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tropical gunt.png

🧵 Gunt in strange places

Gunt Worshipper No. 865199

The previous gunt thread did so well that i'm making a new one. Here's gunt's model if you want to put him somewhere unusual:

Original gunt

Definitive edition gunt

Also I didn't make pic related, i've never even made a 3d model

Anonymous No. 865205

>tfw when gunt

Anonymous No. 865207

praise Gunt

Gunt Worshipper No. 865212


His holiness blesses thee

Anonymous No. 865221

what are the differences between the original and definitive gunt models?
I feel like using the original would be better for soul purposes, I can't see much room for improvement that wouldn't make it worse.

Gunt Worshipper No. 865227

honestly i have no idea, i think the original Gunt Guy made that folder to promot newer models and something about re-rigging the original gunt? unfortunately the previous thread didn't seem to get archived so i can't tell for sure

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meet the gunts.png

Anonymous No. 865249

decided to just make a big reference scene myself

Anonymous No. 865289

>that fourth one
Is zach a gunt?

Gunt Worshipper No. 865371


Anonymous No. 865390

new-gunt definitely suffers from some volume loss
the legs are all wrong as well.

Gunt Worshipper No. 865397

how so?

Anonymous No. 865415

Shoulders up I think it tapers in quicker, but it might more about the size of the eyes Vs the rest of him. The legs are shorter and stubbier for sure.

Gunt Worshipper No. 865427

i think the original's head definitely looks better

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Anonymous No. 866051

Anonymous No. 866438


Gunt Worshipper No. 866541


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Anonymous No. 866547


gunt guy !hFwjRJA3/c No. 866604

can't believe gunt's still being talked about after so long god damn

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Anonymous No. 866841

setting up my asset browser after the 3.0 update

Anonymous No. 866972

kek, is that my old lowpoly gunt? at least use the texture I have provided with it

Gunt Worshipper No. 866974

not my render, just a pic i saved from the previous gunt thread

Gunt Worshipper No. 866975


Anonymous No. 866993

i'm freeing gunt from his .blend cage:

original gunt:

quadremeshed gunt:


Anonymous No. 867032

Thank you kind sir, will ad dick now.

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Anonymous No. 867033


Gunt Worshipper No. 867057

Thank you for freeing our lord

Anonymous No. 867065

oh thank God someone fixed it, I'm know nothing about 3d modeling so I know everything about the model is fucked up

gunt guy !hFwjRJA3/c No. 867067

forgot to trip whoops

Anonymous No. 867068

i haven't fixed anything. it's just a conversion and some optional automatic retopo, in case someone is lazier than i am.

Gunt Worshipper No. 867260

what does that do?

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Anonymous No. 867314

next up: gunt visits a soapland (actually no, fuck this)

Gunt Worshipper No. 867342


Gunt Worshipper No. 867343

forgot to say good work tho

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Anonymous No. 867353

and the shitty hackjob texture of gunt's cross section

Anonymous No. 867387

Lmao nice

Anonymous No. 867409

bro where's his penis at?

Anonymous No. 867431

gunt is genderless

Anonymous No. 867439


Gunt Worshipper No. 867440

i like the details,
could we get a Gunt anatomy model?

Anonymous No. 867475

make one then?! this is just a flat color map + displacement/normal/specular...and nothing of it is noticeable in the end.

Anonymous No. 867480

this is /3/, why don't you do it?

Anonymous No. 867481

I see a colon. Shitting is more urgent that fucking.

Gunt Worshipper No. 867669

i just enjoy the memes, i can't actually do 3d stuff

Anonymous No. 867677

based and same

gunt guy !hFwjRJA3/c No. 867858

this is how your mcdonalds happy meals are made.....

still hungry???

Gunt Worshipper No. 867980


Anonymous No. 867982

I'd like to see what kind of creative Gunt destruction the big brained Houdini users can come up with

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Anonymous No. 868127

not exactly a soapland but comfy. also low effort.

Gunt Worshipper No. 868134

low effort? that looks great!

Anonymous No. 868135

wtf how did you make this render style

Anonymous No. 868140

by combining different render passes in different ways.

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Anonymous No. 868142

and we can get even lower



Anonymous No. 868206

Is she suching on his belly?

Anonymous No. 868207

Is she sucking on his belly?

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Anonymous No. 868208

Is she sucking on his belly?

Anonymous No. 868219


Anonymous No. 868226

Where the Gunt .stl at

Anonymous No. 868240

Yeah, she's definitely motorboating that SOB

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Anonymous No. 868502

In the end there will be only Gunt

Anonymous No. 868509

Who's Gunt's arch nemesis?

Anonymous No. 868516

Probably Dorf or the Stonks guy.

gunt guy !hFwjRJA3/c No. 868548

all gunt lore is entirely up to interpretation. all we know is that he's just hangin out

Gunt Worshipper No. 868626


Gunt Worshipper No. 869109


Anonymous No. 869116

i really need to get off my ass and rig him properly.

Gunt Worshipper No. 869146

I've been thinking of making a website for Gunt, would people be interested in that kind of thing?

Anonymous No. 869159

If it's practice for you, then sure. I'd visit... once.

Anonymous No. 869321

Yeah I'd love that. Why not a subreddit and a hashtag too?

Anonymous No. 869360


Anonymous No. 869560

i visit this thread like every day. if it was a website I'd be there every day too

gunt guy !hFwjRJA3/c No. 869562

forgot to trip here

btw has there been any word back from the music video guy? really curious about that

Anonymous No. 869636

all these other people using it for quick and easy furnishings are losers. based anon uses it for Mr. gunt (and raw chicken)

Anonymous No. 870133


gunt guy !hFwjRJA3/c No. 870252

daily reminder gunt is licensed under creative commons, feel free to use him for any kind of commercial projects you might have

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Anonymous No. 870578

I made a chode buddy for gunt

Anonymous No. 870579

Very nice, looks like he's made of jelly

Anonymous No. 871208

Gunt god

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Anonymous No. 871318

Is this your gunt? If so just know that i saved it since you first posted it and i appreciate it very much

Gunt Worshipper No. 871376

Looks like it, even the file name is the same

Anonymous No. 871795


Anonymous No. 872065

this sums up 90% of >>>/3/ posters

Anonymous No. 872182


Anonymous No. 872873

isn't that a little unhygienic?

Anonymous No. 873201

Gunt lives on the edge. He doesn't give a fuck about puny shit like "germs".

Gunt Worshipper No. 873214

What has Hunt been doing for new years?

Anonymous No. 873221

Whatever you render him doing.

There's your motivation, anon!

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comfy gunt newyear.png

Gunt Worshipper No. 873282

b-bu-but i can't 3d model

i can however steal from this thread

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Anonymous No. 874183

i want him on my keychain

Anonymous No. 874184

adobe is going to steal him as their avatar

Anonymous No. 874255

Keep him in your heart

Anonymous No. 875246

gunt will never die
gunt lives on forever

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Gunt Worshipper No. 875328

praise be

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Anonymous No. 875356

Komm, susser Gunt

Anonymous No. 875382

Gunt best girl, finaly the debate has been settled.

Anonymous No. 875419

3D printed Gunt When?

Gunt Worshipper No. 875476

i've been thinking about doing one but idk if i can have access to a printer


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Anonymous No. 875554




Anonymous No. 875555

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Anonymous No. 875556

Anonymous No. 875558



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old gunt in the w....png

Anonymous No. 875559

found an aged gunt in the wild. looks experienced

Anonymous No. 875560

Oh god lol

Anonymous No. 875562


Anonymous No. 875596


Anonymous No. 875633


Gunt Worshipper No. 875688

what experiences has he had?

Anonymous No. 875713

gunt warfare

Anonymous No. 875830

gunt welfare*

Anonymous No. 875913

eyyyy get them benefits baybeeeeee

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Anonymous No. 876020

Gigagunt in .GIF form

Anonymous No. 876091

I'm not gay but this gave me a slight chub.

Anonymous No. 876249


Anonymous No. 876380

some aussie shitter got me banned for a month because of terrorism threats. more time to work on new gunt.

Anonymous No. 876397

>just be yourself bro

Anonymous No. 876410

Why would anyone hate gunt?

Anonymous No. 876719

Haha cute blob I mean gunt or whatever

Hunt Worshipper No. 876737

Yeah he do be like that

Anonymous No. 876755

>Well yes I use Blender how could you tell

Anonymous No. 876836


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Anonymous No. 876878

Anonymous No. 876882

Do they know about gunt?

Gunt Worshipper No. 876898

eyy, knew someone would eventually do this
keep spreading the word of our savoir and they might

Anonymous No. 876969


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Anonymous No. 876971

Nevermind, it's Smiling Friends.

Anonymous No. 876986



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Anonymous No. 877005

this is /3/

Anonymous No. 877048

Source on the character on the right?

Gunt Worshipper No. 877119

smiling friends

Anonymous No. 877124

>smiling friends
the 3D grey thing is also from the same cartoon?

Anonymous No. 877126


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no subtitles.png

Anonymous No. 877223

ported giga gunt to source engine as a playermodel,

Anonymous No. 877288

go back faggot

Anonymous No. 877289

we need to make a grunt game

Gunt Worshipper No. 877297

Gunt visual novel

Anonymous No. 877299

>needing to be told when sarcasm is being used
You first.

Anonymous No. 877301

Yes. Smiling friends is a visual mishmash, and it works. If you like incredibly weird gags, i would highly recommend.

Anonymous No. 877316

I never pay for anything but I forked over 20 bucks for season 1 no problem. zach and the boys work so hard on their shit.

Anonymous No. 877447

Yeah. His name is 3D Squelton.

Anonymous No. 878109

Sex With Gunt

Anonymous No. 878307

Whats the name of that map?

Anonymous No. 878399

just go to japan

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Anonymous No. 878964

I have no fucking clue what this is from, but I had to save it

gunt guy !hFwjRJA3/c No. 879066

seriously can't believe gunt threads have been active for this long. it's almost been a year

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Anonymous No. 879072


Anonymous No. 879153

He's an iconic character which is what people like about him

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Anonymous No. 879850

found this in a different thread

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Screen Shot 2022-....png

Anonymous No. 879858

a project I'm working on right now (which I'd rather not show here) might show up in an academic paper, and I hid a little gunt in the background

our boy is going places

Gunt Worshipper No. 880693

can you share a picture of the academic gunt stand alone?

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Screenshot 2022-0....png

Anonymous No. 880913

kek. /g/unt spotted

Anonymous No. 880940


Gunt Worshipper No. 881234

anyone know how to use gunt's blender file to 3d print him?

Anonymous No. 881236

export to stl, import to slicer like cura, adjust printer and quality settings,

gunt guy !hFwjRJA3/c No. 882411

holy shit that would be legendary

if you can, please share the paper when it's made i'm gonna be laughing my ass off

Anonymous No. 882482

plebbit tier meme making. it's only gonna take off if the Finn does it.

Anonymous No. 882671

plis no bulli. this is a comfy thread :(

Gunt Worshipper No. 882716

Begone Gunt denier

gunt guy !hFwjRJA3/c No. 882928

sobbing rn, there is a shotgun pointed to the roof of my mouth

Anonymous No. 882937

>character looks like a cheap knockoff of a certain post-freakytroony infestation (((show)))
>uses tertiary colours with muted accent
>forced-posting in threads
>doesn't have emotions, defeats the purpose of 4chin OC meme (Gondola is always smiling despite the lack of secondary facial expression)
>unrelatable + unpalatable + unknown origin of derivative cameos
>stale, boring, angloid derivative naming convention
>""""""genderless trans""""" (another forced freakytroony speak)
>recycled keywords that's already been used by former meme (Rage, Pepe, Wojak etc) to assert existence
the absolute state of 4chan**l under the slantic nip & plebbit janny.

Anonymous No. 882941

>/pol/ election tourist newfag tries to explain how memes on 4chan are supposed to work
Pretty funny ngl, gonna save this copypasta as bait.
Gondola isn’t 4chan OC btw.

Gunt Worshipper No. 882958

New gunt release

Anonymous No. 882959

>imagine being this lonely and autistic
>t. chad 4chan user

Anonymous No. 882961

so was pedobear where he was based on. everyone knows it's from ylis.

Anonymous No. 882962

>imagine being this lonely and autistic
>t. chad 4chan user
lurk moar newfag

gunt guy !hFwjRJA3/c No. 882988

this post has me rolling. did you just accuse a little purple cartoon man of having an "angloid derivative naming convention?"

Anonymous No. 883008

Whats the deal with the word "gunt"? Haven't heard it outside /3/ and the recent nickname for some fugly youtube guy that Metokur and Kiwifarms make fun of.

gunt guy !hFwjRJA3/c No. 883013

basically just came up w it on the spot

Anonymous No. 883087

What is >>865249 >>866993 >>868516 >>869360 >>870578 >>872182
>a little purple cartoon man
What is >>867431 >>867439

Anonymous No. 883097

Imagine caring this much about a fucking blender practice character
Rent free

Anonymous No. 883110

You don’t model anything, please take your schizoid delusions somewhere else.

Anonymous No. 883234

>lurk moar newfag

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Anonymous No. 883266

Can anyone post the pictures from the old gunt threads that aren't in this one?
Gunt OC as payment:

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Anonymous No. 883288

The REAL Giga Gunt

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end of evanguntlion.png

Anonymous No. 883301

Not my finest work

Anonymous No. 883307

Bubble Gunt

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Anonymous No. 883345

>no dick

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Anonymous No. 883380

He might not have a dick but he can GROW

Anonymous No. 883412

Terrible. Gunt being able to shoot lasers and everything else he does in the series isn't canon at all.
Everyone knows he's a stupid fat retard like a downie or a child.
Him doing things is absurd.

gunt guy !hFwjRJA3/c No. 883466

why are you taking this so damn serious man. if you don't like it, noone's stopping you

hey man don't shit on his biz. gunt "canon" isn't real he's just a lil guy

gunt guy !hFwjRJA3/c No. 883467

sorry if this isn't very eloquent gunt guy's been drinking

Anonymous No. 884109

what does gunt drink

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Screen Shot 2022-....png

Anonymous No. 884111

>u wot m8

Anonymous No. 884151

He's trying his best

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2 22 22DaftPunkSt....png

Anonymous No. 884162

gunt spotted

Anonymous No. 884222

looks amazing aside from the dolphin head.
like cmon don't mix up Gunts glorious DNA with those waterniggers

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Anonymous No. 884271


Anonymous No. 884292

It's my mental image of a realistic gunt, please forgive me

Anonymous No. 884799

by the love of Gunt you are forgiven.
use your tremendous skills for good in the future.

Anonymous No. 885386

Oh shit that's a good idea, i have had a 3d printer in the closet for ages sinece i was too much of a barinlet to figure out how to paint stuff and make it look nice and shit. But since based Gunt is just a purple lil ball of love i don't need to paint him or anything.

Gunt keeps proving himself to be perfect in yet another way, completely marvelous.

Anonymous No. 885416

Truely he is the perfect being we should all strive to become

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Anonymous No. 886106

ever just feel like grabbing a handful of gunts?

Anonymous No. 886182

more than you can possibly imagine

Gunt Worshipper No. 886191

you've done it, you've made clones. now spread the word of gunt

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Anonymous No. 886209


Anonymous No. 886311

You should leave gunts in random places

Anonymous No. 886497

i kneel

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Anonymous No. 886697

>Gunt McScrungo, in the flesh. Or rather, in the plastic
>I took the liberty of relieving you of your articulation; most of it was Blender Foundation property
>As for the body shape, well, I think you've earned it
>The polygon world, V-Port, is under our control for the time being, thanks to you
>Quite a nasty piece of work you managed over there. I am impressed
>That's why I'm here, Mr. Gunt. I have recommended your model to my employers, and they have authorized me to offer you a job
>They agree with me that you have limitless potential
>You've proved yourself a continually-motile thing, so I don't expect you'll have any trouble deciding what to do. If you're interested, just step into the web portal and I will take that as a yes
>Otherwise... well... I can offer you a jar you will never escape from. Rather an anticlimax, after all the places you've been

>Time to choose.

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Anonymous No. 886976

>Put these foolish ambitions to rest G-Man. I can be anything and anyone. You will be yourself forever.

Anonymous No. 887025

this goota be the most profound comeback ive ever heard

gunt guy !hFwjRJA3/c No. 887787

holy fuck anon, can you please post the file for this print? would love to have one on my desk

imports No. 888297

dude i would totally buy off etsy

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Anonymous No. 890050


Anonymous No. 891096

bros... but what if strawberry gunt?

Anonymous No. 891144

I personally like my gunts lemon flavored

Anonymous No. 891152

oh shit OH SHIT

Anonymous No. 892066


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Anonymous No. 892179

how do I into forearm muscles? I'm looking at reference and it looks different in each one of them I'm going insane

Anonymous No. 892186

Can be a bit confusing because they do look very different depending on how the wrist is oriented.

Medical dissections where they articulate the dry muscles/tendons of a specimen also shows a lot more than a drawing can of how things are connected
and what slides ontop of what and by how much.

I have somewhat muscular forearms so I've been drawing in all the muscles on my arm with a marker and observe how it articulates in a mirror whenever I've need a refresher.

Having a 3D maquette of human anatomy in a relaxed pose on hand is also great. Never had any good ones myself but one place I worked had the 3D total Dan Crossland sculpts.
They where excellent.

Anonymous No. 892193

looking into dan's sculpts, thanks

Anonymous No. 894599

bampin to keep the bread alive. its still not reaching bump limit.

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Anonymous No. 894707

Anonymous No. 894719

Asylum Demon from dark souls 1

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Anonymous No. 894740

Gunt on RedBubble???

Anonymous No. 895832

if you actually sold this I would buy it, not joking

gunt guy !5d96E3fo3k No. 895833

forgot to trip, it's me
real talk, I still can't believe people are still making threads about gunt to this day, it's crazy. been saving just about everything from these threads

Anonymous No. 895834

>You can't just make OC without some /pol/ autist approval!!

Anonymous No. 895837

I'm 100% serious when I say I would wear this everywhere.

Anonymous No. 895847

can you upload the original image so we can order shirts like this?

Anonymous No. 895867

Bitch gunt is life. Fuck you for not having faith.

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oh shit.png

Anonymous No. 895982

Oh shit guys

Anonymous No. 896109

what is the lore behind gunt?

Anonymous No. 896161

Gunt is LITERALLY your mom.

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Anonymous No. 896171

lost at sea

Anonymous No. 896176

Le nicu desu.

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Anonymous No. 896184

Hold on! What's Gunt doing in GekidoGaiVer2.x alongside neru_akita_v3_rev1.1_masisi.pmx rendered in MMD without high-quality self shadowing?

gunt guy !hFwjRJA3/c No. 896209

whoever's making these renders, they're seriously some of my favorites. i like seeing him just kinda existing in different places

gunt guy !hFwjRJA3/c No. 896210

he doesn't really have any lore 2bh, whatever you do w him is "canon"

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Anonymous No. 896225

it was going to happen either way

Anonymous No. 896271

very nice anon

Anonymous No. 896292

Thx. Took a model form a real housing project in the Caribbean and profit.

gunt guy !hFwjRJA3/c No. 896297

crying hysterically and punching the drywall rn, why the fuck would you do this

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Anonymous No. 896344

gunt gets a phone call

Anonymous No. 896348


Hallo? Le checked?

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gunt rage.png

Anonymous No. 896349

Gigagunt link is dead. Post a new one please?

Anonymous No. 896359


Here's the link to the shirt, you can also just type gunts blazing in google and it comes up

gunt guy !hFwjRJA3/c No. 896366

just bought one, gonna buy a sticker too at some point

uh !!d0norl6HgnV No. 896367


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Anonymous No. 896368


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Anonymous No. 896378

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Anonymous No. 896688


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Anonymous No. 896958

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gunt guy !5d96E3fo3k No. 897929

bought one as fast as I could
feel free to roast me

Anonymous No. 898200

Bumped lmao

Anonymous No. 898655

love it.
bring gunt out into the world.

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Anonymous No. 898797

Is this you in picrel?

Anonymous No. 898840

Even your soap is Gunt-themed :O

gunt guy !5d96E3fo3k No. 898890


damn that's some big brain shit right there, didn't even notice that

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Anonymous No. 898930

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Anonymous No. 898931

I made a 2d fanart of Gunt. plz be nice

Anonymous No. 898963


Anonymous No. 898964

Loser gunt sucks

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Anonymous No. 898980

There's even an upside down gunt.

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gunt guy.jpg

Anonymous No. 899144

I tried making GuntOP but it is hard

gunt guy !5d96E3fo3k No. 899186

what da cr*p... get outta there!!!

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The Summoning.jpg

Anonymous No. 899249

trying out some new rendering software

Anonymous No. 899744

gunt has been summoned. what will be gunts first act upon this world?

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Anonymous No. 901763


Anonymous No. 901901

Eat a cheeseburger

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Anonymous No. 902280

But what if the burger ate gunt

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Anonymous No. 903233

oh the misery

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Anonymous No. 903328

putting the college's 3d printer to good use

gunt guy !hFwjRJA3/c No. 903455

the birth

Anonymous No. 903532

fucking god, I know the guy who made that. I know exactly who it is because he showed me that girl model ages ago.

Anonymous No. 903726

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Anonymous No. 903791

What do you think they talk about in their meetings?

gunt guy !hFwjRJA3/c No. 903814

current events

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Anonymous No. 904158

>No more dango, only gunt now.

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Gunt has a nice d....jpg

Anonymous No. 904168

what better way to relax after all those dango

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Anonymous No. 904338

New merchandise appears in Kamura shop after his recent visit

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A prized posession.jpg

Anonymous No. 904441

I've got mine

gunt guy !hFwjRJA3/c No. 904482

hehe monster gunter

Anonymous No. 904845

you realize "gunt" refers to a morbidly obese person's lower abdomen resembling a huge cunt

Anonymous No. 904846

you realise you're not the first person to point that out and he'll keep being called gunt because it's a funny and cute name

Anonymous No. 904850

Oh no.

Anonymous No. 904851

i'm gonna call you fucking faggot because the syllables are funny and cute

Anonymous No. 905164

You will "drown" him, won't you?

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Anonymous No. 905226

For me, it's Something.

Anonymous No. 905247


Looks awesome lol

Anonymous No. 905248

big bucks if you teach him do tricks.

Anonymous No. 905254

ive never been to /3/ before but im glad i did

Anonymous No. 905541

im saving this one

Anonymous No. 905554

This one's perfect

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Anonymous No. 906633

My own horrible contribution.

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Anonymous No. 906638

Ignore that, here's a much better one.

Anonymous No. 906653


Now cock vore him.

Anonymous No. 906654

Bubbagumpusbros... don't look at our early life section...

Anonymous No. 906673

Kys furfag

Anonymous No. 906765

What character is the big one?

Anonymous No. 906787

This style would actually look good at 12 fps.

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gunt jug.png

Anonymous No. 907034

3 squelton (sheldon?) from smiling friends

it's that fuckin worm guy from hunter x hunter I think

image theme

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gunt guy !hFwjRJA3/c No. 907843

i still like makin guys every now and then

Anonymous No. 907937

Who's the character in the back—they're hot.

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Anonymous No. 908131

gunt in a brick rigs mod

Anonymous No. 908149



missing gunt.jpg

🗑️ Anonymous No. 908196



missing gunt.jpg

🗑️ Anonymous No. 908197


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missing gunt.jpg

Anonymous No. 908198


Anonymous No. 908266

thanks gunt lads, i used him in a scene for a school project and passed

Anonymous No. 908709

He passed?
Omg, what happened? did he suffer?

Anonymous No. 908718

This could easily be a banner

Gunt Worshipper No. 908719

OP, dropping back in and still amazed to see this thread is going strong, good work guys

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Anonymous No. 908746

here is my contribution

Anonymous No. 909381

Love it!

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Anonymous No. 911040


Anonymous No. 911331

Where can I learn to make those quality assets?

Anonymous No. 912131


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Anonymous No. 913208

Huh?! What is that you say? New Top Gunt and Gunts N Roses merch?!?!

That's right, all your merch needs delivered by yours truly on

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Anonymous No. 913264

Also made Guntball shit

Anonymous No. 913268


Anonymous No. 913303

Can someone make gunt burning alive at the side of a lava river with his limbs chopped off by another gunt

gunt guy !hFwjRJA3/c No. 913489

holy shit, tempted to buy another

Anonymous No. 914478

https://discord com/invite/FGcAtYdCfS

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gunt beatdown.gif

Anonymous No. 915436

Found this on /sp/

Anonymous No. 915974

i don't trust like that

Anonymous No. 915985

I'm looking to buy an automobile

Anonymous No. 915998


Is this a dwarf? His stomach is enormous, like a soft pregnancy belly, but it's so disproportionate to his body. I'm intrigued and confused. Who is this poor little guy?

Anonymous No. 916005

Ethan ralph

Anonymous No. 916013


Wow that guy is a total piece of shit.

Image not available



Anonymous No. 916197

Gunt chilling with Fish from Nuclear Throne on Minecraft blocks wearing a gold chain because he's a rapper

Gunt Worshipper No. 917431


Image not available



Anonymous No. 917614

Oh my god.
>is that real

Anonymous No. 917958

inb4 404.
good thread, no, BEST thread in /3/ in a long time.
keep on guntin' bros.

Anonymous No. 918140

New thread?

Gunt Worshipper No. 918173

New thread will be up soon

Gunt Worshipper No. 918177

here you go anons