Because it's not as simple as typing an equation into a compiler. If it were, I could just copy his work point for point, and reflect on why it works. But because I'm using nodes, I have to figure out how to tell nodes to do something similar. I'm pretty sure my current projection setup will make it possible to copy his tube method. I just have to figure out how to tell nodes to do it.

Anonymous No. 1004249

i like 'em lean, sue me
I'll try to fix the rest though, ty. to quote my past self:
>i genuinely have no idea what im doing, winging this as i go but this is the farthest I've made it without giving up so I gotta see it through

Anonymous No. 1004251

i got an sdf shader working in unity. i can share some of the details when i get home if youre interested. that little seam between the 2 spheres, it might not be a real problem in the end result depending on how youre using this. is it to simulate goo? or something else?

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Anonymous No. 1004252

design is sibjective and prsonal. just take these as siggestions. you can make her shapelier without adding any volume.

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SDF test 04.mp4

Anonymous No. 1004254

>is it to simulate goo? or something else?
Not goo. I want to use SDFs for a few things. Texturing for one. I would feel a lot better having procedural textures that don't rely on UVs. 2. Similar to texturing, I want to create the illusion that things are inside of other things. I was pretty pleased to create parallax anime eyes. But I figure I can go a step further with SDFs. I can make eyes that feel like they have real depth. Though, any eye shape that isn't a sphere looks weird with a sphere floating inside. But anything that is sphere, can be made to appear to have convincing depth inside.
3. and this is the most ambitious idea of them all: creating hair. It's come to mind that if I can link enough tubes together, then I can make hair without polygons. And they would be infinitely smooth. I know that's a farfetched idea, but hear me out.

I already found a hacky way of setting up SDFs in place. First by distributing hair curves on the head like normal. And then converting each curve into mesh edges, and then converting the edges into points. In Cycles, points are detected as perfectly round spheres. Each sphere can contain its own SDF tube. Put them together, and you create the illusion of a string. Pic related is as close as I got the other day. I only half-built the tubes, because I knew the SDF math was off. Still, it should give you a general idea of where I'm going with this.

>i can share some of the details when i get home if youre interested
I'll take whatever insights you can share. I just hope I'm capable of absorbing it.

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chel yellow line.png

Anonymous No. 1004255

There's really no accounting for taste. Well, I still have to insist that you can improve the shoulder/bicep connection. Here are some lines to hopefully help with that.

As for her torso, you can take the lines there as a suggestion, like the other anon said. But I just think some small tweaks can make her look sexier.

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SDF test 05.mp4

Anonymous No. 1004257

Here's the hair strand copied 10,000 times. Resulting in 560,192 points.(It should be 640,000 points, but many strands got masked out when distributed onto the surface) Notice how the viewport is capable of keeping up with that many points. Only a small amount of frame dropping. It's pretty fast in real time. No mesh, only points and shading.
A 4 sided profile would result in 2,240,768 faces. Or 4,481,536 triangles. 8x more tris than points.
If I ever get better at SDFs, I could reduce the point count further. I set up the curve so that each turn of the coil is defined by 8 segments. But I suspect that with SDFs, I could define a coil using 2 segments that bend. It might take 3 points to create the bend, I'm not sure yet. But if that's true, then the point count can be reduced by half.

I'm getting ahead of myself. first, I have to figure out the basic shapes.

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Anonymous No. 1004258

have we moved forwards or backwards

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Anonymous No. 1004260

That's a step forward. Very nice. Verify with a reference of shoulders you think look nice. And be wary of AI. It's everywhere these days.

Anonymous No. 1004261

is there a lot of ai on artstation? that's where I've grabbed most of my stuff, + anatomy for sculptors (though I obviously haven't been referencing it enough). i hear about artstation a lot in ai whining but idk if that's because it has a lot of ai or because people are pissy about it being scraped.

Anonymous No. 1004263

I don't have any experience with artstation. I just grab stuff off of google typically. But half of all google results are AI generated now, so it's a real pain the ass to make sure I'm looking at a real person. It's better to find specific people you enjoy looking at, and remembering their names, so you can always refer back to their official social media. Thus avoiding AI interference. I suck at remembering names though. Try out Monica Granda and LeanBeefPatty for starters. I don't think their overall shape suits Chel. But they're good for studying the muscles. There was another popular muscle girl with a nice tapered waste and really thick thighs, but her name escapes me.

Anonymous No. 1004265

Found her. "Carriejune Anne Bowlby". Or "misscarriejune"

Anonymous No. 1004301

Siiiick. How are you animating her head? Bones only or are you using shape keys as well? Personally I use a bone to move the whole head, one for the jaw, and shapekeys for minute things like blinking and facial expressions

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EEeehhhh, Yeah.webm

Anonymous No. 1004313

IDK what do with them whiskers and ears, can't do physics stuff since my toaster already shits itself with this rather basic setup :<

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Anonymous No. 1004328

are there any good resources for actually learning good topology/retopology? searching on youtube only gets me videos on how to set up a shrinkwrap modifier and extrude shit. it's like teaching me random words of a language instead of how the language should actually be spoken.

Anonymous No. 1004340

just google "face topology" and copy one that looks good.

Anonymous No. 1004348

Her face is not appealing. Moving a bit her features would make her look better

Anonymous No. 1004349

You can do multiple things to fix it, did you rig the ears?

Anonymous No. 1004350

what would you suggest

Anonymous No. 1004353

i think she's pretty, it's just the matcap that makes her look ugly. maybe make just make her jaw a little more smoother, but i think it would all look a lot better with a stylized shader

Anonymous No. 1004355

what I've seen done is doing physics stuff on a lattice or simpler mesh to use with a deform modifier
maybe that could work for you

Anonymous No. 1004357

whats the backstory on this critter

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Anonymous No. 1004364


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Anonymous No. 1004369


Anonymous No. 1004398

we'll need to see it with smooth normals, a gokd shade4, and normal light to be sure, but you may need to soften the creases around the nose way more than you logically would to make her face soft like her 2d design.

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chel cycle v eevee.png

Anonymous No. 1004412

idk that's by far the thing i struggle most with and really not looking forward to it. threw together a quick test, i especially struggle with eevee after the eevee next update. always get these weird shadows.

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chel and lips.png

Anonymous No. 1004415

Topology is fine. Looks like you copied from a decent reference. I would do things a little different, but that looks good enough to carry you to the next stage. But she just doesn't look like Chel. She looks like a black person cosplaying Chel.
Chel's nose is shallower. Look at her face from a size profile. They didn't draw her at profile a lot, but you can catch animation frames from the side. She has a small tip, not a bulbous one.

Also, now that you have decent lip topology, it's time to shape her lips to look like Chel's lips. Your currently lips are just two plain looking. She has more top lip, and they're shaped like she's always making a kissy face.
You can break down the shape of the lip into simple sections. Pic related is how I think of them. Everyone's lips are a little different, but I drew the image with equal parts, to make each part clear. You can draw lips in a simple line if you want. But that's not how Chel's are drawn. Her's has that shape where its' lifted in the middle, and then comes down on the sides. And then the corners quirk up when she's amused.

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chel lips 2.png

Anonymous No. 1004423

i did the nose the way I did because frankly she looks weird in profile and i wasn't sure how to translate it into 3d but I'll mess with it later. how are these lips

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Anonymous No. 1004424

the profile:

Anonymous No. 1004425

>how are these lips
Abysmal. I would prefer to see it with shade smooth on.
Here's a little trick: Create second material for the lips. Set it to a lip color of your choice. And then assign the lips faces that color. That will help you see the lip line while you're shaping. It's not perfect. Because nobody's lip line is as razor sharp as the edge of a polygon. But it still helps during this phase of the process. Before you have proper textures.

I suspect that's an animation error. Her nose is shallow, but it shouldn't be *that* shallow. You can find a good looking medium if you tried.

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Anonymous No. 1004427


Anonymous No. 1004428

Well... Now you see what you need to fix, right? The topology is fine. You just need to shape them better. You can't have the lip line going all the way around the corners like that. It looks like clown makeup. You have to tuck the corners in, for starters.

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Anonymous No. 1004433


Anonymous No. 1004436

I can't be your eyes. You have to learn how to see on your own. What's your plan? To post every step you make until I say it looks right?
Do you see Chel's lips? I don't.
Lip her bottom lip up, so as to cover her bottom teeth. Lift the upper lip to expose more upper teeth. Tuck the corner more. Make the upper middle indentation more pronounced. Make the bottom middle indentations pretty much non existent, because her lip is mostly rounded there, if a little straight. But not indented at the bottom. Pull more upper lip out on the sides.

It's a little frustrating not having the power to do it myself.

Anonymous No. 1004437

let's call it personal style lol i've clearly bitten off more than i can chew

Anonymous No. 1004438

>i've clearly bitten off more than i can chew
Maybe, maybe not. You just have to look at things objectively. Like, look at the reference, think "where does it differ?" Identify the difference, and then force the shape to match. It's hard to explain, because it's mostly a mental thing. About one's perspective. Learning how to see things as they are. Not as you wish them to be.

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Anonymous No. 1004441

thanks, shape keys only. i don't have the know-how to do fancy facial bones yet.
i'm doing a few tests with rigging, plopped a rigify rig with the smooth corrective modifier. it's great so far, saved me a lot of time that i would waste with making perfect weight paints and making a rig out of scratch. gotta work on the fingers, though.
i like this schizo looking fella. i suggest you take a look at springbones, it's free.

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Anonymous No. 1004460

reading this convo got me interested and no, it seems that is how the nose is supposed to look

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Anonymous No. 1004463

Found and fixed another bug in Blender's IK system last night.

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SDF test 06.mp4

Anonymous No. 1004464

It's taking all of my brain power and time to figure out how to make an SDF line segment. And I STILL can't do it right. I've gotten closer. Mostly thanks to this guy's video where he translates the concept into shader nodes.
But he only does it in 2D. I have to adapt it into 3D. My attempt ended up with a tube where both ends are scaled to the same size. So it lacks depth.
Still, it's a tube.
At a small enough size, you can't really tell the scaling is off. The new tube scales to the curve properly, so now it doesn't have those ugly overshoots at the turns.

There's a big downside to this hacky method. making hair too thin reveals some real nasty masking artifacts. I guess you can call them that for lack of a better term. It's like all of the points aren't blending cleanly, and allowing black spots to get through. Not sure what's causing it exactly.

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Anonymous No. 1004466

I was supposed to get this to a presentable state today, let´s see if I cant get there

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chel prelim.png

Anonymous No. 1004505


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chel prelim.png

Anonymous No. 1004507

actually fuck that i forgot i made something way better a few months ago

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Anonymous No. 1004563


Anonymous No. 1004566

face looks the best here.
arms are too long though

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Anonymous No. 1004568

really? not 100% accurate but rotated them as best I could into a relaxed position with proportional editing, they reach about mid thigh.

Anonymous No. 1004572

The forearms are longer than the arms. They're also twisted incorrectly.

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Anonymous No. 1004573

It this helps.

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chel shortened arms.png

Anonymous No. 1004637


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point distributio....mp4

Anonymous No. 1004663

I'm beyond happy. I set SDFs aside to work out another task: Distributing points on faces.
It may sound crazy, but I wasn't happy with the default node that's meant to do that. The "density" level is too nebulous. You raise the density up by 100, and only 5 more points appear. It's so strange. Not reliable. My new node is very reliable. It's *perfect*. When you set the density to 100, it puts 100 fucking points on the mesh. Perfectly translating to a random distribution within any amount of faces you selected.

There's only one way to make this node better. And that's to somehow affect the chance that a face receives a point, based on the face's area. Because as it is now, it can't discern between large faces, and small faces, and so it treats them the same. Thus, areas with higher face density will appear packed more densely with points. You can't really notice it on surfaces with more or less even face sizes. But the more disparity there is, the more noticeable it is. So figuring that part out would make it the ultimate point distribution node.

Also, I figured out how to make curves transition from lines to circles in a curling fashion, while maintaining a consistent length. The curls are looking quite nice now.

I also figured out that the same method that interpolated the random points onto faces, works to interpolate normals as well. That was a good discovery, because without it, aligning the normals of the points had a face-isolated pattern. But now they're nice and smooth.

Pic related is a combination of all three new discoveries. Creating this neat looking hair pattern. It's probably not realistic, but it looks kind of cool. I'm just happy to have a reliable way to distribute a set amount of points. Feels good to have something *solid*.

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even point distri....mp4

Anonymous No. 1004678

I got it. Luckily someone already came up with a node solution for weighted randomness. It would have taken me a million years to figure it out on my own.

I modified his solution by changing the "ceiling" to "floor". I think it works, because ceiling was counting starting from 1, but floor starts its count by 0. Starting from 0 made it fit the index.

Check out this example. The left shape is without weighted random. Notice how the points seems to bunch up near the tip. It doesn't realize the tip is small, and should have fewer points. On the right is with weighted random. it accounts for the size of the tip, only giving it a sparse amount of points. Watch when I size the tips up. The shape on the right redistributes more points to the face as it grows, claiming a larger share of space. Maintaining the same amount of points. No points are subtracted or added. Only moved where need be.

I just realized that it can be improved still more. Weighting by area alone, didn't account for the transition from from big face to small face. But oh well. I'm done for the day. This is good enough for now.

Anonymous No. 1004680

you've been going on like this for months, probably over a year even. Why don't you actually create something

Anonymous No. 1004684

I'm trying to avoid writing another tldr post. But you're making it hard with your open ended question. The short of it is this:
I've been at it longer than a year. I've been dabbling in Blender for maybe 3 years now. I've only just recently started to feel like I'm understanding concepts. Something clicked recently. Suddenly I'm understanding nodes, and actually comprehending sines. Before this recent shift, I felt like I was flailing. Nothing I've worked on was good enough. Nothing I'm working on now is good enough. But I'm making progress.

I'm trying to do a lot of stuff procedurally. Like procedural texturing. Mainly to avoid dealing with UVs and conventional texturing. I'm trying to learn a bit of physics. Trying to learn how to make shadows. Trying to learn how to make more advanced rigs. There's still a lot to learn. I barely know what I need to know in order to make what I want to make.

Anonymous No. 1004685

I kind of felt like you once, I think. I go for breadth first vs depth first. Some say this is the slow method of learning but leads to better results in the end. I find it takes me longer to get results, and sometimes I end up with projects with a huge amount of commits and just debugging scenes to show for it. Unfortunately I am old and poor now.

However I also picked up traditional artwork on paper with pencil and paint and have been practicing very seriously for years now. I have major goals in the traditional domain, but I find it helps my vfx greatly as well...

Anonymous No. 1004687

The thought to practice more broadly has crossed my mind a number of times. I don't think I'm being *too* narrow though. I enjoy jumping from character modelling, rigging, to geo nodes, to shader nodes, then back to modelling again. I feel like I have a dozen different tasks that I alternate between, which I find pleasing. I don't post everything I work on here. If you think I've only been at it a for a year, then that means you haven't caught on to everything I post here, and even that is only a fraction. For example, I didn't post the head that the points are distributed on. Even though it's a newly reworked head with improved topology. I haven't posted my latest hair physics experiments. I considered posting some of the wackier simulations, but it wasn't a good time, because I was posting too much already. I haven't posted the update to my lashes. But the lashes are distributed more evenly now.

Some tasks are more developed than others. But advancing in one area, gives me inspiration to advance in the others. They're all focused on making a good character model. So when they all start to feel "complete", they will merge into a finished product.

Anonymous No. 1004693

in my experience the key to character model that is of the quality I am going for (ILM) is soft body physics simulation enveloped by a skin with around 200 nodes and many different parameters

Anonymous No. 1004700

What's ILM?

Anonymous No. 1004702

industrial light and magic

Anonymous No. 1004722

this actually isnt hard to do. Hard in the sense that you might fail. It is a lot of hard work to set up, but you still must model that original mesh in the ILM photo realistic, without being scary looking, high def textures kind of way. The blobs and goobers moving the mesh can be whatever as long as they work.

Anonymous No. 1004744

Are you the guy that did KoboldKare? It's looking great

Anonymous No. 1004745

Those sharp edges and delicious topology... I'll cum

Anonymous No. 1004746

Mmmm nice, but need to be thicker at the thighs I think

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Anonymous No. 1004766

WIP akatsuki

Anonymous No. 1004775

we've come full circle now. guess I can start rigging

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Anonymous No. 1004779

Getting there.

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No meatballs here....webm

Anonymous No. 1004852

Just your average middle school kid dealing with paranormal creatures/cryptids, while his BPD mum lays unconscious on the sofa from taking 2 much benzos, Also trying to kill president George W. Bush before he starts his 6th term.

Pictured here is Alka SeXXXer, the spiciest meatball in the music biz, first episode is about trying to dispel rumours about him being on the "DL" after being spotted in Atlanta (all bruthas here be gay, no 'ceptions).

Yeah, the writing is kind of shit, no i will NOT work on this.

I think i get the gist of it, i'm using the deform modifier over bendy/spring/any bones since i don't know how to use it with the rigify metarig.

Still, i need to change the cloth settings, it should be keeping its shape instead of compressing like a pillow, there's a bit of ugly clipping in the collar too.

Animation overall still feels too robotic and the facial expressions are rather Charles Manson-ish, will work on that next :D

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Anonymous No. 1004863

results of first day learning rigging!

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Anonymous No. 1004864

Not the thighs
The Hips are lacking as fuck.
Not only her original artstyle/design has them very wide, this one has, and forgive me for making that analogy in a comfy thread, literal manhips.
If you just thicken the thighs the pelvis will still look like shit. It needs to be widened a bit, and if we are talking canon proportions - until they are wider than the collarbones

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Anonymous No. 1004873

i have constructed thiccification shapekeys but because you retards keep whinging about it you will never see it.

Anonymous No. 1004875

Everyone trying to stick their fingers in your pie is an indication your pie is good.

Anonymous No. 1004880


Anonymous No. 1004884

>joint physics
>in blender

this isn't going to end well.

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Anonymous No. 1004917

Lil feller trying to act natural, which manifests in giving the worst impression of The Fonz in history.

Downloaded version 4.3 and uh, eevee is looking different, no bloom or AO anymore, gotta start fiddling with the mats and lighting again.

Clothes are no longer clipping with the body since i changed the solidify outset, but now it's causing problems with the ears again, don't really know how to adjust the, "hitbox"? shucks.

I'm gonna be asking for some opinions, also the occasional death threat @_@

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Anonymous No. 1004928

surely i have learned from my previous time sculpting striaght from pose haha...

Anonymous No. 1004940

A neutral pose wouldn't really work for your type of bodies anyway, you would have to resculpt most of it after posing

Anonymous No. 1004941

Don't lie to him with kitschy little phrases. Everyone is trying to stick their fingers in his pie, because he's *close* to something good. There's potential there. He's just somehow always a degree off the mark. People think all he needs is a little advice. But when he tries to apply the advice, it somehow comes out no better than before. And other bits of advice he ignores for reasons of taste. Except his taste kind of sucks.
Ultimately, only he can decide what makes him happy. If he likes what he's seeing, then so be it. But don't try to sell him the idea that we all secretly like it. You do him no favors that way.

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Higher transparen....png

Anonymous No. 1004950

>There's a big downside to this hacky method. making hair too thin reveals some real nasty masking artifacts. I guess you can call them that for lack of a better term. It's like all of the points aren't blending cleanly, and allowing black spots to get through. Not sure what's causing it exactly.
Figured it out. it was only allowing about 8 transparencies to overlap, before giving up. You have to adjust this setting higher to allow more transparency overlaps. It appears to go high enough to deal with the many overlaps through hair. So this hacky method might be viable after all.

Anonymous No. 1004960

it's too late, my ego has been irreparably inflated. jokes aside I should have probably been more clear that I'm not pursuing a 1:1 depiction of chel and this is more of a spontaneous thing that came from trying to learn female sculpting and so i will apologize for being a dick

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 1004994

might use this in the capsule art for my demo

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Anonymous No. 1004995

yup... i think i got a capsule art for my future demo right here.

Anonymous No. 1005003

Would/10, whats the plan anon?

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Anonymous No. 1005015

for the game? well there isn't much right now, but it's gonna be a little FPS with randomly generated levels. development is at snail's pace. i've only sort of tackled the movement and recoil feeling, and now the player character i guess. i gotta work on the animations and weapon scripts now.

Anonymous No. 1005016

I can no longer play any fps due to motion sickness. I used to be able to play for hours at 30 fps with goldeneye, halo, killzone, etc but now even at high fps I get sick very quickly. I dont know whats wrong with me.

Anonymous No. 1005017

whats your platform? i tried to collab with a couple other /3/ users but they bailed on me. We were working in unity. I was the technologist doing all the programming, and frankly i did all the 3d modelling because i was the only one who did anything.

Anonymous No. 1005019

Add a delay between the gun's recoil and the camera moving. The arms don't instantly transfer force.

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Anonymous No. 1005021

eh, for me it's the opposite. but i feel like modern FPS games go overboard with the effects like screenshake, over the top viewbobbing and shaky animations, it's indeed kinda nauseating.
that sucks. i've only had one collab experience and it played out similarly. i'm using unity too, mostly out of convenience since it has a lot of handholding plus it's use of C# that comes with really useful stuff like LINQ. also because Unreal's a little bit too much for me and Godot's too undercooked currently.
i plan to replace it entirely, it's just a little procedural animation since i don't really have animated arms. (i stole those from counter strike as a placeholder... wink wink) it's not even moving in the right direction too, the viewmodel should actually angle downwards to simulate recoil control as it happens irl.

but yeah, as i said, i'm kinda stagnant on actual development besides the movement part, and the models which is the thing i'm spending my time with. i'm kinda fed up with using extremely crude placeholders, i want to have semi-finished viewmodel arms and animations as a minimum. vidrel is my most recent addition, i plan to cap the speed so it's not gamebreaking and just keep it as way for people who are a little more skilled to traverse more rapidly. i'm using a rigidbody controller though, so i'm pretty much doing the movement code from zero...

anyway, i shouldn't be rambling on too long for something that's barely even there. i'm hopeful there'll be more content next month.

Anonymous No. 1005026

you have to understand that aiming at the center of mass for irl is ok, but in videogames it's straight up homosexual behavior, thus you have to build your recoil pattern (literally copy paste from first CS before source) to adapt to absolute male beasts that only hold the W key and adad and spam shoot and rush as their one and only play style, yes peeking behind a corner for cover is most beta behavior, only enforced by homosexuality modern gaming
you know what they did to them in my days?
>slap slap slap
an automated script called them out and slapped them around the map so they literally couldn't camp, that my fren, was old school CS heaven

Anonymous No. 1005034

>that sucks. i've only had one collab experience and it played out similarly. i'm using unity too, mostly out of convenience since it has a lot of handholding plus it's use of C# that comes with really useful stuff like LINQ. also because Unreal's a little bit too much for me and Godot's too undercooked currently.
well im still looking to form a network. ive made playable builds of a few games already. im also into anthros and erotica, but even if its not a "porn game" and just a normal game with sexy characters thats cool too.
heres a discord link if youre interested

Anonymous No. 1005035

youre going to make me cry.

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Anonymous No. 1005040

one day i will learn face rigging but one thing at a time. copied what anon said earlier ITT and made a bone for the jaw and will use shapekeys for the rest

Anonymous No. 1005078

That looks breddy cool, I'm making a game also and I highly recommend you team up with a coder man so you can focus all your efforts on the art, otherwise you're probably just gonna burn yourself out, unless you have shaolin monk levels of dedication and focus, not impossible, but highly unlikely

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Anonymous No. 1005115

My /wip/, anyone got any advice in terms of getting the UVs to match the size, any good resources for making UVs work with procedural textures?
Wow, that's impressive, hope to be at your level by the end of summer, need to actually fully nail modeling before I start on the dev side of things but I'm getting there.

Anonymous No. 1005125

....don't you think you should follow Andrew Price's tutorials on how to model and texture a simple object before doing a character?

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SDF Hair 01.png

Anonymous No. 1005159

Back to the hair stuff.
-With my new and improved point distribution, the curves distributed better on t the hair, covering more scalp.
-Improved normal interpolation also helped with curve distribution, direction wise.
-The SDF line still lacks depth perspective, but whatever. That can be fixed later.

-I plugged in the principle BSDF this time, so you can see it shaded. Dunno why I didn't do that before. By default the shading of each point is a perfect sphere. The SDF only isolates the part of the sphere that makes the hair strand. So the hair's shading bends in and out, in and out, like spheres overlapping. This is no good. I set up a bump map to try and unify the normals of the spheres. But it's not that simple. I'll have to figure out a better solution. It's probably going to involve creating all kinds of gradients and mixing. Dunno. For now the hair strands appear to have more shading and highlight detail than they should.

-Tried to improve hair dynamics. Now the hair droops down. Not very good, and each strand loses it's curls the more it droops. But by pausing on frame 6 and moving the camera to the side, you can almost pretend she has an afro with some weight to it. You can see the ends stretching away though. I'll have to figure out how to make curves keep their shape as well as their length.

Anonymous No. 1005185

I've done the donut and other hard bodied objects and scenes, now I want to have a try at characters and have done some low poly ones with low res painted textures, now I want to increase the poly count and incorporate procedural materials, so I need better practice at unwrapping the model and making the material display evenly, my first instinct rn is to work on my remesh which should give me better results, following that I can then go back to unwrapping also I learn best by doing and trial and error

Anonymous No. 1005196

you're not ready. You need to look at the anvil tutorial.

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Anonymous No. 1005234

How would you make this scene more interesting? Rendered in low sample count just for preview purposes.

Anonymous No. 1005244

Put a creature in the jar

Anonymous No. 1005245

the shrooms arent textured or rendered very well at all.

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Anonymous No. 1005249

practicing texturing a bit since I'm so terrible at it and this "painterly" style is kind of fun but gets kind of difficult very fast once there's actual geometry.

Gonna try to git gud at it though.

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Anonymous No. 1005265

rig mostly done :)
still a few things to polish up though but the end is near

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Anonymous No. 1005269

You're right Anon, here's another attempt.

I need to try more lighting set ups because I'm still not convinced.

Anonymous No. 1005277

im going back in, im gonna do it right and finish it this time

Anonymous No. 1005279

much better

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Anonymous No. 1005284

By coincidence, I happened watch a video that talked about optimization, and how to reduce overdraw. Basically, overdraw is when the GPU has to render the same pixels multiple times, due to overlapping elements. This is a large issue with transparency. The gpu has to do a bit of extra work to ensure the transparencies of two objects are overlapping properly. That's why I had to set the transparency bounces higher here: >>1004950

Overdraw is very taxing. As an experiment, I created 1024 sdfs on top of each other. Blender didn't freeze, but it did stop updating the image of the SDFs. They were like a frozen block in the middle of the screen as I swiveled the camera around. But that experiment didn't use transparency. I did all the SDFs in the same space. Blending them together with the maximize math node. Still, I believe it ran into the same issue. Each SDF requires measuring the distance of every pixel on screen to a point. Stacking that function 1024 times, meant that every pixel on the screen had to be drawn 1024 times to mix them all. That's a lot.

Then why is it possible to make hair out of 650k SDFs? That's way more. Well, as it happens, the smaller the screen space an SDF calculates, the less overdraw occurs. Each segment of the hair curve is converted to points. And the diameter of the points is the length of the segment.(plus a fraction more to overlap the neighboring segments) This makes the space that the SDFs are in, fairly small. Which reduces overlaps.

In fact, it's a little counterintuitive, but the higher the resolution the curve becomes, the smaller the sdfs, the fewer the overlaps, the speedier it renders. Of course, that speed is counterbalanced by the amount that it's rendering. So essentially, I can make the hair higher and higher res, and Blender doesn't completely shit itself. At 8m points, it takes a second to load in the sdfs, but once it's loaded, I can still move the viewport around with tolerable lag

Anonymous No. 1005288

I find it funny that you are so tied to blender and into this stuff when really you should be down to the bare metal and developing your own software.

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Anonymous No. 1005306

testing rough walk cycle with cloth sim, will probably do something for the hair too.

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Anonymous No. 1005308


Anonymous No. 1005311

Fine log, brother. Is it for sittin or burnin?

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Anonymous No. 1005316

it's for weary travelers to sit and have a little lunch

Anonymous No. 1005317

It's a fine log for lunchin.

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SDF Hair 02 8,660....png

Anonymous No. 1005337

I wanted to post a test render. And I wanted it to look good. So I tried improving my curve dynamics. I spent all day on it. but it just keep getting worse and worse. And now I've somehow made it so her hair doesn't move at all! Very frustrating. And now her hair looks like shit standing up stiff. Oh well, I'll just turn her head to the side to disguise that fact.

Here's what 8,660,000 points looks like. 20,000k individual curves, with 434 points each. It renders relatively fast. I I set the render time limit to 12 seconds, or 64 samples. I don't know which one it hit first. But point is that the SDFs scale up very high, which is good to know. I can even turn the sdfs off, perform hair dynamics, then turn them back and, and they're right where they should be.

I wouldn't even know where to start. I hear about people making "hello world" programs. But I don't even know where you input the code. I'm completely clueless about code. I made a small program on my TI-83 once though.

Anonymous No. 1005347

>I wouldn't even know where to start. I hear about people making "hello world" programs. But I don't even know where you input the code. I'm completely clueless about code. I made a small program on my TI-83 once though.
lol why don't you just start reading github engines then or just read the blender source code. There is a lot of notes and information in the blender source code that you dont get in a regular google search

Anonymous No. 1005360

How do I stop playing games and start making 3d masterpieces?

Anonymous No. 1005361

deliberetely schedule time where you work on 3d. make a promise to yourself. you will work on 3d for 1 hour tomorrow. if you do youll get yourself a treat. if you dont then you cant play videogames at all that night.

Anonymous No. 1005364

Sometimes I just install a game to play in the meantime, but after I started it I think well until I finished it I won't do anything. I can't ration my time for stupid reasons.

Anonymous No. 1005367

next time you're "bored" of scrolling things on an endless social media feed, launch blender instead. If you can't come up with anything to model, steal other peoples ideas and recreate them.

Anonymous No. 1005372

I think the board needs an "inspiration" thread where people throws interesting shit to help give other anons ideas.

Anonymous No. 1005373

you can. youre stopping yourself.

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Preview A Clay.jpg

the chair nerd No. 1005385

Testing greenery for holes (Holes mean more post on video)

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Anonymous No. 1005392

I have no fucking idea how to keep those visor corners sharp without pinching and also need some tips on how to fill the glass portion of it so that it conforms to the shape.

Anonymous No. 1005393

Read what exactly? Where would I actually input code? Like, the actual interface that allows me to create. What is it? Surely some kind of text box of some kind. But where? How is it executed?

Like, if I said "you should learn to draw". And you asked me "how?" I would say "go to the store, and buy a sketchbook, a pencil, and a good eraser. Then watch or read this specific tutorial"

What are the actual tools a person needs to code? And what are the actual learning resources to get started? If you tell me to "just google it", I'll shit in your mouth.

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Anonymous No. 1005394

Ok i seem to have hacked my way around it and it looks somewhat serviceable now

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1736858080145044 ....png

Anonymous No. 1005396

cool you found a solution. But why didn't you do your topology like this?

Anonymous No. 1005397

For some reason deleting those 2 edges actually helped sharpen the corners with loops without pinching
I have no fucking idea how.

Anonymous No. 1005398

>Read what exactly?
the code, dummy. You get valuable insights at what's actually going on so you don't have to make your cringe posts anymore.

>Like, if I said "you should learn to draw". And you asked me "how?" I would say "go to the store, and buy a sketchbook, a pencil, and a good eraser. Then watch or read this specific tutorial"
If you want to learn to draw you could also do it by reading the blender source code. All you would have to do is find the shading equations for simple diffuse and simple specular and execute them on paper (dot product basically)

I get the impression that you are scatterbrained and are posting a lot, under like the guise of like 2-3 different anons. I dont understand this. Why don't you just learn to code and learn to use google search, people in grade school can do this. It's easier than its ever been.

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shit eater.mp4

Anonymous No. 1005403


Anonymous No. 1005404

this animation isnt even remotely good. Thanks for proving my point.

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Anonymous No. 1005425


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Anonymous No. 1005435

really struggling with the cloth sim but overall im happy with it. time to put this one to rest I think. all in all it was fun from start to finish. i remember when she was just a cube :)

ty for the help frens

Anonymous No. 1005436

very sexable, what is she for?

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Anonymous No. 1005439

experimentation mostly
i want her boomerang to double as a glider of some sort

Anonymous No. 1005442

Cloth sim looks good to me.

Anonymous No. 1005443

i don't like how bouncy it is, especially when the back cloth hits her legs. still fucking around with settings to try and fix it but that's the best i got so far

Anonymous No. 1005473

any of the books by gottfried bammes

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Anonymous No. 1005510

WIP thingie

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Anonymous No. 1005513

Doing a likeness and a fanart. Still don't think my likeness is on point though. Can anybody here tell which actor it is supposed to be?

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Anonymous No. 1005532

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Anonymous No. 1005537

started on textures

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Anonymous No. 1005548

Ladies and gentlemen, behold the sex haver haircut. This guy fucks, how 'bout you

Anonymous No. 1005560

paint 6 nipples

Anonymous No. 1005573

There's a familiarity to his face, but I can't place it, because I hardly watch any movies or TV.
I recognize the fan art, but I won't say.
It's a nice sculpt regardless. It looks like a realistic dude.

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Anonymous No. 1005582

dammit anon
now she wont take it off

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Anonymous No. 1005628

forced myself to actually try to finish something for once and made Crona from soul either. still working on trying to do the who "anime shader" thing

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Anonymous No. 1005657

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Anonymous No. 1005713


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Anonymous No. 1005778


Anonymous No. 1005793

hmm i think this kind of face does not support eyes that large.

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Anonymous No. 1005798

eyes give me so much grief ngl

Anonymous No. 1005800

>the cancer gun sway

take a gun, or something that resembles one and turn with it

is there a retarded sway? or do your arms stay stationary compared to torso

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 1005803

rigging next

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Anonymous No. 1005804

rigging next

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Anonymous No. 1005806

tail bag

Anonymous No. 1005807

what is it with this board and rodents

Anonymous No. 1005822

I do agree that anon has gone a bit overboard with it, but there is something really charming to me with those sort of superexaggerated FPS gun animations, especially with the visor overlay. It reminds me of mid-2000's extra immersive stuff like Metroid Prime, Republic Commando and Halo.

I'd say keep the directional sway and tune down the jitter. The low frequencies add a special feel while the high frequencies just makes it
busy. And have the states ease out more and slower so that it isn't too obvious when it snaps back into place.

Anonymous No. 1005823

yes anon
i will follow your explcit instructions to run around with a gun
my actions have been incited by your words

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Anonymous No. 1005828

More haircuts, this time we have "The Bakugou Special".
Which is better, left or right? I prefer left more, it has a more discernible design, I feel the smaller spikes to the right make that particular variant more messy and therefore visually unappealing

Anonymous No. 1005830

you need a hybrid with some big some small to create variety

Anonymous No. 1005837

Tried it, looks like ass

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Anonymous No. 1005879


Anonymous No. 1005896

alpha numeric

Anonymous No. 1005897


Anonymous No. 1005908

try it again when you suck less

Anonymous No. 1005909

they are relatable

Anonymous No. 1005910

Whoaaahhh take it easy bro somebody piss in your coffee this morning, take a chill pill baby

Anonymous No. 1005920

I think he's quoting the show Reboot. Suggesting your character looks like she comes from it. I haven't heard that expression in years

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images (1).jpg

Anonymous No. 1005940

yes exactly

Anonymous No. 1005983

well is this an "epic win" or an "epic fail"?

Anonymous No. 1005991

Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.

So I waste my time replying to everyone only for this fag to fuck me.

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Anonymous No. 1005996


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Blender Irwbpydh0r.webm

Anonymous No. 1006001

kek we all gotta start somewhere!

this is fun as heck.

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Anonymous No. 1006017

It's done

Anonymous No. 1006022

Looks nice, I can appreciate commercial looking animations
It would be funny if you zoomed out and the mesh was revealed to be a giant cock, but not in a homosexual way, you know

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Grabación de pant....webm

Anonymous No. 1006034

i'm making furniture with pixel style, i think i can use higher resolution, 1 meter is 16 pixels

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Anonymous No. 1006036

changed the face and got my base rig set up

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Anonymous No. 1006163

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Anonymous No. 1006166

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roid rage.png

Anonymous No. 1006171


🗑️ Anonymous No. 1006174


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Anonymous No. 1006175

A weird little tank i made, it references the Citadel from Brigador. Credit to the Brigador guys, don't know how they get so much detail going in a small package

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Anonymous No. 1006288

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Room render.jpg

Anonymous No. 1006302

Modelled a room.

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14 - PS2 controller.png

Anonymous No. 1006303

It started out as a silly idea to model out a silly little room, until I start adding some more ideas like a train in the background, traffic (in blocky pixels), and exploit the multiple texture filtering so I could make an emission texture with linear texture filtering mixing in with the sharp chunky pixels to make a fake glow.

Anonymous No. 1006304

i like these a lot. cheers anons


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the chair nerd No. 1006467


Anonymous No. 1006469

dust map and weathering would bring it all together

Anonymous No. 1006474

cardcaptor sakura?!!!

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angery not zombie.png

Anonymous No. 1006593

A not-(furry)zombie for our gaym

Anonymous No. 1006610

which gay m

Anonymous No. 1006629

Our game will be called Bio Sin, it ain't out yet but we plan to release a working demo within april, otherwise within june tops

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hammer rust.png

Anonymous No. 1006689

Do you guys like my hammer?
It's supposed to be a weapon in a videogame, it has 1500 tris, I created a material to make it look rusty and the idea is to save the results of the material in textures to load it in a game.

Anonymous No. 1006691

it looks like its made of copper, which is unusual for hammers

Anonymous No. 1006692

I tried to make it black iron with some rust.
Maybe I should change the rust color or lower the amount of rust?

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Anonymous No. 1006724

the rust part shouldnt be shiny and the black part should.
here's a solid copper hammer head i cast myself. it broke because i tried to press a nut into it for reinforcement, it was slipping off the hammer handle anyways.

Anonymous No. 1006747

I modified the material following your recommendations.
Wanted to post it but the image limit was reached.
It looks a bit better but I'm not quite satisfied with the non-rusted part, I'll have to keep iterating on it.

Anonymous No. 1006757

Are you shittin' me, we reached image limit! Who's the brave soul who's gonna make a new thread? Come on I did it last time, how 'bout a collage too eh, gotta keep the tradition alive lads, whoever will accomplish this feat will be showered with endless praise and a blowjob

Anonymous No. 1006758

>with endless praise
ok baking it n--
>and a blowjob
On second though, no, get away from me you faggot.

Anonymous No. 1006763

>how 'bout a collage too
maybe we would have more collages if anons learned how to render with a transparent background

Anonymous No. 1006772

>On second though, no
Uh huh, excuses! You weren't going to do it anyway.
I'm a girl (biological) btw, you missed big time boy :3

Yeah it's a pain but when I did the collage up there I just Magic Wand + erased the backgrounds, plus I did some manual work, quick and dirty, you wouldn't even notice, only if you made the deliberate effort to look closer, but on a glance? The crudeness of my work is invisible. Come on lads you can do it! I'd do it myself but I don't wanna since I did it last time

Anonymous No. 1006774

>you missed
praise > blowjob
One of those i can get by hooking up with any random whore.
The other is has to be earned.
>Verification: not required

Anonymous No. 1006790

Praise gets old very fast

Anonymous No. 1006791

Never, I'd kill for praise

Anonymous No. 1006792

when its unearned

Anonymous No. 1006863

pretty cute face anon, keep going!

Anonymous No. 1006888

New >>1006887

Anonymous No. 1009293

>i'm the bestest, i am so badass, i have the best waifu

huh, yeah, i do, and she's pretty badass in a number of ways.