

🧵 /wip/ - Works In Progress

Anonymous No. 831717

/wip/ - Works in Progress
- Impostor Edition -
Every day we get closer to God's light.

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>823122
List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB



Anonymous No. 831719

I made some changes that anons suggested (torso, ankles, wrists, knees and arm proportions). I still think the forearms are the weakest part and I can't figure out why. They look ill defined. I remade them multiple times and haven't gotten something I liked yet.

What do you guys think I need to work on?



Anonymous No. 831726

My Will Smith has taken a giant leap. Im so fucking happy rn. Ive just had time to learn new workflows and new software and its really paid off. For once, I feel like a true artist and have shook imposter syndrome

Anonymous No. 831740

Trying a bit too hard now, the trolling is becoming too obvious. Judging by the smudged pic, you're also probably a different anon making fun of the best artist on /3/.

Anonymous No. 831744

>making so much progress you get mistaken for a different artist entirely
i. have. made. it.

Anonymous No. 831745

Congrats, anon

Anonymous No. 831748

Forearms and calves need more work.



Anonymous No. 831749

repost, WIP dieselpunk robot i was working on for a cancelled game, what are some suggestions for the proprotions. i feel like the pelvis area needs some work.


test0001-0020 (1).webm

Anonymous No. 831756

Been looking into pixel art special effects during compositing. I like the potential, though just been using blender video editor for that.
What software do you guys recommend?

Anonymous No. 831768

Keep the height, make the upper body shorter and the legs longer (push pelvis up).

Anonymous No. 831775


yea possibly, i wanted to fill out that pistons area right above the pelvis with tubes and pipes so it doesnt taper quite as bad



Anonymous No. 831776

here's a thing im working on sort of inspired by final fantasy and xenoblade. fantasy towers attached to and sucking the lifeblood out of a large tree. the wires are animated in houdini actually and the tree is swaying in the wind from mayas mash animation system. gonna go relight it but its looking dank so far at least to me. any crits welcome



Anonymous No. 831777

>mfw dynamically growing cloth mid-sim and realising how much mesh resolution i need

Anonymous No. 831778

You've been posting this on every thread since at least a couple of months.

What's your endgame?



Anonymous No. 831779

a cartoon character I'm working on.. not sure how to make the hair look better

Anonymous No. 831786

Forearms are probably the hardest thing for me. I've redone them just now and I can hardly see any improvement. What do you think is wrong with the forearms? Can you demistify them for me?

Anonymous No. 831787

my endgame is to finish it because its a WIP in Progress anon ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;)))))))))))))))))))))))

Anonymous No. 831790

Looks really top heavy but the design is cool. Did you model this from a concept/sketch or just go for it?



Anonymous No. 831800

We runnin' nao.



Anonymous No. 831822

okay first implementation. need more resolution and better force direction.



Anonymous No. 831823

and here's the early proof of concept

Anonymous No. 831836

cool! it feels like there is too much drag / too less mass, however

Anonymous No. 831842

agree, i'm not 100% sure how to fix it.

my cpu is a potato and vellum's behaviour is dependent on mesh resolution + substeps so trying out different values is a bit tedious. i think i saw a talk by some russian dude who'd worked out a way to get consistent result (some way to measure quad size so it's 1 quad per 3/4mm) and that's probably the way to go.

i'm going try and implement force direction first since i can prototype it in lo-res (basically force along the normal direction scaled by the same attribute i'm using to drive restlength). then i can spend a weekend just tweaking parameters.



Anonymous No. 831891

I'm making a fish :)

Anonymous No. 831897

will probably smell like fish too if used how it looks like...



Anonymous No. 831902

It's stiff and shitty, meaning it's good enough for netflix.

Anonymous No. 831906

Looks ok for the style you're aiming for.
PS1 animations aren't really that smooth.


guess this pokemon.jpg

Anonymous No. 831907

Anonymous No. 831909


Anonymous No. 831912

i get you're going for an old school look but that doesnt mean you should throw out the fundamentals
it looks like shes running on her heels -- her feet never really make contact
also you could probably tone down the side to side motion of the arms since it kind of looks like she's intentionally shoving her gun left and right
other than that its a good start i feel, shows off her assets

speaking of showing off her assets, wheres the nude render

Anonymous No. 831928

something's fishy..

Anonymous No. 831969

I like the hair, just needs to part better at the forehead instead of being a line
he cute



Anonymous No. 831977

I didn't see a beginner's thread so I hope it's ok to ask here- this is the first model i've ever worked on without following a tutorial. I know I suck and am probably over-complicating things, but at what point should I start over from scratch? I feel like this could be salvageable if I just try and finish this and then I can practice retopology and lower the amount of verts and triangles? Or is it just easier to start over and work harder on reducing it as I'm going along? I get the feeling that 4500 triangles is retarded for a guitar that isn't even finished yet...

Anonymous No. 831979


No concept art, I had a basic visual idea of the L shaped plates, and then just built from there. I was going for like Ashley wood/katsuhiro otomo

Anonymous No. 831981

It is perfectly fine, keep going. Don't worry about tri counts so much at this point, and after all, tri counts have gotten quite big these days anyway. Tri counts depend on how you're gonna use and see the model, i.e. from which distance. You always want to make sure there is no visible faceting, make everything nice and round. This looks like a nice blockout.

Also, you don't need to necessarily "retopo" these kinds of assets, you would usually start with a high-poly version and use bevel and / or subsurface modifiers, and then when you need to make a low poly version, you basically only need to remove the modifier and remove some extra supporting loops if you added them to help with the sub-d. Then bring into software of choice for baking, like Substance Painter or Marmoset Toolbag.

You could also go with the mid-poly approach, where tri counts would be even bigger, and use a single bevel (with the modifier), together with the weighted normal modifier. Then you don't need to deal with HP, LP and baking. But that's more for some specific cases with larger assets, so in this case just do it """properly""" and make a HP and LP, and then bake.

Anonymous No. 831984

thank you for the detailed response, I'll keep working on it



Anonymous No. 831990

force vectors hehe

Anonymous No. 832007

I mean I like it anon, but I'm not gonna lie it looks like one of those super generic wallpapers from 2008-2011 you'd see someone post on /wg/.
It's still good and done really well, it just has that "look".



Anonymous No. 832029

and after some tweaking, here's what they do.
nice when a plan works out, although this is more than just force along normals. but i *think* i kinda get vectors now, a little. thank you for reading my blog.



Anonymous No. 832057

>it looks like shes running on her heels -- her feet never really make contact

The (intentional) lack of shadows makes things look floaty like that, but I've tried to make the feet contact the ground a little more clearly.

I don't have a nude textures for her yet.

Anonymous No. 832073

im gonna be honest i dont really see a difference
i think the biggest part is that the frame where the foot makes contact with the the ground -- you have the foot bent upwards, making it look like the foot is making contact only with the heel
running is a contact, slide, lift, repeat kind of motion
this is more of a contact, slip, repeat

>I don't have a nude textures for her yet.
i'll be waiting



Anonymous No. 832075

Clean topology :)

Anonymous No. 832085

don't be disgusting please, the board is bad enough as it is, can't you have some dignity, some shame? i'm also not joking here.

Anonymous No. 832086

you must be american

Anonymous No. 832089

this is a worksafe board, dude!

Anonymous No. 832091

Post your work then.



Anonymous No. 832121




Anonymous No. 832123

arms are very very difficult, I'm just a student like you but what I can tell you is if something isn't working cling onto it for too long, just let it go, move on, do a few studies of what0s giving you trouble and then come back to it with a fresh new perspective, I pretty much keep anywhere from 5 to 10 different studies and I go back and forth between them, it really helps keep things fresh

Anonymous No. 832124

*don't cling onto it
haha sorry i'm tired

Anonymous No. 832154

taper more from elbow to wrist

Anonymous No. 832204

>do a few studies of what0s giving you trouble and then come back to it with a fresh new perspective
Good idea cause I'm getting kind of burned out with doing the same thing. I'll try it out.

Anonymous No. 832251

>posts image from tranny cartoon



Anonymous No. 832259

Thought so, faggot :)

Anonymous No. 832277

>using 3dcoat to make porn
uh oh anon, you're gonna get fucked by lawyers

Anonymous No. 832292

imagine being this bitter

Anonymous No. 832297

I emailed [email protected]. Wont be long now.

Anonymous No. 832300

absolute mad man



Anonymous No. 832311

Working on a quad barreled shotgun. Not very interesting I guess, although I plan to play with decorations a bit. Good practice on hard surface and subdiv modeling. Gonna have some fun animating the shooting and doing the fire / smoke particle stuff once the actual model is complete. Fun.



Anonymous No. 832325

final project for computer graphics discipline. suggestions are appreciated



Anonymous No. 832327

first floor. supposed to be a store. still have to add items and shelfs and whatnot



Anonymous No. 832328

second floor. just a library I guess. yet to be properly textured, specially the books, kitten and laptop. I want to add a girl sleeping on top of the open book too



Anonymous No. 832329

third floor. still uninteresting, was thinking of making a kat trying to reach up for something nearly falling off into the caldron



Anonymous No. 832330

and another kitten

Anonymous No. 832334

honestly I get a lot of inspiration from /wg/ haha and I realize that it does look super generic. I added a lil something to it recently that will hopefully set it apart from that other stuff though. I also plan on going in and doing a heavy paint over of the lighting to really make it something hyperreal and unique. This is just the first pass at composition



Anonymous No. 832365

How many times do we think I'll fuck with this directionless test animation?

Anonymous No. 832419

yeah this is better
you already know the rest

Anonymous No. 832426

the ships in the background are too small.
the thing at the back is hard to read. is it a big tree? is it a big cliff with with overgrowth? i can't tell. it's just a weird blob obscured by cloud.

i don't like the forms in general, but that's just me.

also like the other guy said, you've been posting this for months. just say it's done and move on.

Anonymous No. 832427

it looks good and already could be a book cover of a sci fi novel

Anonymous No. 832428

sure, i'm just quibbling.
the tiny ships do bug me though.

Anonymous No. 832429

those hair tails scare me

Anonymous No. 832456

How the FUCK are so many people still satisfied with recreating a concept art after concept art, without an ounce of personal creative twist, AFTER they already achieved steady jobs and a decent amount of works in a portfolio that show off all the technical knowledge. How do you even get any satisfaction from that? I assume it's probably more of a technical than creative satisfaction, and given that most of 3D artists are just technical workers that happen to work with pretty pictures, that would explain it.

I can't comprehend that mindset of a production artist, maybe it's because I haven't been in it for too long. I always create 100% personal artworks, even if it's for a portfolio, because otherwise I'd get sick of everything if I had to just copy like a monkey. Doing that at work is more than enough.

Anonymous No. 832462

Does the rotation of a limb matter during sculpting or can it be fixed later on?

Anonymous No. 832469

It will effect rigging and posing. Unless you've done something ridiculous it shouldn't be too big a deal.

Anonymous No. 832480

That's what I thought. My 3d man's elbow/forearm is slightly rotated inward as that's what I imagined would be more natural but I'm not sure if it would be annoying to work with later on.



Anonymous No. 832493

>you already know the rest

That I do.

They should.

Anonymous No. 832495

A slight bend in the elbow won't cause you problems. A twist will probably need to be corrected later if you want to be able to retarget stock animations.

If you end up needing a T pose, you can pose the model and bake the pose.

Anonymous No. 832513

lose the clothes...


Empty glass.jpg

Anonymous No. 832514

Started learning blender yesterday, having a lot of fun so far.
Going to leave the coffee for tomorrow.

Anonymous No. 832523

good job, fella.

Anonymous No. 832528

You answered your own question.
Production "artists" are tech monkeys without actual creative abilities.
They fact that they don't do it means that they can't do it.

Anonymous No. 832557

ok i will



Anonymous No. 832558

Got the idea of getting some 3d scans of classic sculptures from turbo squid and see if I can get a few studies out it, hopefully it won't suck much.



Anonymous No. 832560

very quick arm study
you know I'm a huge smt fan and I can tell you that's asherah

Anonymous No. 832561


Anonymous No. 832562


Anonymous No. 832566




Anonymous No. 832579

Crits would be much appreciated

Anonymous No. 832584

u should really press the BPR button

aside from that if you're gonna bake this down to a normal map or whatever the skull cutouts will want more of a bevel because they mostly won't show up on the normal map



Anonymous No. 832586

sorry, I hadn't realized it was hard to see from that angle. I also kinda want to have a giant cat with a witch cat curled up around the tower, I wonder if this is too much

Anonymous No. 832589

There is no such thing as too much cat. But that white needs some more obvious silhouette, because it’s easy to miss. Maybe bigger ears would help.



Anonymous No. 832591

fair enough. how's this? gave it paws and extruded moustache/cheeks. I would do legs but it's a bit out of my scope if I'm being honest

Anonymous No. 832604

Her sunglasses slipping down and showing her eyes is really distracting, could you try fixing them in place?



Anonymous No. 832619

mean to be low poly (~1000 max) strv103

Anonymous No. 832656

>u should really press the BPR button
I know how to render in zbrush, pressing shift+s just prints on the screen the unrendered version



Anonymous No. 832665

And done! Decided to give my fish fur instead of scales to give it more of a unique beast aesthetic.
The 3DCoat forums will love this :)

Anonymous No. 832691

post reactions



Anonymous No. 832692

Anatomy sculpt on my phone, eyes are too big but ita fucking hard sculpting with an index finger.



Anonymous No. 832729

be gone degenerate I told you to have some shame



Anonymous No. 832730

Coming back to fix some old stuff and it kinda sucks :(

Anonymous No. 832731


Anonymous No. 832756

what makes you think that? looks pretty good to me



Anonymous No. 832759

Gonna do some sexy body closups now. After my need for illustrative composition has been fulfilled.

Anonymous No. 832830

bump for obvious reasons

Anonymous No. 832839


Anonymous No. 832853

Does she have a pusi?



Anonymous No. 832867

I'm working on my first 3D character model. She was supposed to be a cute anime waifu, but somehow she ended up looking like an old woman who has had multiple plastic surgeries. I found it especially hard to shape the facial features. You'd think that you know where the nose, cheeks, eyelids etc. are and what they look like, but I really didn't know shit.

It took me three days to get this far. The youtube videos I watched did this and more in 20 minutes. Makes me feel a bit demotivated, I must say.

Anonymous No. 832876

No only a cock. I didn't do a pussy version.

Anonymous No. 832885

or proko
or watts

Anonymous No. 832888

These are drawing methods? I suck at drawing, but maybe I should give it a try too. I've always wanted to be able to draw and paint after all. Thanks for the pointer.

Anonymous No. 832892

Actually, that´s way better than a crabmen so no

Anonymous No. 832911

because I already "fixed" it



Anonymous No. 832934

Sculpting a rock because I need a few in my scene and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I just kept placeholder Megascans ones for a final render. It hurts so much to see all those hours probably wasted... Honestly, I can't even tell if it's going in a good direction, I find it super hard to sculpt a rock I'm satisfied with. Going back and forth quite a lot while doing it. I've been watching some god-tier tutorials from a dude from Sony Santa Monica and I guess it pretty much just gets better with time. He is making shapes effortlessly and making right choices with every brush stroke.

Anonymous No. 832942

Will be more than good enough once you get some textures on it

Anonymous No. 832946

Yeah, I guess. I tried it with some matcaps and cavities / shadows in Blender and it actually doesn't look that bad. I just have to finish it. As I said, I kinda can't tell if it will end up looking good or not. I noticed that problem with foliage as well.

I've seen some good looking rocks straight from Zbrush, but then also some from AAA games that actually don't look super amazing by themselves - by they still ended up looking nice with textures in a game environment.



Anonymous No. 832952

yeah just depends on how heavily you lean on designer, I think you have enough raw detail in the noise on your rock just to do some basic painter stuff and be very much out of the woods.

Anonymous No. 832957

lack of contrast between skirt and panties hurts the composition imo. Any chance you can change the color of the panties or give them some trim to stand out against the skirt?



Anonymous No. 832963



Anonymous No. 832964

After months of studying realistic female figures, it's time I take the 3d anime waifu pill. One day I want to make my own 3d anime coomer figurines like lesLyzerosix or 流星丸(Doomlord AhYo).

This is only a rough sketch. No references. As you can see the results of my grinding anatomy and watching 3d hentai has paid off. Get on my level faggots.

Anonymous No. 832971

they're authors/artists

Anonymous No. 832972

practice makes perfect. no one gets it right first time. your model is pretty good for a first too. keep learning and you'll do even better



Anonymous No. 832973

gotcha. glad you improved then!

also, more kittens



Anonymous No. 832974




Anonymous No. 832990

Hey guys, my friend and made two spaceships, took us all week, rate which one is better please



Anonymous No. 832991

what can you accomplish in one-hour anons?



Anonymous No. 832992




Anonymous No. 832993

Anonymous No. 832999

was that before or after you suck each other off?

Anonymous No. 833000


Anonymous No. 833011

Lord Megatron, our attack plans on the Autobots are proceeding ahead of schedule.



Anonymous No. 833021


...currently working on this ..

Anonymous No. 833036

Thanks. Maybe kick light could solve this. Other colors draw too much attention to the area and hurt the composition even more. But I'll try something anyways later
Just want to ducking die atm.

Anonymous No. 833089

for the love of god fix those hands

Anonymous No. 833094

Well first time i hear about it and have no idea how to fix it.



Anonymous No. 833119




Anonymous No. 833128

Working on this roadside picnic/Stalker inspired environment



Anonymous No. 833162

it just takes...time

Anonymous No. 833166

>tv for a head
how original, I've never seen THAT before!

Anonymous No. 833188

bring me a full empty

Anonymous No. 833189

Blood look like nails

Anonymous No. 833190

how was this meant to be anime
did you do that weird shit modelers do where they try to do anime proportions but then ignore everything else about the style and give it a human nose, lips, individual eyelashes etc like some weird disney shit
if you want to do anime, go look at anime-styled 3d models

Anonymous No. 833200

>It took me three days to get this far. The youtube videos I watched did this and more in 20 minutes. Makes me feel a bit demotivated, I must say.

Ugh... Look. You need to suck more. I'm serious. If you're unwilling to learn to draw, set a timer on your phone for 10 minutes, then sculpt a character in that time. It'll be shite. Revert to sphere and make more shite. Revert to sphere, repeat. None of this shit is going on social media. You're not even saving it. Just make a trash sculpt and revert to sphere.

Discard whatever these youtube retards tell you about "getting your proportions right" and "make sure you get your basic shapes in". You'll still be here in 7 years. Getting it right is not your goal. Your goal is to get it wrong so fucking often that your autistic shit brain maps all the ways to do it wrong and creates a mask that only leaves what's right.

Give it three weeks and you'll sculpt that thing in 20 minutes.

Anonymous No. 833203

This dude is almost correct about everything. Make a strict deadline and it will make you focus on important things. But this method has a downside - you need to think hard and make descisions, a lot. Thats why a lot of people spread progress over the years. Its really hard to do a focused push on a target and not just move stuff around a bit and hope it will somehow solve itself by random chance.

Anonymous No. 833204

nibba, does it look good?
That's all I care about rn okay thanks cheers.



Anonymous No. 833213

Legend of Mana remaster will release soon, so I made this dumb rabite.

Anonymous No. 833234

It's really good until I saw the baby fingers, you should result the hands, redtop, uv from scratch and append them on onto the model.



Anonymous No. 833237

>just wan make low poly characters (left)
>can't fucking figure any of it out (right)
never gonna make it

Anonymous No. 833249

Thanks for the tip, anon. I just started sculpting, and it's actually very fun. I don't really know what I'm doing, but it seems quite easy. The results are absolutely abhorrent so far, but I must say that I enjoy doing this far more than making loop cuts and extruding vertices.
>Give it three weeks and you'll sculpt that thing in 20 minutes.
Oh I really hope that's true.

Anonymous No. 833259

looks alright, yeah.
Though where the TV meets the body is a little weird. Like its placement is off. That whole neck area is a bit wonky. Mostly because there isn't one.

Anonymous No. 833261

Shit now i see it.
No, startint at resculpting is not enough. I'll begin with an entirely new image.

Anonymous No. 833283

I hope you are joking. The hands are a little small, but not worth starting all over.

Anonymous No. 833287

Just sculpt and retopo it bro

Anonymous No. 833292

>sculpt and retopo
>for a polycount like that

The absolute state of western modelers

Anonymous No. 833298

not bad, though the normal map on the skin looks weird


Screenshot (49).png

Anonymous No. 833415


Anonymous No. 833418

why are you applying textures to unfinished models, what the fuck are you doing

Anonymous No. 833419

everything new is hard until it isn't. keep at it. never give up.



Anonymous No. 833442

I've practised sculpting quite a bit now. I think I've learned much about human faces, but there's still so long to go. I managed to create pic related in maybe 5 hours from scratch. She looks human, but unfotunately not a very attractive one. The problem is that I don't really know what I'm supposed to change to make her attractive. I wonder if that's something I'll learn if I just keep sculpting again and again.

Anonymous No. 833444

Study the faces of people you find attractive

Anonymous No. 833448

That's a very good idea. How did I not think of that myself? I might be a bit retarded.



Anonymous No. 833450

I made a boot

Anonymous No. 833452

it's ben watts' falloff tool for geo, but in a wrangle and with no need for UVs:


wey hey

Anonymous No. 833458

It's pretty good for a 2004 era style model desu


roadside picnic C....png

Anonymous No. 833476

what camera is looking more like the concept?

Anonymous No. 833477

your scene is not long enough

Anonymous No. 833480

what would be the best way to fix it?
Bring the foreground forward and move the background more towards the back?

Anonymous No. 833485

yep then move the camera backwards and zoom in for more telephoto compression, this will give you a way better impression of scale because right now your model doesn't look big or imposing, the perspective is very compressed on the concept.

Anonymous No. 833487

Thanks for the help anon



Anonymous No. 833488

I made the boot walk :)

Anonymous No. 833489

The rightmost one, but it needs to be lower to the ground, a lot lower.
This is also true.

You might also want to cheat the perspective a bit for some extra "oomph" to your scene, and employ some forced-perspective tricks like they do at theme parks.
Like squeezing-in the top of the structure more so it seems a bit more foreboding.
So instead of the structure looking like this |_| where lines are parallel and perspective-correct, you morph it a bit to look like this /_\ (excusing the shitty emoticon example).



Anonymous No. 833497


This is my first successful modelling project, made it for a fast modelling course, this week ill make the last adjustments on the textures with substance painter and import them on Maya for the final render.



Anonymous No. 833502

any good hair tutorials lads this is my first time trying to create a person (its supposed to be lain)

Anonymous No. 833505

Dunno about hair but these ears are way too low. Looking good tho

Anonymous No. 833509

yeah it was intentional to make the ears really low because it was like that in the 2d animu reference image i was using and thought it might look cool in 3d, ill have to see after ive done the hair if im going to keep it that way though



Anonymous No. 833511

Slow going but progress still, soon finished with the rider, minor fixes still and need to finish the hair and posing the hands. C&C more than welcome

Anonymous No. 833515

foot looks a bit weird in that side view. the sole to toe area. might just be because of the flat shading though.

Anonymous No. 833518

actually yeah youre right, ill fix that thanks!

Anonymous No. 833519

if youre doing something stylized like that, look into using curves

very nice anon, its been nice seeing it come along

Anonymous No. 833527

fuck off yan

Anonymous No. 833535

if you wanna make animegirls just learn to draw
way less work



Anonymous No. 833536

trying to recreate a procedural hole+cable system i saw on leddit. i've never fucked around much with boolean modelling - anyone got general tips for stopping normals from getting completely fucked up?



Anonymous No. 833538

more geo seems to have helped.
thanks /wip/, you're the best.

Anonymous No. 833539

those models are modeled in a higher poly and then they spend time seeing where they can lower polys, your model is fine to begin with you just need to learn fundies from grinding sculpts and retopos for now to understand anatomy and the tools blender gives you

Anonymous No. 833540

the fuck this color pallete and artstyle
gonna be a yikes from me bruv

Anonymous No. 833541



Anonymous No. 833545

oh neat, i think i can prob do the same in houdini. thanks.

Anonymous No. 833558

Its just color coded for easier modeling and composing, not final textures, which will be hand painted. Thank you for your input

Anonymous No. 833568

Why flatshade then?



Anonymous No. 833570

May i see your nodes sir? Houdini student here



Anonymous No. 833577

I wonder why my sculpts look kind of alright in the viewport, but they look absolutely abhorrent when I render them.

Anonymous No. 833579

Post the viewport version



Anonymous No. 833581

here you go fella;
it's very messy right now and i'm just working on a separate animation branch, getting ready to put it all together.



Anonymous No. 833582

lens distortions maybe?

Anonymous No. 833583

and by here i mean:

Anonymous No. 833588

Thats just a screencap from a sketchfab test, the final will be in flat shading since i will be painting in the light and shadows instead of relying on dynamic lights


bigger booba.jpg

Anonymous No. 833589

i really should start some anatomy program



Anonymous No. 833590

Yea, changing the focal length of the camera helped a bit, I think. Maybe I should try to create some textures too.

Anonymous No. 833592

Post wires pls

Anonymous No. 833598

i know hard surface sculpting dont suffer much from mouse
but what about organic shit like muscles?

Anonymous No. 833599

Fuckin awesome anon, thank you very much for sharing the hip file! Houdini is hard af but is so rewarding when you see the things work

Anonymous No. 833601

hope it helps, friend.
just remember to share your knowledge with others as well - it's what makes the houdini community so good. bless.

Anonymous No. 833607

oh also, you'll see a weird boolean setup happening. regular boolean (with both A and B set to solid) was deleting faces for some reason i couldn't figure out

Anonymous No. 833627

Not bad but that mouse looks insanely uncomfortable.


how i be doin.png

Anonymous No. 833633

What should i add or remove and how shit it is
Also I'm scared for the texturing part, any tips

Anonymous No. 833644

tiles, to the roof, someone enjoying the view etc,
maybe tech up the house, a cyborg dog.



Anonymous No. 833649

making another phallic object and I'm pretty impressed how smooth the retopo was. Guess it's just normal improvement.
Also, I'm the only one who enjoys making dicks or am i too much of a fag? I find they are the easiest part of the anatomy

Anonymous No. 833662

i think you may just be a fag, anon.



Anonymous No. 833673

> みんなが思うより 違和感なんてないの
> こんな形の 愛があってもいいでしょ ふたりで

> 新しい世界を つくり出そう
> この身体にまだ 慣れてないけど

> ずっと Falling lights
> 踊る Moving lights
> ひかりのディスコ
> グッと Falling lights
> 彼方 Moving lights
> 僕の Landing point
> ピカッと Sparking lights
> この想いを キミのもとに
> 星々が揺れる Moving lights
> 時めく Falling lights

> 宇宙は広すぎて ここが夕闇の街
> 寄り添う命が 手と手をつないで 進むよ

> 新しい世界を つくり出そう
> この身体にまだ 慣れてないけど

> ずっと Falling lights
> 踊る Moving lights
> ひかりのディスコ
> グッと Falling lights
> 彼方 Moving lights
> 僕の Landing point

> ピカッと Sparking lights
> この想いを キミのもとに
> 星々が揺れる Moving lights
> 時めく Falling lights

> ひかりのディスコ
> 時めく Falling lights
> ひかりのディスコ

> ずっと Falling lights
> 踊る Moving lights
> 時めく Falling lights
> グッと Falling lights
> 彼方 Moving lights
> 僕の Landing point
> ずっと Falling lights
> 踊る Moving lights
> ひかりのディスコ
> もっと Falling lights
> 彼方 Moving lights
> 僕の Landing point

> ピカッと Sparking lights
> 生まれ変わっても 消えない想いが未だ
> 星々が揺れる Moving lights
> そう Particle of light

> ひかりのディスコ
> 時めく Falling lights
> ひかりのディスコ

Anonymous No. 833691

stop being a fag anon.



Anonymous No. 833696

sure! theyre nothing special, wont be animated or anything, just for sketchfab

Anonymous No. 833708


Nice. More detailed than I expected in some places

>wont be animated or anything, just for sketchfab
A bit of a shame, she begs for at least an energetic charge animation



Anonymous No. 834042

about to start the rigging process

Anonymous No. 834044

does anyone know how to do speed modeling for youtube? I can't model for more than 10 minutes without stopping and thinking about what I'm going to do ...



Anonymous No. 834054

Just fucking around.

Anonymous No. 834058

hi, ben levin

Anonymous No. 834059

show wires

Anonymous No. 834060

>she begs for at least an energetic charge animation
This. Consider spending a little time to just fake a simple animation even if it ends up looking tweened

Anonymous No. 834062

The exaggerated swagger of a boot



Anonymous No. 834063

any advice is helpful for where i can clean this mesh up a little

Anonymous No. 834064


Anonymous No. 834065

Its my first time 3d modelling something that isnt like a table lol so any actual advice would be nice.

Anonymous No. 834066

There are a lot of edge loops in her center that are too close to each other and her hands look flat.

Anonymous No. 834079

Looks nice. Curious to see what style of textures/shading you'll give it.

Anonymous No. 834082

Blender cuck here... I can't figure out why shade smooth gives me creases



Anonymous No. 834083


Anonymous No. 834088

Reset vectors

Anonymous No. 834089

How does he see through it?



Anonymous No. 834090

soi helmet

Anonymous No. 834099

Set smooth to 180 degrees, select all edges and clear sharp.



Anonymous No. 834129

What is a rough guide for using alphas? How smooth or sharp should they be?



Anonymous No. 834177

A few screen on the environment I've been working on. I posted my first scene a while back with a glowing cigarette. ( I know about the floating objects on the image)
Still a long way to go and only 2 week left before my deadline :'(



Anonymous No. 834179


Anonymous No. 834201

bit more light on the sarcophagus. less on the particles and the sandfall.

Anonymous No. 834218

wth those coins are huge



Anonymous No. 834220


Anonymous No. 834222




Anonymous No. 834228

I changed them and used a treasure asset from the marketplace. Getting freaking tired working on this project so f it I suppose. Here's a unlit screen

Ty, i'll put a point light to bright it up. The particle has been a struggle from the start, I don't know how to make them look nice and a dusty place without spawning a ton of them



Anonymous No. 834232

set up coming together

Anonymous No. 834278

Neato. I think there should be more of a "cascade" of them plugging in instead of in weird different waves.
So it eases in with a few, takes a slight pause, and starts to plug in a bunch, rapid-fire individually instead of in chunks.
so like
retarded example, but hopefully you get the gist.

Anonymous No. 834287

Yeah, I get what you mean. Currently the animation itself is really simple, just a single keyframed sequence offset randomly for each cable - I could just sit there switching seeds till I find a good one, but I want to figure out a way that'll get more consistent results. I'll come back to it after working on some other elements I'm thinking about

Anonymous No. 834290

Good luck anon. For what it's worth, I hope it turns out pretty cool! I've been liking it so far!

Anonymous No. 834318

ooh, very cool looking



Anonymous No. 834336




Anonymous No. 834362

don't know what I'm going to do with this, just enjoying myself



Anonymous No. 834365

Looks good, too bad ur a degen.

Anonymous No. 834369

sell porn renders and animations



Anonymous No. 834371

NFT for sale.



Anonymous No. 834428

I have kinda finished this bad boy but I notice that despite the uneven roughness map its skin looks too smooth for how it is supposed to be. Apparently this would have had something similar to shark skin but I just don't know a way to translate that correctly or what alphas are the best to replicate that (I tried leather alphas but don't feel quite right). Any suggestions?

Anonymous No. 834437

does the cushion look good?.
also idk what kind of grunge/surface imperfection i should use for the bottom part, all I know is that it metallic



Anonymous No. 834438


Anonymous No. 834453

At least two of your coins are floating. Well one is floating. I think the other is balanced on another coin, but it's over whatever the science term is for the tipping point so it still looks like it's floating.



Anonymous No. 834474

If it doesn't get any clicks then you can always rebrand it as chocolate

Anonymous No. 834479

Is there a way to download 2.92 thanks to 2.93 not being supported on W7?

Anonymous No. 834482

>Windows 7

Look, I agree that Windows 8 onwards fucking sucks, but you're only going to run into more and more problems by continuing to stick to it, especially when it comes to 3D stuff, which is pretty much always eager to move on the bleeding edge as fast as it can.

Just update your OS. You can grab a license dirt cheap off G2A if you're too lazy/stupid/pussy to pirate.

Anonymous No. 834483

I might consider moving to W8.1 if I have no other option. I would rather eat my own head than "upgrade" to W10 though.

Anonymous No. 834485

Which sucks less? 8 or 10?

Anonymous No. 834488




Anonymous No. 834491

Now she pies the next corner.


Anonymous No. 834492

Honestly I'd rather use Linux than 10.

Thanks fren.



Anonymous No. 834514

recently I finished this one.

Anonymous No. 834519

I like it

Anonymous No. 834521




Anonymous No. 834527


Anonymous No. 834532

Could you put some transparent planes to simulate god rays?



Anonymous No. 834533

how do i make a good frill...

Anonymous No. 834538

Now THIS is nice retro 3D.
I love the textures and colours - good work.
You might want to do this though >>834532



Anonymous No. 834546

thanks for the idea. here's the result.
thank you.



Anonymous No. 834551

Reminds me of that Die Hard arcade game.
There used to be one at the local theater and I'd play that shit all the time.

Anonymous No. 834552

Imagine needing to see wires for a fucking corridor.
How visually inept do you have to be? It's all right there.

Anonymous No. 834555




Anonymous No. 834556

zbrush and photoshop. Learning all the technical skills is paying off in spades.



Anonymous No. 834561

Bros how bad is it? It's the first thing I've finished.
It wasn't supposed to be so dark, but I couldn't get the lighting right. And I only added the flag (that's what it's supposed to be, even though it looks more like paper) because I fucked the texture on the side of the crate and wanted to hide it, but then it didn't really matter anyway because you can't fucking see anything.
I added some cobwebs to make it look old, like it had been abandoned for years, but you can't see those either.
Pls no bully.

Anonymous No. 834563

look up a lighting tutorial and subdivide that flag.
Also whats wrong with the texture on the side of the crate?

Anonymous No. 834564

Better than 95% of this board already. Just try to fix the lighting

Anonymous No. 834565

Whats the story about the singular upright skull lol looks so goofy and out of place given the setting



Anonymous No. 834566

Very nice

Anonymous No. 834569

lookin good
u might want to reduce the frequency of the detail on those walls tho, the birtrate will fuck your video

still waiting on the nude render



Anonymous No. 834570

>look up a lighting tutorial
I will, thanks.
I did subdivide the flag, just not enough times. Normally when I've fucked around with cloths before I subdivide them too much, but this time I did it too little. I'll do it more though to try and fix it.
>Also whats wrong with the texture on the side of the crate?
It got all fucked up because I punched two holes through it for the rope (which also turned out to be pointless). So it looked all stretched, but the other parts of it didn't. I tried multiple ways to unfuck it, but nothing would work so I just hid it. Pic related is how it looked.

:3 I'll look into the lighting though. Thanks.

I had planned on putting a skeleton in there wearing an SS uniform, but then I accepted I was getting far too cocky. So I settled for a skull with an SS cap, but I couldn't texture the SS cap properly so I fucked that off too.
I even realised that the skull looked out of place, but I wanted it to feel like it had been abandoned for a long time and I didn't really know what else gives that impression, and like I said I got too cocky so I ended up leaving it in.

Anonymous No. 834571

great work anon

Anonymous No. 834575

Couldn't you just duplicate one of the other boxes and set the transform to the same as the old one to get rid of the fucked texture? To be honest i think the flag being there makes it flow a bit better so maybe pointless

Anonymous No. 834578

>duplicate one of the other boxes and set the transform to the same as the old one to get rid of the fucked texture
I didn't think about that. Truth be told you couldn't even tell it was stretched unless you looked really closely. It's just, because I'm learning as I go, whenever I come across something that seems trivial, I try to find out how to fix it there and then just in case it, or something like it, comes up again in the future.
>To be honest i think the flag being there makes it flow a bit better so maybe pointless
I guess I'll leave the flag there, it gives a little colour to the scene too. I'll just subdivide it a bunch more times so it looks more like a flag material and try to fix the lighting.
Thanks. I appreciate it.



Anonymous No. 834588

>u might want to reduce the frequency of the detail on those walls tho, the birtrate will fuck your video

I've barely touched the scenery yet, but you're probably right so I'll keep that in mind.

Now she takes cover after scanning the room, then adjusts her stance once she's in position. The adjust was necessary because I did straight ahead animation for the traversal to the corner, and didn't get her tucked in as tight as she could have been, so I had to have her fix it. On the whole, I think this might look better than if I hadn't fucked up.

Happy accidents, I guess.

Anonymous No. 834590

how come she's peeking back around from where she came from? is she running from something?



Anonymous No. 834602

I'd expect the gold bars to have a thick film of dust on top of them if they were abandoned for so long. The flag definitely needs a lot more polygons and hopefully some sort of physics simulation to make it rest in a more natural way, its very stiff at the moment.
The floor texture looks to be much lower resolution that the other assets, so it stands out. Also its clear you're using tessellation for the bumps on the floor, which is kind of good for smaller scale details and realtime rendering like in video games, not for large stones in the ground, I would recommend sculpting the floor instead, its really shouldn't be too hard if you can get hold of some decent brushes, they do most of the work for you.
It's hard to tell what the object on the right crate is, mostly due to very dim lighting, which should be the first thing to fix - crank it up a notch so we can see what is actually happening in there.
Overall it's looking okay, cool to see anons working on full scenes, keep working on it and keep us updated.

Anonymous No. 834604

Based woll smoth poster

Anonymous No. 834607




Anonymous No. 834690

Am I going to make it?

Anonymous No. 834693

No, you actually have to be fucking retarded anon.

Anonymous No. 834698

It lost that nice inertial bounce that you had in the last one.
Where she bounces wide like 3 times while stopping and turning and checking the room. I liked that bit.
Now it seems like it's stopped short and the motion feels off.

Anonymous No. 834706

Idk if this is normal, but I spent a week tweaking a small diorama environment, i.e. I literally only worked on the placement of the assets, and I still haven't finished it. I thought level art is one of the areas I'm pretty good at, but this project makes me question my skills after all... Nothing seems to work. The problem is that I kinda can't find a lot of references to handhold me because the area is somewhat unnatural in the first place.

I really really really need to up my drawing skills so I can efficiently paint over a blockout. Atm suck at it and just have to do it in 3D, which is incredibly slow by itself. So I pretty much have to build everything up from what I see in my mind, only to realize it doesn't work, then delete everything and try again.

Thanks for reading my blogpost.

Anonymous No. 834707

You will be arrested for wrongthink before you do.

Anonymous No. 834709


Anonymous No. 834710

There's reference for absolutely everything.
You're just not looking hard enough.
There's more to the internet than Google Images.



Anonymous No. 834787



Anonymous No. 834804

I can tell that getting muzzle flashes and smoke to look how I want them to is going to be the opposite of fun.

She still bounces, it's just less visible from that angle, and the additiona. No changes were made to that bit of animation. You did, however, prompt me to add some additional momentum into that brief pause before the move to the corner.



Anonymous No. 834857

I think I'm almost done. Any criticisms and flaws I can fix? Neck too long? Head too small?
I've modelled the head and body separately which I'm guessing was a mistake. Any suggestion on how to proceed? I was thinking of merging the two subtools with zmodeler and then separating them again properly as the FlippedNormals guys do it. What would you guys suggest?

Anonymous No. 834861

3Dguy tier kek



Anonymous No. 834864

try a polygonal muzzle flash, might mesh better with your style

Anonymous No. 834865

>tfw Nvidia Canvas beta came out
>tfw godlike
>tfw I'm on a fucking laptop and can't update the drivers
>tfw doesn't let me try the program because of the fugging drivers
And I can't buy a new rig because reasons.

Anyway, try it out dudes:


Anonymous No. 834869


>inb4 butthurt concept artists

Anonymous No. 834878

Hands and feet are way off. Also, symmetry.

Anonymous No. 834911

Pretty cool. Might use it to conceptualize comps and stuff quickly.
Maybe I'd be able to actually post frequently on social media to take advantage of the shitty algorithms. I always find it hard to come up with ideas after I finish a large project, so this might help get the juices going quicker.

If anything, it'll be a neat toy.
Maybe it could be used for mattes or something too.



Anonymous No. 834990

Symmetry what? Also, why way off? I'm fairly satisfied with how the hands came out. Feet too.

Anonymous No. 834995

Not him, but the toes look really off

Anonymous No. 834997

That's fair, other anons have said similar things. They're the oldest thing about the sculpt and I made them before I had a tablet. What do you think is the wonky thing about the feet/toes? People said they're too spaced out, but I don't know how to bring them closer together without Dynamesh (which I'll probably have to use to fix some creases, or just remake them outright) fusing them together or without Zremesher doing the same when I try to make lower subdivisions.

What's your opinion on the hand? Looking at it now the middle finger looks a bit long and the back of the hand needs some fat.



Anonymous No. 835002

hehe, maybe

Anonymous No. 835003

since no /sqt/ ill ask here
in 3ds max is there a way to bind a short key that it will toggle between two viewports (left/front)
like if i'm in front view and press the shortcut it will switch to left and if im in left view and press the same shortcut it will switch to front



Anonymous No. 835005

Nomad Sculpt. Trying to get as far as possible on my iPad before exporting to ZBrush to fix this topological mess.



Anonymous No. 835008

The middle finger does look a little too long, but it looks passable to me.
For the toes, maybe it's the angle, but they look they have really weird shape

Anonymous No. 835009

How do you fix topology with zbrush?

Anonymous No. 835012

Currently at work but I'll check it out when I get home. I'm not very much attached to them and they cause me grief so they'll probably be remade.

Anonymous No. 835015

Paintbrush, ZRemesher, Zmodeler.
Not talking about rigable topology, Nomads remesher tool at this point in time is just quite random.

Anonymous No. 835020

Doesn't like it can do anything remotely imaginative. Seems limited to kinda-sorta-looking like-a-real-place-taken-on-a-crappy-camera images.

In other words, no real practical use case.

Anonymous No. 835021

Thumb gets too narrow, break symmetry



Anonymous No. 835038

Man i hate rendering so much, but its fun for now.

Anonymous No. 835041

looks quality enough to do commissions for furrys -- very lucrative, for some reason furrys always have a shit ton of money

Anonymous No. 835098

Thumb's fixed. Symmetry I'll work on, ty.

Anonymous No. 835132

>I'd expect the gold bars to have a thick film of dust on top of them if they were abandoned for so long
My thought with the gold was that the crate had just been opened and that's why it looked more pristine rather than grimy. I meant to include a crowbar to give that impression, but I totally forgot.
I did want to add some heavy dust on the crates and dirty up the flag too (the flag looks really brand new and vibrant when the light isn't so dark), but I didn't know how so I just left it.
>The flag definitely needs a lot more polygons and hopefully some sort of physics simulation to make it rest in a more natural way, its very stiff at the moment
That was my own fault really. I had used the physics to get it to lie more naturally, but the handle of the crate was poking through it a little, so I ended up dragging the flag to the left slightly once it was already laying there. But that made the the flag look even more rigid because it didn't have enough polygons to start with. It should be an easy fix though.
>The floor texture looks to be much lower resolution that the other assets, so it stands out
Honestly I'm not sure what size they are, I think they're 1024 x 512 so definitely not ideal. I don't even know what tessellation is, I just used a bump node(?) and the height or normals image(?) ;_;
Sculpting a floor would be way beyond me, even with brushes. I tried sculpting once and it seems incredibly difficult with a mouse. I think I just need to watch some videos on how to do it though.

I'll fix my lighting and rejigger the flag later tonight and see if that improves it any.
Thanks for your feedback, I do appreciate it.

Anonymous No. 835154

>RTX Only
What a load of shit.
They just want people to buy their nonexistent RTX cards from scalpers.
Theres nothing about RTX that makes it possible, the shit ran in a fucking browser before.



Anonymous No. 835166

I have no ideia how to do hair, can anyone one hook me up with a good tutorial or brush?



Anonymous No. 835221



Anonymous No. 835393

Been working on this for the last week



Anonymous No. 835429




Anonymous No. 835454

first time working with fibermesh and alpha brushes and shit, would appreciate feedback

Anonymous No. 835460

flippednormals has a pretty good hair sculpting tutorial

Anonymous No. 835490

Fuck off moon rune nigger

Anonymous No. 835492

it is a nice song.
do you like CAPSULE?

Anonymous No. 835495

I love the new Dread suit



Anonymous No. 835507

Anonymous No. 835616

Comfy. I wish the path didn't dead end and instead went into a narrow canyon. Are the grass n moss scans?

Fireflies bigger, + drift on the building is too subtle right now. Wasn't sure it was moving till it looped around.

Anonymous No. 835625

Thx. The path is leading from shore into the cave, not sure if it is clear enough. Moss and grass were my own sculpted + painted textures.

Anonymous No. 835631

ah i thought it was some sort of sea cave because i couldn't see the mouth of the cave. probably just how the camera's placed.

are you this fella:
i like the miniature feel of the materials.



Anonymous No. 835633

Jesus haha, yeah, I was having a bad day. I sometimes get hyper focused on certain details and go back and forth for days. I'm still not a fan of lighting and color saturation, I was balancing a more dramatic approach and a sunnier one. Thematically this should be a mysterious scene, but more contrast in light and shadows causes some pretty dark areas in foliage which I don't like. On the other hand, I like the look of a brighter and flatter lighting because it almost looks like it was lit in a studio, which would also make sense considering this is supposed to be a miniature scene placed inside of some sort of a cabinet, under warm interior lights. The current pic is somewhere in the middle, which might not hit either of those feels correctly.

But yeah, it's a small beach leading to a cave, here's one more wip shot showcasing it better.

Anonymous No. 835738

you're doing good, mang.
just trust yourself to make the right call in the end
(knowing that you'll second guess everything along the way).



Anonymous No. 835803


Followed your suggestions and increased the size of the fireflies and made the movement more prominent.
Also trying to make the lighting look more dramatic and add more contrast



Anonymous No. 835943

much better, anon. i'm guessing you've still got work to do on the walls etc?



Anonymous No. 836031

Here's my newest scratch build after a few weeks of intermittent practice. I'm glad I posted my first shit renders here, since that allows me to see that I'm actually getting better. There's obviously still light years to go, but I've already learned so much. I can now do in fifteen minutes what took me an hour before.

Anonymous No. 836041

That's a pretty good improvement. It would look even better with better lighting and proper textures but you're getting there.

Anonymous No. 836074

Thanks. Yes, I need to look into texturing and lighting. So far I've only used vertex painting for colours and a bunch of light bulbs around the head for lighting. I definitely do need to learn more than that about these things.

Anonymous No. 836085

yea, the main model still needs to be UVed and textured, and i also need to make the background buildings and texture them.
That's a great reference for the walls, ill try making something similar

Anonymous No. 836086

thats a fucking awesome improvement dude, keep learning at this current pace and you will get a lot better



Anonymous No. 836239




Anonymous No. 836246

Anonymous No. 836247

feet looks good
yo need to work on where the meshes intersect to get rid of the obvious seams and improve the head.
this is a good start, you just need to put more hours into refining this and look at reference of similar models



Anonymous No. 836264

its fine anon i just put smooth shading and all my problems went away



Anonymous No. 836275

I sculpted a hand. It was surprisingly difficult. I do have two good references readily available, but hands deform surprisingly much depending on how you pose them.



Anonymous No. 836476



Anonymous No. 836533

Still needs a ton of polishing, changes and tweaking, but really liking how its turning out



Anonymous No. 836582

I sculpted her a body and tailored her a simple dress. Maybe I should try animating or texturing her next. I might also have to study anatomy a bit, since it turns out to be a complex subject too. Or maybe I'll move on for now and try to learn how to build something like this: >>836533 Would be nice to be able to create scenes to eventually put my characters in.



Anonymous No. 836586



Anonymous No. 836587

Want to give him an astronaut suit.


Fulcrum? I hardly....png

Anonymous No. 836644

First 1.5 hours of progress. I feel like I'm ngmi. Help me believe in my self /3/.

Anonymous No. 836645

Looks good to me.



Anonymous No. 836712

Holy hell it was a painful process to get even this far. I had to watch too many tutorials, and the process itself wasn't too pleasant either. Remeshing, baking normals, placing bones is all tedious. And afterwards every finger and limb dares to deform horribly out of shape. At least I know the process now, so it'll be easier next time.



Anonymous No. 836754




Anonymous No. 836829


Anonymous No. 836964

Somebody should make a new WIP thread. I won't do it myself every time.

Anonymous No. 837419

New Thread up