

🧵 Blender General

Anonymous No. 856408

Previous: >>850791



Anonymous No. 856472

I have this shape and want to keep the edges marked in red as hard edges. What's the best way to smooth this shape into a curve? I've tried sculpting but it just collapses the whole thing into an uneven Cheeto.

Anonymous No. 856474

subsurf, creases (or support bevels), simple deform modifier using an empty

Anonymous No. 856482

How to you enable physics for certain bones or bonegroups on a rig? For example, if I imported a model with hair or clothing bones, I obviously don't want to animate those by hand, I'd rather there be a natural feeling of gravity as I animate the main bones.



Anonymous No. 856500


Thank you. I was able to get it by adding edge loops around the corners then adding my subdivision surface modifier

Anonymous No. 856565

I have bad news for you anon

Anonymous No. 856571

I've recorded motion capture and have a .bhv file. I can import it to Blender and I can play the animation I made. I have imported a 3D model to Blender. How do I make it so that the 3D model moves? I know that I have to rig the model by adding the bones, but is there a way that I can copy the bones from the animation that I recorded or do I have to add them one by one? I've tried to find a video from Youtube, but the ones I've seen have already rigged the model.



Anonymous No. 856602

Retard here. How can I make blender use a 2-channel normal map? I've been trying tons of node setups from stackexchange and none of them work.

Anonymous No. 856603

Use an combine RGB node and feed in the blue channel with the appropriate value and you've got an proper normal map.
You can create a custom node out of it and reuse it indefinitely.

Anonymous No. 856607

I've found the problem. For some reason the DDS image didn't want to work, after converting it to png blender now displays the normal map correctly, then I made the blue channel have a value of -1 in order to get the orientation right.



Anonymous No. 856616

Imported obj from marvelous to blender and this happens every time. Whats the deal lads?



Anonymous No. 856617

new to blender and have, so far, been able to just get by by extruding and smoothing svgs i make in illustrator for whatever little personal projects i do.
but, how to i get this sort of outline and beveling effect for text and icons? is this just boolean modifier?

Anonymous No. 856635

i to inset

Anonymous No. 856636

Check your normals in md

Anonymous No. 856641

I have and that's not it. Could it have something to do with symmetrical sewing?

Anonymous No. 856642

I'm not saying normals aren't the issue, I just don't know why everything is fine in md but then fucks up when I import obj.

Anonymous No. 856652

Ok so I imported the shirt without the avatar and it's no longer black anywhere. What the fuck?

Anonymous No. 856685

Is there any benefit to BEER over just built-in blender functions?

Anonymous No. 856686

cool thanks. i was also able to get a good look with two text layers with one set to fill and one set to none and then beveling it.

Anonymous No. 856704

Is there away to adjust the zoom increments with middle mouse scrolling?

I tried searching but all the questions are from like 2007-2012, and all the solutions are shit. I'm not looking to hold ctrl+left click drag. I just want to adjust the amount scrolling zooms in and out.

Anonymous No. 856705

Is there away to adjust the zoom increments with middle mouse scrolling?

I tried searching but all the questions are from like 2007-2012, and all the solutions are shit. I'm not looking to hold ctrl+middle click drag. I just want to adjust the amount mouse wheel scrolling zooms in and out.

Anonymous No. 856714

>'m not looking to hold ctrl+middle click drag

you should tho, it's better and you can also do it with a tablet which is better for your wrist, blender's overreliance on the scroll wheel is shit

Anonymous No. 856715

Don't care. Worthless post.

Anonymous No. 856716

lets you actually write shader code

Anonymous No. 856717

you can follow my advice now or wait 3 years and come to the same conclusion, doesn't bother me

Anonymous No. 856718

Don't care, idiot.

Anonymous No. 856774

if only you knew how bad things really are.

Jokes aside there's an addon called "wiggle bones" or something that might be helpful


Screenshot Torres....png

Anonymous No. 856797

I want to recreate a couple of urban sculptures from cities I visit, give them a simple animation, and composite them in to video footage I'll shoot on location. In order to save time rendering, do I have to bake the texture into the model? The textures are real simple, just some painted stucco, painted metal, or concrete, depending on the sculpture.

Here's an example of the towers by goeritz & barragan in mexico, I've thought of just having them spin around on their axis or bend and stretch them.

Anonymous No. 856807

Anyone know of a plugin that I can use to verify if a model can be made on a CNC router?

Anonymous No. 856854

I have two objects, a parent and child. I first appended the parent, but now I need to import the child with it being parented to the object already in the current file. Is this possible at all? No matter what I try, the child tries to reference (or imports) the parent from the original file.
I would just re-parent it, but the problem goes a bit deeper than that, with drivers also referencing the original file.

Anonymous No. 856856

Try using Blender GIS, a free addon, watch some youtube tutorials, its easy to use, and then just place the GPS on your city/area that you want.

Anonymous No. 856860

Brehs can anyone explain me what dynamic topology and voxels remesher are and how are they different? Consider the following: I'm a retard

Anonymous No. 856868

Dyntopo is nice for quick prototypes. It creates new and finer geometry with your brush strokes so you don't need to worry about your mesh density as you're sculpting. It tanks in performance at high polycounts and switching between view-dependant and constant details can be a bit tricky as a beginner.
Voxel remesher is much faster and will give you an even polygon distribution on your whole model, it's meant to be used in steps, for example you should start with a low poly mesh, sculpt the large scale stuff, remesh with a finer grid, add smaller details, remesh with an even smaller grid etc. You should also remesh if you start stretching your polygons too much while sculpting.
the TLDR is: You can use dyntopo to create your base mesh if you want and to define its general silhouette (limbs, hair, horns, tentacles, etc) and then use the remesh modifier to continue to add details on top of that.

There's also the multires workflow but it requires your basemesh's topology to be clean and all quads.


industry standard....png

Anonymous No. 856896

I love Blender so much

Anonymous No. 856899

my guess is that, due to floating precision issues, 6.0 is actually 5.99999997 or some shit, and gets floored to 5.

Anonymous No. 856900

Well that's what bug reporting is for

Anonymous No. 856904

Does it still rounds to 5 if you input 6.0 directly instead of using the arrow to decrement the number?

Anonymous No. 856905

Probably, what I'm shocked by is that even fucking JavaScript gets this right. And the behavior is completely random, if you use the arrow slider thing from the other direction or enter the number manually, sometimes it works, and then it stops working again.

The number of "hopefully they will fix this" forum posts I came across from 2013 while googling trivial issues that came up within five minutes of trying to do basic tasks inspire nothing but boundless confidence in me. I am CONVINCED that any bug report I file will be taken care of at some point in the next thirty years.

Anonymous No. 856907

True but the number of bugs that got fixed is just as staggering as the ones still around. The main problem is that Blender is hilariously understaffed compared to the "industry standard" companies.
Sure, at some point a company gets too big but Blender apparently has not reached the sweet spot yet. A literal handful of full time devs is just not enough to make such a huge monster of a program reach "industry standard" yet. Still more than fine for some freelancing and hobby shit though but if they seriously try to reach for the stars, they really need more manpower. Abandoned integral parts like texturing is a fucking joke.



Anonymous No. 856910

It's random and difficult to reproduce. My guess is that using the slider or the arrows sets some weird secret float value in the background which has nothing to do with the number displayed in the GUI. For instance with the slider currently at 7.100, clicking the right arrow adds +0.100 to this behind-the-scenes float value AND the GUI number, resulting in a GUI element that says 7.200 and a variable in memory which is actually 7.19971851. Entering a number manually clears that variable and parses your entry from scratch, resulting in a value that matches the GUI number more closely. Or the two just get rounded differently, maybe one is Python and the other some C++ library, who knows.

If only, if ONLY they had a budget of 150k euros a month and more full time devs than the maintainers of Cinema 4D. If ONLY they had the backing of Unity, Facebook, AMD, Epic, Apple, Microsoft, Intel, Adobe (wait Adobe, seriously?), Google, Activision and Valve.

If only they had more time to work on the software, after all Blender only came out in... nineteen ninety... hm.

Anonymous No. 856914

So this is the power of blunder. Eternal hobbyist crap.



Anonymous No. 856918

Update for the two people in the world who care about this:

- Using the slider (click and drag) to change the value from 2.000 to 2.100 and then back does nothing
- Using the buttons (< and >) first increments the value to 2.099 (?) and then back to 1.999. This rounding error will stay there for subsequent slider and button nudges.
- Clicking the textbox and then exiting out of it by clicking elsewhere or pressing Esc parses the value in the textbox and re-enters it into the variable as if you typed it yourself

Easy fix: Just take the value currently displayed in the textbox and parse that every time the user moves a slider. Or do whatever you were doing in 2.79 since the same bug doesn't seem to exist there.

To be fair, this might be something that got introduced recently. Not that it excuses none of the devs noticing that sliders have been off by one for possibly years now, or the myriad of other bullshit I ran into (like not being able to see the value of a node's sockets, because like who needs that lmao).

Anonymous No. 856919

That's a good bug report and if it worked with 2.79 it sounds like a regression so it might be fixed faster. Submit it to the bug tracker.
I wonder if it could be related to the recent changes making some sliders non-linear.

150k a month isn't that much and having the money is only half the battle, the hard part is finding and hiring competent devs.
Also if they announced tomorrow that they would hire a developer to work on your super niche float rounding issues then you'd get 15k other people screaming WHAT ABOUT MUH [insert other niche issue here].
I understand your frustration (the absolute STATE of the "documentation" for the python API is making me mad too) but try to understand that your set of problems is probably shared by a tiny minority of other users. Having devs working and making sure that the main purposes of blender are working properly is more important than niche cases.
tl;dr: take it easy



Anonymous No. 856920



Anonymous No. 856925

This isn't a "super niche" float rounding issue, this is the difference between nodes that use floats (i.e. nearly all of them) working vs. not working. You create a ramp or a filter or something that toggles at 2.0, you set the value to 2.0, and your whole shader is pitch black because it was set to 1.999 instead and you have no idea why, because the interface LIES TO YOU.

The reason I won't submit a bug report is because I absolutely refuse to entertain the idea that any one of Blender's 3-5 million users who are in the least bit serious about using this program wouldn't have noticed this within five minutes of starting a project that involves shaders. And that's without fuzz testing or someone deliberately looking for regressions after a substantial change, like they do at those super duper serious projects. What I find way more likely is what I've seen examples of in forum threads - users literally gaslighting each other and being told that "it's just floats bro that's how every software does it", as if there was no possible solution and this was a minor inconvenience only weirdos who make weird things would care about.

But nevermind any of that - you can't even preview the value that's being output by a node. You are essentially doing visual programming, without being able to examine what your program is doing. The reason I'm whining on /3/ is because this is a single link in a chain of experiences that made me genuinely exclaim "how the fuck does anyone USE this thing??" Same with the outliner, same with the hide vs disable toggles, same with "fake users", same with the bone system, same with the weird split window thing nobody else on the planet does, same with right click select, and same with toolbars being on the bottom.

None of these are issues of funding, or time, or even programming competence. It all stems from somebody's retarded vision of what software should be, and their lack of ability to think or function like a human being.

Anonymous No. 856926

>if ONLY they had a budget of 150k euros a month
Are you seriously implying that 150k/month is much for a software company that has a fuckton of expenses just to keep the company running? Have you ever worked a real job in your life?

Anonymous No. 856928

Those "fuckton of expenses" being the monthly cost of one hundred thousand euros GitHub charges for hosting the code and those cons they didn't get to organize because of covid, I presume.

I was, however, seriously implying that they can afford to hire full-time developers - which they do, in addition to the vaunted open source community and student labor. The point I was highlighting is that despite cries of being a small, underfunded indie company, Blender is praised for its supposed rapid innovation and the breakneck speed at which development is going, unlike Maya and those other soulless corporate tools which became abandonware in 2015.

I was also implying that basic functionality that never made it into the program since its inception 30 years ago and bugs that developers haven't fixed in 10-15 years aren't because they never got around to doing it because of all that selfless unpaid work they had to do, they just didn't give a shit (and still don't).

Anyways, I don't want to start another retarded blendlet flame war and I do actually have work I'm supposed to be doing. I'm sure I don't know what I'm talking about, and I'm sure Blender will improve. I just wish it fucking would already after ten years of being told that.



Anonymous No. 856931

Seeing this I feel better for knowing I'm actually a decent developer, but despair because these shitters also program the flight computers of airplanes.

Anonymous No. 856932

Come on now

Anonymous No. 856938

Does anyone know a good Blender tutorial to get started on modular building? I want to do exactly what this guy does: https://youtu.be/-zGoFQKC9lQ he starts off with very tiny pieces then makes larger modular pieces out of them. I love it.

I've dabbled in it in the past but I occasionally find myself having issues with the way things snap together and things like that. I'd like to learn the best practices.

Anonymous No. 856943


not blender but concepts are exactly the same, just need to know how to set the objects origin to vertexes



Anonymous No. 856954

Does the latest experimental branch of blender with Cycles X (september 20) finally have volumetrics or nah? I keep seeing people saying that it does and others that it doesn't.

Anonymous No. 856966

Sweet, thanks a ton. This seems like exactly what I'm looking for. I appreciate the link.

Anonymous No. 856969

Back then, blender was an in-house software made for Ton's animation studio, then it became freeware, with features locked in a paywall
After that, Blender's development was decently staffed until the dot-com bubble bursted and his company lost a lot of money.
It was only open-sourced in 2002, and continues to be the 3d hobbyist tool to this day.

Anonymous No. 856976

Just download e-cycles

Anonymous No. 856978

Welcome to floats, floats where a mistake in computing only use gigantic integers.


Floating Point Nu....png

Anonymous No. 856979

Baby's first encounter with floats.



Anonymous No. 856980

Thanks man, I got it



Anonymous No. 856982

You should never use Dyntopo only use Voxel.

> You can use dyntopo to create your base mesh
Wrong Dyntopo is shit! Use primitive objects to create geometry.



Anonymous No. 856989

Does anyone know what's going on in pic related? I was working on adding geometry to a mesh and scaling/adjusting it, but when I check object mode, it bloats out like a very wide cone.

(don't mind the bad topology, it's a work in progress).


Babby&#039;s firs....png

Anonymous No. 857002

Or a math library. Or doubles. Or correct for the rounding errors, or use the values you already calculated correctly and then displayed elsewhere. But I mean why would you, it's not like you're doing MATH or anything.

I guess this is just a problem we'll always have to live with.

Anonymous No. 857003

are there any shape keys on that object?

Anonymous No. 857018

how do i change the fucking snap increment from multiples of 10 to powers of 2 or whatever

Anonymous No. 857020

>I guess this is just a problem we'll always have to live with.
Na back in my day (you kids) we simply used integers so instead of using 1 you use 1000 and simply do some tricks that the number is displayed as 1
0.5 is actually 500
0.25 is actually 250
and 0.0001 is actually 1

Floating point numbers are a mistake and should never if ever be used.

Anonymous No. 857072

Yes. Thank you for helping me identify the problem.

I was accidentally modeling on one of the shape keys that wasn't the Basis key.
Taking that into account, is there a way to transfer that specific part of the topology I was editing to the Basis shape key?

Anonymous No. 857098

Anyone know how I could go about making ambient occlusion outlines like in SFM? The AO outlines SFM produces seem to work better on characters than doing the standard freestyle or inverted hull methods in Blender.



Anonymous No. 857099

Forgot to attach an example of the SFM outline (yes this is from a coomer website)

Anonymous No. 857109

duplicate the object and turn that specific shape key on, then manually snap the verts to where they should be
there's probably a less tedious way to do that, but it's how I've done it for a while

Anonymous No. 857207

This guy make some pretty impressive concept art with Blender https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDH6T63Mh5Q

Anonymous No. 857220

How do I get started with sculpting? I want to not suck at it. I want to understand how to do proportions correctly, and to have an understanding of anatomy. Tired of sucking at it and putting it off.

Anonymous No. 857221

Get anatomy books, look at tons of references and practice every day

Anonymous No. 857222

Should I do gesture drawing to help learn proportions? Does that knowledge transfer to sculpting?

Anonymous No. 857229

Anyone know how to move all selected vertices towards a certain point at the same time (just moving towards the point, not all snapping to the exact point)?

Anonymous No. 857234

2d artists also learn sculpture to improve their art, the truth is any study improves your understanding. Don't bother drawing for now, just fucking do it, sculpting is pain and you suck until you don't but the magical thing about sculpting is a shit sculpt can always be polished into a good one, don't be afraid of the move brush and big changes.

Also learn zbrush.

place the 3d cursor in the intended location, change the transform pivot point to the cursor and scale it down, they will smoothfly flow towards the cursor.

Anonymous No. 857239

Thanks anon, that did exactly what I wanted

Anonymous No. 857240

What the fuck did these retards do to the website.

Anonymous No. 857250

I have a .blend file. It has stuff in it, including one of those neat scripts that lets me control the visibility of some layers and properties of some layers. I have another similar file that has different contents. How can I get both of them in the same scene?

Anonymous No. 857259

daily reminder that
Z is still fucking UP

Blender, BTFO again

Anonymous No. 857262

pretty sure that's the blender default, fren

Anonymous No. 857263

For a while it feels like I've been at that stage which is like between beginner and intermediate, that while I'm somewhat competent and knowledgeable about modelling - it just seems as if I can't improve. Specifically I'm struggling to model from start to finish more complex hard surface objects that may have interesting shapes and aspects to it (eg: firearms). It's hard to achieve a correct looking shape.

What would be the best way to overcome this hurdle and actually improve, where I can think of a random object and finish it? Is it all about trying over and over again until you finally get it? Does it help to watch those long tutorials picking up on techniques and such? Wasn't sure if this should be asked here or /sqt/.



Anonymous No. 857266

Brehs how can I make sculpting lighter on my laptop. After a few remesh with voxels smaller than .02, my computer starts screaming.
I'm planning on buying a new rig in a few months but I don't want to give up practicing sculpting

Anonymous No. 857267

Back in 2010 I was sculpting on a 2007 Core2Duo laptop just fine. Download Dr. Petter's Sculptris and keep it under 200k triangles, kek

Anonymous No. 857268

>my computer starts screaming.
that's because laptops are generally absolute shit for anything but typing on them. they simply can't keep their maximum working power for more than a couple minutes without overheating. those shits are literally not made to do heavy workloads.



Anonymous No. 857270

I'm trying to keep my voxels size to a minimum but I can't add details for shit when I'm trying to make the eyes or mouth for example and desu I don't even need that much details but there are some things I don't manage to replicate.
Like in this video at 0:10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmkxPq_Zztw
His head looks pretty low res but when he carved the eyes in, the hole was pretty smooth, like if the resolution was increased. And he's not using dyntopo

Anonymous No. 857274

If you don't use dyntopo getting a high enough density still results in a count that makes shitty laptops overheat. You do not have much of a choice here with such shit hardware. Either go dyntopo or use separate objects for high density areas and later merge them when you're done with sculpting followed by some cleanup or leave the shitty mesh as it is and go for complete retopo

Anonymous No. 857275

*getting a high enough density for eyes I mean.
You just need a fairly dense mesh for those areas if you sculpt instead of polymodelling.

Anonymous No. 857294

>2d artists also learn sculpture to improve their art, the truth is any study improves your understanding. Don't bother drawing for now, just fucking do it, sculpting is pain and you suck until you don't but the magical thing about sculpting is a shit sculpt can always be polished into a good one, don't be afraid of the move brush and big changes.
Thank you anon. Going to start working on hands. They're complex, but I want to get learning them out of the way first.



Anonymous No. 857298

Man, shadow catchers still suck ass
They catch shadows of objects but wont use them to block light, which means that you have to insert the shadows manually in a second pass
at least unless i missed something



Anonymous No. 857301


Anonymous No. 857306

pirate zbrush

Anonymous No. 857307

What are the best resources to learn blender?
I don't want to create detailed models, but I want to create simple prototypes for gamedev stuff. I'm happy with PS1 tier modeling.



Anonymous No. 857315

Hey guy. why the bottle look noisy?(denoiser was on btw)



Anonymous No. 857316

This is my 2nd or 3rd scene, and I'm wondering if anyone has opinions on things that look odd that could be changed (barring between the buildings, and likely the bin by the machine).

Anonymous No. 857318

the damage on the bottom of the machine fucks up the detail density and makes the top part of the machine look more fake, i think because of the weird flat lighting on it
not at all a fan of whatever is going on with the road and the curb, the road looks like it's covered by about three inches of ice
overall the light coming from the light sources in the scene looks good to me but it seems like the light coming from behind the camera is too white and even for a nighttime feel, and the dark up on the leaves gets too dark for me to think the sun is out

Anonymous No. 857324

>Did not use optix
Welp, fixed now

Anonymous No. 857351

Wanting to learn how to rig characters in Blender. Is an addon like this worth it, or should I just try to learn to do muscle movements with drivers myself?


Better addons or other suggestions welcome.

Anonymous No. 857363

>rendering animation to PNG or TGA ends up taking more disk space than if I just rendered to mp4 with the lossless option
Fuck's sake... I understand image sequences are apparently the norm for stuff like this, but rendering in a video format sometimes just turns out to be better.

Anonymous No. 857371

Learn to move in the 3D view, learn the 3 (THREE) shortcuts to move/scale/rotate stuff, learn what extruding and insetting does.
That's it, you're a low poly MASTER now.

Sometimes optix shits the bed with transparent materials or volumetrics

Video formats can't support higher bit depths so you can't do any serious compositing with them. Also you can't resume a render if you're rendering directly into a video.
Disk space is cheap anyway.


Screen Shot 2021-....png

Anonymous No. 857380

i baked all my textures and now all my shadows/drop shadows are gone.
i rearranged my sun, increased the strength, inserted a new one, made sure 'shadows' was checked, tried eevee and cycles but nothing. wtf

Anonymous No. 857404

I am sick and tired of your inability to find solutions yourself that can be easily solved by knowing how to google, so I am gonna do you all a gigantic favour and help you tremendously, even though that flies in the face of my vow to never help retards.
Go to this channel and learn for yourself and you might come out of your state of self-inflicted immaturity.


its a goldmine of easily and fast comprehensible tutorials/tips/explanations and even if you consider yourself not a retarded noob and have knowledge and experience with Blender, it'll probably help.
Its probably one of if not THE best Blender learning channel on Youtube.
Don't thank me, being less of a retard is thanks enough.

Anonymous No. 857407

do you plug the baked textures directly into the surface node? You need at least a diffuse shader in between to show shadows.

Anonymous No. 857414

should I learn houdini or are geometry nodes in blender enough to make procedural mograph thingies?

Anonymous No. 857416

No fuck that- You should Get a rigging course and go goblin mode with bones for a couple months

Anonymous No. 857418

> are geometry nodes in blender enough to make procedural mograph thingies?
Probably yes, depending on your demands, and they will get better in the future, but currently neither Blender, nor Houdini is the best solution for mograph stuff, because that domain is still ruled by C4d.
Houdini is overkill as it has a very steep learning curve and takes considerable longer to get good with it and it also is way to complex for archiving simplistic mograph shit (workflow too complex and slow compared to C4d).
If you need high quality and full control there is no alternative for Houdini though.
So chose your poison.



Anonymous No. 857419

How do I make models/scenes/lighting in Blender Cycles or EVEE look like it was rendered in Source Filmmaker?
I love the way Source Filmmaker renders things when it is done right because it just produces a certain style that doesn't seem to be replicated here that much.
>just stick with SFM bro
I don't want to keep using that software given that it keeps crashing, is out of date, and Source2filmmaker is missing features from the original SFM.
Any help would be appreciated anons!

Anonymous No. 857426


Anonymous No. 857429

I greatly appreciate this link, anon. I take it that to really get the effect everything including the environments has to be affected by this kind of addon?

Aside from the bad gateway error I keep getting I'm actually happy for this link being posted.
I do prefer to try find the best methods of getting something accomplished in an unmodified Blender installation before considering addons.
Anymore suggestions to imitate SFM's Render style in Blender?

Anonymous No. 857430

Nah nevermind, I'm just going to learn Maya for rigging anyways and it comes with all that stuff included.

Anonymous No. 857442

okay cool, that solved the shadow trick. but now all my shit is a lot noisier and rougher than initially. i had the sun turned on when i baked the textures. im guessing i should have turned that off?

Anonymous No. 857449

there is options in baking that are color etc only or ignore light or whatever. I find the baking in blender is really clumsy but u can get it to work.



Anonymous No. 857478


Anonymous No. 857489

I am looking for an auto rigigging and BlenRig 5 looks to be the most compherehsive one where I can guide it more/easier then autorigpro.

Also, is it normal for Blender to lag hard with multires and sculpt on the base mesh turned on? Otherwise why doesn't multires sculpting transfer to a model unless I am in sculpt mode, do I need to bake/apply it to see changes to an actual mesh in all the modes?

Anonymous No. 857490


>>blender won

Anonymous No. 857492

I'm new on this so maybe it is a basic thing, but how can i delete or hide the cracks of the cube until it gets smashed by the other cube that is falling?

Anonymous No. 857496

I found how

Anonymous No. 857497

well, explain it?

Anonymous No. 857502

Yes you use it to make a displacement map which you only subdivide at render time, you do not need to animate with it

Anonymous No. 857504

I made another cube and turned off the layer with the broken cube until the impact

Anonymous No. 857515

literally who?

Anonymous No. 857516


You have a giant ngon so you're getting a strange result you need to fix the topo.

Anonymous No. 857517

very nice plastic road



Anonymous No. 857519

Can someone help me figure out why my normal bakes are coming out like this?

Anonymous No. 857524

i was able to get it to work. thanks man.



Anonymous No. 857525

No one actually uses blender for character creation, right? Please tell me this isn’t what I have to work with

Anonymous No. 857530

I tried fixing it with 'I', seems to only make it worse ?



Anonymous No. 857532

that creates a slightly less giant ngon inside your giant ngon
Use "j" or "k" to create something simple like pic related

Anonymous No. 857540

It worked, God bless your soul anon.



Anonymous No. 857543

hi, i'm making a character with a face painted in the texture, there's a few images that each correspond to an expression,

would there be a way to make a system that would allow you to change these expression easily with sliders or toggles ?

i know there would be a way to put all these expression in one picture, and make shape keys on the UV and map it to different parts of the pictures, but if possible, i would rather not do that

Anonymous No. 857549

Quick and dirty way would be to use a couple of mix RGB node and use a driver to change the mixing factor.

Anonymous No. 857550

Then use object or bone constraints.

Anonymous No. 857556

What is the best way to lower the opacity for a 3D object? I'm not interested in stuff like wireframe view or transparent view in edit mode, I want to lower the opacity of a specific object in my scene.

Anonymous No. 857557

oho, how would that work ?
a bone or object could interact with the nodes ?

Anonymous No. 857562

It would work if you're planning on having only a handful of different expressions, more than that an it'll become increasingly painful to set up. Go read about drivers, or watch a video tutorial.



Anonymous No. 857576

i might have found a way to do what i wanted to do,
would it be possible to make a script that would act as a switch, and let me select which of the color nodes to use ? like, they're all connected together, but this node would let me chose one of them only at a time

Anonymous No. 857577

Like this?

Anonymous No. 857579

oh, thank you, that's perfect !

Anonymous No. 857580

collections are so fucking shit and half-baked
what a joke



Anonymous No. 857610

How can I even the circled part's surfaces? I'm trying to replicate the folds in Muttley's nose. But when I added clay on it, I ended having a very uneven surface on both folds. How to fix this ?

Anonymous No. 857615

>make ample clothes
>complete bitch to rig and weight paint
>make skin tight clothes
>complete mess of clipping on transforms

fuck rigging

Anonymous No. 857638

Why does Blender not follow my keyframing if I move frames?
It did when I made an animation like last month, but now it doesn't.

Anonymous No. 857639

You have to hide the parts of the body that skin tight clothes cover. That or push those areas in with a blendshape.

Anonymous No. 857671

Guys is there a proper way to do 2d vector renders in Blender?

I have made a little logo in 2d that looks GREAT for use. Saves me the time of having to torrent Illustrator.

But when I render it, it has the tiniest bit of blurring around the edges which wouldn't be a huge problem but you notice it a lot if it overlaps on anything.

Is there a way to get rid of that edge blurring?

Anonymous No. 857686

Is Cycles really that much better than Eevee? The results don’t look much different to me but I haven’t tried to make anything very advanced yet either

Anonymous No. 857687

What the fuck is wrong with the Freestyle Line Rendering for Blender?
>use a model in a way more complex scene where it has no calculate the lines for multiple models on screen
>15 seconds render time
>use same fucking model in a different project but only have that one in sight
>45 seconds render time
For literally no fucking reason. It only happens while the model is in shot. If I use other models it just renders like like 5 seconds. But for whatever reason the same model that worked just fine previously now takes almost a full minute to render with a Freestyle Line Pass. What the fuck?

Anonymous No. 857691

you can't do photorealism in eevee, at least not yet
that's the biggest difference in my eyes



Anonymous No. 857693

theres something that ive been struggling with for a while, how do I bevel an svg file to look like they do in photoshop? when I use the bevel tool in blender it just goes to shit is there some way I can do it manually? id really prefer to automate like I can in photoshop pls helpp, also its there way to replicate the smooth bevel from photoshop? pic related is what I drew in photoshop on the left is the svg I want to bevel in blender and on the right is what comes out in photoshop

Anonymous No. 857696

>The results don’t look much different to me
Are you blind?
Eevee doesn't even do global illumination without using fuckery like lightprobes. A scene without GL compared to one with it is a difference of literal night and day.

Anonymous No. 857698

hello, non-blendie looking in:
did they change how nodes work again recently?
something about falloffs (are they doing the c4d thing?)

i want to try em out but also don't want to waste my time if they break fundamental shit every few months. do they have a roadmap at all?

Anonymous No. 857712

If you have a high-end PC, yes. Eevee is designed for performance by default, while Cycles is all about accuracy and photo-realism. You can tweak eevee and enable enough features to make it look... convincing enough, but cycles is going to just work, even if a lot slower.

Anonymous No. 857717

it's a coom outfit with holes cut in various parts, notably the thighs, I made it in MD
Since the skin underneath must show through the holes, i can't just hide it
And since it's a high poly mesh with an internal layer from MD, manually fiddling with the geometry is not practical
I think the main problem is that the round holes completely mess up the loops, because incidentally it's where there are the most problems
I'm thinking fuck it, I'll make animations from base pose to any pose i want, export to MD, sim the outfit to that pose, fix things and export back
Can't really think of a better way

Anonymous No. 857733

I don't know


what do you think

Anonymous No. 857746

I think Blender is going to completely replace Houdini, Maxon shareholders will commit suicide, and geometry nodes definitely won't be a broken pile of shit with missing basic functionality for the next five years.

Anonymous No. 857757

why do you keep posting this thing you could have already done with shaders


Screenshot at 202....png

Anonymous No. 857771

Hey there...



Anonymous No. 857780

Cycles left Eevee Right

Eevee can be good if you do it like Ian Hubert, but most workflows don't adapt too well to eevee IMO. You can see the liquid doesn't show up in the eevee render, probably just have to texture the glass itself and fresnel mix it. But not only do I have to not worry about that with cycles, it also yields better details and results overall, lighting gradients and small details look better etc.

If you're doing low poly shit, doesn't matter much though, especially since eevee has DOF.

Anonymous No. 857788

Can someone tell me why i can't see the background through the glass and why the glass is projecting that dark shadow

Anonymous No. 857789

Turn on ssr in the mats if you insist on working in Eevee. Probably have to change the refraction depth.

Anonymous No. 857790

Also the second sphere that's smooth, roughness needs to be turned down.

Anonymous No. 857791

The ssr is on and I tried with the refraction depth.
I don't know what could be the problem

Anonymous No. 857792

I just deleted and created the environment texture and it worked....

Anonymous No. 857794

Maybe just stich with cycles if you can, eevee is generally too finicky

Anonymous No. 857801

Apparently that Tangent Animation show made with Blender came out on Netflix. Has anyone watched it? Worth pirating?

Anonymous No. 857805

sadly it's garbage
the new gpencil line art modifier thing is better, but not really complete or well documented yet

Anonymous No. 857813

Every single fucking time I close down Blender since the last update it keeps causing a memory leak or something on my computer that doesn't clear up until like 5~10 minutes later. The Disk usage chugs up to 100% doing fuck knows what during that time period. What the fuck is wrong with this shit?

Anonymous No. 857826

blender can't even replace c4d
sit down

Anonymous No. 857840

pls im desperate

Anonymous No. 857854

sit down, increase the sensitivity of your irony detector and read the last part of his comment again.

Anonymous No. 857878

Out of curiosity, is it possible for NLA repeats to show in graph editor? Like how you can use the Cycles modifier in the graph editor on individual channels and see the loops right there.

Anonymous No. 857880




Anonymous No. 857884

samefag, now my texture does this, ig its modifier related ?

Anonymous No. 857889

You have to convert to grease pencil and then export as svg or pdf, I think materials were supported but no textures or shadows, idk if they added that

Anonymous No. 857894

>still can't ctrl c ctrl v a node setup between two blender instances

Anonymous No. 857908

i did the doughnut tutorial 6 months ago then lost all motivation and dropped 3dcg for few months. Recently launched blender and i forgot most of the stuff. Am i retarded or you really need to keep doing this stuff constantly to not forget.

Anonymous No. 857923

I don't know how to explain the learning process to you but you didn't learn it if you did one tutorial, it's not about the gap that's fine you just didn't do enough in the first place you lazy cunt

Anonymous No. 857935

There's literally an alpha channel at the bottom of the principled bsdf



Anonymous No. 857952

what noise is this texture using

Anonymous No. 857953

If I have experience with 2d, should I be painting my own stock textures or pirating professional ones? I feel like I might spend more time sifting through 1000 shitty leaf textures than just making one. T. newfag

Anonymous No. 857955

"A Photoshop brush" noise.
You can get something similar by layering Voronois.

Anonymous No. 857962

is that the rankin bass gollum?



Anonymous No. 857963

Doing both- Combining all of your artistic worth into the texture pipeline will become the superpower- Remix and refine the ones that already exist- Use as launch pads for your own- Before long, your texture skill will become sharp- sharp enough that the textures you make surpass those you could find elsewhere

Anonymous No. 857971

True, nowadays I get great results from texture painting a masked mixed shader for surface imperfections using custom brushes that I made in krita. Very fun workflow.

Anonymous No. 857997

Assuming I zoomed fuck know where in blenders view port and want to go back fast to object i have selected how do i do this? everything i found on google says to press NUM dot(,) but that shit does nothing for me.

Anonymous No. 858050

Thanx bro

Anonymous No. 858180

How can I get a custom UI for a model to show up in a scene to which I have appended the model? Just appending the collection currently.

Anonymous No. 858199

Go Over to the Scripting workspace and run its UI script

Anonymous No. 858201

Does it have to be vector? Or maybe you can render against a green screen and then use photosh^W Gimp to convert green to transparency and get a soft edge.

Anonymous No. 858207

Another anon already answered, but worth adding that integer numbers are representable exactly in floating point. If you have 5.9999 instead of 6, it a computation error and not representation error.

Anonymous No. 858209

>Easy fix: Just take the value currently displayed in the textbox and parse that every time the user moves a slider.
This won't quite work. The text box shows three digits after the point or somerhing like that, so it would show 0 for small non-zero values. Perhaps it would be better if Blender used 0.125 as increment step, because that should be representable in floating point exactly.

Anonymous No. 858216

If you want to round your numbers to certain precision, the only reliable way is doing it yourself, because Blender does not know whichof 5.9, 5.99, 5.999, etc you consider to be 6. For floor(), you can add/subtract 0.0001 (or whatever number you consider to be 0,).



Anonymous No. 858235

How many more Blender beginner tutorials does this world need?

Anonymous No. 858242

Yea the flood on YouTube actually doesn't help newcomers, keeps them occupied with niche tips n tricks when they should be focusing on box modeling, sub-d modeling, topology, etc.

Anonymous No. 858244

and that's a good thing.
Retards who can't even find out what the essentials and fundamentals are and who are unable to structure their learning deserve no better than to be kept in an vicious circle of dopamine / attention traps.

Anonymous No. 858292

Oh I wasn't saying it's not great, more idiots who think our job is harder is better, just that it's a fact of the current 3d social media zeitgeist. Even a few years ago it was just a few ok tuts here and there, some cool demo reels or project renders, now it's every idiot thinking their first week in blender makes them a god.

And I agree, this industry really cultivates the autodidactic and vision driven artist, because if you can't teach yourself no amount of schooling will put you past mediocre, at best.

Anonymous No. 858296

The thing newcomers need most is a fucking "Blender for dummies" guide.
I swear all the modelling tutorials, like how to make a star or whatever, don't even help people get better at Blender in the long run. All the dogshit shortcuts and UI options are what stop newbies from really thriving in my opinion, and Blender's own documentation isn't even newbie friendly.

Anonymous No. 858301

>if you can't teach yourself no amount of schooling will put you past mediocre, at best.
applies to all aspects of life.
>The thing newcomers need most is a fucking "Blender for dummies" guide.
What they desperately need is a working brain with the ability for critical thinking.
>I swear all the modelling tutorials, like how to make a star or whatever, don't even help people get better at Blender in the long run. All the dogshit shortcuts and UI options are what stop newbies from really thriving in my opinion, and Blender's own documentation isn't even newbie friendly.
Because dummies expect and "need" a step by step explanation for art. Let that sink in for a while. Tutorials are for learning techniques, not for the whole process. Somehow people have forgotten to think for themself.

Anonymous No. 858309

No you need to stop thinking in programs and look at the bigger picture. You want to model in a computer, what does that entail? Understanding of the why and how of topology and how (methods) to get there. The tool is hard to learn but if you can't even get past learning the tool, that may be your sign to just not pursue 3d.

Do software engineers learn just one language? Learning programs should be no different for the artist, but having the base knowledge underlying all these tools will allow you to understand what's going on and adapt quickly to any tool. And blender's documentation is fairly good, like most big Foss software, you might be asking the wrong questions when tackling the subject, as annoying as it is to hear it.

>applies to all aspects of life.

Indeed it does, but doubly so in something like art vs math (at least at lower levels, higher up it has more "art" like qualities in that uncharted roads are walked by the best). In math there is only on right answer. In art, many answers can be right, but style, soul, and beauty is found in those choices.

Anonymous No. 858315

>Do software engineers learn just one language?
No, but certain paradigms lend themselves to others. Someone who masters one object-oriented language should have no issue understanding the basics of another OO language.
Blender is bogged down in shortcuts in an attempt to keep a clean UI, but the documentation assumes you already know what every tool does. The best way for newbies to learn is to give them easy access to every tool.
I do this professionally, and when I decided to pick up Blender I was shocked that a mass marketed free-to-use software was worse to use than all the shit my company pays to use. I didn't have much of an issue getting a grasp of Blender, but it is extremely telling to see people (especially newbies) regularly post things like "I didn't know I could do that" or "Oh, well, I did it manually teehee" or even just watching their process and seeing them jump through hoops to do one thing that they could've done with a Shift-A right-click.

And I do agree with the other Anon. It seems like alot of people these days don't want to learn and would rather use Youtube tutorials than getting their hands dirty and having fun. The general Blender stupidity could just be the fault of the modern zoomer art creator.

Anonymous No. 858318

That's a pretty fair assessment, but of course industry paid software would be easier to use as they're generally more time observant due to restrictions during production. Honestly though I find the ui of Zbrush to be just as offensive if not more so.

>And I do agree with the other Anon. It seems like alot of people these days don't want to learn and would rather use Youtube tutorials than getting their hands dirty and having fun. The general Blender stupidity could just be the fault of the modern zoomer art creator.

This is a big part of it as well, it's why there are pages and pages of "satisfying art", low poly, and blender donuts they just literally don't get it beyond the one thing. Basics mean little to these people as long as they can do the same "trick" as whatever uninspired crap they're copying.

Anonymous No. 858327

What's the coolest material you've created yourself?

Anonymous No. 858409

Learning what tools and shortcuts exist is exactly what every single introductory course teaches. The donut guy even made a pdf with main shortcuts.

Anonymous No. 858412

why do you have to call Andrew that?

Anonymous No. 858417

Because I cannot help that notice he ate too many donuts these last months.

Anonymous No. 858424

he's bloated from the drink

Anonymous No. 858427

Would it be worth it to pirate Maya for quaddraw?
Also, could xgen particle hair be imported into Blender?

Anonymous No. 858463

How do you make a mummy-bandage-wrap around an entire body? Is making individual strands and manually wrapping them around a body my only option?

Anonymous No. 858512

Is there any equivalent in blender to the “Indexed Color” function in photoshop? Basically something that generates a limited color palette from the image and then forces the image to use only that color palette?

Anonymous No. 858513

probably not for quad draw but for many other features perhaps.

and yes, alembic cache

Anonymous No. 858514

generate a LUT and use that as a post process effect or in the compositor

Anonymous No. 858534


Anonymous No. 858599

I've been working on sculpting, mostly practicing hands. I'm new to Human anatomy and want to get the hardest parts of it out of the way. Is it best to focus 100% on that, or should I branch out and have another piece of anatomy to study as well, i.e. the face, or the foot, or something. Not sure if I should master hands before trying other things.

Anonymous No. 858602


I've been wanting to do tutorials for sometime but when you think about it, 99% of 3d users quit and the biggest market is the beginner/intro market, is it really worth making tutorials for the 1% market. It's all about the money and if you're lucky enough you can make a stack of it, but the most successful tutorials are aimed at beginners, you gotta get 'em before they realize just how much hard work and a time sink 3d really is.

Anonymous No. 858603

specialising is good as it might increase short-term success and motivation. Spreading yourself too thin by trying to do all at once might demotivate you and makes experiences of success harder to see.
Getting the hardest parts out of the way is a good strategy. If you nail the hands it'll might make other parts easier since you learn and grow and can adapt. But in the grand scheme of things it hardly makes a difference, it just changes what you can do now vs later.



Anonymous No. 858637

I've been studying these guys visualizations since it's the style I'd like to recreate. Now they say they use Nishita sky but my noob ass can't seem to recreate the colors like in the top images. Whenever I use nishita it just gives me a white color, not those blueish or orange like with them.

Which settings do I have to play around with so I can achieve the same result?
To achieve the lighting from the bottom images I'm just scaling up the sun to get softer shadows, is this correct?

Anonymous No. 858649

Thank you for the advice. I'll probably continue to specialize in hands. I think if I just need a change of scenery, I'll try something else, but I won't allow myself to get sidetracked by it.



Anonymous No. 858652

I would believe the top 2 are Nishita, but the bottom 2 look like HDRIs to me. You can see definition in the clouds, especially the bottom left.
> Whenever I use nishita it just gives me a white color, not those blueish or orange like with them.
I don't have a lot of experience with procedural skies, but have you tried changing the exposure of the camera?
>To achieve the lighting from the bottom images I'm just scaling up the sun to get softer shadows, is this correct?
Blender actually has a setting in the sun lamps for doing this called "angle," which has fancy math and stuff behind it to make if physically accurate. You can adjust the the angle to make the shadow more or less diffused. Pic rel



Anonymous No. 858659

Just to follow up, here is a comparison with different exposures using the Nishita sky. From top to bottom: 1.0, 0.5, 0.1
I wouldn't even use a sun lamp if I where you, The Nishita sky seems to already have a pretty good solution for the sun built in, and using a lamp in addition to that is probably going to make things look bad.



Anonymous No. 858660

And these are my exact settings. All I did was make the sun size 2 degrees to soften the shadows, and set the altitude to 0.5, which represents what the sky should look like 500 meters above sea level. 1.0 would equal 1km, 2.5 would equal 2.5km and so on.



Anonymous No. 858676

completely forgot how blendlets call their lights "lamps"

Anonymous No. 858700

the incessant bullying made them change it to "light" a few versions ago iirc

Anonymous No. 858708

What's wrong with "lamp?" Isn't it a pretty classic term?

Anonymous No. 858738

My problem was the exposure, I reduced it to .10 on the scene I'm working on and it seems to achieve that twilight lighting they got going on the top left image. Thanks for pointing that out.

I'm planning on using sun lamps for interior scenes just to get those sun rays coming in through the windows. They seem more efficient than having an hdri or a sky texture. I'm an ex-sketchup fag so I'm getting used to working in blender and mostly trying to come up with an efficient workflow.



Anonymous No. 858742

they probably got a call from Disney, we know how strict they are with their IP.

>I'm planning on using sun lamps
be careful with what you say.

Anonymous No. 858814

The simplest way to get more blue in your nishita sky is to keep the sun low, lower the Air value and crank up the Ozone.
You can also lower the strength of the background node.
Finally don't underestimate the difference a good color grading can make in post processing. Learn about the RGB curves node and how it works.

>I'm planning on using sun lamps for interior scenes just to get those sun rays coming in through the windows.
Personally I'd use a sky texture everywhere since you get an accurate color temperature for your sun according to its elevation as well as an accurate sky color which will tint your shadows the right way.

Anonymous No. 858827

>The simplest way to get more blue in your nishita sky is to keep the sun low, lower the Air value and crank up the Ozone.
Are the Air, Dust, and Ozone values actually based an anything scientific? Like what unit of measurement does each represent? Blender wiki says:
>Air: Density of air molecules.
>>0 no air
>>1 clear day atmosphere
>>2 highly polluted day
>Dust: Density of dust and water droplets.
>>0 no dust
>>1 clear day atmosphere
>>5 city like atmosphere
>>10 hazy day
>Ozone: Density of ozone molecules; useful to make the sky appear bluer.
>>0 no ozone
>>1 clear day atmosphere
>>2 city like atmosphere
These descriptions almost make them seem arbitrary.

Anonymous No. 858828

Plz ignore the epic formatting fail. I forgot that >> links to a post. It should read:
0 = no air
1 = clear day atmosphere
2= highly polluted day



Anonymous No. 858842

Is the trim (box/lasso) brush supposed to be that slow or does the problem come from my polycount or my laptop?

Anonymous No. 858847

nah its the tool, I think it does multiple actions that are not optimized for sculpt mode. Looks like it does some sort of boolean operation with difference. so the sequence might be, create object, boolean, apply boolean, delete object. and doing that on dense meshes are painfully slow



Anonymous No. 858890


Anonymous No. 858905

I did it.
I finally managed to crash Blender while rendering.
I feel like I've finally made it.

Anonymous No. 858913

>Blender 3.x will keep using the old physics systems such as for Bullet, and modifiers for Mantaflow, Softbody and Cloth...
>For the rest, new development will go to Node based Solvers.
Guess we're not trying to be houdini after all if we're only getting particle solvers as nodes.

Anonymous No. 858914

>Blender should be able to connect to the web for additional features to work.
>Blender will start a new module for this: named Meta

I wonder if they will rename that part of Blender now to avoid confusion. You know, since Blender has FB as patron...



Anonymous No. 858915




Anonymous No. 858930

why can't i get my model to smile bros
i made a qt girl and i just want her to smile for me but i cant do it she just ends up looking even creepier than kazuya from tekken what do i do i need ths

Anonymous No. 858932

You could try looking at a real woman for example



Anonymous No. 858939

>we're planning on continuing doing the things we're doing and working on the things we're working on
>we'll improve things and have performance improvements and add some new things that have to do with 3D
>we have a proposal that isn't final which is pending review and might be evaluated at some point
>we are committed to maintaining the functionality and features we already have
>we are planning to have some of these in beta in 3.1
Wow, thanks Ton. Here's hoping they actually fucking ship "Animation 2020" or the sculpting branch sometime in the next two years, but I won't hold my breath.



Anonymous No. 858944

they couldn't make a deal with Weta, so they came up with this "Meta" bullshit?

Anonymous No. 858950


time to learn zbrush anon.


person split.png

Anonymous No. 858984

I may actually be using the wrong word here. It's my understanding that vector shapes have completely flat edges, no blur.

I have this little guy rendered out but when I overlap the arms with the body, there's a slight outline I'm unsure how to get rid of.

Anonymous No. 858998




Anonymous No. 858999

The old physics systems stay in place so that they can be accessed via UI and without diving into node-trees, just like the old modifiers stay in place.
They do plan to turn these old physic systems into nodes, but they won't rewrite the core code of the solvers itself, just make the functionality available as a node.
Particle solvers, hair and other new stuff will get more attention in terms of the underlying tech, rather than being an UI port.
The goal still seems to be to have physics, particles, hair, geonodes, volumes, rigging and animation in one unified node context.
Rigging and animation is the toughest problem they have to solve since they basically have to start from scratch and rethink everything.
>trying to be houdini after all
yes, kinda - pic related.

Anonymous No. 859001

>Optionally, however, Blender should be able to connect to the web for additional features to work.
So this is how the feds are going to monitor our artwork. Always disconnect before opening Blender.

Anonymous No. 859002

Is there a way to bake down a bunch of foliage cards to a new texture and get all the maps?

Idk how would I get a normal map when Blender only shows the card itself, and how to render the opacity?

Anonymous No. 859006

lol retard just arrange the textures into one atlas in photoshop

Anonymous No. 859008

Yes, but I can’t achieve overlapping parts and depth with that method, can I? Foliage is overlapping and that’s why I question how to do this, it was assembled like you said in the first place, but now I have more complex overlapping cards made from the original atlas that I’d like to bake down again on a flat texture.



Anonymous No. 859009

I'm not sure I understand. Are you trying to make grass sprites like pic rel?

Anonymous No. 859013


Anonymous No. 859014

looks like shit

Anonymous No. 859015

I have e.g. grass clumps, leaves, branches etc. separate. Then I mixed them together in one large pile where everything is overlapping. Now I want to bake all of this down into texture again so it is optimized and I have all of that overlapped shit that will be placed on the ground, as a one single card.


Monteverde Angel.jpg

Anonymous No. 859069

Zup m8s.

I'm trying to make this kind of hair deformation where it's pushed a bit against the head by a tiara or something. The problem is I'm using that curve method for modeling the hair ( https://cgcookie.com/articles/how-to-model-hair-in-blender ) and I'll put a bit of wind in my scene later, so I wanted to do this non-destructively so that I can match it easier with the wind-direction when I get to that. Any ideas? Should I just turn it to a mesh and deal with it later, or maybe I should try a different approach for the hair?

The way it is now, since the hair is a curve and not a mesh, the modifiers I can use are very few. I thought of doing it with a displacement modifier, but that's out of the table.

Anonymous No. 859151

Personally that's the kind of details I would only bother with on a last pass once the rest of my character is done. I'd recommend keeping a copy of your curves in a disabled collection just in case and converting the originals to a mesh and do the indent with the sculpt tools.

Anonymous No. 859287

ur sculpting like an autist, sculpting is destructive get used to it

Anonymous No. 859291

Is there any way to use the GPU to bake Softbody animations?

Anonymous No. 859294




Anonymous No. 859314

can someone tell me why dark black grease pencil lines are affected by scene lights?

Anonymous No. 859352

I'm not sculpting though.

Thanks, I'm gonna do that.

Anonymous No. 859361

Blender bro? Just Lel kek what a fucking bitch

Anonymous No. 859378

I don't mind paid addons, but I wish addon authors gave you a link to a private repo with your purchase
PLEASE let me fix the bugs in your shitty spaghetti code

Anonymous No. 859391

What website did you get those models from?



Anonymous No. 859411

What's the best looking render engine for blender? Cycle good enough or are there better third party ones?

Anonymous No. 859416


Anonymous No. 859418

Install LuxCore

Anonymous No. 859419

V-Ray is stuck on 2.79 because the devs abandoned the project, and Renderman is bugged on 2.9X. If you're already limiting yourself to Blender to do 3D, you might as well just stick to Cycles, it's good enough.

Anonymous No. 859420

>it's good enough.
It is not

Anonymous No. 859423

If Blender's sculpting, modeling, grooming, shading, rigging, animation, texturing, compositing and simulation tools are good enough for the project you're working on, then Cycles will be good enough for rendering it. If they're not, then why the hell are you using Blender in the first place?

Anonymous No. 859426

you are wrong.

Anonymous No. 859430




Anonymous No. 859468

For those with madlads still using Windows 7, have any of you tried these two compatibility fixes to get Blender 2.93 or 3.0beta installed?




Anonymous No. 859469




Anonymous No. 859542

In the time it took you to type that bait you could've created something nice in the program of your choice

Anonymous No. 859545

how the fuck do i lasso with the mask in sculpt

Anonymous No. 859560

kys shitter



Anonymous No. 859562

This is the overlapping issue I'm talking about. Where the arms overlap the legs, it looks awful. I don't know how to fix this

Anonymous No. 859574

Any ideas on how to get a static object to follow a cloth simulation?
>buttons on a shirt should just move along with the cloth simulation without distorting
>can't seem to find a way to do that

Anonymous No. 859577

been using the 2.93 dll since day one, and the 3.0 build worked fine last i tried it

Anonymous No. 859578

I really wish linking stuff wasn't such a safety hazard for every element of the .blend file.

Anonymous No. 859579

keep proportions in mind, cute smiles are between the eyes

Anonymous No. 859580


Anonymous No. 859596

newfag here, I am starting with the donut tutorial
when done with that, from there where should I go?
I unironically want to try doing some blender porn clips. Should I focus on animating characters next?

Anonymous No. 859599

Is this already rendered view?
The viewport shading has an outline option that is on by default

Anonymous No. 859608

You should focus on
Organic modelling and animation topology
Weight Painting

Anonymous No. 859609

Thank you

Anonymous No. 859621

great, thank you!



Anonymous No. 859625

>found out mirror modifier copies weightpainting as well
This saved me so much time and frustration. God I wish I was smart so things wouldn't have to take weeks for something that should take one second

Anonymous No. 859652

Is there an option to apply loop cuts only on selected faces? I'm tired of having to hide the connected faces just to cut one.

Anonymous No. 859653

Post some of your ngons abominations please

Anonymous No. 859654

Select the edges where you want to place the loop and subdivide them. Or just use the knife tool to break the loop flow.
It's not the best practice either way, but you can get away with a lot of things depending on how simple is the geometry or how well you hide your ngon abominations.

Anonymous No. 859655


Anonymous No. 859656

Was that always working in 2.8 and 2.9 versions? Swear I ran into trouble where it wasn't working correctly with 2.92. Forgot the specifics, but even when bones were correctly labeled with name.R or .L, wasn't mirroring correctly. I'd guess it was something I was doing incorrectly, but multiple people on various discords couldn't troubleshoot it as well.

Anonymous No. 859662

How to into good sculpts?



Anonymous No. 859663

Thanks a lot, bruv!



Anonymous No. 859676

That last picture was in the viewport and this one is is rendered in eevee.

I tried cycles and it's even more prominent. The planes are as close as possible so I can't imagine why this is so pronounced.



Anonymous No. 859686


Anonymous No. 859707

nice Buddhist doughnut

Anonymous No. 859710

what are the render setting if I want to benchmark my machine?

something I can leave overnight progressively adding detail.



Anonymous No. 859713

How did you make your planes?
did you import them as images and slapped them on plane?
Or are they normal planes? i tried to recreate your problem by using normal planes and i get seamless blend in both eevee render and view.
I cant quite tell what those seams are but try go into Material properties, scroll down to settings and in Shadow Mode set that to none and see if that helps



Anonymous No. 859715

Yeah, it shouldn't be happening in Eevee.
If nothing else, you can just plug your texture or color directly into material output, like pic related. This way it won't be affected by anything at all.

Also unrelated, but switch from Filmic to Standard in the color management settings, if you haven't done it already. You don't want it to mess with the colors for this type of stuff.

Anonymous No. 859728

Watch ZBrush videos and study their workflow because those people can actually sculpt

Then after watching them you'll also have a good understanding of ZBrush and can swap

Anonymous No. 859736

Someone knows why cell fracture is not creating the interior faces?

Anonymous No. 859765

I appreciate all the help, seems like nothing is fixing it. I'm convinced the issue is on the 2d pieces themselves. I rendered them in blender, tried to make it as flat as possible, and used that render with a transparent background as the texture.

I don't remember how I originally did it, but I tried both. Import image as plane and just plane + manual texture. Seemed to make no difference.

I turned off Shadow Mode, I switched from Filmic to Standard.

Plugging the texture in directly gives me black outlines, because of the alpha channel, but using tricks to get rid of that still didn't fix the issue.

My only guess is that the render I used to make the texture from has some sort of bleed around the edge for some reason.


Screenshot 2021-1....png

Anonymous No. 859768

newfag here, how do I change the circular face so it's a square? I'm trying to make a chess piece so I'm trying to make a cross at the top. I can only think of moving the vertices to make it a square shape. Is there an easier way?



Anonymous No. 859775

i'd just place a cube in the center and then use intersect (boolean) on it
this way the sides keep their curvature

Anonymous No. 859789

Noob question: is Sculpting the way to got for organic modeling (characters, clothes) in Blender, or is stuff like Subsurface Modifier still relevant/prevalent nowadays?

Anonymous No. 859791

Depends on the level of details you want but either way is good

Anonymous No. 859807

It kinda feels like 80% of all effort is currently going into geo nodes

Anonymous No. 859810

Not a bad thing. It's not like they would be instead trying to fix edit mode performance, rework the view layers system or something otherwise.
Geo nodes and Cycles X are better than gimmick sculpting brushes, grease pencil and whatever else "hype" clickbait memes they have been doing since 2.8.

Anonymous No. 859812

>Best speed i can get in 2.9 is 1m 10s using CPU rendering
>Can switch to Cycles X GPU for 10% faster renders but i cant use my pc during these
>Cycles X CPU takes almost 3 minutes




Anonymous No. 859816

Geometry nodes is the biggest meme ever

Makes this world boring... , until the implementation reaches complexity of something like Houdini, I sleep

So bunko. Can you hear me Amazon Animation Henchman? Can you fuckin hear me?! Where the fuck is the overhaul you little bitch!!!??? Post Your Work. P. Y. Fucking. WORK. Little BEZO Bitch

Anonymous No. 859826

I built my PC specifically to be able to do modelling and rendering, so I'm sitting comfy over here

Anonymous No. 859829

Any idea what it'll take for Blender to not shit itself over scenes with a million+ vertices? Doesn't matter how good your CPU is, once you start getting that high everything starts to get laggy.



Anonymous No. 859830

Works on my machine. Download more RAM

Anonymous No. 859838

Needs more different lights.

Anonymous No. 859839

I'm pushing 20 mil sometimes- I have 128GB



Anonymous No. 859857

Use every method available, I blocked in large shapes for the horse and merged, then sculpted. Armor was made with sub-d and the girl was just sculpted. There really is no one way to get anywhere so it’s best just to know that there is no one magic bullet for 3d, unless you want to be a sculpt god.

Check out flycat on YouTube, he almost does a different modeling method in every vid but still ends up with a good result.


lamp bend.png

Anonymous No. 859902

I'm trying to get some animation to work. When I rotate that highlighted bone, the lamp moves. But the wires won't. I could get rid of the bone between the lamp (which isn't weight painting anything on the lamp) and move the wires with Auto IK and maybe follow path, but then I'd have to do every last frame. What's a better way?

Anonymous No. 859906

why is blender animation export so goddamn awful
i have never gotten animation shit to work with unreal ever

Anonymous No. 859908

blender has a habit of working on things that are basically only useful if you're a blendlet which kinda sucks. That is to say they expect you to only ever work in blender and only ever have the object remain in blender, never move anywhere else (like that fucking stupid asset creation pipeline which for some reason assumed every project sculpted in blender was gonna be rendererd or remain there, or even that combining rendering and sculpting is preferable).

Geo nodes has had no mention of anything like open mesh effect for implementing geo nodes into other programs, there's obviously plenty of uses where it'd never want to leave blender anyway like motion graphics but when houdini engine exists I think it's simply a colossal waste of time to spend time learning something that will always be joined at the hip to one location.

Anonymous No. 859909

use mr. mannequin tools.

I have never had an issue with default export but I also don't use the mannequin I just it for animations

Anonymous No. 859910

I make my own rigs and models
for nearly five fucking goddamn years i have tried to get simple skeletal animations to work but they never do
either the animations dont show up or some other asinine bullshit happens like the normal static mesh will be fine but importing it with a skeleton fucks the axis so the skeleton has Y up instead of z but the mesh is normal so when the shit animates it just turns into an incomprehensible mesh
i can only guess that this has to do with the limited fbx support blender which is really fucking annoying considering all the stupid shit theyre adding in the new versions when this never got fixed



Anonymous No. 859912


if anything's gonna solve it.

My custom rigs just go in fine sorry.

Anonymous No. 859974

What are some good addons for beginners? I've seen the LazyViewport addon but is there anything else like that?

Anonymous No. 860006

Why is Principled so shit? Only two tones and you can't even change the size of the specular? What the fuck are we, cavemen?

Anonymous No. 860008

you're nowhere near good enough for principled to be the issue.

Anonymous No. 860031

Why is selected to active baking in Blender such a pain, I've never once had it not be completely fucked up.



Anonymous No. 860034

Like seriously, I put in all this effort to make these and then on no your bake just got fucked up, enjoy, god I may as well just make 2k tri fuckin shoes.



Anonymous No. 860152

Im completely new to Blender and Ive messed around with some beginner tutorials but Im running into problems.

I wanna start sculpting and I import some reference drawing to sculpt over but how do I do it? I cant find any tutorials that go into the specifics on how that work.

Most seem to just make their own vertices and spawn the 3d model over messing with the cube. Does anyone have a good tutorial on the basics of doing this? Im really new at Blender and stuck on this.

Anonymous No. 860214

fresh >>860213
fresh >>860213
fresh >>860213



Anonymous No. 860972

extremely dumb question, but as a noob I am curious why this edge angle reads under 90 when it looks greater than that.

how are "edge angles" calculated?