
deepfried wip.jpg

🧵 /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 813546

/wip/ - Works in Progress
- Deepest Fried Edition -

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>806266
List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB



Anonymous No. 813550

Is this bad for 3-4 hours?

Anonymous No. 813559

I can't comment on if that is a good speed but those look really nice. Are those bots from Mega Man? The wheel one in particular looks familiar.

Anonymous No. 813561

Yeah, they’re from the first stage

Anonymous No. 813574

In my humble opinion, that's pretty good!



Anonymous No. 813582

Been playing around with Blender's new Geometry Nodes.
I'm still wrapping my head around them and what I can really do with them, but I can see some pretty cool stuff being possible in the future with it when I really figure it out. That and whenever they get around to adding more features to it.

Even for basic greebly shit, it's already more useful and performant than particles. Which was retarded in the first place for instancing a bunch of objects.

Anonymous No. 813585

Opinion dismissed


czlowiek renta.png

Anonymous No. 813586

trying out sculpting tools for the first time, I guess the times of manually extruding faces are over

Anonymous No. 813593

I'll be honest anon it's pretty good, but please for the love of god delete the how fast i am meme from your head.
It's the most retardedest meme that's been thrown around 3d since forever.

Anonymous No. 813595

I just want to know if I’m underperforming at a given time



Anonymous No. 813643

Almost done high poly.

Anonymous No. 813655

it's not a race

Anonymous No. 813658

It is when you have bills to pay.

Anonymous No. 813660

give up

Anonymous No. 813661

kys yansculpts

Anonymous No. 813678

I shouldn't need an overkill hair system just to put a bunch of static trees around the scene.



Anonymous No. 813706

I'm bored and out of ideas so I just doodled an oldschool random shit monster head.
Kinda digging the result, but I'm not sure if I will make anything with it.



Anonymous No. 813762

AMAZING, let's keep it up.
May i suggest narrowing her shoulder a tiny bit, she'll look more feminine.

Anonymous No. 813763

looks bad stop trying basemeshboi

Anonymous No. 813764


Anonymous No. 813765

Sorry sometimes I have to use base meshes cause I'm a waggie and only have a few hours in the week to truly practice :(

but I took my anatomy very seriously, and this is just a wip



Anonymous No. 813781

I had this idea for a sort of utopia like brutalist like alien species that's invaded this lush natural planet and is sucking the life blood out of one of their gigantic eldritch trees. kind of thinking like xenoblade and syd mead combined or something. This is what I've got so far. I need to make these clouds less poopy looking and the scale feels wierd. Open to critiques, or do you guys know any good reference or resources I could use?

Anonymous No. 813788


Anonymous No. 813802

where did his penis go? haha



Anonymous No. 813803

Anonymous No. 813806

I'm not good enough to offer any real critique, but the bricks look really small in comparison to everything else.

Anonymous No. 813807

you're not paying the bills with those
once you get good, you get fast

Anonymous No. 813867

What are you gonna do with that arm glued to the torso?

Anonymous No. 813869

I assume he wants to 3D print it, that would be the only scenario where that makes sense.


Train2-2 (1).webm

Anonymous No. 813883

Anonymous No. 813895

So much soul.
You put a lot of effort into this, been seeing your posts for months, it's really coming together.
I gotta watch this on a big screen later, but on my phone it truly feels like I'm watching a high quality shot of an actual model train.
I love it.

Anonymous No. 813899

What's the f-stop?

Anonymous No. 813900

Thank you, I really appreciate it. I've been feeling a bit down recently so it's somewhat of a struggle, but I really hope I'll be able to finish this project soon. Yeah, I've been at it for a while now, started in December, but initial idea was a small part of a Christmas town / village diorama, with a plan to finish it by Christmas. But during the production I realized I want to increase the fidelity + I didn't feel like modeling so many houses since I already have enough experience on that subject, so I went down a different path.

I have a small story in mind with this, but it will still require a fair amount of small dioramas like this one. Atm I'm planning to finish 3 scenes and publish them as a first part - this scene, the one with a telephone booth in the middle of the forest, and the cave entrance. After that, I'll probably pause and finish my previous project first, then continue working on this one.

I'll post a higher quality version once I'm done with all the camera shots and other fixes, atm I just did a test render of a few shots to see if everything is working properly.

Anonymous No. 813901

Something really low, under f/1, but depends for each shot.

Anonymous No. 813902

It'd be weird to sculpt a penis
It's just a sculpt for practice, I won't do anything with it, that's it, I probably won't even finish it.

Anonymous No. 813903

Nice, got that tin & plastic look down plus the movement/dynamics. The tiny focal range is a bit overdone, but I guess it helps here.

Anonymous No. 813904

Thanks, yeah I'll keep tweaking that, I agree it might be a bit too much for some shots.

Anonymous No. 813938

good job anon looks great
agree the tiny focal range is a bit harsh

you have reached the next level of autism
model trains are regular autism but modelling and animating them is chad level autism.

Anonymous No. 813944

really cute anon.
The dof is a tad overdone though I think. I mean yeah the depth of field for something like this should be really shallow, but I think it's a bit too shallow to actually see anything.
Still, nice work. You really nailed that plastic-y toy look. Might be fun to make modular assets that you could piece together and make a whole set.

Anonymous No. 813953

>next level of autism
I don't think an artist can get a nicer compliment than this, appreciate it.

Thank you too. Yeah, I'll definitely reduce DoF a bit. Btw, I did another test and thankfully I can render it with raytracing on my shitty PC, so the end result will be even better. Will post updates as always.

Anonymous No. 813956

Drink is good
Sauce is good, except the cups look fucking weird (would look more normal round)
Burger looks good except the bottom bun's inside texture, and the top bun looks like a seperate baked good instead of sliced from the bottom
Fries look trash, what's with the browning on every edge? Either remove them, or if you're going for the skin-on look, do it only on one side/end
Orange bowl looks like it's floating/non-flat base

Anonymous No. 813957

Why do the wheels not follow the tracks properly?

Anonymous No. 813960

Oh, and about the modular assets, yeah, I thought about it. As I said, my original plan was an urban setting, not these natural scenes, and if I go back and create the town area as well, I'll pretty much have to make modular houses because of the scope. And then, creating a set maybe for asset stores could also be an option.

Actually I've been ideaguying this project for a few years now as a short holiday game, to maybe try to fill that niche of a go-to game you play for Christmas each year. Something like a collect-a-thon, running around and exploring a small town and surrounding parks and caves. But from my past gamedev experiences I know it would be a hell of a challenge, even more so if I keep this fidelity. But if I ever decide to just go for it, at least I'll have a decent number of assets from this project, as well as some game mechanics I already made.

This is something I'm trying to fix right now, I think I need to tweak the origin of the wagons as they are just following the spline.



Anonymous No. 813962

I think the sauce cups are supposed to be those paper ones. They definitely crumple up like that when under heavy load (though not as much). But they shouldn't be that reflective, and they're supposed to have a kind of corrugated look to them.

To add to your crit.
The onion rings look like they'd be super crunchy, like potato chip crunchy. There needs to be some kind of translucency or something. Because they don't really look like onion rings.
Lettuce could use some thickness too. It's infinitely thin like a plane.

Anonymous No. 813966

Thanks for the crit anons.

Regarding the cups, i was going for a more fancy porcelain style cups, that's why they look reflective (regarding the crit from anon >>813962) and i've seen some have that shape when they are used to hold pourable sauces. I'll see if making them round gives them a better aesthetic.

Will do some fix up and post results.


Ishtar Wip.png

Anonymous No. 814021

Working on a model for print. Going back and forth a lot between test printing and designing, trying to minimize the problems with support.



Anonymous No. 814034

I love me some booba and poopa
but your proportions are shit
the hips look atrocious anon there needs to be space for a hipbone beneath the flesh otherwise it looks deformed.
there is lots wrong with the anatomy. a ribcage doesn't arc

you should look up some anatomy anon that would improve your model significantly.

If you are going to print this at least give it a decent pose.



Anonymous No. 814107

My first rigging attempt.

Anonymous No. 814126

Fix that sack dawg

Anonymous No. 814138


I don't really know how. I did this in C4D, which probably doesn't have the best rigging tools. It's just an IK joint in the sack with dynamics enabled.

Anonymous No. 814140

paint a weight map and use at least two bones. it has to behave like two pendulums covered in a rubber bag.

Anonymous No. 814159

Hoping to get some NFT action, aren't you?

Anonymous No. 814183

I don't remember this Half Life enemy.



Anonymous No. 814215

Face problems



Anonymous No. 814250

Seperate the whole wheel set from the rest of the carriage, have them follow the spline, then make the carriage parented to them on a rotation constraint?

Yeah I think the material is fine, it's just that I'd expect them to be more rounded rather than looking like the paper ones, that's what looked confusing

Anonymous No. 814267

>Seperate the whole wheel set from the rest of the carriage, have them follow the spline, then make the carriage parented to them on a rotation constraint?
This is the solution, yeah, I figured that out today. I guess it should be a fast fix, but I'll leave it for later because I fixed the problem already by reducing the curve of the rail, so it isn't noticeable anyway.

Anonymous No. 814270

Critique this anatomy anon =)



Anonymous No. 814278

I hadn't considered it.

I don't think a wiggly dong monster from a no-name 4chin poster would fetch much dosh anyway.

Anonymous No. 814290

fake transparency fags get the rope

Anonymous No. 814334




Anonymous No. 814364

Todays practice, crits welcome, i'll add more res later

Anonymous No. 814365

Keep going anon, we all gotta start somewhere

Anonymous No. 814385

Is that guy a tranny man?

Anonymous No. 814387

If you look at somewhat feminine men and think of trannies they have won, they're in your head.


Char_Toon render 1.png

Anonymous No. 814422

Tried copying the faye speedsculpt to learn from it.
Turned out better than when I was pushing verts around but still not great.



Anonymous No. 814458

Something I'm working on sporadically.

Should be already finished, but isn't.
The weak part on this model are the deformations. Should be fixwd with some shape keys and drivers. Let me know what you think so far.

Anonymous No. 814459

I may not like the execution very much, but I do appreciate the concept a lot

Anonymous No. 814463

Thank you for your feedback. Can you elaborate, on what you dislike specifically?

I'm not that satisfied with the Model as well

Anonymous No. 814465

He must've eaten one hell of a curry.

Anonymous No. 814466

Arms look lazy, the rig, or however you bent the left one is fucked, textures look half assed, especially the tattoos. I know it's not supposed to be realistic, but he has no bones in his left arm, his wrist is thicker than his upper arm, and right arm's muscles are wrong. Vest material doesn't make sense. I kinda like the head-neck section, but the dip on the left side doesn't make sense.

Anonymous No. 814467




Anonymous No. 814472

Tried to fix at least some of the issues with this one. I still don't have a clue how to add thickness to planes with alpha transparency images



Anonymous No. 814494



Anonymous No. 814508

The towel looks like it should be a lot flatter instead of curling/lifting like that
Fries still look a little weird, as if some are floating. They seem quite floppy too instead of crispy (ie. more rigid). You could possibly solve it by putting them in something like pic related, I know a lot of places present fries like that to be 'fancy'



Anonymous No. 814511


the runes really need to have depth my man and I think you could be more accurate with the ramp

keep it up



Anonymous No. 814552

I think I should start over on this couch...

Anonymous No. 814554

No thats just extra tank armor plates lying around

Anonymous No. 814556

fellow stargatechads

Anonymous No. 814564

looks like I need to watch more tutorials

Anonymous No. 814592

Does it look realistic? No
Is it a stylized image of a couch? Yes
Does it invite anyone to sit down on it? No, it looks super uncomfortable.
It looks like one of those artsy shit benches you find in artsy places.
btw, bevel all your edges - the tiniest bit of rounding helps. No edge is ever perfectly 90°.



Anonymous No. 814610

the runes have some depth, not enough as you can see.

as for the ramp, I didn't use any reference so it's not acurate at all, time to rewatch some episodes.




Anonymous No. 814620

any surface that isn't bevelled like that is gonna disappear, get some edge on those fellas

Anonymous No. 814621

>falling for the bevel meme
use edge shaders, caveman

Anonymous No. 814623

Reported for being a Canadian

Anonymous No. 814648

*Golfs through your worm hole*
pfft, nuthin' personal, kid.



Anonymous No. 814683

Putting it into a glTF

Anonymous No. 814694

I know about the bevel thing, and I want the couch to look like a real couch, I think it would be best if I start over with it and use actual refs instead of using my mind of what a couch looks like
thanks for the input, it helps



Anonymous No. 814713

Made a shader that overlays a bayer matrix dither pattern over things and crunches the color down to 15bit (or my closest approximation of it).

It kind of works, but I'd like to improve the dithering somehow.

Anonymous No. 814719

Looks awesome, what language is the shader in, and how does it only affect shadows?

Anonymous No. 814726

It's blender shader nodes. It effects the whole surface, but it's most visible in darker regions of image, because that's where the restricted color depth really hits hardest.



Anonymous No. 814764


Anonymous No. 814768

can you post it without the shader for comparison?



Anonymous No. 814769




Anonymous No. 814770

And here is the same converted to 15bit color in photoshop.

As you can see, the blender conversion is not accurate yet, and is crushing dark areas too hard.

Anonymous No. 814771

That's the kind of stuff I do in post since shader based solutions can be fiddly and yield inconsistent results under different light situations.

Anonymous No. 814778

From the thumbnail the left part looked like one of those ojou-sama anime hair styles.

Anonymous No. 814790

hair at the top doesn't match picture, why? positions are flipped

Anonymous No. 814813

ref is meant to be flipped its a pokemon battle sprite



Anonymous No. 815026

today's sketch, crits? I kinda hate it.

Anonymous No. 815027

Looks bad, basemeshboi

Anonymous No. 815029

well this one is only partially based mesh.

Anonymous No. 815030

Oh well it only looks partially bad then

Anonymous No. 815032

Looks pretty nice but you aren't understanding that twist in the lower abdomen. I'm sure you can see how it differs from your reference. You should really try and copy the ref as accurately as you can and not make it up like you did with the abdomen. You focused too much on the muscle and wanting to get them all sculpted in when in the reference they are sorta one block/form and consolidated if that makes sense? Also this anon >>815027
is a huge crab, these are good studies I think you just need to use some more observation and trust your ref. You can see multiple inaccuracies with proportions and such with the muscle groups and the size of them. I would like to see you taking more time and more than just a day and really making sure you nail the proportions and the size of things before you subdivide.

Anonymous No. 815036

Stop posting, you're not funny, only retarded.

Anonymous No. 815040

you're absolutely right, thank you, I'll fix it.

Anonymous No. 815042

Stop using base meshes then

Anonymous No. 815048

holy based



Anonymous No. 815049

It's not lighting that's causing the problem. It's that blender appears to have its very own personal handling of color values that is on a non-linear curve and completely fucking detached from anything a normal person would ever consider imagine.

You would think that if you're storing colors as normalized vectors, 0.0 is 0, 1.0 is 255, and any value inbetween would be equal to 255 multiplied by that value.

Except it isn't. There is a fucking curve to this system, for some retarded reason.

Just look at this shit. My value is 0.1. Does that greyscale picker look like it's at 0.1 on 0 to 1 scale? No. It looks like it's at fucking 0.5. But nope, according to blender it's at 0.1.

What do you get when multiply 1 by .1? You get .1, right?
1.0 is FF in Hex, so 0.1 should be 19, right? No, according to blender it's 89.

According to blender, ten percent of the way through the 0-F scale in hex is 89.

I want to fucking punch whoever came up with this fucking absurd, stupid shit. No wonder I couldn't figure out how to get these colors right to convert right, holy fucking shit.

Anonymous No. 815050

I said 89 instead of 59 but whatever.

Anonymous No. 815051

Make me.

Anonymous No. 815052

Disable gamma correction.

Anonymous No. 815059

Doesn't seem to be an option. Not one that effects this, anyway.


eye wip.png

Anonymous No. 815063

Trying to make an Nendoroid but feel really lost on the eye. I was thinking about making a bunch of knife cuts, but I dunno.

Anonymous No. 815070


>box modelling anime

>give up, start sculpting blendlet.

Anonymous No. 815075

the eye is not your problem here


creepy doll.png

Anonymous No. 815076

Augh fine you're right. Box modelling destroys my wrist anyways. But maybe if there's a sudden demand for creppy uncanny valley dolls.
Got any advice on anything else then?

Anonymous No. 815079

yeah google face topology

Anonymous No. 815081


Anonymous No. 815087

Start with less polygons. You're trying to run before you've learned to walk.

Block everything out with as few polys as you need for the topology, and then subdivide.



Anonymous No. 815210

Hopefully now this looks a bit better, still I find this one to be a very difficult pose.

Anonymous No. 815211

where's your work, schizo?

Anonymous No. 815213

Bad look crappy obvious basemesh

Anonymous No. 815223

ignore this crab, it's a huge improvement.



Anonymous No. 815227

Is it normal to spend multiple textures on an object like this? Keep in mind it’s supposed to be as large as a helicopter

Anonymous No. 815229

Always makes things more manageable and it will give you the necessary texture resolution for large objects. Doing that with a single 16k or 32k map isn't the way.

Anonymous No. 815232

what >>815229 says. he didn't mention UDIM, so just in case, look into that

Anonymous No. 815237

yeah totally. But if it's supposed to be that large and in frame you are lacking a lot of geo detail

Anonymous No. 815238

Dont these large things just use a tiling texture with decals for the details? Or trim sheets?
I dont think whatever budged this belongs to supports individual textures - especially if these are supposed to have the same resolution per pixel as regular objects



Anonymous No. 815244

there you go anon, 1.5 hours to get to this from a sphere, now I can proceed.

Anonymous No. 815256


Anonymous No. 815293

Im the previous anon who critiqued. Great job on this you looked at the reference and sculpted what you actually saw. Make sure youre doing this in the future as well. Great job anon



Anonymous No. 815318

I never said it was good lol, but hopefully it'll come together
thanks anon I will



Anonymous No. 815324



Anonymous No. 815377

started on a sakura tree in speedtree

lookin pretty nice so far, i'm assuming you're going for a stylized look?

Anonymous No. 815405

So why are you using base mesh?

Anonymous No. 815406

Why are you wasting time proving anything or even replying to an obvious shitposter ? Just ignore and carry on.

Anonymous No. 815425




Anonymous No. 815436

Anonymous No. 815448

>using dedicated software just for making stupid trees

Anonymous No. 815455

>How to admit you have never worked in the industry in one simple sentence
You're the one who's NGMI



Anonymous No. 815459

Continuing on from yesterday. Legs made and limbs merged with torso. VERY bad but early feet fleshed out.
Work is ongoing to turn from deformed ogre into human!

Anonymous No. 815460

Why the fuck does anyone care about 'the Industraay!' still. Everyone knows that developers just buy their assets from online market sites now anyway.



Anonymous No. 815461


Anonymous No. 815462

Yeah and the internet just magically generates these assets out of nowhere, nobody here would ever think about selling said assets that have to follow industry standards themselves.
Absolute fucking imbecile.

Anonymous No. 815463

Your tears will never steer me from my quest to sculpt the ULTIMATE coom model!

Anonymous No. 815464

Salty that your job at 'whatever' studio got outsourced to pajeet?!

Anonymous No. 815465

Plus the fact I've seen tons of shitty assets of the blender market in actual crappy mobile games. So it can't be difficult to shit out low effort stuff anymore.



Anonymous No. 815466

I am the Pajeet.

Anonymous No. 815467

Which probably explains why your shitposting here instead of meeting that deadline!

Anonymous No. 815473

Well yeah, it's a software decidated to creating trees and other plants, why would you NOT use it when it infinitely more flexible, faster and easier to work with than modeling and placing every branch from scratch? There is nothing dumber than trying to use one software for everything (doing it the hard way) for no good reason.

Anonymous No. 815477

i've got to do a whole map's worth of assets by the end of the month and no one is going to stand around looking at the trees
it makes no sense to do every variation by hand

Anonymous No. 815505

not for this one I'm not. sometimes i do just to save a bit of time but that's it, I actually really enjoy sculpting something from scratch a lot more but it's really time consuming.

you're right i'll stop now.

Anonymous No. 815515

Muscular women? Oooo.
The crotch looks weird though.

Anonymous No. 815577





Anonymous No. 815589


My blog is empty Mr. anon not until I get this done.

I made a quick render after some substance painting still gotta do hair cards and other autistic refinements.


2021-04-05 02_05_....png

Anonymous No. 815602

Because maybe conventions will be a thing again:
dick-themed superhero helmet.


2021-04-05 02_06_....png

Anonymous No. 815604


Anonymous No. 815610

Nice. What’s with the duct tape on her suit though and what technique did you use to make those tapings?

Also, are eyebrows painted or something else?

Anonymous No. 815612


Anonymous No. 815623

What did you use to texture her? Im curious how you got that skin tone.

Anonymous No. 815665


I'n lazy to make my own so I searched duct tape material and first thing that came up was a free material from a guy in the AAA industry.

Eyebrows I made in maya xgen coverted to mesh for zbrush.


Polypaint baked into ID map in substance then played with Skin face smart material.

Anonymous No. 815704

>when muscles are your fetish, but you still suck at anatomy

Anonymous No. 816074

Enjoyable, would be entertained seeing this in a game



Anonymous No. 816244

I'm happy with my modelling.
I'm happy with my textures.
I'm happy with my shaders.

But man, I suck at animation.

Anonymous No. 816304

Double bob at the end is over the top and the overall speed is a bit slow

Anonymous No. 816307

it has that old console feel

Anonymous No. 816312

Most of the animations of the graphical era you're trying to emulate looked way worse, it's more authentic if it's a bit goofy.
You're doing fine, I like it.



Anonymous No. 816334

an etruscan war chariot i'm doing



Anonymous No. 816335


Anonymous No. 816337

Just judging by what I see in the webm, it seems to be fine, but a bit robotic.
What would be more interesting to know: What did you actually AIM for it to look like? A quick 180 to face the door? A turning animation for when the player turns around a character? Something else?



Anonymous No. 816338

Making a minigun

Anonymous No. 816346

If this is portfolio work make sure to up the polycount on your LP, maybe add in bevels.



Anonymous No. 816363

>If this is portfolio work make sure to up the polycount on your LP, maybe add in bevels.



Anonymous No. 816386




Anonymous No. 816387

Anonymous No. 816423

but anon... the nude render...



Anonymous No. 816512

bit of progress on this guy

Anonymous No. 816516

inb4 crab anon, I did copy the ears from a base mesh cause I'm lazy.



Anonymous No. 816517

materials are letting you down big time here but most of the stuff is pretty solid, there's also a lack of sharp details in certain places because I assume you couldn't figure out how to do it. The hallway is very angular but you get to the door and it's rounded and smooth, looking more like some fantasy metallurgy than something anyone would build, they don't fit together.

Combine the soft materials with not many hard bevelled edges or points and you have an image that doesn't feel sharp.

Anonymous No. 816539

Rotoscoping over a completed mesh is the same as using a base mesh dweeb.

Anonymous No. 816567

Looks straight out of a new indie boomer shooter.

Anonymous No. 816568

God damn it.

Anonymous No. 816570

we're all waiting.
your work isnt complete until you post it

Anonymous No. 816585

are you the anon who made the pixel pistol?
minigun looks dope.
I would change the barrel bores to geometry instead of texture.
what's the budget of the model?

Anonymous No. 816597

Thank you!

No idea. I made a pixel pistol but that was quite a while back and I imagine some pixel pistol gets posted on here atleast once every two weeks or so? Thanks though! I figured since the player very rarely sees the business end of the barrels shaving of some tris there makes sense. I think it's around 1300 tris with a 256 texture.

Anonymous No. 816598

Not sure I’m a fan of having tri count of 2 characters from the 256 texture era on a gun, but it does look nice.

Anonymous No. 816629

get the tri count down (your barrels have lot's of sides)
give it geo bores
that will ascend the gun to the next level.

Anonymous No. 816639

No you

Anonymous No. 816642

Thanks, I will do better in future.

Anonymous No. 816657

This made me remember why I gave up /3/D as a hobby

Anonymous No. 816658

You’re not a fan of large shouldered Amazonian women?



Anonymous No. 816670

Experimenting with a procedural cityscape

Pretty barebones right now but I think it has potential

Anonymous No. 816689

nah im the guy who made the blue pistol pixel
that model looks nice tho

Anonymous No. 816704

please smooth less

Anonymous No. 816724

Looks more like chocolate on a conveyer belt lol.



Anonymous No. 816842

earlyish childhood games/ retro futuristic tvs modelled from scratch.

Anonymous No. 816845

your render makes my screen foggy

Anonymous No. 816848

im a fag for fog glow

Anonymous No. 816851

Models look decent, background and fog make me question your sanity.



Anonymous No. 816862

Working on this, Armour/Clothes design on the right, going to finish up her hands before working further with that, anything that can be improved?

Anonymous No. 816870

Hips are too wide, legs too long, arms too thin, jawline looks too narrow - all in comparision to the sketch.
Looks like a decent WIP so far, your own concept art?

Anonymous No. 816872

Ye, my own art, funny. the sketch is based on the model in an earlier stage, mostly made to make the costume.. guess the arms are little too long

Anonymous No. 816877

Looks great but maybe you should make HDRI transparent?

Anonymous No. 816878

Well if it's your own artwork none of the things I said really matter too much, that's why I asked.
The arms really look a bit toothpicky in relation to the thicc thigs, it looks just off, you gotta find some balance there.

Anonymous No. 816887

Legs going to be covered, so i didnt want to work on defined muscles. however you do still have a good point. arms looks too "stick" like compared, thank you!

Anonymous No. 817089

anatomy is bad

Anonymous No. 817258

Then put anatomy in time-out.



Anonymous No. 817294

felt kinda hyped up to start making the interiors, quite a bit of work but still fun



Anonymous No. 817295

Anonymous No. 817296

not much changed on the outside but im still gonna add more stuff. looking forward to finish this soon



Anonymous No. 817297

Modelling pipes again. Mostly because the old ones are shit.
Might as well go the full way and design a whole set, low/high poly and textured



Anonymous No. 817298

And the old ones. I really should've gotten more reference back then
Nice, suprising high level of detail there. Make sure you'll have a shot to show it all off



Anonymous No. 817517

Made a few sexy wallpapers



Anonymous No. 817518



Anonymous No. 817520

Still learning composition shots heres my WIP

Anonymous No. 817533


Anonymous No. 817582

those are anything but sexy



Anonymous No. 818043


My first attempt at hair cards. Followed a korean tutorial on how to do it in painter however it looks like shit for now. I'll play around with the gmh plugin if I get better results else I have to completely iterate.



Anonymous No. 818189

added background. What do you guys think about this render

Anonymous No. 818192

>tfw constant struggle when I can't tell if my foliage cards are shit or not because they render horribly in Unreal, but for some reason look great in Cycles and Eevee

Anonymous No. 818200

It's yet again too fucking bright.
I still like the models.

Anonymous No. 818201

Turn down the bloom by 75%.
Pictures on the tvs too look like they're just a texture behind the glass. Look up CRT emulation/effect to apply to your image so it's broken up into pixels like they used to be. Right now they look like they're full hd.



Anonymous No. 818226


mmph-mmmph can't stop glareee mmmmmm...



Anonymous No. 819213

few hours into this, thoughts? it's totally deformed isn't it

Anonymous No. 819230

the gesture and general shape looks fine to me, just needs more work and polish I guess. Pretty nice work.

Anonymous No. 819307

It looks fine, but the nails are deformed, they shouldn't be this flat

Anonymous No. 819389

>tfw lost all drive to finish my projects as soon as I got a job, now I just play vidya in my free time
Embrace the NEEThood my friends, wagecucking makes you depressed, tired and lazy.



Anonymous No. 819394

thanks i'll continue to work on more studies, sculpting hands is quite honestly very hard, i really don't know how people do it.

Anonymous No. 819395

This is what happens when you use base meshes all your life. Sad.

Anonymous No. 819398

no primitives allowed x) next time I'll start from a single vertex


Screen Shot 2021-....png

Anonymous No. 819531

Thoughts on this render guys? going for something surreal

Anonymous No. 819536

i like it though black stuff is boring

Anonymous No. 819538

Not surreal enough. Make the lamp turn into liquid or something.



Anonymous No. 819569

Relative newbie in terms of environment art since I'm a character artist. But I'm working on a game with friends and I'm the only artist so its been tough without any other artists input.

RTS game set in a post apocalyptic macro junk world. Think flushed away/borrowers ecs.

I'm working on a grey box for the level. Would anyone be able to give me some crit/tips on map layout? This is a relatively simple tutorial level as a proof of concept/vertical slice to feature all of the basic game mechanics. Any help/resources on environment design would help.

Anonymous No. 819573

Looks fine to me, but I can't really critique much when it's just a tiny empty area. Idk where are NPCs and enemies supposed to be, where are the interactive items, how does the exact in-game camera angle look like etc. Are you also a level designer in this project? It's good to first draw all of this on paper.



Anonymous No. 819586

almost done

Anonymous No. 819589

I'd suggest you to spend some more time on those damages, and especially cracks as they are really wide right now. You need to refine them more and also keep some edges sharper. I assume this is a stone but it looks more like some shitty clay sculpt atm. Also, don't use symmetry or at least break it up later on because I can see repeating patterns on corners.


WIP - 23895639625.jpg

Anonymous No. 819637

This guy



Anonymous No. 819716

was trying to sketch some stuff but i think i got too drunkl
that is kewl man

Anonymous No. 819748

Looking at that makes me want to texture it

Anonymous No. 819749

glorious winged faggot

Anonymous No. 819767

nose and tits too big
otherwise very nice!



Anonymous No. 819773



Anonymous No. 819806

Trying to figure out bara chests.
Mixed results.

Anonymous No. 819809

yeah that's kinda just a normal chest.

Find some bara tiddies you like and just recreate it 1:1 for an exercise, it's the only way you'll push yourself far enough out of your comfort zone of realistic anatomy.

Anonymous No. 819822

I would suggest you to study anatomy first, your model has some glaring anatomical innacuracies, try some more realistic proportions first, then you'll know what to do to get your bara physique

Anonymous No. 819826

No this is how human looks idiot.

Anonymous No. 819827

good enough to ship

Anonymous No. 819830

Unfortunately not. :(

Anonymous No. 819838

You may need glasses if you think that's how "human looks"



Anonymous No. 819851


Progress with making some of the Armor/clothes



Anonymous No. 819870

Modeled a classroom, and now wanna try to shade it like it was an anime. I'm currently using standard instead of filmic to make the colors pop more.

Anonymous No. 819874

>I'm currently using standard instead of filmic to make the colors pop more.
I suggest you keep using Filmic, but grade in specialized software (for example, Resolve).


dj luigi.jpg

Anonymous No. 819902

>i'm making it look like shit on purpose


Anonymous No. 819914

Looks like a 90s learning game lol.

Anonymous No. 819971

damn bro, i'm really feeling this one
where can I see more of your stuff?

Anonymous No. 819974

some weird fuckery with muscles around the elbow is going on, but whatever, I like it

Anonymous No. 819997

Yeah, there was also some fuckery with her shoulders that I fixed, her triceps also look a bit "funky", going to fix that and finish the hands up a bit more as the next step

Anonymous No. 820047

Fix those arms!


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Anonymous No. 820172

added corner stuff to not have too much empty space and a further back wall. Not sure how to feel about this render maybe I will wait a week to look at it again

Anonymous No. 820178

why did he skip leg day

Anonymous No. 820211

Don't we all?

Anonymous No. 820218

Thats what happens when you use base meshes. Don't end up like basemeshboi

Anonymous No. 820224

your collar bone is vertical not horizontal.

Abdominal area needs to be tighter

Hips and sides of the character need to have a more V shape to it.

The shoulder is too round and needs to be less vertical.

The crease between the shoulder and pecs are too deep

The bara body type is all about muscle bulging and looking like their going to pop out of the character so think that way when you make the character.

Anonymous No. 820285

Thanks anon, I'll keep this in mind.



Anonymous No. 820793

First time sculpting a human.
How do i improve my anatomy skill?

Anonymous No. 820796

Just keep at it. Observe, exercise, rinse and repeat. Get good references, train your eyes (really train your eyes!) and keep on doing it until the knowledge becomes a solid part of you.

Anonymous No. 820797

>Get good references
Where? Any good resources?



Anonymous No. 821023


Update, ended up changing to filmic. Still trying to figure out how can i stylize further the scene.

Anonymous No. 821032

Take a look at https://blendernpr.org/beer/
If you want stylized, you don't want any of the current blender renderers.

Anonymous No. 821035

Pixar uses pbr and their movies are stylized. I don't see why he would need to switch to npr, it depends on the style he wants to achieve.

Anonymous No. 821039

Sure, it works with PBR based rendering. But instead of having to make every material use a special shader setup to avoid being rendered "too real", you could just skip the hassle and use something designed to create anime like renders.

Anonymous No. 821049

Yeah, but stylized doesn't always mean anime. Did he say he wants to specifically emulate anime art that I missed? In that case, sure, maybe using an npr renderer would be a better option, but otherwise it depends.



Anonymous No. 821081

got teeth, tongue and sides of the mouth to do. any thoughts?



Anonymous No. 821088

Thanks anon, will give it a look.

I want it to look anime-y but maybe not HARD anime, more like how a high budget anime movie would look. I would think that it's perfectly possible to pull out something like pic related on Blender, i just need to find the right combination of shaders.



Anonymous No. 821098

This is one of the hardest things I’ve done in my life and I’m still not there yet. I’ll keep pushing cause I don’t have much else going for me to save me from regular life which day by day seems more like a hellscape

Anonymous No. 821103

Shows potential and it’s great for a 3D print but I believe the bust/design/angle you have chosen really limits you. I think you should try to finish it ASAP and put your talents towards something more aesthetically pleasing and original in the hopes you can impress and find work with it.

Anonymous No. 821106


Anonymous No. 821117

anatomy out of ass, sorry, try again

Anonymous No. 821127

If you're not going into specifics as to why the anatomy is bad. Go fuck yourself.

Anonymous No. 821130

Your muscles don't correspond to any actual muscles and don't even make sense. You have vague idea of where they bulge, but you have no knowledge of the underlying structure. This is very apparent through your 'traps' and 'sternocleidomastoid'. Fuck you too.



Anonymous No. 821132

See, you're actually being helpful by telling me what is wrong specifically instead of saying "hurr anatomy bad!" like a complete asshole. Well done anon im proud of you.

Anonymous No. 821136

Looks like a Shuzo Oshimi drawing.



Anonymous No. 821191

anons, how can i achieve this render look in keyshot? how can i set the shadows and material to look like that?

Anonymous No. 821192

Just... do it? It's a clay material, use that and place the lights as needed to reproduce that look.

Anonymous No. 821194

>Just... do it?
thanks for the help anon, very well explained how to set up the lights and material

Anonymous No. 821197

It’s looks like the most basic of materials with the most basic of lighting. You could probably light up a Lambert and achieve this. Or an ambient occlusion map.

I think you’re more impressed by the actual model than it’s very basic material

Anonymous No. 821198

>I think you’re more impressed by the actual model than it’s very basic material
what? i need instructions how to achieve that lighting and material, i dont give a fuck about the model itself

Anonymous No. 821199

Have you done any 3D modelling? A person who has used Maya or any software for less than a week should be able to do this. Watch a tutorial on YouTube about lighting and basic materials. If you’re not willing to put in the smallest amount of leg work, 3D is not for you.

Anonymous No. 821200

Like the first guy said. Put on a material and add lights

Anonymous No. 821220

fuck you, all i wanted was a little help

Anonymous No. 821235

Do you want us to teach you how to use a mouse as well? Help yourself dumbass

Anonymous No. 821236


Anonymous No. 821239

I will help you, but please learn how to analyze things and recognize things like reflections and light locations, you need to pay attention to details like those as a 3d artist.

Clay render will usually have mid-gray to white albedo and 100% rough material, which you can achieve by putting specular value to 0 and roughness to 1. In this case you can see some reflectivity on the material though, so tweak accordingly.

To achieve pure black flat background, you either render it transparent and add the bg in post, or you put some kind of a plane behind the model and put albedo to pure black, specular to 0 to remove all reflections that will cause light gradients.

Basic lighting setup - warm light top front right, colder light top front center, another warmer right to the left of the model, or it is just a warmer hdri which gives the base ambient light so you don't have pure black shadows evwrywhere

Anonymous No. 821254

I tried to make a turn of my etruscan war chariot on unreal : https://youtu.be/-nwZRgs6UHo

Anonymous No. 821348

looks good but I would have preferred a slower fly-through with the camera

Anonymous No. 821462

thank you so much anon


Screenshot 2021-0....jpg

Anonymous No. 821472

open world mario sandbox simulator set in dystopean future

Anonymous No. 821488

Really wish you'd make anything in this picture yourself, apart from the hat.



Anonymous No. 821493

I'm making a raccoon

Anonymous No. 821515

heavenly father forgive me for what I'm about to do.

Anonymous No. 821535

killing degenerates isn't a sin



Anonymous No. 821539

f a t

Anonymous No. 821541

Looks like shit. Start over and follow a tutorial.

Anonymous No. 821545

I'm starting out with 3D, made this in Blender
and shit anons 3d is so fun. Idk fancy modelling and sculpting yet but i loved playing around with shader graphs and stuff. Also youtube adds noise to my video for some reason it wasn't that bad in the renders.

Anonymous No. 821554

Your renders and models aren't great, but the overall framing and composition was pretty good.

Keep at it, brah.

Anonymous No. 821558

Nice job Pajeet, looks like some legit late 90s game into, at 240p and lower framerate you could fool people.

Anonymous No. 821571

Cool, not the best technically, but interesting visuals overall, which is much more important anyway. Music definitely helps a lot as well, it's only another proof it's the most important part of movies and games.



Anonymous No. 821584

thanks anons, also could i get some tips on how to improve my renders? I'm running a bloated laptop with a 1060 so cycles is almost impossible for me

HSP Miku Hatsune No. 821589




Anonymous No. 821593

thanks tripfag

Anonymous No. 821596

For the most part you just need better models and materials.

Also, atmospheric scattering and reflection probes.

Anonymous No. 821620

Bitch just delete all that porn you have. I'm on 1050ti on a somewhat bloated pc and cycles works like a fucking charm.

Anonymous No. 821624

Not him, but there's a big difference between rendering a single image and rendering 1400 of them.

You're absolutely not doing this in cycles without leaving your computer rendering all day.

Anonymous No. 821786

Thats what you're supposed to do with unreal



Anonymous No. 822186

Critique this.



Anonymous No. 822331

re-shaded the scene almost from scratch and now i'm reaching a level of stylization i'm comfortable with.



Anonymous No. 822566

Im not sure what you meant by this circle up here. What are you highlighting since i can't see anything here or are you just messing with me? Anyways this looks like a piece of abstract art. The finger joint skin could be more wrinkly though


Screen Shot 2021-....png

Anonymous No. 822654

Thoughts? what could be improved?

Anonymous No. 822686

That's a pointer in zbrush.
Wrinkles are wip "placeholder", since i haven't gotten to all the detailing and alpha projection part of pavlovich`s tutorial.



Anonymous No. 822809

tried to model Clockwork DevTerm raspberry pi based UMPC

Anonymous No. 823123

New thread