

🧵 /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 837418

/wip/ - Works in Progress
- Final Form Edition -
I am become WIP, creator of worlds.

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>831717
List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB



Anonymous No. 837599

sad nobody noticed this thread
anyway here's a project i eventually gave up but im working on something based on it, i guess it counts as wip

Anonymous No. 837605

I noticed it, I just don't have anything to post. yet



Anonymous No. 837620



Anonymous No. 837636

>generic basic bitch edge shader

Anonymous No. 837647

this is just blenders untextured viewport
does anybody have the original version of le wip pic?



Anonymous No. 837655

I do, actually.

Anonymous No. 837674

So why did OP create that eyesore out of this nice scene?

Anonymous No. 837683

I don't know. Ask him, maybe that's the only version he got. Or he has a terrible taste.
Is it it even important?

Anonymous No. 837690

>complaining about the shader on an untextured WIP model

Anonymous No. 837692

It's a meme, if you've been following WIP threads for a while you would know. He keeps increasing effects until it looks disgusting.

Anonymous No. 837700

Absolutely gmi.
It's /3/'s only remotely funny meme.

Anonymous No. 837701

It's not a shader you retard. That's just a matcap



Anonymous No. 837709

I already made it... by not bothering with trash like blender. Maya chads represent.

Anonymous No. 837738

It's a running /wip/ gag.
Like the version before it where we'd put projects/posts from the previous /wip/ in the new OP.

Is right.

I've got the original wip image, since it's easier to push that version than the previous fucked version. But I figured I'd play the gag to its inevitable completion. Which we've reached. Congrats anons.
It was always about fucking it up more and more until it's essentially just the bare minimum to be recognized as /wip/. I could push it more, but I won't.
Now I gotta figure out another gag. Maybe I'll leave it alone for a bit.

Anonymous No. 837745

I like having the projects from the last one in op pic
But that takes effort so i'll try make one when this hits ~330

Anonymous No. 837753

You dont even model anything.

Anonymous No. 837810

>But that takes effort
That wasn't really the problem, the real problem was that the wip threads started having less actual projects, and more shit flinging.
A thread would fill up with needless arguments, and you'd only actually have maybe 5 projects in the thread, with maybe 3 of them usable in the image. Things really went downhill, and I kind of got fed up with /3/. But you can't ever really leave. Someone else started the deep-fried thing and left, so I picked back up where he left off.

It's not too hard to put them into the wip. I used to have a version where I had layers and stuff separated out, so I could put things in the tunnels, behind the hill, behind the various fences and rocks, and spots for the puddles. It made putting things in pretty easy, since I could just magic select the projects (most of the time), and slap em in.
But I had a HDD fail and now it's locked in limbo. I could do a recovery, but I have a lot of "questionable" images left over from my time as a teenager, and I'd rather not ride the party van.

But yeah, I'll see about putting the projects in the wip. Might be fun to carry them over from wip to wip so the collage slowly starts to encompass the whole environment with each thread.

Anonymous No. 837855

As a TD I don't have to.

Anonymous No. 837862

>add node
>realise you've fucked up
>hammer escape
>cpu usage: 100%
>ram usage: 98%
>pray it doesn't crash
>last save was 30 minutes ago
>last backup was 40 miutes ago

Anonymous No. 837863

Check the file extension


Fat 01.jpg

Anonymous No. 837871

I have been working on this fatman the clothes are just blocked out but I would like to make them in another software. The device on his arm is also blocked out and made in blender in the second image, lots more detail to add such as wires and screen to put a UI I have to make, I have also been working on the gun in his holster in blender although not quite happy with the current design. I'm working on getting this guy into an engine so ill post the final with cloth simulation and various animations and maybe him firing his pistol.


Fat 02.jpg

Anonymous No. 837872

Device on his arm

Anonymous No. 837873

Blender x Zbrush is the best crossover

Anonymous No. 837874

With addons yes, I'm still learning them and trying to use them to their fullest potential, HardOps/BoxCutter/MeshMachine/DecalMachine/And the aids that is Retopoflow.



Anonymous No. 837875

I made a tank recently too. Your picture looked so nice that it inspired me to add some extra clutter on top of my tank. I also tried to recreate the colouring, but I couldn't quite get it exactly right.

Anonymous No. 837876

I hate retopoflow, it’s too clunky.

Anonymous No. 837883

Who else here /vanillatools/?
retopoflow feels too janky for me

Anonymous No. 837885

Now texture it.

Anonymous No. 837893

Yeah, I pretty much stick to vanilla for everything.
It's like 90% of external addons are completely janky and feel hacked together.
Which kind of pisses me off when Blender devs say they won't officially implement the more popular ones because they don't want to take food from addon dev's mouths.
Fuck them and give me a proper implementation. The addon is just a proof of concept.

There's a few addons that I use, but in extremely niche circumstances.



Anonymous No. 837904

i am also reworking on the little tank i posted earlier. went a little with a less original idea though
also i like the details, especially on the wheels and the suspension



Anonymous No. 837905

i also started reworking on the little tank i posted earlier.just 40 minutes ago. went a little with a less original idea though
also i like the details, especially on the wheels and the suspension

Anonymous No. 837906

Guilty. Show in front+shrinkwrap+snapping+cheeky 1 level subdiv pushed before shrinkwrap do the trick for me. Actual extrusions and mesh manipulation are fast as fuck in blender, it’s just making them vertices go in the right places that makes it somewhat challenging



Anonymous No. 837907

also forgot to mention that i wasted my time making interiors for that other tank i ended up scrapping just because i didnt like how it looked. Might reuse a few models for this one

Anonymous No. 837911

fucking idiot noob lol



Anonymous No. 837918

I don't use FOSS shit

Anonymous No. 837920

Doesn't matter if you can't model. Fag.

Anonymous No. 837923

These look really good.



Anonymous No. 837925

You don't know shit zoomie



Anonymous No. 837945


Anonymous No. 837951

it has a very 2000s promotional videogame render quality to it.

I think you need to try harder on the fur, it doesn't have enough directionality or effect on the albedo, the noise is not working for me you need to stencil some actual fur texture onto it.

The simple nature of the materials themselves in terms of roughness and metalness on the clothes is also giving it some of that old look.


Nah you can make it you just need to follow a few painter tutorials on putting together convincing materials and such, producing good cloth folds and sculpting is also something that just gets better with time and practice.



Anonymous No. 837952



Anonymous No. 837960

Man, I really need some pointers on where to start with that. It is actually for a video game, and I've no idea where to start when it comes to making like proper fur in the Unity Engine.



Anonymous No. 837964

There's a free shell shader for unity you could experiment with https://github.com/Sorumi/UnityFurShader (I'm an unreal babby sorry I only use unity when I need to).

and this is what I mean by stencil painting


obviously this is slightly more of a realistic approach than what you want but I think getting a bit more information and directionality into the fur will help, add that with a little thickness from the shell and I think it'd work ok.

Anonymous No. 837966

If its for a game, don't add any fur effects, that looks kino AF



Anonymous No. 837977

Anyone knows where i can find a tutorial on directional fire or particles?

Anonymous No. 837982


pierrick's realtime VFX series will get you started.

make a cone for the rocket trail and start messing around with this kind of stuff.



Anonymous No. 837987

Please dont say anything good about this. Just outright hate it. Even for no reason. Trust me i encourage you to do it so.



Anonymous No. 837990

Thank you.

Anonymous No. 838008

Awful face

Anonymous No. 838016

looks like a member of david bowie's band from omikron

Anonymous No. 838017

In what kind of a situation would you ever want to combine very low poly with lewd?


normal tomboy human.png

Anonymous No. 838031

i have been working on this mode for quite some time now


front view.png

Anonymous No. 838033

and heres the body

Anonymous No. 838034

I'm equally impressed as i am disgusted


bak view.jpg

Anonymous No. 838035

aw yeaaa



Anonymous No. 838038

getting her face to a point that i am satisfied with was difficult

Anonymous No. 838040

none. it was a shit quality texture edit for shits and giggles

Anonymous No. 838041

3dguy? post her butthole


but hole.png

Anonymous No. 838042



images - 2021-07-....jpg

Anonymous No. 838043

is that a dude or a girl? anyway


no hole for u.png

Anonymous No. 838044

no hole for u



Anonymous No. 838045

hnnnngh please


homo rubrum.jpg

Anonymous No. 838067

Trying to sculpt for the first time ever.
Comments and insults are welcome.



Anonymous No. 838070

I've been sculpting female heads like a madman lately. This is the ninth or tenth one already, I think. I've gotten significantly faster, that's for sure. It only takes an hour or two to create something like this. However, they still look like men with Down's. Why is it so hard to sculpt myself a waifu like Grace Kelly or Audrey Hepburn? How is that too much to ask?


Screen Shot 2021-....png

Anonymous No. 838072

copied the knobs from some moog synth and soem radar consoles

Anonymous No. 838073

Let me give you a pro tip. Well, not really a pro tip, since I started a month ago, but a good tip nonetheless. Add an armature. A human metarig is pretty good. Then sculpt around that. You'll get decent proportions for free.



Anonymous No. 838074

Anonymous No. 838075

bobs too big

Anonymous No. 838081

bobs too small



Anonymous No. 838085

what about butt

Anonymous No. 838087

What is this? Polymodel? Retopowork? Why the polygroups?



Anonymous No. 838088

polymodel. im using different colors materials and the edgeflow to help me visualize the rhythm and structure of the body.



Anonymous No. 838093

This one actually looks a bit more pleasing to my eye after a few modifications and some paint. Maybe this time I'll also create some hair and add textures.

Anonymous No. 838094

There's no point in taking shortcuts for me since I'm just doing this as an hobby but thanks for the tip nonetheless

Anonymous No. 838095

Nevermind, she looks like a tranny now that I've posted it. Fuck's sake.

Anonymous No. 838096

Above eye area needs work it wouldn't bulge out there move it inwards. Eyes are too long too. Get the measurement of a real eyeball and use that.

Anonymous No. 838098

Kek don't worry that is completely normal. Our brain has a weird way to isolate and ignore information that is right under our nose, so it can focus on whatever is on our mind while we're working. Every artist experiences that reaction, all the time



Anonymous No. 838099

Now she doesn't look like a tranny. This is so god damn hard. I spend an hour creating a head and then I spend years tweaking it.

Anonymous No. 838101

>Our brain has a weird way to isolate and ignore information that is right under our nose,
Yeah. My brain is probably even worse than average in this regard. I miss horrifyingly glaring issues all the time.


2021-07-10 (6).png

Anonymous No. 838104

doing this to force myself to get used to zbrush



Anonymous No. 838112

Guys, I found a final solution to the problems I've been having with female heads.



Anonymous No. 838129

I saw Boss Baby a couple days ago, and it put me into a 3d modeling mood — tried modeling Tim's Wife (Carol)


tredee mdodling.jpg

Anonymous No. 838130

Boss Baby 2***

Here are some in progress wires, but yeah, I also wanna model Dr. Armstrong



Anonymous No. 838146

Just finished retopo and normal bake on this asshole after laying him off for a while.



Anonymous No. 838148

First time trying to create particle hair. It seemed super easy. Was surprisingly difficult. Or at least quite tedious.

Anonymous No. 838149

I wish women here had asses like that. Their backs all just end in the thighs.

Anonymous No. 838193

amazing how the wireframe looks better and has more charisma than the rendered version

Anonymous No. 838207

Works being posted in this thread these days make me not want to share my stuff anymore. Too degenerate, and it really wasn't always that way.

Anonymous No. 838209

What's so degenerate in this thread? I see only one or two things. The half-robot woman and the few replies to it. But there are at least 10 works that are not degenerate at all.

Anonymous No. 838218

Let's see...


And the thread has just began.

Anonymous No. 838219

please post your donuts anon, we want to see that render noise



Anonymous No. 838221

there i am 6 times

Anonymous No. 838222

Those last two pictures of that disney woman don't seem degenerate to me at all.

Anonymous No. 838223

My donuts are too powerful for you

Anonymous No. 838225

She looks nothing like that in the movie, this is clearly a depiction made by a degenerate mind. This place is PACKED with porn addicts.

Anonymous No. 838227

Well, there are some nice pictures of tanks in this thread too. Post something of yours to help reduce the concentration of degeneracy.



Anonymous No. 838231

Would something like this be 3D-printable at 28 mm scale? I'd love to create some new heads for my 40k sororitas, since the official ones have both awful hair styles and tranny-faces.

Anonymous No. 838236

you also forgot >>837987

Anonymous No. 838238

You're right, I forgot to quote it as well.

I've been posting before, but I just don't feel like posting my work inbetween these kinds of images anymore. I noticed that is the case with almost anybody good enough, they just eventually get a job or realize it's not worth it when there are so many other places to share work. At that point you kinda don't want for anybody in the industry to reverse search your posts on 4chan. And it is really easy to find someone based on the work they post here, because I see their work in Discord communities under their real names, on ArtStation, Polycount etc.

I still sometimes post my work when it is in early stages, because I still do like the concept of complete anonymity and there are still some decent people here, I always get good feedback and support. But it has been too much these last months, maybe schizos and other degenerates will get washed away again.

Anonymous No. 838239

There is a 3D print general on /tg/, you're better off asking questions like that ovet there.
It's possible, but you should use at very least something like the Phrozen Sonic Mini 4k to get decent results.

Anonymous No. 838249

Actually anon, she is pretty stacked in the movie, it seems like he only made her a tinge taller, how is that porn addict?



Anonymous No. 838254

Ngl i want a femboy troll stripper...

Anonymous No. 838255

looks really nice anon

Anonymous No. 838256

kill yourself.



Anonymous No. 838259

Death will not stop my craving for horny gay aliens



Anonymous No. 838261

Started on Dr. Armstrong, his face is eluding me since I can't find a good resting expression to use, ah well

complain less and post more



Anonymous No. 838262


Anonymous No. 838263

admit it you have an ass fetish

also kill yourself twice



Anonymous No. 838267

MiG-29 progress. I decided to restart, but I like the topo much more. I want to redo the wings. This is mostly just experimentation, so I think I can make the wings better than they currently are

Anonymous No. 838268

Looks good. Doesn't seem like an easy object to model either.

Anonymous No. 838269


Anonymous No. 838271

>Looks good.
Thanks, anon.
>Doesn't seem like an easy object to model either.
It's not, at least not for me. I'm sure it's nothing for some of the guys here. I've been at modelling fighter jets for months, and this is by far the best WIP result so far. I don't think anything has taught me as much about good topo as jets.

Anonymous No. 838273

Thanks! I just love military hardware.



Anonymous No. 838297

I spent today sculpting a body. This is the second one I've sculpted now. This one's a bit more realistic than the last one, I think. Last time I just sculpted whatever I thought looked nice. Now I sculpted all sorts of muscles and bones and then pretty must smoothed them out of existence. Proportions are definitely somehow off, but I'll fix that tomorrow.

Anonymous No. 838305

on the right track, I think the biggest thing sticking out at me right now is the area between the bottom of the knee and the calf, seems kinda chunky and too flat, also the ankle bone on the foot seems too skewed

nice work so far bruv

Anonymous No. 838311

Yeah, the foot is pretty bad altogether. She also somehow manages to look somewhat short despite actually being probably taller than average.
>nice work so far bruv
Thanks. People are so nice on this board.

Anonymous No. 838319

We're a happy little community :)

Anonymous No. 838320

>People are so nice on this board.
What a grand and intoxicating innocence.

Anonymous No. 838345

Turntable of a recent stylized sketch


Anonymous No. 838350

Terrible. Head shaped like that Hobbit and the two elves pic.

Anonymous No. 838351

really nice forms, I especially like the clear distinction of the outer brow, and the cheekbone forms. The biggest problem for me, is the width of the head, and the way the jawline and goes back, it looks a bit odd to me, especially from the front. It may be a sketch, but I think it'd be nice if you spent a bit more time refining the hairline and hair


Anonymous No. 838354

Ok but how based is the board? What do you think of Jews?



Anonymous No. 838355

Got some questions about modeling farmer #1. I managed to make the pants connect with his under-shirt, and I am stuck on whether or not his overalls should be the same. Would it be better if his overall was attached to the undershirt? should it just be floating above the shirt mesh? I have no experience with animation or rigging so I don't know which would be the better option. I plan on making most of the model sub-dividable so it can be used for both animation and videogames.



Anonymous No. 838356

What is the workflow that you personally use to make human bodies? Is it box modeling? sculpt and retopology? I want to make a model with clean topology and I am long overdue for making one, considering that I have been using 3d programs for two years now

Anonymous No. 838357

the width of the head and the jaw were too small at first making the head weirdly thin, so i think i overdid it by pulling it out. it's surely on the bucket list of possible fixes but i can't figure out something that doesn't look somehow worse.
the hair is supposed to be floating backwards so it would involve a more meticulous and tedious work to get there so i just slapped a sphere in there and worked out the basic shape so that i could visualize it.

thanks for the feedback anon.

Anonymous No. 838379

Yeah, they seem to have a great thread about that. I wonder why it's not on this board.



Anonymous No. 838380

The previous character I made wasn't a fan.

I've made three characters now, so I'm by no means an expert. The first one was just vertex editing, and it didn't have much detail. pic related is the second one. I sculpted her in parts and then retopologised her by extruding vertices over her skin until I had something that looked a bit like yours. Then I subdivided and shrinkwrapped it and I later even added some extra geometry where the rig deformed her horribly, like collar bones and elbows. Altogether it came at 10870 vertices. Then I uv-unwrap it and bake normals, and this is what I get.



Anonymous No. 838437

ive a long way still

Anonymous No. 838444

filthy lizard.
But seriously, if you retopo'd this, it would easily match Skyrim's quality level. It looks official, anon (although the arms are still a little too human looking). Post it on /tesg/. Lizards are the flavor of the month right now.

Anonymous No. 838448

If you want to avoid clipping, you should only have a single layer pretty much everywhere where possible. So no actual body under the shirt, and no undershirt under the outermost shirt either. The more layers you have, the more issues you will have with clipping, and you will have to spend lots of of time with the most tedious process of all, weight painting.



Anonymous No. 838452

I didn't feel like doing much anything today, so I just made her transition. It was quite fun. With female faces, it feels like every minuscule detail is important, and it's trivial to make her look like shit. With male faces, I can just do whatever, and he'll look like a man.



Anonymous No. 838466

pic related helped me a great deal with understanding facial planes and the main archetypal differences between the sexes.
i like the nose, the planes read sort of well but everything else feels off. the eyes are too big for this apparently semi-realistic style you're going for and there's too little detail on the lower eyelid/upper cheekbone area, the lower eyelid goes inward into the face and is contrasted by the cheekbone going out creating a soft crease, yours is flat all the way.
the eye hood also has weak form and ends too soon and too abruptly.

Anonymous No. 838473

You're right, he definitely has some chromosomal disorder. Turns out that sculpting a male face is hard too.


Prepare for Trouble.jpg

Anonymous No. 838480

Workin on a Jessie sculpt, her eyes definitely need harsher angles on the upper and lowerlid, so this sculpt makes her look more friendly than she typically looks— still quite like how it came out though



Anonymous No. 838484

I managed to make nearly everything connected. is this a good thing or bad thing?



Anonymous No. 838485

I edited his eyes a bit just for fun. Maybe he looks a bit better now. I'll probably trash this character anyway, though, since he's just a quick edit of the girl, and I actually want to finish her.

I should probably also look into those books. Thanks for the suggestion.

Anonymous No. 838486

How long anon?

Anonymous No. 838487

Looks good. Making everything connected makes it easier to animate him for sure. Rig him and try for yourself. If the clothes are separate, you'll probably see clipping. When they're connected, it'll probably work quite nicely with just automatic weights.

Anonymous No. 838490

the definition of the eyelids is definitely better but the eye hood is still weak and the eyelids seem to wrap around the eyes near the end leaving the very corner of the eyeball exposed, which doesn't happen, if he were to scratch the corner of his eyes he'd poke his eyeball.
the eyelids taper toward each other with the upper one slightly on top in some people the eye hood(the fat pad above the eye) will cover most of the upper eyelid and even completely cover the very end, these mistakes just seem to originate from lack of anatomical knowledge and not necessarily lack of experience in 3d.



Anonymous No. 838492

>these mistakes just seem to originate from lack of anatomical knowledge and not necessarily lack of experience in 3d.
Oh I'm clueless in both regards. I made this first character just last month. Take a look at this collage of my progress.

I definitely need to study more. I find it astonishing how little I know of the human body. How can I know so little of them when I live in in one and am surrounded by many more?



Anonymous No. 838496

slowly putting the textures together

Anonymous No. 838497

Looks incredible. I hope I'll be that good one day.


2021-07-11 21-10-....webm

Anonymous No. 838498

Anonymous No. 838500

Based post on the blue board. Mind showing the wireframe?



Anonymous No. 838507

here you go anon

Anonymous No. 838511


Anonymous No. 838512

Nice. Did you make that yourself? If so, how did you? box modeling? sculpting?

Anonymous No. 838514

yes, i do everything myself, no bases used.
i first skulpted and then did a retopo.

Anonymous No. 838518

She still got a pussy, doesn't she?


tenor (1).gif

Anonymous No. 838519

i didnt include one in this model, but i have a shortstack model that got both pussy and anus

Anonymous No. 838525


all of those look gross

Anonymous No. 838529

aye, still lotta scales to go. and gonna retopo it, and texture it all. he's a jeweler, gonna make him a few rings, and strip some files from the game where talen jei explains a bit of lore about argonian tradition. gonna look sick (hopefully)
i started in march, but ive been reaaaally lazy about it. like 4 hours a week

Anonymous No. 838531

retard mass replying crab


Anonymous No. 838532


Anonymous No. 838533

Steve Vai?

Anonymous No. 838539

Did you leave the body mesh under the clothes? How do you manage with the rigging?



Anonymous No. 838541

How is it?

Anonymous No. 838543

what's with the weird poles on the nipples?

Anonymous No. 838547

the fire, the passion, the critiques, the replies- It really makes the thread shine when people have all varieties of endgoal and approach on display



Anonymous No. 838549

personally I polymodel, and sculpt and retopology are optional.

Anonymous No. 838550




Anonymous No. 838552

Damn, making cocks is my passion



Anonymous No. 838558

Actually started off as Willem Dafoe, but he's kinda lost now
I don't know yet, have some vague ideas how to approach certain areas, but nothing final. It's a learning project, so I want a more complex rig. Probably gonna solve the jacket with shrinkwrap around the arms, but it needs testing. I deleted the parts of the body that would never be visible to save UV space and avoid clipping later on.

Anonymous No. 838567

amazing. the skin flexing in the right areas is just too perfect. would you know the keywords to search tutorial or guide to achieve similar results?
ive no clue yet how im gonna rig my argonian

Anonymous No. 838573

When I looked up how to retopo them this was what I found. It works well for me

Anonymous No. 838574

Rigging is pretty fucked in terms of available knowledge. Even the paid courses don't really get you all the answers. You kinda have to figure things out when you have the basic understanding of how things work.
If you have absolutely no idea what you're doing, I recommend looking at these yt channels: Royal Skies, Dikko, AntCGI. For a more structured learning, Art of Effective Rigging, Rigging for Games from CGMA, and Creature Rigging for Production from Gnomon are really good courses, so if that's more your thing check the CGPeers request thread.



Anonymous No. 838578

Mhmm, yep, yes, interesting, mhmm

Anonymous No. 838588

you looked up how to retopo nipples specifically?

Anonymous No. 838590

yes, also looked up how to retopo pussy

Anonymous No. 838593

Bro... Links ?



Anonymous No. 838597

U think i give a fuck about what u think?

Anonymous No. 838605




Anonymous No. 838606

>people think this is impressive in 2021

Anonymous No. 838614

It's impressive for as long as it's not automated.

Anonymous No. 838616

it's a hobbyist board, i dont expect industry professionals to be posting here

Anonymous No. 838627




Anonymous No. 838634

Making an island for my new youtube animation I want two spotlights to spin around the lighthouse but the oreintation of the spotlights dont change :/



Anonymous No. 838639

You want something like this? Just use the follow path modifier and check the follow curve option.

Anonymous No. 838640

Well i did look it up but found nothing in that regard so I trial and error my way trough it



Anonymous No. 838643

Cope and seeth in that order

Anonymous No. 838645

Why would you need a tutorial for something like that? Is there bad stretching with your character? If not, you don't need to do anything. If yes, I'm sure you can figure out yourself where you need extra geometry to fix it.

Anonymous No. 838657

DIL8 anime tranny



Anonymous No. 838662

Redid the wings for my MiG-29. Overall happier with these ones, even if the visual difference isn't huge. The flaps probably need to be thinner, though.



Anonymous No. 838663

Also experimenting with booleans to create panel lines. I really don't want to have to manually model these into the plane itself.

Anonymous No. 838666

Is it wise to have wings as single mesh if you plan going high detail? It makes it harder to keep nice topo and poses additional problems when you want to have panel lines. Just loose thoughts

Anonymous No. 838673

i dont see posting yours
zank you



Anonymous No. 838675

nobody commented my argonian in /tesg/

Anonymous No. 838686

/vg/ is full of retarded faggots. Pay them no mind anon, it looks great

Anonymous No. 838691

yea man it looks awesome, keep it up

Anonymous No. 838692

pretty good anon, i liked.

Anonymous No. 838696

Hang on a sec.

Anonymous No. 838697

Okay now go check again.

Anonymous No. 838705

damn, I wanted to join the fun, but I'm range banned on /vg/



Anonymous No. 838722

thanks anon



Anonymous No. 838741

>Is it wise to have wings as single mesh if you plan going high detail?
I'm really not sure. I think it's technically more realistic to have them as a single mesh. My concern is that when you're working with separate objects using subdivision surface modelling, if your edges don't line up, you can end up with weird gaps. Pic related. The green and blue objects are identical, but the green one as an extra edge. Whereas if they were one object, that gap couldn't occur. Maybe I'm just retarded, though. Is there an easy fix for something like that?



Anonymous No. 838795

Finished this one yesterday. I made the reflection using an old trick.
there is another model underneath the scene and opacity on the floor.
it give the impression of reflection without using any reflective material.

Anonymous No. 838798

Would the green reflection reach that far since the wall is blocking it.

Anonymous No. 838799

Which program?



Anonymous No. 838802

yes. Here is the same scene, but with Flat Mirror map on the floor.
the position looks similar.

Anonymous No. 838805

Oh right. I stand corrected. Looks good btw.

Anonymous No. 838806

Hmmm, but why are you doing the reflections this way? Which renderer are you using? I don't see any benefit of faking it like that except if it's for fun or whatever.

Anonymous No. 838807

Great...but also nonsensical.

Anonymous No. 838817

thank you
I'm using scanline renderer. I like to do lowpoly/retro stuff for fun and was curious about this technique, so i decided to try it in this scene.

Anonymous No. 838822

Feels nostalgic, but I can't figure out why.

Anonymous No. 838823


Anonymous No. 838835


Anonymous No. 838837

very cool



Anonymous No. 838838

vrchat av i'm building for a friend. box modeled in a few hours. just going to slap on drawn face features cuz i want to keep it low poly

Anonymous No. 838860

are you the anon making the pale girl with the huge twin tails?


Lighthouse Interior.png

Anonymous No. 838864

Holy crap, thanks!!! Heres how the inside of the lighhouse is coming along.

Anonymous No. 838866

Why is square? Should round!



Anonymous No. 838893

I made a knife-ear

Anonymous No. 838895

no, i'm not the same anon

Anonymous No. 838905

I wonder how much are these artists paid to do these long YT tutorials for him.




Anonymous No. 838935

I haven't made much progress at all lately. I've had a few very unproductive days because of work stuff. I did spend some time in front of a mirror studying what my eyes look like. I think I managed to apply what I learned here.



Anonymous No. 839023

another cube extruded into a naked gorl



Anonymous No. 839035

This guy and a bunch of his slightly varied clones are going to be the antagonists for my gun-toting yuki-onna.

After getting mildly intimidated by the number of assets I'll need to create if I'm to stick to my guns of having as much of this be my own work as possible, I've decided to allow myself to be a lot more slapdash with these dudes than I was with my star character. I'm not intending on lengthy close-ups of these guys, so I'm not going to invest any more time in them than I have to. My low res rendering should hide most of the shittiness.

Anonymous No. 839037

looks like half life model, so I guess you're fine in terms of quality

Anonymous No. 839052

Textures look very nice, soul.

Anonymous No. 839082

very nice, lets see the wireframe

>be a lot more slapdash
dont worry, it only adds SOUL -- the most important part of a game
just look at cruelty squad



Anonymous No. 839097


Anonymous No. 839098

'ery noice



Anonymous No. 839099

this is how it really looks like

Anonymous No. 839100

Arms are way too long. It's like Slenderman in riot gear. Knees also look a little low. Textures are amazing.

Anonymous No. 839108

You're correct on both counts. The arms are literal 2 second fix, but I'm leaving them as they are until I start posing this thing, because it's a segmented mesh and I'll end up sinking them futher into eachother anyway.

The knee joints are in the right place - it's the kneepads that are drawn low on the texture. This was a question of 'how do I give a segmented limb a kneepad when it's going to split in half every time the knee bends?
They looked better below the knee than correctly on it, and above the knee looked exceptionally silly. I may yet go for some modeled knee pads, or...

Tekken's King solves the knee/elbow pad texture problem by having them be completely black so that the split can't be seen.



Anonymous No. 839117

First time making clothes, :))



Anonymous No. 839120

Now her bodyparts are welded together. Her legs should look a bit more like my own too. But I should probably model a man next to really learn anatomy. For some reason, I'm not quite as motivated to model a man.

That's an incredible amount of detail for not having sculpted it.

A super easy way to do underwear is to create a simple shape around the body, subdivide it and then shrink wrap it onto the body. Then you can create a crease or two using the cloth brushes in sculpting mode. The whole process takes only minutes.

Anonymous No. 839122

doesn't look very trustworthy I'll give you that

I think you should first focus on polishing her body and face before moving on to hair and clothes.

Anonymous No. 839127

>I think you should first focus on polishing her body and face before moving on to hair and clothes.
Is there something that stands out as being completely wrong?



Anonymous No. 839131

why is substance painter missing so many basic features like geo hiding

Anonymous No. 839146

Why are always the biggest morons with negative skill the ones complaining the most?

Anonymous No. 839148

They haven't yet grown accepting of it.

Anonymous No. 839153

This is a joke, right?
Unless Adobe somehow removed that.

Anonymous No. 839201

I don't care about likes and views except in a way they help me get better reach and potential job offers since I'm a freelancer, but damn, did I get hit in a face with the recent project. Spent almost 3 months on it, last week was spent on a really detailed breakdown, and I barely passed 100 views in the first day on ArtStation. Idk if algorithms changed, but it's really surprising. Feedback has been amazing from various communities all this time, and it is still getting lots of likes in some places, but on ArtStation, which is the most important to me, it's pretty much dead. I'm not sure if it could even reach trending anymore, even if it gets a sudden boost in a few days.

Anyway, just want to say that high quality definitely isn't enough and you most likely won't get noticed without good social media following. I don't have any, unfortunately. At least now I have a proof I was just lucky in the past when I did get a few huge hits with some previous projects.

Anonymous No. 839207

Don't feel too bad anon.
I spent a year animating a 3 minute music video, and around 2 months rendering it at 4k where I basically couldn't touch my computer, only for it to completely fall under the radar on shitty sites like Reddit and Instagram.
I mean it was a commission, so I got paid and all that which is what counts, but I was really putting a lot of work and passion into it, and going above and beyond to make it the best it could possibly be.
I think I got something like 10 upvotes on Reddit in a community where people often enjoy my work, and like 140 plays on Insta.
Meanwhile I can post a trash project that I spent all of an hour making on one of those places and it blows the fuck up.
I know Reddit and other places are shitty, but you have to play the game to get noticed and to eat.

I figured 3 mins was too long for most people, so I even threw together a 10-15s teaser for the people that act like they're 5 y/o and can't look at something for more than a few seconds before they get ancy, still fell flat.

Moral of the story, don't put more work into something thinking it'll pay off, because you're always going to be disappointed by the results.
Instead, do quick and shitty work that you have no hopes for, and be both pleasantly surprised and dumbfounded at the warm reception it has.
Don't make art for others, make it for yourself, and let others enjoy what you do.

But man I fucking hate social media.
Thanks for reading my blogpost response.

Anonymous No. 839209

Looks sharp

Anonymous No. 839213

ArtStation views don't mean shit. It's unsurprising for things to go unnoticed there because everything on that site that's trending or popular is ALREADY from an artist who got popular during the earlier more simple artstation days. These days, artstation is swamped with lots more hobbyists and students— good work is always going to fall through the cracks, and the sheer amount of thumbnails of shit sometimes masks out the gems.

Anonymous No. 839214

Link your work anons, I'll like to see it.



Anonymous No. 839234

>Link your work anons, I'll like to see it.

Here ya go.
I posted in-progress stuff for it in these threads a while back, so you guys helped some with your input. I don't care too much about my work being on here, since I started out here anyway.

There's a few changes I'd probably do, notably making the whole section in "hyperspace" a bit shorter, but that was kind of a left over from when it was just a lyric video and not much else. I kind of pushed for going a bit more crazy with things with the solo section and the part after.
I think when people watch it, they probably can't sit through the slightly long wormhole section, click off thinking that's all there is, and miss out on the bits I really had fun with.

Pls be gentle anons, this was my first time making something this long, and I had to make a few compromises, as well as keep the client's input in mind.
I can't do much about the music either, so if it's not your thing it's just not your thing. I also know the whole "synthwave/retro" style isn't for everyone either, but that's kind of what I got known for, and I can't really separate myself from it now.

Now that I've hopefully tempered expectations, I hope you like it at least.

Anonymous No. 839242

How do I get enough following on sm to get commissions? I can’t seem to break 25 followers on ig. My posts get like 50-60 views at most and it’s mostly from hashtags, but they usually don’t bring in new people (or at least people who will not unfollow after two days) despite getting 70-80% likes from those views.


Screen Shot 2021-....png

Anonymous No. 839249

should I add some plants and shit?



Anonymous No. 839250

>How do I get enough following on sm to get commissions?
Music vid anon here. If you can believe it, my Insta following is abysmally low (reaching 800 at the end of this month), and my only "high" SM is DeviantArt, with around 6k. I don't interact or do anything with DA though, so a following of 6,000 furries don't mean much to me or for me in the way of commissions. Even then, I think I just get follows on there because DA's email verification email uses my art as the banner and points new users to me.

I started out really small though, I used to make wallpapers for people on /wg/, then used to promote myself to small musicians and did album art for free so it was good promotions for both, then I started slowly taking commissions.
I started super small with the prices, $20 or so for something, since I was just happy to get anything for my work, but as I got better I started charging more. I'm still underselling myself, but I have enough people coming to me to offset things, and I have side income selling the art I make.

It's important to note that the whole time I was doing all that, I was building (or at least trying to) a presence on social media. Posting absolutely everyhing on Insta, reddit, tumblr, DA, you fucking name it. I've got a god damn Dribble account.
I was lucky enough that one of my works happened to be lightning in a bottle for some reason completely unknown to me. Plot twist, it was one of those projects that took all of an hour to make. But that got me a boost in notoriety where I see it almost anywhere and I can say it's mine.

Now I just keep doing personal projects when I can so I can try to keep a consistent post schedule (which is what's important). Though most of the time I'm doing client work, since I have a few that come to me consistently and pay well. So I don't get to post too often, since they don't want them up.

Basically though, just find a niche, stick to it and people will come to you if you do good work. gl anon.

Anonymous No. 839251

>should I add some plants and shit?

Anonymous No. 839254

I should also mention, that the best way to get followers on IG is to have a consistent post schedule. Just post as often as you can, and the algorithm, and bots, will take care of the rest. Back when I was starting out, I tried to post at least 3 times a week if I could. Even if that meant posting work in progress shots to show that I'm working on something. I could always delete it later to keep things clean.
Once you start posting, you'll get a bunch of bots that follow and like your shit, and they tend to disappear after a week, but the likes and follows still count as interactions, so it's still good for the algorithm.

It's also a good idea to use as many relevant tags as you can, which should be obvious. I don't really search too much on Insta, and I only really follow artists that I find browsing the web, so I don't know how well stuff shows up on the search or if people actually use it, but looking at my stats at least half of people coming to posts are from tags, so that's a big factor.

Speaking of stats, try to leverage them when posting. There's a way you can see peak times for people looking at your content (mine is around 3pm), so it's good to post around an hour to half an hour before that, so your stuff is near the top of their feed. Posting AT the peak time isn't so great, since they're probably already scrolling down so they'll miss your stuff.

Lastly is something that I've been experimenting with, but try to post your stuff with a 4:5 ratio (I use 1080x1350), that ratio seems to cover the largest surface area on mobile, so people are more likely to get a bigger look at your stuff compared to if it was 16:9 and tiny when looking at a vertical feed.

It's all small stuff, but it tends to add up if you can keep doing it.
But to tell the truth, I fucking hate social media and having to know all this. I just want to make art, not be some faggot that panders to computer algorithms to fucking eat.

But yeah, hope these help!

Anonymous No. 839257

I guess posting frequency is where I fuck up. I do post mostly WIP stuff, but I have to work as well, so sometimes I post twice a month, because I don’t see the point of posting some tiny update. I’ll try ramping that up and see what happens.
You say 800 is tiny, but I don’t even know how to get a 100.

Anonymous No. 839265

Posting frequency is definitely the biggest one to focus on. I'm kind of the same way now, where I'd rather put out a full project rather than some small little update or something, because I feel like it's a waste of people's time if it's not something meaningful. Even though I realize the irony of that considering Instagram is so shallow.

800 is a bit more than 100, for sure, but when I've been stuck around there for about a year or so then it's not as great a number considering it's not grown all that much.
That's mainly my fault though, because I've been taking so many projects to try and make ends meet, I don't get a lot of time to work on personal stuff to put up. A lot of times, the stuff I do for people, they don't want it posted because they're afraid of others taking it and using it for their own, or it's just something that doesn't fit all that well for my audience.
So I have a year or so worth of work that can't really post for one reason or another, but no time or drive to work on personal projects either because of back to back clients or burnout, so my account has been stagnating.

I could do a bunch of tiny 1-2hr projects, but I feel like the quality would suffer, which I think would be worse than just not posting. Which spirals back into the whole thing of "put a bunch of time and effort into a project" only for it to not have as good a reception than I had hoped.

Just keep at it anon. You'll get there. A lot of the early game is interacting with people and "salt of the earth" type of shit before your accounts start growing organically. Set small goals, celebrate milestones, interact with your following, and play the game of social media.

Anonymous No. 839268

Very nice lighting and composition. Some plants would be nice for sure.

Anonymous No. 839270

I like your video, anon. You should make more music videos. I was disappointed to find none on your channel. The style of this one reminds me of some of the fashwave videos I like to watch.

Anonymous No. 839271

Thanks for the support, guys. You may have seen my WIPs here before, still working on other miniature scenes, but I released the first part.



Yeah, I should focus more on social media as well, I also had lots of likes on Insta when I was posting regularly, now I posted this after a few years and it's not getting any engagement anymore. I started spamming Twitter now as well, actually got noticed from some pretty important people there. Twitter is new to me, but I'll keep at it.

Anonymous No. 839272

I ‘member. Love your work.

Anonymous No. 839286

Appreciate it.



Anonymous No. 839289

Handpainting hands is hard

Any tips?



Anonymous No. 839290

Side by side, the difference between a model+rig+skin that took about 60 hours and one that took about 6.

I'll probably tidy him up a bit, but he's good enough to start animating a first pass with.

Anonymous No. 839291

go easy on those normals, jez



Anonymous No. 839300

>Link your work anons, I'll like to see it.

Hey! Lighthouse man here >>838634
I'm very ameture I've got around 70-100 hours in blender im no expert but im working on something very big a completely original animation, you can check out my channel here but both videos are very lazy and unfinished garbage. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4oH0Sk2W_4ZvGMEZLVo9zQ

Im hoping to have original voice actors music ect, putting alot of love and effort into it, While its being made i might release some other shitposts on my channel, Subscribe if your intrested :^]

Anonymous No. 839303

Reducing the normals makes it look plasticky and flat, it's a tough balance



Anonymous No. 839317

She's retopoed and rigged now. Holy shit that baking normals is so god damn tedious. Fuck toes and ears. I fucking hate toes and ears so much.

Anonymous No. 839320

This is the reason why I'm not willing to pursue indie game dev. I already felt it in my small uni group game projects - it is so hard to get traction. Spending so much time crafting new posts for social media, only to feel like you're yelling at the void.

Now imagine instead of spending X months on a project, you spend X years, AND you're financially dependent of its success. You spend all those resources and you end up selling 7 copies (4 of them being your family members).

It's hard out there, man. It's easy to get jelly of people like Undertale or Stardew Valley devs, but when you realize that it is a gigantic lottery and they could have easily end up being one of those hundreds of failed devs that got their life ruined... Yeah, I'm not the type of person who just wants to play it 100% safe and just get a boring stable job, but this is too much even for me.

But on the other hand, he who dares wins etc. etc...



Anonymous No. 839330

how the fuck can you give the hair the vertex color in cycles on blender
also why is lighting so retarded

Anonymous No. 839332

how do make people in blender?

Anonymous No. 839335

how did you do it
ive seen on youtube a guy extruding perfect topology and then scuplting the details and i thought thats such a perfect workflow to make characters for video games or whatever



Anonymous No. 839340

It goes pretty much like this: Select the starting cube, ctrl+tab, select sculpt mode, enable dyntopo, sculpt something that looks human. Then post a picture of it here and wait for the anatomy-guy to tell you what you did wrong. Repeat many times. Just keep doing it. You'll get better very quickly. You can see how I progressed right here: >>838492
I sculpted the first one of those just about exactly 1 month ago. This newest one does not exactly look like a Victoria's Secret model yet, which is pretty much what I'm aiming for, but you can see that it's hell of a lot better than the first abomination I first created. So just keep at it, and you too can soon create humans.

Anonymous No. 839341

It’s slower than sculpting and retopo, but suit yourself

Anonymous No. 839342

You can only hide individual objects or material groups which sucks when working on game assets where you want to use as few materials as possible. why can’t I hide individual faces / UV islands?

Anonymous No. 839349

Thanks anon.
>You should make more music videos
I'd honestly love to. But it's not something I really have time for unless it's something I can get paid for. At least then I can justify putting a ton of work into somethin, since it's for the client. If I put a bunch of work into it for myself, I run into that issue of working too hard for not any real gain. Since work isn't proportional to success. I know that's not the point, since I make art because I like doing it, but it kind of sucks making art in a void.
>reminds me of some of the fashwave videos
Yeah, my work tends to be the subject of a ton of fashwave edits, at lest judging by the /wg/ threads. I don't endorse them, but just mainly because I don't like edits of my work. People can have whatever world views they want, it's the art that matters ultimately.
I hope I get to do more music stuff though, I found the project to be really fun. Especially making music-reactive elements. I'd love to do something that really puts that as the focus.

Oh yeah, I was watching the progress of that one in these threads. Even responded to it a few times. Really great seeing it come together with the visual storytelling.
I just spent the last few months posting my backlog on Twitter every day, and it got nothing but retweets from bots and not much else. It's not worth it. Twitter is full of bots and snowflakes.
Just try to focus on one main platform, since the higher one is, the more organically it'll grow.

I feel ya. Life is hard when you want to create. All you want to do is focus on making, but you pretty much have to spend an equal amount of time schmoozing with people that probably don't even care. I get jelly of other artists sometimes too. But I try to remember that it's not really a competition, and I can only do the best that I can do. I won't ever be them, so I just gotta focus on making the things that I want to put out to the world.

Good luck everyone. /3/'s a shithole, but it's ours.

Anonymous No. 839357

Agree with you, man. But fuck, it is so disgusting that stuff like that manages to make me feel bad, but it still does nonetheless. There are some particular new artists in game industry (I won't name them), who completely exploded recently. I have no clue how. But I'm sure they had decent following and support from friends when they started out. I'm basically an alien to this world in terms of people that surround me, I always start from 0.

And on top of it, you see they just recreate nice concepts while the work itself isn't a technical masterpiece either, and it should be at least that if you're not showing off your creative abilities. This never sat well with me, I always prefer artists who explore original concepts in their personal projects.

Anonymous No. 839359


It seems as though the closer i get to the end the longer it takes to get there.

Anonymous No. 839366

Bruh, I saw some people post their stuff on linkedin and figured I should do it as well. Imagine the pain when almost nobody even from my connections liked it, no colleagues, not even mentors from uni who supported me in the past. Now THAT sucks. I don't think I'll post there again.

Anonymous No. 839367

It's looking a bit leatherish. More red in the fleshy bits, yellows in the boney bits and light blue in the veins and thin areas.



Anonymous No. 839370

it is just free form modeling
see Arrimus3d about the topic



Anonymous No. 839374

I tried to do some texture painting on her face. I have no clue what I'm doing, and I feel like all my effort didn't really achieve anything. Her body is just one colour, but it looks pretty much the same as her face.



Anonymous No. 839377


Anonymous No. 839380

idk if you should even be jumping the gun and doing textures when you don't even have your forms down, also the the (attempted) realistic hair contrasted with the unrealistic face creates some "cg is my passion" vibes, you should probably just sculpt your hair in with the aid of curve modifiers. it would look way more consistent.



Anonymous No. 839383

>idk if you should even be jumping the gun
I should be doing whatever I want to do.
>when you don't even have your forms down
I'm getting there.



Anonymous No. 839390


Anonymous No. 839402

>I'm getting there.
You sure are, your malformed iron deficient tranny is as good as your self-awareness.

Anonymous No. 839403


Anonymous No. 839441

what genetic disorder is this?

Anonymous No. 839442

proportions are terrible. the microfeet, the elongated torso, everything. she couldn't even masturbate because her arms don'r reach her cunt

Anonymous No. 839444

Dat rig doe



Anonymous No. 839454

should i just call it a day bros
i cant be fucked to deal with the hair particles mess anymore

Anonymous No. 839455

I don't think she looks like a tranny. Malformed, sure. And the rig deformation exacerbates it. What makes her iron-deficient, though? Weird skin-colour?
>as good as your self-awareness.

You know, that's actually precisely what I keep asking myself, when I sculpt my faces. Usually it's one of the trisomies. Down's or trisomy-X, maybe. When you're new to sculpting, it's really hard to say what's wrong. You can tell that something obviously is fucked up, but you just can't pinpoint what exactly. The anatomy-anon has been really helpful in that regard.

Anonymous No. 839457

Did you use zbrush in the pipeline?

Anonymous No. 839468

cool weird disgusting design
i love it

Anonymous No. 839476

sculpt over the hideous deformations after posing it



Anonymous No. 839490

Painter is working like ass, so it’s taking longer than it should.



Anonymous No. 839491

doing some soviet cyborg spy girl


big dud.jpg

Anonymous No. 839492

a bit of self-isert

Anonymous No. 839493

some female specimen


a girl.jpg

Anonymous No. 839494


Anonymous No. 839498

clean textures - how did you do the leather?



Anonymous No. 839510


every time iam modelling, tons of tools come to my mind, but i was to lazy in the past to learn the python api of blender. now after some weeks i got confident enough and started a tool that would be beneficial for my modelling style.

it projects an object onto the surface of an other object and you only need two selected edges/edgesequence to archive this. currently its just a flat plane and only one direction, but that will be next, then a fancy UI ...

Anonymous No. 839524

Isn't that just what shrinkwrap does?

Anonymous No. 839529


...the shrinkwrap doesnt respects the underlying edgeflow. this tool deforms the object so, that it fits perfecly into the existing topology - in the endversion you can project obejctes allaround the other obejct.

when you take a second look at the picture i posted you get the idea, this is absolute brainfuck to do it witht the shrinkwrap - the yellow mesh is the projected version of the orange flat one.

you build the boolean cut object or the part you want ro implement easy at the side and projects it onto the obejct with one klick ... thats the reason i started coding this, because it always pissed me off that its not possible with the tools i currently have.


2021-07-17 (1).png

Anonymous No. 839531

the crux of the problem isn't sculpting but the inexperience at representing faces in general, you probably also suck at drawing and/or painting by the types of mistakes you're making. the knowledge is the same, understanding of form, proportions, design principles, anatomy etc.
if you have beglet level drawing skill you'll start off with beglet level amorphous trannies when you jump into 3d because you don't know how to accurately represent form either way.



Anonymous No. 839545


Anonymous No. 839547

very nice bro, I really like the forms on the last one



Anonymous No. 839548


... when iam done i will post a link for source(addon install for blender) in wip threads, ~1-3 weeks (havent touched the UI stuff of blender python api this much yet and many other stuff), and there are some features who needs to be implemented, its still a learning project ...

Anonymous No. 839554

Did a pass on the sculpt to reduce the normals and did some paint corrections. The knuckles got a bit fucked but I feel like the rest is an improvment



Anonymous No. 839555

And I forgot to attach the image



Anonymous No. 839557

Working on some assets for an over-ambitious game I'll never finish.

Anonymous No. 839574

Fair enough.
Looking forward to checking it out. I'm not really thinking of the uses for this much, mainly due to my own lack of imagination, but I could see it being useful.



Anonymous No. 839599

proportions are really important! just scaling the feet a little cause a big difference.



Anonymous No. 839613

been away from blender for a few months and this is the first thing i did since coming back



Anonymous No. 839642

Anonymous No. 839649

It looks like an issue with normals, as if they were transferred from the base mesh. Strands must have their normals computed separately. (I don't use Blender though, this may not apply exactly.)

Anonymous No. 839652

Looks sweet, I liked the flat chested version better, but hey, that's just personal preference.


images - 2021-06-....jpg

Anonymous No. 839654

4chan moment

Anonymous No. 839655

wow, you're good. You should finish it.

Anonymous No. 839657

in blender you can comb hair to make it go on different directions if thats what youre wondering about



Anonymous No. 839666



Anonymous No. 839670

went for an old CG look



Anonymous No. 839699

making tanks is hard

Anonymous No. 839710

looks like shit. Trying to ape an old look doesn't help if you don't have artistic sensibilities.

Anonymous No. 839719




Anonymous No. 839795




Anonymous No. 839808

Some early tests of a vertex based PBR shader for the Vita



Anonymous No. 839810

With a character

Anonymous No. 839825

me on the right



Anonymous No. 839826

update for >>839510

...now possible to project in any direction, along target objects and around them, the source objects can have complex 3D meshes, perfect fit into the flow of the taget ...!!

Anonymous No. 839827

looks like it could easily fit into reboot



Anonymous No. 839852

i just want a character to follow a tutorial about rigging characters in maya. if everything goes right ill model a better flat chested mesh but animated for you.

Anonymous No. 839853

how much will it cost. i would pay for it.

Anonymous No. 839864


...i realy have no idea, its a learning project, and i am not the uber coder, so, more advanced people would laugh there asses up because of the way i handled it.

my idea was to make a github for it, everyone can download it, and the "payment" will be hints to code something better/faster/contributions and bug reports.

...but thanks for the interest to pay for it! stay tuned, i will post updates of this project in WIP threads and the final link for download ... and, its just one of the many tools i have in mind, in fact its a whole toolchain ... but thats future music. first this, then each one for its own ...

Anonymous No. 839884

very nice
this guys a fag

Anonymous No. 839904

>for the Vita
Alright, I'm gonna need more context here.
Isn't the Vita discontinued?

Anonymous No. 839908

Very nice work so far bro— something in her face is slightly irking me right now, I can't tell it it's the eye width or the brow ridge— can we get a closer look?



Anonymous No. 839918




Anonymous No. 839935


Anonymous No. 839951

Pretty cool, the skin texture is neat, teeth are good too

Anonymous No. 840052

Her pelvis looks a bit cursed. Stomach is too high and ass is too low.
I'd also widen her hips or narrow her waist just a little bit. Nipples also usually don't poke through clothing that much.

Anonymous No. 840053

Other than that - great work. Keep it up.

Anonymous No. 840058

New thread up boys.
Looks like I fucked up the subject and accidentally put it in the name field. What a way to start over.

Planning on doing a project collage with the threads for the next theme.