

🧵 /WIP/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 806266

Works in Progress

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>802772
List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB (embed)



Anonymous No. 806335

Got the the arms done on my anatomy model, fuck arms seriously.
Think I got every major muscle, critique welcomed.

Anonymous No. 806342

Great stuff, anon. You're gonna make it.

Anonymous No. 806362

damn anon, very nice work

Anonymous No. 806368


Anonymous No. 806374

Firstly, don't get discouraged by what I'm going to say later on but your sculpt shows me you can understand shapes and volume which is half the battle.

Secondly you're fudging several anatomical elements: bicep origins are wrong, you're missing abductor policis longus, missing extensor policis brevix, can't tell if ulna or flexor carpi ulnaris

Try to understand the skeleton FIRST then draw the muscles on top. Everybody skips the skeleton when studying anatomy which is why 100% of models out there (even from AAA studios) have something wrong with them that no amount of blendshapes can fix.

Anonymous No. 806379

i can appreciate your effort, but in general it just doesn't look proper enough
you'd had better time learning each piece separately than building up this show-off
yes, looks impressive, but your bones and muscle all off and look like chewing gum
no offense, but what's the point of all this?

Anonymous No. 806391

>googling the muscular system just to criticize an anonymous user on a Bhutanese basket-weaving forum



Anonymous No. 806433

So I worked on the eyes, ears, chest and blocked out the hair a little bit. Ended up modifying the topology to make it less intensive on my PC and working out the details.

I'm having trouble figuring out how to blend the hair into a liquid. Should I use a noise?

Anonymous No. 806437

It's probably just the material making it look like that. I don't think he's making the model look like that intentionally.

Anonymous No. 806441

give up

Anonymous No. 806443

make me.



Anonymous No. 806456

Still a lot to do, but I'm getting into a time consuming hand painted polishing stage now, so feedback is appreciated. Miniature model locomotive, after this I have to do 2 wagons, but one is almost finished and I'll use the same base material so it should go faster.

Then I'm dropping it into that snowy forest scene and planning to work on some smaller foliage and rocks for it.



Anonymous No. 806459

I'm thinking about starting to post wips on twitter and other sites as well, like a blog. Never did that before but it could be useful.



Anonymous No. 806460

thank you your advice was actually really useful, and I'm actually building this on top a skeleton but still I'll try harder.
I'm trying to understand human anatomy and construction better, I think that's the point of building an ecorche, I'll try to take a different approach for tertiary details so that they don't look too bad, but it might be the material I'm using.

Hope this looks a bit better?


chimney shot.png

Anonymous No. 806471

is it bad that i'm still super impressed every time I use a basic painter generator?



Anonymous No. 806478

Working on a metroid.
I'm thinking about how I might procedurally make the stalks look sinewy through shaders alone, or if I should just sculpt them directly.
I want to make the membrane darker, but I want it to influence the color of things inside the membrane much less, but I've been having trouble making that happen.
I was considering a second geometry with inverted backface culling, so I could have a first faint outward-facing layer that gives a slight tint to things inside, while the inverted layer colors things behind it, which I'm fairly certain would work, but I hate the idea of having almost-identical geometry overlapping itself and would prefer a full-shader solution.



Anonymous No. 806483

Found an easy solution, just needed to check if the ray was a transmission ray. I might mix a fresnel into this to get a more interesting look, and it does still look too glassy, but I'm pretty happy at the moment.

Anonymous No. 806489

Yeah it looks like one texture thrown at it. Add details



Anonymous No. 806504

You haven't fixed any of the problems, just added more details. I marked the most offensive areas. Muscles don't suddenly go from thick to thin, like your trap, pec origin and oblique would suggest. The area where trap attaches to the scapula and the pec at the sternum are especially offensive in this regard. Same goes to the lower portion of the oblique. The bellies should have smooth, organic shapes.
The fibers also don't really change direction mid muscle, they run from point A to B. Your upper lat and delt have fibers that just randomly change direction.
Bicep and tricep have respectively 2 and 3 separate bellies that are joined at a tendon. Yours are pretty random.
The pecs insert outside the bicep, you inserted them on the inside.
You seem to be thinking about muscles as of some weird plates with bellies popping out on top, while in reality they're just slabs of soft tissue sheathed in fascia that often envelops more than a single muscle, especially in the torso.

Anonymous No. 806573

Thank you so much for your input, I will fix all these as soon as I can.
Some of the problems you mention with the details on the insertions were actually "artistic liberties" I took, I wanted to maybe make it look a bit more interesting since all the anatomy models I see always look so boring, but you're right I should fix that to.



Anonymous No. 806626

crits appreciated


Soulless vs soul.png

Anonymous No. 806642

am a blendlet and tried making Aculeatus from HnK. Didn’t texture it yet and just put materials on. Topology is kinda jank atm (mouth and neck).
nice stuff anon. Skeleton is a bitch at certain points but you seem to have made it work.

Anonymous No. 806660

crits are.

1. don't show me red wax

2. you probably already know this but those planks are just too wide, you needed more than 7

and that's it, looks pretty respectable otherwise, go chuck it into substance painter and have fun

Anonymous No. 806665

The planks repeat too much, flip a few more around. I like the edge weight but I would make the top just round and seamless, it kind of sits funny as is.



Anonymous No. 806667

holy mother of cringe, ngmi

just kidding anon, keep it up, i know you can do it

Anonymous No. 806670

Don't call urself a blendlet blendlet

Anonymous No. 806697

so close to getting quads...



Anonymous No. 806710

Some noise still to be removed



Anonymous No. 806712

Crits welcome but I'd rather finish the elementza tutorial asap. Any resources on good lighting?

Anonymous No. 806743

It's looking comfy and atmospheric but some things don't look quite right to me:
the SSS on the candles is too strong, the texture on the vertical cylinders surrounding the hourglass makes them look curved, the glass material on the hourglass looks weird, I'm not sure if you wanted to put a layer of dirt or cobweb or something else but I'm not exactly sure what is happening there, the paper on pretty much all the books looks like a solid chunk of wood rather than layers of paper, the feather on the pen likewise gives off the clear impression that it's just an alpha texture slapped on top of a single flat polygon, the texture on the wall on the back looks to be very low resolution, I'm also not a fan of the color on it, but that is very subjective.
The overall composition looks pretty good, it's nice to see people actually committing to a full scene render, I hope you finish this anon, keep us updated.



Anonymous No. 806759




Anonymous No. 806764

>1. don't show me red wax
kek, what's /3/'s approved zbrush material?
>2. you probably already know this but those planks are just too wide, you needed more than 7
Gotcha, added one plank and it looks much much better, thanks
>The planks repeat too much, flip a few more around.
Thank you for the crit, I tried to correct it
>but I would make the top just round and seamless, it kind of sits funny as is.
What? you mean like bottom of picrel?

Anonymous No. 806819

Many thanks anon, will make some tweaks and post an update when it's done.

Anonymous No. 806822

learn blendshapes.
thats what they use in the anime

Anonymous No. 806828

using blend shapes / shape keys / morph targets / endomorphs or whatever your software calls it should be basic knowledge

Anonymous No. 806847

That's a great looking scene

However, the UVs on the edges of the open book are stretched, as well as the hardbacks on the stacked books. I would turn up the ambient occlusion as well, to tie the objects and the table together.



Anonymous No. 806880

texturing can be fun
welp I tried

Anonymous No. 806896

looks great with these textures. But this ain't a chimney



Anonymous No. 806977

More metroid progress. Going to grow the nuclei a bit, add the neuron things, texture the claws, and add more materials and sculpting to make the nucleus base look grosser. Planning on finishing this sucker tonight.



Anonymous No. 806988

Neuron bits done.

Anonymous No. 806990

That's a fucking train whistle, man: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Train_whistle

Anonymous No. 807003

choo choo

Anonymous No. 807024

nice work

Anonymous No. 807068

Love this anon!
I must do anatomy study at some point.... and I'm dragging it...



Anonymous No. 807146

Tried to fix what i could, i hope it looks a bit better

Anonymous No. 807147

toning down the reflections was a good idea, it's really coming together

Anonymous No. 807159

Looking good, anon.

Anonymous No. 807162

Careful with those blacks, it almost looks like there is no GI. Some areas are too dark. It would be nice to see a bit more variation color-wise, everything melts into this greenish-yellow tone. I can't tell if some of those books are dark green, blue or gray, they all look the same to me.

Anonymous No. 807173

Very nice, I'd maybe give the candle lights some minor deformation, they all look zoo straight and copypasted, the fire usualy dances around a bit, which would also affect the shadows and make it look more alive.



Anonymous No. 807195

The flames of the three candles on the right look exactly like the wax itself. The darkened bottoms in particular look weird. If the bottoms were transparent, and maybe also had a visible wick, it would look significantly better.

Nobody who works with books and papers would keep candles that thin that close to the books without holders. That's a massive hazard to valuable books and papers. The person would have to be out of their mind, and the table isn't messy enough to give that impression.

The hourglass could use a visible trail of sand between the top and bottom, and the bottom should be peaked, rather than flat, and the sand in the top would look more natural if it had more of an angle, as most large hourglasses don't settle flat in the top unless you shake it flat (which is basically pointless). As is, it looks more like a nonfunctional decoration than an actual hourglass.

Those envelopes look really modern and out of place. Remember, traditionally, envelopes were folded by hand and sealed with wax. Fancy ones would be closed with a ribbon under the wax seal, and simpler ones would be sealed with a string, or simply the wax on the paper if it was to be transported a very short distance. In very many cases, the letter itself would be folded and sealed, rather than being placed in any envelope, especially if it was to be delivered very closeby. A clumsy seal could look quite sloppy, like this, while a more experienced seal could look even almost perfectly round. However you do it, a wax seal (possibly along with the partially-melted sealing wax and the seal itself) would really add to the authenticity of the scene, even if you keep the envelopes the way they are.

All in all, it's fantastic and I love it. You fixed most everything the other anon pointed out and it looks really good; much better than anything I've done.

Anonymous No. 807209

Much appreciated anons.

This was bothering me since the start, but i guess it's because the texture of the books it's pretty dark to start with, maybe i oughta pump up the saturation or brightness on them.

Thanks anon, taking notes to improve it. Gonna try changing some stuff, and yeah the envelopes are out of place, gotta change them.

Anonymous No. 807246

look at how games and other people make animu topology, it's different from regular old faces.

Anonymous No. 807249

>/3/'s approved material?
We already had a thread about it the optimal color for a matcap is a blueish green. due to the human eye having better perception in that color range.

if you work in red you're ngmi

looks better with 8 planks, gj anon



Anonymous No. 807256

Got more done with the metroid. Didn't get it done yesterday like I wanted. Won't get it done tonight.
Tomorrow I'm going to put the little guy in a cave and actually finish it off. I'm thinking either a lava cave for lava illumination or a dry cave with undefined floating firefly-like orbs. Probably the latter to influence the color less, as the lava would be necessarily very red, but the lava would allow the refraction to come through much more nicely.

Anonymous No. 807258

looks neat
you could add a translucent outer layer.
the connection between teeth and flesh could use some work.

Anonymous No. 807264

Good notes. It's looking more glassy than membrane-y, and adding an extra layer will probably help sort that.
Not exactly sure how to improve the claw connections, though.



Anonymous No. 807265

give the flesh and teeth more structure



Anonymous No. 807293

Thanks anon, I did a version with the same convexity as the first barrel and I think this will be the final version to this project

Anonymous No. 807305

Thanks, I'll try. I'm really bad at sculpting still.



Anonymous No. 807367

How do I give it a more realistic look?

Anonymous No. 807369

Dust, dirt, damages, surface roughness variations etc.



Anonymous No. 807372

I'm slowly texturing this in my off time.



Anonymous No. 807374

On top of what the other anon said, things like the optical drive and memory card flaps are never exactly regular. They'll be angled slightly, or off-center. Also, corners and narrow edges should be more rounded unless the console is supposed to be brand-new, as these things wear over time.
As far as "surface roughness variations" goes, a rough surface will be smoother wherever the surface is touched more often, so it should be more smooth around the ports, and wherever somebody would typically put their hands while interacting with the console itself (swapping discs and pulling and plugging controllers and memory cards).
Yours would be basically fine for a showcase display unit, like what would be shown at E3, but nobody's actual PS2 is that pristine.

Anonymous No. 807388

why does she have no brain?

Anonymous No. 807389

that barrel won't hold any rum

Anonymous No. 807414

ooh, love it so far,

Anonymous No. 807426

Looks like you have 0 bevels and your proportions are off. Go back to looking at your reference. Open up your model image and open up the reference and switch between the two. You'll see a lot of differences.

Anonymous No. 807432

gonna need a nude render, anon



Anonymous No. 807439

Got much better lighting here, and after fighting with Blender and Cycles for fucking hours, I got the double-layer membrane look. This looks way better. I need to actually figure out sculpting. I've sculpted and scrapped the sculpt 5 times so far, because it looks like shit every time.
Looking at >>807265 , I'm also realizing that my nuclei don't look as good as they could. I might swing back around to them afterward, but I'm not that unhappy with them.

I've noticed that my renders in Blender look much brighter than my exported images. I think this is because of the display transformations (normalizing the higher-range values into a clamped value for output), but it does make it more difficult to actually get the final output looking the way I want it to. I can turn off the display transformation on export, but I feel like that's not a good solution, because I can't do that easily for animation output, and I feel like that's probably just clamping the values instead of transforming them properly. Anybody know if there's a way to get blender to render and actually show the transformed values for easier iteration of work, or is that not possible and I just have to get used to it? I've tried searching around, and I'm not finding any answers.



Anonymous No. 807461

looking better.
am right you did the top technique?
you might save render time by doing the bottom one.

You can change the color management of your viewport. You probably have a different color profile for your viewport than your render.



Anonymous No. 807462

Finally managed to rig a lowpoly character that can sit down without horrible deformations.

Anonymous No. 807465

Those teeth are in dire need of some detailing

Anonymous No. 807490

My dude, that pretty good.
Got any more of those?

Anonymous No. 807503

You (or someone) say this to everything I post.

I'll do it eventually.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 807512

I did the bottom technique first, but the top ended up being easier to shade, particularly because then I can selectively hide either the inner or outer membrane while working on it, and the backfaces are always opposite the camera. The bottom one is more semantically pleasing to me, because it more matches the physical concept, but I'm not going to go far out of my way for the same results.

I'll look into the color management. It's more an inconvenience than anything.

Oh yeah, for sure. I'm probably going to try to do a displacement modifier + noise, and then use a texture to paint on the modifier so I can manually constrain how intense it is. That's going to come after sculpting, because the flesh needs the detail more desperately.

I was hoping to have this done earlier this week. It's probably going to take me another couple days at least (I only have time to put in an hour or two a day), but at least it's shaping up. My last project was a bit of a bummer and I never finished it out; I'm just glad this one is coming together.

Anonymous No. 807513

I did the bottom technique first, but the top ended up being easier to shade, particularly because then I can selectively hide either the inner or outer membrane while working on it, and the backfaces are always opposite the camera. The bottom one is more semantically pleasing to me, because it more matches the physical concept. I might revisit it, because if I can get it working properly, it would look much better (probably set it up with a fresnel + backfacing test). It would be nice to simplify it to a single material if I could.

I'll look into the color management. It's more an inconvenience than anything.

Oh yeah, for sure. I'm probably going to try to do a displacement modifier + noise, and then use a texture to paint on the modifier so I can manually constrain how intense it is. That's going to come after sculpting, because the flesh needs the detail more desperately.

I was hoping to have this done earlier this week. It's probably going to take me another couple days at least (I only have time to put in an hour or two a day), but at least it's shaping up. My last project was a bit of a bummer and I never finished it out; I'm just glad this one is coming together.

Anonymous No. 807523

looks tight anon



Anonymous No. 807528

to the guy who posted this a while ago...would you consider selling the 3D model? building a game and thought it looked nicer than most of the unity store assets.



Anonymous No. 807545

texturing in Ps



Anonymous No. 807579

playing around with ragdoll physics.

Anonymous No. 807589

But why? Nobody does that in PS nowadays. Download substance painter. This looks really bad as it is.

Anonymous No. 807680

we are a cabal of nude render seeking anons
you'd be wise to appease us



Anonymous No. 807698

Another souless 3d model I made.

Anonymous No. 807701

very soulless, very cool
is it a hair dryer or what?

Anonymous No. 807706

>those trees grass and bushes
Is the stuff on the Unity store in the same art style?

Anonymous No. 807790

3D artists who create their own concepts instead of copying an image should be more respected.

Change my mind.

I'm sick of seeing people praise each other's beautiful scenes, when they just took a great concept art and recreated it in 3D. No dude, you're not the one who came up with that cool composition and lighting. You actually tried as hard as you could to be as uncreative as possible and just copied every single detail like a good little 3D monkey boy.

Anonymous No. 807792

Return to monke

Anonymous No. 807794

>Change my mind.
No, I mostly agree. While there is a degree of creativity in adapting a concept to 3d, especially for less fleshed-out concepts, the creative core of the resultant work is usually still in the concept.

Anonymous No. 807795

Who said they weren't respected. If everyone had that mentiality there would be no 3dcg industry.

Anonymous No. 807797

If they were respected the wouldn't be made to work overtime in exchange for peanuts pay.

Anonymous No. 807804

Look what happened to that dude who created robot concepts for horizon zero dawn.

Anonymous No. 807813

most of a 3D artist's job will be recreating something someone else made. but I agree, a actual designers who are also competent in 3D should be valued

Anonymous No. 807823

You know in a production environment that there are concept artists and environment artists whose entire job is to figure all that out for you so you can turn it into 3d right? Doing your own concepts can be good if you are a good designer. But if you are making a portfolio as a 3d artist you should not be doing your own designs UNLESS you are at the level of a industry 2d artist, if you make your own designs for your portfolio and those designs are shit regardless of how good the 3D is, its gonna be a shit piece. I understand your sentiment though you seem a bit pissed off. I think for 3d artists trying to get in the industry, there is so much you have to learn for 3D and if you want to have good concepts, its gonna take even longer because now you are studying and splitting your time learning 2D. I see a lot of 3d artist here designing their own stuff and thats probably why a lot of the work here is really bad or below the standard. People need to use and study reference more.


More Wips.png

Anonymous No. 807868

Tried to correct some of those mistakes,
sadly i only got the weekends to sculpt



Anonymous No. 807879

I made this last night



Anonymous No. 807893

concept artists are photobashing faggots, that copy better peoples style.
>if you want to have good concepts, its gonna take even longer because now you are studying and splitting your time learning 2D
What a plebian take, 2D is a waste of time for someone who has the skills to sculpt without reference.
>I see a lot of 3d artist here designing their own stuff and thats probably why a lot of the work here is really bad or below the standard.
No, a lot of people here are beginners.

A 2D pleb can never create a piece like pic, he lacks the three dimensional understanding.

Your mindset is that of an industry wagie, weak and subservient to the concept artist.



Anonymous No. 807894

Just a hobbyist, i know some of you will get a heartattack from these textures and model in general.

Anonymous No. 807895

I would give the legs more segments they look too lowpoly in comparison to the other pieces.

Anonymous No. 807917

looks dope
what is spiderbot holding in his mandibles?
how are his legs supposed to move, hydraulics, pneumatics or electromotors?

Anonymous No. 807922

I am a freelancing that doesn't work under a studio at the moment. You're clearly baiting but regardless to others, 2D is not a waste of time but it is time spent doing something other than 3D so that's something you should weigh when you want to do both. Being able to do your own concepts is fantastic and a great skill for anyone to have but they have to be good or meet the standard. Also hardly anyone actually sculpts without reference, Why would you do that? You are shooting yourself in the foot. Nobody is going to award you with an achievement if you do something without reference, but everyone will call out your shit sculpt when they know you didn't use reference. Also to the guy I am replying to, stop using buzz words like pleb and wagie, its rotting your mind and I'm sure it shows in whatever work you do.

Anonymous No. 807924

>Why would you do that?
>Also hardly anyone actually sculpts without reference
probably the biggest mistake of digital 3D artists, have you ever seen the sketches of some classical sculptors they are some 1 minute sketch on a napkin. Learning how to draw properly takes a lot of time and shading doesn't help you one bit in 3D learning how to paint takes even longer and doesn't help you either. All you do by making neat concept art is waist time and teach yourself to sculpt only by looking at a drawing (you are mostly training with silhouettes) . The proper more efficient way is to train your 3D imagination being able to visualize something 3D in your mind is a skill that will always be helpful for a sculptor.

2D has little benefit for a sculptor, it can become a crutch taking up your time and teaching you bad ineffective ways to sculpt.
Training your 3D perception, understanding and imagination is the most useful thing you can do.
Modell a twig, learn anatomy etc. and understand the forms that make up object (and not the 2Dshapes/silhouettes)
>stop using buzz words like pleb and wagie

Anonymous No. 807925

made it sound like a good understanding for silhouettes is bad, so I need to add it is also very useful for sculpting.

Anonymous No. 807943

You could tastefully take different designs with similar styles and put them together with little tweaks to create something new. You don't need to do it from scratch, but you will still have something original and not just a (always) worse looking 3D copy of some 2D artwork. It makes me happier and fulfilled when I create my own work like that, so that counts as well. I know I'm not a godlike prop designer so depending on a subject, I "steal" from a reference more or less. However I feel more confident in my composition and lighting skills, so that is of my own.



Anonymous No. 807944

Trying my best to do a cool looking sculpt. I don't think this shit is for me...

Anonymous No. 807955

I dunno, anon. Doesn't look so bad to me.

Anonymous No. 807958

the damage on your weapon seems pretty random, think about why some parts of the weapon would be more damaged than others.

Anonymous No. 807959

Look pretty good to me. With nice textures and lighting it could be a cool piece. +2 points if you made the design by yourself.

Anonymous No. 807972

Damn, wasn't expecting this response. I'm a texture artist so I'm just trying to learn some sculpting so I don't get stuck in substance designer for the rest of my career. So probably won't texture it. And the design isn't mine, I'm not an artist.

Anonymous No. 807981

how do you make these type of renders on keyshot? any vids?

Anonymous No. 807987

bruh just use key light, fill light and a rim light

Anonymous No. 807988

sorry anon, im a keyshot illiterate



Anonymous No. 807991

well scratch that, after looking at some actual photos of muscle tissue online I think I understand a bit better what I should be doing

Anonymous No. 807994

Hey, I'm by no means a pro in keyshot, just picked it up recently. I went off this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tr6EbizbMmw&t=637s . He makes some sort of blue bullshit in it but gives a decent explanation on how things work in keyshot. I just experimented a bit after to get some clear, dark shadows and big light value. Gl

Anonymous No. 808012

you killed and dehydrated your boy :<

Anonymous No. 808014

Yeah thanks. I tried building it up with human anatomy and now it looks kinda uncanny

Anonymous No. 808018

that's what I look like in the mirror

Anonymous No. 808027

Headphones/airpods... the trash of this generation.



Anonymous No. 808029

What do you think? Left or right? Can be a combo as well.

Anonymous No. 808036

Hey buddy, which side is the front? How will I know which side is left or right?!



Anonymous No. 808037

I mean left or right picture. I'm a bit indecisive about which handle type and stairs would look better on this passenger wagon.

Anonymous No. 808052

i was messing with you. i like the stairs on the right and the bars on the left

Anonymous No. 808054

Ayylmao it flew over my head. Thx for the opinion.

Anonymous No. 808082


Anonymous No. 808083

Right one looks more appropriate for a passanger wagon imo.



Anonymous No. 808160

added some stuff.

Anonymous No. 808161

anon you're gonna make it.

Anonymous No. 808168

Looks like it would be perfect for a mobile or webgl x-com style tactical game.



Anonymous No. 808179

okay i'm done with this. going back to an older project to apply new skills wasn't a good idea, but i'm glad it's ogre



Anonymous No. 808181

Keep 'm coming anon!

Anonymous No. 808187

looks great man, love the style

Anonymous No. 808195

Damn I wish I could texture things, always wanted to make a stalker project

Anonymous No. 808218

That's a good-looking SKOP.



Anonymous No. 808252

Trying to create a medieval cellar / interior any advice would be great.

Anonymous No. 808262

a wattle and daub wall in a cellar makes no sense.
Brick or stone walls.
more likely than a wooden floor would be a clay or stone floor.
If your cellar needs a vaulted ceiling your door probably needs to be arched or have an arch structure in the wall above the frame.
windows are too big and too many (you want a dark cold cellar) hanging meat so close to the ceiling in the middle of the room is dumb (you would have to bring a ladder to get it down.
The way the stones are placed in the vault this would collapse on your head.

anon look at some references.

Anonymous No. 808265

delete that shitty blue blanket it looks dumb

Anonymous No. 808298

Good job, Anon.



Anonymous No. 808301

How long have you been modeling?
Always been doing low poly?
Any good beginner tips?
(PS: Blender right?)



Anonymous No. 808350

i wanted it to look bad on purpose but not so much
i just cant light
how to light?

Anonymous No. 808356

It's not bad but all your lights are red you should change light colours and change up the contrast of the light if it's a night scene there should be a bit darker areas where the lights aren't completely hitting.

Anonymous No. 808363

I actually like it, has that miniature vibe because of the model proportions. Just give the street lights normal temperature and make the center light red if you want it to. Maybe try putting some colder lights around the scene.



Anonymous No. 808379

i do like it more like that, but im thinking now about ditching the fountain red light and the "neons" under the flowerpots
but without the lights under flowerpots they are kinda useless
sorry for the noise still learning rendering

Anonymous No. 808392

To me the lights under the flowerpots are too strong.
And the light on the hammer and sickle is both too strong and ends too abruptly.
Also it would be good to add like a sky light that fakes some moon light too would make your scene breathe more i feel.



Anonymous No. 808426

looks way fucking better, i need to step up and read on some theory not just random fucking lights everywhere

Anonymous No. 808433

Yeah, that's what I told you as well when I mentioned to add some colder lights around it. It gives it a nice balance.



Anonymous No. 808511

This took me about an hour

Anonymous No. 808523

Yeah I can tell.

Anonymous No. 808534

Thank you for your constructive feedback

Anonymous No. 808536

You're welcome.
Learn this.
First you get good, then you get fast.

Anonymous No. 808538

it reminds me of doom guy

Anonymous No. 808553

what happened to him?

Anonymous No. 808563

Killed himself, you can look in this thread >>808427



Anonymous No. 808568

man the most fucked up shit is he made all of his gumroad tutorials free about a month or so before it happened.

At the time I assumed it was just him being a cool dude or some kind of marketing tactic but I now realise it was basically him saying "fuck it"

Anonymous No. 808569


Anonymous No. 808575

i think its beginning to sink in for me that people can only buy so many video games. the market is too saturated. graphically, i think 3d has been pushed to its limit. look at screenshots comparing shots with raytracing on and off....the differences are miniscule. what else can be done but improve the lighting slightly?

Anonymous No. 808578

Idk man, people keep saying this but I think there's still plenty that can be done. For one, we still need to be careful not to add too many sides to cylinders, and shit still looks bad from a closeup. Textures can still be blurry if you're not supposed to look at an object from a closer distance. Lighting can still be improved, ray tracing in UE4 for example still doesn't provide good enough GI and reflections compared to path tracing. There are plenty of errors with ray tracing, especially with glass surfaces and things not rendering in reflections. Shaders can be improved. We're still using flat planes for foliage and even the best ones look crap compared to movie quality foliage. We still have to think about the amount of bevels and if it's worth it to add an extra bevel level or not. We still have disgusting screen space effects that fade out on the edges of the picture when you move the camera. We still only keep thin surface details on normal maps. Etc. etc. A lot of these things might be removed with UE5, but I doubt it will be THAT good as they're saying.

Anonymous No. 808579

Well making realtime glass not destroy performance and look ass at the same time for example.

Anonymous No. 808581

and this is the price we pay by flooding a non essential service job market: long hours, low pay, poor job prospects, poor job security and so on

Anonymous No. 808584

better gameplay
better stories
better designs
the graphical fidelity only needs to be good enough to serve the above

Anonymous No. 808598

Graphics have not really been pushed to their limit. Most games especially open world are still relatively low poly. I want to see million poly models at the end of this gen with everything modeled and not relying on textures for small details.

Anonymous No. 808599

>I want to see million poly models at the end of this gen
lmao, no

Anonymous No. 808603

>I want to see million poly models at the end of this gen
Ask me how I know that you're a tourist and don't actually do 3D.

Anonymous No. 808605

its not free now lmao



Anonymous No. 808623

Exactly what I had in mind while modelling it. Maybe some day.

I'd say start with low resolution textures. That worked better for me.

I only have patience for lowpoly stuff. I've taken a habit of learning some new feature of Blender at least once a year. Been doing this for a while now, just for fun. 2.9x pretty much fucked everything up, so I'm sticking with 2.8 for now.

Don't really have any tips. Just watch tutorials from different creators and apply your own ideas while practicing.

Anonymous No. 808627

Yeah I've just started doing 2D/painting so I can learn to texture, do you have a twitter or anything to follow?

Anonymous No. 808660

Whose getting the money?
Other than gumroad?

Anonymous No. 808675

his family?
i think site contacted them and worked this out, its not unthinkable family (wife, children) would want the money if he was primary house income in there
its kinda scummy
also the site could have some rules so when you die they can keep the work you have posted there
thats even more scammy
but i dont know anything about that dont take me seriously

Anonymous No. 808690


I think it was only ever a timed free thing, like free for one week kinda deal.

Anonymous No. 808691

I'm a freelancer M8. My number 1 bottleneck is retopology and low poly budgets. Do enlighten me with whatever knowledge you think you have tho.

Anonymous No. 808710

>My number 1 bottleneck is retopology
doesn't unreal autoretopo everything by itself now?

Anonymous No. 808713

now this is a real tourist

Anonymous No. 808724


Anonymous No. 808754

I was being serious

Anonymous No. 808755

Yes, that still makes you retarded.

Anonymous No. 808765

Unreal 5 promises a kind of Autoretopo/AutoLOD system that eats static geometry and creates a dataset from it that can be streamed in real-time.
It only works for static assets tough - NOT for characters.
If you had observed the UE5 demo with the proper eyes you would have seen that the character was pretty bland and actually the weakest point of the demo.

Anonymous No. 808781




Anonymous No. 808788

how did i do?

Anonymous No. 808815

Poly budgets are pretty okey these days, texture budgets need to increase to be honest we are still stuck on single 2k texture sets, and with more polygons you need more texture and it's becoming annoying.
But i guess RTX memes are way more important than more memory

Anonymous No. 808816

industry standard.

Anonymous No. 808884

ready for Pixar

Anonymous No. 808894

this but unironically



Anonymous No. 808909

Thanks for the answers.
Pushed me to make and post this.
First human model ever.



Anonymous No. 808944

trying hair with particle systems, i usually do it with curves

Anonymous No. 808945

hair isn't finished yet, might change it to something different

Anonymous No. 808949

Is she a ghost? If so it would look cool with that hair



Anonymous No. 808954

not really, but i don't have anything really specific planned either. Pic is my reference for this character

Anonymous No. 808962

>that hairline
is that a trans character?!

Anonymous No. 808966

no, and the hair is a wip.



Anonymous No. 809051

Midterms have passed along with my modeling burnout. Working through my task backlog.



Anonymous No. 809078

today's practice

Anonymous No. 809083

this made me realize jews look like beginner sculpts


ended up a little....jpg

3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 809084

Well, i tried.

Anonymous No. 809098



Lady lovely locks.jpg

Anonymous No. 809100

Real Man will do Lady lovely locks hair and burn an entire renderfarm for a month for 1 frame



Anonymous No. 809208




Anonymous No. 809222

my latest lowpoly scenario

Anonymous No. 809264

looks nice, although I don't know where the purple light is coming from



Anonymous No. 809274

thanks. There is a purple lamp in the back there



Anonymous No. 809286



Anonymous No. 809306

Anonymous No. 809310




Anonymous No. 809337




Anonymous No. 809346

I feel like shit for not being able to do lifelike renders, but at least I can model



Anonymous No. 809347

recreating some assets and locations from an old MMO, the game had prerendered backgounds



Anonymous No. 809360

I clearly don't know what I'm doing. I think its time to give up.



Anonymous No. 809364



Anonymous No. 809392

I'll finish her up tomorrow morning. For now I'll call it a night.

Anonymous No. 809397


Anonymous No. 809404




Anonymous No. 809409

I mostly work on guns and vehicles, trying my hand at humans and I absolutely hate it, my shit looks nothing like the reference

Anonymous No. 809413

Why not use a shadowbox?
You can fix this easy, it's not too far off but her forehead and chin need to be moved.



Anonymous No. 809416

wow you guys are making some cool ass shit
i don't know what i'm doing honestly



Anonymous No. 809436

I'm really dragging my feet on this one. Almost done.

Anonymous No. 809520

Is there a 3ds max equivalent? I dont have zbrush

Anonymous No. 809521

Wew, really nice so far. Lovin the sideboob



Anonymous No. 809546

Made some adjustments to the forehead, nose, chin, and hair

Anonymous No. 809558

ooh, very nice
still waiting on THAT render tho..



Anonymous No. 809593

I know the feel

got a little bit of work on my anatomy model today,
I need to remind myself to have fun sometimes



Anonymous No. 809624

I don't know anything about 3ds Max, last time I used it I made dildo knifes for Counter Stike 1.6.
Just load her image as texture and apply it to a plane? Shadowbox is basically just that but simplyfied.

Anonymous No. 809636

you fucking degenerate
in your left most reference pic he is making a face (pushing forward his jaw)
good job anon. To get closer he has a very strong upper eyelid crease
your nose has an arch his doesn't
your nostril shape is off
the bridge of the nose is too thin
refine the eye shape
his neck needs to be thinner



Anonymous No. 809722

Working on a Curta Calculator. Pretty happy with it so far, materials are basic blender ones but im planning on bringing it into substance down the line.

Pretty crazy, keep it up!

Yikes, work on your lighting and render settings to reduce noise! Could be cool

Good stylized 3d is just as challenging as good photorealism, often harder since you dont have loads of references to pull from.

Looks like a proper physical miniature model. Well done!



Anonymous No. 809752


Cool you are having fun. Meanwhile I'm having fun but never finish anything.



Anonymous No. 809821




Anonymous No. 809844

thanks, i kinda was into the grain but i denoised it. still major wip but i'm having a nice time.

Anonymous No. 809857

Nothing wrong with grain! But IMO it makes more sense to render a clean image and add noise in post! Gives more control over it and makes it more even.

Anonymous No. 809863

>basic blender ones
Procedureal? Looks great for something uniform like this



Anonymous No. 809880

Crits on this head, I know I'm still missing some muscles.


Dino accountant.webm

Anonymous No. 809906

I'm ready to become pixar 2



Anonymous No. 809918


Anonymous No. 809921

The scene is too busy right now. I can almost feel my head hurting when I look at it and try to figure out what is happening. Zoom out of the picture and see if you can tell what is happening. I don't know where to look at, I first see a floating sword then jump to the other side and see the cabinet. Everything else in the middle is dark and reflective. I'm not even sure if there are bunch of glass surfaces in the background or is it all coming from tiles on the floor? Take a step back and decide what you want to show in the picture. Focus on that, make it visually clear. Focus the lighting on that, create some visual paths toward the subject in the picture. Light sources are fighting for the attention, you need to simplify them. Either iIluminate only the cabinet and remove the sword, or make the sword light illuminate more of the bed and its surroundings and remove the light above the cabinet. Try to create some hierarchy of lights, play with intensities, don't have 2 lights of the same color and same intensities on opposite sides of the picture. It's super overwhelming atm.



Anonymous No. 809926

mate it's just a wip thread, i'm not asking 4 critique but thank you for sharing your thoughts. it's a room, which this is just one angle of, it's meant to be an ode to mirror rooms at state fairs or museums, the reflective walls and tile textures creating a sense of immense space and isolation simultaneously. the objects themselves are the story, not the way they are organized, which is in a scattered fashion in rooms, these objects bear meaning to things i experienced in the past, in a cell like room expressing my liminal-esque feelings, and considering this isn't the final product but the wip version just sit back and enjoy. i'm glad i made your head hurt, that actually motivates me to evoke that in others with my shit tier 3D abilities. another angle we do focus on particluar object in a less "busy" composition.

but really it's not that deep.

Anonymous No. 809997

Based, the shot of flying into his mouth is game changing

Anonymous No. 810008

I just meant basic as in not tailored to the model in any way. Just simple worn metal and plastic maps box projected onto it.

Anonymous No. 810078

Holy! Frikken epic cinematography my man.



Anonymous No. 810095


Anonymous No. 810096

Very cute

Anonymous No. 810129

looks very good



Anonymous No. 810195


Fixed the face to make her look soulless. I am nowhere near china quality yet but I'm getting there slowly 1hr per day.


dino office last ....webm

Anonymous No. 810196

Anonymous No. 810197

Touhou is for pedos

Anonymous No. 810209

sweet tits

Anonymous No. 810230


Anonymous No. 810233

Her nose is too small don't u think?


face rig.png

Anonymous No. 810292

Need help with babby's first rig:
I'm trying to rig a 2d character to move in 3D space. (Don't ask) How would I rig the eyes for eye tracking (For VRchat/Vseeface) to move in a flat/2D space?

Anonymous No. 810293

Face mesh + armature are separate from the body mesh + armature if that is of any help

Anonymous No. 810299

That sounds like something you'd have to configure in Unity.

Anonymous No. 810304

Thanks. I'll look into it.
I've managed to rig the body fine with weight painting and whatnot. I thought all rigging/movement/behaviours had to be configured in blender before importing into Unity. (Is that correct?)

Anonymous No. 810320

> I thought all rigging/movement/behaviours had to be configured in blender before importing into Unity. (Is that correct?)

To keep things moving on a 2D plane you'd need constraints on your bones, I'm pretty certain there's no way to transfer those over to unity. I don't know if VRM has any real support for such things either. Perhaps you can animate the eyes using blend shapes instead of bones? I think that might be possible. Not certain.

Ultimately I think you'll have to play around.

Anonymous No. 810326

Wow, fantastic work anon. Any tips for a beginner on making realistic human proportions? Do you model or sculpt it?



Anonymous No. 810329

Making a picture frame
I was surprised that Maya didn't seem to make the bevels on the frame corners that well. I had to jump into Houdini for that



Anonymous No. 810337

Well, it's a start.
Going to git gud at fingers first, then do the whole hand, and slowly work my way up the arm, then the chest and so on.


2020 03 - early e....jpg

Anonymous No. 810355

Hey frens.
So long story short, group of friends and I caught the "lets make our own shit" bug. 3 programmer, a music, a 2D art, and two 3D people- including myself. We're actually getting pretty far on this, despite this being our first project. Pretty exciting to see the early concept models I made in blender go into Unity and move around. Had only done basic stuff before in Blender as a hobby.

2 questions though, I've sorta only been shitposting anonymously here for... ever. 3D has been mostly a hobby as my degree was in a completely unrelated, non-coding field. Do you have any recommendations on:
> normie promotional blog / social media for 3D works
Do I have to use twitter? Full time 2D artist friends all seem to use it for commissions and promotion. Do you all recommend using something like Sketchfab for showing progress pictures and development?

> video tutorial websites
Originally did CGCookie back when 2.8 came out. Did their library get updated for 2.9 series? I remember seeing a bunch of 2.73 videos in their library at the time. Are they still ranked high? Been seeing a lot of Grant Abbitt. Really like his delivery. But he's mostly beginner level tier?

Anyway, here's screenshot of early concept enemies. Still working on the designs. We're starting with babby's first space shooter. Will show you webms of action as we progress along.



Anonymous No. 810388


> Any tips

Thx anon. Do 1hr speed sculpts everyday and you will see results little by little provided you use reference. Do not bother sculpting from imagination because it will look like shit. This is mostly to train your observation skills.

Not only that study anatomy books, tutorials, other 3d models like pic related, look in the mirror, touch yourself (no, seriously).



Anonymous No. 810435

Realized there's a better way to make the frame (I'm a noob a modeling) and remade it

But the bevel in Maya still sucked, especially at "crossing" bevels, so I had to use Houdini again



Anonymous No. 810436

We rigged now, boys

Anonymous No. 810438

You could have just repeatedly extruded and scaled a single face

Anonymous No. 810450

Having a problem with 3dcoat.
When I import textures, there is a thin line on the edges where the mesh is split in half. I don't know whats causing this misalignment.

Also, 3dcoat only imports half my mesh, split right down the middle.

Anonymous No. 810480

the black parts of her clothes blend into everything (intentional?) so since im assuming its latex, maybe give it some baked on shinyness?



Anonymous No. 810508

Just a high contrast look that I thought made her skin look particularly good.

Playing with color management settings can randically alter the final look of an image.

Anonymous No. 810509


Anonymous No. 810511

personally i think the left looks best, middle looks like its trying too hard to have stylized colors and right just washes out all the detail

still waiting on that nude render

Anonymous No. 810521

She doesn't even have nude textures yet, geez.

Anonymous No. 810523

>at least I can model
not really

Anonymous No. 810525

anon..... i havent coomed in 2 weeks.....

Anonymous No. 810536

Sick! Can we see a wireframe?



Anonymous No. 810558

You mean, like manually doing a sweep? Not sure that would've been faster considering the shape, or am I understanding you wrong?

Anonymous No. 810562

looks like a fuckin hand grenade lol



Anonymous No. 810579

lowpoly anon inspired me

Anonymous No. 810654

looking good

Jamaican Doug No. 810669

>Perhaps you can animate the eyes using blend shapes instead of bones?
I never considered that. Didn't know that blend shapes could be used as an alternate for bones for model tracking... That might make things simpler. Thanks for your input.

Anonymous No. 810670

Oh, export selection from maya.

Anonymous No. 810672

>Perhaps you can animate the eyes using blend shapes instead of bones?
I never considered that. Didn't know that blend shapes could be used as an alternate for bones for model tracking... That might make things simpler. Thanks for your input.

Anonymous No. 810674

thanks anon



Anonymous No. 810698

This is my first model ever. I'll be making a short animation soon. Anything I should fix?


new full body.jpg

Anonymous No. 810705

Still messing around with skin color, can't seem to find something I like, please critique.



Anonymous No. 810732

Trying to make a surreal scene. What do you guys think of this render? too bland? too gay? any suggestions are helpful

Anonymous No. 810749

That looks far too feasible to be 'surreal'.

Go do some drugs.



Anonymous No. 810754

I hadn't looked at the wireframe in a while and man, I've got WAY more polys in those pigtails than I'm making any use of. Maybe I'll do something about that.

Make rectangular face the size of your frame. Extrude it outward and scale it inward so that it looks like an old Windows 98 button. Extrude again, scale again, and you can make the entire frame that way. Input numbers with your keyboard if you find it difficult to keep things looking precise and uniform by hand.

Create some more stuff in that style and you've got a game-ready asset pack.

Anonymous No. 810786

kind of reminds me of old 2000s renders, tho the colors could be a bit more garish and the design of the room needs to be more slightly off
try making things more yellow, like its been sitting in the sun and cigarette smoke for a while

>Create some more stuff in that style and you've got a game-ready asset pack.
i am making these for a game, planning on making a melee, smg, shotgun, etc
im not sure about the whole normal mapping aspect though, i like the depth it gives it but im not sure if it fits with the whole "retro" look

Anonymous No. 810789

adjust your materials first, it skin looks like plastic on this render



Anonymous No. 810795

Learning Boolean workflows

Anonymous No. 810796

You had me for a second.



Anonymous No. 810797

Why do things always look better when they're just irl

Anonymous No. 810821

looks nice. Where'd you get the textures from?
Also did you downscale them?

Anonymous No. 810835

thanks :)
>Where'd you get the textures from?
www textures com

>Also did you downscale them?
yes, I'm using 128x128 resolution. I also used Index Mode in photoshop to decrease the color in the texture to 32 colors.

Anonymous No. 810853

bump up your SSS

Anonymous No. 810854

Yeah, turn that fucker into a wax candle



Anonymous No. 810855

first ever sculpt coming along
its built differently...

Anonymous No. 810856

Well you already seem to have figured out how to use Dynamesh, you'll be fine.

Anonymous No. 810901


Anonymous No. 810907

aight thanks. Might go for a similar look for my horror game.



Anonymous No. 811000

Anonymous No. 811020

if youre looking for something for inspiration check out little nightmares envrioments/models and materials etc.



Anonymous No. 811021

it's almost Friday



Anonymous No. 811109

Corona pushed me out of the zone, but I'm back now.

Anonymous No. 811112

Why do I recognize this character?



Anonymous No. 811113


Anonymous No. 811114




Anonymous No. 811143

Hand sculpting progress. It's coming along. I just copy and pasted the fingers so I could get on with the hand.



Anonymous No. 811148


Anonymous No. 811151

these pixeled textures reminds me megaman 64. looks great.



Anonymous No. 811169

Mr J.C. Denton. In da fresh.

Anonymous No. 811183

haha thats my fetish

Anonymous No. 811204




Anonymous No. 811291



Anonymous No. 811292




Anonymous No. 811294


Anonymous No. 811295

For me it also feels familiar.


Greetings honored....png

Anonymous No. 811301

making a jeweler. hope to make it high quality if i can and have it fully rigged

Anonymous No. 811304

torso's a bit long imo

Anonymous No. 811308

>never finishing anything
what worked for me anon, is that i pay for a really cheap clay sculpting course, where they dont have a clear structure, just teach you what you wanna do. they dont know shit about the program i use, i autistically go with a notebook, but they dont mind, since i already know zbrush, i only need help completing my projects since one can get lost easily and cant figure out on what. thas it, if you keep at it, then you'll start to work on those projects at home aswell and everything will flow its course. hope it helped. been making the argonian 2 posts up by going to that course



Anonymous No. 811341

generator guy here. finished my first week and first prop on AAA prod

you all gonna make it brahs

Anonymous No. 811342


Anonymous No. 811343

it's not the prop of course, it was my test assignment. i can't post or screenshot anything going on in the studio

Anonymous No. 811346

Damn son, that looks real good.



Anonymous No. 811401

Got no idea nigs, I did it for a friend.

Anonymous No. 811414

filthy lizard



Anonymous No. 811454

Making this little dude for a game project,
How does he look?



Anonymous No. 811482


I already have a backlog of tuts I watch when I want to do something specific so that helps. I tend to fix things I don't like or based on feedback from others before moving on only to end up backtracking again. As a result, I made her even more soulless.



Anonymous No. 811495




Anonymous No. 811515

Thank god for anonymity, because this shit is embarrassingly bad. I'm still learning, but I'm not proud of this at all.
It's supposed to be the dancing imp guys from Fever The Ghost's Source, animated by Felix Colgrave https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RHFFeQ2tu4

Anonymous No. 811538

looking good. but what i meant is to use the strat i told you as a way to not be lazy and finish stuff. the one im making now is the third project im gonna finish this year, from completing 0 the year before, fug

Anonymous No. 811602

I think he is talking about going to live sculpting classes and getting feedack/advice and following the group dynamics, but using a digital sculpting software instead of following along with real clay

Anonymous No. 811751

The mixed shading you have going on here doesn't look too appealing imo. Either go all diffuse or all toon shading.

Anonymous No. 811847

yeah that's what i meant, irl people to push you. you'll never fall back into lazyness again



Anonymous No. 811930

almost finished with this
idk anymore

Anonymous No. 811933

looks cool. did you add chromatic abberation to your screenshot or am i seeing things



Anonymous No. 811934


Anonymous No. 812073

yes I did



Anonymous No. 812114

time for a new thread

now let's see if I manage to finish pic related
crits welcomed

Anonymous No. 812118

No, it's perfect!



Anonymous No. 812712



F-5E Blockout.png

Anonymous No. 813157

Blocking out an F-5E. Planning to merge all the meshes into one and then sculpt on it to make the shape a bit more perfect, then retopo. Obviously, I'll leave the wings and stabilizers as separate meshes. I think this is a good approach, but if someone has alternative ideas, I'm curious to hear them.



Anonymous No. 813449

Added retainer clips, which I had forgotten at first

Anonymous No. 813484

OP, come on man... Make a new thread pls.



Anonymous No. 813487

Made a sailor fuku but I'm too lazy to finish it properly, as always.

Anonymous No. 813534


I await the nude version anon.

Anonymous No. 813547


Anonymous No. 813662

incel hand

Anonymous No. 813666


Anonymous No. 813823

burgerking dev???