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120 Staryu.png

🧡 /DailySculpting/

Anonymous No. 1007862

a thread to post your daily sculpts and sculpting in general
previous thread >>1003156

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 1007870

from that nortubel anon

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 1007871

>from that nortubel anon

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Anonymous No. 1007873

What do you guys think of my Bart Simpson 3d model? I worked very hard on him, any feedback is greatly appreciated!

Anonymous No. 1007875

How do I start sculpting with blender?
I don't care about textures, I just want to print them

Anonymous No. 1007879

First, Invent the universe, then, ask google

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121 Starmie.png

Anonymous No. 1007908

>previous pokemon times two
it do be like that sometimes

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122 MrMime.png

Anonymous No. 1007971

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123 Scyther.png

Anonymous No. 1008033

30 minute speedsculpts are great to make sure you don't get arrogant

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124 Jynx.png

Anonymous No. 1008074

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04 lifmunk.png

Anonymous No. 1008099

>30 minutes
damn that's fast and accurate. i take at least 3 times plus a few breakdowns and my stuff still ends up looking lumpy as shit

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125 Electabuzz.png

Anonymous No. 1008118

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luffy full body.png

Anonymous No. 1008131

Daily Sculpt Yesterday. Hoping to get better at the Anime style although its a bit harder depending assuming your trying to sculpt for 3d printing. But we keep on moving !

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05 foxparks.png

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 1008163

gave up on the fire effect

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05 foxparks.png

Anonymous No. 1008164

gave up on the fire effect

nice sculpt. haven't seen one piece in a while but he looks like a freak

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126 Magmar.png

Anonymous No. 1008219

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05 fuack.png

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 1008260

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06 fuack.png

Anonymous No. 1008261

Anonymous No. 1008262

Where can I find perfect no effort references photos for learning to sculpt?

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127 Pinsir.png

Anonymous No. 1008301

you mean sculpting human bodies? I usually get reference packs on /ic/ threads to practice anatomy, like >>>/ic/7474556

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07 sparkit.png

Anonymous No. 1008346

just eyeball it bro

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128 Tauros.png

Anonymous No. 1008391

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Anonymous No. 1008429

been busy with work for a couple of days, testing hair shapes and stuff

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129 Magikarp.png

Anonymous No. 1008447

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130 Gyarados.png

Anonymous No. 1008464

this thing is so big I had to do a viewport render so you can see the flaws properly, it didn't fit well on a screenshot

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Anonymous No. 1008499

Haven't worked on blender since november, but got a wacom one and am taking a swing at sculpting. I rebound one of the two mouse buttons to middle mouse button, but any advice on making the learning curve a bit less bumpy?

Anonymous No. 1008506

one day i'll join this thread

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Anonymous No. 1008515

Gonna try doing some hands next, hopefully

Anonymous No. 1008517

Brute force it

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Anonymous No. 1008525

got bored of pals so i did the sports bra meme instead

Anonymous No. 1008544

You forgot the whiskers.

Anonymous No. 1008547

when i do this I tend to forget that clavicles have this much definition.
this is Peak

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131 Lapras.png

Anonymous No. 1008552

>but any advice on making the learning curve a bit less bumpy
to get used to the tablet? I'd recommend 10 minutes a day of doing straight lines and circles, and maybe a couple exercises from (start a new file with 2D animation preset)
or try to build volumes on a sphere using only clay or clay strip brush as a warmup before your main sculpt

I know, and I am ashamed

Anonymous No. 1008585

So the clay brush adds, and clay strips adds more. Draw adds but draw sharp subtracts? So if I want to subtract with draw I hold control, but if i want to subtract with draw sharp it's the opposite? I see there's a filter option, how can I hide a bunch for just the basic ones while i'm learning?

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08 tanzee.png

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 1008587

>this is Peak
the female figure is peak beauty

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08 tanzee.png

Anonymous No. 1008588

>this is Peak
the female figure is peak beauty indeed

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132 Ditto.png

Anonymous No. 1008629

it ain't much, but it's honest work

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133 Eevee.png

Anonymous No. 1008676

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Anonymous No. 1008686

since i don't know what should i learn today, i decide to sculpt anime head for 30 minutes, it's been a while since the last time i sculpt anime head, i have to use image ref

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fit girl.png

Anonymous No. 1008693

>see nice figure
>sculpt nice figure

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134 Vaporeon.png

Anonymous No. 1008722

the other trainers look at me with disgust, but they don't understand this special bond that I share with my Vaporeon

nice, you should do another head today too, with a bit more hair

Anonymous No. 1008743

[spoiler]did you know that in terms of male human and female PokΓ©mon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible PokΓ©mon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3”03’ tall and 63.9 pounds, this means they’re large enough to be able handle human dicks, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to Acid Armor, you can be rough with one. Due to their mostly water based biology, there’s no doubt in my mind that an aroused Vaporeon would be incredibly wet, so wet that you could easily have sex with one for hours without getting sore. They can also learn the moves Attract, Baby-Doll Eyes, Captivate, Charm, and Tail Whip, along with not having fur to hide nipples, so it’d be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Water Absorb and Hydration, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough water. No other PokΓ©mon comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Vaporeon turn white. Vaporeon is literally built for human dick. Ungodly defense stat+high HP pool+Acid Armor means it can take cock all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more[/spoiler]

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Anonymous No. 1008749


Anonymous No. 1008755

i don't know how to sculpt hair yet, still learning anatomy

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135 Jolteon.png

Anonymous No. 1008799

what a fucking day

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136 Flareon.png

Anonymous No. 1008871

Anonymous No. 1008872

give up

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Anonymous No. 1008879

Not really feeling the hang of it yet. Pull a sphere into a heart shape, no idea how to handle the back.

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Anonymous No. 1008896

this is fun, unlike the game

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Anonymous No. 1008905

This is my first ever human model I've done. How does it look? Be gentle.

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Anonymous No. 1008906

Still much to do.

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137 Porygon.png

Anonymous No. 1008914

>How does it look? Be gentle.
you have a lot of unrealized potential, keep going

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Anonymous No. 1008946

First step, go here:

Make sure to change the texture to Color instead of Muscular so it's easy to differentiate muscle groups. I recommend the Male figure cause muscles groups are more distinct and pronounced.

Now open that website and study anatomy every single day. Pay attention to how muscles link and connect, turn the figure around, check out different angles and poses, etc etc.

Don't have to put in hours of study, but the KEY is to do it at least 15 minutes EVERYDAY. Do this for 3 months, and your brain will automatically superimpose these colors on bodies. Do it for 6 months and you'll be CRACKED. Worked wonders for me. Try this instead of brain rot or refreshing the catalog every 2 minutes.

These are my results btw >>1008896

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Anonymous No. 1008947

Sunday practice, with some hair shapes, hair modelling with sculpting is pretty fun, i hate modelling with haircards

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Anonymous No. 1008954

uploaded the wrong image

Anonymous No. 1008963

Hey man, I just saw your post over on /v/. Thanks for the feedback and info. I really appreciate it.

I'll give this a shot. Hopefully I can use the 3D models I create to make some cool 2D art as well. That's where my passion lies. Knowing how to do both would be great too.

Anonymous No. 1008965

This Porygon is weirdly round, Anon. Why is that?

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Anonymous No. 1008966

not daily, but everyday i add multiple object and sculpt it for 3 days

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Anonymous No. 1008967

more angle, time to read anatomy book i guess

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138 Omanyte.png

Anonymous No. 1008993

>This Porygon is weirdly round, Anon. Why is that?
skill issue.

I saw it as an opportunity to test my trim brush, but I couldn't get it perfect in time, especially the corners
I would clean the planes with line trim or polyline trim if I were to sculpt Porygon again, if I insist on not modelling it

Anonymous No. 1008998

breasts too small, please follow this example >>1008906

Anonymous No. 1009004

i'm still learning :(

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Anonymous No. 1009019

>just wing it bro
yeah i'll never trust >reddit again

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139 Omastar.png

Anonymous No. 1009042

personally I think the breasts are too big, and not pointing the right way if they're unsupported breasts

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140 Kabuto.png

Anonymous No. 1009127

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141 Kabutops.png

Anonymous No. 1009218

Anonymous No. 1009220

You should use references, also the Sculpture is too boxy, the ribcage is never that square

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Anonymous No. 1009236

alright, i hate sculpting hair shapes, i find it very limiting, i think i've gotten good enough at facial and body proportions, gonna retopo and texture a whole character now.

Anonymous No. 1009237

i actually use reference...

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Anonymous No. 1009257

heck yeah, i'm gonna make it

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Anonymous No. 1009272

Wanted to get to the point of getting clothes on her, but the nib on my pencil plumb gave out and I have to wait until tomorrow until they get delivered. Poo.

Anyway this is as far as I got.

Anyway, I have a question: should I continue to do the sculpted hair, or try for the same hairstyle, but in fibermesh for β€œrealism”?

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142 Aerodactyl.png

Anonymous No. 1009273

you mentioned it's for gamedev on /wip/, can you export or bake fibermesh to your game engine? or is it just concept art?

Anonymous No. 1009279

I think as long as I export them as curves I use fibermesh in unreal 5. If not unreal five itself has plenty of robust tools for hair that I could play with in-engine.

Anonymous No. 1009286

is there any tutorials you guys recommend? not something like "how to sculpt a girl / etc" but something that goes over techniques of what to do during certain situations

Anonymous No. 1009297

i think sculp is pretty straightforward unlike box modeling

Anonymous No. 1009298

you're better off just looking up how to solve a specific problem when you run into it instead of trying to know all the solutions ahead of time no tutorial is gonna cover everything but a good 2-3 minute video on any topic is out there

Anonymous No. 1009299

you're better off reading up on general sculpting knowledge, don't just think of how to sculpt a girl it's gonna sound pretty lame and you'll come off as a faggot.

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143 Snorlax.png

Anonymous No. 1009354

the hardest pokemon to sculpt in gen 1

a couple flippednormals videos are useful, like
but I would recommend watching someone who's better than you in real time and see how he tackles situations, take notes and try it later when you sculpt

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144 Articuno.png

Anonymous No. 1009441

Anonymous No. 1009464

Just 1 sphere? Something like that might be better to use a separate object for the spikes.

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145 Zapdos.png

Anonymous No. 1009516

last week

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146 Moltres.png

Anonymous No. 1009570

I wonder if I should try to do furry commissions, are they into 3D printed figures?

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147 Dratini.png

Anonymous No. 1009636

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Screenshot 2025-0....png

Anonymous No. 1009681

Have no idea if this can be considered sculpting but i'll post it anyway, first ever attempt to design a spaceship in sketchup, the result is... what it is. I call it FrankenGhettoship , how bad did i do?

Anonymous No. 1009738

Are they into 3D figures...dude, yes. That, or making them Live-VR models for their roleplay sessions. They're also loaded. If you do good work, you could be raking in cash and they'll spread the word for you.

Just be prepared to make dragon women with 4 tits and a horse cock all bound up in a sling bikini.

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148 Draconair.png

Anonymous No. 1009786

well, I can afford to keep my soul at the moment, but some days it feels like I could really use the money

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149 Dragonite.png

Anonymous No. 1009856

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150 Mewtwo.png

Anonymous No. 1009895

tomorrow, I love you tomorrow

Anonymous No. 1009900

One monster left.

Anonymous No. 1009909

only 874 left

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151 Mew.png

Anonymous No. 1009974

gen 1 done, a different matcap to celebrate

is that counting the alternate versions? like the alola, galarian and etc? I think they have the same pokedex number, I'm not sure how I would handle that

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152 Chikorita.png

Anonymous No. 1010050

Anonymous No. 1010066

are you even learning anything doing same blobs day in and day out
you should strive for more

Anonymous No. 1010077

flippednormals taught me to sculpt, and how to approach it correctly. highly recommended, for eitehr blender or zbrush

Anonymous No. 1010078

I really like Shane Olson, you have a fuckton of videos in yt, he uses zbrush usually but it is easily portable to blender.

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153 Bayleef.png

Anonymous No. 1010089

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154 Meganium.png

Anonymous No. 1010120

friendship ended with clay strip, now clay is my best friend (with autosmooth disabled)

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155 Cyndaquil.png

Anonymous No. 1010197

how to sculpt fire