

๐Ÿงต Blender General

Anonymous No. 850791

Previous thread: >>846083



Anonymous No. 850793

welp, we all saw this coming miles away

Anonymous No. 850797


Anonymous No. 850807

Will they ever make grease pencil work with panoramic cameras?

Anonymous No. 850810


He will literally convert blendoits to Zfags when he starts using Zbrush again. Therefore Zfags will always win


Texture Selector.jpg

Anonymous No. 850813

Hey, scripting retard here, I was wondering if someone can write up a quick script that opens up a folder of images and connects each of the nodes to this bad boy. Like pic related.

I use it to randomly select textures from an array of inputs, plugging in a object>random node or attribute node to choose between each of the textures.
It's super useful for things that are similarly shaped but have different images, like labels, or building windows.

But yeah, I'd just like to 1-click all the images into place. I'm perfectly capable of connecting them manually, but I figured there's be a less-tedious way.

Anonymous No. 850852

he has a copy of Substance Painter too, it was one of the things that he had planed to do after the sculpt vertex colors.

Anonymous No. 850870

Do they not?
I thought grease pencil objects were 3d objects and rendered the same as anything else in the scene.
So as long as you're rendering in cycles it should work fine with panoramic cameras.
Or are you forced to use Eevee with GP? Since Eevee doesn't support pano cameras for some reason.

Anonymous No. 850872

couldn't you just use udims and manipulate the texture coordinates lmao



Anonymous No. 850898

First from-scratch model and first character, anybody have any good rigging tutorials to spoonfeed me with?
I've used Pose and Edit mode a little before with preexisting armatures from game models, but never rigged anything myself.

Anonymous No. 850900




Anonymous No. 850902

Blender render with SFM style anon here.
from the last thread:

I think I found some media that is pretty close to the SFM rendering style.
If I am right the director behind the animation project did a 40k book adaptation in the SFM. Its the closest the Source Filmmaker community ever got to a feature length "film."
The second closest was a canceled animation project by the director of the movie "9" called "Deep"

If any of you have advice on getting SFM looking renders in Blender I would love to hear it.
Is EEVEE essentially the "realtime" renderer for Blender? It makes things look like a 2018 AAA video game on max settings, right? That's kind of what SFM can do with a bit more "refinement" if that even helps to get me closer to the SFM render style.

>pic related
Arguably one of the best "scenebuild" renditions in the Source Filmmaker
A great example of the kind of Source Filmmaker look I want to mimic in Blender.

So a buddy of mine says he has a spare 1080 graphics card he has to look for. Hopefully soon I can replace my 1060 that died.

Anonymous No. 850903


fuck you gonna rig he aint got no knees or elbows

Anonymous No. 850904

To clarify my only experience with Blender is mostly from watching tutorials and reading PDFs.
Might as well say that I'm a complete Blender noob.
My old laptop I'm posting from right now can't handle Blender.


screenshot 2.png

Anonymous No. 850950

He's got secret elbows, silly.



Anonymous No. 850955

GP works in either renderer but it seems to be a separate rendering process to 3D objects. It treats panoramic cameras as regular ones.

Anonymous No. 850965

Also a sucky thing: Eevee can't do proper panoramic cameras either.

Anonymous No. 850975

why did C4D copy blender's layout?

Anonymous No. 850992

They keep losing marketshare and now try to position themselves as THE next step up for people who started out with Blender a while ago and are now looking for "professional" tools to upgrade to



Anonymous No. 851009

how do i deform it like the reference's bottom?



Anonymous No. 851012


Anonymous No. 851022

so i made my characters clothing and armour with the subdivision modifier on. am i supposed to apply it before i unwrap and texture? and would that be too high poly for animation?
also if i wanted to make normal map with more detail i could subdivide a copy even further and sculpt detail on?

Anonymous No. 851027

>THE next step up for people who started out with Blender a while ago and are now looking for "professional" tools to upgrade to
Lets just assume they are right in their implication that C4d is a step up, why would people choose C4d rather than Maya, Max or Houdini (which are measurable steps above Blender) ?
Why make one step, if you can jump ahead all the way?
It seems like they weren't thinking clearly when formulating this "strategy".

Anonymous No. 851031

thanks anon



Definitely Not Essex No. 851035

What's the solution to mirroring walk animations and ensuring the f-curves are the same? (this is for a game, so I'll only be using 120 frames)
The areas circled in orange in picrel would ideally be identical. Is it just a case of copying the keyframes multiple times and just taking a cross section of the animation into the game?
Seems inelegant to do it that way. Surely there's a way to mirror keyframes so that the curves are also mirrored the same even if the copied keyframe is planted mid animation.



Definitely Not Essex No. 851036

To clarify, this seems to be my issue.
These selected keyframes in the curves should have the same bezier handles, but they don't. (one of the keyframes is just a mirrored version of the other, offset by 60 frames).
(In this image I've made the curves cyclic to illustrate the problem)

Anonymous No. 851039

Also, I'm wondering if there's a solution that doesn't involve modifying each bone individually.



Anonymous No. 851041

Also, I'm aware that I can do this (picrel) since I'm only using frames 0 - 120 and can discard the rest, just wondering if there's a better solution.

Anonymous No. 851047

C4d is quite a big name in motion graphics still so the name is still in heavy rotation in the professional field which works well for baiting people who're looking to step up from their noob level.
There's a huge crowd of people who started out with Blender in the last couple years and it seems like they're really focusing on that crowd. Many of those people still think that Blender is just a starting point and you have to switch to some big brand to get anywhere.

Anonymous No. 851058

That wouldn't be random then.
And if it would, it would be based on the material, so every object would share the same texture.
Not to mention UDIMS would be more work than this.

Anonymous No. 851068

That still looks like it aint' gonna deform too good. Throw your character into Mixamo (look it up on Jewgle) and do a quick rig test to see if the model will deform properly.
In my noobish knowledge, at least 2 things affect proper deformation:
1) amount of polygons (too few and stretching will become noticeable, too many and the program will struggle to process it all, a middle ground seems ideal)
2) topology
As a beginner it might be advisable to focus on poly amount first, and proper topology second
Lastly your character's feet appear to be merged together. That can't be good

Anonymous No. 851070

>would that be too high poly
Depends on the animation: if it's for a game, the average standard is about 15000 faces (quads, I believe, so 30k triangles, other anons please correct me if I'm wrong) for a model; if it's for a cinematic short, you can go higher but I don't know exactly by how much



Anonymous No. 851074

rigging amateur question:
how do you reconcile the root bone of an armature with the foot IK controllers?
if the foot IK controllers are children of the root bone, and you make an animation with root motion, the foot IKs are bound to slide around and you can't get them to stay in one place on the ground.
the easiest solution is to just unparent the root bone from the foot IK controllers, but doesn't that defeat the purpose of having a root bone in the first place?



Anonymous No. 851075

>1 day later
>sculpting semen demons on twitch

Anonymous No. 851077

This is but the first step of his journey.

Anonymous No. 851081


HE keeps all his coom-stained 3d sculpts in his C:\ drive.

Anonymous No. 851082

that's all he's been doing the last few months anyway

Anonymous No. 851084

He can't keep getting away with this!

Anonymous No. 851094

Can anyone make that grid preview work with nvidia on windows? only work with amd to me, I have tested that with a 980 and a 660 ........


Screenshot 2021-0....png

Anonymous No. 851118

Guys, give advice to a retard. I wanted to model a chess set like another anon did here, but what I cannot quite get right is how to light up a chess board so that it looks good from a high angle, in the sense that the board looks like it's on a well lit table, but also the fine details on the pieces are visible. All tutorials for retards are talking about how to set up lighting to showcase one model, which does not seem the case here. Or maybe I should do other things first, like texture the table, put more work into pieces and their materials and think about lights last?


studio hdri.jpg

Anonymous No. 851124

Get some normal maps or other surface imperfections on the board that catch the light. Look at existing chess boards (or other game boardss) IRL to see that they're not just a flat, perfectly smooth plane.
Use your normal lights, but also set up an accompanying HDRI for reflections of the environment and some more ambient/secondary lighting.
If you want to continue the studio look, look into HDRIs that replicate a studio setup.

Anonymous No. 851131

Thanks anon. It's a fair point that I need to put more work into the surface of the board. For now I just tried to warp the edges a bit (and they are a bit less flat than what it seems), but in fact the whole surface needs to be imperfect.

Anonymous No. 851195

DOSCH DESIGN had some amazing studio HDRI collection years ago, specifically crated for product presentation. No idea if they are still around, but I still have most of the physical media.

Anonymous No. 851230

So I am supposed to have actual lights, but also keep an hdri? I guess the issue that I faced is that by trying to have the board well lit (I don't quite like dim environments) I made the lighting too flat so the hdri I used when shading individual objects didn't really have any effect. But I guess I should make the scene more detailed and revisit lighting after that.



Anonymous No. 851239

Hey I am trying to learn blender for moddelling. I have this very simple character, and in the simple view it looks fine to me but when I add sub divisons it completely falls apart.
I have seen other people in tutorials do this to a similar figure and it works fine.
Can you help me find out why it is so bad for me?

Anonymous No. 851247

it's because those verts aren't connected
select all and merge by distance



Anonymous No. 851248

fixed thanks to a kind anon
"Select al vertices in edit mode > press f3 > merge vertices"
thanks anon for replying, I am not sure how I caused the issue but I will try and understand why

Anonymous No. 851250

I wanted to use Blender to sculpt 3d things
When I use a uv sphere I can draw, or sculpt onto it
but I cannot seem to delete parts of the sphere, only the parts I sculpted on.
How would I, for example shape a face?

Anonymous No. 851252

Another anon. Could be that you pressed 'extrude' or 'inset' or somerhing like that and then forgot to move the created geometry or undo. Happens to me all the time.

Anonymous No. 851253

Actually no, in your case these look like unmerged vertices along the seam of a mirrored object. Can happen if in the order of modifiers mirror comes after subdiv. Then Blender will subdivide half the model and then mirror the result which can look like your pic.



Anonymous No. 851264

I tried using Blender once when I was in high school and I gave up after 3 minutes. I'm basically an expert.



Anonymous No. 851265

am i gonna make it

Anonymous No. 851283

Thoughts on combining stylized characters with realistic landscapes?

Anonymous No. 851284

yeah I have some

Anonymous No. 851289

>So I am supposed to have actual lights, but also keep an hdri?
Yeah generally you want the HDRI for reflections, not so much lighting (though in some instances you can use it for that). Things will look even more flat if you don't have an environment for your objects to reflect. So if you just used lights, and a solid color background, you're losing a lot of detail from your model since each part reflects the environment differently. With a solid color, everything looks homogeneous since the environment is the same all around.

If things are too flat, you might want to re-think your lighting setup, and either tone them down and adjust the exposure, or move them around.
Just come back to it later like you said. Lighting is an entire field on its own.

Anonymous No. 851292

What are some essential Blender addons?

How do you guys feel about:

Hard Ops
Ice Tools Pro
Autorig Pro
UV Squares

Anonymous No. 851295

mmd importer
sfm importer

thank me later

Anonymous No. 851299


Anonymous No. 851300


Anonymous No. 851302


Anonymous No. 851303

How do you make rigs with the armatures imported from games/sfm?

Anonymous No. 851305

if there is an armature, then why do you want to re rig it

Anonymous No. 851308

I want the rig controls to actually animate the model instead of bone by bone, sorry if I explained it wrong.

Anonymous No. 851310

rotate the bones, dont translate

Anonymous No. 851326


based retard


Anonymous No. 851333

So I just learn UV mapping and unwrapping from Guru and want to confirm something
Is this how people make HD textures?
>Place seams and unwrap the model, see if it's pretty spaced out and undisorted
>Save it
>Open UV Mesh in a art or photo editing program
>Draw, paint, color whatever the fuck you want
>Save it/Export
>Reopen it in Blender/3D program
>Make sure it fits good on your model.
Am I understanding how professionals do this, right?

Anonymous No. 851334

Professionals don't use Blender, bro.

Anonymous No. 851335

>Open UV Mesh in a art or photo editing program
>Draw, paint, color whatever the fuck you want
No, this is just one workflow, and it's only really viable with clean, not overly complicated objects like wooden planks. Most artists will actually paint directly on the model.

Here's the true redpill:

1. Place your seems
2. UV unwrap. Make sure you organize it cleanly, overlap the parts that are meant to look the same, make sure you have the bleed configured properly, etc.
3. Set up your materials in the shader editor and bake whatever you want (AO, metallic, normalmap, etc)
4. Start Texture Painting.

If you want to go for the hand-painted look and work primarily with your graphics tablet, consider 3D Coat or using the Blender texture painting tools.

If you want PBR texturing that utilizes smart materials, check out Quixel Mixer, Substance Painter, Mari and Marmoset Toolbag 4. It's more technical than a pure artistic workflow.

Anonymous No. 851336

>Open UV Mesh in a art or photo editing program
>Draw, paint, color whatever the fuck you want
No, this is just one workflow, and it's only really viable with clean, not overly complicated objects like wooden planks. Most artists will actually paint directly on the model.

Here's the true redpill:

1. Place your seams
2. UV unwrap. Make sure you organize it cleanly, overlap the parts that are meant to look the same, make sure you have the bleed configured properly, etc.
3. Set up your materials in the shader editor and bake whatever you want (AO, metallic, normalmap, etc)
4. Start Texture Painting.

If you want to go for the hand-painted look and work primarily with your graphics tablet, consider 3D Coat or using the Blender texture painting tools.

If you want PBR texturing that utilizes smart materials, check out Quixel Mixer, Substance Painter, Mari and Marmoset Toolbag 4. It's more technical than a pure artistic workflow.

Anonymous No. 851338

if you're gonna learn proper UVing you'll have to look outside the spectre of blender tutorials, the guru especially is not gonna be able to teach you shit get off that scammer ASAP.

https://youtu.be/L3654VGZObg - blender UV tips

UV info no blender tutorial ever gives you:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyQ9RMeU0s0 (Uv smoothing)

Anonymous No. 851341

Wow. UV stuff has more going on than I initially thought. Lot to learn in the future though. 3D has a lot going on than you think.

Anonymous No. 851352

3D Coat is pretty comfy, and Blender natively supports it so you can export and import in between with ease now too.

Anonymous No. 851360

am i going crazy, or didn't blender's transform tool used to only display unlocked channels? like if you had Z and Y rotation locked, it'd only display the red X circle when you hit R to rotate. now it shows all three axes even if they're locked
is there a setting somewhere for this?

Anonymous No. 851362

None of these.
Blender already comes packed with the essentials.
Anything else is pretty frivolous.

Though I will put in a suggestion of the Wiggle Armature addon. It's one that I use in just about everything. It's great for more than just boobs.

Anonymous No. 851368

>Blender already comes packed with the essentials.
>Anything else is pretty frivolous.

wanna know how I know you suck at UVs

Anonymous No. 851375

Is it just me or has blender's shaders compilation become unbearably slow in 2.93?

Anonymous No. 851380

look up scott mcloud masking effect

Anonymous No. 851381

why are you here? lol

Anonymous No. 851431

UVs are simple as fuck.
The fact that you NEED an addon to cut fucking shapes is how I know you suck at UVs.

Anonymous No. 851436

>The fact that you NEED an addon to cut fucking shapes is how I know you suck at UVs.
Blender packing algorithm is old and slow as fuck, you need at least TexTools and UVPackmaster

Anonymous No. 851443

How am I evaluating Texel density or UV utilisation without add-ons, why are you manually straightening every loop of an island?

Anonymous No. 851447

>Broke edit mode performance
>Broke pinch brush behavior
>Broke texture paint brush
>Added a bunch of unfinished cloth sculpting brushes with shitty convoluted behaviors
>Still hasn't fixed vertex paint performance
>Pose brush is still jank as fuck
>Remesher is still nowhere near what he proposed when he first showed it off
>"Alright later guys I'm off to take a break :)"
Is Pablo secretly based?

Anonymous No. 851448

>Broke edit mode performance
??? it works better than ever before in 3.0 alpha
>Broke texture paint brush
what exactly?
>Pose brush is still jank as fuck
>Still hasn't fixed vertex paint performance
vertex paint mode is trash. have you even tried his sculpt mode vertex paint? night and day difference and actually works

Anonymous No. 851450

>Still hasn't fixed vertex paint performance
Sculpt Vertex Colors
>Pose brush is still jank as fuck
You have to use face sets and automasking


screen shot.png

Anonymous No. 851455

If I'm subdividing it like this how many segments would you recommend for the arms?



Anonymous No. 851466

>spend the better part of two days building a skirt rig using spline ik
>it's more of a pain to animate with than just using chains of fk bones like the japs do

Anonymous No. 851473

for something this simple put in about 16 spans and set your model up for subdivision, that'll give you enough topology to work with bendy bones and form a smooth curve when subdivided.

think of how many people he prevented from swapping to zbrush for sculpting sooner with his false hope, truly incredible time wasting.



Anonymous No. 851475

Fucking hell you guys I'm stuck in this weird limbo. I know rigify super well-; I like the control rig it produces and have used it for many hours. I built rigs from scratch before I learned rigify and although they weren't as advanced, I liked them well enough. But why, why is it so hard for me to transition out of rigify, into my own advanced custom rigs ? My main snag right now is with the duplicated deform skeleton, producing the Control and Mechanism skeletons directly on top. Like it begins to get stupid hard to even select the bones in the viewport once you reach that stage. It just makes me angry that the "correct" advancement is filled with pitfalls and workarounds- More grief than I've run into learning or overcoming any challenges thus far in 3d after 2 years. Makes me want to scream in frustration. Don't even get me started on the weight painting either. FUCK

Anonymous No. 851476

>My main snag right now is with the duplicated deform skeleton, producing the Control and Mechanism skeletons directly on top. Like it begins to get stupid hard to even select the bones in the viewport once you reach that stage.
Yeah using rig layers is a major pain in the ass and feels super limted, hopefully they'll fix that with the planned animations updates but it will probably take a couple of years.
>Don't even get me started on the weight painting either. FUCK
Just use more bones and let the automatic weights do its work :^)
AI weight painting for the masses can't come soon enough

Anonymous No. 851488

>needing an algorithm to put jigsaw pieces together
>thinking an algorithm knows what parts of your mesh are important

>How am I evaluating Texel density
Use your fuckin eyes lmao.
>why are you manually straightening every loop of an island
Select a squared-off face, select all or linked, follow active quads. Literally 2 keystrokes. Hardly what I'd consider "manually straightening every loop"

Anonymous No. 851504

Lol rip blender sculpting forever.

Anonymous No. 851508

Well, since he was never a coder to begin with, it's no wonder he just messed everything up.

Finally with him gone, Blender Institute can hire someone who can actually code to work on Sculpting.

Anonymous No. 851511

>Use your fuckin eyes lmao.

yeah your work is getting rejected lmao

you will find out when you get an actual 3d job



Anonymous No. 851517

You should typically have three or more loops around joints for them to deform nicely.



Anonymous No. 851538

Hey anon could you answer either of these questions regarding UV editing please? If yes, here they are:
1) see pic related, how do I "duplicate" UV faces? For instance how do I make face B be both the same shape AND have the same location as face A?
2) the image tex looks really flat, is there a way with nodes in which I can make the image texture magically have more depth?
3) sometimes when I UV unwrap the faces come out distorted in the UV editor, for instance in Edit mode a face looks normal and then in the UV editor it's longer than it should be or sometimes full-on distorted and fucky. What gives?

Anonymous No. 851539

1. For something this simple just enable snapping to vertex and snap the points of island A onto island B.

2. You could generate a normal with photoshop, crazybump or the like. It won't be great, use mats with normal and/or height and metalness/roughness ready.

3. Apply all transforms to the model before unwrapping.

Anonymous No. 851543

Roger, thanks for the intel m80



Anonymous No. 851575

they could
but they won't



Anonymous No. 851580

>Blender Institute can hire someone who can actually code to work on Sculpting.
Rumored Thomas Dinges to work as community manager, no more sculpt/vertex paint/texturing/retopo/cad shit lmao.



Anonymous No. 851598

I guess that's what you turn into when you surround yourself with the default cube guy and other questionable individuals

Anonymous No. 851629

I'm doing vertex painting set to multiply, and when I paint with white over something I already painted with a darker color, it doesn't seem to be doing anything. To my understanding it should work as an eraser since it's white on multiply? Selecting "set vertex colors" works, but I'd rather use the paint feature.

Anonymous No. 851636

I have an actual 3d job, but nice try.
If you can't manage to UV by yourself, then you have no business being hired by anyone.
There's nothing that needs an addon that you can't do yourself with minimal effort.

Anonymous No. 851646

It's impossible because game rigs aren't control rigs.



Anonymous No. 851647

Thoughts on this Water?
I think the Shader for it came out looking well, and the Ocean Sim wasn't that hard too use.

Any idea on how I could make the water splashes when the objects go in and out of the water though? I tried faking it with a particle systems but it doesn't seem to work that well. And the fluid sim just doesn't work properly for whatever reason, maybe I just don't know how to use it.

Anonymous No. 851649

Movement is nice, the foam looks a bit like spiderweb though

Anonymous No. 851650

Looks cool but it sure isn't water.

Anonymous No. 851655

looks like mycelium

Anonymous No. 851656

uv mapping in blender is objectively pure tedium without addons, suffering pointlessly doesnt make you more 'legit' lmao



Anonymous No. 851665

Okay, maybe I overdid it a bit with the foam.
This looking any better?

Anonymous No. 851667

Yeah, still moves a bit sluggish though, as if there was an oil spill or something.

The feeling of depth and the reflections are great.

Anonymous No. 851675

Looks way better but the water material seems a bit strange. Try some sky box with sharp clouds so the water has something interesting to reflect instead of a grey room. Maybe it's just because of the grey nothing around the water
>still moves a bit sluggish though
That is usually because of scale.
The scene is most likely really big and if that's the default cube then it is 2 m3 big.

Anonymous No. 851676

Water, no matter if resting, whitewater or deep water, needs a few things to pass as such;
double-sided reflections with correct refraction, absorption and Fresnel values.
You also want to NEVER place your water surface alone in a scene when tweaking settings; no matter if its the ground in a puddle or the 3000 m distant ocean floor.

Anonymous No. 851684

>You also want to NEVER place your water surface alone in a scene when tweaking settings; no matter if its the ground in a puddle or the 3000 m distant ocean floor.
not him, but if I understand you right, you're saying that we should work on water always in the context of the intended environment, right?

Anonymous No. 851690

Yes. Otherwise you are in for some ugly surprises when swapping your assets between scenes.

That unfortunately goes for a lot of surface types. PBR materials might get you 80% there in most cases, but the remaining 20% is still time consuming tweaking and massaging settings in my experience. Something I hoped we were finally free from when the switch to PBR was done ages ago, but practically it wasn't.

Anonymous No. 851691

P.S. bit convoluted and muddled but what I'm trying to say is that generating standardized materials that look good in absolutely every scene and condition is still pretty much impossible. Your "standard" materials will likely not look like total shit, but not good either.



Anonymous No. 851692

Here are your nodes, bro

Anonymous No. 851695

larger screenshot, maybe?

Anonymous No. 851696

not mine, saw it in the devtalk

Anonymous No. 851706

I've been using blender to make a character model and switched to Marvelous Designer to make her outfit, now I have to make her shoes, specifically sneakers

What's the best software to do that? Seems a bit too detailed for MD

Anonymous No. 851721

Anybody here setup their own render farm? I have a problem with rendering on the nodes any kind of partical or fluid sim. I was wondering what else besides packing and making paths relative that I need to be doing.



Anonymous No. 851723

>double-sided reflections with correct refraction, absorption and Fresnel values.
I'm using the water in Eevee so getting that to work is kind of retarded because some of the things I tried were:
>using a Glossy Shader since it gives you
proper reflections on top with good refraction
>Good refraction when looking at the things at the top from under the water
>But the Water now looks like cancer and you can't actually see the things that are being submerged
>If I try to slap in a Transparent BSDF, the refractions no longer work and what you can see underwater now is static without all the deformations you'd get from the waves

The alternative which seems to be better is using a Principled BSDF, Specular, as well as Transmission maxed out, but the problem... If I have the Water Material's Screen Space Reflections disabled, I get proper reflection on top of the water with good refractions, but I can't see anything that's submerged. If I enable the SSR for the Water material, I get proper Refractions of any submerged model, as well as being able to see what's above the water if I'm under it. But the reflections on top of the water now stop working properly.

>Left: SSR disable
>Right: SSR enabled

Anonymous No. 851725

What are some GOOD updated rigging tutorial for 2.9?
Last time I used blender was 2 years ago so I'm a bit behind the loop, and everyone seems to be using the rigify thing so there's nothing much to learn from them.

Anonymous No. 851732

There's no suffering to be had,
you literally just mark seams, unwrap, and put the UVs in the right spot.
I'm sorry but if you can't do that, you're fucking retarded.

Anonymous No. 851746

Here's the problem.

Anonymous No. 851753

is there a way to put armature animations into one master blender file, and make a bunch variants like "clothings" into other blender files, while inheriting the master blender file.
And can I render the master blender all the sub blender files get rendered too, in a way where I can add in a new animation for the rig and it would apply to all animations?
trying to make a pre-rendered 3D game, and would like it if people could collaborate, but it would be a pain if it was all in one monolithic blender file.

Anonymous No. 851755

And you keep revealing how noob you are at UVs if you think that's all you need to do

Anonymous No. 851761

>tfw you can't shape key your multires sculpts

Anonymous No. 851764



Anonymous No. 851766

probably going to but Zbrush Core soon, but how would I be able to use that for shape keying?

Anonymous No. 851769

don't go zbrush core, pirate full zbrush (core has no UVs), if you want to buy it use the pirated version until you can get the full version for real.

Shape keying is a bit harder with blender compared to maya but I get around it by just GoZing it with layers turned up and down and making a shape key from mesh with the duplicates.

the advantage here is more for making wrinkle maps and working on things while you're actually sculpting (like being able to open/close eyelids for bakes), if you're just making shape keys for your base rigged mesh then bake out the displacement from your multires and do them without multires.

Anonymous No. 851773

apparently I can do this by "linking", and I could probably automate it with a bat file that just renders every .blend file manually.

Anonymous No. 851775

>core has no UVs
can't you import a model that already has UV maps?

Also, just to make sure I'm understanding it right:
>make my model and shape keys
>bring neutral pose into Zbrush for normal map
>bring shape keys into Zbrush for wrinle maps
>bring normal map and wrinkle map into blender. don't use multires at all

I think I've got something wrong

Anonymous No. 851793

>if you think that's all you need to do
If you know what the fuck you're doing when unwrapping and laying down seams, it really is.

Anonymous No. 851926

How do I get a specific selection of a mesh to use a separate UV image?

Anonymous No. 851928

>UV image?
Explain what you mean with that.
You want to have specific parts of the mesh have its own UV-Map?



Anonymous No. 851930

how can i bake normals from the high res onto the combined uv map of all of the objects above it? i need them to be separate

Anonymous No. 851932

copy all your individual objects, merge them into one, then bake the normal map on that one unified object.
Now you can delete the unified object (you don't need it anymore), apply normal map to shader and apply shader to all your individual objects.
Also train your brain to be able to come up with solutions like this yourself...

Anonymous No. 851933

Why not just make a merged duplicate and then bake the normal map? If the UVs are all done right, you should be able to just use that one normal map on each part.

You did unwrap these separate bodyparts for a single texture map, right...?

Anonymous No. 851937

I saw this playlist being recommended by a bunch of people
Otherwise this paid course has a lot of great reviews

Rigify is awesome and you can learn a lot about rigging by using it. Best reference about it is https://www.youtube.com/c/CGDive/videos

Rigging hasn't changed much over the past few years so even old tutorials are probably still useful.

Anonymous No. 851941

>You want to have specific parts of the mesh have its own UV-Map?
That is exactly what I mean.

I want part of my mesh to have it's own UV image, separate from the rest of the mesh's UVs.

Anonymous No. 851945

I'm using the XPS addon to import XPS files, and they look like pic related. Why is this?

The only way to prevent those blocky transparent squares from appearing is to render in Cycles (including the viewport). Eevee and Material View both render a broken subject.



Anonymous No. 851946

I'm using the XPS addon to import XPS files, and they look like pic related. Why is this?

The only way to prevent those blocky transparent squares from appearing is to render in Cycles (including the viewport). Eevee and Material View both render a broken subject.

Anonymous No. 851947

Just create a new (second) UV and unwrap your specific mesh pieces on that second UV. You then have 2 UVs, and you need to tell the Shader which UVmap to use for the specific part of the mesh (you should be even able to mix several UV's in one shader or you separate them into 2 shaders).
Its pretty straightforward.

Anonymous No. 851949

>and unwrap your specific mesh pieces on that second UV
I very specifically want to copy my current unwrapped UV selection to the new image.



Anonymous No. 851962

Noob here, been using blender maybe a half a year? Kinda interested in environments, been looking at old game interiors as inspirations. just curious if heading in right direction or some youtube channels to peruse...
>I also use pinterest, thus the voxel design

Anonymous No. 851963

then just copy the first UVmap.

Anonymous No. 851964

It's edited and aligned in a specific way that's difficult to copy/redo. I'd like to be able to just directly copy a UV selection onto a different UV image.

Anonymous No. 851967

Recalculate the normals

Anonymous No. 851973

change your materials from alpha blend to alpha hashed or opaque

Anonymous No. 851974

then you need an addon for that. I don't remember the name, but there is one and it should be free (there are severals probably).

Anonymous No. 852081

I'm using that shit often to animate character from other video games. You need to click each part of the model in Object View that is transparent, then in the material tab change them from Alpha Blend to either Alpha Hashed or Opaque.



Anonymous No. 852139

I'm seriously gonna blow my fucking head off. Why are the strokes of Texture Paint brushes so jagged? What am I doing wrong? I upped the resolution of my Basic Color texture to 4k (that in the picture is 2k) and it still is jagged as fuck, just how high do I have to amp it up if I wanna have the strokes be smooth? Tried fiddling with the falloff too, but I can't seem to make that work either. Should I look for alternative brushes instead? I used Blender's default one, the one and only

Anonymous No. 852143

if you're doing it real time, textures are dependent on the resolution of your model

If I were to do it in zbrush I would just bake the textures from the high poly onto the low poly so that it would look clean.

Anonymous No. 852152

finish the mouth area first

Anonymous No. 852154

Is there a way to have instance models in blender carry over to an Unity project?

Anonymous No. 852159

Instance models? like LOD meshes? dun get it

Anonymous No. 852163

>What am I doing wrong?
Serious question?
Furry shit, you're doing furry shit.
It's not only wrong, but a sure sign of mental illness and degeneration.
Do the world a favour and suck on a shotgun, do hara-kiri with a rusty chainsaw or dive under a train/bus/18 wheeler.

Anonymous No. 852170

>resolution of your model
You mean the polycount? My model has about 10k-11k faces. I did make this from a sculpt but I'm trying a bakeless hand made workflow, see if I can get away with it.
You did mention real time too. So are you saying that if I open my PNG file in any photo manipulation program that I can work on them freely, with a higher accuracy without that compromising the overall model/textures in a way or the other further down the line? Is that safe?

Anonymous No. 852178

kill yourself, i bet you masturbate to your shitty soulless japshit cartoons. you're not any better

Anonymous No. 852190

'Become a better artist' is code for 'start my transitioning'

Anonymous No. 852192

Instanced copies of an object. Like pillars or furniture. It would be nice if there's an automated way to make those prefabs in Unity without having to manually replace them all.

Anonymous No. 852238

he wont listen, just let him waste hours of his life in peace

Anonymous No. 852245

Takes literal minutes if you're not a fag.

Anonymous No. 852309

you're better off in substance painter

Anonymous No. 852349

I hope you step on a landmine one day.

Anonymous No. 852353

>I hope you step on a landmine one day.
Doubt that'll ever happen. Unlike you, I don't live in a 3rd world country where landmines are strewn about like dog turds.

Anonymous No. 852359

[disclaimer: unity noob here]
so far, i unfortunately see no methods to extract already instanced assets from blender to unity, you have to export the individual mesh and re-instance it in unity

Anonymous No. 852381

Well then i hope you step on a dog turd.

Anonymous No. 852645

Live2D might support Blender soon(tm)

Anonymous No. 852656

In what sense? From what I've seen of Live2D, it's just texture planes with a lot of vismes and sliders for tracking. Surprised blender can't make those for free.

Anonymous No. 852662

>have a friend who works at an animation studio
>bring up the fact that employers seem to look down upon people who use blender
>he says it's true, but he doesn't think it will be that way for long
>one of their former department heads would use blender and swore by it

There's hope for us, blenderbros



Anonymous No. 852669

I'd say it's much more accepted in the industry than it used to be. We were look for ways to cut down on software licensing in the art department and I proposed Blender but since we work with models that are on average over 100M triangles Blender just explodes and it doesn't look like 3.0 performance is going to be anywhere it needs to be for it to be useable for us. They need to step up their optimization game because now that Unreal Engine 5 can support up to 100 billion triangles per scene people are going to be expecting to work with even higher polycounts.

Anonymous No. 852670

they aren't interested in the pixtols from Zbrush or the dinamic lod from Nanite, they are focusing on cycles, eevee, the new geometry nodes and that's it.

Anonymous No. 852671

You can instantly tell how "professional" a studio is by how much they care about the general "reputation" of tools used.
Actual professionals simply use whatever helps them getting the job done the quickest. If some dude at the studio is blazing fast at modeling using blender, faster than his colleagues using the ~industry standard~ (including staying smooth in the pipeline to all others, so no export/import struggles) then there's simply no reason to fag around. He gets the job done fast and up to the studio's quality level, end of story.
Blender may not be ready for the real prime time yet but some people do know how to work it really efficiently for certain parts in production.

Anonymous No. 852680

Jesus weight painting is a pain in the ass. You spend 90% of the time clicking around different viewports and the rig and the mesh than you do actually painting the damn thing. And it's really uneasy on the eyes too. Christ.



Anonymous No. 852687

Yeah its fucked up how crazy frustrating it can be. A very unintuitive and clunky workflow- Vertex assignment can be a bit tedious, but I rely on it for a much more reliable workflow

Anonymous No. 852694

>cycles, eevee, the new geometry nodes and that's it.
So shit that's useless to everyone except people who use Blender exclusively for everything. Fucking fantastic.


loading cat.jpg

Anonymous No. 852711

that's how it is, environment artists everywhere are picking up blender but fuck them we gotta pretend to be pixar


Malekith rigify.png

Anonymous No. 852713

why wont rifigy attach to my mesh im gonna kill myself. Ive seen nothing but 20IQ youtubers using it to pair to asset flips and throw premade animations on and all I want to do is give him a pose so I can print and I cant.


Malekith rigify 2.png

Anonymous No. 852717

And when it does attach it only attaches a root bone and none of the others work. What am I missing

Anonymous No. 852719

rigify is obsolete, get mr. mannequin tools

Anonymous No. 852732

Rigify is meant for simple humanoid models. Get your model as close to a mannequin as you can, then reattach any loose part.

Anonymous No. 852733

>Rigify is meant for simple humanoid models
Not really relevant to the question but I can say that's false. You just need to know how it recognizes bone names.

Anonymous No. 852745

Not an expert but maybe it's a Transforms problem? As in, did you apply all Transforms (Location, Rotation, Scale)? If yes then sorry man but I can't help you further. Does your character have multiple rigs? Maybe Blender is getting confused if that's the case



Anonymous No. 852757

In a bit of a Rigging conundrum.
I started rigging my character with a Human Metarig with all bones except for the face bones, which I deleted. Now I want to rig the face too but I got some doubts:
1) I'm thinking of making a hybrid by connecting the face rig of a Wolf Metarig to my original rig since its shape more closely resembles that of my character, but I'm also planning to generate a Rigify rig later. If I create a hybrid rig, the Rigify operation won't work, right? Should I just stick with attaching the human facerig back to my original rig (which, again, was originally a Human Metarig but with the face bones deleted) and make adjustments from there?
2) once the face bones are back in place do I need to reparent the entire mesh to the rig again? I already weight painted the original rig (without the face bones) and I'd really, REALLY like to preserve the already done work



Anonymous No. 852760

gotta say cycles x is preddy damn gud.
I especially like how it knows which parts to update when you move stuff around in a scene.

Anonymous No. 852776

No extra rigs. Just the one mesh.
Transforms didn't help either.
Thanks for tryinphtkag


ex dee.jpg

Anonymous No. 852781

My new Nvidia comes in a few days. I cannot wait to go from a 5 year old AMD turd rendering with OpenCL to a brand new Nvidia that can now run CUDA and Cycles X. Its gonna be like going from the Wright flyer to an F15.

Anonymous No. 852784

I'm still on my 1070 and already with that one it's really really nice. You'll have tons of fun.

Anonymous No. 852813

Any way to disable all shape keys at once? I'm using a model with a shitton of them for animation and they aren't kind to my frames. I know you can delete all of them, but that's gonna be a lot of different headaches down the line.



Anonymous No. 852838

Why would blendlets do this

Anonymous No. 852854

Maya time

Anonymous No. 852855

I think that guy uses C4D.

Anonymous No. 852856

might be a rarted question but why do my headphones buzz when I orbit/pan in a scene?

Anonymous No. 852859

Its not your headphones, its coils in the GPU.

Anonymous No. 852861

it's not coil whine, the card itself is mostly silent
the sound is similar but it's entirely in my headphones
shittier quality headphones make it a lot louder and harsher

Anonymous No. 852871


mine does that too

Anonymous No. 852874

Im almost certain its the same effect, maybe the extra work inducing some noise in your headphone cable. My card screams when I orbit, but its also an unstable prototype from the trash bin, so maybe its drowning out the headphone noise.

Anonymous No. 852894

nope, this was my first build and I went with the names I knew, so intel, msi, and nvidia
definitely have my eyes on amd for future projects, though
a friend that's into music mentioned something about ground loop noise, so that's worth looking into

Anonymous No. 852896

Is there a way to prevent blender from hogging GPU resources when rendering?

Anonymous No. 852917

>I think that guy uses C4D.
The motion blur makes it incredibly obvious.
I used to think people were full of shit being able to tell just from little things like that, but now it's pretty easy to tell the difference between the two renderers.
C4D just has this "look" about it. I'm not really a fan of it either.

Anonymous No. 852922

Well, fuck me.

Anonymous No. 852923

import bpy

for kb in bpy.context.active_object.data.shape_keys.key_blocks[1:]:
kb.mute = True

Anonymous No. 852935

Thank you, anon! Works like a charm, both on and off, even though I'm code-illiterate. Animating with around 20fps in the preview is frustrating, to say the least. You're a life-saver.

Anonymous No. 852944

I knew he was gonna quit once he complained about people suggesting features a couple of months ago.

Anonymous No. 853004

render on cpu

Anonymous No. 853100

bruh did he quit development and leave the sculpting with this full crash bug



Anonymous No. 853103

Why is it doing this the opposite side is perfectly fine

Anonymous No. 853104

how does the UV look?



Anonymous No. 853105

nothing too out of the ordinary but even so it would be doing it to the other side, no? since both sides of the mesh are uv'd identically



Anonymous No. 853109

looks like pic related is happening, try recalculating or flipping the normals on that offending piece



Anonymous No. 853112

That was one of the first things ive checked because that would obviously seem like it would be the issue but I checked all of that and its fine

Anonymous No. 853113

might need to mirror the uv, then
it can have similar effects



Anonymous No. 853114

that kind of worked, but still for some reason the area is still lighter, might have to bring it into photoshop to edit

Anonymous No. 853119

Nevermind fixed it

Anonymous No. 853130

So it's been a while since I used Blender and I'm having an issue.
The move/rotate/scale gizmo is no longer positioned to a selected object, it's just anchored to a single point.
I start a new file, and it switches between objects and positions central to the object, my current file, it refuses to move.
I can't progress with my modelling until this stops doing that.



Anonymous No. 853131

It's something to do with the object properties, but I'm not sure what.
I select the shirt piece, the gizmo anchors to well below it.
I select the cube, it moves central to it.

Anonymous No. 853138

That's the location of your object's origin. For the shirt, it's at the world origin, but for the cube, it's in the cube's center.
One way to change the location of the origin is to open up the properties panel (shortcut "n", on the right of the 3D view, and under the "tool" tab, under "options" "transform," check "[affect only] origins," and then you can move around only the objects' origins until you uncheck that box.



Anonymous No. 853139

Oh fucking hell, thankyou.
Can always rely on the chans for help.


skyrim character ....jpg

Anonymous No. 853257

>kinda ideafaggy post ahead, skip if you can't stand those
I wish to create a character and clothing system as seen in Skyrim or Fallout 4 in Unity.
The following are the characteristics I had in mind and wish to implement:
- mix and matcheable clothes, specifically head, torso (encompassing chest, abdomen, arms), hands (for optional gloves), legs (hip to feet), two extra accessories slot for chest (for bandoliers or chest armor, so above the torso slot) and back (for backpacks)
- morphable face
- morphable body that is compatible with the clothes, meaning that they're shaped depending on the body type (planned body types are 3: ectomorphic, mesomorphic, endomorphic); this feature has the lowest priority, optional.

Do you know useful tutorials that go into that stuff? I know what you're thinking, that it's an order too tall, but I just wanna experiment with it, see if I can do anything at all



Anonymous No. 853266

Having another bloody issue.
Not sure if it's the fact I've applied weighting to my model, but now nothing is moving, the co-ordinates there move but the objects all remain anchored in place.

Anonymous No. 853278

Is there a way to control the inherencies and restraints of bones in an armature?

The context is I'm trying to adapt a vroid body to fit a character and thought I could use the bones themselves as a starting point. Problems are you can't just move a joint around in Pose like you can in Edit mode and any scaling effect all the children in the scene.

I guess I could just disconnect all the bones from eachother but then that means their tail points are going all over the place.

Anonymous No. 853282

Do you have the "affect only origins" box checked?

Anonymous No. 853287

Ah shit so I did, would never have fukkin' guessed.



Anonymous No. 853305

I create a bezier curve, I create a plane, I subdivide the plane with ctrl+r, I use a modifier curve, I apply the modifer curve to the bezier curve. Then the plane don't follows the curve, for some reason it moves above, or below, or behind. I need the plane to be aligned with the curve like in this video.

* https://youtu.be/lo_FxdSe_F8?t=450 (the link jumps to the important part)

The origins of both the plane and the bezier curve are exactly the same but it moves anyway. I already tried many combinations with origin of the curve, the origin of the plane, and the position of the plane. It always move, WHY!?

* https://imgur.com/a/EOblg1l

In the first image you can see how I aligned the origins of the plane and the curve to the exact same point. In the second image you can see how the plane moved. That don't happens in the video.

Anonymous No. 853317

See the "deformation axis" option under the curve modifier? It may be set to the wrong axis. Try others and see if one works.



Anonymous No. 853322


I already tried that, I also tried all kind of rotation combinations, they just fuck my plane even more. I don't know the fuck is happening but it's related to 6 variables:

The rotation of the bezier curves and plane, their origin and position. And all of them interact somehow between them, but how exactly it's a fucking mystery.

Sometimes I can get some curve modifier to work (I need 3 to work together) but then it fucks another, and I can just rotate the curves because I need them on certain position.
Testing all the fucking variables would take forever, it would be easier if I understood the theory behind but where the fuck I learn that?! An even then I shouldn't need to learn some fucking advanced virtual physics to get a damn curve to work.

I had similar problems with blender before but I just needed to google some things or watch some videos but this too fucking much.

Should I switch to another program?

Fuck this, I'm going to try another method.

Anonymous No. 853323

So I have some other model's bit that's less poly's than the model I have.
I want to attach it to my model, will it keep the applied modifiers like multires and subsurface?

Anonymous No. 853330

adding on to this, the default hotkey shortcut to toggle transforming origins is Ctrl + . (period key)

Anonymous No. 853342

>it's pretty easy to tell the difference between the two renderers.
>C4D just has this "look" about it. I'm not really a fan of it either.
People stereotypically use Octane or Redshift with C4D, and there are also Arnold, V-Ray, Corona, Cycles, LuxRender, U-Render, etc. for C4D. There's no "C4D look" as much as there's "Octane look", "Redshift look", etc.
That video does look like it was made with C4D's built-in Standard/Physical renderer though. It's not bad, but it's CPU-only and generally stagnated ("abandoned by Maxon" would be more precise at this point). Kind of a time capsule from the state of renderers 10-15 years ago.



Anonymous No. 853392


SOLUTION to this, kinda

Apply the modifier to the plane
Add the other curve modifier
Rotate the plane on all axis until one work
Apply the modifier to the plane
Repeat if more curve modifiers are needed

This of course makes all the process more destructive but it works. The point of using the tutorial in the video above was to modify the plane in a not destructive way but at least this method works.

Anonymous No. 853491

modeling in maya i feel like i model at sonic speed, but when trying to model in blender i feel like im slowed down 100 struggling with navigation etc, any tips on getting comfortable?

Anonymous No. 853500

Just gotta get used to it I think. Im pretty fast in Blender but whenever I have to swap between it and any other program it feels like someone's moved all my furniture a foot to the left while I was on vacation and I dont know why Im banging my shin on the coffee table.



Anonymous No. 853506

I like how they're still using that fox, even for the live streams.
The fox is just the best

Anonymous No. 853518


Anonymous No. 853529

Need a VR headset to test my projects and got bigwigs to approve on $500(all my work going forward is for VR) and have no professional friends working on VR environments to ask, but the go-to for testing still Quest 2/Pro from my understanding of specs?

Anonymous No. 853533

quest 2 is a downgrade

Anonymous No. 853534

From? We have no headsets available to use whatsoever at current

Anonymous No. 853536

quest 1, it's kinda garbage even compared to other vr headsets, so if it runs on q2 it'll probably run on other headsets



Anonymous No. 853538

4 weeks without sculpt vertex paint and texture module report

Anonymous No. 853539

Can anyone recommend a book on rigging? I'm stuck at the beginner level with my basic ass IK rig and don't know where to go.

Anonymous No. 853543

Is there anywhere where you can go to get the brick and marble textures in the blender guru donut tutorial without making an account on poliigon?

Anonymous No. 853546

Quest 2 does have the advantage of being stand-alone and only taking half a minute to set up a play area. So far better for taking to other people to try than a whole pc setup. You'd have to be wary of the specs when doing details and effects though.



Anonymous No. 853576

Blender bros how do I wrap a wave texture to a circle like in pic rel?



Anonymous No. 853581


Anonymous No. 853583

le snoot :3


how to disc.png

Anonymous No. 853585

Anon above's solution is great for blender but if you were doing this for games here's another option (polar coordinates mess with mips in a lot of game engines)

step 1, make a disc

step 2, delete the interior triangle fan of it making it a big donut.

step 3, put a seam so you can unwrap it as a rectangle, use gridify or whatever UV squaring tools you have to make it a grid.

Step 4, in the UV editor, place the 2d cursor in a corner, turn on UV -> constrain to image bounds, select the cursor as the pivot point and scale the grid up to fit the UV space perfectly.

Step 5, in the 3d viewport, select the interior circle and scale it down to zero so all the points occupy the same space.

Now you have a circle where you can pan the texture vertically and it will shoot it out in all directions, perfect for magic slams or water ripples.

Anonymous No. 853586

What's the best way to learn attributes in geometry nodes?
I read the docs and i'm still confused.

Anonymous No. 853588

Arent they getting rid of that confusing shit in the next update anyway?

Anonymous No. 853589

I wouldn't bother learning anything about geometry nodes while they're in the middle of redesigning it

Anonymous No. 853722

Thanks a lot bro that's exactly what I was looking for
Can you please explain how the fuck does that work tho?

Anonymous No. 853731

What you were looking for was for the wave texture to vary with the angle around the circle - the angular coordinate in polar or cylindrical coordinates.

So to get that angle, we need to use the math function arctan2(y,x), which produces the angle from the +x axis (counterclockwise being positive) from the y- and x-coordinates of the point at which the shader is evaluated. We get the x and y to be input from the coordinates in the object space.

Once we have that angle, we set the wave texture to expect to vary along some specific direction, in this case the x-coordinate, and plugged in, in place of that x-coordinate, the angle we just got. Scaling the wave texture to 0.4 produced the eight waves you showed in your diagram (to get N waves on a span of 2*pi radians, set the scale to N/20, apparently.)

Anonymous No. 853818

Man I miss shit like this. Anywilson, Nicholas Federov, Seinfeldpitstain whatever happened to those guys.

Anonymous No. 853819

reminiscent of a young ingmar bergman
what's the ending music?



Anonymous No. 853832

Hi everyone. I am an extremely amateur Blender user who only uses Blender for video editing. How would I go about making scrolling text like in this intro? Was just the first example to pop into my head

Anonymous No. 853838

following https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cphcAZ5ai8
>following tutorial
>have correct material slot selected
>have correct object selected
>get blank image
I'm using 2.91 and the output dropdown is missing, is this the problem?

Anonymous No. 853871

Thats a question i have not seen before, let me fuck around a bit and i'll try finding an answear

Anonymous No. 853876

was tying to mess around with shaders and trying to make a surface that is wet/oily.
How would you approach water droplets? Particles? A glossy map with water droplets on it? Would it be possible to do "overlay" a layer over an entire model (which contains multiple UVs), using a repeatable sweat texture so that it can cross seams nicely?

Anonymous No. 853879

allright my dude, i have been fucking around and holy shit i can't figure it out in Video Editor.
This tutorial is the closes thing i could find to the effect you want. couple of things i want to change tho.
Add a keyframe between every letter for the plane and switch interpolation to constant so the letters pops out instead of phasing.
then render it out with a transparent background with PNG sequence and add it to the editor.

Anonymous No. 853880

Google, now

Anonymous No. 853882

I've seen guides for it, but I've not found one that talks about working with a model that has multiple UVs apart from one that uses custom made sweat/water droplets. Is there not a method to overlay over an entire model, like a layer over the mesh?

Anonymous No. 853964

what manga is this?

Anonymous No. 853972

Battle Angel Alita.
Not sure if its from the older original series or the newer one, but I guess its from the newer one.

Anonymous No. 853975

thank you



Anonymous No. 853982

This head I'm making somehow became non symetrical. Is there an easy way to fix it? Mirror seems to add a bunch of verts/be off since its non symetrical. This is my first model by the way. Just learning the controls, etc still.

Anonymous No. 853985

Select all the verts that should be at 0 on the X axis then press S X 0
Then you can do F3 -> Symmetrize or even better delete half of your model and add a mirror modifier



Anonymous No. 853987

I still use blender 2.79 because it is more familiar and comfy, and then I reopen the project in a newer version to render in eevee.

Anonymous No. 853988

At least he's still using Blender to do it.

Anonymous No. 853989

massive retard



Anonymous No. 853990

Thank you. If I cut it in half and mirror it like you suggested I get this weird overlap however.

Anonymous No. 853991

Enable clipping in the mirror modifier
Then select your overlapping vertices and move them on the X axis until they stick to the middle.



Anonymous No. 853992

Thank you

Anonymous No. 853994

Where is the option to enable it? Is it still exclusive to his sculpt branch?

Anonymous No. 854141

>import a single ripped character model
>turn on material preview
>suddenly the program runs smooth as gravel

Anonymous No. 854143

Nope, I think he did that for the 2.83 or so, you have to use subdivision surface in your sculpt and then enable grab active vertex in the grab brush, it only works with that, the new guy added a cursor that show the vertex in all the brushes but not part of the grid, I think he added the face sets colors to the grid preview too.

Anonymous No. 854316

Get a better pc, f'am, or turn down the graphically intensive options such as shadows, SPR, AO, turn on simplify, disable subdivision. If your model is used in an animation and has a rig, get the optimized normal maps addon to double the fps.



Anonymous No. 854321

is there any way to permanently turn off the "add leaf bones" thing for fbx export?
this shit is getting annoying

Anonymous No. 854336

save an FBX export preset with selected only, leaf bones off, deform bones only etc. and just select it every time, yes I know it sucks.



Anonymous No. 854386

I've been animating with blender for a while, do all my usual shit on the latest stable release but since i've had a taste of that sweet sweet Cycles X i just keep a version to the side that i use just for rendring. When i have a long sequence to export i just let it ride all night long and then wake up hoping it survived.

I'm saying all this to say that lately everytime i wake up my computer has turned off completely. I would usually get pretty upset thinking there was a bunch of potential rendering time wasted, but then i started to notice that every time it happens the full sequence i wanted to render was fully rendered and THEN it turned off.

Is this a bug from using an experimental branch with Cycles X or a setting/preference i can't find that makes this happen? Is my power source just tapping out the moment it finds a moment of mercy after an intense workload? What's going on blenderchads.

I'm pretty worried about this constant issue frying all my shit but i can't go back, those rendering times are just too delicious.

Anonymous No. 854400

Most pcs default to a an energy plan that put the pc to sleep after a set amount of time goes by where nothing is happening.
You might have your set to auto-shut off instead.



Anonymous No. 854410

I'm trying to make a halftone/polka dot version of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXD2eQe3F8Q shader, any ideas how to make it not stretch?
(Top and bottom node trees are two different ways to produce the dot pattern.)

Anonymous No. 854415


Anonymous No. 854431

Is there any way to reset a cloth simulation to its initial pose and continue it afterwards while retaining the way it was before?

>cloth simulation goes well for a while but then it might glitch out through the collision or it bunches up into itself and won't go back to the original shape
I wanna be able to keep the part of the simulation that worked fine for it, cut it off where it got fucked, then have a second simulation and stitch them together into one. Will I have to use the Cloth to Shape Key thing or what else can be done about it?


halftone crop.jpg

Anonymous No. 854433

The dots get squashed depending on the aspect ratio, so you have to render a square image and then crop it as necessary or adjust horizontal/vertical scale of the dots for the specific aspect ratio, but it is a working solution.
I just thought there has to be a better way.



Anonymous No. 854480

You can set up automatic AR correction by using render res x/y as a driver. There's probably a less retarded node setup. Also if you copy+paste the value nodes, they lose the driver, but you can just make it a node group (which you should do anyway) to avoid that.



Anonymous No. 854481

i have two different objects with the exact same topology, only one is deformed/scaled differently from the other
how do i make sure their UV maps are the exact same? or is there a way to copy one UV map over to another mesh if they have the same topology?

Anonymous No. 854482

Still no blender jobs.

Anonymous No. 854549

you could have googled transfer UV blender and be done by now

next time do your UVs before deforming.

Anonymous No. 854556

why do you have to be such an asshole about it?

Anonymous No. 854557

why couldn't you use google?

Anonymous No. 854558

i did you presumptuous shithead none of the solutions i found worked for me so i came here for advice
do you need a play by play of my whole thought process? wanna know what i had for breakfast this morning you autistic fuck? either you have answer to my question or you shut the fuck up. never reply to my posts ever again.



Anonymous No. 854562


smthg I made in blender long time agoo.

Anonymous No. 854568

guaranteed ngmi

Anonymous No. 854663

Thanks, it's really handy.

Anonymous No. 854675

>sun is located 10 feet above the vent
>ac's everywhere
But honestly: this looks great. The noise in the jpg is doing a good job as well

Anonymous No. 854677

Hi, I'm really new to blender. Installed it today kind of new.
I have this character model that I exported from a game but the skeleton is all kinds of messed up.
The model has a bunch of vertex groups, can I just delete the skeleton, make a new one and then just assign the vertex groups?



Anonymous No. 854695

Blender 3 this year?


Anonymous No. 854696

Will Blender ever have good subd performance?

Anonymous No. 854699

If you can find a dev who's taking care of that it can be inside Blender the moment he's done with it.

Anonymous No. 854701


Anonymous No. 854710

Looks alright, but those spinning light shafts from the ceiling are gonna make me sick. Bring the light back by like 50% hell 60% just to be safe.

If it has to do with the scene not being lit properly without the sun being way too high, make sure you're using the light probes.

Anonymous No. 854791

some guy's working on it https://blenderartists.org/t/blender-3-0-opensubdiv-development/
demos look great but i tested the latest build on debian and rigged subd character viewport playback performance was worse than default 2.93.4

Anonymous No. 854794

>pushed back to 3.1

Anonymous No. 854809

blender is always 2 years away it's how it is

Anonymous No. 854810

Don't worry, it'll get pushed back to 3.2 once that launches too.



Anonymous No. 854813


Anonymous No. 854817


Anonymous No. 854859

Brecht isn't going to work on UV tools, asking their specialist for rendering to stop working on the renderer is quite stupid.
You are right about the rest though. They should have done something or should do something right now about the UV tools.

Anonymous No. 854882

is this how it's done for video game assets, first bake then texture? aren't those maps kind of textures? how does it work so it can be exported to video game? i am very new

Anonymous No. 854884

those maps are used to drive the final texture.

For example you can use the AO bake as a mask to place dirt in cracks, or use the curvature bake to wear off the sharp edges on an object.

Anonymous No. 854890

sounds like a nice trick but I need to know about the basics first

Anonymous No. 854892


don't ask for me anything ever again

Anonymous No. 854897

but I don't use substance, I use blender, but thanks for trying to help

Anonymous No. 854898

>I don't use substance
Get out the cutlass and go freebooting

Anonymous No. 854899




Anonymous No. 854910

lol couple hours after your post, pic related

Anonymous No. 854931

How on earth do I make grease pencil strokes taper at the ends?
I've been googling around for half an hours, but I can't find it anywhere. Is it just not possible??

Anonymous No. 854950

You got a tablet? Use less pressure.
Using a mouse? Get a fucking tablet.



Anonymous No. 854951


Anonymous No. 855046


Suck a dick



Anonymous No. 855075

How do I fix this mess?

Anonymous No. 855140


Anonymous No. 855144

everything is rigged correctly, it's just ugly

Anonymous No. 855187

When I open (cracked) zbrush it says tablet services not available. Anyone know a fix? My tablet works fine with other programs (including blender)

Anonymous No. 855257

>it's just ugly
yes, how do I fix that?

Anonymous No. 855370

hide it until you need it, or just get used to looking at it
you can tab into edit mode and rotate the bone pyramids if it really bugs you that much



Anonymous No. 855511

Hi, I'm new.
I torch the monkey.



Anonymous No. 855520

Why are these edges purple?

Anonymous No. 855521

Those edges are creased, pulling the subdivided surface out towards their original position. To uncrease the edges, select them all and then hit "shift+E" and then "-1". (The number you enter gets added to the amount of crease on the selected edges, which is clamped between 0 and 1.)

Anonymous No. 855522

Interesting. I set it to -1 and they're no longer purple but it didn't make visual difference.
Thanks either way.



Anonymous No. 855894




Anonymous No. 855903

Anyone know a good way to do a driver that would make my IK > FK switchs hide and unhide the respective skeleton layers?



Anonymous No. 855988

Shading is fun

What's wrong with the UV tools apart from the shitty packing algorithm?



Anonymous No. 856082

Can blender render something that looks like this? I know it's supposed to be good for NPR rendering but zbrush NPR addons just seem to destroy it.

Anonymous No. 856153

It sure can and it's pretty easy to set up, although getting clean lineart can be a bit of a pain if you want to do it in (near) real time.

Anonymous No. 856174

Any advice on how to get lineart like that that has varying thickness depending on how important the line is? Freestyle and grease pencil can only seem to create lines that all have the same thickness.

Anonymous No. 856237

Post uvs

Anonymous No. 856409


Anonymous No. 857311

Expect Zbrush's version to give you quicker nicer results for static renders, but to be limited if you want anything more specific. "Lightning Boy Studio" channel has some amazing tutorials that will give you the foundation to come up with all sorts of NPR shaders.