

🧵 /ueg/ - Unreal Engine General

Anonymous No. 851306

It's free, it's powerful and there's a lot to like about what's coming up in 5. Why not have a thread for it?

What have you been making in UE lately?

Anonymous No. 851307

What is the best way to approach rigging and animation in UE? Do most people import their own skeletons and animations? Or use the Epic Skeleton?

Anonymous No. 851323


Anonymous No. 851324

I'm starting to enjoy doing as much as I can in unreal, everything talks to each other so well and you can really set up efficient processes. I wonder if this is what it was like working in XSI back in the day.

Mr. mannequin tools if you want to retarget them.


If not, you can just do whatever, rig and animate whatever skeleton outside then import the finished ones in.

Anonymous No. 851328

A huge amount of the tutorials online seem to centre around using the existing mannequin skeleton, presumably because a lot of people are lazy and just want to make asset flip games.

You can use your own skeletons and animations no problem though.

Anonymous No. 851329

Fuck chinks and fuck China shills

Anonymous No. 851330

I hope we see an update on chaos physics sometime soon.


it's supposed to be completely replacing physx in ue5 and I don't think it's anywhere near ready

Anonymous No. 851331

Conservatives dont like learning new ways of thinking. This includes learning new software.



Anonymous No. 851339

>It's free
i wonder why there aren't as many unrealets like there are blendlets in the world... i mean, what could be the driving force for them to shill so much for blender and not for unreal

Anonymous No. 851343

So what's the main use for Unreal besides gaeming?

Anonymous No. 851346

because unreal is already successful in the industry and doesn't need to be cheerlead by nomodelers.

animation and visualisation (Archvis, engineering visualation, product showcases), live broadcast graphics and music events etc.

It's also got a currently in development full on path tracers like arnold/cycles/vray etc. so it'll be very attractive for offline content considering you can just jump between full on path tracing and real time at leisure.


Anonymous No. 851347

Do people actually animate meshes in Unreal instead of Maya?

Anonymous No. 851348

generally no, you can with control rig but I'd rather use something else.

https://youtu.be/d1ZnM7CH-v4?t=613 this robot was animated with control rig inside UE, it can be done, I just wouldn't.

unreal is more like the clarisse in your pipeline, collating all the final assets made elsewhere

Anonymous No. 851349

So what do you mean by animation? Like rendering movies?

How are animations usually exported to Unreal? Is there a good guide somewhere? Are there separate animation files for each action you want to animate? Or is it all contained within a single timeline, then like Unity, you can specify the timecodes within the engine for each action

Anonymous No. 851351


yes you can bring them in via fbx or whatever then sequence them here

Anonymous No. 851354

How would I separate them into different animation files in Unreal though? Like if I animated a jumping animation and a walking animation within the Maya timeline, how would I get them to appear as different animation files within Unreal?

Anonymous No. 851355

It's a natsec meme to have a hateboner for China

Anonymous No. 851359

Do you have to design your character mesh a certain way so that it matches the Epic Skeleton? How does Unreal automatically map the skeleton to a custom character mesh? What are the things to keep in mind?

Anonymous No. 851378

yea, XSI was the good shit back in the 2000s because everything just clicks and works without any deep-seated shenanigans that you had to deal with
but of course, autodesk bought it off and killed it off

Anonymous No. 851398

>Conservatives dont like learning new ways of thinking
If by new ways of thinking you mean things like
>Men can be women and women can be men if they just wear dresses/jeans and flannel shirts, grow their hair/cut their hair, and take estrogen/testosterone
>Evolution is real for all living things except for humans who evolved identically
Then I'll stick to the old ways of learning. The kind that doesn't include semantics larping as intelligence, doublethink, and 100% unrefined cope to offset the cognitive dissonance. Thanks.

Anonymous No. 851403

Who gives a shit about the >0.5% of people who have a mismatch between what's in their pants and what they feel oughta be in their pants?
Is it the people that says leave them be and let them enjoy their own delusions or is it the ones that are horrified and repulsed by them even being a thing?
Or is it in fact both?

Can't you see it's just another bullshit none-issue that keep being pushed to the forefront exactly because it is divisive and serve to distract us
from who really has a hand in our pocket, a boot on our throat and hoarding all them resources.

Left or right we're all bickering about a bunch of nonsense while the ownership of our future is taken away from us.

Anonymous No. 851405

Not him but you don't matter lol. You will never matter. I find it humorous you think you can change your outcome.

Anonymous No. 851411

Not so sure I'd even want to matter my dude, I see how shortsighted we are on average and can't help but think we get what we deserve.
I'm just an observer, sometimes throwing my popcorn at the screen.

Anonymous No. 851442

Do not do this to the unreal thread

Anonymous No. 851456

The problem is that we're all just well off enough to where we can feel like we dont have to worry about these bigger issues. Our lives are going to keep getting worse when the elite realize that we're ok in putting up with that one next little inconvenience. Jesus christ americans work hard for very little gain.

And it's not you vs this guy. We're all the little guy and we need to start making more noise.

Anonymous No. 851472

What's ur favourite material node trick

Anonymous No. 851477

Look into retargeting

Anonymous No. 851617

Abusing camera depth offset to fix clipping issues

Anonymous No. 851639

i used it for archviz. i didn't like how the disk space for my projects reached 1TB with just a few models and no programming, probably no light build either

Anonymous No. 851803

Has anyone created an Unreal Project yet?

Anonymous No. 851812

Yes, they're on my artstation

Anonymous No. 851985

Fuck Unreal Engine. You can't even do a decent quality GPU light build without any fucking artifacts, if there is a curved surface, you are simply fucked, doesnt matter what the lightmap size is. Unity HDRP is better

Anonymous No. 852002

git gud

Anonymous No. 852003


Anonymous No. 852049

Yes, I work with it since some months now. I like it out of all game engines simply because it's technologically more advanced and easier to learn for me. I worked with Unity in a discord based game team before and I kind of disliked it due to how primitive it felt.

Anonymous No. 852110

Thoughts on Twinmotion?



Anonymous No. 852230

What are your thoughts on UE 4.27's Path Tracer renderer?


Anonymous No. 852285

I think it's awesome, once it's got a few more features (like true path traced DoF) I look forward to getting to do basically all my rendering in unreal.

Anonymous No. 852451

Is there some way to "splatter" textures onto an object in Unreal? Hypothetical example:
I have a 10x10m flat plane. I use texture bombing to break up the repetition of the base texture, but that alone isn't enough. I want to slap on some dirt patches or rocky areas on it, how do I achieve this?
>just put a texture with some patches onto it
No can do, it's a large surface so that would require insane texture resolution to not look shit (and I obviously can't make it just tile across that plane else I'm just adding more repetition).

Anonymous No. 852457

decals you muppet

Anonymous No. 852589

Is Lumen worth the hype?

Anonymous No. 852591

>never having to bake lightmaps again

You darn well bet your bottom dollar it is.

Anonymous No. 852592

But it's fucking heavy and runs on 30 fps. Nobody will use it.

Anonymous No. 852594

I don't care I make offline animations

Anonymous No. 852931

This is pretty cool

Anonymous No. 853018

How different will be Unreal 5 compared to UE4? I remember the change from UE3 to UE4 was a big ones, they're totally different programs, even the scripting language was changed.

Anonymous No. 853095

Nanite is a game changer.

Anonymous No. 853146

nowhere near the ue3 to ue4 transition, it's effectively Ue4+

Anonymous No. 853256

You can't migrate UE3 projects to UE4. You can migrate UE4 projects to UE5.

Anonymous No. 853320

Is it worth migrating to UE5?

Anonymous No. 853341

In most cases, fuck yes.

Anonymous No. 853369

>engine lags when having tabs open in background, such as static mesh viewer
>foliage painting is broken to a degree
>general instability, more lag than in ue4, shaders take ages to compile
>buggy mess right now
I'd wait out the updates and stick with 4.27 instead

Anonymous No. 853398

not yet unless you want to do some slick renders for artstation.

Anonymous No. 853531

I wouldn't migrate any serious projects to UE5 this early. The new features are cool, but right now it's pretty unstable and it's also behind UE 4.27 on some features, such as the path tracer (4.27's path tracer has a denoiser which the latest UE5 early access release lacks), USD support and Alembic support, and there's no sign of a new UE5 early access release anytime soon to bring it up to speed.

It's pretty hard to migrate UE5 assets back to UE4 if you need to. Many assets won't even show up in the content browser at all, and if they do, expect error messages when trying to use them. If I try to run a UE5-saved level in UE 4.27, it tells me it can't because it was saved in a newer version.

So if you do decide to migrate at this point in time, keep that in mind.

Anonymous No. 853567

I was hoping for something more automated so I wouldn't need to drop decals manually around the place.

Anonymous No. 853587

And how would that work? Fucking retard.


thinkgen cat.jpg

Anonymous No. 853593

I could tell you to put together an actual landscape material and blend it with vertex colours but I get the feeling you'll probably think it's too much work soon as putting decals on a 10x10 surface is apparently too hard

Anonymous No. 853595

Auto rig pro is what i use. It's pretty damn good, might need to do a bit of additional weight painting.

Anonymous No. 853617

What do you think of Voxel Heat Diffuse Skinning?


Anonymous No. 853619

>Auto rig pro
>Auto rig

Meanwhile actual professionals all do it manually.

Anonymous No. 853684

By taking a, for example, 2048x2048 texture divided into a 16x16 grid with each square being some sort of splat, grime, burn, scratch, whatever. Then having the engine sample randomly per instance from that grid and placing them at random position with random rotation.

Now that I think about it, might be able to do that in the material graph without too many issues.
Why would I not try to reduce and expedite work wherever possible? Having it done automatically then placing a few decals manually if needed is a hundred times faster. Imagine the time you save across an entire game.

Anonymous No. 853754

Butting into the convo to ask: what's the fucking difference between normal decals and mesh decals? I've read the docs but I'm too stupid to understand it.

Anonymous No. 853840

UE bros, can you recommend a good tutorial for eyes?

Anonymous No. 853843

deconstruct the metahuman eyes

Anonymous No. 853844

Didn’t want to touch that, but if that’s the only good way to go about it...

Anonymous No. 854093

overlay multiple textures in the material graph and scale the uv coordinates for each one by different amounts, some of the engine default materials do that to get large-scale breakup of the texture overlaid with progresively smaller and smaller textures as you get closer.

Anonymous No. 854105

why wouldn't you want to touch that

Anonymous No. 854106

I don’t like any creators, especially ones that involve creating accounts and logging in.

Anonymous No. 854145

Maybe try the realistic human project.

Anonymous No. 854222

you literally had to login to use ue4

Anonymous No. 854999

Because it's not actually free, and blender is way easier to get into.

Anonymous No. 855545

I don't know if this is the right place to ask, but I have missed some month's free assets in the marketplace. I guess I forgot to checkout the last time because I found the september ones in the basket.
Is there a way to download them, to test and buy them if they are useful?
Thanks in advance

Anonymous No. 855554

normal decal just affect the normal or bump whereas the regular decal have color and other inputs



Anonymous No. 855559

Unity in 2021 ladies and gentlemen.

Every time I stumble upon a Unity stream, this is how the scene looks. Absolutely disgusting and it triggers me so much as an ex-Unity gamedev.

Yes, I know you can get decent results with HDRP if you spend 10 hours tweaking the settings and if that particular version you're working on only has 20-ish broken features, but it's a painful workflow, and now next to UE5, Unity can't even be put in the same sentence.

Anonymous No. 855560

For some reason it’s used a lot by low effort shitters and most things look bad. But there are some decent looking games made with it, theyre just very very rare.



Anonymous No. 855574

Is UE5 good for small VR projects? For example I wanna rebuild the room I lived as a kid just for nostalgic feels.
Also should I build it in blender first and import to Unreal or can I do everything in there too?

Anonymous No. 855580

>its free
its bloated, its slow, its a resource hog.....

long live unity! although with the direction the industry is heading in I dont see much future for video games past this current generation

Anonymous No. 855606

>although with the direction the industry is heading in I dont see much future for video games past this current generation
Would you care to elaborate?

Anonymous No. 855627

budgets are thru the roof. so are development times and teams. its not sustainable. also when was the last time a game had something meaningful to say or really challenged the audience? i dont believe all games are merely some kind of disposable product that we mindlessly consume, altho i admit a lot do fall into that category. i cant quite put my finger on it but i feel like that magic or spark is missing. i havent been really excited about a triple a game since the ps3/360 generation, i'll grant you a lot of that could be due to aging and becoming naturally bored.

Anonymous No. 855983

Is it worth to convert your project to UE5, for the lighting? Whenever I open a copy of my 4.27 project, I have to replace every object on the scene manually again. Is lumen much better ?

Anonymous No. 855995

>I dont see much future for video games past this current generation
>i cant quite put my finger on it but i feel like that magic or spark is missing.
I can understand and relate to your scepticism and your reasoning is valid, but I think you are both right and wrong. The state of the video game industry mirrors the state of the movie/entertainment industry.
Technology has advanced to a point where archiving great results has become so easy (comparably), that a small team of dedicated and hard-working people with very little money can outperform big professional teams with state of the art tech and deep pockets from 10-20 years ago.
>budgets are thru the roof. so are development times and teams. its not sustainable.
true - but the problems are not really the tools, its politics and economics.
Both media industries will crash at some point, but this will not take down the whole, just the triple A top, which has this problem of being too big.
Too big too fail is an illusion, rather its the opposite, if something gets too big, it WILL fail.
Germans have a nice compound word for it (like always): gesundschrumpfen.
It means slimming down to a healthy state - that's what is needed, and that is what nature/evolution will deliver.
After the crash inevitably comes a boom and the missing spark that has been drowned by the noise of mediocrity will shine brightly like it hasn't before.
Unreal Engine isn't in a bad place really, its actually in a better shape and state than Unity. It can be fragmented and made more flexible as it is already very competent. Unity while being flexible does not have its competence and therefore needs to become better, which is harder to archive.
Both will survive - like both industries.
You are making the mistake of looking at it too pessimistically, confusing failure and downfall with change and rebirth.
After all you don't truly believe that THE INDUSTRY is the triple A part of it, don't you?

Anonymous No. 856059

>its bloated, its slow, its a resource hog..... long live unity!
Idiot. See >>855559

Anonymous No. 856067

-Hollywood has taken the UE pill and are using it to plan shots and for in camera vfx, apparently Epic has a dedicated team that regularly calls up Hollywood producers and asks them what they need to improve the software.
-Architects are starting to use it because why not.
-As for gaming UE is gaining traction due to megascans being free and all the shit they are adding in to UE5 like Nanite and Lumen.

>Because it's not actually free
This is part of the reason, there are a bunch of retards out there who obsess over the 5% cut that Epic gets on everything, this includes microtransactions and the lowest crowdfunding tier that gives access to the game.
I have seen vids by Indie devs who use Unity that say 5% to Epic isn't worth it but they turn around and give 30% to a publisher that does nothing for them.

Hollywood doesn't seem to care because the 5% royalty only applies to "interactive content" like video games.

Anonymous No. 856155

It's basically the exact same but with new features, could have just called it UE 4.28 and you wouldn't notice

Anonymous No. 856156

>shaders take ages to compile
Shaders have started to take ages to compile on UE4 for me as well. Like 45 minutes for 7000 shaders in the sample project on a 3950x

Anonymous No. 856333

Epic only take 5% when your game generates more than $1 million in revenue.

Anonymous No. 856341

Yes but that is before everyone else takes their cut

Anonymous No. 856342

Who's "everyone"?
The point is the 5% is a pathetic excuse to use Unity over Unreal because the vast majority of you losers will never create something that makes over a million dollars.

Anonymous No. 856344

>Who's "everyone"?
-The Storefront where it is sold, like STEAM or Apple
-Publishers who take a cut
-Crowdfunding sites
>The point is the 5% is a pathetic excuse to use Unity over Unreal
I agree.
>the vast majority of you losers will never create something that makes over a million dollars.
Some Indie devs that use Unity have already made indie games that have made over 1 million dollars and they are hesitant to switch to UE because some don't want to fork over 5% for a bunch of features that they will most likely never use.

Anonymous No. 856345

>Some Indie devs that use Unity have already made indie games that have made over 1 million dollars and they are hesitant to switch to UE because some don't want to fork over 5% for a bunch of features that they will most likely never use.
also, Unity actually runs on mobile

Anonymous No. 856476

It's very rare for an indie to make over a million dollars lol.
Agdg just throws fuzzy math out there and claims that for every review there are 60 players.

Anonymous No. 857204

Bro I did exactly that. Although I'm not on 5 yet. But yes, it's really easy to get started with VR in Unreal and throw things together like that.

>create a new projects with a VR template
>create a new level without all the example stuff
>"play in VR" and put your headset on. there you go, blank canvas.

You'll want to model in Blender. UE4 has a plugin you can download that adds a "Pipeline > Send to Unreal" menu in Blender, but it takes a bit of setup. OR -- and this is what I've been doing lately -- you just model a component in Blender (like a wall) and export the object as an FBX file. Then import it into Unreal and you can place it in your scene.

Anonymous No. 857205

>upgraded to UE 4.27
>VR is different now... OpenXR by default
>default hands are no longer robot hands.. just controllers
>BP_SkySphere is... gone?

I miss 4.25 bros

Anonymous No. 857305

You can still continue using 4.25.

Anonymous No. 857313

>OMG UE5 is such a game changer! No more baking! Just dump your assets straight out of zBrush!
turns out it's only for static meshes and needs extra LOD work by which point you might've well just auto-retopo'd. Sucks to be a faggot hype consoomer I guess.

Anonymous No. 857461

can somebody tell me what settings for god rays but not all around fog ? I have some windows and I want to have clear light fog coming inside, visible not only when looking at the sun, but everytime I increase the height fog it just put a shit ton of fog everywhere. Is there a way to just make it affect light ? like pic related



Anonymous No. 857462

forgot pic

Anonymous No. 857491

own models, own skeletons, own maya rigs and pipeline tools for getting animations across properly



Anonymous No. 859339

What rigging does it use? Can I import a character from Blender easily and does it support "Preserve volume" and "Corrective smooth" ??

Also does it look more realistic than Cycles?

Anonymous No. 859422


that's a shader on a plane, it's not a volumetric effect.

Anonymous No. 859439

Deosn't unity take a larger cut after you make $100k? Although exported games take less space and it's ideal for mobile, there's less features in it..

Anonymous No. 859518

No once you cross 100k a year Unity wants you to buy the subscription for $399 a year, they don't ever ask for royalties.



Anonymous No. 859534

you can import from blender to unreal yes.
it does not support preserve volume or corrective smooth.

Anonymous No. 859549

Godot or UE4 is a better deal in that regard.

Anonymous No. 859616

all 3 are pretty fair IMHO.
Not one of them asks for money before you earn some yourself - so that is great and a good development compared to a couple of years ago.



Anonymous No. 859907

Anyone have a link to pic relate? Thank you!



Anonymous No. 859916

Anyone know how to imitate a shader like this in ue4?

Anonymous No. 859931

Is it worth using UE5 after they updated it not so long ago? I installed it as soon as it released but frankly it was quite buggy to the point that foliage paint tools doesn't even work properly, something I noticed myself. It does also tank perfomance and everything is much slower so I just went back to 4.27

Anonymous No. 859942

Half of the UE5 features, including Lumen, don’t work on M1 Macs. Well that sucks, and here I was thinking about potentially switching to an M1 Mini sometimes in the future. It seems great for every other field except for 3D, of course…

Anonymous No. 859944

>Half of the UE5 features, including Lumen, don’t work on M1 Macs. Well that sucks, and here I was thinking about potentially switching to an M1 Mini sometimes in the future. It seems great for every other field except for 3D, of course…

if you actually develop 3d games and not just (((talk))) about doing it you need to own multiple platforms (mac, windows, linux, android, ios) and develop for all of them simultaneously. You can't just "switch" to something else

Anonymous No. 859949

I do 3D art, I don't develop games anymore. In that case I'd stick to PC probably. I know PCs are still a "better" option for 3D, but Apple's ecosystem and UX of a Mac seem so comfy. I hear good things about M1s even for modeling and texturing, it's just that I also primarily use UE for rendering and M1s don't support any kind of raytracing it seems. I hope that will be fixed in the future. In theory, a Mac should work just fine for my job as I'm mainly creating props, but I like to push the tech to the limits with my personal projects.



Anonymous No. 860856

Unreal bros. Did you ever come aross a guide on iterative develoment? I'm solo on my project and the only way I see that will actually help me make progress is working by iterations.
But I feel like I'm going to fall into some obvious pitfalls but I don't know any of them (Example: Define the scale of your mesh very eary and never beak them).
Anything on that?

Anonymous No. 860858

>Unreal bros. Did you ever come aross a guide on iterative develoment? I'm solo on my project and the only way I see that will actually help me make progress is working by iterations.
what is your current pipeline?

Anonymous No. 860861

I dont think making your game over and over again is feasible as a solo dev

Anonymous No. 860865

Do you want it in details or ?
For the moment
Blender (characters): design -> make reference in PS -> sculpt -> retopologize -> Bake textures -> rig -> weight paint -> animate -> export to Unreal. Pretty much the same for assets
Houdini (Procedural assets): Decompose X into modules -> Model/HDA creation -> bake textures -> Export to Unreal
Unreal: (By features) Get idea -> Write down how it can be translated to code/BP -> Code skeletons (meaning making the classes and their dependencies without any real logic) -> Check if it makes sense -> Write some logic -> Fix errors -> Repeat

Everything related to UV maps and texturing is missing on purpose cause I'm not at that point of the project yet. I'm no where desu since I'm just getting into Unreal after years of Unity

Anonymous No. 860866

It's not about making it over and over. It's about detailing every modules/features/assets at the same level of detail until you're finished and doing it again at a higher level of details. And repeat that until you have something nice

Anonymous No. 860872

thats not a pipeline.


you're prett....gif

Anonymous No. 860880

Kek, my bluff didn't work. Bro I have no idea how to describe a pipeline

Anonymous No. 860917

don't worry he is actually the retard.



Anonymous No. 860923

I had the feeling he was but since I had my own doubts about what a pipeline is, he bluffed me from that begining

Anonymous No. 860930

It's pretty simple, work to a set snapping resolution, always put your origin in the same spot and make sure your stuff always fits in the hypothetical bounding box your origin is on the corner of so you have no issues with say putting two wall pieces back to back.

Then you just update the meshes and textures as you finish them, they'll update from where they're placed, no troubles

Anonymous No. 860933

So why do you guys use Unreal over Unity?

Anonymous No. 860953

A lot of people use unreal for console or pc gaming where you have somewhat beefy specs. Having said that, Unity outperforms it by a mile in the mobile phone gaming space.

Anonymous No. 860959

Because it is better for the majority of use cases.

Anonymous No. 860960

not for mobile, which actually has surpassed console and pc gaming combined in revenue. So, basically, you are wrong.

Anonymous No. 861001

I use ue4 for offline animation I don't care about that



Anonymous No. 861031


Anonymous No. 861038

>passively consume once and then never again versus gaming which offers an active, unique experience each time you play, can play with your friends and family, can sell / buy DLC and skins

This is what /tv/ doesnt understand

Anonymous No. 861039

games tend to have shallow narratives, limited and repetitive mechanics, and poor aesthetics

it's easier to find movies that are dramatically dense, conceptually engaging, and aesthetically refined

games are the inferior cultural product

Anonymous No. 861043

nobody plays games for the narrative, they play for (shock) the gameplay

Anonymous No. 861089

I don't consider low effort casual shit for Normies / NPCs as meaningful and worthy of talking about.
>has surpassed console and pc gaming combined in revenue.
Why should I care about economics?
I am an artist, I am looking at it from an artistic perspective and I don't care about your argumentum ad populum fallacy.

Anonymous No. 861091

>something makes a shitton of money, more than the other 2 options combined, is hugely popular across the globe, and unreal sucks at it
>waaa i dont care about it, muh unreal, muh pc gaming


Anonymous No. 861097

Unreal is better for mobile. The recent Marvel mobage uses it and it looks great while running well. CoD: Mobile runs on Unity though.

Unity just imports and patents features while never working on them to boost their stocks. Look at what they did with ECS.

Unreal has a steep learning curve so it's difficult to prototype stuff, but they have good official tutorials on artstation and Epic.

Anonymous No. 861098

I'm a brainlet who can't into coding

Anonymous No. 861100

unity is far better at mobile. Unreal is only good for fps on desktop or console.

Anonymous No. 861102

You need to get your dose of Jonathan Blow, Jason Rohrer and Chris Crawford interviews right now. Games have a ton of still untapped potential, but I agree the vast majority is shallow garbage (when looking at a grande scheme of things that is, I admit they can still be enjoyable regardless).

Anonymous No. 861170

>no argument
>just mindlessly claims the contrary
Thank you for confirming your stupidity, idiot.

Anonymous No. 861532

unreal5 looks like unity in low engine scalability setting

Anonymous No. 861533

Really weak bait

Anonymous No. 862659

Thoughts on Niagara? How does it compare to Cascade?

Anonymous No. 862671

it destroys cascade, it's not really a question.



Anonymous No. 862713

What programming language would be useful to learn if I plan on working with UE?

Anonymous No. 862715


Anonymous No. 862727

machine code for autistic optimizations. oh wait, no one today let's you near a layer this low. bummer.


Screenshot 2021-1....jpg

Anonymous No. 862729

The alembic hair import option only seems to show up sometimes? I also think hair binding might be broken in UE5. Has anyone created a groom binding asset in UE5?

Anonymous No. 862736

This can barely work with FBX let alone Alembic.

Anonymous No. 862956

what problems are you having with fbx?

Anonymous No. 862960

FBX works, blender is usually the issue.

Anonymous No. 862961

>-As for gaming UE is gaining traction due to megascans being free
So stores will be flooded by samey asset flip "games" forever tarnishing UE's reputation and reducing it to being the DAZ Studio of 3D engines?

Anonymous No. 862962

Ease of use will be the counter balance



Anonymous No. 863105

>Meanwhile actual professionals all do it manually.
you've made two things clear:
you've never worked at an animation studio.
you have no idea what an animation TD does.

every studio who can afford to hire Character TDs (which is any legit studio) have their own rigging systems. writting rigging tools and autoriggers is basically what they do.
Manually rigging is for people learning to rig, or rigging very unique assts, and animators who dont know how to program or use rigging systems.

Anonymous No. 863109

Ease of use isn't a counter balance, it's the #1 reason to use DAZ Studio for characters.

Anonymous No. 863113

Am I supposed to make shaders/post processing in both blender and eu4, or do I pick one?

Anonymous No. 863168

Beginner here. Any recommnedations from the market place since it's sales time? I'm not after character models/animations/etc. but more after must-have tools or anything that make deving faster/easier/cooler.

Anonymous No. 863193

>writting rigging tools and autoriggers is basically what they do.
What they do is write autoSKINNERS and rig adjusters. The rigs are still built by hand, have you ever worked on a game?

Anonymous No. 863230

A lot of AAA games use premade assets, they rarely make stuff from scratch since they have a deadline.

Anonymous No. 863289


Anonymous No. 863473

So, how would i go about ripping models from a .pak file.
I'm trying to get the titan models from https://www.patreon.com/DeusMachines, and they all come in a pak file, i have absolutely no idea what im doing with modelling or anything so i dont even know if this is possible, but if it is, how would i do it?

Anonymous No. 863478

Game engines will become so simple one day that the engine will become the game itself.
UE5 feels like a holodeck sometimes.

Anonymous No. 863479


dont rip off small creators. See what bigger studios are doing instead.

Anonymous No. 863512

Where am I supposed to place reflection capture spheres in an exterior scene which has a building as a centerpiece? Sometimes I get good reflections on certain areas, but also some areas lose reflections at the same time.

How much do I need and where do I place them? Every window? E.g. 10 meters around the building in every direction? Next to every exterior prop? What about the radius?

Anonymous No. 863517

>detail lighting mode
>looks good

>lit mode
>looks crap

What did my abledo mean by this?

Anonymous No. 863519


Nice try tricking people into defeatism, FBI agent

Anonymous No. 863523

show us your albedo gbuffer, chances are you have way too wide of a gamut of values, everything needs to be packed in pretty tight and consistent.

Anonymous No. 863525

Yeah, I'm checking it now in photoshop and my values are on average 50-ish %, but some props go as low as 20s (dark gray paint, is that too dark?). I might need to fix that, right? Some go to around 60 as well (white paint).

I only wonder if the average should be higher or it doesn't matter. Like, wouldn't just having brighter lighting compensate for it and the only thing that matters is the average and values having to be close together like you said?



Anonymous No. 863526

need RGB values, you're not supposed to go below 30-50 at sRGB or above 240

Also can be a good practice to download existing maps or things people have put together and study the gbuffers.

Anonymous No. 863527

Nice pic, really interesting to see comparisons like that, I wish I could see more.

Can't show because it's for a client, but yeah I'm checking everything and values are fine. Maybe the albedo itself just isn't nice enough yet and/or my lighting sucks.

Anonymous No. 863900

Does anyone know why UCX sometimes just doesn't won't to import? I always do exactly the same thing, and it just feels like a random bug that shows up. I can't even debug something like that, no clue what is happening and I follow all the rules UE needs to recognize it.

Anonymous No. 863907

you're both wrong, but >>863105 is somewhat less wrong

>any legit studio have their own rigging systems
you'd be surprised to know that even mid-sized studios may not have their own fully-fleshed out rigging system (nor a pipeline, for that matter) and instead rely on more manual rig building.

you'd also be surprised to know that even large, renowned studios may have rigging systems which are shittier than stuff you can find online and buggy as hell.

your daily job isn't writing rigging tools, it's rigging shit and maintain it.
the "rigging tools" are born from the individual character TD writing their own shit because they need it and then incorporated into the studio tools.

the whole reason behind having a "rigging system" is just to get the basic shit out of the way, so that when you have to rig 20 bipeds you don't have to hire 20 people who make 20 different biped rigs and have both riggers die of boredom and animators rip their hair out.

everything else is bolted on more or less manually depending how deep the modular rigging system goes at that particular studio.

no such thing exists and never will.
shit is done by hand, period.

Anonymous No. 863913

>no such thing exists and never will.
Don't tell me what to do, I wrote one and it worked for the purpose we had in mind. Skinning is by far the most automatable job related to rigging and animation.

Anonymous No. 863917


blocking out: why? No. 863921

if im not betting on myself making it i wouldnt be putting 4 years into gamedev anyways.

That said i still think 5% is fine if thats what it takes for a functional engine that isnt slapped together from multiple plugins like Unity is.

blocking out: why? No. 863928

is unity really better for mobile

im not targeting tablets but it would be nice since im doing memepoly anyways to get that demographic.

would 3d platformer even work/be fun with tablet controls

Anonymous No. 863936

>no such thing exists and never will.
>shit is done by hand, period.
t. moron

Anonymous No. 864838

A good example of how more neutral values allow light and shadow to model the form.

Anonymous No. 864839

>Blender (characters)
Just quit now, no one needs more 1996 tier 3D characters made from cubes

Anonymous No. 864841

>Blaming UE for Blenders full retard FBX exports



Anonymous No. 864842

>Game engines will become so simple one day that the engine will become the game itself.
Revolutionary concept

Anonymous No. 864844

Piss off faggot

Anonymous No. 864846

>What did my abledo mean by this?
Are you texturing in substance? If so, drop this fucker on top of your layer stack and tweak materials until everything appears green
It's absolutely fucking ancient but still works

Anonymous No. 864852

Is it worth having an Unreal thread on /3/?

Anonymous No. 864856

why would you say this thing?

Anonymous No. 864858

considerably better than any other thread on the board right now

Anonymous No. 865002

How the FUCK do I fix selection precision bug in the editor? It is happening in UE4 now as well, Hovering over gizmo doesn't work and it only recognizes the mouse when it is actually OFF target by some random distance. I constantly miss it. It has slowed my production time in half and I'm ready to punch a hole through my monitor

Anonymous No. 865156


scroll down to "Placing Reflection Captures" it explains best way to do it. you basically start with one giant reflection capture sphere that covers your entire scene. then you add smaller (but still big) ones to cover certain large areas (these new ones are placed within the biggest one). then finally you add smaller ones in areas of detail to get more accurate reflections there.

remember, small capture spheres always override bigger ones. so you work your way down from biggest to smallest. that way everything in the scene is covered by reflection captures, with more accurate reflections in important detail areas. the biggest reflection capture is really only there to make sure you didn't miss anything, most of what it captures will be overridden by the smaller spheres later on. you can be quite liberal with capture actors but don't go too crazy either. for example if you have high contrast areas with a bright light somewhere, you don't want to spam capture actors every meter in that area because that highlight from the light would get duplicated over and over and will look weird.

use the reflection view mode in the UE viewport to see your reflections. you may want to disable the screen-space reflections temporarily while doing this so you can see them more clearly (in viewport uncheck under "Show" -> "Lighting Features" -> "Screen Space Reflections")



Anonymous No. 865157

Your diffuse/albedo is probably too high contrast, and/or too saturated and/or too bright/dark (usually too dark). The reason it looks better in detail lighting mode is because it replaces all the textures with a flat white color so it gets rid of the issue of your textures being too dark / high contrast. You also want to make sure your reflection environment is properly setup, for example you don't want a sky that's way too bright because it will blow up your specular and smear a bright plastic-like sheen over all of your materials even with the roughness cranked up to 100%.

There are many charts like pic related that give you rough estimates on where your texture values should be for a given material. You don't have to stick to them religiously, every material is different and it also depends on whether something is new or worn out. Basically just don't stray too far away from those values, use them as guidelines.



Anonymous No. 865459

>Nobody here knows what is a pipeline
Jesus what do they teach in schools this days?!

Anonymous No. 865460

I already made my bed by downloading a shiton of tutorials of unreal. also both are just tools, you can realistically speaking do the same thing in both if you really want.

Anonymous No. 865461

if you use unreal you cant be political against the very oppressive chinese government. Unity has no such problem. Thus, unity is the moral choice.

Anonymous No. 865465

>make a game that shit on the chinese
the game i'm making isn't political, I don't know you but the final goal of my game is to be fun and make people happy, if I want to shit on the chinese I do it somewhere else and not in my fricking baby.
imagine expending 2 years making something you pour your soul just to to be boycotted by literally an army of paid cpp shills, i'm not crazy. shitting on a country is not good biz nor good PR strategy.

Anonymous No. 865467

>>make a game that shit on the chinese
you are dead wrong, cris. I love the chinese people. I HATE their government. Nothing i posted implied otherwise.

Anonymous No. 865472

oh sorry, I kinda typed without thinking much about what you wanted to say with your post, didn't meant to say that I hate the chinese also.
I get your point, but I will not mess with the CCP so unreal is just a tool for me, I didn't even knew about the china stuff and unreal.

Anonymous No. 865483

The Tripwire CEO got booted out of his own company for supporting a law that still legalized abortions for emergencies, rape, and teens lmao.

The worst thing that will happen to you from China is having your game review bombed for mentioning Taiwan or Winnie The Pooh jokes, which doesn't matter because no one cares about those except for Mainlanders.

That's besides the point though, there's no freedom of expression anywhere as every nation has their unique set of blasphemy laws. The dominant expression in media is approved by ruling parties and oligarchs. If you make media contrary to their message then they'll remove it. Either through manufacturing consent to pretend that they're a democracy or by purging it themselves.

Anonymous No. 865486

I cannot support the CCP / ten cent / unreal / etc. I have to draw the line.

Anonymous No. 865741

Are you one of those idiots who believes the US Political Establishment isn't corrupt or oppressive?

Anonymous No. 865742

You don't have a line, you're just a hypocritical retard. The developers on Unity would fully support locking people up for "hate speech" or having the wrong social views.

Anonymous No. 865743




Anonymous No. 865822

What are some good modular 3D asset packs/environments that capture the underwater industrial facility aesthetic? Like Submarine interiors, decompression chambers and more.

There are like 5 million modular sci-fi sets and some of them sort of fit the look I'm going for, but at the same time not quite. I want something that looks like it belongs underwater and can survive in a high pressure environment.



Anonymous No. 865823




Anonymous No. 865824


Anonymous No. 866015

anyone got the link for Blockouts Plugin for UE4?

Anonymous No. 866047

Unreal engine 5 did my dishes and threw out my trash



Anonymous No. 866146

I placed a chrome ball in the scene for testing purposes and added a sphere reflection capture next to it. This is what happens when I bake lighting. Areas around reflection captures get super bright and washed out. Why is this happening?

Anonymous No. 866163

check the exposure settings in the camera.

Anonymous No. 866171

It's not that, I have it fixed. The area inside of the reflection capture infuence gets washed out and it gets bigger or smaller depending on the radius. Idk if that's just the ground reflecting back, but it doesn't look right. The difference is too huge and I completely lose the wanted color of the ground.



Anonymous No. 866289


daily reminder unity is most powerful AND most beautiful engine

unreal honestly does not look good

Anonymous No. 866313

still waiting for unity to fix that annoying 1min delay and loading time shit when i import a 100KB asset

Anonymous No. 866368

t. moron

Anonymous No. 866371

can you just go make a unity thread and post there, this isn't a software war thread.



Anonymous No. 866463

Skies are very bright in real life, what you're seeing is the bright specular reflection of your HDRI sky. If you disable specular rendering in the viewport under "Show" / "Lighting Components" / "Specular Highlight" you will see that the bright spot disappears. The reason it looks so bright is because the rest of your scene has no specular whatsoever (since that part of the scene doesn't have any reflection capture coverage), so all of those areas are essentially 100% diffuse. What you need to do is ensure that all of your scene is covered by at least one large reflection capture actor, then use smaller ones to cover areas of detail (smaller ones always overwrite bigger ones, see >>865156 for correct usage). Never place capture actors too close to geometry, and avoid really tiny ones altogether.

I've re-created your problem in pic related. The left surface is fully covered by a reflection capture with a decent distance between the actor and the ground, the surface on the right is only partially covered by a small capture actor. The surface on the left is still too shiny looking, but that's because it's a shitty material that I just grabbed as an example. A proper ground material would have a much higher roughness value to reduce this shininess greatly. You should not mess with the specular value of a material, it should remain at default for 99% of materials (default is 0.5). Alternatively you can reduce the brightness of your sky so that the contrast between your scene lights and the sky material is reduced, this reduces the contrast in your reflection captures and thus the impact of specular highlights.

Reflection captures are incredibly annoying and out-dated, they will be entirely replaced by ray-tracing in UE5 (they'll still be there as a legacy feature). I have wasted countless hours trying to get a perfect setup but there's always areas that look like shit or have repeating highlights show up in reflections. Reflection captures are old and shit.

Anonymous No. 866469

Wow, PBR really is a hackjob.

Anonymous No. 866472

>they will be entirely replaced by ray-tracing in UE5
most people cant afford a literal $3000+ computer.

Anonymous No. 866477

UE5 uses a new reflection system that's integrated into Lumen to create the reflection environment. Yes right now few people have RT GPU's, but that's changing rapidly especially with RT consoles getting widespread now as well. Lumen is one of the key new features of UE5. Reflection captures are definitely on their way out.

Skip to 17:34 for the new Lumen-based reflections in UE5:

Anonymous No. 866478

Anyone tried this course ? : https://www.wingfox.com/c/8518
Does it make sens to dev on it so early for production or it's not stable enough/production ready ?

Anonymous No. 866483

>Yes right now few people have RT GPU's, but that's changing rapidly especially with RT consoles getting widespread now as well
Is it? Most cards are going to miners. Gamers cant afford these cards. Also, they make games with the target being the previous generation still (Ps4). Very few people can get a ps5. The best selling game console by an extremely large margin is the nintendo switch which doesnt have any raytracing. So, you're stuck with reflection capture.

Anonymous No. 866502

It's good enough, everything works. UE5 officially launches early next year.

Lumen ray tracing also works on older GPU's without dedicated RT cores, it's just locked to a lower quality setting. Epic Games wants to get rid of NVIDIA RTX altogether and use their own RT stuff. The main reason is that NVIDIA RTX only works on NVIDIA cards, which isn't good business for a game engine designed to cater to virtually every platform.

Anonymous No. 866515

Thank you so much man, I assume you’re the same guy that wrote a few detailed posts like this before.

Yeah, I understand it better now, but as you say, maybe also my ground material doesn’t have proper roughness as well because it looks equally shitty. But the confusing part is that it looks correct in substance viewport, that’s why I thought the problem might be in reflection captures themselves.

Also, since you mentioned smaller captures overwriting bigger ones, that’s another problem of mine because for some reason I don’t see any differences anywhere when I place these additional smaller captures. What’s even worse is that I did see some differences before, so now I don’t know if I messed up something about lighting intensities or other properties.

And yeah, this thing is painful, I’m laying on a bed now mentally exhausted from all the tweaking and trying to figure out how to make indirect lighting coming from skylight not look like flat shit, + all other technical issues like these reflections. And it’s hard to preview baked lighting because if I lower the lightmass settings, it looks nothing like final results, so it’s like I’m working on lighting with closed eyes.

I use ue5 now for personal projects, but I’m on ue4 atm which I need for this project, I also haven’t used baked lighting in a few years and I’m confused again. Not that I fully understood these technical details before either. Everything feels like a giant hack and I hope I won’t need to touch ue4 after this anymore.

Anonymous No. 866529

>Anyone tried this course? https://www.wingfox.com/c/8518
I own it along with other UE4 courses. It's not worth getting the VFX one since it's an old CGMA course and the marketplace items were delisted (I think they could be found in CGpeers.

Anonymous No. 866534

>But the confusing part is that it looks correct in substance viewport
Yea but your lighting and reflection setup is probably very different in Substance, UE4 is different regardless.

>I don’t know if I messed up something about lighting intensities or other properties.
In the viewport go from "Lit" to "Reflections" to check your reflections. You will want to temporarily disable screen space reflections as they'll get in the way ("Show" / "Lighting Features" / "Screen Space Reflections"). You can force-update reflections in the Toolbar, click the arrow next to "Build" which creates a little menu that has "Build Reflection Captures". In the reflection view mode you can easily see whether or not a reflection capture is working. While you're in this mode you can also see if the reflection capture data is too high contrast. For example if the sky material is too bright relative to the lighting in the scene, your sky would show up super bright in the reflection capture but all the surfaces would be very dark. If you have an active skylight that's casting light through a cubemap but no actual sky globe in the scene with a sky material on it then the sky in the reflection capture will simply be rendered as black which won't do you any good as far as creating depth goes.


Anonymous No. 866536

For UE4 you should use Luoshuang's GPU Lightmass, which renders much faster than CPU Lightmass and has better quality (NVIDIA GPU only). It is accurate even with low sampling rates. You'll have to dig through the last pages of his thread to find a version that works on newer UE4 versions (I'm still on 4.26) because I think someone else is updating it now and the original creator doesn't update his original post with those updates. If your stuff looks too flat try avoiding HDRI's with too many white clouds (casts a ton of bright white light). Get free HDRI's from polyhaven.com and experiment with many. The Sundisk on these HDRI's is often extremely bright and may create "fireflies" in the scene (bright spots) when using Luoshuang, you can get rid of these by changing the FireflyClampingThreshold in the config. The config is usually located in "C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.26\Engine\Config\BaseLightmass.ini"

When you scroll to the bottom you will find the settings:

For test bakes I recommend 32 / 16 on the Primary and Secondary GI samples, for HQ bakes use 64 / 32 and for ultra HQ use 128 / 64 or up. Note that each step up more than doubles render time. 32/16 is very fast and great for testing and still accurate just with more noise in the lightmaps (this goes away on HQ bakes). Use a Static Skylight in combination with a Stationary Directional Light. Make sure your HDRI isn't being compressed and is actually imported as an HDR (not sRGB). Here's a basic introduction to setting everything up (note: this guy doesn't use GPU Lightmass, but the setup is identical):

Use a combination of the Sun, skylight and shadows to create more depth. Also I usually disable post-processing like vignette, bloom, chromatic aberration and auto-exposure (for testing use a fixed value instead).


Anonymous No. 866537

Actually one more thing for high quality static lighting bakes you will also want to change the World Settings in your scene. This will massively increase the quality of your bake for both the CPU baker and the community-made GPU Lightmass. It will also massively increase bake times, hence you want to switch to a GPU based baker. Actually come to think of it, doesn't the latest UE4 have a GPU baker from Epic? Can't even remember. Anyway, in World Settings change Static Lighting Level Scale to a lower value like 0.5 or 0.25 for very HQ bakes. Set Indirect Lighting Quality to 4 or more. Just remember that all of this will basically quadruple bake times but significantly increases accuracy and quality. I also set direct and indirect bounces to 10, and disable baked ambient occlusion (looks like shit) and lower Indirect Lighting Smoothness slightly (0.75). Disable ambient occlusion in the post-processing as well (again, looks like shit).



Anonymous No. 866714

Thoughts on FluidNinja? Does it deserve the hype it gets?









Anonymous No. 866719

Just look at the end results. I think it looks nice, but I also think that it is too expensive. I just bought a new PC, my wallet is screaming in permanent pain.
It also seems to be that it eats too much performance if you want to use it in realtime, it might be only really useful for cinematics.
I certainly want it, but I am not spending money on it. I will try to build some of it myself.
Here is an longer demonstration where he talks a little more in depth about volumetrics:

Anonymous No. 866818

There is also the option of waiting for it to go on sale.



Anonymous No. 867254

Is it a problem if some lightmap islands are blue across the model like this? Idk if this is just a bug because it looks like the squares all have the same size, even in blue areas, AND I made lightmaps manually and properly.

I'm just not sure if this is some import error or literally just a visual bug. I didn't notice any problems after light bake either.

Anonymous No. 867258

no thanks, i enjoy coding with Unity and ScriptableObject Data reference Architect
and a powerful assets store tool made by community whose love coding. I dont need to wait or beg Unity for feature, I code my own or find on the assets store



Anonymous No. 867280

I fucking hate zoomers...

Anonymous No. 867553

Nobody cares you idiotic shill.



Anonymous No. 867665

Anyone managed to fix the Resharper error for Visual Studio 2019?
It keeps getting disabled because of "performance issue" but it gives me no clue of the actual problem. It's apparently related to the UI. Ok but what to do ffs?

Anonymous No. 867670

hehe thats adorable. People are working tho. Can you please get out?

Anonymous No. 867674

>no variable argument reply to the a single post
>opportunity for drama to keep the thread alive.

Anonymous No. 867688

I think it's anti monpolies
What's the argument? UE already has those features for free, you don't need to bandaid it with expensive addons and you can easily optimize your code in c++. UE already has ScriptableObjects in the form of DataAssets. UE also gives free assets every month.

Just use Godot or UE at this point. Unity does scummy things like patenting ECS while doing nothing with it. Nothing less expect from the former CEO of EA.

Anonymous No. 868586

What is the best IDE to use with UE?

Anonymous No. 868590

Rider or Visual Studio Code, but both are slower than Unity's compiler. The former eats up a lot of gbs and it takes long to compile initially, but it complies faster afterwards.

The latter compiles slowly at first, but you have the ability to compile files using the command line. This allows you to compile one file as opposed to every one of them.

Anonymous No. 868593

Where does Visual Studio fit in?

Anonymous No. 868597

It's very slow in my experience, Rider is the bset for me

Anonymous No. 868798

Where are some good places or courses to start learning UE, mainly stuff to make scenes,sims and animations/porting stuff. The programming parttoo but I'd rather start making scenes before jumping into that pool.

Anonymous No. 868837

For basic info on all the features
You can also find this on the "Learn" Tab when you click "Online Learning" on the epic launcher.

Youtubers are a lil hit & miss as there is a lot of outdated vids still up raking in the views, for example Epic released a plugin that imports shit from Blender a while back but there are still old vids on youtube telling people to buy paid plugins by randos on gumroad.

I've skimmed through some paid courses and most tell you the same shit you could have learned for free from Epic's courses or from random vids on youtube.

Anonymous No. 868918

gamedev.tv have an amazing unreal course.

Anonymous No. 868923


Anonymous No. 868970

Thanks man
IYeah I bought both the Blender course (which /3/ later told me was kind of crap) and the UE the intro course long ago, but for several reasons I left it aside at the BullCow game and when I was able to get back at learning I focused more on the modelling side and I've been playing around with that for over two years and here we are now.
That's part of the reason why I wanted to learn first how to fuck around making shit and then get my hands on programming. Specially because I heard blueprints aren't as good as raw code.

Anonymous No. 869001

How? Where can I look into this?

Anonymous No. 869004

Anyone here is Unreal+Houdini master race ? I want to be your friend



Anonymous No. 869016

I installed the engine from the source code and after building the UE4 solution, I ended up with a folder of nearly 150go. Surely that can't be normal

Anonymous No. 869022

No idea how big UE4 is these days, but my UE5 early access folder is 36 gigs.

Anonymous No. 869220

I keep having problems importing animations from Blender. They'll be maybe 99% correct, but any IK system I have going on will get messed up.

A standing to crouch animation for example. In Blender the feet will be firmly anchored in place with IK bones during the whole animation. In Unreal the foot will wiggle around as the entire leg moves. Mostly staying in place, but not really. It's like tiny movements travel down the bone chain and overpower the IK positioning into FK positions.

Other times I'll import an animation and the first few frames will be the wrong pose. It'll look fine in Blender, but some bone positions seem to lose information on their first key frame or something. Like I'll have an idle animation switching from one stance to another; the feet will start in the wrong position, slide to the correct position a few frames in, then continue on like nothing is wrong.



Anonymous No. 869335

>unreal engine general thread
Hey I don't know where else to ask so I am just asking here.
Warhammer Eternal Crusade is an online game that shut down a while ago now.
I was wondering where its possible to get their 3D models and port them to programs like Blender.
I wanna port them to Blender and then port them to Unity so they can be used in Tabletop Simulator.

Anonymous No. 869350

38.44 here.

Anonymous No. 869361

You can reduce the size in the "Options" by disabling support for platforms that you are not going to use.
A lot of people have Android (3.93GB), IOS (6.34GB) and Linux (9.82GB) turned on by default even though they have no plans to make shit for it.

Anonymous No. 869364

forgot link

Anonymous No. 869413

Are you allowed to make porn in Unreal Engine?

Anonymous No. 869423

Download the Metahumans sample project from the Learn tab.

Anonymous No. 869459

Why would you need help from game engine people on eyes? Do you know what a game engine is for?

Anonymous No. 869591

Should I have asked my Blender/Unreal question here rather than making my own thread? LOL, I just found out /3/ exists like 5 mins ago.

Anonymous No. 869592


Anonymous No. 870097

does fog influence how the light will bake or is it applied after like postprocessing?

Anonymous No. 870100

unreal is super fun to prototype in with blueprints and fuck with megascans to make neat scenes but epic the company is full of cuck shit + I'll never forgive them for abandoning unreal tournament

currently using godot so I can use blender and godot and become the ultimate insufferable poster

Anonymous No. 870103

>full of cuck shit

>reee they stop working on my bibeo gane
Who cares

t. Epic fanboi, ngl

But for real, it's great now, but I do have doubts about them potentially fucking us all over once they buy out half of the industry.

Anonymous No. 870160

i can't wait to see more games with that signature "generic unreal engine" look

Anonymous No. 870663

I’m actually surprised it is already happening, but it’s true bros - UE5 projects are now really using props made from hundreds of thousands of tris. It feels weird to make props with these new requirements. Is this how cinema 3D fags felt all this time?

But the switch to it is so instant so I’m still bouncing between projects with this workflow and old school hardcore optimization bullshit techniques, which makes the latter even more annoying now when I’ve tasted the future. Baked lighting and ugly faceted models can’t disappear soon enough.

But this is the thing only for UE5 right now - what will happen with other engines? Do you think big bois already have similar techniques like Nanite in the works? AAA in-house engines won’t be able to compete with Unreal if they don’t do something. The difference is staggering.

I have yet to see what happens with foliage because that’s still what gets crushed by optimization the most.

But also, that creates a new question - will the workflow really be easier now? Because certain things could have been done with textures before, but now everything has to be modelled in. And that could take even more time, not to mention if you’re not the best hard surface modeler who could have got a job done with some texture hard surface decals, now you’re fucked and have to do it the PROPER, hard way.

Want a rope? No more simple textured cylinders - you’re now modeling and unwrapping every piece of that bad boy. Etc.

Anonymous No. 870668

imagine still having this opinion in 2021

Anonymous No. 870669

>what will happen with other engines?
they will sink or swim.
>Do you think big bois already have similar techniques like Nanite in the works?
Yes, the idea behind it isn't new, its just a ton of work to implement it into a working system - lots of pieces that need to fit.
>will the workflow really be easier now?
Yes and no. You spent less time with optimization but it just means you shift the work-hours to something else. It certainly is great for environmental artists who can concentrate more on the art side rather than constantly fighting against the poly budget.
>...but now everything has to be modelled in. And that could take even more time..
Not really, my experience with environment art shows me that I had spent around 50% of the time modelling with optimization and topology and unwrapping. Going High res would have made my production faster, not only the modelling but also the texturing. More details in the model = easier to create surface dependent details in the texture.
>...could have got a job done with some texture hard surface decals, now you’re fucked and have to do it the PROPER, hard way.
Listen dude, YOU ARE ALWAYS FUCKED if you don't know how to do it the PROPER and often hard way.
Doesn't mean you can't cheat, but if you only know how to cheat - get better or GTFO.
Its not that dramatic, instead of applying texture decals, you'll apply mesh decals. Instead of spending lots of time optimizing, you spend more time with the model and let the engine do the technical aspects.
I for one am very optimistic about it.

Anonymous No. 870681

Unreal engine only looks like ass if the dev working on it has no idea what hes doing

Anonymous No. 870691

Decals are some special engine object that projects a texture onto surfaces. For instance, a decal may have a 'puddle' texture, and it will display a puddle on the ground or wherever you place it.

Mesh decals are similar, but instead of being placed in the engine, they are just materials you apply to the 3d model mesh. For instance, you place a quad on top of the base mesh in blender, and then you apply a 'deferred decal' material on it.

Anonymous No. 871313

>use .exr HDRI sky on a sky sphere
>want to increase / decrease its brightness with a multiply node
>clamps immediately, colors get fucked as soon as I go a tiny bit above or below the default brightness
What did my exr mean by this? Wtf happened with the dynamic range? Am I supposed to control the exposure in a different way when I use it as an emissive material on a sky sphere?

Anonymous No. 871314




Anonymous No. 871504

Why are my shot tracks empty when I try to add them to a master sequence?

Anonymous No. 872212

I have to admit I'm afraid of the future with Nanite a bit and I think I'll have to level up my hair and cloth simulation as well as advanced Zbrush skills.

We can't fake certain things with textures on flat surfaces anymore, now all of it has to be baked to the high poly itself. A lot more simulation and sculpting will be involved in the future.

Anonymous No. 872221

on the plus side it's kinda fun just sculpting some rocks in zbrush, doing some basic polypaint, decimating it and chucking it into a scene with an albedo only, won't work for realistic styles but it's super fun for stylized stuff.

mind you decimating the rocks down to regular gameres and doing a quick normal bake in marmoset or painter wasn't that much of a big deal anyway.

Anonymous No. 872557

retard. there aren't going to be any games that are entirely high poly because file sizes would get far too big.

Anonymous No. 872559

what a narrow mind. High poly nanite meshes will take up around the same space as a heavy normal map. No reason not to build out all that detail.

Anonymous No. 872561

I do feel overwhelmed with the powers we've been given. How will we use them? How are we supposed to use them? Maybe intentional simplification can be a route to take for indie devs. They had a really cool VR game in 3 body problem with "simple graphics but more complexity underneath" that I thought was cool.

Anonymous No. 872573

>How will we use them?
>How are we supposed to use them?

Anonymous No. 872596

it would be irresponsible not to

Anonymous No. 872654

You are an absolute moron who doesn't understand how scaling works at all.
The Valley of the Echo demo alone is 100gb+.


Anonymous No. 872673

Not the anon you responded to but...
You are an absolute moron who doesn't understand that the "demo" is a fucking uncompressed project and when you actually package and ship the game the size is a lot smaller, people on reddit said the Valley demo was only around 25GB when packaged and the Matrix Awakens tech demo was 25GB on PS5 too.

Also most game journos who talk about UE5 are massive retards who got their hot takes from twitter users who did zero research.

Anonymous No. 872675

I've been testing UE5 since the Early Access launch, and I've found that it's actually much easier to work with Nanite than traditional methods. You still definitely can "fake" things with textures, all you're just doing is bake the displacements and the detail into the mesh instead of using another texture. And the work itself is easier, as you don't have to create separate low-poly models, bake normal maps, and fuck around with LODs. Just create a high-poly model, texture it, and shove it into UE5, that's it. Maybe I find it easier because I come from an archviz background, but I certainly don't miss any of the nonsense busywork of the old methods.

The only real drawback I've encountered is that it takes forever to import a very high poly mesh into UE5 and build the Nanite mesh. But once they're in the engine, working with multi-million poly meshes are a breeze to work with.

Anonymous No. 872676

>But once they're in the engine, working with multi-million poly meshes are a breeze to work with.
Why in gods name would you want to ship a multi million poly mesh when its a non deforming object that could easily be normal mapped with marmoset lighting fast RTX bakes? Dont tell me you cheaped out and now are making the user pay?

Anonymous No. 872677

>Why in gods name would you want to ship a multi million poly mesh when its a non deforming object that could easily be normal mapped
And when the camera gets close those normal maps look like shit. Why would I want to spend more time working on something that would look worse?

Anonymous No. 872678

bake at higher resolution. What they dont tell you about nanite and unreal is that this gen (ps5, next 10 years) we dont have the hardware to actually use it. The industry has decided that we are doing 4k yet you cant play things like your beloved matrix demo above 30 fps at full graphics which is unacceptable. Its a slideshow. Forget about nanite.

Anonymous No. 872679

>The industry has decided that we are doing 4k yet you cant play things like your beloved matrix demo above 30 fps at full graphics which is unacceptable.
Every console generation has targeted 30fps as the standard, and if you want 60fps or more, you'll pay for a high-end PC. Literally nothing different when it comes to PS5 and the Matrix demo, or Nanite in general.

Anonymous No. 872683

We have standards right now and 30 fps is no longer one of them. Heck I even get nausea from 30 fps games, especially on a big TV. Are you poor?

Anonymous No. 872684

>all you're just doing is bake the displacements and the detail into the mesh
Yeah, I have to experiment with this. You could actually create a displacement map from real world textures in Substance Painter, then export back to a 3D modeling package and use it to displace the geo, so that's one way to skip the sculpting by hand process.

Unwrapping will be more annoying though, right? I'm not exactly sure how to even do it, I assume as always, it will just be tedious to select the edges when you're working with a mesh with hundreds of thousands of tris.

That can never compare to a mesh with an actual geo, you can get so much more from the silhouette, especially from a closeup. The difference is big, you can already see it from the Matrix demo. Also, all those geo details will catch the lighting.

Anonymous No. 872685

>Are you poor?
Are you? I'm playing games on a big screen 4k TV at 60fps on a PC.



Anonymous No. 872687

Only 4k, grandpa?

Anonymous No. 872688

>Unwrapping will be more annoying though, right?
Not really. Whether you're sculpting or doing straight up hard surface modeling, you're working with subdivisions (at least I am). You can always go back to a lower subdivision mesh, and unwrap that.

Also, for displacing geo, Unreal now has pretty good geometry tools. You can do things like displace meshes using textures, bend and otherwise deform objects etc. inside the engine.

Anonymous No. 872689

>Whether you're sculpting or doing straight up hard surface modeling, you're working with subdivisions (at least I am)
Yeah, the problem is sculpting, when you usually just decimate it, low poly gets pretty messy.

Anonymous No. 872701

You don't understand anything about how nanite actually works, braindead idiot. You offered absolutely zero arguments.

Anonymous No. 872702

>You don't understand anything about how nanite actually works, braindead idiot.
Says the retard who posted a clickbait article fearmongering about something everybody knows isn't true because only a retard like you doesn't know basic info on packaging projects.

Anonymous No. 872703

>everybody knows
You did it again! You can't actually explain yourself so you resort to appealing to the masses! You're such a colossal fucking idiot it's hilarious.

Anonymous No. 872705

Not the guy you're replying to, but the only argument you had was backed up by some article posted when UE5 was just released, where some literally who random programmer stated his opinions without even touching the engine yet.

Various UE5 projects in production right now DO use workflows where props can have hundreds of thousands of tris easily, it is already happening, it isn't a meme that will die soon.

And there are clear benefits of this, quality is night and day compared to standard optimized game-ready props we've been making so far.

Anonymous No. 872708

>Not the guy you're replying to
This is now the second time you've done this you fucking idiot.

Just admit it: you're a tech-illiterate moron with absolutely no idea how the technology works.

Anonymous No. 872709

Wow, okay, you are actually insane, nice talking to you lol...

Anonymous No. 872710

>You can't actually explain yourself
You: The Valley project is 100GB+ and this random game journo says game files are gonna be huge!
me: The journo is an idiot because packaging the Valley project cuts the size by more than half and The Matrix Awakens demo did just fine making an entire city out of Nanite filled with Nanite cars at only 25GB
You: You fucking idiot you don't understand anything and had zero arguments!

Take your meds.

Anonymous No. 873081

Do I really have to place reflection spheres all over a map for PBR shit to work? How does this work on large maps?



Anonymous No. 873653

Just got into some engine code modifications for handling physics and it was amazingly interesting. Any resources where I can learn more on this ? Like the guy I was watching was changing and adding some functions specifically aimed at the physics of vehicles and wanted other example for other things.

Anonymous No. 873791

In UE4, I encounter the "lighting needs to be rebuilt (x objects)" error after reopening the project even though I have just baked the lighting.

Also, the source of the error are 4 point lights I have in the interior part of the scene, which are stationary (and have been baked for sure). The weird thing is that if I disable each one of them, the error count shows 3 or 4 objects less that need to be rebuilt, how does that work?

Anonymous No. 873792

You can't have too many stationary lights overlapping otherwise you get errors.
I think 3 is the max

Anonymous No. 873816

Really? Hm, but it seems like they bake fine. Now I'm not sure if I get the error immediately after bake as well, or just when I reopen. I'll have to do another bake, but maybe I'll reduce the amount of them to 2 or 3 then just to be sure.

If I make them static though, would that be fine?

Anonymous No. 873822

Decals are supposed to be placed where they make sense. No different to how you'd place a prop. If you're wanting to just shit out levels then yeah it's probably the way to go.

Anonymous No. 873826

Static and Moveable are fine, Stationary is the only type that has limits like this because of how they work under the hood.
Looks like the max is 4 overlapping and you should use the StationaryLightOverlap view mode to spot problems.

Using a lot of Moveable lights can hit performance pretty hard but you can always read the doc to learn how to make them less costly.

Anonymous No. 873853

Speaking of decals, I'm never sure if and when should a decal just be replaced with a (more complex) material with vertex blending.

Like for example, you can add some type of damage to a wall with a decal, or make another wall texture variation and make another blend. I'm not sure what is more costly though, more complex material or an additional decal in the scene.

Anonymous No. 874036

Are you talking about this one?

The only thing I noticed is that when I went off the rails for learning animation I basically had to learn it myself and it didn't seem to go over UV unwrapping the right way. What am I supposed to learn from?

Anonymous No. 874040

I'm new with Blender so I don't have a full understanding of how morph targets are supposed to work. Say if I wanted to make elves by adding an ear slider to my character creator in UE4, am I supposed to have two different meshes representing both ends of the slider? Are they supposed to have the same number of vertexes or can they be entirely different meshes with different topology and UVs?

Anonymous No. 874045

You use shape keys for those, they need to have the same topology and vertex order to work well. You can have the same model, but shrinkwrap it around the shorter eared elf

Anonymous No. 874050

Oh okay. So I need to use a version of the mesh that has all the vertex points it's going to need, expanding and contracting as the shape key dictates? By shrinkwrapping you mean take the big ear and shape it into the little ear so it can morph between the two?

Anonymous No. 874067


Anonymous No. 874069

In pipeline u do only one job, in today's environment u can't describe doing 3 jobs as a pipeline.

Anonymous No. 874075

bumpig this. Especially when it comes to handling humanoids movements

Anonymous No. 874077

Currently learning UE4 and I'm having a ton of fun but can someone tell me how different UE5 is in terms of interfaces and features?
It's not like a complete reboot of the engine I hope ?

Anonymous No. 874082

If you are just learning UE then stick to UE4. Documentation is already kind of a crapshoot, but at least with that version you have years of tutorials. UE5 is also not production ready so there's a very real chance of you running into issues that are just broken on an engine level with absolutely no information out there on how to fix it.

That being said, it has a lot of great new features. Though, none of them are critical to me personally. I could theoretically drop thousands of mega scan assets into my game, but I'm not a AAA studio able to create more of my own so it doesn't really help me out.

Anonymous No. 874093

This except I probably wouldn't bother spending too much time learning about lighting and reflections in UE4 since that changed in UE5. Unless you're a professional that might still have to work with UE4 and need to know those things. Otherwise just enjoy the comfiness of UE5 and lighting and reflections that just work.



Anonymous No. 874097

new to UE, should I learn in UE4 or jump into UE5?

Anonymous No. 874120

Bro... Literally 3 posts above yours. Come on...

Anonymous No. 874130

cba reading posts that aren't mine or related to me

Anonymous No. 874141

>By shrinkwrapping you mean take the big ear and shape it into the little ear so it can morph between the two?



Anonymous No. 874294

Bros I'm just feeling so overwhelmed trying to learn... doesn't really seem like there are many tutorials out there contrary to everyone saying there are tons for UE4. Yes I can follow a dude making a pre-set world with all the assets/maps already ready...but how do I dive into this myself? I'm still missing the jump point where I can start building and learning myself

Anonymous No. 874339

The Unreal Engine Kickstart vids give all of the nodes that you need to know about.

Remake simple games like pong, snake, or breakout by using the tools that you need to learn. They're short games with defined goals so that you wouldn't overscope with an ambitious project.

If you want to work on something bigger, remake a single level from an old 3d game that you like. The lower the gen, the more simple it is to block out and remake.

Anonymous No. 874345

Most of the features in UE4 carry over to UE5, only a few things have been deprecated or changed
-Light Propagation Volumes
-Distance-Field Global Illumination (DFGI)
-Cascade (replaced with Niagara)
-World Composition (Replaced with World Partition)
-Audio Volumes, Sound Class Mix, and Sound Cues

Courses on Youtube and Udemy are decent but for the basics you want to go to the free courses on the Unreal Engine website.



Anonymous No. 874352

thank you both, really appreciate it. I wasn't aware of all the tutorials given by the unreal website itself. I'm also not looking to learn game design, I just want to design sets and scenes and make short film sequences as a side hobby. cheers

Anonymous No. 874360

In that case you might want to check out William Faucher on Youtube, he is a movie vfx guy who fucks around in UE

Quixel's Rebirth short has some good examples of how to make UE look cinematic too.

Casey Faris is good for Post Production in DaVinci Resolve

Anonymous No. 874362

Forgot to mention that you avoid changing Engine Content, you want to make a Copy of what you want to change in a new folder and use the Copy instead.
Will and a few others make the mistake of changing the engine content and the reason you don't see people correcting him in the comments is because they don't know any better.



Anonymous No. 874368

How are LODs supposed to work with Blender? I'm trying to pack all my LODs into a single FBX.

Rather than importing with different LOD levels, the three meshes in this image are stacked on top of each other in LOD0 with no other LODs. I do have Custom Properties enabled in Blender's export prompt and Import LODs enabled in UE4's import prompt.

Anonymous No. 875038

UE5 crashes when you dont save and you cant undo if you do save? ?

Anonymous No. 875163
