
wip 6.jpg

🧵 /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 857467

/wip/ - Works in Progress
- Collage Edition 5: Clear -
Almost out of albums to name the threads after!

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>853565
List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB

Anonymous No. 857468

This will probably be the last collage before I wipe the board and start up a new one. I've upscaled the original wip image to 4k and added some more sky, so there should be plenty of res and space for a ton of threads.
I'll even throw together an animated gif/webm that shows everything being added from this series. Something to look forward to!

Anonymous No. 857472

thank you for your service, anon.



Anonymous No. 857474

this is my last update, i have to work on a few glitch and texture here and there but now I don't have the time to keep working on it

Anonymous No. 857475

thanks senpai. the wips threads are the most fun threads on this board. Keep it up.

Anonymous No. 857482

Hey thanks anon. I didn't realise how difficult it would be to make a horizon that looks like, well, a horizon. I'll look into doing what you suggested and see if I can get something working with it.
I've taken a break from it for the time being to try something different (not Nazi related) and I'm enjoying it. It's for a specific non-/3/ thread so I don't know if I'll bother posting it in here. It's just for a bit of fun anyway.
But as always, I appreciate your kind feedback.

Based chad OP. Making it into that image always gives me that little push to do new things. I think without /wip/ I would probably still try, but I wouldn't be as so inclined.
I love these threads and seeing what people come up with. Like this anon >>857474 I like his updates because it's a cool scene that I think looks really nice. I like watching things come together and gradually build to the finished product.



Anonymous No. 857483

this is actually hilarious, thank you



Anonymous No. 857488

I need to either shorten it, which would be easier to animate, or model it to lay on her shoulders. I think the longer hair looks better, but I'm sure it will be a pain in the ass. I should probably try to make particle hair before I commit any more time to this.

Anonymous No. 857501

Laid down 3d for break and trying to learn python, I see it's used in blender and Houdini so maybe it will come in handy.

Anonymous No. 857506

Thank you all for your contributions! You all are the ones doing all the heavy lifting I'm just the dude putting them in one image.
I'm glad people enjoy the OP and the thread. /3/'s become kind of a shithole lately, but I can try and keep some part of it alive.
Happy to hear it anon!
Lately I've been doing what I can to get just about everyone into the OP. Usually it means dealing with 50+ images, but I've been able to get by pretty easy ever since Photoshop added that subject-based selection. Sometimes the result is kind of shit, but it's always surprising how well it exceeds my expectations with subjects that I think it'd be impossible for.
Keep up the good work!
Yeah the ass totem pole is something else. I had started a pile of butts next to it, but the pile isn't too big since I only came up with that on this round. If I had started it earlier, it's be a huge ass pile :^)



Anonymous No. 857565

Testing morphs.

Anonymous No. 857566

I dream of a day I'll have to redo LP and UVs exactly 0 times for a successful bake and texturing phase. I always fuck something up, it's unbelievable.

>sometimes find a random vertex has been auto merged with another one during the texturing phase
>keep forgetting to orient all of the UV shells properly when texturing wood assets (or any other assets with clearly visible pattern)
>forget to sharpen based on UV shells before export
>have an extra material on some piece of a prop, which creates problems in SP
>during the texturing find out some UV island got caught in the selection when I was straightening another shell, and now I have to redo the UVs yet again

Always tiny things, but the ones which create enough problems I have to redo something, reimport and rebake over and over and over again.

Death by thousand cuts. Sucks. The thing is that I already did the same process hundreds of times and I do this professionally lol.

Anonymous No. 857572


God damn industry standard workflow is fucked

If that was the only way of doing things, I'd quit 3d

Anonymous No. 857582

The biggest problem I have with 3D is forgetting that you constantly need to be thinking several steps ahead. I've lost count how many times I've done step 25 and it's all fucked up because I didn't do something in step 2 that seemed innocuous.
I'm too lazy to redo everything, and I know I can't fix it, so I always look for a way to bodge it or hide it from the camera if that's possible. It's stupid to do that way because if I can't fix it or bodge it or hide it I end up restarting it anyway. The only difference is I waste more time looking for a solution than it would take to start from scratch.



Anonymous No. 857585

Shooting for something between realistic and toony. Not as worried about detail as just looking appealing

Anonymous No. 857586


You guys are overthinking this. Just pay attention attention to what you're doing and as issues appear you improvise, adapt, overcome.
Given hard won experience you eventually end up in a state when you know what will go wrong and you'll be able to avoid it ahead of time
while also being equipped to correct anything that slips thru the cracks.

It's rare for me to not have to go back and rework some geometry, redo some UV's or skin weights or mend bakes etc.
Difference is I have a deep bag of tricks to throw at any problems I face and these problems are expected so there's no fuss.



Anonymous No. 857587

add a bit of clumping or smth. stuff like this looks too flat.

Anonymous No. 857589

My guide hairs are sparse, and Blender doesn’t let you create more than one hair clump per guide hair. I’m working on a plug-in to create finer clumping, but for now I’m stuck with this plush animal look unless I want to start from scratch

Anonymous No. 857603

just sculpt the fur in a stylized way

Anonymous No. 857604

I would study the brow and forehead of real dog skulls and try bringing it closer in line with those. It looks too flat up top. The brow sort of folds under the cheekbone on the outside of the eye.

Anonymous No. 857606

>I have a deep bag of tricks to throw at any problems I face and these problems are expected so there's no fuss

I hope to reach that point after I spend enough time with it.
I don't like following tutorials because I don't really feel as if I'm learning things that I can apply to other projects (depending on the tutorial obviously). I like to have a basic understanding, go my own way, then look for a solution if I find a problem. It seems to stick with me easier that way. If I have to do my own legwork then I'm more likely to remember to not make that same mistake in future, or, if I do, I know how to solve it. If I'm just told from the outset then it goes in one ear and out the other. Like if I don't have that problem already I don't need to retain the information.
It's not the right way to do it and it's more time consuming, but it's the only way that really works for me. I'll get there in the end. The more progress I see the more I like to continue progressing. It's like a positive feedback loop.

Anonymous No. 857608

Cute. How long does it take to render in Blender?

Anonymous No. 857629




Anonymous No. 857634

>ass totem
Here's my contribution to the next one. Suggestions for improvements welcome, it's supposed to have porno anatomy but be decently muscular. (A lot of the detail is going to get smoothed out, I'm still trying to just get a good silhouette.)

Anonymous No. 857641

Believe it or not, I got slower once I started doing things "properly". Sure, modeling, unwrapping etc. maybe got faster, but there is so much busy work it's unreal once you take a step back and look at it.

My past nooby workflow:

>model mid poly (no subd, fug that shit)
>auto UV unwrap in 1 second
>drop into SP, bake with default settings, baking errors but they are small so who cares lol
>use smart materials and smart masks to quickly texture an object
>drop into UE4 and render


>model proper HP with subd or FWN
>triangulate and export to Zbrush, manually sculpt all the details
>create LP from HP
>manually unwrap
>ensure smoothing groups are proper
>export to SP, bake with custom settings
>set up painter file properly with aces and other visual effects
>dozens of layers of texturing, together with manually painted detail using different brushes and stencils
>ensure correct PBR values
>setup proper naming conventions for export
>go back to a modeling software and manually create collisions and lightmaps
>export with custom settings to UE4
>setup LODs



Anonymous No. 857653

Half an hour. MacBook Air :(

Is this what you mean here? Where the cheeks are wider than the forehead/skull past the eyes?



Anonymous No. 857659

Yeah, I feel like it's important for angles like this where the curve of the eye should cover the boney ridges. On the right I stretched it out so you can see how it looks a little too flat if it doesn't. My model's far from perfect, but I know from doing 2D art that having that shape is useful.

Anonymous No. 857661

Thanks a ton :)

Anonymous No. 857667

Thank you for your contribution.
I look forward to many an ass for the next Wip series.


Screen Shot 2021-....png

Anonymous No. 857669




Anonymous No. 857672

One other thing I think helps in that area is making the ears flow into the cheekbone rather than the brow. You can see it on short-haired dogs pretty well. It eliminates that sort of fold/crease on the lower side of the ear (which mostly gets hidden by fur but could be hard to animate.) Also makes it clearer where the brow bones are headed. Looking good so far, though!



Anonymous No. 857682

Thanks for the feedback anon. No time to fix the ears tonight.



Anonymous No. 857690

Working on a high fantasy bio mech series, second one that I’m working on.

Anonymous No. 857692

looks nice anon, i think the DoF is just a bit too strong on the box on the left but it's up to you. It's blurred liem you're shooting with a f2 or so but the plane of focus in the rest of the scene is too wide and everything is sharp so it looks strange. Either add a slight blur to things nearer and farther to your focal point, to 'build up' to the blur level of the foreground objects, or reduce the blur on the foreground so it's not as stark a difference.

looks neat, reminds me of final fantasy or bayonetta.

Anonymous No. 857695

>reminds me of final fantasy or bayonetta
Bro you don’t know how happy that makes me to hear that, final fantasy has been one of the main reasons I got interested in 3d, ever since I played ffx in elementary. Thanks anon.

Anonymous No. 857702

I see, i'll do something about the dof. Gotta admit in unreal I find the depth of field settings confusing as hell/



Anonymous No. 857715

sculpting hair
I'm afraid the forms are a bit too big, not sure if I want to add more detail strands or just start over in a different style.
on the technical side I figured out how to encode position for the fake anisotropic reflection, normally this uses the hair UV but it's not feasible to unwrap this without stretching or visible seams.

Anonymous No. 857716

the reflection on the red tiles looks as if light was leaking from above, and AO doesn't seem to be gathering where it joins the ceiling. I'd add some geometry or just a specular gradient to remove the strong reflection. assuming this is ue4 because I don't know anything about nanite.

Anonymous No. 857719

yea it's ue4. I've added a cube to block the light. As for the AO, i have no idea what's going on. When I check buffer ao it's all white. I'm sure all my settings are correct, and ao is activated. It's not the first time it's happen to me: at the start of the project ao works fine and when I get to the lighting part it gets all messed up. I also have this black verticle line on the white wall: no idea what's happening. it's coming from the light, i've tried changing light to stationary to see and it doesn't change anything

Anonymous No. 857721

you could try adding a lightmass portal around the light. visualizing ao can be hard since it gets blown out by strong lights, I think there's an option to exclusively bake ao for debugging. gpu lightmass might also give different results, but it's a time investment to get that working.

Anonymous No. 857723

That looks awesome. Do you have a particular process for it? Using curves or something to get the initial meshes in for each strand? I feel like I've got body and head sculpting figured out, but any time I try to do hair I wind up with a huge mess.

Anonymous No. 857724

i've read that you need to put the light mass portal on the window and not around the light ? I think you're right though, i've read online and it seems i'm not the only one with the ao problem. I'll accept your solution that it's blown out by the light and stop worrying about it lol

Anonymous No. 857726

yeah, I find it hard to impossible to get the clean stylised look if you try to sculpt the strands by hand. my process is
1. add sphere, push into shape for volume.
2. start adding strands on top, I find curves unwieldy so I use InsertMesh then Bend Curve deformer in zbrush.
3. dynamesh and smooth out the transitions carefully to not make a mess, Pinch_3DCW is extremely useful.
4. claypolish lol


Screenshot at 202....png

Anonymous No. 857772

Still need to add a bit more detail and then texture him. Sexy beast...

Anonymous No. 857773

Maybe make the eyes a smidge larger too.


Skeleton Blueprin....png

Anonymous No. 857775

The Path becomes illuminated. . . The map has written itself onto the paper - I am guided by A soft voice it hums so softly in my ear. . .I can barely make out the words . . . - So so softly. . . the voice sings into my ear . . .

>whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatsup youtube its 3d monkey here

Anonymous No. 857776

Any reason you're using bones?
Seems like most of these movements would be pretty linear and can be done with shapekeys.
Then again, I guess animating bones would be a bit more intuitive than messing around with a slider.

Anonymous No. 857778

Godspeed, Anon!



Anonymous No. 857802

1 big reason
; more funk, Less robo- Shape keys do come into play for small bits, where additional bones would be cumbersome- The additional functionality of a skeleton setup is all around good to me



Anonymous No. 857821

Not much visible progress, but I finally found some time and brought the jacket rig to an acceptable level to be able to pose with it. Still need to do the lower part, but that's gonna be easy comparably. It was hell, but I brought this upon myself with that complex shoulder setup.

Anonymous No. 857830

This is retarded



Anonymous No. 857937

Going to put the hair on pause for awhile and work on the rest of the model. I kept it simple and at 29k tris.

Anonymous No. 857946

better than the previous iterations, in my opinion



Anonymous No. 857967

Made a bunch of window blind textures.
I'm planning on making some kind of window shader to handle skyscraper windows so they have random interiors and stuff. I figured that having some different window blind heights might add some extra variation to get rid of some repetition and add some more randomness, so I spent some time making a bunch of textures for them.

I originally just did a normal map with an alpha, but ended up adding height maps and translucency to them as well (though they're not visible in the gif).
It's kind of a stupid and random thing, so I doubt people would actually want them, but I figure if I go the extra distance with the extra maps I could sell them on my Gumroad or something for a few bucks just in case someone actually did. I was only going to use the normal maps, really.

Anonymous No. 857973

details that separate the boys from the men- separate The cheapo, from the Lux. It is hard to commit yourself for an entire night, or half day, on something seemingly so small. But these small conquests add up over time. What is the sum? The sum is the greatest showcase! Nice work, Looks like it will pay off

Anonymous No. 857975


Anonymous No. 858010

correct, negro pisshead



Anonymous No. 858021

I developed a fully featured C++ plugin for things like this between 2007 and 2011: vRoom
It created room geometry at runtime from a list of image probes and populated them with rudimentary props from an object library, making it suitable for archviz as well as sci-fi imagery. It also handled all the surfacing including room illumination and percentage of lights switched on, glass reflection distortion and refraction, tint effects, blinds, curtains, glass bulging, etc.
All within a very small memory footprint.
Couldn't make it fully compatible with the new instancing system or Octane and sales dropped off, so I abandoned it.



Anonymous No. 858022

Yung Arthur



Anonymous No. 858052

More low poly stuff



Anonymous No. 858053

And more



Anonymous No. 858054

I felt like doing something a bit different so I did this. First time using that ivygen, hair particles, and subdiv.
I think it could have been a lot better with a real background, maybe some fog, and using the compositor. I thought my little candles came out okay at least. And I had to add that witch's hat because I fucked up the pumpkin stem and had to cover it with something.



Anonymous No. 858087

I rediscovered the source for a 10 yo deformation plugin of mine and rewrote + recompiled it into a basic nodal version.



Anonymous No. 858089

That's actually pretty awesome.
What I'm trying to do is something similar, just on a purely material level, though I've had issues with trying to get the whole parallax room thing working in Blender.
At the very least I was just going to have a single random texture for the interiors and see how that flies. Then just rely on variations with the hue, emission strength, and the blinds and all that other stuff.
I'm still debating whether to make the room textures myself or grab a bunch off of flickr, but I am leaning towards doing them myself. I'd love to randomly add furniture to them. If I do though I think I'd want to go the parallax room look (like you have), but that's way outside my expertise. I'm just an art dude that can get by with what I know, but anything really complicated I'm at a loss.

I used to have a parallax room nodetree for Blender a few years back, but it really didn't work the way I wanted and never mapped itself properly to the face.

I've made a similar shader before to make randomized skyscrapers, but it's kind of basic compared to what I'm trying to do now. Really it's just a complex masking tool, and makes windows with random emit strength, size, and adds little details to the buildings like stripes and stuff. Then you just texture it with whatever. It worked alright for background stuff but the windows are what really bring it down. So I was hoping on making this to make windows for full geometry skyscrapers, as well as augment the building shader thing with the random windows for background stuff.



Anonymous No. 858090

Anonymous No. 858096

that's pretty cool. what's the host? 3ds max?

Anonymous No. 858100

Lightwave 2020 lol. I'm also the anon who posted >>858021
Long time plugin developer. I also know the Maya and 3ds SDK pretty well.

Anonymous No. 858101

u sound like you should be using houdini t bh

Anonymous No. 858108

>some kind of window shader
maybe you know about it already, but just in case, are you aware of the windowbox shader? https://lesterbanks.com/2017/10/free-windowbox-shader-map-interiors/



Anonymous No. 858116

Realizing now I have no idea what goes into an "attractive" hand other than slender fingers, and when the reference doesn't call for those I have no fucking clue what's going on.



Anonymous No. 858141


Anonymous No. 858142

Yeah I definitely came across this a few years back when I was trying to do this type of thing the first time.
I still have it downloaded somewhere, but I think the issue I ran into with it was that since it's OSL based, I couldn't render using my GPU. Which kind of made it just a neat toy rather than something I could use in an animation or similar. Especially since I'd probably get quicker render results with the GPU just using actual geometry over using the OSL shader and CPU rendering.

Unless I'm just a retard and you can render OSL with GPU in Blender now. I'll admit I didn't look very far into it.



Anonymous No. 858143



Anonymous No. 858151

Am an amateur hobbyist when it comes to 3D modeling and I'm trying to put together a model of Horus Lupercal for use in VRChat. I've put together most of the body but I don't know any good way to try and make the large wolf pelt he has on top of his armor.

Anonymous No. 858182

the fuck is this shit

Anonymous No. 858237

kill a wolf, skin it, pose the pelt draped over a table or something, then scan that and retopo



Anonymous No. 858249

Working on my 3d What do you think?

Anonymous No. 858255

Does it support planes with opacity maps. You could just use a tiling fur texture.

Anonymous No. 858271

looks tight



Anonymous No. 858281

Forcing myself to speedily finish this and a matching girl within the next 2 days, wish me luck anons.

Anonymous No. 858284

looks a bit goofy compared to >>857690 which has that mystery "I can't tell which are supposed to be the eyes" factor going for it
I'd break the symmetry of the tubes at least

Anonymous No. 858287

Hmm I should probably look at more intimidating/action animal poses, something like a deer about to run or a wolf about to attack, you're right in that it generally feels a bit goofy. First time doing a 4 legged creature so unfortunately my eyes and brain aern't there yet.

Thanks for the feedback anon! Luckily it's still a wip, the armor/exo-skin should flow better once I add more pieces, I'll see if I need to break things up.

Anonymous No. 858298

I think the other anon is right about the eyes thing.

It's not that you need it to be in an intimidating pose, but that the visual landmarks (and lack thereof) we associate with "this is this type of animal" are what made the first one a bit unnerving in a good way.

The second one just comes off as looking like a goofy cartoon character, rather than some kind of automaton some unhinged alchemist has been working on in his laboratory for 200 years, or some kind of ancient mechanoid some long lost advanced civilization made.

Anonymous No. 858306

Hmm I see, that's really awesome that you saw all that! Yea I suppose that's more accurate on the incorrectness I'm trying to pin down, but I think it comes down to the overall shape and subtle lines used. I definitely want to keep the antler motif so I'll keep those but I'll try some variations of the face to really see if I can bring back that same feeling.

Jesus that's the word that's been in the tip of my tongue describe these things, thanks anon, thanks again. Can't believe this is happening, and I'm even replaying through drakengard 3 and going through the nier automata artbook, my brain is just not working hah.

Anonymous No. 858307

based and the hobbit 1977- pilled



Anonymous No. 858310

Submitted this for that cookie run contest thing.

Anonymous No. 858322

Haven't connected the toes yet but I think these legs are looking alright. Rigging these feet is going to be a nightmare but that is the price I pay for being a fucking furry. Should probably start on retopo instead of tweaking the base endlessly.



Anonymous No. 858323


Anonymous No. 858325

why even bother

Anonymous No. 858345

i think your original one had a nice silhouette like a chinese dragon crossed with a deer, the new one has this goofy big chin and you made the eyes too cartoony. Deer have round eyes on the sides of their head because they're prey animals, same as lizards which are the inspo for dragons. (chinese dragons are closer to lions but that's beside the point, I meant more like Haku from Spirited Away, which is more wolf/cat like) Your second one has forward-facing ones, the things on its nose look like a v8 engine, the other stuff is too blobby and bulky, it was better when it was thinner and more floaty, and finally it all looks like it's been bolted onto a generic horse model, the white and gold parts need to follow the horse form better.

Try to focus on the original haku/deer/ethereal kind of vibe with some 2d concept art first and match that in 3d rather than just pushing shapes around, you might find it a lot easier to get to where you want.

Anonymous No. 858369

I hope to one day exude the comfyness that this strange creature does.

Anonymous No. 858372


Anonymous No. 858373

He's not just comfy, he wants you to draw him like one of your french girls.

Anonymous No. 858400

Looks like shit desu, no detail

Anonymous No. 858422

use paw fetish art as foot reference. let the hornies make ur refs for you



Anonymous No. 858439

Yea I was just too attached to the v8 shit when i had it started haha. I already made three of the automatas so I was thinking about pushing diff theme with this one, have a couple versions saved. I get what you're saying about the lightness of the dragon but I don't think I intend to have that here. I just gave it the same material to see if it would work out, though I did take the advice about the eye, thinking about keeping him blind and using sonar/echolocation with his antlers or some shit and for now that big cyclops eye works for me, liking the shiny subsurf skin texture so far tho.

But I SUPPOSE I could try to remake a more "alchemist creating self moving automata" type of horse. I see what you're saying in my head now, but yea, pushing more towards natural abstract rather than high fantasy automata.


balls 3D loli.png

Anonymous No. 858445

time to go after the loli market.



Anonymous No. 858452


Anonymous No. 858464

I asked this on the blender thread, but how do you make a mummy-bandage-wrap around an entire body in blender? Is making individual strands and manually wrapping them around a body my only option?

Anonymous No. 858468

cilinder, extude and create and array of objects and duplicate and rotate some few ones on top.

Anonymous No. 858469

and use skinwrap modifier.

Anonymous No. 858477




Anonymous No. 858482

Tried my hand at making a WoW style house, looking for feedback


Anonymous No. 858484

But 3dguy, where is ur name, u r a fake

Anonymous No. 858487

I like it
the roof seems slightly too noisy and I'd add some barrels, a lantern or decoration so it's not just House.fbx



Anonymous No. 858488

You keep typing compadre- Keep tap tap tapping on that keyboard. Are you safe, and do you feel warm?

Anonymous No. 858494

Come on now, you can't tell the difference? 3DGuy has more skill than that. Dude can whip up pure, unadulterated nightmare-fuel in 10 mins and STILL keep with his specifically designed "anatomy".

This is just a lumpy dough man.

Anonymous No. 858505

Oh fuck it's the 4 finger nightmare twitter guy YOU'RE RIGHT OH GOD

Anonymous No. 858518

looks pretty good, I think the edges always being lighter color is overdone as fuck though, but thats blizzards fault, not yours. Many others unfortunately copy that "style" and it just ends up looking uninspired at this point.



Anonymous No. 858580



Anonymous No. 858620

So I've retopo'd most of the rest of the model, but now I'm stuck doing these again. I'm not sure how you're supposed to proceed here when you're using subsurf and shrinkwrap, because shrinkwrap fucks them up due to the overlapping volumes. (And removing the overlap via remeshing doesn't really work, see 3.) If I apply the modifiers and try to extrude them that way, I'll have hundreds of points on just this one loop to work with and it'll be a nightmare.

But I can't really find a way to proceed with the modifiers active. Best way I can think of is to make a vertex group for the whole rest of the model and only shrinkwrap that. Other than that, I'm not sure how to proceed other than keeping the toes as separate volumes and just hiding the clipping somehow. Any tips?

Reference called for it. They're both good, anyhow.


Anonymous No. 858691


Anonymous No. 858693

>someone on /3/ is going to make it
Can confirm it looks like Bayonetta



Anonymous No. 858699

i've been playing around with modifying official game models for a bit so I can get better at improving my models post-retopo/change from lowpoly to highpoly quickly. this is a modified vaporeon from the DS X/Y game.

Anonymous No. 858705

Is it OK to copy some hands into Blender and edit them to make them my own to save time?

If so, where do you find models like that that are easy to import?

Anonymous No. 858706

how long did this take you, anon? and how long have you been in 3D?



Anonymous No. 858715

Finished up

S-stop anon, I’m blushing. Thanks bud!



Anonymous No. 858718

working on a talking cube


Optimus 3D.jpg

Anonymous No. 858729

Took me 2 days to model, a little longer for the weapons and rig. Been doing it since 2003.

Anonymous No. 858740

Next Videodrome lookin tight.



Anonymous No. 858756

made this to familiarize myself with HairTool and hair cards. it's a bit buggy but very interactive which is neat.
going to try using it to assist with stylized hair >>857715



Anonymous No. 858765

sorry if I misunderstood the problem, but shrinkwrap shouldn't have issues with joined overlapping meshes. maybe your modifier settings are off or the points are too far from the highpoly (use snapping)
I suggest doing alternate toes separately, then you join the two retopoed meshes and merge the vertices.

Anonymous No. 858769

Yeah, I would.



Anonymous No. 858796

My first sculpt ever. I have no idea how to do the circled fur tough. Can someone help?

Anonymous No. 858797

Nevermind I used the snake hook and it worked better than I expected.



Anonymous No. 858815

Thanks, barrel and box status: added!
Thanks, I never even noticed how extreme the edge highlights are. Will tone em down on my next building

Anonymous No. 858816

Loving the top left render altho the girl looks a bit stiff

Anonymous No. 858830

That's not 3dguy, that's Cris. Both are equally bad.

Anonymous No. 858831

>Both are equally bad.
This is insulting to 3dlad, and I fucking hate his work

Anonymous No. 858857

Ah, looks like the problem was that I have "on surface" rather than "outside surface" on shrinkwrap, which I guess preferred the interior volumes.

Anonymous No. 858866

too good for /3/



Anonymous No. 858875

i tried googling but my brain is too stupid to understand, do I have to flip the waterwheel if water is coming from above like the arrow or am i good?

Anonymous No. 858877

The problem with your water wheel is not that it's backwards (it isn't), but that your design simply doesn't hold water. The second the water hits those panels, it's all just going to go pouring straight down through all those gaps and open sides and impart very little of its kinetic/potential energy into the wheel.

This would be obvious if you'd looked at any reference of a water wheel that was fed from above at that angle.

Anonymous No. 858880

thank you, you're right about the holes but at least it should be an easy fix

Anonymous No. 858883

>C++ converter
>Go from 1T.B. TO 1 K.B.



Anonymous No. 858893

i still want the panels to stick out a little so you can see them clearer but I think this is better



Anonymous No. 858899


Anonymous No. 858900

No shit.
I pointed that out.
Cris is a subhuman, but 3DGuy is a chad. His work isn't the most palatable to look at, but he at least has some kind of expertise in what he does.
Cris on the other hand is a completely lost cause swimming in a river of feces.

Anonymous No. 858902

STOP BULLYING CRIS. He's trying his best. He's just working at his own pace.

Anonymous No. 858904

Not the anon you are replying to but I think you lost the stylized look you had in your previous version

Anonymous No. 858906

Yea I wasn't too confident in the pose of the girl as I was just kind of finishing up at that point but yea, definitely can be more natural and relaxed" Thanks for the feedback anon!

Anonymous No. 858911

don't talk shit about chris he aight.

Anonymous No. 858912

lol meant to say don't talk shit about 3DGuy.
That chris dude needs to be bullied.

Anonymous No. 858919

>3dguy is a chad

Ok, 3dguy. You still suck.

Anonymous No. 858931

based monsterfucker

Anonymous No. 858952

3DGuy is a chad solely for the fact that he actually DOES model. Unlike some people on this board.



Anonymous No. 858962

thoughts on this? this took me an hour and a half to pull off... i hate animaeting aarghhh

Anonymous No. 858966

Looks pretty good, if a bit linear looking. I think the right hand pulling the slide(?) back looks a little awkward though.
If you tried to do that motion irl you'd be reaching over the gun or something. If you want to stick with using the right hand for that, I'd probably tilt the gun a bit more so the slide is facing more upward.


Blinds+Parallax T....jpg

Anonymous No. 858969

Some more work on whatever it is I'm actually doing.

Got my hands on a window parallax nodetree that works alright for my needs. The mapping for the walls and stuff is a bit arbitrary, and things don't just work out of the box, but I think with enough fiddling around I can get it working well enough for general use. One issue I've got no idea how to deal with is the material/shader only works on a single window in an object. So if I have multiple planes with the same material it breaks (image in next post). I've got no idea how to fix that one.
I also decided to see how the random window blinds work on it as well. I'm only using like 4 of the textures, so it's not all of the variations, but they're working at least.
To make things a bit easy on myself I'm using 2 separate planes and materials for the interior mapping and the windows, but ideally when I'm near the end I'll combine the interior mapping and window blinds so they work on a single plane/material. That way when I make a building, I can make everything how I want, and just say where the windows should be and it all work automatically.


parallax glitch.jpg

Anonymous No. 858971

Here's that weird issue with the parallax effect that I mentioned in the last post.
The top planes are all separate meshes, and work fine. The bottom is a singe plane with an array modifier. Though the same thing happens without the modifier if all the window planes are part of the same mesh.

I'm not really familiar with what's going on under the hood of the effect to actually fix it. Or even if it's something that can be fixed.

Anonymous No. 858974

yeah i'll admit i only used the right hand on the last bit because i thought it'd be too repetitive if i used the left hand for everything, i'll take a look at it thanks

Anonymous No. 858975

Thought it was a kangaroo with a kid in the pouch cycling the bolt for her.



Anonymous No. 858979

your abstract creature designs look good if a bit to repetitive visually, like the leaves offer a nice break from the smoothness of the ceramic, it's maybe worth it to try and implement more contrast like that, also the hooves were a lost opportunity imo to implement detail/style.
but overall, good job anon.


looking good



Anonymous No. 858980

How is my first goblin?

Anonymous No. 858991

You should look for reference, goblins have huge hands and feet and are usually more blocky

Anonymous No. 858992

Unfortunately didn't retopo and uv unwrap the horse so couldn't really do much there with my self enforced time limit. But yea definitely, the second I read that I saw it having the "grow grass around it effect" and nice cracks in there. I definitely need to flesh out works more, like you anon. Really cool wip, love that you sculpted a more hermaphroditic look, like Satan is sometimes portrayed as having. Sick af

Anonymous No. 858994

yeah, like the proportions are the biggest problems with this "piece"



Anonymous No. 859003


Anonymous No. 859004

Bit less hang on the left hand after the mag toss; picture it moving in a single arc to the belt, tossing the mag off while getting there. the gun's animation looks good though

Anonymous No. 859005

Getting told to "touch grass" by a hot girl after you show her your 3d WIP

Anonymous No. 859023

and that's a good thing

Anonymous No. 859027

women can wait



3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 859028

Happy Halloween to you all!

Anonymous No. 859029

Looks jewish, which really reflects the mythical creature... make him rub his hands and u have a passing grade.

Anonymous No. 859030

Tell her u want to touch her grass.

Anonymous No. 859032

y she mad tho?

Anonymous No. 859036

because she's a woman



Anonymous No. 859045

I remade the ugly feet on my lioness model finally. (Right --> Left)

Honestly, this is perfect as is. No need for perfectionism if it takes 10 minutes to notice what's wrong.

They're very cute, but I feel as though it could use some additional stylization. Personal preference, though.

Try adding a little bit of detail (like two white stripes) + some light distressing to the ribbons. Amazing piece, though.

Great job anon. I always hate retopologizing and UV mapping NURBS hair, feel your pain.

Cute lil duder

highly recommend looking at a base mesh you like for reference. imo i recommend just doing 5 fingers.

you've got aliasing in parts of your web. look at some reference art for silhouetted pieces

the execution is very good, i would add more thickness to the hands and give them some feet tho

you're gonna make it, anon

I love the tombstone gives late 90s high-end render vibes. Try out cloth sim for the witch's hat!

do you have prior art experience? this is bretty good for a first sculpt.

3DGuy making a reasonably alright looking humanoid is the spookiest thing I've ever seen.

great sculpt, but not sure how to feel about the hands given the muscular composure of the rest the model.



Anonymous No. 859054

Yay Happy Halloween /3/ !

Anonymous No. 859073

tt-thanks cris



Anonymous No. 859090

i made some crappy hands a few days ago, maybe this can be useful for you... or not

oh dear what happened in the second picture



Anonymous No. 859091

also i found a model i made and abandoned like a year and a half ago. should i finish it?

Anonymous No. 859098

That's very useful, thanks

Anonymous No. 859105

looks cool, yeah you should
if you don't I WILL call you a fag



Anonymous No. 859106

Whipped something up quickly for Halloween tomorrow. Spent a while sculpting and texturing meat-walls only for it to not really matter :^)


Anons Urethra.jpg

Anonymous No. 859107

Fuck it, it's Halloween. Enjoy some gross and veiny meat walls.

Anonymous No. 859183

Why would you sculpt that? Something this simple can be done with normal displacement.

Anonymous No. 859224

Because I wanted to, and I don't get many excuses to sculpt.
I was going to do more with the sculpt, and add some faces and hands into it, but after I figured out the lighting I just kind of stopped it where it was.

Anonymous No. 859244

add more geo fag



Anonymous No. 859259

Good job figuring it out anon! Distress and wear is something I need to focus on more, hafta figure a nice micro detail pass workflow. Thanks for the feedback bud.

Started and finished this ship the past couple days and popped the girl in from my other project, restyled her.

Anonymous No. 859264

Source on the reference image? Is it by pixelsketcher? I think he just paints over 3D models, and the hand from that reference image is the trials of mana cat. So you might want look up that model to get a better idea of that type of hand looks like from more angles.



Anonymous No. 859266

proud of this 1... light and camera and action And the rest is history



Anonymous No. 859267

For OP

Anonymous No. 859279

I'm wasting so much time mapping trimsheets on all of the modular architectural pieces I want to cry. I'm spending days and days on all of this.

Has anyone ever figured out how to speed up the unwrapping and mapping process for trims? I doubt there is a fast way to do it t b h, but still. It's just a dumb as a brick grind, I'm slowly starting to hate this job. Selecting faces, placing seams, unwrapping, rotating, positioning, checking texel density, iterating on a trimsheet and reimporting over and over again.... Horrible existence of a 3D game artist.... Neither is it creative, nor is it improving my problem solving, it's monkey tier work. Such a big portion of 3D in the production is monkey work normies wouldn't believe.

Anonymous No. 859285

blender version
max version

I have a hotkey for unwrapping selected faces/putting a seam around the border as well as a hotkey on gridifying them.

It'll always be a little tedious but using presets like this eliminates addon things up so they match on modular kits etc. This plugin will do however many rows of whatever pixel size you want as well.

Anonymous No. 859302

Thx, I actually think I downloaded this years ago but never used it and forgot about it. Fml.

Yeah, textools and uv toolkit do those things fast as well, but it is still annoying to have to select and unwrap, carefully position everything etc. Hope this will help.

Btw, what do you usually do if there is a bevel? Do you apply it before trimsheet mapping (which increases the amount of work though) or just leave it as a modifier which will apply after the trim and some stretching on the corner is ignored? I kinda do both. If I’m lazy, I do the second option, but I actually don’t know what would be the “correct” approach.



Anonymous No. 859304

Practicing normal map creation at the moment

Anonymous No. 859305

I don't work with the bevel modifier because I generally don't like the results I just manually bevel stuff.

Anonymous No. 859307

>screen is masked out
Oh boy I can't wait to put something in that for the OP.



Anonymous No. 859310


Anonymous No. 859312

No, I meant that enthusiastically, not sarcastically.
As in "thanks for doing that, I can do something fun with it"

Anonymous No. 859315

OP might not be a faggot but you are

Anonymous No. 859316

Excited to see how this furry war project turns out! As the one anon said though, he should probably use his free hand to rack the bolt otherwise it looks akward. Looks pretty good though.

Cool concept!



Anonymous No. 859318


Anonymous No. 859319

I've got no idea what you're trying to say now. I'm sure there's some kind of misunderstanding but I've got no idea on what.
I had thought you were taking a jab at my post thinking I was complaining, and then putting something on the screen to say "look how ez it is", but I guess you meant something else.

For the record, I am OP.

Anonymous No. 859321

>maybe this can be useful for you
I do need lions fingers but where is the OBJ anon?

Anonymous No. 859322


Anonymous No. 859324

>>Oh boy I can't wait to put something in that for the OP.
It's all jokes my friend ;)

Anonymous No. 859344

It's not hideous. The base form looks good except the sagging tits and that stupid fur on the clothes and hair. Not that good but not hideous.

Anonymous No. 859363

Thanks! Actually a ship from a show called Last Exile, really cool designs in there. Think they were all designed by Range Murata.

Anonymous No. 859365

i unfortunately can't send it now, but i'll be avaible on monday



Anonymous No. 859383

>retopologizing and UV mapping NURBS hair
fucking done with this shit
it should be possible to partly automate since you have the original curves as input. I'll either work on that or find a way to avoid retopo in the first place.
cute beans.



Anonymous No. 859405

Fucked around with rigging the backpack today

Anonymous No. 859407

very cool, hope you don't have to recreate the setup in engine though

Anonymous No. 859412

tara reid or lindsay lohan?

Anonymous No. 859414

I have a separate deformation skeleton set up for that possibility, but honestly I probably cba to do that since it’s just a portfolio/learning project and I can get satisfying results with eevee



Anonymous No. 859436

it might be worthwhile doing boolean unions between the curves using a CAD/NURBS software, then depending on how high res you want it to be to use either autroremesher (https://github.com/huxingyi/autoremesher) or a pirated copy of zbrush w/ zremesher. I took the lazy route and just decimated the shit out of the curves and used them as is w/ a smartUV project.

Another way to do it is to lower the preview resolution for your curve's mesh, and manually delete the edgeloops, or run autoremesher on each exported curve mesh individually

I didn't mind the retopologized version that came out of autoremesher but I greatly preferred the crisp look of the decimated individual strands.



Anonymous No. 859437

btw here's what the different hairs looked like with the different methods im describing

Anonymous No. 859438

>I love the tombstone gives late 90s high-end render vibes. Try out cloth sim for the witch's hat!

Thanks anon. I know what you mean about the '90s render vibes too. I thought there was something it reminded me of, but I just couldn't think what.
I was going to use a cloth sim for the hat but I had so many verts as it was I wasn't sure how my computer would handle it (first time using particles and ivy so I wasn't sure how it would cope with those).
Thanks for your feedback, I always appreciate it.

Anonymous No. 859444

Apply the material after the array?



Anonymous No. 859452

Critique please. It's my first "finished" sculpt. Got tired of it when I was making his teeth and tried to cuth the holes in his ears.

Anonymous No. 859458

Looks pretty good, you captured the emotion well. keep at it!



Anonymous No. 859462

made this bug

Anonymous No. 859464

Damn. Looks good as hell.

Anonymous No. 859466

I like that you even pulled out those little hairs bugs have. gj

Anonymous No. 859473

Based mutant mosquito. But the wings are too smol, bugger won't fly so good.


concept laser gun.png

Anonymous No. 859482

A concept of laser rifle I made.
It's mostly for hardsurface practice using zbrush only.
Don't wanna post it anywhere

Anonymous No. 859495

I think most of the grebels are p-good anon, but I don't understand the huge grating with the lil cylinders ( cut wirebundles?) coming out.

would 100% let my typewriter turn into this

it's good anon. keep at it!!

Anonymous No. 859497

nice, but are you supposed to operate the fire selector with your fingernails?



Anonymous No. 859503

Yeah, it's confusing for next idea I'll be more apparent drawing connections between form and function.
I'll explain the idea: The gun is more like a lazer submachine. It rapid fires until too much heat which then is removed using coolant gas from canisters in stock area. The gas travels through middle, around the barrel and is then released from these lil cylinders. (pic related in red)


I guess the scale is bad. I thought it was okayish, but I'll follow irl references more next time.
side note: by my idea it's just a safety switch, the fire selection comes from the trigger action. One stage since fire, full action is auto.

Sorry I'm a bit acoustic with this gun stuff, but if I were to present the renders/concept on like artstation what would be a good way of story telling this? Through animation in gifs, diagram images or should I just rely on image to tell the story and not be too complex with idea behind design?

Anonymous No. 859513

How would that make a difference?
I'm not trying to be snarky, I'm just curious.

Not sure what you mean by applying the material after the array, since it really shouldn't matter when I put the material on it.
Just in case you meant the modifier....
If I apply the modifier it's still all one object. I'd have to go into it and separate all the planes into their own objects/meshes. Which ends up with the correct result like the planes on top, but then it's kind of useless for what I envision.
I'd like to be able to make a single floor of a building, assign the materials to the window, and use an array modifier to make it into a skyscraper. If the material doesn't work right in an array, it's not really all that useful.
I could have the windows be their own individual meshes, sure, but on the scale of an entire city it'll add up. Probably not by much, but still.



Anonymous No. 859522

this is more of a blender problem because it doesn't have any good remeshers built in but you can see he's very rough in places in terms of surface detail.

The best way to deal with this in sculpting is actually to touch it as little possible, using zremesher or an automatic remesher once you get to a certain stage and then letting the subdivision keep the surface smooth and only touching it for details you need to sharpen (and only using the move brush on the lowest subdivision) to keep the surface clean.

There is a version of zremesher for blender called "quad remesher" but it's paid and blender sux at working with subdivisions anyway so this is a soft recommendation to consider zbrush, people often bring up its high poly performance and assume it's only more useful for realistic stuff but it couldn't be further from the truth it's actually much better at stylized too because of features like that that help you get the ultra smooth sculpts.



Anonymous No. 859535

Working on a graveyard scene for a visual novel.
Not sure if I should 3d paint everything for best looks, or if I should just make everything basic colors and photobash the rest in image editing software to save time...

Anonymous No. 859536

hate to shit on someone in the /wip/ thread but
this is awful, awful, awful fucking advice
the topo in your pic both looks like shit and deforms like shit, the UV maps are even worse
stop being allergic to work

Anonymous No. 859547

Remeshing like that would only work if you assign polygroups to that hair in zbrush. You could just remove edgeloops after you remesh it while "keep groups is enabled in zbrush.



Anonymous No. 859567

He will never be a real human
I will never be a real sculpter

Anonymous No. 859568

Got an example of the final look you're going for? Comic book artists usually just do a greyscale blockout then paint over it.

Anonymous No. 859569

Maybe do something you find erotic. If it doesn't make u coom, find out why etc.



Anonymous No. 859570

I dumped the face and sculpted something my coomer part of my brain finds erotic. I did better on the female body than the rest of my projects. I still struggle but I'm more happy with this one

Anonymous No. 859571

Nice, now just keep pushing that and you'll eventually find yourself able to make a face one day, watch vids, workflows, whatever you can get your hands on.



Anonymous No. 859572

You should do a head/torso sculpt every day and post it here, imagine how fast you'd get good. Your main problem atm is that you have no anatomy in your sculpts, analyze your reference and use muscle and bone ref



Anonymous No. 859575

I went for a furry head for fun this time but kept the overall body as humanly as possible. I looked up anatomy and tried to replicate it as much as possible. I'm still working on the boobs as they're hard to get right

Anonymous No. 859576

it's tough to see after working for a while, but she's leaning forward



Anonymous No. 859583

Something like the average visual novel background, or something like the background in Pic Related at best.

But that would be best case scenario, It's some uni project and I have a time limit for it (Early December).
Probably best to keep doing the current one to test the time it takes me.



Anonymous No. 859586

I fixed the position and adjusted some body parts again. I finished this thing, painted it and came up with this. This was way higher than my expectations, I was a bit blown away for a time. It does have some issues specifically the ass which I can't get right for now

Anonymous No. 859587

Maybe basic 3D textures and focus on good 3D lightning (like those shadows in your picture), you will still need to paint over your final renders to get rid of that cheap 3D look tho

Anonymous No. 859588

Yep literally once it clicks you're golden. Now your eyes just have to adjust to proportions and you'll be set to make whatever degenerate shit your heart desires anon. Don't post too quickly, give yourself a month with this new power, you'll see mistakes you've made each past week as you move onto the next if you actually grind it out everyday.



Anonymous No. 859590

notice the teardrop shape the bottom of the ass-cheek makes towards the hip, yours goes the wrong way

Anonymous No. 859591

is rigging your favorite?

Anonymous No. 859593

Do you mean like, the butt weight should weigh down to the right instead into the crack like in my picture?

Anonymous No. 859594

not me

OP. have you ever given thought to the evolution of the WIP thread? Like the potential of everyone here doing their thing

Fuck! is this the morph guy,, Love the mood



Anonymous No. 859604

Some stylized skull prop.

Anonymous No. 859610

Nice. A scenic planetary background would really sell this piece. Like a desert sci-fi fantasy landscape or something you see in those sci-fi novel covers complete with two moons and the like.



Anonymous No. 859618

Idk, just trying to git gud. I'd say I enjoy modeling, sculpting and rigging equally.



Anonymous No. 859628

this is the first thing i've made without following a tutorial all the way through. I was trying to focus on the model itself instead of textures/lighting, there's a lot I could fix but mainly need to focus on improving edge flow and learning how to actually texture and bevel


still 1.png

Anonymous No. 859637

new fur from scratch. I think I'm headed in the right direction

Anonymous No. 859644

>the right direction
well, that depends on your end destination.
Do you want to go hell, by being degenerated yourself or by creating excessively sexually degenerated media in an attempt to acquire financial gain off of sexually deviant individuals?
Or do you create these harmless / wholesome, fluffy, anthropomorphic characters for children or childish adults?

Anonymous No. 859645

neither. I never want to create porn, and I don't want to make something cutesy

Anonymous No. 859646

do you post anywhere anon? would love to follow if its not all porn

Anonymous No. 859647

came to this

Anonymous No. 859657

>evolution of the WIP thread? Like the potential of everyone here doing their thing
Not sure what you mean. Could you elaborate?

A few posts back I floated the idea of having anons contribute to an interactive /wip/. Where generous anons would submit models (and work in progress stuff of course), and I'd put them in a remade /wip/ image, in Unreal Engine. Then anons could walk around in it and see what everyone made.
I'm not super skilled with UE, but putting a first person controller in there and putting in some models should be simple enough.

I didn't get any responses to it, so I figured people weren't interested in that idea.



Anonymous No. 859665

I want the wolfgirl



Anonymous No. 859742

I stopped procrastinating and went up to finish this Fox for 3D print
goddamn Blender shat itself with the 2 million polys, thank heavens Zbrush decimation is excellent. Not interested in adding more details, especially since this will be my first print, just gonna see how it goes

Anonymous No. 859743

Looking good...except the tail imo. Bigger shapes would've been better but you did a great job on the rest of it, fantastic.

Anonymous No. 859745

freaking amazing, but >>859743 is right. also for the gun, just make it in blender since it has 10x better hard surface modelling and import it to zbrush, if possible

Anonymous No. 859746

Decent work, you could go on and polygroup and polish to have something that looks legit with a bit of work.
If you’re thinking 3D print you have to think physical paint, the tail will be a pain and look off, just some lines along the tail will look much better when painting it as you’ll be able to just apply some wash and have the maximum effect with minimum work.

Anonymous No. 859748

zbrush is actually perfect for doing stylized guns and stuff homie just isn't really using a lot of zbrush features (If I was making it for print I'd rather make a gun in zbrush than anywhere else honestly, dynamesh and clip central), I'd have definitely split the boots and such off into their own subtools but homie said he was just practicing so whatever.



Anonymous No. 859749

Wasting some time since the rig is almost finished

Anonymous No. 859759

I am confused, isn't that fox(?) kinda cutesy?
I think it is, which is often the side-effect of anthropomorphism. What's your goal with it?
Fur looks fine btw.

Anonymous No. 859760

better. look at reference for inward facing wispier hair on the ears

Anonymous No. 859770

Beginner to zbrush sculpting here. Is it bad to use the move tool too often? I feel like I depend on it too much and it's probably not good for the polygons and stuff right?

Anonymous No. 859771

You're going to want to remesh a lot anyway, move tool is fine for blocking stuff out when you're just focused on getting the starting shape down



Anonymous No. 859786

Goddamn sculpting humanoid faces is hard as fuck. I tought learning anatomy would unlock me some new powers and shit but it didn't change a damn thing. Tips are highly welcome please. I know I have to keep practicing & keep learning human anatomy. Anything else ?
My sculpting/modeling goals are set for game deving so since I'm supposed to retopologise my models on top of my sculpt, I don't really care about some surfaces being rougher than others.
But you're right, Blender definitely has its issues. It crashed 3 times on me and the resolution management is very vague & laggy (I'm a beginner so the problem might come from me). I downloaded Zbrush but I tried several times but I can't fucking stand that interface. I hated every second I spent looking at it. And since I'm modeling, rigging and animating in Blender, I don't really have the motivation (or need) to move to Zbrush honestly.
Thanks a lot anons

Anonymous No. 859797

ah if you're open to it then you'll swap eventually, good luck though anon



Anonymous No. 859798

Thanks, anon. And the others too.
Will keep in mind for the next project pic related. Gonna 3D print it and also use it for a environment scene I had in mind
Only the lord knows when will I actually sit to get to>>859746
start it

Anonymous No. 859803


Anonymous No. 859804

You will have to take the zbrush pill eventually, anon. The UI is great for sculpting. As it should be
A shitton of leeway when you make mistakes, unlike Blender



Anonymous No. 859840

didn't know about autoremesher, thanks. no adaptive quad size is unfortunate

alright this isn't a good tool by any stretch. it does meet some goals:
>no highpoly, normals transferred from a voxelized cage to avoid banana hair
>only welds vertices along parallel edge loops so it mostly keeps the geometry intact
>no unwrap, UVs from curves make it easy to apply texture



Anonymous No. 859841

started over with curves and more grounded hairstyles. also tweaked her facial proportions for the 32425th time

no porn (yet) can't spoiler tag but @greisane

Anonymous No. 859855

it will instantly look 2x better if you straighten her posture, just import some fbx and use ghost/xray to compare
then I'd work on the abdomen and neck, but it's pretty good regardless



Anonymous No. 859861

>no porn (yet)

Anonymous No. 859863

such a handsome green midget. needs some tattoos if you ask me

Anonymous No. 859864

Dude furry or not you're doing some cool shit, great stuff.


Anonymous No. 859891

already following lol

Anonymous No. 859900

honestly it works pretty shockingly well and I love that it preserves UVs but I don't think think there's any way to avoid dynameshing and elbow grease for proper hair, looking at the result just has my hands itching to hit up the orb cracks

Anonymous No. 859918

yeah I was surprised too.
to be honest there's no reason you can't sculpt+unwrap the boolean soup and then bake normals, I'm just being extremely lazy. the unwrap doesn't even have to be good since you can keep the other UV channel for texturing.



Anonymous No. 859925

>substance painter is kidpix

its too bad no 1 told me this sooner



Anonymous No. 859940

A bit bummed about some lighting and texture issues but this are the final images! building light took around 6 hours on my crap pc so at one point f it, can't fix everything and wait another week

Anonymous No. 859943

looks great, no need to fix anything. that would be going past the point of polish and entering autism zone
for posterity, how did you fix the leaky light? >>857716

Anonymous No. 859945

thx, i put cube with no cast shadow above, also lighting is on production whereas before it was either medium or preview with lower world settings. I think the render settings were the most important. theres still some relflection on the tiles but I like it lol

Anonymous No. 859957

oh shit you're the "furry evenicle" guy, unironically looking forward to it.

Anonymous No. 859967

how does this wood look?



Anonymous No. 859968

picrel this time



3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 859996

And now, for something completely different.

Anonymous No. 860001

Dang, anon. Yo wood lookin' fine. :3



3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 860005




Anonymous No. 860009

>No CG confession thread up atm so:

Spent half a day figuring out why a custom worldspace normal shader I created for unity rendered incorrectly.
Started to question everything I thought I knew inside out about this before eventually realizing I had just mistakenly
swapped the tangent and the binormal(aka bitangent) around by confusing which controlled which channel.

I like how the nodesystem in shadergraph doesn't require half a day reading up on what cginclude has the
parts you need whenever you need to make a custom shader and haven't touched it for a while and forgotten where everything is .
But damn, node systems really can make things difficult to suss out.

Anonymous No. 860012

You should block in or construct your forms first with subtools. It's easy to adjust proportions that way and your sculpts won't look lumpy.

You will be slower woth but it will pay off

Anonymous No. 860013

Huh, well wouldn't that be neat, I'll look into it anon! Thanks for th suggestion fren.

Anonymous No. 860016

new here huh?



3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 860022

...are you ready?



3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 860039

You are? Too bad, he isn´t.

Anonymous No. 860042

You should make ceramic figurines of that and sell it to gays on Etsy.

Anonymous No. 860043

wdym, he's all oiled up and raring to go



Anonymous No. 860051

hello guys, I'm used to box modeling but I don't know what goes into a piece such as this. from what I gather it's a high poly sculpture which is used to bake maps and then retopo-ed? so what free tools can I use to learn this process?

Anonymous No. 860052

Blender unironically has all of this. There's some tutorials for this on YouTube.

Anonymous No. 860054


Anonymous No. 860147


These look AAA quality. Nice work

Anonymous No. 860151

you can do it all in blender if you insist on using free software but I'd rather bake and texture in substance

Anonymous No. 860161

at this point substance could be considered free software because literally nobody buys it

Anonymous No. 860162

Really? What do people use nowadays?

Anonymous No. 860163

He's saying everyone pirates it, like they do every other piece of adobe software.



Anonymous No. 860179

low poly aharen. 755+ verts. I think this was my best to date.
I think i could do better but ill save it for another time. Im not really confident in my painting skills.
Skirt is not rigged yet cause im feeling lazy.

Anonymous No. 860206

i hate furries aarghhh

Anonymous No. 860208

Left hand shouldn't pause after the mag toss. This guy's on a battlefield, not chilling out at the firing range. The hand's pose is fine, but I'd try to keep the motion more or less constant.

Other than that, small detail, this looks great.

Actually, even with that small detail, it still looks great. If you actually want to make a game, this is MORE than good enough for you to work with until you're giving it final post-production polish.

Stop animating and start coding.



Anonymous No. 860217

I hard surfaced models after sculpting organic things for the time. I created a set of stone tools. Made with blender, zbrush and substance.



Anonymous No. 860218



Anonymous No. 860219

Anonymous No. 860232

Fuck AAA, and fuck your list

Anonymous No. 860267

for now there's nothing really interesting. to call it "not even a thing yet" would be an understatement haha
check it out the temporary drive link with the "game" in it if you want. it's gonna be free anyway, i'll upload it to moddb when it reaches a more or less presentable state

my coding skills are pretty bad, so all i'm doing here is adding some things, fixing and tweaking others
it's not going to be a complicated mod, so my scope isn't too big and the work isn't gonna be so intense aside from making a bunch of models for it

i wuv u <3


images - 2021-11-....jpg

Anonymous No. 860272

Why are there so many furries in this thread?

Anonymous No. 860278

I'm too lazy to check, but I think the Furry General is kill.



Anonymous No. 860279

Anonymous No. 860281

You should use UE4 blueprints



Anonymous No. 860282

it is cutesy, but not something like this. I'm going for something slightly more grounded in reality. might need to shrink the eyes.

I don't know what I want to do with him. maybe composite him into some videos after I give him a body. it's a model really just to experiment and learn with



Anonymous No. 860284

first screenshot s a bit dark



Anonymous No. 860285

this is more what I'm going for

Anonymous No. 860287

you can even mix blueprints with native code I believe so you can have both



Anonymous No. 860293


Anonymous No. 860297

Sorry that we actually do stuff



Anonymous No. 860300

rigged a rat today



Anonymous No. 860318

long blobby dragon



Anonymous No. 860357

What version looks better?



Anonymous No. 860358


Anonymous No. 860359

are those mountains on its back?

left is better but the lighting on the right gives me nostalgia for late 90s prerendered cg
like it could be a structure in a "Dungeon" town in heroes 3

Anonymous No. 860369

I like the right one.

Ice, but still too blobby...

Anonymous No. 860377

>Ice, but still too blobby...
it works, this fantasy noodle doesnt seem threatening enough for spiky angular ice anyway



Anonymous No. 860379

Aquatic alien girl I started sketching out

Anonymous No. 860382

The 90s pre rendered vibe is intentional, i'm a really big fan of the pre-rendered city background of might and magic heroes.

What makes you prefer the right one compared to the left?



Anonymous No. 860393

900 verts without the outline effect. Im taking too much time "painting" that its unsustainable for my workflow.
Gotta recollect myself and make things simple.
Kinda liked how it turned out.

Anonymous No. 860395

Show skirt rig



Anonymous No. 860396

pretty meh

Anonymous No. 860397

No automation?



Anonymous No. 860398

Forgot wires
i put them in unity with dynamic bone

Anonymous No. 860404

This wip thread is surprisingly good.

Anonymous No. 860416

Better be! I started handing out cash prizes. Check your PMs

Anonymous No. 860419

3DGuy NFT or bust


Camera ANim.webm

Anonymous No. 860422



OasisObelisk_(3) ....webm

Anonymous No. 860426

fuck uploaded the wrong video



Anonymous No. 860428

a little test with rigging and a scene idea, still a lot to be done tho

Anonymous No. 860454




Anonymous No. 860457

not done, but rendered a turntable just to benchmark my new rtx card. 72 frames in 12 minutes @ 1080p with 64 samples. love this thing

I feel like his eyes are too far apart. the black skin around his eyes/mouth is too sharp too. makes it look more like a toon outline on his facial features. still tweaking fur too. having a lot of fun with this project

Anonymous No. 860462

>What makes you prefer the right one compared to the left?
I guess the clearer point of interest and I'm just a sucker for more dramatic lighting.



Anonymous No. 860466

Anonymous No. 860471

gimme milk duds. I haven't had them in so long :(

Anonymous No. 860472

thread cover image makes me wonder what a collaborative /3/ project would look like. would be fun to create a short & absurd animated dumpsterfire

Anonymous No. 860474

>tfw not American
>tfw get meme American food shelf in supermarket
>tfw don't like American chocolate (what with the vomit extract and all that stuff)
>tfw try Milk Duds
>tfw they're a bit like toffee Poppets but even nicer

Wish they didn't put the retarded tax on them though because it makes them too expensive.



Anonymous No. 860476

I spent 4 hours today sculpting Jack Carver from Far Cry 1. It's probably not very good.

Anonymous No. 860480

I don't use the software but it'd make sense that applying the array after the material being applied would copy the properties of the original material (ie. camera perspective), while applying after the array to each object will give them their own unique properties.



Anonymous No. 860489

You don't really "apply" materials in Blender, you just assign it to a slot and all the properties of that material are shared/linked across all objects that have that material.

The thing about applying the array modifier, is that each of the duplicates don't become their own meshes with their own data, they're essentially joined with the original object to make a single object. You have to go in manually and separate them into individual objects.
When you do that, the effect works fine.
Here's the .Blend file if anyone wants to take a crack at it.


I did find out something interesting while setting it up. Seems that what's fucking things up is the origin. When the origin isn't dead center on the window it messes up. Which means that when using an array, the origin is only on one of the windows, not all of them.



Anonymous No. 860551

No idea if this solves your issue but looks good when instanced to verts. Pseudo array

Anonymous No. 860598

Well that doesn't directly fix the issue, since the end goal was just setting the material on the windows of existing building meshes (so if they didn't work in an array, they wouldn't work on a building), but that is indeed an interesting workaround that makes me think of some other solutions that might work.

Mainly, using the Geometry nodes to instance the windows in the correct places. Just set up vertices where the windows should go on the main mesh, set those up as a vertex group, and use the Geometry Node point-instancing to place the windows.
It's not a one-click solution where I can just assign the materials to the windows and be done with it, but it's a better solution than the nothing I had to begin with.

Gonna take a little bit to see if I can get something working.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!


building array.jpg

Anonymous No. 860605

Well, there's a few issues with the GN setup, but for the most part the concept works. Pic related is all a single mesh/object arrayed upward.
For some inane reason I can't just use straight up verts in GN to use as points, so I had to use faces.
On the bright side, the faces should provide normal data to point the windows in the right direction, but on the other hand I'm getting trouble getting it to do that.
Works fine for 2 opposite sides of the building, but not the other pair. Still, it's an issue that I feel like I can tackle if I put enough time into it.

Anonymous No. 860609

Haven't touched Gn yet myself - Best of luck. Cool setup you have from my quick glance



Anonymous No. 860611

Richard Crowe from Far Cry 1

Anonymous No. 860628


Anonymous No. 860646

Anime fags always want to see the wires and the triangles ffs. You want to see wires go to the Home Depot. You Wanna see triangles Go to Dominos



Anonymous No. 860655


Anonymous No. 860669

where is our containment thread anon
im waiting

Anonymous No. 860672

What % of the board is furries? I feel kinda bad now for my comment. I need hard statistics

Anonymous No. 860727

few but we make the best shtuf here

Anonymous No. 860739

New thread