
Wip - Abyssal Edi....jpg

🧵 /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 823122

/wip/ - Works in Progress
- Abyssal Edition -
Every day we stray further from God's light.

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>813546
List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB

Anonymous No. 823178

IT Chad
>earns double the amount of 3D artist
>uses 100% free software to do his work

3D artisan
>earns monkey wages
>has to waste half of his monkey wage to pay subscription for literally everything, even additional 10 bucks for an ArtStation 1337 PRO account so other slave owners can notice him before the rest of the monkey boys in this rat race

When will they stop exploiting us?

Anonymous No. 823189

When you stop being burgers and unionize



Anonymous No. 823218

Anonymous No. 823222

pretty good
I'm nitpicking, but I think the guitar cases would look better with a less dark texture. The one on the left almost looks like a hole in the wall



Anonymous No. 823225

Been working on a Tron animation.
Still kind of early stages; still haven't actually bothered to finish the light cycle yet, it's on my list of things to do.
It's still not really hitting the right notes for me. I've got it in my head how it's supposed to look, I'm just not there with it yet.

Probably gonna extend the landscape further into the background to make the space a bit bigger, pushing the sea back, or add some rocks into the water and add some crashing waves or something. I've got a good bit of detail and stuff on the ground, but you lose a lot of it with the motion blur. I'd turn it off/down, but I like it. Maybe I just need to make those elements bigger/brighter so they actually show up.

Anonymous No. 823230

Are you that anon who asked for help with the lighting? It looks like the same clasroom. Either way, it looks like it is its own thing now and is much different from the concept, which is great.


face wip.png

Anonymous No. 823234

Making a character & I'm starting with the face since I struggle with faces

How's it looking so far?
I'm not sure if the space above the mouth is alright, I think I fucked it up along with the loop that goes from under the mouth to the nose, but I don't know how to fix it, or if it even needs fixing in the first place

Anonymous No. 823240

Looks like you should stop falling into the beginner trap of box modelling faces. Learn the volumes and planes of the face with sculpting, worry about topology after.



Anonymous No. 824305

One more big booty girl in progress.



Anonymous No. 824349

I'm nu to blender and this is an eevee render pls help how to improve lighting and do better uv unwrapping

Anonymous No. 824360

It looks like an amazing idea but there is so much distracting bright shit that i could barely see the robot and understand the fuck is happening.

Anonymous No. 824364

should i reduce the green emissions?

Anonymous No. 824444


Anonymous No. 824446

thighs aren't there yet

Anonymous No. 824506


Anonymous No. 824555

Looks like the box art for PS1 game.

Anonymous No. 824570

Not era-accurate t b h

Anonymous No. 824576




Anonymous No. 824583




Anonymous No. 824641

i made a generic anime face!! am i GMI???? am i???? PLEASE TELL ME IM GMI I DONT WANNA GET A REAL JOB PLEASE

Anonymous No. 824670




Anonymous No. 824707

About a week into learning VFX with unity. We all had to start somewhere.



Anonymous No. 824744

Lightcycle trails flare upwards as they come off the wheel, might wanna fix that (Unless you're going for the Legacy look, then the trail doesn't look glassy enough)



Anonymous No. 824777

I'm well aware of the upwards swoop.
I had tried to do the upwards rooster tail, but with the way I have the material and mesh set up, it can't really do that.
I'm planning on having the trail move on its own using a cloth sim, so the trail is really just a chain of verts, with the mesh part procedurally extruded. Which means there's not any UVs and I have to go off of object coordinates.
If it's really bothering me though, I'll probably just put the motion on a curve instead of generating the movement via noise, which will make the trail follow suit without any trouble.
I'm more concerned with the environment right now, since I'm still trying to find that image in my head.

I know about the glassy look too. It's been a hell of a balancing act to try and get it looking right. I kind of wanted it to look more like a liquid rather than glass, so the IOR is more towards water than glass. It's definitely a hard look to nail, and I'll probably be tweaking it and messing with it until the minute before I hit the button to start the final render.

It's not a huge deal, I'm not going for a 1:1 look. I mean my cycle isn't even based on any one design, it's a mix of the old/new and some of my own input. It's more about the feel than trying to do an autistic recreation of the movie.

Anonymous No. 824780

>Which means there's not any UVs and I have to go off of object coordinates.
Looks like I forgot to explain why that's kind of a problem.
It's just because I'm procedurally generating all the distortions and stuff. I could do it with UV and it would be a lot easier, but the way the mesh is made to work nicely with the sim without any headaches of getting the mesh to stay upright and shit, I had to use object coordinates.



Anonymous No. 824782

I'm so sorry for my wonky anatomy, I'm constantly trying to improve.
crits welcomed.



Anonymous No. 824891

my first sculpt desu

Anonymous No. 824893

It's a mess, but it's good enough that I can tell you will get better.

Anonymous No. 824896

Are we allowed to post older WIP?

Anonymous No. 824897

thanks and lemme know about the mess and how to fix it



Eetu L. Piispa No. 824901


Anonymous No. 824903

The hair lacks volume (I find a lot of male artists struggle with hair unless they're homosexuals), and the level of detail across the face is inconsistent. Also the nostrils are really weird and she has no eyelashes. Or discernable eyelids, for that matter. Also consider giving specular to the irises and pupils.

Anonymous No. 824904

Love it.



Eetu L. Piispa No. 824905


Anonymous No. 824911

shid thanks I'll work on it

Anonymous No. 824967

that's amazing, make sure to post it on artstation



Anonymous No. 824977

Made some changes and i call it done. Mb next one will be better.

Anonymous No. 824978


Anonymous No. 825014

where's General Butch when you need him

Anonymous No. 825043

butt too big



Anonymous No. 825045

A friend of mine in getting into 3D. Any thoughts about this WIP Omniman?

Anonymous No. 825047

>is getting into

Anonymous No. 825138

Good work, I can fap to this

Anonymous No. 825140

Pretty good, but why would you polypaint it before getting the topology right?
I guess your friend is a drawfag, right?

Anonymous No. 825141

lots of people do that because it just helps visualise it for some people. Raf grassetti gets colour down early too.

Really good, looks like the character, strong aesthetic sensibility, they haven't made it too high poly too quickly. Very nice.

Anonymous No. 825145

Looking good.

Anonymous No. 825146

You should think for yourself faggot

Anonymous No. 825228

Short answer - yes.

You should control where viewer's eye is going and build an hierarchy from that. What does he sees first, what second and so on. Better to test this in small size, maybe on a thumbnail. Now green glow is huge, shapeless and tells nothing about the image.



Anonymous No. 825291

Apparently I've been posting in the wrong WIP thread for days

Tried stockier limbs and big hands for a more cartoony form.

Anonymous No. 825298

Fuck off Ireland.

Anonymous No. 825317

>Apparently I've been posting in the wrong WIP thread for days
Sure have, welcome to the party.



Anonymous No. 825325




Anonymous No. 825326

I did, thanks

Anon I took your advice and kinda implemented it in my new sculpt, if you're here lemme know how I can make it better.
>pic related

Anonymous No. 825335

We at /3/ have traditions.
Not many, but traditions nonetheless.
If you can't handle that, get out, tourist.



Anonymous No. 825496

Vfx slash : unlocked. Learned about shadergraph.

Anonymous No. 825512

looks like it could be timed better..

Anonymous No. 825515

you could fix the slashing sprites by just runing them off and just implement weapon fx trail..

Anonymous No. 825568

Why are the iris and pupil so tiny compared to the overall eye? It looks very strange.
Even someone opening their eyes as wide as possible wouldn't have that kind of empty white space below the iris.



Anonymous No. 825571

Trying some face variations. Not too happy with any of them yet though.
Thinking of trying to make it more stylized

Any tips/ideas?

Anonymous No. 825575




Anonymous No. 825577

I cant do nearly as good as you, im more a programmer kind of guy but this looks pathetic or more like retarded.

Anonymous No. 825578


Anonymous No. 825582

Shota Jonesy from Fortnite ?!

Anonymous No. 825594

more like gay

Anonymous No. 825611

stylize them titties homie



Anonymous No. 825632

This is not looking good. I'm trying to follow the skeleton and musculature to get the underlying structure, but when I look at the pics of actual rats they look like loose bags of shit with just feet and head.

Anonymous No. 825634

>they look like loose bags of shit with just feet and head.
Then sculpt that instead, and have the anatomical landmarks that actually show, show.

Anonymous No. 825638

dw anon once you add fur it'll look nice



Anonymous No. 825641

I guess it's better now. Not sure about the hind legs. I extended them to achieve some faux T-pose, but now that I think of it this may actually make the rigging harder.

Anonymous No. 825661

anons do you buy zbrush or just pirate it?



Anonymous No. 825707




Anonymous No. 825738

I bought zbrush and recommend you buy or rent it

Adjusted timing of slashes and added dust below the feet.

Anonymous No. 825759

You need the eye bulge, ears, and feet before it will look good. I wouldn't worry too much about anatomy as they are fairly blobby.

Anonymous No. 825760

I pirated for years and then bought it when I was 100% sure I would continue to use it.

Anonymous No. 825762


All boils down to a matter of taste imo. They're all good.

Anonymous No. 825767

Thanks a lot, Anon!
I struggle with narrowing down a definitive look though. My plan is to make a sort of prototype character to model a full cast out of (for a game idea), so I'm second guessing every single detail for ages.

Anonymous No. 825768

I think that animation itself is not very good desu, it feels pretty stiff like it lacks real inertia in the movements.
But by far the biggest problem is that the slash animations don't accurately represent the path of the sword. There's a total disconnect.
The industry standard approach afaik is to dynamically use the sword's actual location at each frame (or each n frames) to spawn trail particles or determine the position of a path for the swing effect.

Re. zbrush, did you really shell out $900? Is that just for hobbyist use, or are you planning to make some real money with it?

Anonymous No. 825772

Yeah, the motions are there, but there's zero "punch" to the attacks, because there are no timing considerations (looks like you just slapped on some motion capture recordings, to be honest).
Also, you're fucking dumb for paying for Zbrush, especially if you just use it for simple little characters like that.
Otherwise it looks promising.



Anonymous No. 825798

Not much of an update, but I tried going for a bit more defined facial geometry

Anonymous No. 825806

kill yourself

Anonymous No. 825811

Looks pretty nice, but a higher res image would be better to see the details

Anonymous No. 825861

The details aren't very polished yet. Just trying to get a decent shape first.



Anonymous No. 825912

Done rendering, but still not quite happy with it.
I definitely should've put more time into lighting and composition beforehand.
At least the ater helps to make the ground look more interesting



Anonymous No. 825914

And the random gif i've used as inspiration



Anonymous No. 825926

pretty cool anon, I looked at your ref and shooped some ideas.
- made the corridor slightly longer
- turned the ambient lighting down just a bit
- added some visual interest at the end of the corridor

Anonymous No. 826033

Bumping this thread to get the schizoposters out of the main page.

Anonymous No. 826036

>everyone that disagrees with me is a ___

Anonymous No. 826061

He's not wrong.

Anonymous No. 826136

very nice
is this supposed to look like those early 3d pre rendered games



Anonymous No. 826301

I was inspired by some blend shapes tutorial I was watching and decided to start a head from scratch and try it myself, hopefully doesn't end in failure like everything I do.

please if you see any glaring flaws in this let me know, it's pretty low res yet but still

Anonymous No. 826304

only by coincidence
i actually dont know how i could improve the scene aside from more detail/debris, >>825926, or going full modern "dark room with generic light shafts from above"

Anonymous No. 826320

>blend shapes

That head is way too narrow. you need to widen the back more. around the temporal region.

Anonymous No. 826329

The fact that you're even trying makes you better than most, basedmeshboi.

Anonymous No. 826393

Reminds me a lot of STALKER. A lot of the creepy lab areas had lights like that.

Anonymous No. 826402

I think you made a rookie mistake: light sources un schoolrooms comes from the left side.

Anonymous No. 826419

Unless its a school for left-handed people.



Anonymous No. 826428

Working on a short film pretty much alone. The theme is Egypt.

I have 3 scene and this is the first one, the other two are in a tomb. Made everything but the candle and one other asset (book i think)

My first project on unreal engine that isn't just asset rendering for a portfolio The scroll is suppose to dissolve at the end, but still doesn't look good, for some reasons i can't figure out why niagara particles doesn't cast shadow. Anyway the shadows are weird and some texture are still missing, lighting build on medium.

cant figure out how to post a video without compressing the hell out of it, so here's some screen shots. the camera goes from left to right, there's a transition on the paper writing and then it dissolves. the starting position is bottom left



Anonymous No. 826429

top left*

Anonymous No. 826464

why is the red towel floating?

Anonymous No. 826469

ah you're right I didn't catch that. Also I don't know why shadows are all messed up, coins/pen/paper.. for some reasons it's like they don't have any.
Is there some other things that could be changed ? maybe colors ? wasn't sure about the red nap

Anonymous No. 826525

I mean, you can bake the polypaint into vertex colour and use it as a base for texturing to speed up your work



Anonymous No. 826539

I hate this.

Anonymous No. 826543

Just get rid of the realistic textures, and slap some flat shading on it.
Instagram will eat it up.

Anonymous No. 826557

Cigarettes don't glow like that buddy

Anonymous No. 826560

give him adult hands and it's acceptable


unknown (1).png

Anonymous No. 826658

After a long hiatus from Modo frustration, jumped into learning blender, going slow but the raw blocking of things is getting there, will figure out the armor design first before going further with her body, to see how much i will end up covering with armor to save time.

Anonymous No. 826668

Well thanks definitely gonna keep at it

Anonymous No. 826678

do you post your work anywhere?



Anonymous No. 826698

Ok here's another one in progress

Anonymous No. 826699

I guess not, only here. I have a twitter but its 3 posts of NSFW homo images.

Anonymous No. 826705


Anonymous No. 826721

alright guess ill go be a coomer somewhere else

Anonymous No. 826727


Anonymous No. 826741

Get a gf.
If you have one; seek professional help.

Anonymous No. 826759

Damn those are some nice details on the clothing. Did you sculpt those by hand?



Anonymous No. 826799

more work on the armor and added some other stuff like the quiver, all still very rough block ins

Anonymous No. 826806

give up

Anonymous No. 826808

obviously not, very few people, including me, know how to sculpt drapery

Anonymous No. 826832

Note to self: invest 2000% more time in the blockout before continuing.

I know the importance of blockout, yet I still fuck up with every project and end up improvising along the way, which just causes me to lose time and spend days trying to figure out certain parts of the scene and how to place camera shots. That's why I can never do those "progression gifs" where you see how the scene changes during the production, because I never start with a defined camera shot.

Things are painful right now because of it, and I'll pull it off as always, but I'm sure I could have been already finished with the project a couple of months ago if I locked in the blockout from day 1.

Anonymous No. 826834

I have solved this by getting really good at drawing all kinds of arrows ,, So I will be listening to music or something and have a shot in mind with the camera, exactly how I wish and the composition absolutely perfect- Then I can quickly sketch the scene and depict all of the information quickly and clearly in a notebook to have for when I do a second, more cohesive story board. This is not regimented as finely as I would like it to be, but I have seen the light by this method. It saves me from days worth of mudding around in the viewport, looking for the shot. My arrows are cool and I like the way they look and I can use them for camera motion, character motion, eases, stuff like that. This is really good now with the summer weather, as I can spend less time at my PC and more time outdoors

Anonymous No. 826872

Hell, no. All cloths is simulated in Marvelous in 2021. Sometimes polished in zbrush over simulation. Everything else would be a waste of time except for cases like Overwatch or LOL.

Good idea. I try to make blockouts that needs nothing but asset building to finish. Hate to change point of interest or move something important on the late stages. Its easier to start another picture sometimes.

Anonymous No. 826875

>Its easier to start another picture sometimes.
Literally my problem right now. I only went in with overall idea of what shots I'm gonna need, and I only defined a single, main shot early on - but not supporting ones that lead to the hero piece. And now I'm walking around the scene, capturing potential shots, but there is always something I dislike about it, or some assets are in a place I don't want them to be in. I had to build another small section of the scene just for a particular shot because of it. And I'll still have to add and remove certain lights and elements for every shot, but I guess that's how it is done for movies as well, it's not a game scene anyway.

Yeah, this is exactly why I'm starting to get into concepting. I just need to find some good learning sources for a more abstract approach that will be just enough to git gud at painting more abstract shapes and do a quick texture paintover. Currently I'm mainly going through Drawabox lessons and challenges, but it is pretty technical and annoying at times and it is focused more on precise illustration. I mean, it is important as well, but I'd like to first git gud just at a particular thing that will help me as a 3D artist, if that is even possible.



Anonymous No. 826930

Finally getting somewheres with shadergraph. Made a directional dissolve effect that matches the sword direction at the collision enter event to fade out objects directionally.

Anonymous No. 826948

>drawing all kinds of arrows
what do you mean? literally, arrows? I'm having trouble picturing what kind of drafts you're making



Anonymous No. 826979

gonna make a video of a car going vroom on a highway



Anonymous No. 826993

Hair slowly gets better but still far from perfect.

Anonymous No. 827006

I usually animate after real car reference when it's for a job.

Anonymous No. 827089

this is waaay better than the first webms you posted



Anonymous No. 827097

Done with this guy

Anonymous No. 827105

whats the renderer, Keyshot?

Anonymous No. 827108

>masking shitty anatomy with armor
Absolutely haram

Anonymous No. 827115

She's in desperate need of eyebrows and eyelashes.

Anonymous No. 827122

I'll try to add them today If I'll survive remeshing fucking weapons while working in environment art.

Anonymous No. 827162

it's not even properly rendered just viewport render in cycles

Anonymous No. 827164

What part of it is shitty? My anatomy knowledge is not that great but I thought the base body underneath was accurate enough.

Anonymous No. 827165

forearm too long vs arm, whole arm noodly, wrist/hand area wrong, shoulders too low vs head. These tipped me off. Helmet combined with those makes me suspect you can't do heads very well too.


unknown (3).png

Anonymous No. 827170

You're probably right. I didn't spend that much time on the base body but I wanted to do the armor in the first place, that's the whole reason I made this guy. In regards to faces, yeah I'm not that good. This unfinished tree guy is latest face I've tried to make.

Anonymous No. 827174

I expected worse, you are not hopeless. Just stop half assing your stuff please.

Anonymous No. 827259

i like the material on the tentacles



Anonymous No. 827289

Paid for a cgboost Blender sculpting course, and now I'm doing my first real sculpt without any tutorial accompanying it. For the first time, I'm starting to really feel like I'm going to make it. I'm still not very good and I need to get a lot more sculpts under my belt after this one, but I'm improving quickly and I'm proud of my progress.

Anonymous No. 827297

Nice anon, keep refining it and keep going.

You have the neck as a differnet shape to the head and you've massively reduced the scale of the nose horn thing, try and match the perspective and get it 1:1 before continuing, the neck blends into the head on the reference and in general the head is much longer.

something to keep in mind about sculpting is because it's malleable digital clay you can bake big changes whenever, make your grab brush very large and start pulling it around.

Anonymous No. 827300

Yeah I had just merged the head and body shapes, remeshed, and did a little smoothing before calling it quits for the night. There's a lot work left to be done on that interface there, and the gullet and shaping the upper neck in general.

You're right about the face-axe. I need to grow that before putting any more detail in. It's not big or long enough, and its angle needs work too. I wasn't a visual artist at all before getting into this, so I still need to get a better feel for basic perspective stuff. I am also way too ginger with my changes still. The big changes that I can make with the big brushes make me nervous, like I'm just going to fuck it up too quickly, but I do find that I make progress slower than I think I should.
By the way, is there any way of getting any sort of reasonable copy-and-paste or clone stamp behavior on sculpting? The interface between the skin and fins is going to look pretty similar for most of them, but it's going to be tedious to just do it by hand. I know you can duplicate the mesh, lasso trim it down to the spot, and then do some sort of shrinkwrap to get it, but that feels inconvenient given that I'm going to have to do it over a dozen times.

Anonymous No. 827301

And thanks for the advice. I barely know what I'm doing, so every tip is something I'm happy to get.

Anonymous No. 827307

>By the way, is there any way of getting any sort of reasonable copy-and-paste or clone stamp behavior on sculpting?


xtractor in zbrush is exactly that, blender doesn't have an equivalent sadly.

Finish off your sculpt in blender for now but start marking your calender for swapping to zbrush anon, it took me too long to make the jump myself.



Anonymous No. 827346

Anonymous No. 827397

not that anon but i hate zbrush controls compared to blender and maya



Anonymous No. 827403

jade harley really let herself go

Anonymous No. 827407

yeah, we all do, but you gotta bite the bullet if you wanna go places in this craft

Anonymous No. 827463

ZBrush needs practice, even moving the camera won't feel right for a bit because it changes pivot depending on where you place the cursor down.

ZBrush is designed to be fast for pro users only, you need to reach a certain level of familiarity with the program to really reap the benefits of the way it controls



Anonymous No. 827469

Any tips on how to improve this? I think I finished it but it looks way too bland, but at the same time I don't know how to actually improve it.



Anonymous No. 827470


Anonymous No. 827472

The bottom part of the image is too empty, that ground has a flat texture which just takes up too much space, I'd cut it out completely if you don't plan to build up midground and foreground. But I'm not a fan of this ultra zoomed-in shot which completely flattens out the image, I understand that you're trying to get everything in the frame, but I'd rather focus on a few nicely composed parts of the scene and make multiple screenshots instead. But then I also get it that if you get close, shots will looks empty because you didn't add enough secondary and tertiary details.

There's a lot of things you could do with textures, but you're probably learning and it will take time, so you might leave that for some future project, but I'll still mention it - textures should have specular variations and not look flat like a paper, everything would benefit with vertex painting and decals for damages, dirt etc. You don't have to make materials from scratch, but you should definitely find better texture sources - I always recommend Megascans. Just make an Epic account and download everything for free with their Bridge app.

That road e.g. would ideally be textured from multiple asphalt textures, combined with vertex painting, and then you could add some damages and repaired parts with decals. Maybe some tiny grass growing from certain parts of it etc. Ofc, it depends on how fucked up you want it to look, but even if's clean, it should have all of those tiny variations that would make it look more real.

In terms of lighting, it's a huge topic as well, but maybe you could try experimenting with golden hour lighting, that often makes things looks real nice easily. And don't make the shadows super sharp.

Anonymous No. 827488

looks like the sort of thing I'd 3D print

Anonymous No. 827496

I think the square chains are ugly just my opinion.

Anonymous No. 827497

Damn, I gotta do this more often to. I'm fucking myself over constantly by going along with whatever

Anonymous No. 827505

the square chains make her look more dangerous- or maybe its just the chains
looks uncomfortable! thats prolly the point of chains idk looks good

Anonymous No. 827511


Anonymous No. 827512

you'll need more but as quick drawing on a model its ok- but odd q- you need much more to ask that q-

Anonymous No. 827513

cant believe ya its a first sculpt-anyways looks okay- just kinda derp but the fx are cool

Anonymous No. 827514

seems like you are coping that fx slash- maybe you need a stretch version to reuse..

Anonymous No. 827515

agree with the hands

Anonymous No. 827516

i wonder if its easy connecting all the blocks for blocking its prolly a easy search ig.. i really need to learn the blocking tech i just extrude constantly

Anonymous No. 827517

ye her skin makes me think of...rubber baby dolls maybe to jelly like its not bad but to me maybe if thats not the issue then i think its the nose up that hurts me a lil- its great tho

Anonymous No. 827567

Thank you!

Im leaving skin texturing for post. It takes too long to paint a texture — meaning I work two jobs and have like 1-3 hours a day to work on illustrations and want them finished WAY MORE than striving for perfection. Have to fit it into a tight schedule sacrificing a lot. Maybe it will change when I'll make money from it, but atm its easier to render few shaders, and compose it in photoshop and paint over it with some colors.

I'm on a verge of fucking collapsing into autistic singularity with no support or understanding from anyone all my friend milionares and buisnessmen chilling their asses on islands while I sit here building up hemorroids sweating my skinny ass trying to break free from poverty cycle.

I know noone cares about nothing but the final image, don't even know why im spending time explaining my problems instead of working more.



Anonymous No. 827600

Aright its nature time
Last time i've tried this i've put way too much time into designing the terrain with curves, setting up tree generators and modelling mountains in the distance - in the end it looked just bland and clean.
So this attempt i'll go full quick and dirty instead

Anonymous No. 827623

this place seems to have a worse vibe with it
for people to show respect- i cant promise anything but maybe you should go/also be on discord and find a group who listens better :< keep it up just hope life gets better

Anonymous No. 827647

Well its not that bad im just a bit tired

Anonymous No. 827649

It's angel from smt, he's doing fanart.



Anonymous No. 827657

What do I do to make this ready to download on say TurboSquid? 5K tris with interior modelled and UVW unwrapped, I'm trying to start doing a simple model a day but I don't know how should I upload my stuff.



Anonymous No. 827658

Thanks for the response, I really appreciate it, I was trying to mimick this specific shot. As you can see the massive empty ground is there, but there are some details on it which I had no idea on how to do it, I thought about adding these shadows in but I couldn't figure out how to position objects correctly so their shadows show up like in the ref.

Texture wise I actually tried to make my own textures using stuff like noise and gradient maps, but they always look bland and artificial, I'll definitely look onto blending and decals too, I just don't know where too look but I'll figure it out.
Huge thanks for the golden hour thing, I feel like doing a night/slightly dark shot isn't really good practice since you can get away with a lot of stuff in darker areas, so I wanted to try doing a daylight render as I felt it would be great practice.
Again, thanks a lot for the feedback.



Anonymous No. 827672

making these as sort of practice, i consider them finished but im open so suggestions

Anonymous No. 827673

Nigga made a cylinder an want to sell it on turbosquid fuck outta here!!

Anonymous No. 827675

Okay Tyrone, very cool.

Anonymous No. 827682

I guess if you are just starting, okay, but i think they could use a lot more detail

start actually looking at hilts and how they work, rn you have used the same wood texture for each handle
its one thing if you are going for a low poly simplistic look but i would not consider these finishe, theres a lot of room for improvement

Anonymous No. 827691

looks pretty good, start putting some eyes in.
seems like you're avoiding them.



Anonymous No. 827720



Anonymous No. 827756

Some dog thing sketch

Anonymous No. 827757

we're all gonna make it bros



Anonymous No. 827763

please crit and like throw a brick at me tonight.



Anonymous No. 827800

>see a really cool looking helmet design
>feel like it would be really nice to make in 3d
>ends up looking so disgustingly generic looking
>give up
worst feeling ever

Anonymous No. 827802

>trying to be al least as good as ancient greeks on his first try



Anonymous No. 827805

you are still missing detail stuff from the reference.
and when in doubt, get even more detailed.



Anonymous No. 827806

finished the armor apart from some final tuning and detail work, advice and tips most welcome!

Anonymous No. 827814


Anonymous No. 827851

my problem is the overall shape
it looks too generic and uninspired to me....

Anonymous No. 827861

okay guess i suck it up and keep going

Anonymous No. 827862

>I'm on a verge of fucking collapsing into autistic singularity with no support or understanding from anyone all my friend milionares and buisnessmen
you dont know me so this might not mean anything to you but i understand anon
stay strong wagmi

Anonymous No. 827863

oh shit thats pretty good

Anonymous No. 827902

Unrelated to anything in this thread but I have a need to say it: people who are obsessed over muh teal and orange cinématographique kino fake film-like grain ultrawide visuals are creatively bankrupt sheep and shouldn’t be considered real artists.


me and my bitch.jpg

Anonymous No. 827905

>sun comes up
>anon looks out window
>teal sky, orange sun
>anon loses his mind

maybe reading a blog from 2009 about how teal and orange is used a lot on movie posters doesn't make you smart anon. Hell the current overused colour combo is purple and teal anyway (aka bisexual lighting), orange is gone.

Anonymous No. 827909

I still see it everywhere, but yeah, that other combo is also gay as fuck. I just don’t like how so many people use it without thinking and some probably think that’s the only way to make something look good, serious, cinematic, or whatever the hell else. Movies (and all other visual media) don’t have to look like that, people should experiment more and at least try to come up with something personal and original in terms of colors. When I see artist exclusively use those palletes for years and for every project, no matter its theme, I just cringe.

Anonymous No. 827918

Honestly go to the front page of artstation right now and tell me it's dominated by any one colour combo anyway, you're not smart anon, just a contrarian.

Anonymous No. 827923

I will use whatever sells the mood.

Anonymous No. 827947

This, its the same line of arguments with "you shouldnt use this symbol since its been co-opted by this and that"
So what, use what works

Anonymous No. 827948

Imagine limiting your artistic freedom on perceived conceptions of the masses.

Anonymous No. 827950

Imagine limiting your personal and artistic freedom on the current sway of the masses.


images - 2021-05-....jpg

Anonymous No. 827955

Can't make a quick buck if you don't whore yourself out to whatever's trending

Anonymous No. 827959


Anonymous No. 827974

My mission is to make bottom of the barrel coomer trash until I can hop on one of the shuttles to Mars.

Anonymous No. 828363

I've noticed that if I turn the image I'm working on in B&W, sometimes it looks better / more realistic. However I'm not sure if that could mean that my light colors are possibly not ideal, or if it only looks better to me because it looks different from what I've been looking at for a long period of time.

Maybe somebody else knows what's up. But I think it's one of many things that might be useful to do while lighting the scene. If not anything else, then definitely to see if you're achieving enough contrast and focus on a hero piece in a shot.

Anonymous No. 828369

Oh and one more thing - this is actually what I've been noticing in 3DCG - it seems to me that the more things you remove, while still making things believable, it somehow makes things look better because there are less things that could go wrong and immediately tell the viewer that they are looking at CG. I don't know if I'm correct about it though.

E.g. I've noticed some people increasing contrast OR making certain things in the picture so bright the details get lost. But it can happen in photography as well + you removed some percentage of image that could potentially look wrong while still keeping things believable. Same thing with those flashlight illuminated images, they can look really good because the contrast is strong and parts of CG get lost.

Again, I may be way off with this, but I think there's something to it if you do it tastefully.



Anonymous No. 828370


on that note, I used red and pink lighting to raise the sexual vibes of this scene. Do you guys recommend something else?

Anonymous No. 828411

phew, got this working:

//Superformula Radius - START
function float superformula(float a, b, m, n1, n2, n3, angle){
float result = 0;
float c = pow(abs(cos((m*angle)/4)/a),n2);
float s = pow(abs(sin((m*angle)/4)/b),n3);
result = pow(c+s, -(1/n1));
return result;
//Superformula Radius - End

//superformula variables
float a = 1;
float b = 1;
float m = 7;
float n1 = 0.2;
float n2 = 1.7;
float n3 = 1.7;

//initial variables
int totalPts = chi("Total_Points");
float theta = 0;
float phi = 0;
vector pos = set(0,0,0);

//calculate step angles
float thetaStep = 2*PI/float(totalPts);
float phiStep = PI/float(totalPts);
theta = -PI;
phi = -PI/2;

//construct sphere
for(int i=0; i<totalPts; i++){
theta += thetaStep;

for(int j=0; j<totalPts; j++){

float r1 = superformula(a, b, m, n1, n2, n3, theta);
float r2 = superformula(a, b, m, n1, n2, n3, phi);

pos.x = r1*r2*cos(theta)*cos(phi);
pos.y = r1*r2*sin(theta)*cos(phi);
pos.z = r2*sin(phi);


phi += phiStep;




Anonymous No. 828486

Anonymous No. 828515

I recommend taking your meds.

Anonymous No. 828534

fire extinguisher looks a little unfinished and stands out a lot because of the colour contrast...maybe add a label to it or something and make the hose actually attach to the body with a clip or something.

also some wear pattern on the desks would help to break up the reflections a bit.



Anonymous No. 828669

Nodes are fun.



Anonymous No. 828697

Trying to figure out how to animate animal faces. Is this good enough to start to retopo? I didn't try very hard with the ears; I don't know how much detail you can put into the mesh and have them still animate.



Anonymous No. 828699


Anonymous No. 828730

You should move the whole snout up to match your reference better.

Anonymous No. 828732

Good call, I saw that after I looked at the post and fixed it up a bit

Anonymous No. 828733

where's the knot?



Anonymous No. 828735




Anonymous No. 828777

I'm new to doing retopo and stuff, is this any good? Any tips for what I could do better?

Anonymous No. 828779

You have too much detail. Retopo in broad strokes. Subdivision will take care of the rest.



Anonymous No. 828799

Ok first of all you want to break the image down to a simple, straight construction you can easily remember.

The sihlouette and direction of straight lines are the most important thing, everything else is a detail. So you want to match an external contour of your model to the reference with a least amount of shapes and lines. Remove all unnecesary wiggles and dimples, work in really small size - 200-300 px on screen is more than enough. for this stage

Next thing you want to do is to identify the big masses an how they collide with each other. How eye mound is squished between the cheek bone, skull dome and snout. How jaw muscle is pushed under the dome, how lip droop is a separate shape from snout, etc.

Sometimes (or almost always always for a lot of stylized artists) you just start modeling with SEPARATE geometric shapes for simple changes and put them together to see how they collide. And then remesh them in one mass for the details when you're ready.

Anonymous No. 828850

you just have to go back in time to 1995 and these would be considered pretty good

Anonymous No. 828873

You should make same pixel size everywhere on models like this. I'd make "Please stand by" at least as big as "brightness knob", increase noise grain size to matck old TV and go easier on blood height or bump, whatever this is.

Nice, make more, I wanna see the progress!

Anonymous No. 828882

Nice, although I don’t think dogs have scapulae that mobile

Anonymous No. 828883

Thanks, I'll try this out in my next sculpt

Anonymous No. 828884

>replaces lion with a dog
>somehow expects not being disappointed

Anonymous No. 828888

that's a bear man

Anonymous No. 828891

I see it now, but only from the side. I guess it needs to be broader to not look like a dog.



Anonymous No. 828923

Using nomad on the bus to work. Sculpting with index finger is hard.

Anonymous No. 828924

It's also too low and perpendicular. It should be almost at the top and angled up a little bit.



Anonymous No. 828954

>barely know anatomy
>Rush to stylized because i'm a retard
I don't think i'm gonna make it bros...

I'm not giving up though.



Anonymous No. 828987

i like fun. are you having fun?

Anonymous No. 828989

Don't rush to stylized. It'll compound your issues and make you form bad practices that'll make it hard to unlearn.
Like learning guitar the wrong way, and you gimp yourself from learning advanced shit because you got stuck in bad habits at the beginning, and it's hard to unlearn years of doing it wrong. Totally not speaking from experience....

Anonymous No. 829140

Welcome to my mini blogpost.

This is how my 3D life looks like:

>start a project
>progresses nicely
>almost finished
>becomes unbearably slow to work with
>can't finish the last details
>perfectionist in me refuses to publish it until it is completely finished
>get infuriated and sick of it
>throw onto a pile of unfinished projects and start a new one

Thanks for reading!

Anonymous No. 829144

can relate.

Anonymous No. 829159

just like programming.
80% of the job is done in 20% of the time. the last 20% of the job takes in 80% of the total time.

Anonymous No. 829213

I've been working on the same project for like 4 months already.
If I really bothered, I could finish it in about a week, but at this point, I'd rather just start over.

I find that that sort of thing happens when you're working on a project, and it's not quite coming together as you'd hope, given how much time you put into it.
Sometimes I'll have a concept that I really love, and I can't help but work on it from start to finish because it all comes together just right, but others I'll have a concept that I love, but have to slog through to the end because it's just not lining up with what I had envisioned.

I've noticed that the projects that go well are the ones where I draw out the concept on paper beforehand, and the ones that don't go well tend to be the ones I go off of what I remember in my head.

Moral of the story, always have a thumbnail sketch for any project you work on. It'll keep the idea fresh and clear 3 days down the line or 3 months down the line, and will give you a goal to keep striding towards.



Anonymous No. 829403

i might be polishing a turd here, but i find the process very soothing. with some music or podcast in the background.



Anonymous No. 829416

Currently trying to render a turntable of this. There are a lot of imperfections but I’m just happy I made it to this point.

Anonymous No. 829433

The muscles got worse, I like them better without the smoothing

Anonymous No. 829434

The lady itself looks nice, but the hair looks like a giant turd

Anonymous No. 829435

The composition of the scene looks nice, the props (the chains, the blindfold) aren't bad too.

The woman however, looks pretty strange.
Her face/head is strange.
The chin is too thick.
The arms are too thin.
The hair looks like a giant poo.

I'd say you should rework the model of the lady. Maybe try a different approach, like sculpt with an A pose and rig it to this pose.

Ditch that material, it looks pretty bad and it makes your model look worse than the non-colored version

The wings on the first picture also look better.

Anonymous No. 829448

>that chin

You'll be sculpting for Games Workshop in no time.



Anonymous No. 829462

Any clue why the emission material is lighting up the middle of the castles wall? The light should be darker there since it's further away?

Any tips on how I might fix this?

Anonymous No. 829463


Anonymous No. 829468

Not sure, but a good way to figure it out is to disable all of the lighting except that emissive one and see what happens then. Also try to move it around and see how it affects the ligthing. Maybe something else is illuminating that right side of the wall as well. But also it could be a bounce light from something. Idk what renderer is this, so it might be just be shitty at rendering things like this.

Anonymous No. 829469

Yeah I've tried that, it's definitely the neon sign that's lighting it. Maybe I'll have to play with positioning, I'll look into bounce lights though, could be something strange with the face on the opposite side of the wall and how its angled.

The renderer is Blender's eevee. I wouldn't be surprised if that's the culprit, but I really don't enjoy working in cycles. I've got one large Irradiance Volume covering what's visible.

Anonymous No. 829471

>The renderer is Blender's eevee
Oh ok, that's probably why. Maybe the irradiance volume is too big, idk. I'd suggest to just switch to UE5 if you don't want to suffer.


dark young.jpg

Anonymous No. 829473

It turned into something a bit different

Anonymous No. 829474

Hadn't considered UE5, but it would make sense to combine the time I'm spending across Blender and Unity into the one application.

Dumb question, but can you make models in UE5? or are you suggesting it for effects like lighting?

Anonymous No. 829475

I was suggesting it mainly for rendering yeah, even though there are some modeling tools in Unreal now as well. Depending on the complexity, maybe you could model everything you need just fine in Unreal as well, but I'd recommend to just stay in Blender for modeling purposes.

Anonymous No. 829477



2021-05-30 22-33-....webm

Anonymous No. 829590

I don't know how to animate. Or model teeth.

Anonymous No. 829612

Kek, this is charming

>model teeth
Look at real world teeth (both human and animal). They have specific shapes based on their role and function. For example predators have special flat meat grinding molars, sharp pronounced canines for gripping.
Conversely, ruminants lack upper incisor teeth; giraffes have no front teeth, etc.

Since your thing is probably meant to have both human and animal characteristics, you can make choices about the teeth that are meant to reflect decisions about the character. It's something that shows up in cartoons, like when a character suddenly has fangs while angry yet in one scene yet has square human-like teeth when in a scene in which they're being genial.



Anonymous No. 829613


Anonymous No. 829688

kinda dig it anon, if it's not realistic it's definitely interesting.

Anonymous No. 829729

same, I don't know if you did it intentional but this style is very interesting.

Anonymous No. 829763

>If American Gothic was 3d

Anonymous No. 829780

Maybe you would feel a little nore comfortable in this website.

Anonymous No. 829838

>predators have special flat meat grinding molars
omnivores have these too
some herbivores have only molars and no other teeth, to grind plant material
so to call them "special meat grinding molars" is just not true



Anonymous No. 829839

Anonymous No. 829842

But that is the furry central



Anonymous No. 829853

Thanks! Took a few days off and now jumped into posing it, doing the rest out of symmetry as to maybe give it a less factory made feel, dunno. Piggo is still a rough idea, gonna add some twist to its pose also so it follows the curve the rider is following

Anonymous No. 829854

Very realistic american, keep it up!



Anonymous No. 829855

Wonder if i should use this pose instead for the pig, feels more piggy-like, opinions? general tips and critique also welcome!



Anonymous No. 829863



Anonymous No. 829864




Anonymous No. 829865

most of the assets in pic related are not even mine, but it looks cool so i'm posting it anyway

Anonymous No. 829866

Explain the purpose of that side pipe



Anonymous No. 829868

blender has come a long way since i last used it in 2006



Anonymous No. 829869

Really low quality compared to the other stuff here but here's my first solo project after learning the basics. Trying to make some sort of low-poly alien planet, gonna probably give the geometry nodes a try to get some grass and tree variations scattered about

Anonymous No. 829870

it looks cool, my pirates are more about aesthetic than functionality.
I wanted to make some sort of air compressed cannon but i couldn't come up with an interesting idea that didn't go out of the guidelines i was given.
the side pipe is a refuse of that phase, I know it doesn't have an actual purpose but who cares

Anonymous No. 829873

Are you working on a pirate game? How do I join in?

Anonymous No. 829893

It's a school assignment. But if you want to take part in something similar I was thinking about making a couple months long themed challenge on this board where every anon can work on their own assets and at the end of it compile all the work in a scene or something.
I'm too much of a newfag here so I really don't know if it's something that could work, it looks like everyone here is too busy with their own shit

Anonymous No. 829895

>something that could work
You would need about 5-10 dedicated individuals, which is hard here. It's probably easier to form a dev team and make some indie game than make anons cooperate on something.



Anonymous No. 829897


...currently working on this spaceship concept.

Anonymous No. 829922

Thanks for the kind words! I was aiming for realistic but fell short and can’t really put anymore time into. So I settled for this but ain’t mad. I’m hoping I can put what I learnt into my next sculpt/model and finally achieve full realism.

Anonymous No. 829930

Add trees and shrubs.

Anonymous No. 829968

Could probably get a way better image just by changing the camera angle and lighting. Looks very flat the way it is

Anonymous No. 829970

i like it anon



Anonymous No. 830075

I'm trying to make a somewhat realistic and somewhat muscular male body. Can I get some criticism or advice on what part of the body looks bad/what should I work on? I think the forearms are the weakest part but I'm not sure at this point anymore. I also think the feet and hands look a bit weird in terms of size. I keep switching references (models, real people, drawings) that I can't look at it objectively anymore.

Anonymous No. 830076


Made this recently, I'm pleased with the way it turned out.

Anonymous No. 830082

your ceiling texture is a cinder block wall texture

Anonymous No. 830083

i think the lower end of the tricep (where it attaches to the elbow) looks weird
also quads lack definition compared to rest of body
and there should be less space inbetween the toes
im not good at anatomy so take this with a grain of salt

Anonymous No. 830087

Joint (elbow, wrist, ankle, knee) look fucky. Forearms are to long vs upper arms. Torso looks pretty good, but you smoothed the front way too much.

Anonymous No. 830090

I'd give other people feedback but I don't know very little so it wouldn't be worth much.

>i think the lower end of the tricep (where it attaches to the elbow) looks weird
The middle tendon? Yeah I'm not super thrilled about the tricep. Every body reference online I see seems to have a different looking one so I'm a bit lost here. Feet are some old thing I made in Blender a while back and imported, they're getting a look through definitely.

>Joint (elbow, wrist, ankle, knee) look fucky
In what way do you mean? Shape, size? As I mentioned the feet are not something I spent a lot of time on so I get them. As for the forearms I remember thinking they were too short lmao. What's your opinion on the size of the hands?

>Torso looks pretty good, but you smoothed the front way too much
I thought I was being smart by removing detail to mimic fat deposits. You think I should define the abs more or serratus?

Anonymous No. 830109

Comparing length proportions with another dude's model as best I can I realized that both the upper arm and the forearm are a bit short. Changing it right now.

Anonymous No. 830112

Looks like zbrush to me

Anonymous No. 830127

Style is based. Idk why but it gives Akira vibes

Anonymous No. 830128

In 20 threads or so, this pic is gonna be just black and white.

Anonymous No. 830129

un-ionize or union-ize?
(ik, nerd here)

Anonymous No. 830130

P.S. What's the shader you're using? Is that a blender shader?



Anonymous No. 830144

i finally got around to finishing this piece of shit. had a bit of an burnout at one point but here we are :). it was a mistake going from a soda can to a car, and i had to redo a lot of shit because midway modeling something, i realized the topology or edgle flow was fucked and it still is, so i deleted a lot of shit and redid it. i'll probably redo the windows and the back at somepoint, but i have to move on before i get an proper burnout

Anonymous No. 830171

Nah, it's just gonna be white.
Super contemporary.
I'm aiming to get it to 4 colors next.
Then 2.
Then blow it out so fucking much that all that's left is white. Then only the real MV3s will know it's the wip thread.



Anonymous No. 830195

Thanks anon, This is the probably final results, not sure if i need to add anything else. pretty satisfied how it turned out



Anonymous No. 830216

probably gonna leave it like this,need to grind some anatomy.

Anonymous No. 830227

yeah cars and poeople are basically the hardest things to model, nice work anon, it's not perfect but you sorta finished it.

Anonymous No. 830249

>those windows



Anonymous No. 830258

I still literally have no idea how arms work
I'm no expert but try to focus your attetntion on shapes, i have no idea how to explain it but Zac Petroc has a pretty good tutorial on anatomy that might help you.

Anonymous No. 830259

coomer here, not artist. one of her boobs is lopsided, but other than that it looks good.


Loomis&#039; Prop....png

Anonymous No. 830290

I think your arms are a bit short and your shoulders a bit narrow. Not trying to snipe but I think it's a bit strange how muscular the torso is compared to everything else. How come you're modelling the arms so close to the body and the fingers/toes so close to each other?

>try to focus your attetntion on shapes
You mention this in regards to what body parts?

Anonymous No. 830305

Also, think on the muscle groups in the legs.
For example: where are the quadriceps? Where are they anchored? What's the general shape they make? Same for the hamstrings

Anonymous No. 830306

Look for courses, for not having good bases in anatomy you've gotten pretty good results, keep it up!

Anonymous No. 830322

Not him but you have no idea what you're talking about

Anonymous No. 830327

My post is filled with opinions and questions and I've not asserted anything. So what am I so wrong about?

Anonymous No. 830340

When modeling a basemesh or anatomical thing it's better to do it in the "A" pose weather than arms straight down. That's how you avoid the merging of arms and body which now makes the model impossible to rig and animate.
Other than that, looking good on the torso anatomy.

Anonymous No. 830366

Thanks guys, well this is not meant for production that's why I don't A pose it, same goes for fingers and toes being sculpted together, I just like to get a feeling like real life sculpting. proportions vary but i do appreciate you pointing it out.
As for the legs they're like that because I haven't touch them yet.

>try to focus your attention on shapes
I meant the gesture of your overall figure, google Zac Petroc, also Mattesi Force Drawing.


Engine 2021.06.03....webm

Anonymous No. 830400

Anonymous No. 830403

Looks awesome and I need to see more.

Anonymous No. 830415

hate the castle, love the rest

Anonymous No. 830416

Btw, is this in UE5? Those soft shadows give me the vibes of it. Lighting with Lumen is just godlike already, and it is still early access. First time I set up my current WIP scene with it, I just ran around in play mode, being amazed how cool those soft shadows are under the player.

>tfw all those hours of time wasted on learning technical bullshit to be able to work with lightmass and dynamic light, so many hacks to keep in mind.

All gone with the wind. I made the right choice to just give up trying to get better with light baking a while ago. I knew it would be pointless in the near future. And I know not every project will probably be able to work with Lumen and lighting will still be baked, but I personally don't care because I'm not a lighting artist anyway, and don't want to deal with that bullshit ever again.



Anonymous No. 830418

fantastic. looks like it actually stands a chance to become a completed project one day. as the other anon has said: the castle doesn't really fit, looks like a rough blockout to test how large it needs to be, not like a finished model

Anonymous No. 830436

loving this, make more



Anonymous No. 830444

>take picture
>pirate grass

gardeners hate me

Anonymous No. 830447

I bet that's illegal somewhere. Probably California...or Canada.

unity does not respect you as a game developer No. 830466

I'm making random assets that I think would look cool together to test nanite.
I coudlnt get soft shadows activated yet for performance reasons. All the lighting is due to lumen.

one day, I hope we never have to retopo anything ever again


Screenshot 2021-0....png

unity does not respect you as a game developer No. 830468



Screenshot 2021-0....png

Anonymous No. 830476

arg. Meant to post thhis

Anonymous No. 830477


...its vanilla blender(white theme) with the normal viewport but with flatshader, shadows and cavity.



Anonymous No. 830482


I did another character's head for more practice, then came back and tried again with the topology of this one. Is this any better? I tried to do less detail this time. Also, before I start working on the mouth, I wanted to know if any of these edge loops (or anything else) are going to make animating it problematic.



Anonymous No. 830514

Progress pic, any suggestions before i move onto animating ?



Anonymous No. 830519

I’d approach the mouth area differently

Anonymous No. 830522

i like it
is there any other site where you upload your work?

Anonymous No. 830551

>I meant the gesture of your overall figure, google Zac Petroc, also Mattesi Force Drawing.
I wasn't thinking about gesture right there but thanks for the recommendations. Gesture stuff is usually my weak point in drawing.



Anonymous No. 830599

I have a NSFW gay-ish twitter @bawncy, but things are slow there. Still have to work a few weeks on my other projects before I can continue my illustration journey.

Anonymous No. 830620

>but things are slow there
im gonna follow anyways
really like your style

Anonymous No. 830628

Is it better to have the lips on the same edge loop like that? I figured on a muzzle the top lip hangs over the bottom so it might not be, but I am pretty retarded.

Anonymous No. 830629

Lips should generally be on the same loop. You can shape the mouth corners however you need, so that’s still a thing in your case, just make the loop follow the shape of the sculpt.


gobby webm.webm

Anonymous No. 830798

made this snotty goblin some time ago, gotta finish him some day


spooky fish.gif

Anonymous No. 830802

Also made this spooky fish

Anonymous No. 830816

youre the guy who made that goblina in your pfp?
i gotta say, you've really progressed

Anonymous No. 830886

for as far as i can see from the viewport render the textures and colours look nice

Anonymous No. 831050

post a full render

Anonymous No. 831218

Make a new thread already, I want to post some WIPs bruh



Anonymous No. 831273

Tried a walk cycle today. First it was all interpolated, and it looked nice. Then I removed the interpolation from everything but the hair, and it looked nice in a different way. ...But it also got slightly janky because I was rendering in 15fps (Final Fantasy 7/8/9 battle framerate), and an odd framerate doesn't seem great for a short, looping, uninterpolated animation because you can't evenly space the keyframes.

Still, I think it looks ok? Maybe I'll bitch out and go back to interpolating everything. Who knows.

Anonymous No. 831274

oh hey its you again
i can appreciate the effort making it look old school but it looks weird having the hair be a much higher frame rate than the rest
but other than that i like it

still waiting on that nude render though

Anonymous No. 831275

> it looks weird having the hair be a much higher frame rate than the rest

Hmm. Maybe I'll clean it up and ditch the interpolation, then.

>still waiting on that nude render though
god damn it lol

Anonymous No. 831278

we're all waiting, anon.



Anonymous No. 831290

ugh it's gonna be a tough monday



Anonymous No. 831323


Yes monday is gonna be a disaster but whatever, noone cares, its all in your head and how you take it.

Sculpt is nice and realistic, one of the best works I see here. But I think it can be improved a bit, not talking about sihloettes and dynamics, just basic anatomy.

Did you try putting an actual scapula geometry underneath and maybe some clavicle to connect the AC joint properly? Try and put in a simple humerus joint into the elbow to have an anchor for your muscles and stop confusing soft and hard tissue. It takes like an hour to make some simple bony parts to use across your models. Good thing bones are always the same.

Looks like your lats, tris and teres major merged into one. Infraspinatus too huge and prominent compared to the rear deltoid. Mind rear deltoid transfroming into flat tendonous sheet over the scapula, it doesn't have that much volume there.

I can offer you a nice Scott Eaton "Bodies in motion" reference, hope you know what to do with it. Sometimes it takes more time to find a good reference to work from than to sculpt it.

Good luck, mate, you have to put like 100-200 hours of focused work to make it up to decent industry standard if you want to progress and not just mess with polygons. Totally doable and within your reach.



Anonymous No. 831332

First try sculping something humanoidlike, god I hate mudbox



Anonymous No. 831366

hows my chessman fighter



Anonymous No. 831367

Anonymous No. 831369



Anonymous No. 831370

those movements are surprisingly smooth

Anonymous No. 831426

Not bad, not bad.

Anonymous No. 831459

thank you so much for your input, I'm focusing all my attention on anatomy right now, I find the whole ulna/radius/humerus/scapula functionality to be very complex and difficult to understand, but I'll take your advice and continue to try harder and to pay more attention to reference

Anonymous No. 831549


Anonymous No. 831553

can't unsee this



Anonymous No. 831647

ok yeah definitely speeding things up with the skeleton underneath,

Anonymous No. 831659

Ok youre insane you dont need my input. Wish my girl meshes were 30% as good as your sculpts.

Anonymous No. 831664

Did you make your own skeleton?

Anonymous No. 831667

No it was already growing inside of me when i was born