

🧵 Did I do a good job?

Anonymous No. 819279

Three weeks of learning and my first serious sculpt. Made my own thicc orc-waifu.
Post feedback please don't be mean I'm still learning :(



Anonymous No. 819280

From the back.
How do I go about selling coomer stuff? Do I put her in a game?
Help me out here bros.

Anonymous No. 819287

No, you didn’t

Anonymous No. 819296

>using blunder

Anonymous No. 819300


Anonymous No. 819306

it doesn't look good overall. it's normal for a beginner. you can't ask specifically what's wrong with it. Just learn anatomy and then move on with stylized stuff like this.

Anonymous No. 819313

how can you expect to do a good job, when you have finished the job? finish the model.

Anonymous No. 819315

Calves way too lumpy, thigh fat distribution weird in the front, rib cage should be slightly bigger even though I know it's stylized coomer shit

Disclaimer: i have never modelled and just come here because it's the default board my 4chan app loads

Anonymous No. 819316

Oh and fix the fucking toes/feet. 70% of people who want to fuck orcs are footfags. Toes/feet look bulbous versions of normal male feet instead of pointy versions of normal female feet.



Anonymous No. 819317

Oh and did you put the belly button that low to make it hyper-feminine or because you're retarded? You have it far below the curve of the hips.

You have the thigh fat going really high instead of ballooning out at the bottom like a lot of actual women do. I think this looks like a good style decision if it was done deliberately. It makes the navel look confusing though

Anonymous No. 819320

How did you get this knowledge anon??

Anonymous No. 819322

>thigh fat
Replace with "love handles" my bad

Anonymous No. 819324

Use reference next time

Anonymous No. 819325

>lack of defined edge loops
>weird head shape
>proportions are off and not in an aesthetic way

Look at your model and look at your drawing.
If you see something that's off, fix it. Youtube anatomy.

Anonymous No. 819350

Thank you!!!

Anonymous No. 819351

NEVER post a Work In Progress.
Post only the finished, cleaned-up animation, then ask something like "look at this guy coomer 3d, how do i do something like it?".
They´re all going to shit on your work the same way, you see, they´re talentless hacks and kids who 'collect' 3D art (they don´t create it), but one out of the ten people who post here will be a professional 3D artist and animator who will be willing to help. Sometimes.

Anonymous No. 819352

But she's an orc. Her head is supposed to look bad :3

Anonymous No. 819353

Thanks for the response. How and where do you reckon I should whore out my 3d coomer creations? Will furrybait work?

Anonymous No. 819358

>they´re talentless hacks and kids who 'collect' 3D art (they don´t create it),
Nice projection there, mate.

Anonymous No. 819363

what's even the point of posting something like this other than attention whoring? do one of these a day for six months and you might start getting somewhere.

>finish the model

Anonymous No. 819366

This is a blue board. Legs dont look like that, study muscles and anatomy.

Anonymous No. 819369

trollchan now gets its own threads?



Anonymous No. 819371

Seek help or ngmi

Anonymous No. 819402

>Listening to a 90 iq off-white lecture you on masturbation

Anonymous No. 819408

enjoy ur prostate cancer

>To Anyone Who's STILL A VIRGIN...
not me, deal with it faggot

>OnlyFans Career Aftermath: Misery
good, that's what those whores deserve


No i cant have my....jpg

Trollchan No. 819414


Anonymous No. 819452

well, the OP model looked like yours

Anonymous No. 819465

Damn, you too? /3/ is the first board for me too so I read these threads sometimes.

Anonymous No. 819470

oh.. interesting



Anonymous No. 819479

Kek same here, brother

Anonymous No. 819485

I don't have a smartphone. I wonder if it's the case because /3/ is the only number board. If it was not for /3/, you would probably get /a/ instead.

Anonymous No. 819491

Should we create a petition to rename /3/ to /td/ or is that gatekeeping?

Anonymous No. 819493

I would be fine with /cg/, but there is no reason to change it.
what's /td/?

Anonymous No. 819527

you're a coomer and don't know what women look like

Anonymous No. 819529

you forgot "lmao"



Anonymous No. 819626

Update. Finished remeshing and did a test render. Took the advice and fixed the blobby legs and calves.



Anonymous No. 819628

Also tried another attempt at anatomy. I think this is better than my original attempt since i learned how to sculpt legs

Anonymous No. 819635

Mhm. -rolls eyes- -smirks to nearest person- -nods towards your existence- -makes handy motions- -chortles briefly- -air motions superiority- -quotation marks- -shrugs smugly- -condescends silently-

Anonymous No. 819636

But I like thick thighs

Anonymous No. 819644

jesus fucking christ, what is that

Anonymous No. 819647

pls explain

Anonymous No. 819650

>not knowing 3DGuy
fucking tourists


3d Joker.png

Anonymous No. 819654

Great job, keep it up.

Anonymous No. 819662

cant tell if your making fun of me haha but thank you im trying



Anonymous No. 819849

Leg body ratio is extreme. Probably on purpose, but just know you're deviating from human anatomy.


thumbs up2.gif

Anonymous No. 820307

It's definitely better than the one in the OP. Just keep it up. The only true NGMIs are the ones who don't practice.

Anonymous No. 820410

Got it
Thank you

Anonymous No. 820721

>new to sculpting
>immediately rush to stylized
atleast learn the propotions and anatomy before??

Anonymous No. 820779

no lol

Anonymous No. 820792

well then it's the usually answer:

Anonymous No. 820825


Anonymous No. 821233

Eyes are too low.

Anonymous No. 821331

study anatomy & body types.

Anonymous No. 821333

Looks like a decent upgrade for the goblin waifu in OSRS Runespace.

Anonymous No. 821826

she thicc doe, good job op.

Anonymous No. 821880

Thank you for pointing it out
Yes she cute

Anonymous No. 822585

Strong improvement from the OP pic.
You've identified your flaws and moved toward something significantly better. Anatomy is obviously exaggerated but it's not done so too wildly. Especially since you're not very experienced, this is great.
Keep on having fun and make what you want. You will keep growing.

Anonymous No. 822738

Thank you.



Anonymous No. 824666

Here's an update. Learning how to make good skin shaders. I think I made the skin too sweaty desu.



Anonymous No. 824667

Another render with roughness toned down. Can you guys recommend what I gotta do to monetise coomer stuff like this after I'm finished with arms legs and face? lol

Anonymous No. 824679

Not being a retard and actually doing some market research yourself.

Anonymous No. 824699

Where do I start with market research? I'm clueless idk. Do I make them look like OW models and sell them?

Anonymous No. 824702

>Where do I start with market research?
Think about how other people profit from their NSFW shit first

Anonymous No. 824728

Patreon? But anon I don't even have online followers :(

Anonymous No. 824770

>I don't even have online followers
research then how to get online followers jesus christ its not that hard

Anonymous No. 824799

We need to go fatter. ENLARGE

Anonymous No. 824808

more like fat

Anonymous No. 824821

The lines between the two are fluid. Not too keen about the glorification of unhealthy body forms that somehow is en vogue now.

Anonymous No. 824871

What's the difference?

Anonymous No. 824887

Fatties leave



Anonymous No. 824950

>What's the difference?

Anonymous No. 824958

You think that's aesthetically pleasing?



Anonymous No. 824961

>Not too keen about the glorification of unhealthy body forms that somehow is en vogue now.
I am legit sick of nazi zoomers (who watch anime) to whine about this. Fatties were always glorified in western art from the very start, it's just that 19-20th century art idealized skinny women as industrialization occurred during that time period.

Skinny bodies are an Eastern export if anything.

Anonymous No. 824965

I'm neither, I just don't like fat fucks clogging public health systems.

Anonymous No. 824969

no one likes aliens and monsters too anon

Anonymous No. 824975

No one is stopping you from becoming as fat as you want.

Anonymous No. 824995

>Posting paintings from a fat fetishist to support a claim that "fatties were always glorified in western art"

Here's the 4th century bc aphrodite of knidos. I chose the greek goddess of love and did not cherry pick. A healthy female body had always been the ideal, as is obvious to anyone not retarded.

There is virtually no evidence that fatties male or female have ever been considered ideal. It's a meme made up by feminists. Do some research.



Anonymous No. 824999




Anonymous No. 825011

>healthy at any size, am I right fellow artists



Anonymous No. 825027

in wikipedia:
"the function of the venus statues is not know...","...religious figures like goddesses...", "...or a female artist self-portrait".
A 'female artist'.
On the fucking neolithic, a female artist.
It would be the same as having a female artist here, doing 3d sculpts of herself naked in Patreon for us to fap to.
She would have to have rigging and sculpting expertise in the best paid softwares for that to be real, not mentioning texturing skills and rendder knowledge.
So yeah, unlikely.

Anonymous No. 825039

>doing 3d sculpts of herself naked in Patreon
based and hot as fuck, is there anybody doing it?

Anonymous No. 825044

Not to my knowledge. 3D is very male dominated. This correlates with the high rate of autism in men.



Anonymous No. 825079

Nothing is preventing you from whacking to sticc animu grills.
You should do your own research. All of the old masters did large women because they were the ideal.
>A healthy female body had always been the ideal
Being skinny was considered unhealthy and because it indicated that you lacked wealth.

Anonymous No. 825099

>Being skinny was considered unhealthy and because it indicated that you lacked wealth.
Today, that's the case for being fat.



Anonymous No. 825103

You're cherry picking. Pick a random artist whose name you know but whose work you've never seen. Find the first painting of a woman you see by this artist. Post it.

I'll do Manet. Not fat. Repeat this 10 times and you'll find one fatty at most.

I'm guessing you're a woman though so this whole discussion is a waste of time. You're entering it from an emotional "i am fat/like fat women so I will find things that affirm that" and I'm entering it from "what body types were more commonly portrayed historically?" I can tell you're a white woman because in your first post you made the trifecta of bitching about anime, bitching about men being attracted to healthy body types, and bitching about asian women being thin.


Also don't just fucking pick Titian or Ruben

Anonymous No. 825105

>All of the old masters did large women because they were the ideal.
Incredible cope. Put down the ice cream and go for a jog once in a while ffs

Anonymous No. 825576

Listen girl. You´re fat, You´re ugly. Men don´t want you and you are NOT smart enough to be a generalist in 3D - hell, most men aren´t and we are naturally smarter - but don´t try to push your body positivity agenda in a board full of 3D specialist pedos and coomer trolls. This is the last place on earth were you get any results.

Anonymous No. 825599

Chunky girls in art are nice. Not so much irl.



Anonymous No. 825949

Pure fucking cope. The reason you see fatties in art is because you needed to be wealthy to become fat in the first place and the wealthy were the ones commissioning their portraits. It's also fucking telling that you post fucking Rubens to support your claim about everyone liking fatties and shows how little you know about the subject. Rubens fucking HATED fatties and was only drawing them for money.

Anonymous No. 825996

>The reason you see fatties in art is because you needed to be wealthy to become fat in the first place and the wealthy were the ones commissioning their portraits.
Yeah no. Rubens Titian and a couple others drew fatties. They're an extremely slim minority. Every other artist drew either the average or ideal female form. Fatness has never been admired it's a poorly thought our feminist myth with scant evidence.



Anonymous No. 827418

I think you're doing great. Don't give up!
She's a little skinny around the shoulder area but otherwise she's looking real good. She's obviously a bit stylized and it seems like you have an idea of what you want to create.

Anonymous No. 827594

smaller head, bigger hips ass and boobs



Anonymous No. 827622

It looks good, don't listen to >>819287
These retards, coomers will eat up ANYTHING, you could make nsfw animations with this model once you finish it and lock them behind Layton and people will give you money for it, when it comes to sex, nowadays anyone will pay

Anonymous No. 827624

>nowadays anyone will pay
do you think it's possible to get from no art experience > 500-1000$/month patreonbuxx in 1 year making coomer stuff? It would be enough for me to live

Anonymous No. 827625

Probably. Hiding that you're indian would help. Makes your work seem higher quality. Pretend to be dutch or something it fits with your English level.

Making a thinly veiled copy of a character popular with coomers is a good idea too. Hermione or Katniss or that troll looking thing from game of thrones or billy eyelash or some shit could sell well. If you're going more fantasy, then just pick an inevitable fan service character from the new amazon lotr or something.

And yes, i know you're indian

Anonymous No. 827626

>And yes, i know you're indian
I guess slavs are the pajeets of europe kek
anyway, thanks anon

Anonymous No. 827627

Just assumed you were hindustani because you need so much spoon feeding.

Holy fuck you're dumb for a white person. Here I'll give you the white person steps:

1. Go to coomer coomunity
2. copy a business model
3. Profit

If you need help with ANY of those steps, you're fucking braindead. The only thing you should need help with is making art.

Anonymous No. 827820


Whoever made that image is fucking retarded they all look the same. Jesus christ I'll fix this one second.


body types fixed.jpg

Anonymous No. 827827


Here OP. Use this as a guide. If you want I can make a third axis which would be body fat % for the faggots that think women with hips are "fat" but I'm sure this is plenty for now.

Anonymous No. 827889

Holy Christ those feet!

Anonymous No. 827912

nice, thanks anon

Anonymous No. 827916

Aw fuck it, hyper hourglass all the way

Anonymous No. 827932

>hyper hourglass

It's a teeny tiny bit exaggerated but this used to be the normal figure for women 20-30 years ago.

C-sections have given rise to an overabundance of young women who literally don't have hips along with women participating in sports giving them larger upper bodies which is why young men today (like yourself) think the normal female figure is "HYPER" hour glass.

If you travel a bit to unwesternized parts of your country or the world you'll see that the "hyper hourglass" is actually the norm for the females.

Anonymous No. 827937

>young men
>(like yourself)
That's a laugh...I remember a time when most women had that nice hourglass figure. People simply weren't that enormous in the 70s and 80s.

Anonymous No. 828020

looks like shit
his skill is the problem not blender
the fingers look creepy as fuck
the face too
really?? i always thought everything artistic has a lot of femoids in it
2d seems to be female dominated to me but idk

Anonymous No. 828034

> i always thought everything artistic has a lot of femoids in it
That's the beauty of 3d, spatial visualization and technical skills are very valuable, and women are less likely to be good at those.

Anonymous No. 828143

people don't like anorexic people, people don't like land whales, there is a line you have to tow to look great.

fatasses think they are not as disgusting as they think, and they think they cant loose the weight. I went from 315 (possibly 320~, when I started exercising, my weight bloated from 295 to 315 before I stopped looking at the scale, something about water retention and months of inefficient muscle repair) to around 230 as of now in about 1 year, and I have about another 6-8 months to go before I may be what I should weigh. knowing how easy weight loss is pisses me off even more that fat fucks cant shut the fuck up about fat acceptance and push shit like 'fat was desirable 400 years ago'

but off topic, but what changes is what we see as ideal, skinny use to be it, then it went to 'fit' then a few genetic freaks had great looking bodies even with a bit more weight on then then they should have and every fat fuck uses thicc as an excuse to not fucking try.

Anonymous No. 828145

women aren't fat till they stop being distinguished as women and turn into a fat golem, this happens when gut is now larger than hips or bust size, till then, they are still viewed as women.

but on the topic of hips, women tend to store fat in hips rather then gut first, so hips are a kind of a canary point on if someone is getting fat.


images - 2021-05-....jpg

Anonymous No. 828149

just wait until 3d becomes more mainstream amongst these "people" and we will get those they/them hotdog water smelling art hoes here too



Anonymous No. 828693

OP here. I worked on her over and over till I got better at face anatomy. I think this is okay so far.
How do I learn eyebrows/eyelashes?
And how do I git gud at hair? I don't want realistic video gamey hair but the bloblike hair or hair in games like Overwatch or fortnite?



Anonymous No. 828695

Tried working on better colors.
I realise I fucked up her lips. How can I correct that?

Help me out here anons.



Anonymous No. 828705

Tried EEVEE and different colors. I kinda messed up with her lip when I remeshed and idk how to fix it.
So how do I git gud at eyelashes+eyebrows anon? really need to get those expressions right.



Anonymous No. 828881

Alright anons what do you think?

Anonymous No. 828886

copy how the models do their eyebrows and eyelashes in smutba . se
or just watch youtube videos

You just need to practice a lot of hair. Everyone does it differently even if they use the same basic techniques. Your doing it right you just need to do it more.

Anonymous No. 828889

Thank you anon!

Anonymous No. 828927

>Month of grinding
>Makes an obese scene girl

Anonymous No. 828931

I mean it's been "Three weeks of learning" and he's better than half of the board already kek

Anonymous No. 828968

She's not obese :(

Anonymous No. 828972

I'd cum to it

Anonymous No. 829038

>1 month

At your pace you' be done in 1 year or never.

Anonymous No. 829044

Where's the snout, tail and fur?

Anonymous No. 829073

getting there
her butt's too large for that upper body

Anonymous No. 829114

OP search for gesture and appeal, that will definetly improve your sculpts way more than just anatomy, the shape looks weird but with some adjustments you could make weird anatomy work

for instance, make the shape of the tighs look as if it continues the shape on the calf on the other side of the leg

it's weird to explain but that might save your model

also practice a lot, it'll come eventually

Anonymous No. 829115

a good start could be the book "anatomy for sculptors



Anonymous No. 829744

Baked textures for her body. I'll work on her hair and eyes next.
Do I rig her after that? I want to git gud at making nice facial expressions anons do you guys have tips for that?

Anonymous No. 829747

look for face rigging courses
CGcircuit has one in Maya, but you can still learn the important concepts

Anonymous No. 829787

You are proud of getting 'better' at facial anatomy, but it's clearly not something you really studied. Yes, she has a recognizable nose shape, but no nostrils... and it's tiny... and her lip shape is cartoony even after the application of 'lipstick' color

Anonymous No. 829788

I didn't want nostrils on her lol and yeah i did a poor job of the lips. How would I go about sculpting better lips anon?
Got it

Anonymous No. 829791

Use pics of models with bombastic lipstick if that's the aesthetic you're going for, it's a VERY particular puffy shape, if you're using 2d as a reference it's not going to come out right because the only way they can draw it right is with shading

Anonymous No. 829792

((((((Inverted triangle))))))

Anonymous No. 829794

I recommend looking for at least some skull pictures so you can have a reference point, don't be scared of failing and use a lot of references

Anonymous No. 829795

Learn anatomy FFS - nobody ever told you that?
You shouldn't sculpt at all without basic understanding of what you are sculpting.
Throw everything you got in the trash (where it belongs) and start from scratch.
If you can't sculpt lips, then look at actual lips, learn from it and sculpt a hundred pair of lips in all kinds of poses.
You can't sculpt a head, well then look at fucking heads you retard and sculpt a hundred heads.
Rinse and repeat.
Your work is shit, don't you see that?
You'll NEVER get better until the moment you take this serious and learn properly.
You are wasting your precious lifetime like I waste mine by lecturing an retard.

Anonymous No. 829973

Rigging follows muscles. Combining parts of rigs into a single control makes easier to animate.

To make nice expressions you need to practice animating.

Its easier to learn rigging by copying other people's existing rig.

Anonymous No. 829994

Fuck the haters - You gave your Orc wife a damn fine pooper



Anonymous No. 830157

Alright, I took the advice of the seething anon who called me retard and reworked the facial anatomy including her lips. Looks better now imo but tell me what you guys think.



Anonymous No. 830158

I can't decide if I have to go with Orange eyebrows or Black eyebrows.

Gotcha anon. I need to give her fancy clothes and move on to the rig after that.
She's an elf girl now!



Anonymous No. 830160

There we go! Thank you for the help anons. I've finally finished my first stylised female sculpt! Wish I could do a better job of her hair though.
I have to rig her next.



Anonymous No. 830174

Th-this is a blue board, anon...

Anonymous No. 830175

Damn it's WAY better than the goblino bloblino from your first pic a month back. You still need to go a long way bruh.
If only you paid attention to facial anatomy over coomer shit you'd make it.

Anonymous No. 830176

Also hideous feet.
And her arms look weird.
Study anatomy faggot stop focusing on coomer details.

Anonymous No. 830178

Like the others said. Learn anatomy. Her torso is too big and unrealistic. Hair is terrible and undefined. Toes are shit. Pink nipples look unrealistic and bright.

Anonymous No. 830188

She actually looks cute somehow, but the lips and nose still seem messed up.
It seems like the indentation where the upper lip meets the philtrum should be more pronounced

Anonymous No. 830200

Very nice job with the face OP

Anonymous No. 830201

Thats because there is no philtrum, and the lips are protruding from the face, Still it's better than before

Anonymous No. 830231

Why does she have a negroid jawline.

Anonymous No. 830244

To make you seethe.

Anonymous No. 831205

OP, you need to make the breasts larger and reduce the fat on the legs otherwise you won't attract the coomers.

Anonymous No. 831304

cope titfag

Anonymous No. 831402

OP, don't listen to this guy. If you wanna be rich through coomerbaiting, big breasts is what sells.



Anonymous No. 831519

just paint 3d...



Anonymous No. 831584

...ms paint 3d again

Anonymous No. 831645

ASS >>> tits

Anonymous No. 832200

Why has OP stopped posting his progress?

Anonymous No. 832270

One gives you milk, one shits.
Eat shit and die degenerate

Anonymous No. 832272

He mjsttbe practiced his way to self awareness



Anonymous No. 832414

I don't like the over-pronounced jaw and cheekbones. It feels like the eyes and forehead are set back in the head
Low bellybutton makes it look pregnant without being pregnant imo
DUMPY too huge and stretches into the back. Check out real pictures of people with huge asses
Look into making the back muscles more accurate, it's looks like there's pecs on the back
Check out this book, really. It seems to be a good resource for making things that look good, cover is a man but it covers women too. Then you can just base your models off of real people that look good desu
This isn't really a critique but the back view almost makes it look like a centaur lmao



Anonymous No. 832418

This me
Shit I should've read the whole thread. Damn that's a lot of good improvement! Still not really a fan of the DUMPY but everything has gotten a lot better. Women have wider hips their legs tend to sweep inwards. It's also why some women have a thigh gap. You can use that to make the leg anatomy look more natural. Here's a really crappy skeleton drawing because I downloaded some app for it, but hopefully it gets the point across somewhat



Anonymous No. 832549

>That anatomy

Anonymous No. 832551

I literally thought she was coated in cum why is she made of GLASS?

Anonymous No. 832937


Anonymous No. 832938

>orc waifu

Anonymous No. 833014

Not bad



Anonymous No. 833016


Anonymous No. 833022

Damn this is creepy
And hot

Anonymous No. 833023

Can i do this kind of hit sculpting with a mouse?
A tablet is expensive...

Anonymous No. 833024


...of course!!! , when you like to get flogged...

>A tablet is expensive...


Anonymous No. 833033

WTF is this ?
P.S. The pc model at the back has lighting issues

Anonymous No. 833039




Anonymous No. 833042


Anonymous No. 833043

Ok butseriously how bad is mouse sculpting...
Its more of a hobby reallly but still

Anonymous No. 833045


...computer graphics is expensive!!! the better yo get, the more money you put into your rig!!

Anonymous No. 833046

Like i said its a hobby

Anonymous No. 833047


... are you OP?

Anonymous No. 833088

You improved it alot. Consider setting it aside and starting a new one from scratch. It will go quicker and be better.

Anonymous No. 833122

This, but hundreds of times, eventually you'll get really good



Anonymous No. 833512

OP here, was busy with my day job so I couldn't work on my elf waifu any more.
I took your suggestions and fixed her lips+nose.
I'm honestly not happy with how I'm progressing on her hair anons :( I tried following tutorials but my hair doesn't look as good.

Anonymous No. 833513

Also can someone help me with improving my renders? It looks really plain rn. How do I get good looking renders? I'm using a three point lighting that I got from youtube.



Anonymous No. 833514




Anonymous No. 833516


Anonymous No. 833523

she looks like a centaur that had the horse part amputated

Anonymous No. 833524


Anonymous No. 833528

because that's not where the human butt ends

Anonymous No. 833546

She's an elf :3

Anonymous No. 833556

do elves carry their pregnancies on the back?

Anonymous No. 833584

She's an elf with a fat ass :3

Anonymous No. 833671

that's not what any ass looks like.

Anonymous No. 833704

So its innovative? Sounds like you need to keep up bud.

Anonymous No. 833707

dude please break away from the 2d reference

Anonymous No. 833715

Elf ass :3
But how else will i learn?

Anonymous No. 833717

>C-sections have given rise to an overabundance of young women who literally don't have hips
Yeah, because evolution works within 2 generations. By your logic we should have people with no legs, because we sit so much and drive instead of walking.

Anonymous No. 833719

I am truly inspired by your efforts OP. I am also trying to make my coom project but getting demotivated when something goes wrong. Looking at your drive for this project I am also getting motivated to just get through with my project even if it's bad. Thank you OP for not giving up.

Anonymous No. 833720

>it's bad on purpose XD XD XD

Anonymous No. 833742

Thanks anon you too keep it up

Anonymous No. 833760

Yes :)

Anonymous No. 833783

I didn't realize other people lurked here because of alphanumeric priority

But yes the thigh fat should close the thigh gap not chill off to the back of the leg lol

Anonymous No. 833792

can you expand more on this anon? wdym?



Anonymous No. 834286

i did a drawoever for you elf anon. its not perfect but you might be a visual learner like i am.



Anonymous No. 834420


Anonymous No. 834478

not him but what do the red arrows mean ?

Anonymous No. 834480

It means it was doddle by a shizo, probably the same retard that spams frogs and that deformed ball thread with DAZ gay porn on it

Anonymous No. 834501

the flow of the shape of the lower leg

Anonymous No. 834504

Retarded shit to ruin your life.
Imagine pushing the same shit form the 1800s because hormones and kids exist.
Let kids have fun god dam it !

Anonymous No. 834609

Thank you so much :) I'll learn from this!

Anonymous No. 835182

Abstaining from masturbation won't ruin your life. Your sex organ is designed for sex and it's just coincidence that you evolved with the ability to comfortably masturbate.

Anonymous No. 835194

>Your sex organ is designed for sex
Ok then why is masturbating problematic?

Anonymous No. 835307

Disclaimer: i have never looked at nofap shit and this is my personal opinion

It reduces your motivation to get laid. If your body believes you're already getting pussy it will stop motivating you to go get pussy.

If you're voluntarily celibate, go for it. If not, stop beating it.



Anonymous No. 835375

Spent the last few days learning some arm anatomy.
This took me about 8 hours, need some feedback.

Anonymous No. 835379

No it wouldn't unless you have a chronic 24/7 addiction and anything can be harmful in excess .Masturbation will calmed an individual down if they don't get any pussy and animals tend to get really agressive when they are horny and they do masturbate as well(dry humping etc) . It's all fearmongering of invisible lake of fire that causes this nofap sentiment but in rhetoric it is shrouded in scientific linguisticism.

Anonymous No. 835415

looks like a tongue on steroids

Anonymous No. 835417

>Masturbation will calmed an individual down if they don't get any pussy and animals tend to get really agressive when they are horny and they do masturbate as well
You just said what I said. Masturbation calms you down and makes you less pussy hungry. Jacking off instead of chasing pussy is like eating junk food because you're too lazy to cook.

I want to stay pussy hungry at all times so I'm cutting back on masturbation. Last time I did this i got laid (twice) for the first time in 18 months.

Masturbation greatly reduces your drive to seek pussy.

Anonymous No. 835418

Definitely not an arm. Not even sure what you were trying to do here.

Anonymous No. 835419

Not everyone wants to have soulless sex with whores, anon. I would be riding cocks all day on Grindr otherwise

Anonymous No. 835420

So then back to my second post
>If you're voluntarily celibate, go for it. If not, stop beating it
I am rarely sexually active and just try to fuck a whore occasionally to improve my self esteem.

Also, being aroused by men is a fetish like liking animals or kids or feet or crossdressing. Look at japanese/greek views on homosexuality. You're stuck in a christian mindset if you think being gay is any more critical to your identity than liking feet.

Anonymous No. 835498

It doesn't look like an arm to you?
Can you redline why?



Anonymous No. 835528


Anonymous No. 835598

People who aren't getting laid/people who excessively masturbate aren't doing that because of a lack of horny to chase pussy with, there are likely other underlying issues that are the cause to both these things, nofap and other garbage is trying to solve a symptom.

Anonymous No. 835681

This is the computer graphics board you nigger.

Anonymous No. 835769

Not really, it's fundamentally wrong. Try looking at reference of real arms while doing it, in the pose you're trying to sculpt it in. You should also clarify that it's an arm when posted because i didn't even figure it out

Anonymous No. 835968

You didn't finish shit, it look just as garbage as the first screenshot

Anonymous No. 835993

too many joints, for a start

Anonymous No. 836028

Smaller head, and just scrap everything below the waist ffs



Anonymous No. 836032

Op here I tried my hand at rigging but its way too complex :(
So I gave mixamo a shot but it feels like cheating.

Anonymous No. 836034

Also my mesh 'stretches' around the arms when I try to post with her arms up. How do I fix that?
Help me learn rigging anons. It'll be the last thing to learn so I can practice on the next sculpt :(

Anonymous No. 836096

Idk, but if this thread dies you should make a new one about that. Then maybe the next thread can attract more retards arguing about masturbation or something.

Anonymous No. 836105

>So I gave mixamo a shot but it feels like cheating.
It is a cheat for background characters. Using it on something that gets close to the camera will give subpar results - unless you know what you are doing and are able to fix the bone position afterwards or you rig it yourself properly and then use the Mixamo animation with proper retargeting.

Anonymous No. 837491

OP here I still can't animate :(

Anonymous No. 837739

You did that with only 3 weeks of work? It may have errors and whatnot but still really good. Do not give a crap about "muh anatomy" shitters, people coom to shit even if it's not anatomically correct all the time, if you think something inhumane is better, do it like that.

Anonymous No. 838065

Thank you anon. I'm trying to learn animation so far I'm not making any progress desu.

Anonymous No. 838077

>coomer weebs coddling OP's shitty orc OC
It looks like shit, and continues to look like shit because you refuse to learn anatomy and bask in the coombrains wacking their dick off to over stylized uguu shit. You've wasted nearly three months polishing a turd that gets worse with every progression.

You're not getting better because you don't understand how fucking anatomy works. Read a book.

Anonymous No. 838174

I don't care about anatomy lol



Anonymous No. 838715

Owing to my failure in succeeding to learn rigging I've moved on to my second model. What do you think anons?



Anonymous No. 838720

A better render png



Anonymous No. 838724

I think I did a better job at anatomy this time than before. Pity I can't pick up how to rig or paint weights.

Anonymous No. 838750

Ass too high up

Anonymous No. 838755

I copied overwatch sfm models :///

Anonymous No. 838756

arms suck

Anonymous No. 838772

how can i improve them? I figured that too they look bad

Anonymous No. 838889

How do I improve the arms?

Anonymous No. 838890

strong venus de willendorf vibes

Anonymous No. 838907

Is that good or bad?

Anonymous No. 838908


Anonymous No. 838909

Someone tell me how I might fix the arms please



Anonymous No. 839160

Did I good job of sculpting the arms + the lighting + textures anons?



Anonymous No. 839301

sup, nocoomer here
can you guys recommend me some coomer habitats?



Anonymous No. 840229
