
wip collage - Ser....jpg

🧵 /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 860738

/wip/ - Works in Progress
- Collage Edition: Series 2 -
Expanded and Enhanced™!

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>857467
List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB



Anonymous No. 860740

Here's a little animation I put together with the last collage. There's some weird shit going on in some places, but hopefully you'll like seeing the progress and everyone's contributions.

Anonymous No. 860743

its so much emptier than last time :(

Anonymous No. 860744

holy shit, it begins

OP said he would be starting over



Anonymous No. 860749

>Cannot load this project with this software version: Invalid Binary Data

Anonymous No. 860758

Awesome lol

Anonymous No. 860760

fucking beautiful anon

Anonymous No. 860761

>its so much emptier than last time :(
It's only just beginning!
As >>860744 said, I mentioned in the last thread that I'd be starting up the second round in this thread. The last one was getting a bit too full to really play around with.
On the bright side, I've upscaled the original base image, and extended it a bit, so now there's both more room for people's art, and extra resolution to keep things nice and crisp.
I even went a step further and made sure I converted all of the images into smart objects so they retain their source resolution no matter how much I scale them.
Should make things easier to rearrange later on so I can scale things and move them around without fucking up the resolution of the originals.

>holy shit, it begins
The cycle beginneth anew

I know that feel bro. Happened to me on a project I had worked on for a few hours.
Fucker was corrupted.

Thanks anons. I feel bad about the compression, but it's more about the sentimental aspect than anything.
I'll try to do one for each series as we do them!

Anonymous No. 860796

fuckin awesome anon, that's great. I wonder though, where does the original image comes from ? why this one ? am I too much of a newfag to understand ?



Anonymous No. 860803

Can your unwrap things in fusion (or export it) so that they're still dimensionally accurate?



Anonymous No. 860805

Aliens!! AHHHH

Anonymous No. 860807

>fuckin awesome anon, that's great.
Thanks, Cheif.
>am I too much of a newfag to understand ?
I ain't gonna mince words, but yeah, probably. Then again, not many these days really know the story. Hell, even mine probably got twisted by time.
It all started back in the olden days of /3/. Some anon posted a thread about his wip, the OP pic, and for some reason people just kept using it. Pretty sure the dude who made it originally meant for it to tie into World of Warcraft or something like that. The anon used to frequent the board, but not anymore. He popped in a few years back if I remember correctly.

But yeah, the wip image is a classic part of /3/.
It's been a tradition of /3/ since before I even came here around 2013. Plenty of anons and namefags come and go, but /wip/ thread stays the same.
After all, what's life if not a work in progress? Or somethin faggy like that.

Anonymous No. 860808

Gotta stop staying up so late.

Anonymous No. 860813

Heh thanks for all the work you put into it, really cool wip anon



Anonymous No. 860831

Mutant Big from Far Cry 1. I sculpted an full character for the first time and feel pretty happy. He's still incomplete

Anonymous No. 860840

>I ain't gonna mince words, but yeah, probably

I see. Yea I've been on 4chan for long but never noticed this board since a couple of years ago. It moves so slowly I rarely go on it but to post my work here. Happy to see it on the image hehe



Anonymous No. 860860




Anonymous No. 860883


Anonymous No. 860893

It looks like you can sculpt and have a decent understanding of proportion, but you have no idea how to use ZBrush.
This seems highly relevant to you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GFW73yn72M
And watch this playlist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzrLOvnkS8c&list=PLkzopwqcFevbxxNfZtq1ae09h1dht4S6M
I want to put this on my wall and I might actually do it.

Anonymous No. 860896

Thanks for the videos. I have no idea how to make armor or any type of hard surface in Zbrush, so I just used mask, extrude and dam standard on it



Anonymous No. 860897

That's how far I got and how he looks like as of now


Screen Shot 2021-....png

Anonymous No. 860907

rendition of a 19th century perfume holder



Anonymous No. 860911

A school girl.

not a professional No. 860916

very pale skin. intentional?

Anonymous No. 860927

>very pale skin. intentional?
I do like pale skin, but I didn't intend her to be too pale. I don't think she's much paler than I'm myself, though. But I'm somewhat colour blind, so who knows.

Anonymous No. 860948

I will never make it

Anonymous No. 860949

>I will never make it
Well, try to at least make something, friendo.
You might make it along the way.

Thanks. Really it's not all that much work, just a bit time consuming. But it's a labor of love.

Yeah the slow speed of the board is kind of what I like about it.
Used to feel like there was all of 10 anons posting and everything was real tight knit and community like. Not so much really now though. Now I want to believe the slow speed is just because most anons are actually working on things and don't spend too much time here. It's nice to dream sometimes.



Anonymous No. 860951

Random girl

Anonymous No. 860966

>I want to put this on my wall and I might actually do it.
I would be honoured if you choose to do so.

Anonymous No. 860969

She cute



Anonymous No. 860973

Been trying to make a model of Horus Lupercal for VRChat. I posted a screencap in the last thread, and since then I've moved on to texturing it. I don't have substance or anything similar so I'm drawing the whole thing by hand in GIMP and it's taking a very long time.

Anonymous No. 860979


is this design inspired by Princess Ruto? looks good

i can't believe my amogus sculpt shitpost managed to stay on the collage that long. bless u anon
since you're making this for VRChat, how many polys have you ended up with so far, anon?

Anonymous No. 860980

About 36,000 tris, well within the limits for a Good optimization rating on PCVR. 35,000 and under is Excellent but whatever. It's well beyond the bounds of being Quest compatible, but I didn't plan on it being that way from the outset.



Anonymous No. 860996



Anonymous No. 860997

I had animals on the mind when making her but if I’m gonna be honest, she started as a chicken.



Anonymous No. 861002

I suck ass at serious hard-surface, but I managed to knock this guy out as part of a larger project for someone.
Didn't bother to model the "outside" of it, considering it'll be inside the tire.
Illustrator was a godsend for trying to do this shit though. Made it kind of easy to break down into manageable segments so my smoothbrain could figure out how the fuck to do it.



Anonymous No. 861050

I'm currently making a set of minis for a D&D group and it's my first time making something besides anime speed sculpts. For sculpts of figures do you guys like making a neutral pose first and then pose it later or do you sculpt in pose? Also for any blenderfags out there is it easier to rig and pose or to use the pose brush? I tried to rig a little bit a long time ago and it was honestly a mess but I'm not as bad anymore.

Anonymous No. 861052

make a quick auto-weighted rig for the base pose; pose brush is useful sometimes for making little changes to small areas but I wouldn't use it instead of a rig



Anonymous No. 861062

Critiques on this mouth (my laptop can't keep up with an entire face)

Anonymous No. 861063

yeah autoweight a metarig then fix the problems with weight painting or etc. by sculpting.

Make sure you have subdivisions of course so you're just posing on the lowest subdivision, this is actually how I pose zbrush sculpts instead of fucking around posing in zbrush.

Anonymous No. 861064

>(my laptop can't keep up with an entire face)

zbrush, now



Anonymous No. 861066

I'm still not ready for that interface anon

Anonymous No. 861068

blender sculpting sucks
get into zbrush right now
the UI fucked my head for the first few days but now I'm comfy with it and sculpt entire characters easily reaching millions of polygons which blender will never do (and lag out your laptop)



Anonymous No. 861069

Bro I know, I'll take the pill eventually but not right now. I'm just gonna keep training parts of the faces, hence the need for critiques. Once I'll be comfortable with mouth sculpting, I'll try to get better at making eyes (especially eyelids) and then (maybe) get to Zbrush and make my sculpts. And even before that, I'll need to learn Krita or Photoshop to draw my real designs.
So what do you think about the mouth? I'm going for the Hokuto No Ken/ JoJo/ old Manga with alpha builds artstyle.

Anonymous No. 861070

your sculpting abilites improve in zbrush just because it has better tools, brushes, more options and a 100x better sculpting system. The mouth looks like a fish mouth, sticks out too much



Anonymous No. 861078

Fuckin around with rendersets

Anonymous No. 861082

Making a nudey man rig quick and dirty.

Anonymous No. 861083



Faceless Coomer man.png

Anonymous No. 861085

Making a nudey man rig quick and dirty.



Anonymous No. 861095

Another mouth

Anonymous No. 861156

A-pose then quickly rig+fix details with sculpting is quicker than sculpting the pose and lets you reuse your sculpt for other poses and such. You can absolutely just sculpt in the posed position if you really want to though, some peeps do it. Just a different workflow that can take more time to look good (minimum ~2x as long sculpting time and more time spent fixing geometry because you don't have the symmetry sculpting 1/2 for you)

This would look really good with hatched shadows. Is there a stylistic reason you sculpted the hair on the top of the head instead of hair particles or hair cards? The noise in the facial hair really adds to the aesthetic.

you could try sculpting the face part by part, decimating each piece to sub ~300k polys as needed to maintain your performance. you're off on a great start.

giving me MMORPG login splash screen vibes. good job anon

lookin good so far senpai. are you planning to fully sculpt the hair or is it a basemesh?

the reflection from your HDRI is a bit discordant with the rest of your render's aesthetic. it's looking good so far, but I would suggest finding a HDRI that when reflected would go with your vibes.

would be interesting to reconstruct this render using some cheap projection mapping so the duders can be placed as alphaplanes in a perspective-correct 3d environment.

Anonymous No. 861174

>would be interesting to reconstruct this render using some cheap projection mapping so the duders can be placed as alphaplanes in a perspective-correct 3d environment.
That's kind of what I've been working on, in the background anyway.
I'm recreating the entire environment (and some areas you can't see in the image), as part of a bigger /3/ project.

The idea being once that's done, or close to it, I'll put a submission link in the OP for anons to submit models and stuff to be put in it. With the end goal hopefully having it as a digital menagerie in UE4 that anons can walk around in and check things out.
Maybe even figuring out a way for environment anons to have their environments/scenes as part of it too, either by teleporting into them, or having them as part of the scene, with the lighting and world changing to match when you go into them.

It's a bit of a grand idea that might not actually get done since I get kind of busy at times, but it'd be a fun collab I think.



Anonymous No. 861202

Trying out magicavoxel for the first time, just playing around learning while trying to create a building scene

Anonymous No. 861212

Thanks anon.

Thanks man, planning to give her some sort of hooded cloak so I might sculpt a bit more around the front.

Anonymous No. 861225

>This would look really good with hatched shadows. Is there a stylistic reason you sculpted the hair on the top of the head instead of hair particles or hair cards? The noise in the facial hair really adds to the aesthetic.

Just sculpted the hair mesh to help guide volumes easier. Cba to put in effort for actually grooming the head hair on a quick sketch and thanks anon.

Anonymous No. 861226

I see the moonman sculpt is underway

Anonymous No. 861255




Anonymous No. 861274




Anonymous No. 861298

nasty bits

Anonymous No. 861308

really nice, I love the clouds, reminds me of when I was high on shrooms/lsd watching the clouds/sunsets for hours.



Anonymous No. 861309

Wanted to finish as such when you mentioned it but I deleted it. Today I'm taking the Zbrush pill

Anonymous No. 861310


Anonymous No. 861317

are you throwing down cash?

Anonymous No. 861318

I'm just training, my models have no importance to me for the moment

Anonymous No. 861319

so how are you using zbrush?

Anonymous No. 861399

Oh boy I'm gonna have a field day with those in the next OP.

Anonymous No. 861400

gettin a real tf2 vibe from these

Anonymous No. 861424

Ha, chicken head



Anonymous No. 861425

you got it right, its for a source mod
making the models is taking more effort than making the actual game since the MP base has pretty much everything you need right away

have fun with the gibs!

and on a side note i managed to port the character into the engine, but source butchered his posture and now he looks as wide as a roblox character
but it shouldnt be hard to fix, i plan to re-make the player animations anyway, the default hl2dm ones are awful



Anonymous No. 861435


fucking kek

nice gibs mate

guys i seriously am too stupid to understand the topology of where the thigh, hip, and ass meet. please help. trying to get back into box modeling and modeling in general.



Anonymous No. 861444

Around 10 minutes to make eyelashes from hair particles, and then seven hours trying to import them into UE4. I THINK I've figured it out now.

Anonymous No. 861450

>the desired outcome for a furry

Anonymous No. 861472

When you say subdivisions do you mean the subd modifier or the multires modifier? Because the multires modifier is basically broken in blender last I checked. I’m also assuming this is so that there is enough geometry to deform with the rig and also on lowest so that it’s performance friendly. Also I like modeling in blender and sculpting in zbrush so if you guys have tips for a blender/zbrush workflow I’d love to hear more.



Anonymous No. 861488

Summerween Trickster from gravity falls
I will never finish him because I don't know how I to texture paint



Anonymous No. 861489

here he is in all of his colored glory



Anonymous No. 861536

Making a Quest compatible version of my VrChat avatar. How bad is this topology?

Anonymous No. 861538

very neat
I feel like the ref calls for a tapering upper body but I actually like the barrel chest, gives it more personality
hat is definitely a bit off though, and it should be bending backwards a bit in the profile view



Anonymous No. 861541

He looks stretched.
Otherwise fairly accurate.



Anonymous No. 861576

explain to me why this topology sucks



Anonymous No. 861580

and done
i really only wanted to make this to see if i could make a face with decent topology just by copying the topology of faces from other models and sculpting the details of the look i want to achieve
idk if i did a good but im happy with it



Anonymous No. 861584


Anonymous No. 861589


Anonymous No. 861592

>those leaves(?) as a single mesh flowing on the left side.
Man that gives me some neat ideas.
Maybe using something like a sphere mesh as an entire flock of birds using volumetrics.
Like you'd make an animation of a single bird flapping, export that as depth/height map, and then use it with alpha on a diffuse shader inside a volume to add a fuck ton of birds. Then maybe fucking around with the vector coordinates to give the entire flock motion.
Sounds retarded, but it works in my head. Doubt it'd actually work for real though.
I guess you could also just do the same with alpha planes and particles so you could get boid sim in there.

Still. I kind of want to give it a test.



Anonymous No. 861603

I made a spamton :)
Pretty proud of it
what do you think?

Anonymous No. 861665




Anonymous No. 861714

the clouds are like data-moshed in the background, that's such a cool effect

Anonymous No. 861739

BRB turning on some 90’s drum n bass ya

Anonymous No. 861742

It's not really going to deform as smoothly as her breasts and butt. Base your topology off of the Polygon wiki. Add more edgeloops in between the waist and joints

Anonymous No. 861818

Made the clouds by following this tutorial
It's pretty useful and the techniques can be used for a lot of stuff.

www dot artstation.com/marketplace/p/xkDm/ue4-cloud-creation-tutorial



not a professional No. 861846

stuck my fox dude on a decapitated mixamo model just to see if I could get away with it



not a professional No. 861847

I have mixed feelings about it. I think I'll end up modeling the rest of the body myself if I can't find anything decent

Anonymous No. 861857

Where can I find a huge Koikatsu pack with mods and shit...and something to export characters with?

Anonymous No. 861873

It's probably even more noticeable in motion as well, I'd stick with modeling your own unless you can just make the neck longer to cover the rest of human bit up there.



Anonymous No. 861885

Haven't used Blender in 10 years.
This is my first render.


Anonymous No. 861896




Anonymous No. 861981

decided to cut corners with clothing so I designed a single outfit I can cut pieces from for reuse.
works out so far, but I don't want to uv anymore.


hoah ship.png

Anonymous No. 861982

also check my digits

Anonymous No. 862001

*throws holy water at your computer*

Anonymous No. 862002

Good thinking. But I really find retopoing clothes much more painful than UVing them.



Anonymous No. 862005

it's not often I have to retopo clothing, granted my designs aren't very complex. all of these pieces are either an extrusion from the body or a subdivided primitive.
that way it's easy to get the base shape down, sculpt any highres details on top and reproject the lowpoly if necessary.

Anonymous No. 862015

Hi guys, I'm trying to make an asset
What do you think?

Anonymous No. 862036


Anonymous No. 862040

I like it



Anonymous No. 862047

Not into the general furfaggotry but you demonstrate a level of competence well above the /3/ average

Anonymous No. 862057


really good topology. model itself is superb!



Anonymous No. 862078

I have all the pieces now, time to light this shit

Anonymous No. 862102

Looks great.


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Anonymous No. 862104

what do you guys think I could improve on.

Anonymous No. 862114

the contrast. I strangely like this, but the contrast is off. The highest contrast is in the water refraction of the fish, drawing my eye there.
What'd be nice to see if you can shift the eye of the fish a little so he really looks at the flower, and manage to structure the clouds in the background like a halo around the two to drive the focal point home. The water splashes obviously look bad, feel like that is somewhat intentional?
If not, spend a little more time on those, get more around the base of the fish, maybe also some ripples.
But the main problem is that the focal area is not working out. Draw the viewer to the story you want to tell, which is the relationship between the fish and the flower.

Anonymous No. 862116

Eh, might as well do clothes after the retopo, depends on if you want game ready or not I guess.



Anonymous No. 862137



Anonymous No. 862145

kobold in the making.

Anonymous No. 862157




Anonymous No. 862243

thanks. moving on, I'm not very confident about the colors but this seems good enough, need to finish up and test in engine.



Anonymous No. 862244

I referenced this image for topology, with some adjustments

Anonymous No. 862246

amazing, what do you plan to use this for?

3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 862255

Any renpy VN porn made with it will be very successfull.

Anonymous No. 862262


Anonymous No. 862295

I'd play the shit out of your game.
Can I follow your progress anywhere else, Anon? I'm genuinely interested in your project.

Anonymous No. 862299

You have very good taste

Anonymous No. 862308

thanks for asking, i have a temp google drive link, i'll upload it to moddb when it gets on a more presentable state



Anonymous No. 862342

i know it's a lot of tris, but this is the best way i could get the butt topology to flow naturally with the rest of the lowpoly model



Anonymous No. 862344

My first render. I hope one day i'll be as good as all the furries in this thread.

Anonymous No. 862348

Deffo give it a shot anon, digitigrade bodies are pretty fun to model.

My only critique is that the toes are just a bit symmetrical / linear (not following the 'U' styleline of a paw, they're more like ']' ) but that's quite minor and unlikely to be ever noticed.

Nice touch with the specular highlights in the eyes, a lotta people miss those.

You're doing good anon. Stylistically consistent and clean lines. I recommend looking at face anatomical diagrams, especially focussing on adjusting the cheeks and cheekbones.

You're quite productive anon. Body anatomy is good from what I can see, but why do you sculpt all of your foreheads as dented in? Is it just a stylistic choice?

Congrats anon! I love 70s colored ceramics.

Anonymous No. 862355

That's fine g, if tried are used properly they are ok.

not a professional No. 862367

Somehow this turned into furry general



Anonymous No. 862371


Anonymous No. 862372

>spends weeks on a model
>it’s still just a head
What’s your endgame?

Anonymous No. 862375

sorry that we actually do stuff

Anonymous No. 862377

would also like to add that we had a furry general and it got filled up with non furry shitposters, you had your chance

Anonymous No. 862394

really shameful that one of the most skilled guys in here is a furry

Anonymous No. 862396

>(my laptop can't keep up with an entire face)
use a lower polycount?

Anonymous No. 862397

use zbr*sh too

Anonymous No. 862415

the lips seem paper-thin, though I might be looking at it wrong
it probably won't look good later unless you choose to render the inside of the mouth fully black

Anonymous No. 862433


Im not complaining

Anonymous No. 862434

To stop working on it and go back to npr stuff because this isn't worth the time

Anonymous No. 862446


Anonymous No. 862453


hey no need to get defensive about it



Anonymous No. 862506

i am a real hard srface modelier

Anonymous No. 862517

Ian Hubert would be proud

Anonymous No. 862518

I got away with this level for several distant aerial shots, with hundreds of cars instanced from the same model, only changing the overall body color to maybe six different variations. The individual cars ended up a few pixels wide, even in 2k output (intended for a 4k plate).

Anonymous No. 862520

Should have gatekept more.

Anonymous No. 862522

this looks like a car that crashed into a wall with a picture of a car painted on and that mural somehow got violenently imprinted on the physical car.

Anonymous No. 862525

what is there to gatekeep? they are only ones producing the non-shitpost meme stuff here

Anons should model more instead of constantly posting about software wars and "i am sad because sfm porn hacks make more than my prop model" threads

Anonymous No. 862544

Man those tank interior models. Since you said everything you're doing will be avaible for the public, is it possible to port these to War Thunder, once they're finished?



Anonymous No. 862565

That'll do, donkey.



Anonymous No. 862592

Any of you ding dongs playing the new smt?

Anonymous No. 862599

They all like trash.

Anonymous No. 862602

cope lel


Screen Shot 2021-....png

Anonymous No. 862613

little fella

Anonymous No. 862614

no, I enjoy the designs though

what a qt
I've seen surprisingly little lowpoly stuff in these threads

Anonymous No. 862620

i am so happy furries took over /3/
what a glorious time to be alive

Anonymous No. 862628

And his work will never be posted, forever btfo by based furries

Anonymous No. 862635

dude industry I don't wanna dox myself career ruined just trust me raf grassetti here


animatic 16_1.2542.png

Anonymous No. 862637

making an animatic

Anonymous No. 862638

that's a lot of sandwitches



Anonymous No. 862675

least sexy thing ever, but in the process of building a nice python panel that will take in jsons of my material libraries and spit out arnold materials on command.

Anonymous No. 862703

I love this. Excellent doll rigging. Extremely cute!

If you'd want, you could simplify your hand geometry. The thumb and index finger are 8-sided, taking up 16 Tris per faceloop each. If you went with 5 or 6-sided, you'd be much lower poly and could fit another digit in at the same poly budget.

It's likely just a stylistic choice tho to have a rounded cube/mitten look so ignore what I'm saying.

Could use a simple noise/material texture to make things look a Lil less smooth. Your moon texture also looks a Lil blurry. Great job so far tho senpai! I like it.

Anonymous No. 862728

pretty cool, that's sure to save time



Anonymous No. 862754

Working on a little loop for someone. The rims from earlier >>861002 were for this. They wanted their actual Jeep in it, so I had to get it looking like theirs.

I've got plants and shrubs in the background, but I left them out since they tank my render times calculating them for some ungodly reason. There's not even a lot of them, and they're all planes, so I really don't know what's going on.


Screen Shot 2021-....png

Anonymous No. 862771

nice work anon

Anonymous No. 862772

works on my machine

Anonymous No. 862775

same, anon probably has a codec issue


Jeep SS.jpg

Anonymous No. 862794

Thanks! Glad you like my garbled mess!
In all seriousness though, it works for me too.
Maybe something fucked up in the conversion, but I've been using webm for retards (or whatever the fuck it's called now), for years without problems. The bitrate sometimes sucks ass and things get a little too blocky for my taste, but I've never had a problem like you've posted.
To be fair, I don't know what you're using to play it either, maybe something is weird with that. Trying another browser might help too.
Then again, not like what I posted was all that neat anyway, so you're not missing much.



Anonymous No. 862798

Making some kind of pants here

Anonymous No. 862803

Why are her knees so short and feet so tiny?

Anonymous No. 862805

Birth defects.

Anonymous No. 862807

Wow! Now this is the kind of differently abled representation we need in games, great job anon.

Anonymous No. 862809

On the real though pretty easy fix by dragging up on the knees but the feet might be a bit tougher, mask and scale maybe.



Anonymous No. 862814

Thanks anon



Anonymous No. 862824

Bismarck turret "Anton" 1941. Hope I did a good job getting it historically accurate. Will be texturing tomorrow


Screen Shot 2021-....png

Anonymous No. 862841

how many frequent this thread now? 3? 4?

I'm on safari. need I say more? lol

Anonymous No. 862867

>I'm on safari. need I say more? lol
That says enough.
If it's any consolation, the Jeep's on safari too :^)

Anonymous No. 862937

looks great but i would maybe create more contrast with the greens of his uniform



Anonymous No. 862967

yee, good eye I guess.

ha, I don't sculpt, also I have no idea.

Tried making it bolder.

Overall, I just need to implement a few more ideas and it'll be fine.

das a cute fella.

Anonymous No. 862970

plugging in maps is so tedious and often leads to me go 'good enough' when i should probably try some other options; the hope is that this solves that problem. once i'm done i should have a few thousand materials ready to go at anytime.

plus it's my first python project so learned something new :)



Anonymous No. 862974

Critique this animation. Some issues I'm aware of, but I've been staring at it for so long I'm probably missing something and could use opinion of someone with fresh eyes and more experience

Anonymous No. 862975

Feels to robotic and pose-to-pose
try toying with altering the rotation keyframe positions so different axis are keyed at different times for a more organic feel

Anonymous No. 862976

Yeah it makes sense. I'll play around with that, just not sure how much I can offset them without turning it into a noisy mess

Anonymous No. 862978

>'U' styleline of a paw
fixed. very observant, thank you.

agree with >>862975 too much stuff is happening in sync.
I also suggest converting some keyframes to "automatic" for follow-through e.g. the head rotation.
auto tangents can be weird but they save a lot of time and clutter where you would otherwise have to duplicate-offset-pushpose



Anonymous No. 862985

how do i get past 2005 graphics?

Anonymous No. 862990

with roughness variation, microdetails and otherwise better texturing

Anonymous No. 862994

Learn the basics of art

Anonymous No. 862997

Finally done with this, spent days doing all the details on the wood, wish I had time to add some foliage



Anonymous No. 862998

I literally always make the same mistake when I post here fuck me

Anonymous No. 862999

the roof looks half assed and ruins the impression. fix

Anonymous No. 863023

I know you have no standards but come on

Anonymous No. 863025

nice strawman but actual titans have posted here so stay fake.

Anonymous No. 863026

Just stick with it, and keep at 2005 graphics.
You'll be the flavor of the month in 2 years.
Early 2000's and late 90's cg are all the rage right now for some reason.

Anonymous No. 863030

2010s were all about SNES/Genesis pixel art.
2020s are all gonna be about late PS1/early PS2 aesthetics.

Basically the 'in' thing is always whatever the industry was putting out 15 years ago, because that's about how long it takes for the kids to grow up, hate being an adult and seek nostalgia to relive their childhoods.

Anonymous No. 863032

You might have a point. I guess we'll know in another decade or so whether it's nostalgia or the fact that it just requires less skill to make.



Anonymous No. 863033

thanks, materials do need work
easier said than done, but will try
doesn't work with my target artstyle which is like pic related



Anonymous No. 863035

Anonymous No. 863036

Consider what you're asking of edges, Anon...



Anonymous No. 863044

I think the head needs to be smaller. should also add some cloth patches to the pants, some loose bits and decoration on the gourd?



Anonymous No. 863046

also wrote a simple rope generator for this purpose a while ago

Anonymous No. 863051

I think the head size is fine

Anonymous No. 863052

the hip rotating in the opposite direction as the upper body looks strange at 0:04

Anonymous No. 863053

more stuff. crossbow stopping at 0:07 is too sudden. I'd think the crossbow would have some mass, so the stop should take a few more frames

the character does feel alive to my untrained eye though, so its not terrible. you'll only get better from here :)

Anonymous No. 863056

The high poly has a detailed roof but projecting it as a texture down to a flat plane didn't look so good. I'm not sure how I should fix that except for adding more loops to it.

Anonymous No. 863059

Just have the texture be bigger and show less tiles.
That area is too dense, visually, compared to the rest of the scene.



Anonymous No. 863067

im working on a lowpoly duder but i usually do sculpt+retopo workflow so it's a lil rough

Anonymous No. 863069

Alright, thanks. Shouldn't be a hard fix

Anonymous No. 863128

isn't this literally the same body as one of the default zbrush characters?



Anonymous No. 863130

yes, I realised when giving him clothes. wasn't on purpose, I used my own refs
think I'll redo it



Anonymous No. 863164

messed around with viewport shading.



Anonymous No. 863176

r34 when

Anonymous No. 863190

fuck off

Anonymous No. 863194


Anonymous No. 863200

This anon sucks of trannies in gas station restrooms

Anonymous No. 863219

he's right. this is the WIP thread, not only that's not yours, you're also making an offtopic request that contributes nothing to this thread.

you're also a pedophile, so please, just leave and never come back.

Anonymous No. 863227

arms are pretty short



Anonymous No. 863247

any better now?

Anonymous No. 863261

Looks like trash.

Anonymous No. 863263


Anonymous No. 863267

The detail of the feet, torso and hands is done quite well. The arms are too short, but that is a relatively easy fix. I like the oversized zipper, but it could use a lil bit of beveling. The tail could use a lil more detail. The eyelashes being part of the same mesh as the head is an odd choice, but I can see it working depending on how it's textured. Overall it's a good sculpt, anon.

I like how this model looks in the clay a lot. As for the animation, I think you may want to incorporate some degree of overshoot. It really adds a lot of life to what is otherwise a relatively binary movement. Good job so far.

I think he could use some stylization on the gourd, like a oversized, tapered / asymmetrical cork and a string running thru it. The head is fine the size it is.

add a normal map that bumps each row of tile on the roof, but not each individual tile. it's a good render tho anon i like the aesthetic.

not a professional No. 863301

Still a bit robotic & sequenced, but it's not bad. That weird hip rotation isn't around anymore which is good. Really enjoying seeing the progress on this guy

Anonymous No. 863313




Anonymous No. 863373

Bar some weight painting issues I think it came out okay-ish. All that's remaining is to fix said issues and texture it. And then it'll be game-ready.


fixed and done.



Anonymous No. 863374


Anonymous No. 863379

much better



Anonymous No. 863390


Anonymous No. 863393

your topology is fucked.
your UV seams are fucked.
try fixing that first

if you don't want to bother, then literally just grab the whole UV shell and either scale it down vertically or up horizontally and bam, you have quads.



Anonymous No. 863396

im trying to learn furry so i can do commissions for them
having a lot of trouble structuring the head right

Anonymous No. 863401

How does one even start doing furry commissions?

Anonymous No. 863408

Even if i only grab a single square from the mesh and unwrap it it STILL unwraps wrong and badly scaled, how tf can i fix that?

Anonymous No. 863415

is your UV tilemap a power of 2? worst case just uv project from view with correct aspect unchecked

Anonymous No. 863416

the UV squares add on can make the uvs into an evenly sized grid if thats what you're trying to

Anonymous No. 863434

I'm not trying to make it evenly sized across and i dont want to do a view project because that wont work for the rest of the uvs on the mesh, i just want for the mesh to unwrap correctly but it just refuses to do so, it gives me compressed UVs instead of being scaled properly. Other parts of the gun i managed to get to UV map perfectly but this chunk just refuses to fucking work, i also tried separating it into objects to no avail too.

Anonymous No. 863435

you make a furaffinity and a twitter, put up some portfolio work and then advertise YCH and VRChat avatar stuff

people with VR money have deep AF pockets, charge a lot.

if you dgaf, make kink and porn stuff on commission, and start a patreon.

Press L
Go into orthographic mode
Project from view

practice modeling irl wolf and fox heads from reference

Anonymous No. 863440

I already told you, your topology is fucked and your seams are fucked. Who knows what the UV pelt is doing with the shitty information you're feeding to it.

There aren't any major issues with the unwrapping of that mesh, other than the fact that it's a shitty mesh and the UVs are compressed longitudinally.

Grab the UV shell and stretch it already, and then leave it alone.

Anonymous No. 863441

Project wont be viable when i have to do a ton of different complex parts and stitch them together properly. I am going to go insane



Anonymous No. 863442

It's also happening to this piece which is literally just a fucking cylinder, the topology on this one is fine but it's still unwrapping wrong.

Anonymous No. 863443

Tried to add a plane and unwrapped it, then it rescaled and got scrunched up, something's fucky with the scale of the object itself



Anonymous No. 863445

The scale is fucked, i need to find a way to reset the scale without messing up the mesh

Anonymous No. 863447

>>object>apply>apply all transforms to deltas



Anonymous No. 863448

I'm a newbie working on my first "organic" (really semi-organic) model. I'm trying to model the sole of a shoe, but when I add a couple of loop cuts to add some detail, it creates these bulges in the natural curvature of the sole. It makes sense, since the subdivision surface pinches more geometry there, but it there any way I can avoid this?

Pic related.

Anonymous No. 863449

Apply one level of subdivision so you get edges at fairly equal intervals, push in your indentations on the subdivided mesh (you don't have to add extra loops now and ruin the shape), add another subdiv to smooth it out to your liking.

Anonymous No. 863450

Sadly, blender is not very good at doing this sort of thing non-destructively, so it's best to make a copy of the initial mesh before applying the first subdiv.
In max you can stack edit modifier on top of subdiv modifier and not lose any information.



Anonymous No. 863457

Hey, that actually worked! Your help is much appreciated. Cheers brother!

I see. What a shame. Though my problem is now fixed, from what little experience I have I have indeed seen the benefits of the non-destructive workflow.

Anonymous No. 863467

Now sharpen that a bit.
It's not a big deal with smaller models like this one, but with more complex hardsurface the modifier stack in max really shines. I still use blender a lot, because I like its snappier UX.



Anonymous No. 863471

dissolve the extra edges or make them equally spaced with looptools>space



Anonymous No. 863472

very happy with this for now

Anonymous No. 863483

what is it?

Anonymous No. 863487



Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 863509

how's this sculpt?
what should I improve?

Robotron No. 863518

Nipples and labia



Anonymous No. 863530

it's simple, but i like how it came out

Anonymous No. 863533

>flat shading
the model is alright, don't ruin it like that



Anonymous No. 863562

holy shit a cat



Anonymous No. 863563

A little more progress



Anonymous No. 863584

there we go rigging is a bit shite though
now it can talk or something



Anonymous No. 863589

retard here

what can I use that isn't substance but is on par with substance? I'm so fucking shit at texturing and want to actually try to get good instead of ignoring it

I'm interested in suggestions for pixel art type shit like this but I'm not giving adobe money and at the moment can't pirate it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9w9A-NPciIg

old gif of my try at hand painting related

Anonymous No. 863593

Looks good enough for OSRS. Don't sell yourself short.

Anonymous No. 863595

Only thing I can think of is armorpaint



Anonymous No. 863601

ill just accept that he has a weird ayy lmao head for now



Anonymous No. 863607

Something about Sakamoto's face still feels off-model
I'll focus on it later so the thread isn't spammed with cat

Anonymous No. 863612

Those feet trigger me hard. Pls fix

Anonymous No. 863613

How the fuck did I not notice that
I'm ashamed since I should have noticed it when scrubbing to make sure the outlines are good
Will fix with the next version

Anonymous No. 863619

look at anime models on sketchfab, they use a lot of weird tricks

Anonymous No. 863621

Getting the faces right are the biggest pain for me
I'll have to look at some later on today. Thank you.



Anonymous No. 863717

You'll need to make custom normals if you want highly accurate anime-style shading. Check out this video:

It can be difficult to see how anime characters translate into 3D. Looking at the anatomy of figurines can help with general form. (Note the hair).

I think you're on a good track tho anon, you've done some good work. It just needs polish in the stylelines and the finer details and you'll have a crispy crispy 3d model.

The head looks good from the angle you've sent. I like the kemono styling. Does it look different from the front?

Anonymous No. 863718

Westerners can't into 3D anime. For some reason the chinks and japs are the only ones who mastered it. Western "Anime" models always look like trash or not like Anime at all.

Anonymous No. 863721

Very nice. How's the detail on the soles? Asking for a friend.

Anonymous No. 863725

Feetfags are the worst of the lot

Anonymous No. 863731

Asian magic doesn't exist anon, they use the same tools and techniques as we do. The difference is that they use reference more

Rather than just have a front and side view of a model sheet, they have shots from films/shows from all angles

Anonymous No. 863741



Anonymous No. 863746

If you want to prevent yourself from doing anything because of pseudoscience, then it's your loss lol

Anonymous No. 863750

Thank you for the tip
I was thinking of painting normals since I haven't done that and need a reason to learn

Anonymous No. 863754

You might like checking out artwithbryn, he does this style.

Anonymous No. 863777

quixel mixer



Anonymous No. 863778

made some rocks today
not sure how to improve my shape language though, it's impossible to follow refs without it looking stiff and uncanny

Anonymous No. 863779

Looks like a convincing rock to me, anon. You're probably just overthinking it. If it helps, I'd say try not to copy your reference directly so much, but rather use it to understand the subject better.

Anonymous No. 863785

OP here.
I'm so glad you made that rock.
It's gonna go perfectly with something I have in mind for the next OP image. Been wondering what I could use for the idea (from the wips everyone posted), and this is perfect.

Echoing the other anon, I think it looks pretty good. Definitely captures that wind-eroded desert rock look. Though I think some of the high frequency detail is a bit noisy looking, at least for how much it punches into the surface. I'm happy though that you didn't fall into that pitfall with rocks where people put copious amounts of edge-wear on everything.

Anonymous No. 863787

it's probably not what you were going for, but they look like the airbrushed rocks you'd see in a model landscape.
for realistic rock the erosion is too uniform, and I think the sand should be grainier and lower roughness, it's a bit too much like dust at the moment.



Anonymous No. 863789

>I'd say try not to copy your reference directly so much, but rather use it to understand the subject better.
this is a good idea
>Though I think some of the high frequency detail is a bit noisy looking
I'm kinda feeling that too. I should've just done the noise in substance where i have more control over it instead of zbrush

Anonymous No. 863832

I know it's silly but you might want to give outdoor bouldering a try or check videos, where they explain the cruxes of some lines/routes.

I started doing that like a year ago and now all I can do when looking at rocks is to check for possible climbs and climbable routes. You quickly get a feel for how rocks should look or not.

Anonymous No. 863855

>not sure how to improve my shape language though
By looking at actual rock you sperg



Anonymous No. 863929

Closed the loop. I haven't touched any tweaker controllers in the second half, so some parts chimp out at times, so that's definitely to be fixed.
Other than that, do you think there is a point in polishing the turd any more or is it passable at this point?

Anonymous No. 863934

it's good, senpai

Anonymous No. 863937

nice ear controls. assuming it's for a game, there's always time for polish later.

Anonymous No. 863939

thanks, I guess it will do then
It's just a portfolio piece, still trying to get a job. I'm trying to showcase I have at least basic understanding of each step of the pipeline, since indie studios around here tend to like more versatility.



Anonymous No. 863985

redid the head topology after looking at and understanding how anime models work. Still need to understand how to create custom normals to get that look
somehow I feel this is more messy

Anonymous No. 863994

looking good so far anon! The Royal Skies videos are pretty good, but if you need additional reference look for models designed with this kind of shading in mind. You can get rips of the guilty gear models super easily (just google).

the topology is always going to feel weird because it's deliberately designed to have 'incorrect'/unrealistic shading.


Halter Top.png

Anonymous No. 864001

Going with this shape for the top.

Anonymous No. 864005

>hex patterns
it's the early 2000s all over again

Anonymous No. 864006

>it's the early 2000s all over again



Anonymous No. 864009

sue me, but I'm trying to get a hold of this texturing thing.
tips before I leap off a bridge?

Anonymous No. 864010

I think it's a pretty good start actually
some details: skin is taut and should be lighter where the horns grow. might have to edit the mesh a bit or manually add occlusion around the lips so they don't disappear into a fine line. nostrils should probably have a slight reddish tint to emulate SSS. eyes will improve if you add an AO mesh (basically just a transparent mesh covering the eye socket that fades to black where it touches the edges)

Anonymous No. 864011

I forgot to mention the good points but I like the coloration of the scales and the bits of debris around the missing eye, it's a good touch. might have to look at hurt snakes to see how damaged scales look.

Anonymous No. 864019

minor details on a form that should have been rethought and polished more.

Anonymous No. 864024


Anonymous No. 864025

man- If you feel like it, post another version with frame timecode, or show the timeline scrubbing in the playblast- Will be much easier to communicate with frame ranges. Don't need to see your keyframes or anything- Just want to try to give you the best advice I can- I think with another hour, hour .5 , you should be good- I can try to help you nail down the approach

Anonymous No. 864026

not him but the base is kind of blobby so the details dont have any interesting shapes to naturally cluster at
that being said it still looks good



Anonymous No. 864040

Thanks anon. I hope this will do.
I never thought I would get mentored on 4chan.

Anonymous No. 864042

what the other anon said about colors, but also more roughness variation, and definitely more general roughness on the horns. Try feeding the curvature or ao map as a mask for your roughness (bake them from your finished normal map, otherwise they won't help much)



Anonymous No. 864052

Throw a brick at my window. Tried composing a Transparent + Principled mix for the eyebrows but methinks it could have gone better.

Anonymous No. 864054

Eye lens*

Anonymous No. 864090

I was once like you, you'll get there freindo :)

Anonymous No. 864095


relax the right arm, bow to his side- The neutral start will - You want him to ease into caution- You should raise the bow as he leans into smelling the air
further delay/offset the lamp swing. Its one of the few places you can bring weight, gravity, to this scene
drop the head from the neck to pull back in a slower contraction from the sniff. Remember he is investigating- His cautious attitude should have tentative suspision
this might be a personal note, but I acted out what I'd do if I smelled the air- And I pursed my lips (closed) and opening my mouth did not feel natural while smelling the air deeply. Up to you and your character though
The bow inspection shouldn't stop and go from each pose- Each turn should flow into the other - Try adding motion from the shoulder to influence this flow- Usually working with small arc motions from the top of the chain can add a lot of fluidity if you plan it right. But I also suggest maybe leaning the torso in, with slight bend,- forward and then back to rest, in and out of "close inspection" range while he fiddles with the bow
Don't turn him back to neautral so soon- Exageratte this lean- Creep his balance further and at the last moment you pull him back to rest- Add in some offset to his center back from the lean and it will give a lot to the gravity (00:00:15:18 could be a could spot to bring him back)

Anonymous No. 864096


People always say this- But think in curves and arcs for all of your linked motions- you've got good approach to the core of the work here- It all just needs some refinement and cohesion. Good luck- If things prove frustrating to get right, or if you don't feel like working on it more- that's fine. My feedback could hopefully keep in mind for future anims. Fan of your rigging skill so I figure I try to help with my exp with animation

Anonymous No. 864108

Much appreciated. I am a bit frustrated, but at the same time I want it to click, so I'm not quitting yet. I also realize at some point it's better and faster to start over. It's a fine line, but I think this isn't hopeless (also encouraged by you), so I'm giving it more time.
I'll play with your tips and see how it looks.

Anonymous No. 864109

Don't quit anon.

Anonymous No. 864110

I won't. I can see the end already.



Anonymous No. 864154

I'm hoping to know the right way to make intersections like this. for future reference- this model I don't care to go back to correct it. How would you cut it cleanly? Would you avoid cutting it all together, maybe, with proper planning of the shape....

Anonymous No. 864155

what's the question? it looks fine for a base mesh, any errors that you see in the normal don't matter if you're doing a high poly pass

Anonymous No. 864168

Maybe throw a loopcut in there to tighten up the normals. If it's a game asset then ehhh, that's ok.

Anonymous No. 864169

I want to know if a boolean cut into that central piece is good or bad practice- Now that I think more after modeling this, I should have made a tube shape- which wraps in the elongated shape of the grill. Rather than worry about cutting through a stretched out cube... maybe I over think. But I also want to move forward using best practices. I don't think I've ever done a high poly pass

Anonymous No. 864171

>I don't think I've ever done a high poly pass
then you ain't using the best practices

Anonymous No. 864172

thanks- My eye is not that sharp. I'm mostly in the dark about what is seen as acceptable for shading errors. Always see people point them out so it makes me conscious of it- But not too weary to obsess over. People carry strong opinions on modeling technique that I am always willing to hear and make note/use of



Anonymous No. 864173

I'm going to try to Learn what it means and apply the knowledge



Anonymous No. 864188

Smol update. I think we're finally getting somewhere. I will fix the messed up tweakers tomorrow and maybe detail the rat if I get the time.

Anonymous No. 864189




Anonymous No. 864199

what brushes/texs are you using for the scales?

Anonymous No. 864205

It's ok anon all part of learning, just try to handle the basics of normals and shit by messing around with loopcuts and whatnot on cylinders and cubes, then apply that knowledge moving forward. The more you do it the better you'll know/remember how to tackle those small problems.

Anonymous No. 864208


Anonymous No. 864241

Looks good but isn't he a bit too handsome for a goblin?

Anonymous No. 864242

Triangle count?



Anonymous No. 864261

I make it myself.

I'm probably going to do a lot of optimizing after it's done so I have no idea.

Anonymous No. 864391

There is no pleasing everyone. Some anons said he's so ugly it hurts to look at him in the last thread.



Anonymous No. 864411

don't really have a clue tf im doing with retopo, does this look like it will deform normally? there's like no references for 4-legged forms

Anonymous No. 864412

You should go back to picture refs of actual animals. This front section looks atrocious.



Anonymous No. 864433

lol doing speedsculpt really shows how bad I am it was so stressful
7 minutes each for a tarsier and rooster head, they look like they seen some shit

Anonymous No. 864439

7 mins is not bad doe. Rooster looks like he could git gud in another 5


Screen Shot 2021-....png

Anonymous No. 864454

happy thanksgiving 3ros. reworking an old basemesh after coming back to it with fresh eyes and seeing all the shit I did wrong. always nice to do



Anonymous No. 864506

Happy thanksgiving Anons. Adding more stereotypical details in Substance.


unknown (25).png

Anonymous No. 864512

sup /wip/eople

ve been feeling really sick since last week, i didn't do much but ill make sure i'll add more stuff later

i don't know how the porting process to war thunder works, but i'll upload all of the model content files over a github rep
and you'll be able to fiddle around with it.
id be pretty interested to see the results!

i'll try



Anonymous No. 864577

Grease pencil guy here. If I were to create a 3D model from scratch to use for VRChat or VTubing (Don't bully pls) am I supposed to create the base model as a nude? I want to make an avatar/model where I can switch out clothes, accessories, etc.

Anonymous No. 864594

Nvm I'll just watch some freaking tutorials

Anonymous No. 864702

you model whatever you want people to see. if nobody will see it, you don't need to model it.

Anonymous No. 864799

yeah of course. no need to detail stuff that's always going to be covered by clothes, but you want a basic mannequin to get your proportions correct from the start and keep them consistent

Anonymous No. 864816

OP here, happy Thanksgiving to everyone, even to the Eurofags out there.

I'm celebrating with my family tonight and won't have too much time to work on the next OP before the thread hits page 5. I'll finish it up tomorrow, so just a head's up.
I know refreshing the thread on page 5 is kind of a self-imposed thing and it probably doesn't need to be refreshed that soon, but I figured I'd let y'all know all the same.

Cheers everyone, stay safe out there.

Anonymous No. 864817

there's probably a couple more days before the thread even reaches page 10
happy thanksgiving!



Anonymous No. 864878

Working on an evolution of >>862754 since I had fun with that project and I'm not able to post it to my social media since the dude's afraid of it being "stolen". Figured something like this would be fun, and let me try out some ideas that I wasn't able to on the Jeep project.

It's early stages, but by the end it should look like some fun, offroad, rally drifting. The road is flat right now so I could get the racing lines looking okay, but it'll be on a downhill incline when it's all finished.
There's something weird going on with the camera at 2 points too, but I'm not sure what's causing it. I just bruteforced through the glitch with manual keyframes, but I'm probably going to have to go back in later on to fix it properly.



Anonymous No. 864896

making a chunky bear furfag

Anonymous No. 864924

Stop, please all of you.
Make something human.



Anonymous No. 864986

im the anon that posted the speedsculpt, will be doing 3 other animal heads like this one

Anonymous No. 864988

nice cock, bro

Anonymous No. 864993

told you the rooster had potential

Anonymous No. 864997


Anonymous No. 865010

very nice! add some colors and it'll look great



Anonymous No. 865021

Sorry bud, this is as close as you're gonna get, the furries here are...powerful and prolific.

Anonymous No. 865073

Thanks dawgs

Anonymous No. 865092

New thread!