
Wip Collage_Serie....jpg

🧵 /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 865091

/wip/ - Works in Progress
- Collage Edition: Series 2 -
Furry Takeover

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>860738

List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB



Anonymous No. 865095

no i will not make humans

Anonymous No. 865099

Humans with animal heads are still arguably humans

Anonymous No. 865101

Women with penises are arguably female

Anonymous No. 865103

Alright, you've defeated me. My logic is retarded.



Anonymous No. 865105

Trying to figure out the setup for static shots. Idk, not really digging it

Anonymous No. 865106

based and chubpilled

Anonymous No. 865134


Just needs a dick and you can make those nsfw patreon bux with your skills.



Anonymous No. 865178

The head isn't finalized yet, so there's still a gap between it and the neck

Anonymous No. 865180

too handsome

Anonymous No. 865192

maybe try adding some translusency or Sub surface scattering where his skin is thinner(ears)?
The leather material is also waay to clean compared tot he bandages on his legs.



Anonymous No. 865196

I'm more concerned about the general scene and lighting setup. I made the fill warmer and I think it's better, but subsurf map with emphasized ears is a good idea.
no bully

Anonymous No. 865198

the green fog at the bottom looks like the stinky gas you see in fart fetish pics.
tone that color down and give it some noise, alternatively just remove it and do it in post instead.

the lighting is too dark overall and not contrasted enough, literally just look at the 4chan thumbnail, you can barely make out the subject, that's your problem.

3 point lighting is all you need, but do experiment and pump the values up. it's okay to have shadow areas and it's okay to have small overexposed areas.

an abstract background can do wonders instead of a mostly flat color, just look at some illustrations.
the basic idea is that you have a lighter background just behind the character and a darker background as it moves away (kinda like vignetting, but not really). it doesn't have to be white/black, it can even be dark purple/slightly less dark purple like you have here. it has to be noticeable, but not too much that it grabs your attention away. it's a balancing act.

Anonymous No. 865201

show me his soles

Anonymous No. 865206

how does he look behind hdri maps?

I think the problem is that the room is too lit



Anonymous No. 865216


Anonymous No. 865217

Yeah, I think it's more readable now. I'll play around with it a bit more tomorrow, but this helped a lot already.



Anonymous No. 865220

A random Sci-Fi machine.
The face pareidolia is intentional.
I am off to texturing that thing.

Anonymous No. 865225

maybe consider stronger lighting to show off the character? you know, key light, fill light, rim light and all that

Anonymous No. 865228

take a look at how pro artists light their characters. you want to make each detail as visible as possible


Screen Shot 2021-....png

Anonymous No. 865229

it continues


Screen Shot 2021-....png

Anonymous No. 865230




Anonymous No. 865232

he's icy



Anonymous No. 865235

My first full human face. Please critisize it. Took me forever to swallow the Zbrush pill but I'm nearly there with all this interface stuff. But I'm starting to get the hang of it.



Anonymous No. 865238

need cat

Anonymous No. 865239

good topology



Anonymous No. 865242

First pass done. I am gonna do a quality pass tomorrow.

Anonymous No. 865244

where can I follow you

Anonymous No. 865254

Are sculpting with mouse?

Anonymous No. 865266

No, a tablet.

Anonymous No. 865269

Doesn't show.

Anonymous No. 865270

Nigga please



Anonymous No. 865290

Working on gloves.



Anonymous No. 865291

the prison tatts are a nice touch. I recommend looking at some lighting tutorials (dosen't even have to be ones meant for 3D, IRL photography lighting tutorials are ok too), with a lil bit of practice and messing around you can do a lot with a 3-point lighting setup (rimlights especially are useful).

i like the tube arms


is his big toe's toenail supposed to be longer than the others?

very clean. his clothes could use some thickness.
also, you may want to rework the feet, they're a bit lumpy compared to the flow of the rest of the model.

if this is intended as a background or set accent piece, it's executed good. However, if this is intended as something to be particularly noticed or interacted with, it could benefit from having more distinct characteristics.



Anonymous No. 865295

Some more work on >>864878
I made the road into a downward hill, but with the dependence on curves and stuff, this was about as high as I could make the difference between levels before everything started fucking up. Still, it's high enough for me.
I'm going to have to the speed-lines so they're a bit less in-your-face though.
Still, I feel like it's missing something, but I've been staring at it for so long I can't really tell what.

Anonymous No. 865296

lilkhors on twitter and khors on fa
he's got claws

Anonymous No. 865299

when can I coom?

Anonymous No. 865301

the lack of contrast in the background is really hurting it, spotlights or some kind of glow of a distance city over the horizon, some trees closer to the road, street lights maybe?

Everything that's not the car doesn't have a strong form so the world doesn't feel as physica

Anonymous No. 865302

I find texturing harder than modeling... and it annoys me..

Anonymous No. 865306

I mean add up how much time you've spent texturing vs modeling, of course you're gonna be worse at it.



Anonymous No. 865310

robeless shitt

Anonymous No. 865315

I kind of want to avoid having a city/streetlamps in it since the idea was more "rally-oriented" and they happen in more uninhabited and rural areas, hence the bumpy dirt road. I don't really want to put "event" stuff in there either like flags/barriers since it's not really an event (in my head anyway). Just some dude tearing ass down a windy dirt road on the side of a mountain.

I can try putting some trees and stuff in there though. I just don't want to cover up too much of the background since I like seeing the mountains back there. In my head I was kind of imagining the scenery around Pike's Peak, there's not too much veggies hanging around there. Still, I'll try to put something in there.
Of course pretty much anything I put in there would be zipping by pretty fast, so odds are they wouldn't have much of a strong form either unless they're repeated like the bollards on the cliff edges.

Anonymous No. 865319

I'm not shitting on you because I think it's cool, but I don't think you can tell the bollards are there to stop people from driving over the side of the cliff. They sort of look more like track markers. I think for it to feel more like a cliff it needs to have more of a steep gradient or something that the car is driving on. Like the ground is too level at the minute so it feels more like the car is just driving towards the camera rather than it coming downhill if you know what I mean.

I've never been good at explaining things, but like directly behind the bollards doesn't look like it drops off the way it would for a cliff, it looks like the landscape just continues at the same level beyond them. Maybe something behind them, for example, tree tops or something (I know you don't want to use vegetation), would give that illusion that it's more elevated. Or maybe it's just the camera angle and I'm retarded.

Anonymous No. 865320

atmospheric perspective



Anonymous No. 865323

I don't really think you're shitting on me, I asked the thread for another perspective on it, and you're giving it.
But you're right, it's *supposed* to be steep, but because I had laid everything out flat to begin with (all the motion and geo is reliant on bezier curves) and then made it incline afterwards, I was only really able to make the difference between steps only so big before shit started to break (like I said in >>865295 ), so the difference between road levels doesn't really come off as all that big. I could make the incline bigger if I fucked around with all the curves to fix everything, but then I'd run the risk of losing the flow it has now, and it was a bitch and a half to get it. I don't mean that as a way of bragging like it's good, just that I'm pleased with it and don't want to run the risk of fucking it up.

The sides of the curves though, I'm not too sure how to make them seem steep apart from just having them drop off and seeing the landscape behind them, but I do like the idea of seeing the tops of trees from them, so I'll try that. Maybe having some vegetation in the areas between turns might break up that "flat plane" look that you mentioned.

As for the bollards themselves, pic related was kind of what I was going for. Since it was a dirt road, I didn't like the idea of having an actual guard-rail since if they would have bothered with that, whoever made them might as well have put a paved road in. I figured having some stone/concrete bollards would fit a little better. I do agree that they look like track markers though.

Yeah that's planned, just hadn't gotten to it yet.



Anonymous No. 865342

me make doge thing

Anonymous No. 865363

>3-point lighting
Literally what I'm doing bros. I know the basics, it's the endless possibilities that overwhelm me

Anonymous No. 865365

Welcome to my world

Anonymous No. 865374

Hell if I know, anon.



Anonymous No. 865387

feel free to inspect this garbage https://p3d.in/ixszl rag on my shitty modeled cloth folds or lack thereof

textures are just placeholder to differentiate elements from each other, the robe is going to be based on pic related



Anonymous No. 865388

I did a SciFi corridor a couple of years ago (time flies, holy shit). I had to stop because my shitty GPU couldn't keep up and ran out of VRAM (2GB). Now I finally bought a new PC and I am currently overhauling all the bad pieces of the corridor. I modeled some more details as well as redid the textures from scratch.
This particular machine is rather unimportant in the grand scheme of things (pic related - the old version of it).

I find modelling harder, because there is more to keep in mind and it demands more concentration from me. I have to be fit in order to do so.
Texturing is much easier. I can paint on 3D models when I am half-drunk, stoned and half sleeping (I usually don't, just to illustrate the point).
I spent probably 8-12 hours "designing", modelling and unwrapping the machine. Texturing so far took me less than 2 hours. I am not done yet, but it'll be not more than 4 hours max, that's 1/4 of the time I spent with modelling, and I'll have much more fun doing so.
What software do you use for texturing?


Screen Shot 2021-....png

Anonymous No. 865410

shifted his mouth/muzzle up a tad. face isn't bothering me as much anymore

I love your dragon(?) fella. Adding thickness to the clothes later when I detail them a bit more. I'm not happy with the feet either, but I'm going to make shoes so they're not going to be visible (and I'm not planning on entering the paw fetish market any time soon, so idrc)

looking good

Anonymous No. 865412

Aren’t you worried those sideburns just clipped in gonna look like ass when textured?

Anonymous No. 865414

I would be if I weren't just keeping the texture to solid colors. normals between the tufts & the head will be smoothed. I might make a VRChat avatar with this base using hair cards instead of these curved cones.



Anonymous No. 865416


Anonymous No. 865428

Looks good to me!



Anonymous No. 865438

About to wrap this one up and probably try doing the chair/couch thing next. Can anyone recommend what series to do next? I'm still trying to get a general feel for Blender after switching from C4D.
I kinda miss the ease aof use and flexibility of C4D's fields/mograph system and volume builder but so far it's suprisingly ok to use Blender.

Tbh I never expected cycles to be that fast for a free renderer. Redshift still better but not by alot.


Bubblegum Villa.jpg

Anonymous No. 865441

what am i doing lol

Anonymous No. 865442

Blender and quixel mixer, i tried substance(cracked) and didn't like it. And i'm an amateur so don't go too hard on me :)



Anonymous No. 865621

new to character modelling, using Dikko's modeling for animation series and so far really liking it. I've used blender mostly for environment design work, I feel like a retard how long I'm spending on this but.. on to the titties

Anonymous No. 865626

do yourself a favor and start sculpting asap. It's both quicker and easier

Anonymous No. 865632

I will probably move on to that soon enough but I'm just trying to see a guide through for once, usually when working on characters I say fuck this and ignore it for 6 months



Anonymous No. 865647

may as well just go full out with this if im doing it anyway

its for that chessman sword fighting game i'm making

Anonymous No. 865649

it's an interesting aesthetic, but I can't look at it for more than 30s without getting a mild headache. Something about the color combination.


training constructs.webm

Anonymous No. 865651


fortunately it wont be in the trailer for more than 5 seconds than lol



Anonymous No. 865658

also r8 training drone enemy model, they cant block, they're just for teaching the player how to block.


2021-11-29 16-43-....webm

Anonymous No. 865676

hello again, finally recovered and here's a few animations i made two days ago

i listened to the critique on the past past thread and i actually used the graph editor this time, but still, animating makes me want to jump out of an helicopter without a parachute sometimes.

Anonymous No. 865677

>>865229 >>865238 >>865242 >>865291 >>865416 cool stuff, nice.

rooting for you goblin man. one day he'll finally get the grasp of life and become a virtual sentient being

>>865647 >>865651 >>865658
nice stuff, remembers me of those weird unity games i used to play online.



Anonymous No. 865691

ass/tits are deceptively difficult for me but I finally managed to sculpt them the way I wanted, only took me 5 hours lol

Anonymous No. 865695

Good start, but it might be a good time to pull up a reference for comparison.



Anonymous No. 865697

Newfag here, how the fuck delete those eyes in the back? ;_;

Anonymous No. 865698

select the faces of the back of the head and move them elsewhere on the UV map?

Anonymous No. 865701


Anonymous No. 865704

Mark seams and unwrap again dude

Anonymous No. 865722




Anonymous No. 865777

practicing sculpting w/o using any references finally, yay

Anonymous No. 865778

I like the wobbly magazine, neat detail.

Anonymous No. 865787

Maybe less practice, and more study? A work flow will come naturally enough with time, and it won't really benefit you to work without reference if you don't have better knowledge of the form you're depicting. In fact, you might end up cementing misconceptions in place and stunting your growth. I like big blue asses though so that's a plus.


jag sniper.png

Anonymous No. 865795


have you played conkers reloaded multiplayer? you could market yours as a throwback to that instead of purely leaning into the furry crowd.


sprinkle in some blatent alt right stuff for us nazi furries and you have a winning formula

Anonymous No. 865798

Got any good sculpting character videos?

Anonymous No. 865799

don't worry about using reference, even the pros do it

some are able to do it from memory because of how much they studied reference. Using reference is a fun way of studying if you apply it on the things that you like the most

Anonymous No. 865807




Anonymous No. 865810

the Jester in progress

Anonymous No. 865817

man, forgot that game even had a multiplayer mode



Anonymous No. 865821


Anonymous No. 865870

Noice. I spent some time the past couple months trying to work on some firearms- But I couldn't invest myself fully into a single gun- It was the same feeling I get when I think about modeling a detailed auto- Every car has been modeled x100. It's a bad mindset to have, prevents growth and enjoyment



Anonymous No. 865875

japanese canned coffee

Anonymous No. 865891

>i tried substance(cracked) and didn't like it. And i'm an amateur so don't go too hard on me :)
I am gonna go hard on you :)
Substance is the best tool in terms of ease of use and general productivity, Mixer is nice but years behind, Mari is too complex and while overall the best tool for texturing it often feels like overkill and it is way slower. 3D Coat is an option but it feels ideal for stylized stuff and not as great for everything else.
I assume you not only feel annoyed by texturing, but you are also not good with it?
Listen mate if you want to get good with something you have to swallow your dislike down and just fucking do it (using Substance Painter).
Your dislike is just an feeling, its irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, do you accept letting a feeling stand in the way of your success?
Leave things as they are and you'll stagnate and stay miserable, go out of your comfort zone and overcome your dislike and you might not only get good, but also start to like doing it.
Been there, done that.
Looks good, now I want to see a great surface job of it. Don't disappoint me.
I feel the same, so I don't do this.
>It's a bad mindset to have, prevents growth and enjoyment
Not really, not everyone wants/needs to recreate objects from reality.
If you want to do cars and guns have you thought about designing your own?


fugly musket2.png

Anonymous No. 865897

blendlet newfag here, so i made this shootybang a while ago from a collection of different textures, i cant get any of the textures to export with the model. it uses around 11 images for textures, not one texture sheet. i'm using 2.7. is this salvagable or do i have to do this over again in substance or whatever

Anonymous No. 865907

>i cant get any of the textures to export with the model.
You can always export textures with the model since these are separate files, but in most cases you will have to recreate the shader and have to load the textures in again in whatever software you use. There are methods to bring them along with certain file formats and render engines, but often not, that's just how it is.

Anonymous No. 865912


Anonymous No. 865913

So cool good job

Anonymous No. 865914

>baking in cycles

Anonymous No. 865932

bake all your textures into a single image/mat

you can do this in blender or an external program



Anonymous No. 865943

Made some tests
Recycled the result into something



Anonymous No. 865944

Wow I never thought I'd actually make it into the collage I'm so happy. I'm essentially done with one of the minis I'm making. Any feedback before I print it tonight? I'm worried about the thickness of the limbs since the base will only be an inch wide.

Anonymous No. 865955

made this for another anon some time ago:

Anonymous No. 865958

make sure your geometry is manifold (one contiguous mesh which is closed)

Start this by running a boolean union operation on all parts, or by Ctrl+J all the parts into a single mesh and remeshing that in sculpt mode at a high poly count like 0.01.

Then enable blender's 3d printing addon and run the clean-up/checks.

Anonymous No. 865960

Oddly enough, I just combine intersecting objects with wild abandon and then slice it in Chitubox. Insane, right?



Anonymous No. 865996

not really a fan of how this is turning out, but i hope it'll look better when textured.



Anonymous No. 865997

not really a fan of how this is turning out, but i hope it'll look better when it's finished.

Anonymous No. 866000

only needs to round up the shape of that grip a little bit, maybe
it's a qt shottie

Anonymous No. 866001

I don't know what you originally had in mind but I think you have a case of "stared at thing too much and started hating it"
I like it and it's tastefully stylised. perhaps the grip could be a bit less boxy?



Anonymous No. 866003

Working on a warrior woman.



Anonymous No. 866004

And a halfling guy.



Anonymous No. 866014

This is a dragon guy I also made as a mini. Gonna print this and bird man later tonight to see how they come out.

Anonymous No. 866016

share please



Anonymous No. 866023

Blue Man Group front row ticket

Anonymous No. 866024

nice, very soulful



Anonymous No. 866036

I want to finish this animation before the end of the year. At least all the assets are done now.

Anonymous No. 866045

I like it. The only thing I think is slightly inconsistent in my autistic head is that the barrel and some bolts are round, while the holes and other bolts are octagonal.

Anonymous No. 866048

i like the character design, sort of reminiscent of toshihiro kawamoto oneesans

Anonymous No. 866054

Digging the character design anon. Despite it's low res appearnce it looks intentional, almost has a puppet type of wibe, which fits the idea the entire setup seems to convey.
Got more?



Anonymous No. 866057

I tried something a bit more realistic. It's not finished obviously, I haven't played around with the render settings, or even some of the materials, yet and there's still more things to add. The gigantic park bench outside the window is just off the HDRi, it's not meant to be there in the finished thing.
The scale of some things might look off but that's because I kept forgetting to apply scale, or at least I think that's the reason. It's especially noticeable with the sofa in comparison to the height of the room I think.
I know there's more than a few fuck ups I've made but it was too late to go back and fix them by the time I realised.
I also can't find a cigarette pack texture for love nor money so if anyone knows where I could find one I'd really appreciate it.
But other than that, how's it coming bros?

Anonymous No. 866060


Anonymous No. 866064

get a wacom tablet, not a cheap knockoff like huion

Anonymous No. 866069

u can find it on rutracker

Anonymous No. 866070

rutracker is chock full of miners and trojans

Anonymous No. 866072

That's the price u have to pay for cracked software, don't like it, go buy it.

Anonymous No. 866073

>That's the price u have to pay for cracked software
says who?

Anonymous No. 866076

Thanks anon. You just led me down a rabbit hole that let me know this game exists:



Anonymous No. 866143

I only have a few test renders so far.

Anonymous No. 866149

Reminds me of those decorated aztec skulls

Anonymous No. 866164

Makes sense, that's exactly what I used as inspiration.

Anonymous No. 866166

That's the price of using shitting sources of cracked software, don't like it, get better sources.
>go buy it.
in your dreams, funny-hat merchant.

Anonymous No. 866167


That model... doesn't look suitable as a miniature at all. The thickness of the limbss, the sword, the beak, the cape, the... *everything* is majorly concerning.

Even if by some miracle it prints successfully, it's going to be an incredible fragile piece.

Anonymous No. 866169

Dude looks pretty happy. Must've been to World4.

Anonymous No. 866172

how are those specular highlights done? just a texture? i notice they seem to change with movement

Anonymous No. 866180

It's a normal map you brainlet.

Anonymous No. 866189


whats the plot of this short film, i think my game has the same plot and setup lol. the chess guy game over here




Anonymous No. 866199

Still slowly working on it.

Anonymous No. 866200

It's about death. The big green floating face is "The Picker" (death) and the weird chess piece looking characters are supposed to be humans, scurrying in and out of the holes on the buildings that surround them. The Picker floats above and picks them off one by one while wondering aloud what their lives were like before squishing them between his fingers. There's not much more to it than that, really.

Anonymous No. 866237

really nice but I feel like the skin could be better

Anonymous No. 866242

>he does surfaces/shading while still working on the model
blendlets are such amateurs



Anonymous No. 866245

newfag here.
I converted this NURBS pot to polies and retopologized it.
the topology is kinda twisted like pic related.
why dey do this? what do?

Anonymous No. 866246

>he does surfaces/shading while still working on the model
Yes, I do. Albeit they're placeholders.



Anonymous No. 866247

also made this snowman with a sword



Anonymous No. 866249

Will I make it?



Anonymous No. 866251

alright, i think im done modelling this thing.

i dont know, i think it kinda looked "too stylized" compared to the other guns i made but it turns out it didn't really look out of place



Anonymous No. 866271

My first time making hair outside of a tutorial. I will probably give her a dress next. Also she's brown now

Anonymous No. 866274

I don't, I just provide you feedback in case your skin is final

Anonymous No. 866275

That's a different poster you're replying to. Feedback is always appreciated, anon.

Anonymous No. 866277


Technical critique (OBJECTIVE, this represents details and has nothing to do with "you" or "your artistic vision" and represents relatively easy changes that easily fall within your skill):
I don't like the hex bolts on it, or that you have one rounded bolt (like the real gun has) where the handle is attached to the grip area.
The handle itself either needs some tapering / rounding, or needs to deliberately be boxy.
The same is true of the trigger guard, also it kind of looks like on both of those like there's some artifacts due to ngons or something (maybe bevel settings).

This is stylistic / preference critique (SUBJECTIVE, a person with a different background, from a different place, from a different time, with a different set of culturally imbued notions of aesthetic would have a different opinion):
It looks like a spas-12 but wrong, as opposed to like say a steampunk spas12 or like some other semi-creative idea.
Like if you made an uzi and put the signature spas folding stock on it, that would be evocative of the spas but yet different.
What you have right now isn't different enough to be unique, it just feels like you missed the mark on perfectly recreating a SPAS-12.

If I'm wrong and you had some sort of concept that was "Like a SPAS-12 but not", then you need to take that concept further.
I mean Fallout game guns (which, despite often mocked for being mechanically non-functional, succeed at being stylized) will often have some sort of iconic immediately identifiable real world gun like a Thompson SMG and then add either steampunk type stuff, or like "we had to jury rig some parts together" scrap stuff, or like full on scifi stuff as if the people from that setting had super tech but still couldn't get out of the mindset of a 1920s gun. Details like that tell a story, and telling a story is a good source for generating both visual interest (i.e. cohesive non-random details, unlike "because it needs bolts" details) and viewer engagement.


Rooster, Spectral....jpg

Anonymous No. 866285

Not super happy w it but they're done now at least



Anonymous No. 866293

working on an animation rn



Anonymous No. 866294


>I don't like the hex bolts on it, or that you have one rounded bolt (like the real gun has) where the handle is attached to the grip area.
i didnt really like the bolts too, i quickly changed that after i posted that image
about the "handle", honestly the folding stock was more like an improv addition, the reference image i made up didnt count with that
i just slapped that in because i thought itd give that look of a cool generic "combat shotgun" you see in every single 90s action movies or video games from the early 2010s.

>If I'm wrong and you had some sort of concept that was "Like a SPAS-12 but not", then you need to take that concept further.
it wasnt really supposed to look like that one, i mainly used a shortened KS-23 as a reference for it. the whole wacky quirk of it was that the whole thing was upside down, you load shells from the top rather than from the bottom like most normal shotguns, but i thought it looked too strange so i just used the normal approach.
but it didn't look very nice it seems, honestly i have a kind of mixed feeling about this one since i just made a rushed sketch on my phone while i was in a bus. lol
but here, it should look more like this

Anonymous No. 866329

very cute anon :)

Anonymous No. 866330


is this for that furry yugoslav fps


images - 2021-12-....jpg

Anonymous No. 866340

The... The what?

Anonymous No. 866365

you gave it a spas stock, but then color it like it's a ks23 here
anon make up your mind

Anonymous No. 866366

Nice cock



Anonymous No. 866385

So uhh they printed out but his sword completely disappeared. It’s surprisingly sturdier than I expected but it’s still a fragile piece. I have never printed at this scale before so I learned that a lot of detail I spent working on is basically useless. I should have done a test print in the early stages to find out what kind of detail shows but oh well I learned a bunch.

Anonymous No. 866434

Cat, cock and manta I like, but the lemur looks like he had way too many chromosomes in way too many places



Anonymous No. 866439


the furry yugoslav fps

Anonymous No. 866442



argonian eevee.jpg

Anonymous No. 866451

im a knife and a bag away from rigging this... and to learn how to rig.

Anonymous No. 866452

cool model, do it

Anonymous No. 866461

you can give mixamo a shot if you want really quick rigging, then fix the weight painting afterwards.



Anonymous No. 866467


Anonymous No. 866475

You have texture stretching on the sideboob and I think the height is too high. Map it seperately if you can't avoid distortion.

Anonymous No. 866486

What an overwhelmingly retarded idea. Well atleast whoever came up with this is creative, i guess.

Anonymous No. 866487

What an overwhelmingly autistic idea. Well atleast whoever came up with this isn't short on creativity, i guess. I'd like to see the finished product if he ever pulls it off.

Anonymous No. 866493

Nice to see it's not dead. Textures a bit too clean, but I like it. Mind posting wires?

Anonymous No. 866494

My environment looks better when the ground is flat gray without materials.

>what did my landscape textures mean by this?

It's like buildings pop up better, when I add the ground, color composition is too samey throughout the entire image, but I can't just change landscape colors easily without breaking physically correct values.

Anonymous No. 866495

>but I can't just change landscape colors easily without breaking physically correct values.
sounds like you need lama

Anonymous No. 866501

More like LIGMA



Anonymous No. 866512

yeah something i noticed it's that i need to make small stuff like fibers a lot bigger to be noticeable. i gotta retouch the leather, inner shirt, and add some other stuff, he's a jeweler so cant dirt him up too much. that and my shitty UVing doesnt help. it's also my first full character retopo, so is crappy, made it for animation purposes only. cringe at the head retopo

i'll try thanks

Anonymous No. 866516

wait i just noticed. why is my head triangulated. motherf, think i loaded the wrong head into that blend file. oh whatev

Anonymous No. 866522

someone's been baking externally huh


protagonist Hiro.jpg

Anonymous No. 866523

I make videogame protagonist for my videogame

Anonymous No. 866525

in susbtance aye. think i loaded the obj that it gives after exporting the textures.

Anonymous No. 866528

are the proportions a stylistic choice (metal slug) or were you aiming for something more realistic (superheroes)?


protagonist Hiro ....jpg

Anonymous No. 866540

game is call Legend of Zouls. it is new game and the character is the hero of story but not like spiderman. It is cool style i make.



Anonymous No. 866583

Hows that?

Anonymous No. 866602

Looks great! What software did you use?

Anonymous No. 866610

sculpted in zbrush, retopo in topogun3, uv in blender, texturing in substance. eevee for render

Anonymous No. 866620

It's a spectral tarsier, I found it kind of hard to get face shape right on that one

Anonymous No. 866622

its finally out?

Anonymous No. 866645

strong fighting manga vibes

Anonymous No. 866646

Coupled with Tom of Finland with added secret sauce of 3DGuy

Anonymous No. 866647

Well, it sounds like your frustrations are at the concept level i.e. having a hard time deciding WHAT to make rather than the technical level i.e. struggling to make the thing you WANT to make.

I mean you said it in your own post: you didn't spend a lot of time on the concept (a quick sketch during some free time) and then a somewhat core design detail, that would have informed a lot of other decisions, didn't seem to visually work (the reverse breach loader or whatever) so it sounds like you pressed on but started kludging things together rather than revisiting the underlying concept.

Assuming you aren't sick of the project, I think you ought to spend a day on ArtStation or some other site and just pull together a ton of different concept art by other people.
Maybe even just model someone else's concept art if it's interesting enough to you.

I mean you already know this but the concept art is the foundation; the better the concept, the better the final result will be.
The only time people get good results without a concept (like with random speed sculpts and shit) is because they're usually cheating the process by just remaking a thing they already know inside and out

Anonymous No. 866648

Not him, I also didn't know what animal it was just by looking, but after a quick google I can say you managed to accurately capture this derpy thimble sized mammal perfectly.

Anonymous No. 866656




Anonymous No. 866660

This is my sad attempt in substance. Not much, but i get it... its not really that hard.



Anonymous No. 866664




Anonymous No. 866675

How do i prevent this from happening when i bake maps in substance? i tried triangulating before exporting and it still happens....

Anonymous No. 866679

looks more like a cage/ray distance issue

Anonymous No. 866682

I think i solved the problem, i raised the rays to 0.05

Anonymous No. 866684

bravo nolan

Anonymous No. 866696

still in beta, but good enough for what i need it. tis already cracked



Anonymous No. 866704

Add air intake and fixed the baking artifacts...

Anonymous No. 866716

If you need tutorials for Substance, their YouTube channel is a good place to start. I learned almost everything by watching their tutorials.
Also I just found out that the 3D Coat guys released a dedicated texture tool that comes without all the other stuff that is in 3D Coat (basically a slimmed down 3D coat focused only on Texturing).
I have just downloaded it and I am gonna test it out, its only 95 bucks for a perma license, comes with 500 PBR textures and there is also a free 30 day test version. If you dislike for Substance is still prominent, maybe you want to check it out too. I have also seen some cracks floating around for it.
Seems like you have more options....
good to know. thanks

Anonymous No. 866728

add some bevel there :-D

Anonymous No. 866741

because substance sucks for baking, get marmoset

Anonymous No. 866751

You know what sucks for baking? Cycles. Be kind.

Anonymous No. 866753

plz link when done, looks cool

Anonymous No. 866754

I honestly really like the look of the black metal

Anonymous No. 866757

i'm so sorry

Anonymous No. 866758

Marmo shills are the worst, they never answer the question and only shill their software with literally 1 useful tool, and which costs almost the same as a whole substance package. Substance is more than good enough for baking, yes skew painting in Marmo is amazing, but still, you can do without it if you know what you're doing.

Anonymous No. 866760

not having to deal with extra headaches is absolutely worth the price



Anonymous No. 866786


lemur wantssa sell me summing.

Anonymous No. 866865

any tips on good eevee lighting? light type/strength/distance from the model, etc...

I tried a 3 point light setup and it just makes my whole character look blown out and his hair is casting very dark shadows


hiro color.jpg

Anonymous No. 866869

I create texture materials for guy.

Anonymous No. 866873


Anonymous No. 866874

not him, but put your character on a plane or inside of a mesh (sphere), then put your lighting in there.


animacion de hiro.webm

Anonymous No. 866875

Thank! it look even better in move.


unknown (29).png

Anonymous No. 866888

well it didn't end up looking as bad as i thought it would

yeah i'll take more time on the next one



Anonymous No. 866896


Anonymous No. 866907

Does he want to become a hokage?

Anonymous No. 866911

add a normal map that makes the muscle striations even deeper, then fade between that and a blank normal map so he flexes his limbs as he moves

Anonymous No. 866913

Not him but that's a nice idea.



Anonymous No. 866923

What would be the best way to continue this sculpt? I did a quick alpha pass on it and the results seem good and I could try spending a few hours working with alphas, what do you guys think?



Anonymous No. 866925

and the main guy, still working on it.



Anonymous No. 866926

I will always support the completion of more toriyama dragons, I think finishing him up with scales and high frequency detail would be missing the point though, hard cut in and paint some lines for basic detal and go for more of an NPR look imo.



Anonymous No. 866927

I can see how details are not that intricate on DQ11 but i still wannna get good results with the baking

Anonymous No. 866928

but see pic related on DQ11 scales are done rather realistically.



Anonymous No. 866929

I'm always hesitant about posting but fuck it, this still doesn't even get me a job in this industry and I'm still flipping burguers.



Anonymous No. 866932

I think you can aim higher than DQ11



Anonymous No. 866934

yeah that's what i'm thinking I just don't want it to end up looking like those awful realistic pokemon you see on aststation.

Anonymous No. 866936

Nice detail autism, but do you finish your works or just make a few pieces of apparel in zbrush and drop it.

Anonymous No. 866937

you could try freelancing, i don't really have a job experience with 3d art but this is some of the best stuff i've seen here in a while, pretty sure anyone would hire you quickly!

Anonymous No. 866938


Bros I am spooked, how to job if this guy no job

Anonymous No. 866942

Aw snap, them some Monster Hunter bone faulds?

Anonymous No. 866944

they do (did?) that in some unreal face tech demos, pretty cool but probably not worth it

Anonymous No. 866954

Did this for my gobo’s face, makes it look way more believable. Not sure about the performance cost because I cba to transfer it to UE with all the drivers it uses, but I think it’s breddy gud to have if you’re going for some eevee rendered animation.

Anonymous No. 866956

this is used in every major game since the mid 00s, usually for cloth.

Anonymous No. 866959

>mid 00s
examples? we're talking 2005ish, when normal maps were only just kicking in.

Anonymous No. 866977

remember to every light you spawn, activate contact shadows. and spawn a cube, tha cube is supposedly 1 meter by 1 meter, check if your subject is scaled properly, my argonian was 300 meters tall at first so i sized him down.
and as for setup i have nothing crazy, the 100w is the front one, the others i have it at 300w.. the volume in the middle is a irradiance volume


little little man.png

Anonymous No. 866978

forgot the image

Anonymous No. 866991

all of this is pretty good, but zbrush screens are pretty much worthless on their own.
>no wires
>no uvs
>no textures
>no beauty render
>no animation
>no nothing

look at it this way, someone looks at this and goes: "if I hired this person to model for me, would I also need to hire a second person to clean up his models for my needs?"
"I'd rather hire one person who can give me the whole shebang"

what you're telling your potential employers is that you might only be able to make some pretty models in dynamesh and that's it.
>inb4 it's not all dynamesh
that's the point, I can't tell!
no one has any use for dynamesh models, m8.
>inb4 3d prints
then 3d print it! show people you can process your models for 3d printing and print them successfully and you'll have a better chance to be hired to do models for 3d printing, even if you're not gonna be the guy in charge to process models. good resin printers are cheap af these days.
you'll find that for more complex prints there needs to be prior modelling and design decisions to not make it a slog later to clean the model up for printing.

besides, what do you think modelling jobs in the industry are like? it's 20% modelling and 80% retopo, fixing, cleaning them up, making uvs, sending them through the pipe and troubleshooting why the fuck zbrush decided to change the mesh point order and now the riggers are shouting at you. that's assuming you're hired in a place who can afford hiring modellers and texture artists separately.

the best you can do to get attention (from employers) as a modeller is to have your models animated (and rendered). this shows literally anyone that you not only can create good models, but that they can also be successfully animated and finalled, and by extent, the client's models for their game/movie/short will as well.
>but it's hard
either get with friends who are willing to help you or learn to do it yourself.

see above



Anonymous No. 867074

new to character modelling and what the fuck I swear I've spent more time on hands than I have on the rest of the body and proportions still seem off even with a ref

Anonymous No. 867075

Feels like the wrist is too thick and it's making the base of the hand too thick and then rest of it is tapering from there. Fingers are normally as thick as the rest of the hand and, in my case with my girlish wrists, the wrist is as thick as the hand (for the most part).
I could be wrong though, I don't know anything about modeling hands or nothing.


images (25).jpg

Anonymous No. 867076

Marfan looking ass.

Anonymous No. 867077

The SPAS stock just doesn't fit, i'd say you should get rid of it.

Anonymous No. 867078

Carrying handle looks strange, the grip looks too thin too.

Anonymous No. 867080

Not him but I think the carry handle needs raised a bit so the gap is bigger and iirc the carry handle is more or less level with the sights themselves.



Anonymous No. 867082

I'm definitely not done with the fingers cause they don't feel thick enough but here's the rest of the body attached with the wrist

I come in peace lookin ass



Anonymous No. 867098

imagine the tugjobs


fumanchu alien.png

Anonymous No. 867107

i dunno what this is lol



Anonymous No. 867113

That's the idea here, I'm working right now on a full character, I've done a few game ready models and actually enjoy retopology and uv's but not enough to be up to the standard required to get a job I guess.

But the tools are not really the problem, it's actually the sculpting process that still takes a huge amount of time and dedication so much so that it kinda scares me, hopefully once I manage to get a job at a studio I'll have a better idea of how to optimize the workflow.

At least for me it feels like I spend a thousand hours before I can call something done.



Anonymous No. 867118

yes it's actually like a modern take on the bone armor from the old monster hunter games, I'm actually working on 2 different head designs.



Anonymous No. 867119

and this one

Anonymous No. 867123

>Monster Hunter
>Great sculpts
You are the chosen one anon, but damn, I never thought to work off game refs, but maybe I'll pull up my rise file and try to recreate my character armor, you've inspired me anon.

Anonymous No. 867125

I like it



Anonymous No. 867131

yeah, looks better without it. thanks



Anonymous No. 867134

shotgun brother....

Anonymous No. 867136

very based, hwat's your artstation



Anonymous No. 867146

critique pls

my thoughts: nose might be a little to big
face might be a bit too narrow
neck a little too thin
having a hard time making the ears look good and also match the 2D reference

still a rough in, ignore lumpiness

Anonymous No. 867152

It's a Stand.

Anonymous No. 867155

How long has this project been going? First time seeing it and I like the idea and aesthetics. Only thing I'd change about the shotgun is the double trigger unless it has two for a reason.

Anonymous No. 867157

>look at it this way, someone looks at this and goes: "if I hired this person to model for me, would I also need to hire a second person to clean up his models for my needs?"
Yes, AAA studios hire people for specialized roles like lighting and sculpting.
>"I'd rather hire one person who can give me the whole shebang"
lolno, you sound like a jealous midwit

maybe in indies, but not in AAA

Anonymous No. 867160

Grip and lower doesn't go back far enough, I think. Maybe it's just me but up and left of the grip is a ton of empty space compared to IRL. There should be a little more "meat" to the receiver under the rear takedown pin. Adjustable stock's "fin" seems to go a little low like it's stretched. Maybe the sling swivel on the front is undersized, too; look at rear swivel vs front for size. But it's way better than I could do and I'm nitpicking looking at an AR for direct comparison instead of actually modeling one myself. Only nitpicks that have me scratching my head is the pitting on an aluminum receiver that doesn't rust. The barrel and any steel accessories? Sure. But aluminum? That and the magazine simply labeled "GUN".

Anonymous No. 867163

k, keep flipping burgers, son.

Anonymous No. 867166

Yea this is what I thought too, you're just part of pipeline so you have to do like a few things well.

Anonymous No. 867167

Move the eye sockets in and use an inflate brush on the ears for now.

Anonymous No. 867170

i started actual "development" on it only in october 26. i plan to add just a few more models and make a map for it soon

it's pretty fun to play with bots atleast, there was a funny little moment today where a dumb bot tried to shoot a rocket at another bot but the rocket just hit a nearby wall and he killed himself

Anonymous No. 867171

i started actual development in october 26 this year. i plan to get a lot more things sorted out until the end of this year, right now there's not much to see but it's fun to play with bots

Anonymous No. 867175

enjoy selling furry vr avatars for the rest of your 3d modeling career jack of all trades



Anonymous No. 867176

first sculpt, crits?

(followed a tutorial by Dikko)

Anonymous No. 867179

Nice, pretty good work for such a short amount of time. The artstyle/aesthetic is nice, too.


Screen Shot 2021-....png

Anonymous No. 867182

what are u building this in. might be willing to contribute art & code if time allows (it won't lol)

Anonymous No. 867185

half life 2 engine, its a MP mod
honestly it would be better to just gather some people to test it once its semi finished, i'm doing fine with pulling stuff for it for now, but any help would be appreciated! the source code is public anyways,

Anonymous No. 867186

how do you fade between a normal map to a blank one?

Anonymous No. 867189

>HL2 engine game
Very nice. Wasn't expecting that at all, but cartoon-y HL2 games often work well.



Anonymous No. 867191

>>867189 #
yes, i really like the built in cel shader.
even if i never finish this its really fun to make assets for it and i always learn something new

Anonymous No. 867195

Thanks anon

Anonymous No. 867200

Wait, you are not 3dguy?

Anonymous No. 867203

>being so new you can't tell the difference between 3dGuy and some random beginner anon
It doesn't have near the "competence" of 3dGuy's work. 3dG's stuff is pretty ugly to look at, but there's definite knowledge of his tools behind it. 3dG knows his shit, he just walks his path because he likes it, and likes the reactions.

Other anon just seems like a beginner with some skillset (maybe drawing stuff for DeviantArt), but not enough knowledge of his tools to pull off what he has in his mind.
Not to mention the anon seems like an ESL. Maybe Brazilian or Russian, but China/Japan might be a possibility.
In any case, 3dG writes pretty legibly.

Anonymous No. 867204

I can help if you need assets, rigs or whatever. Could be nice to test myself as a part of something bigger.

Anonymous No. 867208

Put the eyeballs in and you will instantly see what’s fucked

Anonymous No. 867210

Definitely not China, they're light years ahead of every amateur because their piracy culture. The hilarious part is that they require ID and DRM/spyware for Chinese courses.



Anonymous No. 867219

grip is fat, trust me it's just perspective
Raised the gap
Made some minor edits

I'm just gonna go straight to the character now.



Anonymous No. 867221

oh yeah.
It's a sonic thing.

Also made some slight texture modifications, still getting a hang of discoloration details.

Anonymous No. 867222

A sonic thing?



Anonymous No. 867224

Baddies from the Sonic games.

Anonymous No. 867229

That's what I assumed but I wasn't aware of many (any?) Sonic games where there's an M4 in it other than the game with Shadow the Hedgehog and his amazing pump action MP5. I say that as someone who likes playing Sonic games if that wasn't obvious.



Anonymous No. 867230

Yeah right now I'm just kinda making my own thing lol.

Anonymous No. 867231

Sonic uses guns? The lore on those games is so silly

Anonymous No. 867232

>still getting a hang of discoloration details.
Forgot to mention you could likely get good references of that by searching "worn m16" or "battle worn m16" on google. /k/ might have some good threads about it every now and then, but I haven't seen a thread related to worn guns in a while (you could start one, though). However, you're likely to get extreme examples of wear on those searches as many of those guns were made in the 70s at latest.



Anonymous No. 867233

Only shadow and some enemies AFAIK. Here he is somehow chambering a round on an MP5 like it's a shotgun despite an MP5 having a charging handle, and quite a famous one at that ("HK slap"). Videogame logic at its finest.

Anonymous No. 867245


Anonymous No. 867246

is his head hollow and his pupil is just floating there? pretty cool

Anonymous No. 867249

cool shado. someday ill re-create this scene and make a shado too



Anonymous No. 867253

me first substance painter sword
any tips for beg?

Anonymous No. 867255

needs colour variations and large scale details

Anonymous No. 867256

blade looks fine
entire bottom half just looks boring, find a few references and copy those
handle should have leather wrapped around it, the guard should be beveled if you're going to keep it that simple, and the pommel looks like a battery or something



Anonymous No. 867259

What are large scale details?
yeah, I tried adding wraps with shrinkwraps but it didn't look so hot. I can easily bevel the guard though... I thiink

thanks for the feedback

Anonymous No. 867263

easier to do the wraps either purely in substance painter, or by working off of the handle that's already there

Anonymous No. 867265

>wraps either purely in substance painter
you can do that?
I though you just paint on existing meshes on substance

Anonymous No. 867266

baby version
>add leather smart material
>set height on base layer to higher number
>add black mask to smart material
>select the handle
>add a fill layer, use a gradient fill
>set fill layer to multiply and adjust the fill layer
then you have leather wraps



Anonymous No. 867267

like larger areas of detail, because every detail on the textures are at the same kind of level of size
so like some large patches of discoloration on the handle, just something to add some variation

Anonymous No. 867272

hmm, I'll give it a shot desu
oh I see. I made some color variations with a masked SHL thing. but I don't know how I would randomize(?) the sizes of the texture
sorry for all these posts btw.


sword 2.jpg

Anonymous No. 867281

here's edited version.
I added some color variation, some attempt at wraps, and some other decor.
hope this looks better

Anonymous No. 867282

it's less boring, definite improvement
nice to see people posting works in progress here no matter what they are.

Anonymous No. 867289

thank ye anon

Anonymous No. 867293

Are you saying that you already see problems but it will become obvious to me after I put in eyes?
Or are you saying that it's more difficult to spot issues without eyes in general?

Anonymous No. 867303


Anonymous No. 867305

no. that's a secondary sphere for shrinkwrap modifier on eyelids



Anonymous No. 867308

how apout now?



Anonymous No. 867334



hiro walk sword.webm

Anonymous No. 867344

Yes art is 3d in engine unity. Hiro out for walk in land with god eater sword. thank you

Anonymous No. 867345

Now that I see it... why not fully embrace this kinda stylized plastic look for all assets in game that revolves around ragtag group of time traveling action figures?



3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 867350

Anonymous No. 867351

I don't like where this is going

Anonymous No. 867358

based, count me in


derfia magnolia.jpg

Anonymous No. 867366

time travel is very cool but hiro have to save princess first then he can go on other adventure like past. I try make realistic style like big budget trippel A game.



Anonymous No. 867374

good lord...

Anonymous No. 867377

she looks like princess' granny

Anonymous No. 867392

Why? Just have a timelord skipping through time with the kidnapped princess and the protag visiting each period to try and rescue her.
Like with Mario when Peach is in a different castle every time, your princess is in a different time period every time.

Anonymous No. 867395

I do :^)
Though the light is a bit over-exposed for me.

Anonymous No. 867398


Are you Russian?
Everything about these just screams Russian.



Anonymous No. 867399

Sup /3/. Haven't used Blender in ages, dusted it back off with the intention of making a model for this kinda retarded game idea I had (TLDR: 3D platformer thing starring a cute robot girl). I'm going for early 6th gen/Dreamcast stylings because everyone and their dog does PS1 styled games, and also I have a lot of nostalgia for that era. Anyway, here she is so far, obviously a lot of work to go. Body sections are separate parts, hopefully it'll be easier to animate that way.

Anonymous No. 867405

definitely 3d guy

Anonymous No. 867411

It will be better in the future if you do not justify your actions to those who did not ask- It expresses insecurity. Nothing much to say about the block out- Head looks pretty ugly, massive; particularly for a young metal woman.



Anonymous No. 867413


i really like where this is going fren. you're touching on a type of character design that is instantly endearing, they fall more along the Ralph Bakshi/Don Bluth 70's aeshtetic that normies as well as furries like. typically normies have a (merrited) hesitation or disgust with any kind of furry media but there are a few types of character styles where it bypasses that weird fetish adjacent thing and people just find it cute and funny. kind of like this:





there is a fairly untapped market for furry games that arent explicitly furry or sexual. i really think you have a winning formula here and you could lean into the serious, but also sort of self parody tone you seem to be suggesting. Yugoslav Ralph Bakshi game is just an endearing eye catching premise

im also making a game, i hope i see posting in the agdg threads more often too, i think you have a winner here

Anonymous No. 867416

alright, thanks! you can contact me on my moddb page , here https://www.moddb.com/members/xyz864

Anonymous No. 867420

>there is a fairly untapped market for furry games that arent explicitly furry or sexual
no there isn't.
unless you're funding the entire development yourself, normies would rather eat up the next cod, lol, fortnite or goat simulator rather than some unknown game with animal characters and furries won't give you a dime for anything that doesn't have dicks in it.
the era of spyro, crash, ratchet and sly cooper is over and has been for 20 years now.
it died the moment naughty dog scrapped their plans for a jak & daxter reboot and instead opted to make uncharted because >muh realistic grafics
ironically, the advancement of real-time graphics is what killed cartoon platformers. everyone jumped on the wagon of making hyper-realistic soulless shit to look "mature" and forgot what made games great.
stuff like the new ratchet games ride on franchise establishment and sony needing launch games for the next playstation, while the spyro reignited trilogy and the crash remakes add nostalgia on top of that as well, to pull in the hipster crowd.
all well received games, mind you, but good luck introducing the next turn-of-the-millennium-style platformer/adventure. I'm done hoping there's going to be one, I'm just glad I got to enjoy those when they were in their prime.

Anonymous No. 867425

>no there isn't.

yea but ur wrong tho.


people just aren't making them. they're making games with blatent adam wan pandering designs set in boring fantasy settings. give me a furry nazi game with a universalist anthro style and ill play the shit out of that.

Anonymous No. 867426

>literally just a ww2 battlefield/cod clone
>but with (ugly) rats instead of people

what is the point of these games?
god, what happened to writing compelling worlds, settings and characters?



Anonymous No. 867432


>the era of spyro, crash, ratchet and sly cooper is over and has been for 20 years now.
it died the moment naughty dog scrapped their plans for a jak & daxter reboot and instead opted to make uncharted because >muh realistic grafics
>ironically, the advancement of real-time graphics is what killed cartoon platformers. everyone jumped on the wagon of making hyper-realistic soulless shit to look "mature" and forgot what made games great.

these games are derivitive of early to mid 90's anthro stuff like tiny toons and animaniacs. the vibe this guys yugoslav game is touching on is the grittier early 70's stuff that was coming out of american, british, and canadian small studios. there currently is a market demand for that specific style, i don't see anyone else doing it. a garuntee this guys game would have wider market appeal if he ran with it.



3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 867438


Anonymous No. 867442

>>867413 >>867420
>>867425 >>867432
please dont take my project seriously at all, i might never get done with it... like how am i even going to convince people to try it... not even agdg cares

Anonymous No. 867445

if it's any consolation, there's more effort in your project than many other shitty "indie" vidya that people actually pay and shill for.

Anonymous No. 867447

It doesn't have to be a scrimblo bilmbo platformer.
As much as I would like to criticize those settings, it's great that those people who are motivated to release generic stuff. It's hard to get a unique idea off the ground since it doesn't have any support.

You need constant motivation and direction.
It's an RTS, but worldbuilding depends on the execution rather than the concept. An idea can never be compelling if it's still in the rough draft phase.

Most games like Halo and Dark Souls worldbuild around their game mechanics.



Anonymous No. 867449

alright, to be honest, i'd like to see it finished, but it's too much stuff and the public just isn't there, but im trying my best
i think forgot to post this one last thread but here's a snippet of the gib explosion thing

Anonymous No. 867451


>like how am i even going to convince people to try it...

ive seen it being posted in the agdg discords and a few other places too. you're picking up a fanbase pretty quickly, even though you barely post. once you get some basic environments or even some really basic cut scenes i could see this taking off.

the bar for this market is really low right now, people are looking for anything let alone something that has soul.

Anonymous No. 867462

really? well i tried to do a basic environment but i just scrapped it for something else
honestly im completely unaware anyone is watching this. i never thought people talked about it on any discord server that wasn't agdg's official
and yeah im very inactive, im just a bit more active this week because i have nothing to do
and i still couldn't come up with a name for it...



Anonymous No. 867469


there's at least 5 splinter AGDG groups, the official agdg discord server is kind of dead. the splinter ones are way more active. but yea i've seen this get posted there. its getting a good reception.



Anonymous No. 867473

Anonymous No. 867477

nice! can i join any of these?

Anonymous No. 867482


ye sure. i will delete these in a bit tho for the servers safety



reply when you've joined

Anonymous No. 867483

ok, done



Anonymous No. 867484


GL with the game fren



Anonymous No. 867485

Did a tutorial about generating geometry with vertex maps and displacement. Kinda lost track of time fucking around with the setup after being finished and ended up doing some random sci-fi bullshit concept art stuff. I might have overdone the chromatic aberration part but who cares. It's just some throwaway tutorial trash image.



Anonymous No. 867486

This was the raw render, in case someone cares. I did all of the editing in after effects because I prefere it's non-destructive workflow. The glowy portal effect was done using the depth map, cranking the contrast and applying find edges and the stupid wanderer is just an image with an inner glow.


John Harris.jpg

Anonymous No. 867491

>Reached post limit this soon
Damn, guess people really were taking a break for the holidays.
Time to get crackin on the next OP image.

I really like how this looks. Comes off less like 3d, and more like 70's fantasy/sci fi art that's all painted. Your render has that same kind of "texture" and tone to it. It's a really interesting visual style you've ended up at. Hope to see more in the future!

Don't sell yourself short and downplay your work, it's important as an artist to try and come off as confident with any piece, even if you're not happy how it turned out. That's kind of how you start comparing yourself to other artists and/or developing bad habits that can negatively impact your confidence as an artist.
Not to mention if you have clients, downplaying things might make it seem like you didn't put effort into something, or you're not happy with it. In which case it makes the client seem like your work isn't as valuable as they paid for it, or that their time doesn't matter.
One of my professors told me a few years back "Always pretend like you shit gold" (or something along those lines).
It doesn't mean to be a pretentious artist, just put your best self out there and be happy with the work you put into something, even if you're not happy with the result.

Anonymous No. 867492


looks really cool, like a john martin picture



Anonymous No. 867494

ok so some work on the big guy today, I'm going for a more realistic direction with the anatomy to match the scene, hopefully it'll still look like toriyama's style. crits are welcome.



Anonymous No. 867495


really cool, looks like a john martin painting



Anonymous No. 867497

closer look on torso compared to what i was going for before

Anonymous No. 867499

Your muscle detail is A*.
Don't think much about that dude earlier about the whole "u need other skills lmao"
I'd hire you in a heartbeat if I had cash for what I was doing.

Anonymous No. 867511

>Trailer plays
Holy fuck yes, looks very good other than some oddities...
>Shows in game that it's an RTS
>first person mode
So is there an FPS game mode???

Anonymous No. 867512

Anon, your artstyle alone puts you above, I'd say, at least 30% of the garbage "indie games" on Steam. You have an eye for design, I'll tell you that. I don't know what price you'd put on your game or how big it would be, but if it comes out on Steam and my computer's running by then (lolharddrive), I would definitely buy it.

Anonymous No. 867514

>rendering in it is spot on tf2 rendering
I was no joke going to say that; looks extremely good, similar to TF2 quality easily. If the game came out, I wonder if any of the weapons or clothes would be accepted as a reskinned item for TF2. Fits the artstyle well and it wouldn't be the first time some crossover items were accepted into TF2.

Anonymous No. 867515

its gonna be a free mod, i can't put a price tag on it for licensing reasons but i never intended it to be paid anyways, but thanks!

i thought about doing tf2 items before, i'll probably try to make a cosmetic one day. but seeing that valve just doesn't accept so many quality items its unlikely it'll be accepted into the game

Anonymous No. 867516

>its gonna be a free mod, i can't put a price tag on it for licensing reasons but i never intended it to be paid anyways, but thanks!
Ah fuck, right; I forgot about that.
>Q. Can I sell my Source Engine game on Steam?
>A. Yes, but there are a few requirements:
>You will need to complete an additional agreement for distributing a paid Source Engine product on Steam.
>If you are using the RAD tools included with the Source SDK, you will need to contact RAD for information and cost associated with licensing Miles and/or Bink.
>For any Source Engine game that charges money, Havok needs to be paid a licensing fee of $25,000 for the physics engine. You will need to pay this fee up front before making your game available for sale on Steam.
>You can only sell your Source Engine game via Steam unless you get a full Source Engine license.

Anonymous No. 867539

man I really love your style, great work anon

Anonymous No. 867592

Kek, thanks for the nice comparison anons. I didn't know either of those artists

>Not to mention if you have clients, downplaying things might make it seem like you didn't put effort into something, or you're not happy with it. In which case it makes the client seem like your work isn't as valuable as they paid for it, or that their time doesn't matter.
I appreciate your sincere concern anon, but I actually own a design agency with two designers and a six developers, been in advertising and movie business for a total of 12 years now.
While I fully agree with what you said, I stand by what I said. After all those years you learn to detach yourself from your work. You judge it by technical merit and on what the client expects to see. Most of the time clients couldn't give two fucks about your personal standard. They just want you to get the most out of their budget.
That's why I hold myself to higher standards when I'm fucking around in private work. And to be frank, it was just that. I've spent roughly an hour on that image, it has some neat concepts I wanna actually explore but ultimately it's just a trashy sketch.

Now selling shit to clients is an alltogether different matter. That's mostly about understanding what someone wants and manipulating him into not wanting another useless fucking revision and being happy with what he has.

Anonymous No. 867617

Bottom left pic source, please

Anonymous No. 867618


i think your best bet is making any money you can from this source game and than just paying some devs with that to port to unreal or whatever. unless you can pull that off yourself. blueprint is pretty easy now a days if your coding ability is lacking.

Anonymous No. 867648




Anonymous No. 867730

decided to try to give the head another go, I'm starting to actually enjoy sculpting

Anonymous No. 867731

this is better than anything 3dguy has ever made

Anonymous No. 867742

deffo, tho they've atleast gotten better at making hair



Anonymous No. 867762

Boots in progress

Anonymous No. 867772

how big is the dumper?

Anonymous No. 867784

Keep at it anon. You will get good before u Kno it



Anonymous No. 867786

Slapped together a rig. Quick poses



Anonymous No. 867787




Anonymous No. 867789


Anonymous No. 867861

Actually, his hands are so big, he is pulling the charging handle by wrapping his whole hand around the barrel and "pumping" simply for the intimidation factor.



Anonymous No. 867883

I practice more make princess look younger since feedback. I mean to princess derfia magnolia is young woman.



Anonymous No. 867929

happy little WIP gazebo. its for chessman fighting game

Anonymous No. 867944


haha what do his feet smell like haha

i think his hands are too small, try making them 1/3rd bigger



Anonymous No. 867946

What's missing?
Aside from talent of course.



Anonymous No. 867949


the penis



Anonymous No. 867952

no schlong for you.

Anonymous No. 867957


his hands are way too realistic and creepy for this charater, please smooth out his knuckles lmao. other than that its very good

Anonymous No. 867958

Is that subdiv modelled.

Anonymous No. 867961

I agree with the other anon about the hands. Sonic has those smooth cartoony hands, like Mickey Mouse.

Anonymous No. 867967

>hands too small
thought so.

he has poison glands in his feet. smelling = death

Anonymous No. 867969


i hope he doesnt have poison glands anywhere else.....

Anonymous No. 867993

he has poison glands everywhere else



Anonymous No. 868004

Kinda average.

Anonymous No. 868008

I'd say that's a decently fat dumpy

Anonymous No. 868022

Use this tutorial as a guide, a lot of newbies have a tendency to overdetail their models.

Having good foundation of proportions and shapes matter the most when it comes to that type of stuff
here's a hand base mesh for the second lesson

Anonymous No. 868026


but how do i cuddle with him :(

Anonymous No. 868029

OP here, I've just finished up a job so my computer's been tied up rendering for the past few days. It's finally starting to wind down to the finish, so I'll be working on the next OP image soon(ish). New thread will definitely be up sometime tomorrow night at the latest.
Still got a ways before the thread hits page 10, but I figured I'd let y'all know since I try to start a new one around page 5.
Let's run down the clock on this one, it hit bump-limit in half the time that the last one did! And I've got a similar number of images to put in (50-60), so you all have been busy! Nice work, anons.


Screen Shot 2021-....png

Anonymous No. 868032

he will never cuddle with you

Anonymous No. 868050

>daz model without daz
what's your game


Thick Bandits.jpg

Anonymous No. 868092


I'm sorry. not done yet still



Anonymous No. 868098

Anon here

Been fucking around with array, remesh, decimate and wireframe modifiers along with some displacement.
As with the previous tutorial, I tried to make it look like some random abstract concept art.
I just wish I could change the segment amount for the wireframe modifier without fucking everything up. I just want the wires to be a tad rounder,



Anonymous No. 868118

"Behold, the ultimate weapon in self-defense!"
"Non-Civvie, of course, only a baby would use that."

I'm a sucker for angled-out knuckles and bones.

poly modelled, box modelled or w/e they call it idk/


Anonymous No. 868131

Liking the overly realistic hands anon. I'd make them slightly aged and work torn, like a blue collar worker.

Anonymous No. 868133

Kino voice anon. Was keeping his face in perfect symmetry a delibarete choice? It makes him come off as cross-eyed for some reason.

Anonymous No. 868155

lol it's not my voice, it's the male argonian from skyrim. yeah im not good at posing, figured the eyes were a little off

Anonymous No. 868184

That's not a daz model, anon.



Anonymous No. 868185

Which one do you like more? Will refine one of these

Anonymous No. 868191

Alien Slug Cat, of course.

Anonymous No. 868192

If any of you feel like being cute could you help me with this question since we're at the end of the thread anyway?

Anonymous No. 868193

Oh boy it’s coming along nicely, anon. Actually making a chicken and my scales look like shit, this is a much better way to do it, thanks anon.

Anonymous No. 868224

Working on the OP image now. Should be an hour or 2 (maybe 3) before the next thread is up.

Slug cat, definitely.

>Says X and Y are both larger than Z
Could be that it's rotated. If you're using Blender, the dimension info in the right panel is based on local axes.
Apply rotation, scale it down, then apply scale.
No real point in applying the scale to begin with.

Anonymous No. 868225

>Apply rotation, scale it down, then apply scale
Thanks based OP I'll give that a try.
>No real point in applying the scale to begin with
I never found out why and when to really apply scale desu. I could never find a simple explanation for it. Like everything I do in Blender, I just wing it and hope it works out.

Anonymous No. 868237

>Thanks based OP I'll give that a try.
No problemo, hope it helps.

Generally you apply scale to make sure shit doesn't fuck up later. Especially if you're using real-world values.
Ideally, you want your object to be at the scale it is irl, and when you apply the scale it's at 1.0. That way when you scale it up/down, it's a percentage of the real-world size.
The scale also has an influence on things like modifiers and particle systems too, so you really want to keep your scales at 1.0 as much as possible if you can help it. There's times you won't want to apply the scale, but for the most part I'll do it whenever I scale something.

As an added note, if you scale/rotate/move while in edit mode, you don't have to apply those changes since they've been done to the actual mesh data. So if you scale up something in edit mode that already has the scale applied at 1.0, no matter how much you scale it in edit mode, the scale outside of edit mode will stay at 1.0.

Lastly, while I apply scale pretty often, I generally don't apply rot/loc. Most of the time you want the object to keep its rotation data so you can use local rotation and stuff.

Anonymous No. 868248

this looks great dud, cant wait to see that esthetic in render
wtf dud that looks great, ive known plenty that work in the industry that are worse, perhaps you need a contact to get in, or are you asking for to much? remember! there is no shame on starting from the bottom, beats fliping burgers.
what is your art station so I can add you? I would give you work but its a shitty 3rd world salary for modeling trash



Anonymous No. 868253

i like it better without the alpha



Anonymous No. 868261

thanks for the input guys, I do have an artstation but dk if I should post it.
i'll give freelancing a try once I actually finish the pieces.

Anonymous No. 868266

New thread me hearties! Thanks for waiting!

Anonymous No. 868268


Anonymous No. 868993
