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🧵 /wip/ - Works In Progress

Anonymous No. 1006887

/wip/ - Works In Progress - Bolts edition

A thread for work in progress of your projects, for recently finished projects or things you'd like critiqued.

Previous >>1003386

Anonymous No. 1006891

Cool shit man

Anonymous No. 1006899

>No collage
/3/ is dead

Anonymous No. 1006904

Sorry I'm new here.

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Anonymous No. 1006911

I made a very ugly crossbow.
I'll have to keep working on this.

Anonymous No. 1006940

>no collage
someone make a new thread, this is NOT it.

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Anonymous No. 1006946

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Anthony Fantano S....webm

Anonymous No. 1006947

Lil feller exposing US war crimes against antediluvian beings sired by fallen angels.

I need to develop a creative writing method that doesn't devolve to this

It was an utter nightmare working on those shape keys for the eyelids, seems kinda ok now.

Some thoughts:
>I screwed up the physics for the ears, i gotta learn how make them only bend instead of compressing and stretching and losing all its shape, i'll rework on this later.
>I don't know in which cases the rig is broken and when i'm trying to bend the bones in unnatural ways that would cripple or kill someone in real life.
>UV unwrapping is a fatal weakness of mine, i need to work on this as well.
>Animation seems to look better when you mix some faster snappier movements with the slower, floatier ones.

Making fantasy assets breh? you got some project cooking :D

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Anonymous No. 1006952

I animated this today. I keyframed at 15fps then changed to 30fps at the end. Used five animation layers.
>base animation layer for waving and face
>additive layer post infinity cycle to make root controller hover up and down
>physics layer for arms, tits, hair, butt
>copy of right arm base animation on an override layer, keyed to override the physics on that arm during the wave, then back on again after.
>final override layer of all controls set to the first frame, keyed on last frames so the animation loops.

Anonymous No. 1006954

very nice

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Anonymous No. 1006958

Basic walk cycle
Nice bounce

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SR Motel room no ....png

Anonymous No. 1006962

This will have characters at some point, I just am lazy and am putting off rigging. Going for a 70's-80's dingy motel room

🗑️ Anonymous No. 1006963


Anonymous No. 1006997

>the subtle ear animation
Your mouse is so appealing. I wish more games had your excellent taste. The only thing I would change is move her arm out of the way so we can look at her sidebutt jiggle every time she walks. Maybe she could be smug and walk with her elbows up in the air with her hands resting on the back of her head- that way we can see her butt and her armpits while she walks.

Anonymous No. 1006998

>No hobbit hole
>no post

don't try to change the op pic

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Anonymous No. 1007006

Do I have a future in modeling?

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Anonymous No. 1007029

shit i did nothing today huh
trying to keep everything as a subdivided cube or curve but the legs were too hard to get the exact shape i wanted so i ended up remeshing them a bit

also the collage was an integral part of board culture, its absence is further proof that /3/ (and 4chan as a whole) is long dead. frankly, 4chan culture died around the time that moot left.

Anonymous No. 1007035

where are we going with the face? I know this is a sketch mesh but it's going in a muppetty direction

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face no eyes.png

Anonymous No. 1007036

is it the eyes? idk at this point, it's just kinda there. i have a few ideas but making faces is hard and it's probably gonna look goofy no matter what.

Anonymous No. 1007037

do you have a reference?

Anonymous No. 1007038

not for the face, no, i'll be honest i haven't really thought that far ahead yet. mostly been following anatomy for sculptors and some stuff i found on artstation

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Anonymous No. 1007043

Taking a break from my mentally deficient dog creature, instead i'm remaking the music video of Devin Townsend's Seminal classic "Incarcerated Intercourse".

Anonymous No. 1007044

It's not an inherently bad base form for a face, and even base meshes for faces often (and are supposed to) look radically different after they're done.

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Anonymous No. 1007075

Gotta make this more gross and hopeless, I'm biting the bullet and UV unwrapping something properly for the first time in my life,
Only thing left i think is tweaking the head further and modelling some hands, everything else is scene stuff.
>No (you)s
Either i left everybody speechless with my l33t skills (Extremely unlikely), or i'm being too cringe to even be worth replying to (Very likely).

Anonymous No. 1007079

>'m biting the bullet and UV unwrapping something properly
I'm sorry bro. do you need anything? Is there next of kin we can contact?

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Crisis averted.png

Anonymous No. 1007082

No, no need to worry, i've survived rigging something, i've survived 3 different +8 hour donut tutorials that i've promptly forgotten, i can certainly do this.

Uh, well at least my cats will dispose of my body before it starts rotting too badly.

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Anonymous No. 1007102

Somehow putting 4 walls around this thing fixed a lot of stuff going on with the lighting.
I'm gonna keep fiddling with krita until i find a proper snuff film filter.
Tomorrow i hope i won't fuck up the UVs again so i can finally start painting the normals/colors for the cracks and notches.
Peace :D

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Anonymous No. 1007103


Anonymous No. 1007104

you bisected the arms into smaller pieces to represent masses of muscle and bone, but the legs are all one piece. I think they'd benefit from the same treatment. imo

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appartment wip.png

Anonymous No. 1007112

Working on making an apartment.
Now I need to make some walls inside the living spaces, then I'll start making windows and doors.
The windows and doors have to be separate objects because I want to make them interactable in my game.

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Male Anatomy Brea....jpg

Anonymous No. 1007116

Not that anon, but I can't fault him for simplifying legs because legs are an anatomical nightmare, if you try to do a study you quickly realize what kind of clusterfuck of muscle, bone and ligaments it is, it's really hard to isolate the individual parts of the leg, where do its "pieces" start and end.
I couldn't find a satisfying resource online that could break legs down to its core components so I looked up a shitload of references to make a quick reference study of my own, and even then I still felt the need to simplify at times, more precisely by fusing multiple pieces into "regions" of sorts.
Pic rel is the study I did, to anyone looking feel free to take it, see for yourself whether you'll find it useful or not, just be aware that I'm still learning anatomy despite drawing for over 10 years, artan' is something you never finish learning

Anonymous No. 1007131

whats the best way for making and animating a big whirlpool without using a fluid sim? not intended to be super realistic, will be using a toon shader. in blender but can do maya if needed

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Anonymous No. 1007138

found something

Anonymous No. 1007140

yeah i haven't tried it but i would probably use some cone shaped mesh, then apply a displace modifier and then move the displace texture using an empty on an inclinated axis.

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Anonymous No. 1007141

yeah you're right i got lazy. like the other anon said it's a bit complex so i cut it into the 3 post painful spots after leg day jej

Anonymous No. 1007143

Try to indicate the sartorius and it's good enough as far as I'm concerned

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Anonymous No. 1007154

Need some more objects, any suggestions?

Anonymous No. 1007155

There could be some puke on the ground.

Anonymous No. 1007156

kek I was gonna add some spilled liquid on the floor next to the cup

Anonymous No. 1007158

A watercooler, a snack dispenser, some hanging air vents, some electrical wiring, maybe some pipes, a trash can. Up to you which of those you're gonna add or nah

Anonymous No. 1007167

it has a suicidal touch to it, really depressing, I say SAVE these settings, just in case you want really suicidal looking look

Anonymous No. 1007172

a vaguely human-shaped stain on the floor, and slushees and popcorn. this room needs to smell like old popcorn.

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Anonymous No. 1007174

still contemplating whether or not i'm gonna submit under my real name so probably shouldn't post here after a certain point. no way in hell am i getting top 100 though so probably doesn't matter.

Anonymous No. 1007178

At first I was like cool I want to participate, I can do something Cthulhu inspired, and then I saw the prizes
Most of these rewards are trying to get you hooked up unto subscription plans, that is so predatory

Anonymous No. 1007182

i mean you can still participate and have fun with it. but you're right it's a big ad. the announcement video unironically spent 20 seconds out of 10 minutes actually discussing the challenge itself.

Anonymous No. 1007183

Hmm maybe it's the lighting that's giving off the depressed/suicidal tone? Wasn't intentional but maybe I'll keep it like that. I tried making the space feel lived in. Also how are the proportions?

Anonymous No. 1007186

Proportions are difficult to judge due to the absence of a humanoid figure in your scene. At a glance they seem alright but we can't tell for certain until an anatomically accurate character is inside your scene for reference

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Anonymous No. 1007187


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Anonymous No. 1007211

kind of a waste of time since it´s far from the final model, but weapon rig test

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face quad view.png

Anonymous No. 1007251

made i think 4 heads today, this was the least bad.

Anonymous No. 1007267

Many fear the duckbow

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Anonymous No. 1007288

top or bottom?

the chair nerd No. 1007309

Also top.

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Anonymous No. 1007350

the current plan (very subject to change lol)
>superhero outfit + hairstyle
>office lady alter ego outfit + hairstyle
>associated props
>animation with both, probably giving up before then tho

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Anonymous No. 1007376

Anonymous No. 1007378

nice back but the upper part is a bit too defined
you nearly never see separations of the deltoid heads on women

the chair nerd No. 1007380

God give her a sandwich.

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Anonymous No. 1007421


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Anonymous No. 1007430

Another WIP. Something seems kinda off to me. I feel like it's either missing something or I went overboard with the colors and lost the atmospheric vibe.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 1007431

arms [spoiler]believe it or not, that's a girl's arms[/spoiler]

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believe it or not....png

Anonymous No. 1007432

fps arms

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Anonymous No. 1007442

damn, doing it for the first time without watching tutorial is hell

Anonymous No. 1007443

Nice work anon, there had best be tiddies in that veiwport too

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Anonymous No. 1007447

i appreciate the valid concern, but yes they're very present

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june retop.png

Anonymous No. 1007474


Anonymous No. 1007503


Anonymous No. 1007529

Looks like a man, the muscles definition is too strong, but it's ok if you are making a trap

Anonymous No. 1007530

Face looks like a mix between an old woman and a child.
The hip bone it's not right either
Way too muscular for a woman, try to put more body fat on her.
Biceps point outward too much, in that position you should see the lateral head of the triceps

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Anonymous No. 1007542

Made a bed, for the diamond pattern I created a procedural material, I think it looks pretty decent.
I need to add some more detail to make it more realistic but I'm happy with the diamond pattern because I didn't have to look any tutorials for it and instead used my previous knowledge to develop it.

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june retop.png

Anonymous No. 1007543


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Anonymous No. 1007576

update, very slow progress

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Anonymous No. 1007581

Made an alien duder, would like feedback on the design.

Anonymous No. 1007583

It looks like it has a mouth in its torso.

Anonymous No. 1007595

there is no wrong way to make an ayylium. if real, they likely developed in a world completely different from ours and would have features beyond our comprehension. you should get weird with it. if i were to offer any critique, i would say it is too humanoid and recognizable.

but then how can you create something beyond your own comprehension? you'd have to be able to comprehend it in order to create it. so don't worry about it too much.

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Anonymous No. 1007608

I was trying to make an actual human I ended up doing and alien too.

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Anonymous No. 1007615

Thing is, it actually does, li’l tube worm thing connected directly to the stomach. Here’s the concept sketch:

Anonymous No. 1007617

Cool, I wasn't sure if that was what you were looking that's why I brought it up.
A Sukuna alien is cool.

Anonymous No. 1007624

Awesome work.

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Anonymous No. 1007627

Haven't been here in a while, you guys made loads of interesting stuff as usual.
Here's my stupid robot to keep the board alive. It's sort of a walking gun mecha/tank.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 1007629

surprised somebody remembers it but i had computer trouble and lost a bunch of shit, i dont even know if i have that file anymore

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june footy.png

Anonymous No. 1007633

whenever I retopo a foot I always end up with a couple loops that spin around the foot 6 times then travel up the body into the face. idk how it happens or how to prevent it, but it's never actually ruined things for me so whatever.

Anonymous No. 1007635

Looks really heavy and tough. I like how the panels are simpler so its not detailed parts everywhere. Are you gonna rig it? Does the design "work" when it tries to walk? Some parts look like they would collide if the tank tried to look left right or walk left right. Seems very forward backward focused, maybe add some cylinders for the legs/gun to give a feeling that it can turn?

Is an ipad for sculpting worth buying? Does sculpting on a screen make it easier to succeed versus sculpting on an old wacom with no screen?
Your alien looks great but the hips are wider than the shoulders so he looks like a breedable xeno girl right now. I would put a girly pink ribbon on the alien's gross long neck. Keep all the monster features, no human-like breasts or any intentional sex appeal, but add one cute pink accessory and people will want to hold her claw on a date. The juxtaposition is what makes it attractive. The chest tentacle's hole in the concept art appeals to the unhinged male id.

Anonymous No. 1007638

Bitchin', you got any socials?

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 1007639

fellers, i hate armor

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Anonymous No. 1007645

how do i know if my edge loop distribution is right, do i need to reduce edge loop on the back part?

Anonymous No. 1007647

Love it!

Anonymous No. 1007657

Looks like shit

Anonymous No. 1007662


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Anonymous No. 1007668

Remember how crooked women's legs are. It's a biog part of their figure. The femer and shin to not form a strait line. It doesnt on men either, but it's easier to get away with giving men straight legs.
Especially if youre making a cruvy female, you'll keep making the thighs fatter and fatter but it'll never have the hourglass look. This is the secret.

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Anonymous No. 1007672

I think this is starting to be a decent first resolution for a base mesh before going in and defining some more details.

Anonymous No. 1007674

It can be. It's a trade off. The more detail on the base mesh, the less sculpting, and vise versa.

Anonymous No. 1007675

That parts looks okayish but I don't exactly see what you're trying to do? For cars the lower the polygon count the better. Next time try to make the entire body first, and only then cut out the panels using booleans (after you applied a lvl 3 subsurf) or else your surfaces will have horrible reflections

Anonymous No. 1007683

Also hip bone is completely missing

Anonymous No. 1007684

ah, i thought i suppose to split it first

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Anonymous No. 1007686

so maybe push feet in and pull hips/thighs out?

Anonymous No. 1007688

Hips look retarded

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Anonymous No. 1007689

>need the 5 n-poles
>but it will bend the mesh when i subdiv it
>refuse to add more edge loop because the edge loop is too dense

Anonymous No. 1007690

this is useless, what's actually wrong with them

Anonymous No. 1007692

Not the same anon but the hipbone is wrong, that makes the legs look like they attach for nowhere

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Anonymous No. 1007694

Now that I've done the boobs I'll lose all motivation, but I should do the upper back, and then the butt/groin and hips are always a PitA.

The goal is to just poly model everything.
I might sculpt at 1 subdivision level past what I can poly model, but I want all the shapes possible defined poly modelling, otherwise I'd just learn how to do a full sculpting workflow (maybe later)

Anonymous No. 1007697

The leg should be straight and perfectly vertical, so that the bones can have an IK rig that folds out directly forwards. You can correct the posture during animation.

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Anonymous No. 1007708

Ok that's a 700 right? This is a really hard car to start with, seeing the front >>1007576 you did a pretty good job so far, but the side might prove harder.
You should go much more low poly, you can easily delete 2/3 of your vertical lines to get a cleaner mesh while giving you more control. For that specific bump, try using triangles for the pointy part? And then a tight bevel to sharpen the bump's middle edge. Here the squares you have look awkward. N-gons aren't much of an issue on cars anyway.

Here the blue lines with a level 3 subdiv should get you pretty close to the shape you want. The red ones barely matter outside the wheel well.

Still I recommend that if a shutline isn't affecting the surface of the car it should be done last using booleans (the doors for instance).

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Anonymous No. 1007709

Here's the body of a car I have, you don't really need more density that this on most places, and there's N-gons everywhere.

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Anonymous No. 1007716

>You should go much more low poly
yeah, probably i will try it once i finish with this one, thought my edge loop is pretty low for a car
>using booleans
huh, i need to do clean up for that right? what about using bevel and then delete the face?

Anonymous No. 1007721

also fuck me for choosing car without roof, guess i'll finish the body and skip the interior this time

Anonymous No. 1007724

>use triangle
currently i'm trying to avoid triangle, but i guess it's impossible if i don't add more edge loop to shape the edge one by one huh

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Anonymous No. 1007732

>huh, i need to do clean up for that right?
Yeah, once you're happy with the body panels you apply the subsurf and then the booleans. Do copies of your file before commuting though, cause it never works 1rst try
>what about using bevel and then delete the face?
You can try, but from experience the reflections will have a break around the shut lines (pic related) that you don't get with a clean high poly + booleans
But it's details at this point, your model looks good already, keep going but remember that if you have issues with the panels

Anonymous No. 1007733

>currently i'm trying to avoid triangle,
Why? It's not a good idea, look at good 3D cars on Sketchfab, they all have triangles and Ngons in some places. Yes Quads are mostly better but they're not always the answer

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Anonymous No. 1007757

Came back to this with new eyes and made some progress on likeness. Still a ways off though and I think I need a break from it as I've pretty much been stuck at the same degree of likeness for the last couple sessions.

If someone can guess the actor based on what I have so far I'd be very happy.

Anonymous No. 1007764

ah that weird reflection, alright
i just want to test my skill

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Anonymous No. 1007766

another update
>all those curve
i will never touch super car again

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Anonymous No. 1007770

i guess that work too huh, and i can add edge loop around there to remove the bend on the back

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Anonymous No. 1007771

Got what I think is solid mesh for the hips and butt at a good density tonight. The torso I think is a good shape, but now needs the consistent quad density of the hips and obviously to be reconnected.
There is one triangle, and I hate it, but can probably get rid of it 1 subdivision level up.

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click clack pow.png

Anonymous No. 1007795

Finally got around to texturing mah low poly-ish (around 2.5k faces) M16 with 80's cheesegrater furniture, custom stock and shorter barrel. Other minor liberties were taken as well.
Texturing progress is at 60%, colors need to be changed as it looks dull at the moment, and height + roughness maps are gonna provide some nice visual upgrades once I'll bake 'em

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Anonymous No. 1007796

Anonymous No. 1007797


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Anonymous No. 1007799

bring the thighs out to preference. the point if the lubic triangle is the halfway point for normal people. from finger tip to finger tip arm span should be the same as height.

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Anonymous No. 1007801

sculpting a boy based on a toy

Anonymous No. 1007811

Those hands are so many

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Anonymous No. 1007818

yeah, i think i will start over, pick easier car and watch those how to make car tutorial

Anonymous No. 1007822

is it a joy? is he named roy? how bout it goy? does it annoy?

Anonymous No. 1007823

my gut feeling is matt damon but i know that's wrong. maybe if he had hair.

Anonymous No. 1007831

>i think i will start over
Don't. Finish the model or with this "start over" mentality you'll never get things actually done, besides your model looks fine and is worth completing. Only by finishing models can you actually improve and it'll feel good seeing how much you've improved looking back at your older models

Anonymous No. 1007832

Seymour Hoffman?

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Anonymous No. 1007847

alright, i'll finish it, there is gotta be a better way to do that beehive thing, took me an hour to make it manually

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American Pride.jpg

Anonymous No. 1007854

It's done, added edge wear, damage details and baked roughness + height + metallic maps

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Anonymous No. 1007882

oh wow i actually finish it, 11 hours a day for 9 days straight

Anonymous No. 1007888

Looks pretty good, pal!
Next one will be a lot faster I bet.

Anonymous No. 1007891

thanks, yea i hope the next one will be a lot faster

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Anonymous No. 1007894

Worked in the rest of the torso with what I *think* is decent and even enough topology.

Anonymous No. 1007897

Hey nice job! Now, do you know about Loop Tools? This is really really helpful to model cars, especially the "Relax" and "Circle" functions. Otherwise if you're beginning in Blender I'd recommend these "100 tricks to know in Blender" videos, they always teach some life changing tips, Daniel Krafft has good ones.

Anonymous No. 1007901

thanks, yes i know, i use circle tool a lot, other than that i barely use it because sometime it doesn't work well

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Anonymous No. 1007917

is my kiki cute, hair WIP and I need to redo the face sculpt in zbrush

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Anonymous No. 1007918

shamelessly copied the hair vertice for vertice off some other model because my hair sculpting skills are beyond hope

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june shade tex.png

Anonymous No. 1007925

still on the fence on toon vs not toon

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Anonymous No. 1007934

Finishing up the texture on this alien sniper rifle for a potential Quake total conversion.

433 triangles
128x128 pixels
256 color palette

Anonymous No. 1007935

I'm struggling to get a low poly of the legs that I'm happy with. The subtle shapes of a slender leg and knee without having it come off as just tube-like are getting me. I guess I should study some leg anatomy to understand the curves properly and try it again.
No pic, not appreciably different yet.

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emily wip.png

Anonymous No. 1007960

Making humans is hard, I'm trying to model while using a subdivision surface modifier so I can use less vertices that affect the model more and once I have something good enough apply the modifiers and add some finer details, but I can't get the good enough part yet, maybe I'm trying to hard with the subdiv and should apply and start working on the resulting model but that also seem quite hard anyway.

Anonymous No. 1007965

>5 animation layers for 3 keyframes
this made me laugh out loud. please anon learn animation before doing anything else. thanks

Anonymous No. 1007979

too high poly for what you're going for.
Quake guns iirc probably had somewhere around 100 tris or less

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Anonymous No. 1007984

I'm generally aiming closer to a Quake 2 or Half-Life level of detail than vanilla Quake 1 (I'm just using the engine really). The texture density is drastically better than Quake 1 anyway despite the resolution due to modern UV mapping tools.
Regardless, the model has been optimized down to 396 triangles now.
>Quake guns iirc probably had somewhere around 100 tris or less
Mostly, though the nailguns are right under 200. The Mjolnir from the first mission pack is almost 300.

Anonymous No. 1007988

/wip/chads...little help?
I've put text in a circle with a bezier curve, but I can never remember how to do that math meme where you put like [number of letters or whatever]/360 and it automatically spaces everything perfectly. Truthfully I don't even know if you can do that with text or if it's just individual objects or whatever that it works with. I can't even remember if that's only possible if you use an empty to encircle things.
As you can probably tell it's been a while since I've used blender.

Anonymous No. 1007989

Sorry for coming here and talking nonsense bros, I worked it out in the end. Something I always do just after posting and making a fool of myself.

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Anonymous No. 1007990

YES! Good to know I'm not entirely off mark.
Good guess, they definitely have a likeness, and I've veered into Matt Damon territory several times when using reference of him in his early adult life. It also made me realize that Jesse Plemons/Meth Damon is probably the closest thing we have to Phillip Seymour Hoffman right now. I'm hopeful that his son can pick up the torch as well.

Anyway, I'm trudging along, making and undoing progress at breakneck speeds. Probably going to move into doing a groom just for practice so that I don't burn myself out sculpting.

Anonymous No. 1007991

When it comes to polymodeling you can get some very accurate head shapes with a suprisingly small amount of faces.
Challenge yourself to block out the planes of her face with as little geometry as possible, then put a single-level subdiv modifier on that and start working on the topology of the facial features from there. Then [spoiler]save yourself the trouble and start sculpting instead.[/spoiler]

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Anonymous No. 1007992

Knight dude

Anonymous No. 1007993

damn you're right. if you showed me a pic of young psh and told me it was matt damon i wouldn't even question it.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 1007994

is it okay to have overlap uv map if the same object but different shape? it only have one color

Anonymous No. 1007996

Yes, for color and texture that is just fine, but keep in mind that you need a separate unwrap with no overlaps for the lightmap if you want to put it in a real-time application like a game engine. It's probably best to get into the habit of not doing overlaps though, it is a better practice all in all if you're not desperate to save space.

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Anonymous No. 1008007

Starting another skin

Anonymous No. 1008019

His hips are really feminine, I thought it was a female knight, but overall nice work
Look where her lips are in the reference, yours are really low, also the eyes are too big
Fatt Damon

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Anonymous No. 1008045

I'm still copping out on doing the limbs decently. This is the first time I'm trying out Blender's sculpting and retopo. I don't actually want to sculpt much detail but it is helping me block out some of the torso volumes better so I can go back and retopologize it manually once the sculpt looks right.
I know the board is slow, but any CC would help.

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Anonymous No. 1008047

Lost the replacement tips for my tablet so i'm not painting shite for at least a month until news ones arrive ;-;

I'm messing with Povray instead, and, uh, Was trying to do a Tokarev but i'm too Glockbrained so it ended up looking weird.

Humbly asking for thine opinions my fellow uranians :P

Anonymous No. 1008051

Sorry bros, turns out I'm (semi-)retarded after all and I've came back again. Bit more basic this time though.

>Have text in a circle (2D)
>Notice one of them letters looks a bit off
>Realize the text is deforming as it follows the curve
>Do some testing
>The closer I move it to the origin point the more deformed it gets
>The more I move it away from the origin point the more deformed it gets
>Can't use any of this information to actually fix it because I'm too retarded
>Can't put it in a "sweet spot" because of the specific dimensions I need to use

tl;dr how to stop a flat text from deforming when it's in a circle?
Can provide images. I seem to have this problem with every software I use when I put text in a circle btw (except paint net for some reason. Can't use paint net to do it because it's impossible to properly align the letters between the borders).

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Anonymous No. 1008067

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Anonymous No. 1008068

Anonymous No. 1008072

I can't believe she's dead, bros.

Nice fawna head though.

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Anonymous No. 1008078

Tried modelling a character in 3D as a total noob while looking at the general shape of the body parts in other 3D models from other games and the result is... meh
The geometry is a bit too shoddy, I made the face a little too low poly, and for whatever reason the rig doesn't play nice with the head.
That's not even all of the problems I have with this.

Anonymous No. 1008079

looks fine...

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Anonymous No. 1008080

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texture (1).png

Anonymous No. 1008082

I only started blender like 3 months ago, still fumbling around like a retard, but I'm slowly getting shit out of my head and onto the screen. rough quadcopter drone, wip.

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Anonymous No. 1008092

Making an alien dude to go along with the gun.

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PVT Schwquibo.png

Anonymous No. 1008093

I would try moving those vertexes in the middle of the torso where it is mirrored to ease that protuding ridge.
The neck thing could be caused by how the neck loops interact with the bone weight, they could be misaligned or the loops could be too few/wrongly placed.
I like the face, it reminds of:
Cool gunship, better than anything i could do at 3 months from starting, or now ._.
Mess around with the viewport and check that part that connects the turret with the main body, i get the feeling that it could cause some problems/graphical glitches?
I never played Quake on software mode, i was surprised by how much people remember it having squareish pixelated textures instead of them being smudged with baseline like GLquake.
Nice ayy.

>2 captchas now:
Hiro-sama, p-please, i kneel...

Anonymous No. 1008106

>YES! Good to know I'm not entirely off mark.
Based, Hoffman was a great actor, shame he went so early. Keep up the good work with the sculpt, and remember if it seems a bit off it's only because he's without hair, hair make an enormous difference in selling a person's likeness, and as far as I can remember Hoffman was never bald in any of his roles. I bet if you gave him hair more people would tell you he looks like Hoffman

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Anonymous No. 1008137

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Anonymous No. 1008202

Mostly done with this guy now. Gotta tweak the texture a bit more, rig him up, and maybe optimize the mesh some depending on how he deforms. UV map could have been better, but I got annoyed and just decided to roll with what I had.

872 tris
256 color palette

>i was surprised by how much people remember it having squareish pixelated textures
I find it's not so much people remember how it originally looked and more so noobs noticing something looks off and messing about with settings until they discover filtering. That or they get bullied into turning filtering off if they go asking for help on how to set up a sourceport.
Either way, palettized textures just never look good with filtering.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 1008213

wip of a knight, who may fight. 999 tris

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Anonymous No. 1008251

r8 my wip

Anonymous No. 1008252

Fucking hot anon
Post a close up if you know what I mean

Anonymous No. 1008255

This is too spicy for a blue ball board

Anonymous No. 1008265

Question: How do you make a gun (in blender, low poly)

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Anonymous No. 1008266


Anonymous No. 1008278

If you need to ask this you need to do YouTube tutorials.
Just search blender gun tutorial and you'll see a few.

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Anonymous No. 1008288

Made a simple bookshelf using this workflow:
>take a CC0 stock image as a reference image
>use said reference image as a texture
>scale it down and reduce the color count
>uv map it over a box
>extrude regions to match the geometry of the object
problem is it's ~400 tris which is too high poly for a ps1-style bookshelf

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Anonymous No. 1008289

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Anonymous No. 1008291

I'm new to this board, I work on models in blender when i can in my spare time.
nothing terribly advanced i think, pic related is what ive been working on currently, feel free to critique i dont normally get to chat with anyone else who does 3d

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Anonymous No. 1008300

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Anonymous No. 1008304

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Anonymous No. 1008314

Anonymous No. 1008325

But anon, you already have a ps1 bookshelf if you omit the last step.
Also, ps1-style means vaguely low-poly with pixelated textures these days, it has been years since someone put in the effort to make something that could actually run on the hardware.

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Anonymous No. 1008341

Usually you start with an orthographic ref image from the gun you want to model and then you start extruding a cube (hopefully the default cube that you didn't delete out of habit) with the transparency until it has the basic silhoutte, then you do the more specific things like the moving parts etc etc.

With low poly however you pretty much do an L shaped block with a few other things, much of the details come from the textures instead, also using tris instead of quads to get the most information out of the shape with a low count.
Here are some ripped examples.

Showing some topo here, if i knew how to set up per vertex lighting on any engine i would show the rendered look too.

Telling the few things i know since generally i'm more interested in the "shitty full motion video" look so i usually stick with povray.

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Anonymous No. 1008344

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Anonymous No. 1008347

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Anonymous No. 1008353

Tell me what ur fave vending machine snack is and maybe I'll put it in

Anonymous No. 1008354

Sniggers bar!

Anonymous No. 1008356

penis m&ms

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Anonymous No. 1008357


Anonymous No. 1008359

Wow, that's nuts! Got a tutorial?

Anonymous No. 1008370

It's just a treasure chest I made, I don't think it's that complex, I'm still an amateur

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Anonymous No. 1008371

0 knowledge in color theory, wish me luck, ucupain addon is godsend

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Anonymous No. 1008377

Just finished this morning. The 4k, 16 bit color depth version is just a smidge to big to post here.

Anonymous No. 1008379

Rotisserie Chicken

Anonymous No. 1008380

I love this.

the chair nerd No. 1008381


Anonymous No. 1008383

whatchamacallit, it's a chocolate bar

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Anonymous No. 1008387

i know it's on the edge of /3/ specific content but i got the big iron rollin

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Anonymous No. 1008402

I had the scale material lying about from a scrapped model and it came to me to model a snake to practice rigging, pretty good for a couple hours work for a noob like me
Egirl pee

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Anonymous No. 1008405

Behold! Crude/crappy low-poly/"""PS1"" style model of a road.
(mainly a test to see what an environment such as a fallout-ish abandoned road or w/e looks like in this style)

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Anonymous No. 1008407

Anonymous No. 1008417

I like this. Reminds me of LSD Dream Emulator

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Anonymous No. 1008421

wow fuck metal

Anonymous No. 1008440

God why didn't you take the chair fag instead of Cris.
Why the good ones have to die so young .

Anonymous No. 1008451


the chair nerd No. 1008476

Who says I'm not Cris.

Anonymous No. 1008480

You don't have the intellect neither the skill to be Cris, you are inferior to Cris in all regards

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Anonymous No. 1008505

rigged + texture adjustments
I think he's done for now.
Now to make some bigger, meaner aliens...

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Anonymous No. 1008524

sometimes, I hate myself:

the chair nerd No. 1008526

Oh that's you Cris. Hi.

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Anonymous No. 1008543

No just a guy who made this

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Anonymous No. 1008573

I started 2 days ago put this together.

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Anonymous No. 1008574

something feels off about this face

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Anonymous No. 1008578

Well... I tried.

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Anonymous No. 1008579

Attempted to salvage it, ended up making it worse

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wip for 3.jpg

Anonymous No. 1008580

Bog standard quadruped drone. Darker parts are more or less how i want them, bar legs and attachments. Cheap clanker you can plug anything to, from small arms to chainguns and mortars, just like in Brigador. Maybe swap weapons for servo arms for the civilian market. I'd love to make a kind of brochure, listing all the various types.

Man i tried rigging robots but it's beyond me. It's easy making omni directional ball joints, but here the upper leg is actually 3 separate parts for X,Y,Z rotation. Last time i made 3 joints with bones, limited their axes, applied IK solver and the entire thing flew off.

Anonymous No. 1008583

Sorry, I thought you're refering to me: >>1008524

Anonymous No. 1008596

Try again with a front and side view reference

Anonymous No. 1008601

No offence man but did you even use refs? Use refs next time, you can make it brah, otherwise this model is alright for some creepypasta abomination / alien, and I do actually mean it, without irony, so this model is definitely salvageable in that use case

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Anonymous No. 1008608

tried using anatomy pictures as a reference

Anonymous No. 1008611

are you telling a little fib?

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Anonymous No. 1008612

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Anonymous No. 1008616

I'd suggest revising your existing arcade cabs. The Donkey Kong monitor sat inside the cabinet behind a pane of plexiglass. It did not have a monitor shroud. Even if you're not making Donkey Kong, it looks bad and makes no sense ergonomically.

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Anonymous No. 1008643

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Anonymous No. 1008657

Still hustlin', can't commit to/finish anything, my lil' prison sex music video doll-thingy is lingering there unfinished.

I gotta give this lil green fucker some legs too LMAO XD.

Coolz ^_^

>Creepypasta abomination / alien
That's the best way to learn how to model basic anthro bodies, that or bipedal cartoon creatures, going straight to humans is 100% pain, i'm fucking it up rn.

Anonymous No. 1008669

the face and hands are super half baked

Anonymous No. 1008670

i tried to draw this but i seem to be retarded atm

drop a cube, smooth the cube 1 level, grab the 2 lower front faces, extrude them out a smidge, deform to taste.
thatll.make a slick low poly head for you.

Anonymous No. 1008690

subD modeling is fun until i have to think about the topology

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Anonymous No. 1008694

Started some kind of hovering cyborg/robot alien. Thinking of making guns for arms... not sure yet.

Anonymous No. 1008735

another point to box modelling

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Anonymous No. 1008741

my most ambitious project so far, a collection of 3 snake girls
it's going to look like absolute shit for a couple sessions

Anonymous No. 1008742

can't you start with a single one?

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Anonymous No. 1008745

now armed and rigged
texturing is gonna be fun

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Anonymous No. 1008761

Alright sooo i got this far <_<
Do i?:
>A: Keep working on this
>B: Drop it and start doing something else
>C: Kill myself

I personally would go for C but i live in a country with gun control so i can't pull a Cobain and also it's a Cat'lick one so i can't ask for euthanasia, bummer.

I always wanted to make one of these with procedural animations and some sort of "active ragdoll" system but every single time i tried i ended up being filtered by my sub 100 IQ.

Did you run any tests for your models on Quake's renderer yet?
I was gonna ask if you thought about using goldsrc but i just found out that it's still closed source, that's weird i imagined that wouldn't be the case by now, Id even released the Doom 3 engine code and that one is way more recent.


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Anonymous No. 1008768

>Did you run any tests for your models on Quake's renderer yet?
Not yet. I'm planning to use a custom skeletal model format for Quake called IQM for this project, but haven't gotten around to reading up on how to properly implement it in QuakeC. I figured I'd get a decent batch of models ready to go before I dive into the code for that.
I'm quite familiar with Quake 1's standard vertex anim models (gif related) so I'll either fall back on those or use the similar Quake 3 format if nothing else.
Yeah Valve can be pretty weird about their stuff. They've been known to license their engines if someone asks nicely and has a promising project, but I don't think they've done that for a while and I wouldn't count on it anyway.
The FTE Quakeworld engine does everything someone would want from GoldSrc and more - at least on paper. The documentation (or lack thereof) leaves a lot to be desired though.

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NL Help-4c.mp4

Anonymous No. 1008769

I am attempting to make a symmetrical animation with a non-humanoid rig. However, when mirroring in pose mode, moving the .L bone causes the corresponding .R bone to behave abnormally.
I am aware that the pose mirror normally aligns with the X axis and cannot be aligned to the Y axis, but the issue persists identically if the rig & objects are turned 90 degrees (with rotation applied afterwards, of course). I have also remade the rig along the X axis twice, and the exact same issue persists.
Please help. I've been looking for an answer for a whole day. I really wanted to spend today productively, but this project is currently at a dead-end until I can fix this issue.
Blend file:
Version: 3.6.7

Anonymous No. 1008777

Oh my god I just figured out the solution and it's so simple I'm kicking myself for not trying it sooner

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Anonymous No. 1008782

basis for a low poly head

Anonymous No. 1008783

You sound like you're past the point of progress on that project. It is very easy to waste days pushing the same few vertices around hoping for a different result. The reality is that nothing will change unless you give it a break and come back with a new outlook and a new set of eyes. Jumping to a new project, or even better, back to an old project will do wonders and stop you from being stuck.

I know this is something everyone *knows*, but sometimes I think it helps to have someone else make that descision for you. Lord knows I've spent entire weeks trudging down the same path making no process and learning nothing new more than a few times, sometimes even conciously aware of it yet too stubborn to jump ship. The learning curve is more like a staircase and changing projects is analogous to lifting your feet.

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Anonymous No. 1008787

I wanted to make a low poly human head with the eyes and mouth as separate objects, but it looks too much like a monkey

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Anonymous No. 1008800

i approve

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Anonymous No. 1008803

Fair enough, I've tried to rush/brute force things since i had an unusual amount of free time which ends next week when i resume my CS studies.
I made a lot of progress considering that just a year ago i was wondering why my perfectly rectangular n-gon faces on my models weren't showing up on opengl.

It's an omen, you know what you gotta do anon.
Nah, being serious now, you can do this, i believe you can cook anon.
But I'm wondering how the eyes are gonna work here, i think you need to add a couple of vertexes to get a rounder shape, which might compromise the low poly thing, or put them on a image texture instead, i know jack shit myself so feel free to ignore me.

All this talk about low poly retro graphics made me wonder what would happen if i posted something like.

On BlenderArtists, somehow i think they would get a bit rowdy.

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Anonymous No. 1008878

Hi, I'll work on this model this March till I get bored, it is an old sculpt that I abandoned the last year, model to 3d print from Games Workshop so I won't texture or retopo it, it has several variations, different heads, a bunch of weapons, different armor and whatnot, I'm not sure if I'll do all of them....

Anonymous No. 1008880


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Anonymous No. 1008888

Any advice on this? I feel like the shoulders could be better. Wish I could find a decent reference pic with the arms in a downwards position.

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Anonymous No. 1008889

Clavicles could use some more work too

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Anonymous No. 1008895


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Anonymous No. 1008907

Doodled a li’l alien fella.

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Anonymous No. 1008912

Trying something new where I bake a bump map over the UV layout to then bake lighting and whatnot with it. I'm not sure if this is actually faster than just drawing details in GIMP like I usually do, but it's definitely less tedious.

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Anonymous No. 1008959

3D modeling is fun

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Anonymous No. 1008964


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Anonymous No. 1008971

Does this guy look like any actor to you guys? Unfortunately I don't think it looks like the guy it's supposed to be still, but I need advice.
I'm stuck here. I know 3d likenesses are highly challenging to make to the point where face scans are preferred to hand-rolling them, but I'm frustrated with this phase where I can't seem to make any improvements without making it look worse and without any clue on how to proceed other than stalling the project and coming back to it later. I'm considering trying some books on portrait drawing, but I'm afraid that all of them might be focused on drawing from observation ie raw visual shapes, which means simply copying what you see from one angle (and fov/lens size if it's a photo) without actually getting down to what makes a likeness actually "work". Anyone have any ideas on how to actually do likenesses? Like maybe there's books or courses on that? Or maybe I'm biting way more than I can chew and should study facial anatomy more? Screencaps done at 75mm fov to prevent excessive perspective distortion since it's zoomed in this much.

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Anonymous No. 1008976

>Does this guy look like any actor to you guys?
Young Alan Rickman

Anonymous No. 1008977

Wow, you actually got it! Maybe it's not as far off as I thought. It's still far from ideal though, I'm thinking that if I don't get any new ideas on how to proceed I'm gonna stall the project and try to finish it later.

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Anonymous No. 1009022

Hands are so fucking hard

Anonymous No. 1009026

nice ass

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Anonymous No. 1009061

How am I doing, fellas? Should I start sculpting yet or do I need to add stuff like eyelids and eyelashes? How do you guys go about eyelids anyway? Extruding planes or duplicating the eye shapes, scaling and carving them out?

Anonymous No. 1009062

it looks like you extruded finders off a block.
heres the trick. model the fingers seperetely, place them where theybshould be
>use a reference
remembwr that your fingers fall on 2 arcs. look at the palm of you hand, the middle finger is above the index and ring finger, the pinky is below them all. point your fingers at your face. theres another arc with the same pattern.
then join the fingers together making the knuckles and extrude the palm or make it seperetely and connect it all.

Anonymous No. 1009063

>whenndo you switch to sculpting
i hate saying it. you hate hearing it. the answer is it depends on your preferences. just duplicate the file and start sculpting. if you find yourself wishing youd have added some geo somewhere go back and add it to the original file and start over. or just remember for next time.

i extrude or sculpt pockets into the eye sockets and then sculpt the "mouth of the cave" into the eye shape.

Anonymous No. 1009065

Thanks, man.

Anonymous No. 1009083

Why'd you make her dummy thick

Anonymous No. 1009111

Why the hell is she so cheeked up was that really necessary lmao

🗑️ Anonymous No. 1009128

what's the best way to accept donations?
I'm not about to go begging for donations but I do a lot of things for free and I wouldn't want to get in the way of a potential generous donor, if you know what I'm saying

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Anonymous No. 1009134

It could use some more drinks in there.

Anonymous No. 1009137

there are dozens of websites woth millions of users, that have industry pros, high quality tutorials, and university courses available to you if you cant handle 4chan.

Anonymous No. 1009139

...I was just asking...

Anonymous No. 1009141

good bye

Anonymous No. 1009144

Because I’m finally familiar enough to block out a model of my head canon. The power you feel from being able to do that was too much to resist. But don’t you worry, I saved a version of the model where she’s slim and trim. I’d love to give the model away for free when I’m done. Wondering if it’s possible to just go straight to retopo from what I have. Remedying it for sculpting will rocket the polygon count to well over a million, my computer’s breaking point. Also have no idea how to do things like eyelids or eyelashes, so that’s something I need ten figure out.

Anonymous No. 1009150

Literally just asking why he's making thick amy rose but ok?
Is your head canon that she had one too many tubs of ice cream or what?

Anonymous No. 1009151

She’s a girl in the city, probably fresh off of having her first job, lots of disposable income, so she indulges herself. I should know - it happened to me when I got my first job ten years back, hahaha. Down sixty pounds from a few months ago. But this Amy can still swing a hammer.

Anonymous No. 1009167

what are her motivations though? tell me more about amy, what drives her

Anonymous No. 1009170

I'd rather not clutter up the thread with that, there's too many posts about it as it is. Let's take this over to /trash/.

Anonymous No. 1009175


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Anonymous No. 1009178

What's the best way to quad this out?

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Anonymous No. 1009192

start with a smoothed cube and its much easier

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Anonymous No. 1009195

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Screenshot 2025-0....png

Anonymous No. 1009207

Going through a course

Anonymous No. 1009208

I personally find it not PSX looking, but it's an interesting style of its own.
Those color salad artifacts on books ain't really a PSX thing, are they?

Anonymous No. 1009210

I Don't make that part quads, I lower it to use the loop for the ear

Anonymous No. 1009213


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Anonymous No. 1009214

I wanted to make Paul Rudd but ended up making a gigachad...

Anonymous No. 1009219

It looks like a stylised version of Paul rudd to me.

Anonymous No. 1009223

Nice to hear that it's at least a bit recognizable, thanks! I was hoping for it to be more realistic rather than stylized because I have this idea of using his likeness for a silly animation project (never mind that I've never animated before) but this level of accuracy sadly isn't enough for it. I'm still not sure how to do fully (and I mean 100%) recognizable faces so I've decided to just make a ton of random actors and stuff until I hopefully get a knack for it. It didn't work last year, but maybe it'll work this time. I'm sure that trying the same thing and expecting a different result isn't a definition for anything bad or anything, but I just don't want to give up.

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Anonymous No. 1009233

I tried this but unfortunatly the 2 triangles on the right side are distorting my mesh, trying to figure out how to get everything quaded out like this pic

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Anonymous No. 1009234

yeah youll want a loop seperating that vert in the corner of the eye butnorherwise this looks good to me.

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Anonymous No. 1009242

Thanks boss. My brain short circuts when it comes to topology. How's it looking? There's still some bumps but I'm trying to decide if it makes the head look more natural

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Anonymous No. 1009243


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Anonymous No. 1009244


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Anonymous No. 1009248

Working on a character for a gamedev project….

Anonymous No. 1009251

is that n-pole? if yes then that's normal, fuck n-pole general, thought you don't have to worry if you won't subdiv it

Anonymous No. 1009252

Cute! Are you doing on tablet though? That's crazy. Had no idea it's even possible.

Anonymous No. 1009254

Yeppers, zbrush for iPad is literally amazing, it can even do fiber mesh

Anonymous No. 1009305

since we reached image limit, new thread when?

Anonymous No. 1009307

made a new one >>1009306