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๐Ÿงต /wip/ - Works In Progress

Anonymous No. 1009306

A thread for work in progress of your projects, for recently finished projects or things you'd like critiqued.

Previous: >>1006887

Don't clown me too hard, first time trying to model a character (Laughing Octopus from MGS4)

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Anonymous No. 1009308

I'm planning on tweaking the anatomy a bit as well as the chin since it got a bit distorted when connecting to the neck. Mostly curious to see if others think the proportions look okay or if that could use more tweaking as well

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Anonymous No. 1009309


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Anonymous No. 1009310

Anonymous No. 1009312


Anonymous No. 1009313

Use the fucking WIP image fucking newfag

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Anonymous No. 1009318

Since I mentioned gigachad last time I decided to put him on the chopping block next. Still a "miss" on the likeness part, maybe even worse than normal because I didn't outright trace a camera-matched profile view this time (even though there is a pretty good photo for it) and eyeballed the entire thing. But I had fun sculpting his ridiculous body, so I decided to start retopologizing and rigging the guy. Only did the head so far as you can see in one of the pictures, but I'm suddenly not sure if I should proceed with the retopo or if I should try to match his face more correctly, at least by tracing a profile view as I normally do. And maybe fix any anatomy mistakes that you can see, of which there are probably a lot. What do you guys think?

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Anonymous No. 1009349


Anonymous No. 1009351

Post the blank and then we'll use it.

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Anonymous No. 1009352


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Anonymous No. 1009356

I fucking love MIGGERS :3
(I know I forgot the ventral fins)

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Anonymous No. 1009359

it is circumcised

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Anonymous No. 1009376


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Anonymous No. 1009385

Fixed the head and the chin. I think it looks less like an alien now

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Anonymous No. 1009386


Anonymous No. 1009390

2 threads in a row without the proper OP image. /3/ really is fucking dead at this point. Jesus fuck. Tourists really have taken over.

Anonymous No. 1009437

like I said, most anon doesn't have the original: >>1009352

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Anonymous No. 1009444


Anonymous No. 1009446

It's not hard to search the archives if people actually gave a shit.
Search /wip/ in the subject field and bam, there it is in droves. Quicker than even posting a new thread.

Anonymous No. 1009458

>if people actually gave a shit.
you figured it out

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Anonymous No. 1009468

Finally had some time to work on this more. I definitely need to clean up the edge highlights and fix seams, but bump mapping over the UV layout for bakes worked like a charm.

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Anonymous No. 1009488

This course I'm going through does some really weird choices sometimes, like... Why there are houses built on mossy stones in the middle of the ocean, and more importantly how tf are trees growing from mossy rocks. Nevertheless, I've learnt so much useful shit already it was totally worth it. Gonna do some trees now, and the next lecture will be bushes I think, which is another weird thing to see growing on rocks.

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Anonymous No. 1009496

Do you guys know how to change the color of shadow in PBR material? I mean I know there's ColorToRGB, but I only ever used it in NPR setting where I simply could output it to ColorRamp and configure the whole palette there. But here I need PBR material with all it's colors so it's kinda not gonna work, at least not that easy (I can't configure gazilion colors in ColorRamp). Sounds like I should try to decompose h/s/v components and mess with value, but that doesn't sound fun or easy either. Not sure how to recolor it even if I do that.

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Anonymous No. 1009518

From the vag thread. Kitbash of different models, and retopologised parts. The hands seem way too long

The goal now would be to add a metahuman head so I can animate it easily and then add shape keys for customization.

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Anonymous No. 1009521

I broke down and bought an "anime shader" for unity hoping it would help me on my path. I spent a long time making my own shader that could handle this 2d eye texture thing I want to do. So then I had to try and integrate that into this new shader i payed for.

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Anonymous No. 1009524


Anonymous No. 1009525

Maybe just tonemap it? Why stop at shadows?

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Anonymous No. 1009557

Vegetation is kinda meh from this distance, gotta find better textures I guess. Placing things by hand turned out even more grindy than I anticipated.

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Anonymous No. 1009561

Another attempt. Those are kinda normie looking, but it works better imo.

I'm giving them a bit alpha now to soften the shadows, but full-image postprocessing is a valid option too I guess.

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Anonymous No. 1009563


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Anonymous No. 1009566

Love looking at matcaps.

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Anonymous No. 1009581

Had a mental breakdown and just now I've resumed work on this.

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Anonymous No. 1009585

It's really damn boring to render the same view after every set of changes. As a motivation booster I should do renders from all kinds of angles instead of just one.

Anonymous No. 1009587

those are good for art inspiration

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Anonymous No. 1009638

A bit different angle + some lights + fake evening.

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Anonymous No. 1009645

This thing rendered for like 40+ minutes, for this shit quality :<

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Anonymous No. 1009653

Now that teacher made me work on lights, I want to go somewhere in-between day and night cos I want day, but I don't want to waste lights. So it's kinda early morning I guess, or evening. Microtweaking stuff via randomizers. Randomizing hue/saturation of vegetation and tree leaves, randomizing emission of windows to make it seem like some rooms have lights on, some have lights off, and some pass lights from other rooms, lights in lamps are now point lights through translucent material instead of just emissive material. Give me some advice if you feel like it.

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Anonymous No. 1009655

Another angle.

Anonymous No. 1009669

Looks nice, do you envision this character as MC or more of an enemy type?

Anonymous No. 1009672

I like it! 40 minutes is nothing, you don't even have anything silly like depth of field on.

Anonymous No. 1009674

Looks like a ninja turtle villain

Anonymous No. 1009699

looks like darksiders

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Anonymous No. 1009849

Trying to learn actual texture painting

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 1009850

Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Who died for our sins and rose from the dead to Give us eternal life. If you will believe in Jesus Christ and ask Him to save you. He will give you the free gift of eternal life, and He also promised to heal your body.

Anonymous No. 1009855

Sir this is /3/

Anonymous No. 1009857

you seem to be figuring it out

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Anonymous No. 1009989

Sick as a dog and back to staring at this handsome fella for hours. Feels like the likeness is finally landing, but tomorrow me is probably going to disagree.

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Anonymous No. 1009997


Indeed it does look a bit like Shredder I guess

This is based on one of the Black Desert hashashin armor. I was asked to do the body the same and change the helmet. Wip.

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Anonymous No. 1010012

Revisiting and cleaning up an older model... I think I posted it in a WIP thread before, but I don't remember.
I feel inclined to try to get this goose under 1K tris for consistency, but I don't want to lose any sense of him being a pudgy fatass - because that's funny.

Anonymous No. 1010062

Anybody remember the guy who was creating a human base mesh entirely in geometry nodes? What happened to that guy? How far has he gotten since his last post?