

🧵 /DAZ/ 3D General - Actual dollhouse edition

Anonymous No. 838175

Previous bread >>831566

Daz youtuber's for the newbs:
travis davids (Marvelous designer)
CgBytes (Dead, but was the best of his time)

Bridges: https://www.daz3d.com/daz-bridges
Suggested Blender Bridge: http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/

Similar programs:
Vroid Anime Tool: https://vroid.com/en/studio
Xnalara: https://www.deviantart.com/xnalara
MB-Lab for blender: https://github.com/animate1978/MB-Lab
Makehuman: http://www.makehumancommunity.org/
Metahuman creator: https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/digital-humans

Hair Creation: https://mega.nz/#F!uywlSQqS!GzZTEOGcRhiEr8Ve5hwsfQ

Cc3 is still shit

Anonymous No. 838181

first for shitters arguing


daz rant.png

Anonymous No. 838191

>Daz youtuber's for the newbs:
I like that guy, but I don't understand why he quit his job to make comics with Daz. He should atleast make visual novels if he wants to make a living from this.


azn waifu.jpg

Anonymous No. 838192

I'm glad to see that Daz3D has been stepping up both their Asian and Tranny offerings as of late, It feels like the dawning of a new and better era. A glorius future of Asian waifu futas awaits us all, fellow Daz Chads.

Anonymous No. 838199

The reason you see so much more asians on the store is because some jp people have became offical pa's for daz studio.

Anonymous No. 838200


Anonymous No. 838201

Published Artist


Crocodile Lui Rin.jpg

Anonymous No. 838203

Which PA's are confirmed Japs?

Crocodile Lui
Sue Yee

All give me Jap or East Asian vibes.



Anonymous No. 838204

Very butifel

Anonymous No. 838205

ayy lmao



Anonymous No. 838208

OP fucked up. Dino Dad is the actual opening image. Please disregard all posts above this one.

Anonymous No. 838211

I considered posting that an hour ago
absolute state of ayys



Anonymous No. 838213

When is Vicey going to get sued?

Anonymous No. 838215

Aren't most those authors immune due to being in whereveristan?

Anonymous No. 838216

Any other good Khazar Milkers for DAZ?

Anonymous No. 838220

Check out this Chinese vendor trying to sell Daz assets.

Chink seller:
Daz asset:

Chink seller:
Daz asset:

Chink seller:
Daz asset:

Chink seller:
Daz asset:

Anonymous No. 838224

>75 yuan
Its like 2$ based chinks have actually good prices

Anonymous No. 838226

Speaking of which, where do the Chinese even post thier stuff? I know they have a daz forum, but there's gotta be more.

Anonymous No. 838235

it's like chinese Patreon

Anonymous No. 838243

Chinese are incapable of producing original work.

Anonymous No. 838252

what top is that

Anonymous No. 838275


Anonymous No. 838291

I can't believe England lost...

Anonymous No. 838292

Nobody cares

Anonymous No. 838310

lmao cucked by their diversity. And after all that kneeling to the diversity god.

Anonymous No. 838312

I can't believe a country as patently ridiculous as England exists in the first place.



Anonymous No. 838329

Anyone have SN for this plugin? really want to try it

if not, is there another way to get plugins to work?

Anonymous No. 838331

Give it enough time and it will disintegrate. Well, the UK will. England will remain.

Anonymous No. 838333


Anonymous No. 838336


I already have the plugin but I need a serial number to be able to use it

Anonymous No. 838340


whoops nvm thank you anon-kun

Anonymous No. 838369


Anonymous No. 838370

How long does it usually take for the zonegfx guy to respond with an invitation code?

Anonymous No. 838372

what did one expect. this is /3/, the land of mostly pedos, perverts and regards.

Anonymous No. 838373


>using zgfx

so you admit you are a pedo

Anonymous No. 838376

Would you like to provide context to your post or should I just dismiss your non sequitur off hand?



Anonymous No. 838395

Rate my new gf.

Anonymous No. 838396

would take her out for sushi and asahi make her pay then never talk to her again/10

Anonymous No. 838397

Can I just use metahumans when making my game instead of using pre-made models? Is there any reason not to?
Sorry if it's a silly question.

Anonymous No. 838399

What kind of game are you trying to make? Metahumans currently have very little clothing available for them. If you already have Daz assets one thing you can do is put a Metahuman head on a Daz body and this gives you access to all of the Daz clothing.


Anonymous No. 838400

An small XCom clone. Metahumans look very good, that's why I want those, but I was not aware of the problems with clothing. Thank you for the suggestion!
Any other options? Daz has a bad reputation, but I don't know enough about it to know the reason. Does that reason apply to the clothing too?

Anonymous No. 838403

Daz's bad reputation is mostly because of their lackluster software and marketing practices. The benefits are their fairly high quality and completely rigged 3D human models, the ability to easily apply morphs to them to create custom characters and a huge library of clothing and other assets for them. The bodies and clothing are especially useful as you can always swap a different head onto it such as a Metahuman (which has superior facial rigging for animation). The annoying things about Daz are that you have to plan your buying around their sales and you have to pay for interactive licenses (which go on sale for $5-10 at the cheapest) per product to legally use them in a commercial 3D video game and that their storefront is very unintuitive to search through. The alternative to Daz would be Reallusion's Character Creator 3 which I personally don't have experience with.

Anonymous No. 838404

Thank you! Very informative and to the point!

I would like to hear other anons' experience with Reallusion's Character Creator 3.

Anonymous No. 838405

Basically you are going to want to acquire clothed bodies from somewhere so you can paste a Metahuman head onto them if you want to go the Metahuman route.

Another Metahuman head paste example:

Anonymous No. 838406

Thanks! Seem to be a common technique. That gives me confidence. Any experience with Reallusion's Character Creator?

Anonymous No. 838407

>Reallusion's Character Creator 3

Anonymous No. 838408

The dumbass zoomer-tier 3D remakes from a few years back or actually good, tactically rich old 2D Xcom?

Anonymous No. 838409

Anon, my dream game (that I'm not attempting at the moment, since I'm a greenhorn) would be [spoiler]JA2 1.13 with modern graphics[/spoiler].
So the old XCom. But I'm keeping the scope small, at the beginning at the very least.
Can you tell me about it, anon, please?

Anonymous No. 838414

I've only tried it a few times. I don't even recall if they had their own assets. They existed as an alternate way to use daz assets and are pretty much a "why bother" software. Though prior threads this would be shilled pretty often by one die hard fan.

Anonymous No. 838418

Ok. I trust the software with its dedicated general and you guys.
Are the sales seasonal or on a per-item basis?

Ah, shit. Weekly freebies? I'm starting my hoarding today.

Anonymous No. 838422

>Are the sales seasonal or on a per-item basis?
Their mostly seasonal with random American holidays thrown in and occasional flash sales on groups of items. If you do decide to use Daz you will want to use Genesis 3 & Genesis 8/8.1 as your base and buy clothing assets for those. Genesis 3 clothing assets should autofit onto Genesis 8/8.1 besides the footwear.

>Ah, shit. Weekly freebies? I'm starting my hoarding today.
Their freebies are always garbage and textures for really old figures.

Anonymous No. 838423

Thank you, anon! Very informative!
I just saw the freebies and yeah, they're trash. But at least it will help me to learn the workflow before I commit actual money.

Anonymous No. 838427

Seems that the interactive licenses are per product, but "bundles" also count, so getting a bundle means saving on those extra interactive licenses.
Thank you so much, /DAZ/! You've shown me a very interesting path.

Anonymous No. 838428

>trusting anons

>sales question
install the daz-deals addon for your browser. You can see price history. Change settings to show a long price history.

Anonymous No. 838441

Thank you! I will.
>not trusting anons with a dedicated general
I trust you. Of course I will double-check before committing any dosh, but I believe the metadaz will be a good combo.

Anonymous No. 838453

Leony Outfit

Anonymous No. 838458

LOL imagine paying for DAZ shit.

Anonymous No. 838460


Anonymous No. 838462

this lol



Anonymous No. 838468

What outfit is the 5'10" "Teen Raven" character wearing in this promo?



Anonymous No. 838469

i never realized how based dforce was.

Anonymous No. 838491

>LOL imagine paying for DAZ shit.
It's a good idea if you are developing a commercial 3D video game and planning on not getting sued.

Anonymous No. 838568

I got malware from one of those asset pirate sites. Fuck that shit. I just wait for heavy discounts these days

Anonymous No. 838570

Zone GFX simple as

Anonymous No. 838572

Where do I get started with DAZ? Any tuts? Do I have to model my characters? Is rigging the same as every other software?

Anonymous No. 838579

Zone GFX is trash and dont listen to those shills
3D load or Shadowcore

Anonymous No. 838580

Is this thing worth buying?

Anonymous No. 838585

Read the OP:
>Daz youtuber's for the newbs:
>travis davids (Marvelous designer)
>CgBytes (Dead, but was the best of his time)
I personally started with wpguru's tutorials and he is good albeit a little long winded.

>Do I have to model my characters?
Characters are created by applying morphs and materials to Daz's Genesis base figures. Morphs can be created in programs like Blender and Zbrush.

>Is rigging the same as every other software?
The characters come with decent face and body rigging, not as good as something like Metahuman.

Anonymous No. 838587

Zone > Baidu account (Chinese are super fast) > 3d-load. Rest is shit.

Anonymous No. 838591

>Morphs can be created in programs like Blender and Zbrush.
I don't know what morphs are. Are they like Blender's modifiers?

Anonymous No. 838592

Morphs are deformations of the base 3D mesh.

Anonymous No. 838594


Anonymous No. 838595

don't listen to these guys about morphs and all that shit. Just start by getting Victoria 8.1 it's the base model that most of the characters are based on

>Fiddle around with it and follow a Youtube tutorial on how to get clothing and items into Daz.

>Once you got some clothing on her do a posing tutorial and try to find a tutorial on morphs this is how you can create what her face looks like or. what size her tits are

>Once you get comfortable with morphs and posing the girl

>find some HDRI environment. These typically have their own lighting system, so if you are an amateur, it'll be fine.

Congrats you just completed your first render

Anonymous No. 838598

Salty bitch :DDDDD

t. ZoneGFX power user

Anonymous No. 838599


Anonymous No. 838600

3DLOAD only has a tiny selection of stuff

Anonymous No. 838601

>don't listen to these guys about morphs and all that shit.
I'm just explaining how the technology works.

>Just start by getting Victoria 8.1 it's the base model that most of the characters are based on
Not true. Victoria 8.1 is a morph of the Genesis 8.1 Female mesh that is included with the Genesis 8 Starter Essentials. All Genesis characters sold are morphs of the Genesis base figures included in the Starter Essentials.

Anonymous No. 838631

I want to release the game and not get sued, anon

Anonymous No. 838635

Do games/apps that use daz even licensed

Anonymous No. 838636

You only need an interactive license when using the 3d meshes in an app/game. 2d rendered images do not require it.

Anonymous No. 838637

I know that, I was talking more about peole who don't have the licence like these apps. https://play.google.com/store/apps/collection/cluster?clp=igM4ChkKEzg0MDEwMzE0MDI1NzQ0MDgyNzAQCBgDEhkKEzg0MDEwMzE0MDI1NzQ0MDgyNzAQCBgDGAA%3D:S:ANO1ljK2oVU&gsr=CjuKAzgKGQoTODQwMTAzMTQwMjU3NDQwODI3MBAIGAMSGQoTODQwMTAzMTQwMjU3NDQwODI3MBAIGAMYAA%3D%3D:S:ANO1ljJ70aw

Anonymous No. 838642

If the Daz model moves or bends or whatever according to user input, you need an interactive license

Anonymous No. 838644

It's possible to get away with not getting the licenses but Daz could sue you at any point if they wanted to. It makes more sense just to buy them on sale for $5 dollars each (especially if you only need a few) than risk having to endure litigation.

Anonymous No. 838646

Just install through DIM you paranoid schizo smoothbrain

Anonymous No. 838649

Morphs are blendshapes
Holy fuck, how do you people solve this captcha

Anonymous No. 838655

Which are the best tears prop. Which tears does hermionebro use?

Anonymous No. 838665

are there haemorrhoids morph presets?

Anonymous No. 838668

Noone help me so I used windows sandbox.



Anonymous No. 838685

Time for Emmanon to shine!



Anonymous No. 838695


Anonymous No. 838699

Can eJCMs not be created with the old multires plugin?

Anonymous No. 838701

...and I thought my custom large nipples/bumpy areola morphs were borderline weird.

You can easily do that yourself in blender or any other tool capable of importing/exporting OBJ.



Anonymous No. 838713


>...so uh, that's great and all but what exactly will the update be about?



Anonymous No. 838717

Bro they have no proof you pirated it

Anonymous No. 838728

Literally nobody gives a fuck about mac, jesus i knew daz devs was fucking lazy and incompetent but this is just sad

Anonymous No. 838729

>cater to platform with barely any proper GPUs. Even external GPU support is limited.

Anonymous No. 838731

it seems she has too many chromosomes

Anonymous No. 838747

what hair is that



Anonymous No. 838751

>DAZtards use Macs to render in Iray

Anonymous No. 838753

and how can they tell where you got your models from?

Anonymous No. 838760

You should see some of the posts.
>I bought a brand new top of the line mac!

Anonymous No. 838763

3DCG police
It's pretty much confirmed that most Daz users are legit boomers.

Anonymous No. 838764

If you're posting under a name, they can check in their database whether that name bought something. They might ask you for a receipt of purchase, and threaten to sue you if you don't buy the assets or take the renders down.

Would they bother, though?

Anonymous No. 838766

DAZdevs can't even keep the software working well enough on Windows, and they add a new platform? Yeah, good luck with the extra work. Must have been a management decision.

Anonymous No. 838770

>They might ask you for a receipt of purchase, and threaten to sue you if you don't buy the assets or take the renders down.
Lmao never going to happen

Anonymous No. 838771

Their management seems fairly incompetent to me. They have an enormous library of 3D assets that would be perfect for indie devs going the pre-made asset route and Daz is utterly failing at their intended goal of integration into the video game industry.

Their advertising is also laughably bad:



Anonymous No. 838773


Anonymous No. 838777

you cant really use their assets for games as 99% of them are NOT optimized for real time 3D.
So unless you mean 2D games then I dont see it

Anonymous No. 838778

That's still true but becoming less so with things like Nanite easing the poly limitation. Once Nanite is implemented for characters I can see Daz being completely viable, but also likely to be out-competed by much higher quality, higher poly models.

Anonymous No. 838780

>Nanite easing the poly limitation
that is for inanimate objects and have some clear limitations. Also polycount is the LEAST of your worries when trying to use DAZ content in games. All the shaders, textures, rigging, UV maps and such have to be completely redone or your game will run and look like utter garbage.
Nanite is not the be all end all that many people who havent even used it or looked up how it functions actually think it is. I love nanite but I see why too many people dreaming of a day where they can just sculpt and make 3D easy mode and not optimize and think in advance.

Anonymous No. 838787

>All the shaders, textures, rigging, UV maps and such have to be completely redone or your game will run and look like utter garbage.
All true, but I still think it is entirely doable for a small scale indie game without a lot of characters on the screen at once.

>Nanite is not the be all end all that many people who havent even used it or looked up how it functions actually think it is. I love nanite but I see why too many people dreaming of a day where they can just sculpt and make 3D easy mode and not optimize and think in advance.
I'm just a hobbyist talking out of my ass, isn't it likely that Nanite will ultimately be usable on skeletal meshes?

Anonymous No. 838791

>I still think it is entirely doable for a small scale indie game without a lot of characters on the screen at once
sure I meant more that you need to actually do some work. Cant just drag and drop.
>Nanite will ultimately be usable on skeletal meshes?
Nanite is tired to the deffered render pipeline of the new UE5 and in essence "decimate" your meshes down to fit a set total vertex count based on pixels or manual. Its a way to automate level of details so you dont have to do it for all the static props in the environment.
Problem with skeletal meshes is that they use weight maps that applies directly to the vertexes that make up the mesh. So converting something to nanite will break your rigging. So for things you want to animate you will still need to create a basemesh and then add levels of detail manually. Nanite is here to help with all the none character stuff.
Could nanite work with weight maps and such? I mean I dont know maybe? But you would need to consider nanite in your work pipeline then or convert and rework a model to work with it.

Anonymous No. 838793

modern GPUs cant handle an absurd polycount so if you made something small scale you could properly get away with using DAZ stuff if you simply fixed the UVs, textures and redid the shaders.

Anonymous No. 838833

Thanks for the informative responses.

Anonymous No. 838834


Anonymous No. 838836


...BUT MAC SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 :OOOO

Anonymous No. 838870

When I try to export my daz model to zbrush I get multiple file not found error messages in zbrush, online tutorials don't help. Anyone encountered this problem before?



Anonymous No. 838875

I'm using Daz To Blender Bridge, everything works fine except the scalp. It renders fine in Eevee engine, but in Cycles it's glitching like this. Anyone knows how to fix this?

Anonymous No. 838882

I know the answer but I'd prefer if you made something worth posting to /3/.



Anonymous No. 838883


Anonymous No. 838892

the scalp is Z fighting with the head. Just scale it a little more and set it so it does not throw any shadows.

Anonymous No. 838897

That video is really awful. They should just be honest and rebrand as a porn game. "Near-photoreal pornography of any fetish with minimal effort" is a strategy that could resonate with millions of potential customers.

Anonymous No. 838900

Daz without clipping is not Daz. They know this.

Anonymous No. 838926

Anything new from Emmanon? I haven't seen their posts in aco or here for a while.

Anonymous No. 838940

HouseParty uses Genesis 3 and Virt-a-Mate uses Genesis 2



Anonymous No. 838946


Anonymous No. 838958

I mean, the real Emmanon

Anonymous No. 838960

He probably quit Daz to pursue a more fulfilling hobby.

Anonymous No. 838961

Not surprising. That seems to happen once a user here starts churning out really impressive stuff and using more non-daz software than Daz. Good launchpad for them. If only I could get that to work for me.



Anonymous No. 838964

yeah busy at work really so havent had much time. Still here though. Working on my Belle bookworm outfit.
haha I wouldnt call this a hobby. More like a side project.
I really got back into Maya now which is nice.



Anonymous No. 838965

these are just some WIPs of the outfit.



Anonymous No. 838974

*blocks your path*

Anonymous No. 838978

What's with her giant forehead

Anonymous No. 838979

Accurate to life.

Anonymous No. 838980

haha yeah the model is basically just a place holder. That version have a massive forehead. Working on the clothes.
not that extreme.



Anonymous No. 838981

also finish my Hermione outfit.



Anonymous No. 838982



Anonymous No. 838983

So my Hermione character and outfit is completely done now



Anonymous No. 838992




Anonymous No. 838994


Anonymous No. 838998




Anonymous No. 839019

r8 my weeb elf

Anonymous No. 839020

why does this emma look so much better, like actually decent? her face doesn't look like some freakish goblin unlike all of the other daz emmas i've seen



Anonymous No. 839031

>more and more daz "artists" are now running their shit through faceapp to make it less revolting
I guess you could call that a way of capitulation



Anonymous No. 839036

Judgemental dog fears the march of technological progress.

Anonymous No. 839044

Not bad, face is a little uncanny, rest is fine.

Anonymous No. 839057

Looks decent, its pretty rare to see not bad looking anime char in daz, but maybe make eyes a little bit smaller

Anonymous No. 839059

well, at least the regards are kind

Anonymous No. 839067

something about the eyes is off

Anonymous No. 839090

she looks retarded (i'd fuck her)

Anonymous No. 839091


That's what happens when you actually take the time to tweak a character from a shitty preset into something good. The others are just the base character or close enough to it that they look just as bad.

Anonymous No. 839104

She looks retarded, I like that.



Anonymous No. 839105

Better? I think I managed to dial out a bit of the weirdness with the eyes. It still needs more refinement, though.

Anonymous No. 839106

Where's the penis?

Anonymous No. 839107

can you darken her pupils so they arent as flat and grey? I mean that is really all I would change. Maybe add some blemishes to her skin so its less plastic looking (unless that is the look you are going for!)


Russian Kino.jpg

Anonymous No. 839130

This Russian guy used Daz assets and Unreal Engine to create this absolute kino video game.


The assets I could easily recognize:



Anonymous No. 839132

The only thing good about Daz3D are futanari renders.

Anonymous No. 839133

I really want to know what's new in DAZ 5 except 'it runs on faggy Macs now'

Anonymous No. 839170

Why do fags still use genesis 3 models? Any advantage to using them over Genesis 8?

Anonymous No. 839173

Gen3 girls don't look like trannies.

Anonymous No. 839175

Yes, futas and lolis
And even futa lolis

Anonymous No. 839178

well gen 3 models much higher poly count before subdivision which makes them easier to do custom sculpting on.
That is about it.



Anonymous No. 839188

Futa renders are available for download exclusively on my Patreon at very competitive pricing.

I disabled the glossiness on her cornea and increased her bump map intensity to make her look a little less plastic. I don't really want her to look too blemished as she is supposed to be a youthful character.

Anonymous No. 839190

>Futa renders are available for download exclusively on my Patreon at very competitive pricing.
I hope this is a joke.



Anonymous No. 839192

What's going on with the torso there?

Anonymous No. 839194

>I hope this is a joke.
Use discount code 30OFFUTALOLI to get 30% off all futa loli content.

The pose I used is exaggerating it a bit but upon closer inspection her upper torso does look strange. I'll try to tweak it.

Anonymous No. 839204


let's see some result

Anonymous No. 839208

Her forehead still looks kinda big. Making the hair looks weird.

And what's with those raccoon eyes?

Your Hermione is still the best though.

Anonymous No. 839210

Is your Patreon up yet? I want these models and MORE.

Anonymous No. 839217

nah havent made it yet. But ill set something up this weekend. Then ill just dump all my stuff there (models, clothes and so on).

Anonymous No. 839220

>Her forehead still looks kinda big
yeah maybe. I could shrink it a little with a new version or lower the hairline
>And what's with those raccoon eyes?
haha just me who over did the shadow a bit there. Looks like someone gave her a good slap
>Your Hermione is still the best though

Anonymous No. 839224

Let's not forget the thicc futa milfs who fuck those lolis.

Anonymous No. 839236

i'll sub and leak all that shit for FREE

Anonymous No. 839258

oh noes! How horrible! Its more of a way for people to donate support not a pay wall.

Anonymous No. 839263

Is that the Cris guy people on this board talk about? I'm fairly new to this board but there seems to be one guy here who does nothing but relentlessly make low quality negative posts with a crabs in a bucket flavor to them.

Anonymous No. 839269

No, thats just Ricky. He's been having a bad life lately so we mostly either ignore him or try to cheer him up with futa loli mommy waifu jokes.

Anonymous No. 839276

nah this is just Ricky pulling my chain and being a dick. He is OK dude just have a hard exterior

Anonymous No. 839281

fucking Ricky man that fucking guy



Anonymous No. 839284

Someone knows where can i get Tina armstrong morphs/model?

Asking for a friend

Anonymous No. 839288

no sorry but if you got the game model you can very easily fit it onto a Genesis 8.

Anonymous No. 839292

Sound like a lot of work for a retard like me

Anonymous No. 839315

I think wrap3 can do it. There's a tutorial on how to use it with daz.

Anonymous No. 839326




Anonymous No. 839346

Anonymous No. 839355

>baked on eyelashes

Anonymous No. 839386


Anonymous No. 839416

what’s the most created celeb on daz? lydia carter?

Anonymous No. 839430

Daz basically exists to create Hermione porn.

Anonymous No. 839440

This guys stuff seems kind of hit or miss on its own but his face sculpts would probably be useful in mixing morphs together.

Anonymous No. 839445

...also futa, loli and beastiality

Anonymous No. 839469

90% of the time featuring Emma Watson.

Anonymous No. 839475

besides me creating tons of smut with Emma I actually cant seem to find that much. Its the reason I started making it as I wanted to find some Emma smut and got disappointed

Anonymous No. 839477

genesis 3 and genesis 8 have the absolute same topology

genesis 2 is the one with higher base topology (but not by much)

Anonymous No. 839481

ahh so it was gen 2 that was very different. But I guess you can also still make HD morphs for Gen 3 and not gen 8.


Cammy Allfours3.png

Anonymous No. 839533

>tfw wanna get into renders for coombucks
>PC is shit
Oh well
Are you guys using just planes as backgrounds?

Anonymous No. 839535

>Are you guys using just planes as backgrounds?
Those renders are for showing the outfit so the background is just something I threw together fast in photoshop.
>PC is shit
so is mine. I have a 2060 and a i7 7700k (which is pretty old now). It aint no 3D rig


tfw third world.jpg

Anonymous No. 839536

Bro when I say it is shit I really mean it

Anonymous No. 839538

>6 GB ram
yeah ok that is pure shit anon

Anonymous No. 839556

For backgrounds, I usually just use an HDRI or just photoshop a gradient background

Anonymous No. 839570

I used a greyish HDRI.

Pretty similar to my specs but I have a gtx 760 and 16gb of RAM. I always have to render with CPU and it takes forever.

Anonymous No. 839576

how come all the daz coom games have the same lightning/skin? Like if I played 10 coom games back to back, I can pretend they take place in the same house. What lightning setup is it?

Anonymous No. 839586

There hasn't been any CG celeb porn because almost zero talent is needed to Photoshop vanilla celeb fap. And anyone with the hard earned skills needed to create good celeb likeness CG model most definitely work in industries to bother with porn/Daz.


Screen Shot 2021-....png

Anonymous No. 839590


Anonymous No. 839600

Have you actually tried pose and render any of those Daz celeb models? They either looked nothing like the promo without the exact angle or lighting or just plain sucked as a character model.

Anonymous No. 839601

I only have Sangriart's Emmeline, which is decently close, and a model called Lyzia, which is supposed to be based off Olsen. That one's a fucking goblin, ugliest model in my library

Anonymous No. 839603

meant to tag >>839600



Anonymous No. 839604

This is the body I ended up with on my animesque elf. I wanted an exaggerated hips to rib cage ratio but may have overdone it. Should I take in the hips a bit?

Anonymous No. 839611

Does anyone know a good Daz artist who created looks in commission?

Anonymous No. 839620

can 8.1 poses work on genesis 8 models?

Anonymous No. 839621

Yes the only thing G8 can't use are face poses made with the new face rig.



Anonymous No. 839622

Is it even worth to do animation in Daz or should i just port my shit to Blender?
I know blender animation tools are like 100 times better compered to daz, but i'm not trying to do some complex shit just simple coom animations

Anonymous No. 839623

For me its the unnatural legs length

Anonymous No. 839624

are you asking for someone who uses DAZ who can be commissioned to customize a character for you? because if not then i have no idea what you're saying

Anonymous No. 839630

Yeah exactly. Sorry my mobile phone wordbook messed everything up. Yes, look commissions

Anonymous No. 839635

Yeah I may have overdone it there too. I wanted to make her look sort of gangly and creepy yet cute at the same time.

Anonymous No. 839636

Deviantart has artists taking on Daz commissions. However, for likeness of real people I think those you can afford will likely do a disappointing job 99% of the time and those who can do a good job like those from Artstation you probably cannot afford.

Anonymous No. 839637

getting a completely custom texture and morph done for likeness of a person is very time consuming. So its a lot more expensive than commissioning some outfit or a bunch of images.

Anonymous No. 839641

Hopefully with more industry tools like Unreal's Digital Humans we pervs can get good quality customized likeness models in 3-5 years at reasonable prices.

Anonymous No. 839644

How much would you pay for headsculpt?

Anonymous No. 839650

For a good result? Between 80 or 100 EUR.

Anonymous No. 839658

Assuming you want to use it on a Genesis character and no texture work, give me your details and we'll get something going. I scultpted faces in the triple digits starting from a genesis head. Also no baking, HD morphs only. Also celebs only which meqns you wont be able to market it.

Anonymous No. 839659

So is there some of your work accessible?

Anonymous No. 839661

Pirate Akeytsu

Anonymous No. 839662

show work please or give a link

Anonymous No. 839671

Is this actually good?



Anonymous No. 839678

This is years old, one of my first attempts at finding a sustainable pipeline using the Genesis 2 figure. The face belongs to YouTuber Sarah Close: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-hWfFDZDDA&ab_channel=SarahClose

Bodysculpt is mine also. Hair is some tough-chick hair from the Daz Store, the texture is your basic Genesis 2 Female texture. I was trying to use Daz to make comics at the time but one thing let to another and now I'm just interested in 3D.
This render was my first time ever trying out Marmoset. Notice how I couldn't even figure out transparency maps for the cornea. It was never my intention at the time to achieve a super-realistic style because I was going to trace over the renders anyway so why bother.

Anonymous No. 839681

looks pretty cool anon



Anonymous No. 839683

did they make the musculature on gen 3 worse in every way on purpose to sell hd morphs?

Anonymous No. 839686

Genesis 2 is a far more advance figure from a technical standpoint that Genesis 3/8. Even more advance than any 3D character from any AAA studio. Unfortunately for Daz3D they couldn't afford for the industry to adopt their proprietary TriAx technology. so they eventually compromised and walked a few steps back and came out with Genesis 3/8.

A few years back people were gushing all over Pose Space Deformation (Houdini even made a video showcasing the feature). Daz Studio has had Pose Space Deformation for decades except they call them Joint Controlled Morphs (JCM's).

Getting really into the business side of 3D production I now understand it's less about the technology and more about people trying to make money. For instance the sheer amount of AI tech out there is mindboggling but nobody is adopting it because it's all proprietary software created by some guys as part of a school thesis and they want to get paid first (which is natural). Big companies aren't smart enough to reverse engineer their ideas (this is likely due to incompetence seeing how the thesis itself is literally an instruction manual), so their strategy is to let the little guys to do all the work and create an easy-to-use pipeline at which point they buy them out. For example Take Two recently bought Dynamixyz: a facial mocap software and service. Dynamixyz had a staff of like 6 guys total, accountant included.

Anonymous No. 839696


"far more advanced"
this looks like fucking shit
you dazlets have really bad taste

Anonymous No. 839698

>this looks like fucking shit
>you dazlets have really bad taste
further elaborate?

Anonymous No. 839700

>replying to meme spouter

Anonymous No. 839701

>their strategy is to let the little guys to do all the work and create an easy-to-use pipeline at which point they buy them out
I've seen this happen with the Daz to Unreal Bridge. The vast majority of the development was done by a single guy named David Vodhanel then Daz bought him out and pretend that they developed it themselves.

Anonymous No. 839711

This looks like literal shit, I’m sorry

Anonymous No. 839714

there are too many split ends in all of my hair.

what does

Anonymous No. 839720

me on the left

Anonymous No. 839725

>this looks like fucking shit
You have no understanding of the technology if you think looks gud = advanced. These figures are as aesthetic as the artist is willing to make them. Your statement is like saying that "I tried Maya once but couldn't make a Pixar movie so I'm sorry but Maya is shit".

Anonymous No. 839728

any good lightning tutorials?

Anonymous No. 839733

These are good basic tutorials lighting in Daz.


Anonymous No. 839750

This guy is unmatched.

Anonymous No. 839759

>what does



Anonymous No. 839773

Is there a place where people share non-original characters like from video games recreated in or ported to Daz?

Anonymous No. 839776


Anonymous No. 839780

There's a guy on deviantart who ported like 1000 models to daz, his name is Shinteo or something and all of his shit is free

Anonymous No. 839781

3d-load has some if you filter by the franchise the character is from.

Anonymous No. 839818

Would fuck vigorously/10

Anonymous No. 839823

What are some good lewd environments? None of the bdsm torture shit please.

Anonymous No. 839831

What do you mean exactly? If you want to learn how to properly light a scene you should look at photography tutorials.



Anonymous No. 839934

Credit card in on hand, dick in the other.

Anonymous No. 839940


Anonymous No. 839941

Historical lewds are very underrated. Viking, Rome, Ancient Greece, Egypt etc.

Anonymous No. 839944

why would you make something like that?

Anonymous No. 839957

Hmm, there are some nice Egyptian pools.

Anonymous No. 839963

Please send help. I can't stand rendering even preview renders under 4k. I have a 2080 so most scenes aren't a problem but hell, some take forever even without falling back to CPU.

Anonymous No. 839966


Anonymous No. 839971

I used a 750Ti up until 2020. It could be WAY worse. Get 2 more gigs of ram and stop whining.

Anonymous No. 839974

No bulge, sale. Women without penises are for blenderturds, DAZchads only render chicks with dicks.

Anonymous No. 839982

No bulge, no sale. Women without penises are for blenderturds, DAZchads only render chicks with dicks.



Anonymous No. 839990

Is Elianeck a pedo?



Anonymous No. 839993

Like the pampers company.

Anonymous No. 839994

JCM's have been done in maya since the introduction of set driven key's (maya's initial release). Pose space deformers expanded from that using radial basis functions for blending which allowed for an exponential increase in complexity. Triax weights are cool, but they are labor intensive to author as they they have a weighting for each axis which makes them a pretty difficult thing to visualize for your average Daz user. Hell even most character TD's would have a hard time with that. Triax needed better authoring tools for it to take off. Given the advancements that have been made in skinning decomposition perhaps someone will revisit triax weighting with an emphasis on workflow.

When it comes to turning research into production tools you actually have things backwards, It's actually the academics that don't have the relevant skill sets to turn their Phd-ware into viable production tools. Their theories are too often incredibly niche and lack the ability to support broader application and workflows without years of additional work and tons of funding. The standards for getting a paper published in an academic journal are entirely different than the standards for getting adoption by a multi-million dollar project. There is nothing wrong with that by the way.

Anonymous No. 839999

>Their theories are too often incredibly niche and lack the ability to support broader application and workflows without years of additional work and tons of funding

I agree but this doesn't go against my point. I genuinely do not understand why devs don't just take the ideas from academic papers and run with it. It's not even a legality thing. I looked it up, patents aren't international. One company can create an independent research center in bumfuck nowhere and just reverse engineer the ideas then "sell" them back to the original company. China's been doing this for decades.

But like you said there is a mental threshold. Academics (or coders) have no imagination, they cannot conceive of practical applications for their tools and therefore they just leave their work unfinished and go on to work at Google or something.

Anonymous No. 840012

There are no guys with tits johnny, only chicks with dicks.

Anonymous No. 840020

Developers (in house and commercial) do develop ideas from papers into tools, however the number of papers that contain work that is viable for becoming a production tool in existing pipelines is like finding a needle in a haystack. Even more so for commercial packages where the idea has to be generalized to a degree that allows it to be adopted by diverse pipelines. Sometimes it takes years for production pipelines and hardware to develop to a point where a previously published paper is suddenly relevant. These high concept ideas also often entail developing multiple tools to support a workflow that allows a production artist to be effective.
This is expensive work that carries a high risk that few people are willing to undertake in a corporate environment where you are continuously having to prove your worth.



Anonymous No. 840039

don't tell me you don't see a difference

Anonymous No. 840042

Whatever. Maya went to shit after AW went belly up and Autocuck took over. There is no more R&D done on Maya just slapping on some 3rd party plugins.



Anonymous No. 840203

>check Daz sales as part of morning routine

Anonymous No. 840207

This fag seems to have come up with a good method to transfer different character geo to the metahuman rig and have everything work. If they ever reply to questions or release the script it should make it easier to merge MetaHumans and Daz models.

Anonymous No. 840210

Damn that's cool. I bet he won't share his info or script and will continue making videos on his small channel to dab on people.



Anonymous No. 840216

I'm trying to set up a basic loop here so I can build off of it further down the timeline,
I'm using a few cubes as targets for "persistently point x at y" but when I copy all the keyframes some of the cubes fuck off to inf on the Z axis.
Can anyone tell me why this is happening?

Anonymous No. 840217

Creative use of targeting objects but just export it to your proper 3D app of choice via the various bridges.

Anonymous No. 840218

Stop animating in daz dipshit.

Anonymous No. 840219

fuck off, I fixed it anyway

Anonymous No. 840225

I considered myself a "liberal" two years ago but now I automatically give anything with too much melanin the lowest possible rating, in all platforms.

Anonymous No. 840226

t. Gen Y Boomer here, diversity wasn't a problem in media while I grew up. Now it's obviously forced. But in the interest of staying on topic..
What are some good food props!?

Anonymous No. 840230




Anonymous No. 840241

That's stealing!

Anonymous No. 840242

Actually, it's making an identical copy of the original, which remains intact and in possession of its owner.

Anonymous No. 840255




Anonymous No. 840256




Anonymous No. 840258

this is a cute girl (boy). say something nice about her (him)!

Anonymous No. 840275

glad you like it. Any pose or something you want to see with her?

Anonymous No. 840278

Nice bulge



Anonymous No. 840281

Pinup-style poses with emphasis on her long legs and butt. I hope it's not too much to ask on top of your usual stuff.

Anonymous No. 840288

Hey, cant you tell what model and costume that is?



Anonymous No. 840291

Per prior threads, iirc. It's a custom character they created with an amalgam of different parts for the clothing. Such a babe!


grill workout 2.jpg

Anonymous No. 840297

you ARE keeping fit, right /3/?

Anonymous No. 840305

Check out SquarePeg3D's patreon for a ton of GF8 bulge freebies (sub not required for his freebies).
There are some true trouser snake morphs.

Anonymous No. 840311

i don't like stinky G8.

Anonymous No. 840317

custom is a mix of home made stuff and edited / retextured premade assets.
Model is a custom morph I made for the female knight.
I am on a vacation right now to a summerhouse out in nowhere. But ill be back on Sunday and then ill post some pin-up renders for you in this thread (or the next DAZ thread if this when hits limit).

Anonymous No. 840321

Have a good vacation, anon.

Anonymous No. 840334

kill yourself, you nigger


grill workout 3.jpg

Anonymous No. 840336

remember to dry off after a hard workout!



Anonymous No. 840340


Anonymous No. 840352

seethe faggot

Anonymous No. 840355

cope and dilate, shitskin



Anonymous No. 840359

>cope and dilate, shitskin

Anonymous No. 840366

based retards fighting with meme buzzwords again.

Anonymous No. 840370

This entire website is increasingly filled with absolute cretins who emulate spam bots.


femboy spa.png

Anonymous No. 840395

the spa helps relax your muscles!

Anonymous No. 840397

Good to see some based femboy appreciators posting in /DAZ/.


kys commie nigger.png

Anonymous No. 840401



femboy cig.jpg

Anonymous No. 840407

are you okay anon? did you hit your head?

Anonymous No. 840409

coon hands typed this post



Anonymous No. 840422

Knock it off you two

Anonymous No. 840425

https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/daz-3d-announces-exciting-new-offering--enterprise-licensing-301337877.html Who the fuck is tafi?

Anonymous No. 840426

Y'all crackers will really complain about anything

Anonymous No. 840428

>Who the fuck is tafi?

From a previous thread:

Originally called "Morph3d". They sold official daz characters ported to unity until they rebranded as tafi and now have a really shitty vr character creator.

DAZ's CEO came from Cricut and he wanted from day one to turn the company into a video game asset store. He created Morph3D which burned millions in VC as it stumbled to provide Unreal then Unity assets thanks to poor compatibility, API changes, and generally being blindsided by the rest of the industry not needing them.
My guess is that the VC team who hired him to replace Dan Farr were substantially displeased with the existing DS/Poser content market and wanted something bigger with fewer low-end competitors and with more proprietary tech in it. This would also explain the extent to which DS development has been gutted.
Tafi might suck ass but it's the future of the company now and DAZ exists mostly as a portfolio to make Tafi look more mature than it is. I don't see a long term vision for DAZ3D as an entity other than continuing to poop out new versions of the same basic type of model and original base character packs. Someone at the board will eventually tire of this.


Anonymous No. 840429

This isn't related, but do you know what happened to sinespace? It was some type of virtual world that used daz models and was supposed to be the second life killer.

Anonymous No. 840433

>do you know what happened to sinespace?
No. This is my first time ever hearing of it. Sorry.

Anonymous No. 840451

In all fairness it appears that Daz3D (Tafi) has managed to have a sustainable market because they cater to casuals rather than professionals. They're basically to 3D what mobile games are to the gaming market.

They're not unique in trying to cater to the gaming industry but they are unique in that they're the only ones that managed to survive this long.

Anonymous No. 840453

True, compared to the overpriced bullshit assets at CGTrader or Turbosquid

Anonymous No. 840505

anon I really like that background, any tutorial on how to make something like that? I guess you added it in photoshop right?

Anonymous No. 840507

i uploaded the render with a transparent background to colormind, and used their ai to generate a pallet from the image. screenshot the pallet, bring it into photoshop, rotate it 45 degrees, then just stretch it to cover the entire image. ezpz.

Anonymous No. 840532

What pants are those?

Anonymous No. 840541

SC Solo Fantasy Trousers 01 for Genesis 8 female



Anonymous No. 840549

No pirating.

Anonymous No. 840562

bite me

Anonymous No. 840565

That would be deadly with the jaw on her.

Anonymous No. 840574

every tranny ever



Anonymous No. 840599

Is someone using CC3 and iClone here?
If yes i wonder can you port animation from iClone to Daz?



Anonymous No. 840606

*sells the same thing for three days*

Anonymous No. 840607

I think DAZ coomers shun IClown because the figures are sexless Barbie dolls.



Anonymous No. 840617

>you still can't sort characters on the daz website by race

Anonymous No. 840620

Daz lacks many quality of life options.

Anonymous No. 840623

i literally use pirate sites to search the store, because the actual daz store search is completely useless.

Anonymous No. 840624

This has actually been brought up in the forums before. Some were complaining how annyoing it is to find latina or irish women

Anonymous No. 840630

>set up huge scene
>hit save
why is this every software ever made?

Anonymous No. 840631

i don't know why i quoted you >>840624, this was an accident.

Anonymous No. 840634

Pretty much just save all the time.

Anonymous No. 840656

where can people get Overwatch models to make porn?

Anonymous No. 840657

Are you trying to pose/render in Daz? Or somewhere else? If somewhere else like blender, smutba.se
There are also various character conversions made for Daz.



Anonymous No. 840659

yeah, I'm trying to pose and render them in Daz. I'm trying to find accurate models of them though. Is there a way to convert the blender models to Daz? maybe even change the skin textures like pic related

Anonymous No. 840660

Squarepeg3D converted outfits for Tracer, Zarya, Mercy and that one mexican.
Forender has a bunch of the game rips straight ported to Daz. Just search for those on the usual sites. Note that daz clothing and stuff wont work on them. If you want nude and stuff the best option is finding some animated-looking base character and using the ripped clothing from SP3D.

Anonymous No. 840665

Does anyone have any advice for cracking something like this? Arguably the hardest hurdle Ive found in daz is making a not-nightmare-fuel anime-character out of 'trying to be photoreal' assets

Anonymous No. 840680

Is there a download or pirate torrent package of houses, neighborhoods, or building assets for free or do you guys buy everything from cgtrader, etc?


space time.jpg

Anonymous No. 840699

looks like our girl (boy) is ready for her (his) first space mission! the standard issue male uniform sure is revealing though...

Anonymous No. 840712


Anonymous No. 840715

I found using the anime character morphs from these to be helpful. (You can find some free on 3d-load).


This has also been really useful for female faces.


I have been struggling a lot more with making decent males. So far most of my attempts have looked like total abominations.

Anonymous No. 840716

Another useful piece of advice would be to use less detailed skin textures and turn down or off the normal & bump maps.

Anonymous No. 840722

The best search tool for content across multiple sites that I have found. Doesn't link to DL's just the store pages but it's a great starting point.

Anonymous No. 840723

Stop larping



Anonymous No. 840724

is there a term for tactical/tasteful censorship?

Anonymous No. 840725

I have 43 scenes I have to render over the weekend on a 1060 the previous scenes I had to render were 40 min renders any tips to optimize my time? any tips on how I'll be able to do this?

Anonymous No. 840727

>any tips on how I'll be able to do this?



Anonymous No. 840728

non-nudie because i like the picture.

Anonymous No. 840729

Have you seen this?

If you have 43 scenes averaging 40 minutes it should take roughly 28.7 hours of non-stop rendering. It's at least mathematically possible if you don't fry your GPU. lol

Anonymous No. 840730


this works great, but if you plan to use it, run a few simple renders in a batch to see how it works. one setting, if i recall correctly, renders everything, but saves them on top of each other, overwriting each render until you have 1 picture left, labelled "render 47 of 47" lol.

Anonymous No. 840731

I like the backgrounds you've been doing for these.

Anonymous No. 840732

Shinteo on devianart have pretty much all ow models

Anonymous No. 840743

what kind of scenes? If they're similar, then why not separate the background and characters/props? Then you can just put them together in photoshop.



Anonymous No. 840746

God, I love Katy Perry so much. I may actually buy this one to support my boy Vicey

Anonymous No. 840750

Are there any AI that make renders less shitty already?

Anonymous No. 840751

Weird that she has smaller boobs than the real Katy Perry.

Anonymous No. 840752

Topaz Denoise AI is okay but don't expect miracle

Anonymous No. 840762




Anonymous No. 840823

DAZlet here, how do you get characters to pick up loose clothing like a bra? or have clothes on the ground? is it a specific morph and pose?

Anonymous No. 840825

>is it a specific morph and pose?
If the author made one, yes. Else, you could try using dforce and then just saving it as a morph.



Anonymous No. 840840

i don't know what the "official" method is, but what i do is export clothing to blender, select the main part, and delete all the loose parts in edit mode. i export it, bring it back into daz, and use the transfer utility on the new garment. after that, i use the geometry editor to select a few polygons the character is going to "hold", and assign it a new surface. i add dforce to the garment, then set the strength to max on every surface except the "held" surface i just made. then i just simulate on default settings.

Anonymous No. 840855

Post less.

Anonymous No. 840875



gun 2.png

Anonymous No. 840878

no way, buttmunch.

Anonymous No. 840879

dubs of truth

Anonymous No. 840885

What's wrong with daz dicks? Why all of those degens from Renderotica always make so fucking ugly dicks
Dicktator is discussing and XY while looking better is very mediocre with meh morphs and broken foreskin
Its sad but best option is default dick with extra morphs

Anonymous No. 840917

The foreskin thing does bother me. My futa lolis ideally would have full-blown phimosis.

Anonymous No. 840992

Any updates on the big booty knight, emmanon?

Anonymous No. 841016

He died

Anonymous No. 841035




Anonymous No. 841053

got home from the summerhouse yesterday and working on some renders now. Will post tomorrow!
that is how it goes

Anonymous No. 841063

I want to touch the booty!



Anonymous No. 841107

Any tips on how I could improve my render? I feel like i could improve the lighting somehow to make more natural, But I don't know.

Anonymous No. 841109

Turn down or off normal & bump maps. Her skin looks jarring.



Anonymous No. 841121

Why haven't Daz shut down zonegfx?

Anonymous No. 841122

What are some good recently released lewd monsters for banging some of the females I have?

Anonymous No. 841128

Ruskys don't give a shit about burger companies.

Anonymous No. 841129

Going after pirates costs time and money. Piracy itself has probably contributed greatly to getting Daz the position they have as THE poser tool.

Anonymous No. 841155

Alright lads, how do I stay productive? I have tons of unfinished scenes where I'll get hung up on a single detail or go full ADHD with a new idea and start yet another scene.

Anonymous No. 841162

They should shut down render-state instead

Anonymous No. 841173

does render-state really put viruses in their files? I saw a google warning before heading theree


femboy in space.jpg

Anonymous No. 841175

femboys in space!

Anonymous No. 841180

space suit that digs into your ass seems like a bad design.

Anonymous No. 841184

miners are not viruses, fuck off and stop being so antisemitic

Anonymous No. 841195

How safe is zonegfx?

Anonymous No. 841201

The poser crap is not even exe files you dimwits

Anonymous No. 841204

Pretty safe so far, but surprisingly has an active forum.



Anonymous No. 841208

By the way why this happened "Domain blacklisted by Google Safe Browsing"
Did Render-state site had virus or something?

Anonymous No. 841215

Probably some DMCA related scare tactic.

Anonymous No. 841220

I wouldn't had added an outer glow effect, it seems unnecessary.



Anonymous No. 841259

Trying to copy the Knight's look. In the process, I did learn how to use the Geometry editor tool though, thanks for that!



Anonymous No. 841264

wow that is nearly spot on!

Anonymous No. 841266




Anonymous No. 841267

I love how you have been able to find all the pieces that I used. The knight was just a secondary character but it really shows how mixing stuff and editing can go a long way.

Anonymous No. 841268

Indeed, I'm definitely inspired. Time to get on to my backlog of things I want to convert from GF3.

Anonymous No. 841270

still if you want to get a complete copy here is what I would change on your version:
>The shoes needs some work. They appear kinda deformed.
>I would edit her body to be a bit more slim and tall. Really push that hip shape that goes well with the leather pants in my opinion
>my knight has a more crude / somewhat masculine faces (I wanted a somewhat amazon look) but that is just preference as yours looks just fine
I really like the extra armor you went with.

Anonymous No. 841274

Thanks for the tips, this has been various presets I threw together this afternoon. I'll see what I can do with your suggestions. The extra arm(or) is from "Shadow Thief Outfit" for GF8. I wasn't sure about them but haven't been able to track down your upper/inner gear as of yet.

Anonymous No. 841275

>haven't been able to track down your upper/inner gear as of yet.
let me check for you

Anonymous No. 841276

That character is sexy but not overtly sexual like most daz bikin armor pin ups. Good work emmanon

Anonymous No. 841277

I also love the asymmetry of the Knight's armor. That with the spear makes me think she's got a history in formation fighting with spears, halberds, etc.
Possibly why the minotaur-like creature got past her defenses.

Anonymous No. 841279

thanks! Not the biggest fan of pure bikini armor unless it for some Red Sonja / barbarian stuff haha
>Possibly why the minotaur-like creature got past her defenses
maybe... heh

Anonymous No. 841286

here you go. This is the one I used for the under armor wear.



Anonymous No. 841289

WIP of my Belle outfit that I never posted



Anonymous No. 841290

That's actually a pretty damn cool outfit on it's own.
I believe I've found some similar shoes as well. At least, slightly more fitting than the prior ones. I'll just need to do some material tweaking.



Anonymous No. 841291




Anonymous No. 841292




Anonymous No. 841296

You end up finding some really interesting items when browsing randomly for inspiration or searching for a particular product name.

Anonymous No. 841351

So this is the power of iclone...

Anonymous No. 841357

Still looks better than Daz animations. Kneel Dazlet. Know your place.

Anonymous No. 841373

Why does daz even bother with animation tools anyway?

Anonymous No. 841374

Because dazlets like you eat that shit up. Know your place.

Anonymous No. 841421

what do you guys do for optimizing workflow? is there an option to enable recursive in the content library? i installed the C++ SDK because i couldn't find an option for it but it gave me a resource error on launch, same thing after reinstalling it.



Anonymous No. 841423




Anonymous No. 841425

The animation tools for Daz Studio are actually quite nice, I actually like them even more than Poser's and I used that for over 10 years. Here's the thing, you can create triple A quality keyframe animations but most people that try this are amateurs that think they can call themselves "animators" by simply slapping a BVH mocap animation on a model and render it as something they claim they did themselves, it's quite the joke.

Anonymous No. 841429

Redpill me on iClone

Anonymous No. 841430

The only pill for iclone is a suppository. All this doll software is equally retarded in their own ways.

Anonymous No. 841438

blendlet detected



Anonymous No. 841465



this kills the bl....jpg

Anonymous No. 841474

post your best sculpted donuts blendchud

Anonymous No. 841505

New wallpaper, thanks!



Anonymous No. 841522

glad you like it but I am back to making smut once again. Here is a WIP of the next part of my series

Anonymous No. 841523

Not sure what's more impressive, that tiny Emma can handle that monster dick or the ripped cloth physics.

Anonymous No. 841532

Buy a lazy susan. Place multiple PCs on the lazy susan. Start a render, rotate the lazy susan, get to work on the next PC.

Anonymous No. 841533

Recursive what?

Anonymous No. 841551

Renderotica doesn't seem to have a constant influx of new content or sales.
Oh hey, bump limit. Let's see what sort of rubbish thread we get next with retards flooding poor bait.



Anonymous No. 841568

>ripped cloth physics.
thanks but they need a bit more work! Here is another WIP
>tiny Emma can handle that monster dick
or can she?

Anonymous No. 841580

>Recursive what?
meant recursive search

Anonymous No. 841588

Oh, I've just opened the content library directory and done a search in the file explorer. WP Guru said Daz 5 will have at least some UI improvements, lets hope that also includes useful options like tagging and setting keywords for content folders/items.
RIP internal organs

Anonymous No. 841589

i dunno, i kinda like having the worst search and library in history. it's always a treat when you come across content you had no idea you got 2 years ago.

Anonymous No. 841590

haha but its partly true

Anonymous No. 841591

>expands directory trees for 45 minutes
>wtf I dont remember this

Anonymous No. 841592

>RIP internal organs
looks like my picture got deleted. Thought I did censor it?

Anonymous No. 841595

Perhaps nipples were not censored enough. Mod decisions are not consistent on this board. No areola or genitals were shown but it gets nuked yet other abominations that get posted are perfectly fine.

Anonymous No. 841596

oh well at least I didnt fuck up and post the uncensored version

Anonymous No. 841608

that's why i keep all my renders in a naughty or nice folder.

Anonymous No. 841609

Good idea. I should stop using my desktop as a dump yard for all my stuff.

Anonymous No. 841610

Naming conventions help too. Everything naught for me prefixes with "XXX_" I suppose "XXX_(Censored)_" could work too.

Anonymous No. 841617

That's a long dildo!



Anonymous No. 841619

Armpit morphs, do they even exist?

Anonymous No. 841620

Probably in the various "bend fixes" products.



Anonymous No. 841621

This is your space marine for tonight, bro.

Anonymous No. 841622

Wait a minute.. Is that Planet BBC?!

Anonymous No. 841630

oh? Why do I feel something bad is about to happen?



Anonymous No. 841639

Exactly! Once in a while the Federation is forced to send down a team of well-equiped warriors to pacify the natives and retrieve bio-samples.

Anonymous No. 841642

i hear girls with her skin and hair color actually enjoy extracting bio-samples a little too much.

Anonymous No. 841649

>keep trying to render higher res than 1080p with 11GB of video memory
>falls back to CPU.
Is this where I need to go through the scene and remove bump/normal maps of background characters and various other tactics? Suggestions? (inb4 upgrade)



Anonymous No. 841652

Another space marine girl. Which one do you like best?

Anonymous No. 841653

optimize your scene pls. I run 8gb on my card so I know the the pain.
Also if you do not have a quadro nvidia takes 1gb away from you when IRAY starts.
So a full iray run without anything in the scene can take up to 5.5GB of memory. So you really only have 6-6.5GB to work with.
removing maps is ofc important but also check poly count. There is no need to run everything at high subdiv levels.

Anonymous No. 841654

Ah, poly count. Didn't think about that. Any other tips?

Anonymous No. 841656

what outfit is that?

Anonymous No. 841658

A giant kitbash.

Anonymous No. 841659

render in layers. Either manually or use the canvas tools for IRAY. Then stitch your render back together in an image editor of your choice.

Anonymous No. 841660

camera view optimizer, scene optimizer, and decimator all work wonders. camera kills anything out of sight, scene optimizer lets you knock down all texture maps, remove normals, sss, bumps, and anything else you want, as well as control sub division levels in one shot, and decimator is great for quickly reducing polygons, albeit in a kinda sloppy way.

Anonymous No. 841663

>camera view optimizer
Neat, haven't heard of that one but I picked up Scene Optimizer a while back. Stopped because of the build up of redundant texture maps in temporary directories. Suggestions for that?
I guess, plan ahead? Most my scenes are just tossing things around before seeing something I like and then positioning cameras. Then I'll get a completely different idea and start a new scene with maybe one of the characters transferring over.

Anonymous No. 841664

>redundant texture maps in temporary directories
those get purged when you close daz.

Anonymous No. 841667

The resized images go to the save library located in the documents folder though dont they?

Anonymous No. 841669


Anonymous No. 841671

I thought that's where all the data created for your scene went when saving? Autofits etc.

Anonymous No. 841672

i'm gonna run windirstat and see what takes up all the space in my daz folder.

Anonymous No. 841677

hold on, files inside of saved scenes don't go to documents. where do you save your stuff? i keep all my scenes on their own hard drive.

Anonymous No. 841678

Default save directory for scenes is C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library\Scenes
Default settings use the parent "My Library" folder as the general save destination.

Anonymous No. 841680

To add, default library path is C:\users\Public Documents\My Daz 3D Library
Or something similar. On top of that I have separate libraries on another drive separating content by store.

Anonymous No. 841682

i left everything default, but i moved all my scenes to a seperate drive. i didn't even do anything special either, just a drag and drop, so whenever it asked me to load or save, it just chose my new folder. realistically, your saves aren't the worst offender. my scenes are 16gbs, and my library is 220gbs.

Anonymous No. 841684

If you're mostly using preset scenes and stacking them together, you're going to have a bad time.
Visualize the scene beforehand and add details/props later on. "Block out" the visuals with basics. Like the other anon said, optimizers are a big help.

Anonymous No. 841685

hmm, my scenes aren't too bad I guess. Just 432MB

Anonymous No. 841698

Emmanon, I suggest creating a blog somewhere for your WIP info and some of the questions we've asked before. For instance, how did you create that Minotaur creature? I recall you told us in the /aco/ thread but those threads drop off fast. It would be nice to have a permanent location to see "behind the scenes" stuff from you. At your convenience of course.

Anonymous No. 841702

yeah okay wanted to setup something last week but friends and summer activities get in the way all the time haha
ill see if I can get something up and running this weekend.



Anonymous No. 841719

Life comes first.
After finding various parts I was inspired a bit. I guess she triggered a magic'd noise trap?
Rough idea after considering the block-out suggestions above.

Anonymous No. 841823
