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🧵 /sqtddtot/ - Questions Thread

Anonymous No. 870126

Stupid questions that don't deserve their own thread.

Previous: >>861577

Anonymous No. 870192

how do i attach two objects together in blender?

Anonymous No. 870209

How do I learn to figure out polyflow? So far I just follow tutorials that lay things out completely, which is good for just making stuff, but how much do I actually learn doing that? For instance, if I booted up blender and wanted to make a human body, I wouldn't even know how to start. Should I just keep following along with tutorial s until something sticks? Do I start with a sketch and try to figure out loops there? I just don't see how some people can open their program and 'just' model some kind of complex organic thing - is it based on past experience or can some people just literally 'wing' it and resolve their polyflow on the fly?

Anonymous No. 870210

polyflow is a process that makes rigging and weightpainting easier, you'll have an eye for good polyflow once you start rigging

Anonymous No. 870230

can i live off freelancing?
t. sculpter, modeller, artist in level design and lighting building his portfolio

Anonymous No. 870246

Select both and hit CTRL+J.
If you're talking about merging them together, you can manually merge the vertices, use booleans set to union or use Voxel Remesh if its a sculpt.

Anonymous No. 870270

Are videos the only way to learn? How did people learn before video tutorials existed?

Anonymous No. 870286

books are better

Anonymous No. 870288

>use booleans set to union
yes this is what i meant thank you!

Anonymous No. 870341

Name ones you have read.

Anonymous No. 870344

"stop staring 3"

HpH No. 870349

Hey, idk if this should deserve its own thread and if someone is able to help me with this would be awesome.

I recently got into HeroForge and made my own figurine. I don't have any income so i tried to rip it off the site but all the methods i tried weren't able to rip it, the farther i got is using ChromeCacheViewer.

Il come back and check this thread even tho i will most probably be ignored. Here is the mini figurine.


Anonymous No. 870385

How do you rig fingers any advice, especially if the model doesn't have fingers in a straight line? Just lots of adjustment and testing?



Anonymous No. 870387

I recently installed an app for Blender that lets me draw pixelated textures on low-poly models with Aseprite in real-time called Pribambase. However I can't seem to get the UV editor to translate the texture I'm working on, onto the base model I'm looking at in the viewport.
The connection between Aseprite and Blender works fine, and the UV editor shows the texture updating in real-time, but the textures aren't applying to the model.
I can't seem to get any material options to work or apply to the model either. Is there something I'm missing?

Anonymous No. 870413

Fortunately I figured out how to get the texture to move over.
But now when texturing the individual pixels, they come out with fuzzy edges. How do you make these pixels appear more crisp on these polygonal textures?



Anonymous No. 870424

I can't figure out why, but when I try to animate my fishes spine in a cyclic swimming motion the back flippers don't move evenly with one another. The weird thing is when I remove the spine the problem is fixed. Why might this be? I've checked weight painting and it's the same on both sides.

Anonymous No. 870502

Anyone has a guide on how to draw concept art as in art that shows a character from the front, sides and back while keeping the whole thing coherent? Like pic rel

Anonymous No. 870514

Can someone walk me through the process of creating a character that is useable for animation/games/movies? Something like Final Fantasy?

I get the basics for the body: sculpt, topology, texturing, rigging... but I don't understand at what point do I add the clothes, and if clothes need to be rigged?

Am I supposed to sculpt it with the body or is it separate somehow? A different object maybe? Should I sculpt the clothes or just use polygons?

Anonymous No. 870515

Some people sculpt clothes on but I personally prefer to add the clothes after the retopology phase

Anonymous No. 870518

Thanks, I was thinking it comes after the retopo of the body if you ever needed to swap clothes. Do clothes need to have its own rig or do people just use some physics modifier with the collision on or something? I've also seen people delete parts of their body mesh where their body won't be seen; is that standard? Why would they do this other than to save on poly counts? Won't that affect how the clothing moves?

Sorry if this all sounds retarded, I'm just on the sculpting stage so far but I need to know how far I should be sculpting to get to the next stages without fucking up too badly.

Anonymous No. 870519

I'd say clothes having their own bones is only necessary when you have loose, drapey clothing. And even then if you spend some time with the cloth simulation you can avoid the extra bones. As a game developer I try not to rely on Blender's built in stuff so I either go with bones or use Unreal's cloth simulation

Saving on poly count is a big reason, but from what I've seen your skinmesh can clip through the clothing during animation if you leave it all there. There's really no great way to deal with this, though if you plan to keep your projects in Blender only, there's a trick with a lattice modifier (might be misremembering the name) that makes clothes less of a pain. Otherwise, you'll probably want to cut out the parts of the skin that don't show and ensure your clothing has similar geometry to your skin and that the weight paints are the same.

Anonymous No. 870524

Maybe the spine is not connected to the specific vertex group? or not merged vertices.

Anonymous No. 870551

Furry thief, learn how to make your own models.

Anonymous No. 870561

fellow sculptors, if im making a game asset, is it best to make a model with its mouth closed or open? (for non human models, you get what i mean)
asking this because baking normals gives me some bad artifacts around the mouth and it sucks to open it to make shapekeys

Anonymous No. 870562

fellow sculptors, if im making a game asset, is it best to make a sculpt with its mouth closed or open? (for non human models, you get what i mean)
asking this because baking normals gives me some bad artifacts around the mouth and it sucks to move it and make shapekeys

Anonymous No. 870566

in the shader editor change texture interpolation type from 'linear' to 'closest', its the top drop-down menu underneath your images name in the image texture node.

Anonymous No. 870571

Thank you so much, that's really valuable info to know. It's interesting that other programs are used for the rigging part, I thought you were supposed to do all of that in the program you modelled in and it translates fine to other programs to be edited/modified. Is there a reason why you wouldn't use Blender's built-in stuff?

Lets say I use Unity or Unreal for putting my character in an environment for a game. Would my rigged character have problems? Or is it that Unity or whatever program just has more efficient bones or something?

I'm assuming Blender doesn't have issues rendering movie/animated scenes... unless this has to be done elsewhere too? (Besides post-processing/compositing stuff like after-effects.)

Anonymous No. 870572

if you're doing genitals, you have to model a concave organ like a mouth where there's a concave inner jaw

Anonymous No. 870573

I may not have been clear. You would definitely want to create and rig bones within your modeling engine, not the game engine.

What would be done in the game engine would be the cloth simulation if you chose not to do the extra bones for cloth.

Also using Blender's built in IK tools/bone layout can break Unreal's IK, as well as any physics skeletons, but that's all that can break as far as I know.

Anonymous No. 870575

Keeping in mind that all of this only applies if you want to make a game. For animation Blender is quite full featured and will do almost anything you need.



Anonymous No. 870576

Why the fuck does this set-up work on a similar object but not on this one? I'm trying to apply a texture like a decal to this object using alpha bullshit.

Anonymous No. 870585

Oh I see, thanks for the clarification. So to be on the safe side, maybe it is better not to make a rig for the clothing unless it's a very particular piece of cloth that needs it?

My character will be wearing a jacket and a skirt, which I am the most concerned about in movement. If it's not a problem to leave it alone and let some sort of engine physics take care of it, then I'd rather do that.

Anonymous No. 870588

I would say that making a rig for it would be the safer, more tedious option. By making bones for the skirt, you'd have complete control over the movement at all times. No jank, no engine weirdness. For some people this is ideal. That said, it's entirely possible to make good and believable simulated cloth in Blender. It sounds like you've got your path forward, so best of luck to you.

Anonymous No. 870589

Gotcha, thanks anon, you helped me out a lot.

Anonymous No. 870590

i am 100% not doing genitals

Anonymous No. 870595

Damn shame lol



Anonymous No. 870597

Hi /3/ I'm new here and I admittingly have never done any 3D work before as I mostly stick to animation and wanted your help. What will be the best route to model a water glass water jug like pic related



Anonymous No. 870614

newb here.
why does thiis weird lookin thing habben?

Anonymous No. 870629

the software is trying to create the illusion of a smooth surface by blending the polys next to each other if their normals are similar enough, some of those edges might just be below the angle threshold so it shades them smooth while the others stay sharp
look up smooth shading, shading groups, soft/hard edges for software specific solutions, I don't know what software that is

Anonymous No. 870654

I'm using Maya. I thought you had to turn on smooth shading manually there.
Didn't know it automatically did this. Don't know how to fix



Anonymous No. 870754

is "bullshit you don't know why it's happening" going to be a constant problem for me?



Anonymous No. 870823

Hello, I ripped a bunch of models from bad-dragon website, and I can't figure out how to apply the normal map in Blender. I tried various combinations of flipping and swapping the channels, but I couldn't find one that looks as good as their web viewer. What am I doing wrong? Here's the model + color masks + normal map
anonfiles com/d2H2h6r1wb/Nix_BadDragon_zip

Anonymous No. 870833

How it supposed to look like?

Anonymous No. 870834

How it supposed to look like?
Inverting G by factor 0.5 and B 1.0 looks good by me.



Anonymous No. 870845

I'm a hobbyist, I'm not trying to make it in the industry.

I wanted to learn how to use Substance Painter, and practice modeling. I chose to try to make the snake piloted mech from the snake episode of Rick and Morty. This is my first attempt at a lot of things, like exporting my own mesh to substance painter, and also just making a character without having my hand held the whole time. But I did need a tutorial for the snake, especially the sculpting, which I'm awful at. I followed "How To Make A Snake In Blender 2.9 - Tutorial Made Easy [Parts 1&2].

I'm stuck on how to proceed with the snake body and head. The tutorial I'm following does all the shading in Blender, doesn't UV unwrap anything about the snake. I know I've got to clean up where the head meats the body. Should I voxel re-mesh and then sculpt in a smoother transition? When should I apply the modifiers to the snake body in all this?

Also, if I wanted to make this a game ready asset some day down the line, and I was going to optimize it, I'd want to export it as it is now and the bake normal maps in substance painter, right? It just feels like every tutorial I look up doesn't really explain the flow of taking this model of several different mesh's and preparing them all regardless of modifier state of if it's a sculpt or an array and getting it into substance painter, and also preparing and joining them for animation as well. I've UV unwrapped the mech, I know that has to be done, but I don't know how to move forward mostly with the snake.

Also in tutorials about this I've seen people changing the color of their vertices and that helps in substance painter by separating different parts of the mesh for shading. At what point in all of this should I be doing that?



Anonymous No. 870846

Thanks for your interest
When flipping B, illumination only works from either top or bottom, and the opposite side is lit incorrectly when you move the light, which is why I think some channels also need to be swapped.
Original is here: bad-dragon com/products/nix

Anonymous No. 870852

Blender tutorials always seem to be surface level and dont go through every step. Try looking at other software tutorials and apply that to Blender.


images (89).jpg

Anonymous No. 870863

How can i make details like these?
Sculpting? Painting it with height maps on substance? These aircraft panels are a bit too difficult to model individually, what should i do?

Anonymous No. 870865


Anonymous No. 870866

that's just texture data

Anonymous No. 870867

it's tough to answer because it's dependent on the art tool that you use.

measure proportions by a unit like a head and use symmetry tools for a front diagram

Anonymous No. 870868

why does Maya keep shitting the bed and crash when I extrude



Anonymous No. 870885

I'm not heavily into 2D but I guess I'll be using Krita.
But yeah I'm not really after a tuts that shows you how to work the tool but more on guidelines of what should be done or tricks.
For exaple, the scale stuff you talked about or even how you can draw the outlines of your character and reverse it to do the back. But I need some complete tutorial on this but I don't know what to search for. I usually find tuts on designing characters instead of creating their references.

Anonymous No. 870887

for the front and back you just keep the same silhouette of the character as a basis

I'll make a step by step effort post with a furry if you want



Anonymous No. 870888

> furry
Ok do it please

Anonymous No. 870896

if i need a high poly mesh for baking textures but i only have a low poly one. can i just dump a bunch of subivision levels on the low poly model and bake that?

Anonymous No. 870898

Bump, please...



Anonymous No. 870909

retard here
is sculpting a necessary skill to learn if im not aiming for realism or high poly? how does sculpting even work? does it change poly count, like would it make a game using those models harder to run?
sculpting just seems like a bitch to actually make look good compared to just modeling polygons/faces/edges etc.

Anonymous No. 870923

Is there a way to rotate the viewport with the numpad in substance painter?

Anonymous No. 871012

What are the most optimal primitive shapes for modeling the body parts in low poly? I tried to model a leg with cylinders and it was awful. newfag btw.



Anonymous No. 871030

what causes this and how do i fix this?

Anonymous No. 871032

If you are good than yes. Also make content that is more present and advertises your works, like constantly making scenes for ArtStation, have an instagram page and such.
Selling small good quality assets and materials is a mild passive income but worth it.

Anonymous No. 871051

>does it change poly count, like would it make a game using those models harder to run?
you dont actually play a game with the finished sculpt, they're far too big to make working moving models. the sculpt is used to get very important texture data, a lower poly version(retopology) is actually put in the game. the high quality texture data tricks your eye into thinking the model is higher poly than it actually is.

>sculpting just seems like a bitch to actually make look good compared to just modeling polygons/faces/edges etc.
how good something looks on artstation and how good it actually looks on a game engine with light bouncing off it arent the same

>is sculpting a necessary skill to learn if im not aiming for realism or high poly?
depending on artstyle, fuck no. youre good

your normals are sad for some reason
you could average them

Anonymous No. 871053

>you could average them
yeah that's better now thanks



Anonymous No. 871061

I have this dice model from:

it's brilliant but it has one problem: the die in it is oriented the wrong way. I want to orient the die 180 degrees so that the high numbers are near the fins and the low numbers are at the front.

How would I go about doing this?

Anonymous No. 871066

detatch the dice model and rotate it? i think if you mirror it the numbers will be back to front

Anonymous No. 871072

why? Isn't the lower thing just a printing support that will be detached anyway?

Anonymous No. 871084

why can't I proceed 5 steps without running into some kind of problem I'm done with this bullshit

Anonymous No. 871090

The way I'm using it requires it to be the other way round. it's not a support

Anonymous No. 871092

That's the price of being able to create just about anything you can think of, if you're persistent enough. For what it's worth, if you stick with 3DCG (at least as far as going public with your work), the problems will impede you less with time. Though you'll always run into them if you try to push yourself.

Anonymous No. 871107

Ye... hopefully it gets better. Thanks

Anonymous No. 871111

Generally speaking would unreal or unity be able to prevent you launching a game that has adult content? Let's say something controversial like lolis.

Anonymous No. 871112

NO, and also no, that's like blaming the knife for being stabbed. The engine is a tool nothing more, also read the terms beforehand.

Anonymous No. 871116

If you think that it's bad then you shouldn't make it.

Anonymous No. 871118

I don't think that it's bad, US based puritan companies might, however. Given a backlash or something.

Anonymous No. 871130

How do i practice the right way when it comes to hard surface/character modeling? topology and edgeflow wise

i'm new to modeling, watched a couple of tutorials but when i comes to practicing i don't know how to do it.
in the sense that, whenever i start something from scratch, it feels like i'm forgetting something super important, or that something is terrible wrong.
so i was wondering if you guys have any tips for practicing

Anonymous No. 871132

whenever you make a project you must first always remember to use a reference. If you dont have reference, you will fail

Anonymous No. 871134

thank you i will keep that in mind, and also what is a good way of practicing topology and edgeflow?

Anonymous No. 871136

watch arrimus and use 3ds max



Anonymous No. 871158

Anyone knows what this texture is used for? It's from FFVII:I Yuffie model rip

Anonymous No. 871160

Elaborate? It says it is a hair texture in the file name.



Anonymous No. 871166

I don't know how to elaborate, but here's how it looks on the model and on separate channels

Anonymous No. 871170

That texture looks odd, but my guess is the normal map (the blue thing) is throwing off how the image is applied to the mesh.

Anonymous No. 871177

prob orientation of the anisotropy for the haircards. Locks of hair has a very obvious direction in the shading
since hair is made of cylindrical filaments grouped together into surfaces that shade very differently along the strands than it does across the strands.

Those cards prob encode the tangent to color. The top row that looks like the shades of a standard normalmap is the front facing.
The yellow ones that look like an inverse normalmap is for a copy of the hair that has flipped normals and is used to render the backface of the haircards.
Lot's of recent games uses double geometry and backface cull on all surfaces rather than rendering any backface elements.

I don't understand why this is but from what I gather it's something performance related.
In the deffered render I use rendering backfaces seems like the faster and cleaner option.

Anonymous No. 871179


The texture wont make any sense to you in blender as it won't reneder correctly without the proper custom shader used inside the gameengine that it's made to go together with.

Anonymous No. 871188

Makes sense. Thanks anon

Anonymous No. 871196

Hair cards are these and yeah you need to set up shading differently to the usual one afaik.


Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 871197

Hair looks good even without those textures though, I'm just curious what they're for. If I have to guess it's probably for game effects, like a power up aura or something similar.



Anonymous No. 871236

I can easily make the general shape of pic related (as an example), but once I get that done my brain short circuits and doesn't know where to go/how to make the model better once I have that done.
What should I do to get past this?



Anonymous No. 871239

This is an exaggerated example, but is there a way to achieve this hair effect with Eevee?

Anonymous No. 871240

You need to have an idea of what (if anything) you want to do with the model. Regardless, the next step is texturing, but after that, it depends on whether you want to use it as a game asset or just put up a nice render somewhere or something like that.

Anonymous No. 871245

rimlighting https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/187793/rim-lighting-setup

or just having a well placed light source behind the model lull



Anonymous No. 871257

is there a way to fill only the red portion? when i try to fill it fills the entire thing, and if i delete the insides it just deletes the vertexes



Anonymous No. 871259

am i doing it correctly?

Anonymous No. 871283

What is the deal with ctrl+A in Blender? I see a lot of people mentioning it in tutorials these days.
I did a character hair with hair strips and when i selected all the hair strips and pressed ctrl+A all the hair strips scaled up to super huge. When should I use ctrl+A?

Anonymous No. 871285

Not necessarily. Could be that they just pack different textures into different RGB layers like >>871177 mentioned. Many games do this as it saves texture memory.
Figuring out which layers do what could take a lot of trial and error though.

Anonymous No. 871292

Thanks anon, it worked great

Anonymous No. 871295

fill the entire thing and hit delete faces instead of delete vertices

Anonymous No. 871296

That Blender molecular addon, how do I make the particles have the mesh as their collision? The bounds are way way too big.



Anonymous No. 871322

Uhhh dumb question, in Blender how do you close this pane that pops up when you click on 'Item' (or 'Tool' or whatever). I can't figure it out for the life of me.

Anonymous No. 871323

drag its left edge all the way to the right. or press N

Anonymous No. 871325

How do you keep NDA's a secret? I've got loose lips.

Anonymous No. 871326

Is there a way to use MakeHuman without using the sliders? I'd rather just type the numbers in.

Anonymous No. 871327

Just think of the consequences.

Anonymous No. 871329

That does it, thanks anon!

Anonymous No. 871337

does blender's multires have a delete lower operation hidden away in a menu or a dev build?
all i can find is tweets of pablo saying it's done, but I can't seem to find it in 2.9 or 3.0.

Anonymous No. 871338

I'd recommend a reference with a more symmetrical pose. What you've started can be finished, but it'll be extra work.

Anonymous No. 871342

I’ve been trying to model a low-poly human in one object/piece and it’s been going okay but i run into big issues at both the knees and elbows as i don’t really understand what shapes to use. I’ve used squares but the vertex placement/loop cut ends up being finnicky and it generally looks ugly. I’d like to use icospheres but I also don’t know how to make them fit flush with the limbs so they dont look awkward. The fact that the knee/kneecaps are slightly forward of the legs is also very annoying.



Anonymous No. 871345

so I'm following this Maya tutorial where you make a character.
When the instructor edits the verts on the head to edit the wireframe flow(?), it's all smooth and clean, but if I try to add or move vertices it becomes all crinkly and shit.
The slide tools don't particularly help either.
I just don't know what the fuck I'm doing



Anonymous No. 871346

yeah shit looks wonky af and i have no clue how to add the eyes and ears. by chance do you know how i can slap realistic fur on this kitty?


images - 2021-12-....jpg

Anonymous No. 871357

Don't go with the realistic fur meme.
Learn the basics first, if possible try your hand at sculpting.
Picrel, random beg-ish cat sculpture from google.

Anonymous No. 871358

oh yeah i bought a wacom recently, will try out sculpting. do i need any basis in drawing to get good at sculpting?

Anonymous No. 871360

is this a good tutorial to understand sculpting? i heard some negative remarks about using skin modifiers to sculpt but not sure if those are from autists

Anonymous No. 871398


thanks. i stil couldnt get that to work but i found another way to do it

Anonymous No. 871431

Can anyone share Callipso nodel by ruki?

Anonymous No. 871432

no, but it helps
do it if you enjoy it

Anonymous No. 871464

Is there a good tutorial for making a lightbulb in Blender? Every time I try to make the filament actually glow and give out light it just doesn't work. I'm using an emission shader for it, but the strength of the glow is barely noticeable. I'm using cycles if that helps.

Anonymous No. 871465

emission is very inefficient. use it to create glow, then place an invisible standard light within the bulb and use that

Anonymous No. 871467

Hm, makes sense. Thanks.

Anonymous No. 871486

How do I change the color of a material in substance painter?
I used to be able to do this, but the tab for it has disappeared on mine.

Anonymous No. 871487

You can go window / reset ui if something is missing.



Anonymous No. 871494

Is there a way to get a 3d mesh from a shaded grayscale image like this?

I know theres no height data as is on the image, but calculating the relative height should be possible isn't it?

Anonymous No. 871498

you can use the texture as a height map where black = low, white = high
also look up displacement texture, should be something in the same vein, you'd use the grayscale texture to displace

Anonymous No. 871501

Sadly that won't work. That is not a height map, its a shaded picture :(



Anonymous No. 871530

You can use blurs and emboss to attempt to reconstruct the tangent and binormal and then feed these two into the RG/XY channel of a normalmap with a white B/Z channel and renormalize it. Normalization reconstructs the blue channel that points in Z that then can be extracted as a heightmap.

The process wont yield superclean results an there is a lot of artist interpretation involved in teasing out the optimal tangents, but it's doable.

Pic related are my results spending 10 min on your map in photshop with standard PS emboss and the free xNormal filter.

Anonymous No. 871564

When using alpha brushes in blender how do I make sure select areas aren't affected by the brush?



Anonymous No. 871565

how is a pic like this made? what program(s)?



Anonymous No. 871572

anyone knows any discords or forums where i can fast replies for my shitty works?

Anonymous No. 871594

you could be a pioneer anon
And open a telegram group

Anonymous No. 871602

whats telegram



Anonymous No. 871603

can someone please help me understand what im doing wrong with the topology here. theres ugly creasing all along the top.

im very new to this



Anonymous No. 871604


this is where the creasing is the worst

Anonymous No. 871605

a discord alternative you can post gamer words on.



Anonymous No. 871606

try this

Anonymous No. 871608


thank you so much, i'll save this as a reference. although i must admit, i am so inexperienced i dont even know how to recreate it.

did you use loop cuts to break up the cubes? and how did you make the curved sections, did you use a cube and extrude it at an angle?

i've been trying to make a 2D shape and then extrude it to 3D at the end. should i be using a 3D cube and extruding it to start out?

sorry for all the questions but this is a big help



Anonymous No. 871609

hey guys, i'm not from around here i just came to ask how much could it cost to have someone animate (or whatever you guys call it) a video like this? i always assumed shit like this must be pretty expensive but considering he's not a mainstream artist i doubt he would have a really high budget for his video

Anonymous No. 871610

I started with a plane, then used solidify modifier and applied it, then I selected sharp edges via a menu and gave them bevel weight in the sidebar

Anonymous No. 871611

but you don't have to do this, you could just play with angle slider in a bevel modifier without applying solidify modifier

Anonymous No. 871612

your soul



Anonymous No. 871613


sorry for an extremely basic question, but how do i actually cut the shape i want out of the plane? is it by extruding vertices? i can draw the shape with vertices but i'm not sure how to actually make a cut. i thought it would be with the knife tool but i guess not

Anonymous No. 871614

do i need to give my personal info to start an account?

Anonymous No. 871622

the most basic way is to use loopcuts and extrusions, and you move vertices around with a move tool, you can also do it with a knife tool too, after you finish cutting you can delete unnecessary vertices or separate the part you need


knife tool.jpg

Anonymous No. 871623

Anonymous No. 871626

telegram is gay don't use it

Anonymous No. 871630

what else there? i just want to find small group of people who can help me improve and talk shit and have fun surrounding 3d

Anonymous No. 871631

Use discord. It is years ahead of everything else.

Anonymous No. 871633

how do I find the channels? are all of invite only?



Anonymous No. 871636

How can I unfuck the mesh?
Will I ever be able to have clean loops again on this?

Anonymous No. 871637

that depends on the channel. Most are public. Also, there is no "talking shit" on discord. If you slip up once with hatespeech, you are out.

Anonymous No. 871640


Anonymous No. 871642

I love you. Thank you my man.

Anonymous No. 871643


thanks, that helps a lot. this is what i have so far from extruding cubes and using loop cuts.

However, I connected these two portions by selecting vertices and pressing F to form an edge, then filling a face on each side. it's the only way i know how to connect them. however, it's causing creasing.

anytime i extrude a cube the topography works, but if i try to connect two cubes it causes creases. do you know any way around this?



Anonymous No. 871644




Anonymous No. 871645


this is possibly a better angle

Anonymous No. 871646

add in another loop on the left and right T



Anonymous No. 871652


thanks, that fixed the portion where i extruded from. i tried the same thing on the portion where i extruded to (where i merged vertices) and theres still a crease i cant get rid off.

once i learn this i think i can finally go on to complete this project. does anyone have any ideas?



Anonymous No. 871653




Anonymous No. 871656

check for hidden faces



Anonymous No. 871660

blockout stage is probably my favourite but i am finding a bit of difficulty lighting this scene. i assume hdri's aren't going to work in this scene. can someone give me tips on how to get that industrial lighting.



Anonymous No. 871662

the reference I am using, i want mine to be a tad bit dimmer

Anonymous No. 871664

I also just realized I am not getting that smoke, do i just apply a noise texture to the volumetric cube?

Anonymous No. 871665

whats that?



Anonymous No. 871719

Does the size of a scene affect load and render times if you keep everything that you're not using hidden all the time in viewport and render?

Anonymous No. 871722

By "size" I meant file size, sorry.



Anonymous No. 871725

What causes the shading errors in pic related? I've modeled in Blender, exported as .fbx, opened in Substance and baked maps. It goes away if I don't bake curvature and AO maps.

I guess my base question is: How do you prepare and check your mesh before you import it into Substance Painter so this type of thing doesn't happen?

Anonymous No. 871742

What is Blinn-Phong shading and how to implement in Eevee?

Anonymous No. 871745

make a /3/ server

Anonymous No. 871747

I don't understand, how can box be in computer? Is it magic?

Anonymous No. 871752

Well, yes.



Anonymous No. 871798

how fill these holes in meshmixer

Anonymous No. 871806

I couldn't find a Blender thread so I guess I'll ask this here.

I just learned recently that sculpting/texture painting with a mask was a thing.

Is weight painting with a mask a thing? I've seen a lot of videos on it and it seems that, for the average person, there's a general pattern you wanna follow for weight painting. I figure a gradient mask would make some parts a lot easier to paint, or at least get started if this was a feature.



Anonymous No. 871817

You can try the quadriflow remesh but it probably won't work. I'd remesh it even finer and sculpt it into something cool. When you're finished you can can do proper retopology in edit mode with the shrinkwrap modifier.

Anonymous No. 871823

i would join but i feel like it will just be shitposting

Anonymous No. 871829

uh, yeah? it's the button to the right of mode selector. what is the question here?
you tab into edit mode, mask some faces, then tab back. then use the gradient tool or whatever.
if you're a total beginner, the place to start is automatic weights and auto-normalize while painting.

Anonymous No. 871834

so there's already one up?

Anonymous No. 871835


Anonymous No. 871844


thank you so much, this was it. i knew there was an issue because certain faces wouldnt let me put in a loop cut. using the knife tool to manually make them and fixed it.

Anonymous No. 871845

overlapping uvs



Anonymous No. 871846

how do I make the background better?

Anonymous No. 871853

Do you know of some place where I can get royalty free smoke / fog alpha sheets? They need to be completely free and used in an asset pack I’m going to sell.


Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 871908

How do you turn all these bones into rigs similar to the ones you find on smutbase? I mean, where do one even start? Any good tutorials to follow?

Anonymous No. 871956

How does /3/ paint hard to reach areas like the mouth in substance painter?

Anonymous No. 871957

Create a separate material on the mouthbag and hide the rest. Optionally merge the texture sets together at the end

Anonymous No. 871958

post the /3/ discord

Anonymous No. 871962

Is there a camera that's good for HDRIS underwater?



Anonymous No. 871965

Guys, can you give me some advice? I'm trying to make a chess rook, and I have hard time modeling the cutouts on the top, in particular how to model the transition from the top part with cutouts to the bottom part which is just a 12-face prism (which I guess is the usual noob topology trouble). I managed to have something that looks alright, but I'm unhappy about the two vertices that are highlighted on the right. One is just hanging out in the middle of an edge and the other one has this long diagonal edge going into it that slightly distorts normals. What Was I supposed to do here? Should I have started with more faces on the prism? So that at least the vertex that is in the middle of the edge could meet an edge loop?



Anonymous No. 872020

Ok, so I redid this with a 24-face prism as the base, which is not much different for topology, but I guess at a smaller scale bad topology does not look as bad. I still don't know what to do with these extra two vertices, so any advice is welcome.



Anonymous No. 872033

just use a bevel modifier

Anonymous No. 872038

if you're selling them.... you should probably make them yourself



Anonymous No. 872044

I guess I'm a retard. Should have gone with the bevel first and spent my time on something else. I forgot that bevel works on such shapes with "Miter Outer" set to "Arc", although sometimes it looks dodgy with lower subdivisions (here, 2 is fine though).

Anonymous No. 872045

what you should have done is pro boolean and then bevel pro in zbrush. You would be done in literally 5 minutes maximum.

Anonymous No. 872067

Well, I did the cutouts with Boolean so there's that.



Anonymous No. 872068

How do I get procedural ridges that follow the curvature of a claw in blender or substance painter?

Anonymous No. 872069

True, but they are just a tiny part of the scene and some licenses enable you to resell if it’s a part of a bigger project / modified.

Anonymous No. 872070

use substance designer

Anonymous No. 872074


I can only select my objects by clicking the origin point (or the name in the outliner), but i can't simply click on the object. I know this used to be possible, how do i fix it?

Anonymous No. 872135

Hello 3,
I want to make a character for use in ue4 that has morph points which can be programmatically manipulated in the game (sliders, or you eat and get fatter, etc). The character should have realistic soft body physics that collide with clothing, which has cloth physics. I.e. Fat belly outgrows shirt, shirt stretches slightly and deform belly. Basically like it would irl. I'd also like the clothing to be selectable. What would be the best way to accomplish this?
Merry Christmas,

Anonymous No. 872136

Unwrap the fingers in the same direction.

However this is a job for sculpting

Remember you can make a duplicate of the mouth that just floats above it sharing the same UV.

Anonymous No. 872174

I have about 3 months to become competent in Rhino. I don't see it discussed here often though

is it doable? Where should I start?

Anonymous No. 872222

get some speed

Anonymous No. 872249

Is it better to have multiple projects at 60% or 1 project at 100%?

Anonymous No. 872250

Is there some trick to painting some preliminary texture into a sculpture without going full UV unwrapping or do I just use "smart unwrap" and let the thing put UVs all over the place?

Anonymous No. 872257

if you cheap out on the uv stage you're going to regret it later. If you want to paint directly on the verts, use polypaint in zbrush but of course, you will be severely limited in doing so

Anonymous No. 872259

I just wanted to know if there was a trick, the plan was to bake into a low res later but if I have to just retopo and only use the sculpture for normals then so be it, I use blender BTW.



Anonymous No. 872268

Is there a reason why Blender’s Symmetrize and Zbrush’s mirror commands always mirror the -x to x axis? Who the fuck models on the left side?

Anonymous No. 872276

Maya priorizes the left side I think.


Capture d’écran 2....png

Anonymous No. 872300

I downloaded a bunch of files for a mechanical prop. Manny of the files seem to be turned inside-out, when I open them in AnyCubit's slicer they have a different color than other, proper pieces, when I create a sliced file the preview shows me that there is no volume to print in these inside-out pieces. Chitubox seems to have the same problem. Some pieces do work.
I tried to open them in blender, but while I am showed that there is a mesh present with dimensions, but there is nothing in the viewer I can interact with. This happens with every file, not just the ones that I cannot open using a slicer

What is this problem and how can I fix it?

Anonymous No. 872303

the models may be too big or too small. it's usually possible to choose the scale on import, but let's say this didn't help.
in Blender, after import, press Home key (or view > frame all). if this didn't help, press N, go into View tab and adjust camera clipping (try setting end to like 100k and start at 1)
if the models showed up, you now need to select all with A, then Tab to go into edit mode and then Shift+N to recalculate normals (also found under mesh > normals)


Capture d’écran 2....png

Anonymous No. 872347

I'm an idiot, all this time I've been working for so long on an action figure in mm I completely forgot that Blender's default unit is the m
The Mesh's origin was also waaaaaay outside of its geometry, so Frame All was how I got to find them
After that recalculating the normals fixed the issue


Anonymous No. 872384

how do you rig xgen interactive grooming fur in maya ?

Anonymous No. 872399

Is it possible to combine cloth sim with a shrink wrap in Zbrush? Like making bandages that tightly fit the surface, but also getting some simulated wrinkles on them as well.

Can't find a tutorial for something like that.



Anonymous No. 872415

If I want to texture and entire floor like pic related whats the best way to go about this? Do I just apply one big texture on top of the floor plane mesh or subdivide it up and texture face by face?



Anonymous No. 872422

If I get dread and anxiety over a project, is 3D even a viable career choice then? I have tons of models that I have yet to finish. For example, Beeblader. I’m stuck between trying to make it cartoony, pixely, or gritty realistic. I also made three of the common enemies in MMX highway stage, and the highway itself, but no matter what, nothing seems to look good

Anonymous No. 872424

You have a texture trimsheet with floor texture elements and cut your meshup in as many pieces you need and map the UV's to match texture elements accordingly.

Anonymous No. 872426

>nothing seems to look good

That's a sign of healthy self-critique that is necessary to rapidly grow as an artist. Just don't let it overtake you.
Every piece you make doesn't need to be the best thing ever made, finish whatever it is you're doing as best you can within reason.
Treat it as a learning experience and just power thru and finish and move on to a blank sleight with the next thing.
Practice makes perfect and as the years go by you'll evolve til one day you'll create stuff that'll impress yourself.

The rare moments when you make a breakthrough and nextlevel something and get to hear that critical voice in your head
tell yourself something you did is actually good is a source of a hard won but lasting pride you'll get to carry with you forever.

Anonymous No. 872487

Just got my first console in over 15 years (PS5) and I was shocked to see the difference in natively playing games versus watching youtube videos of the same game. The compression on youtube is so heavy its unbelievable. What I am seeing on my console looks so much better I just can't wrap my head around it. Is there somewhere other than youtube I should be posting my reel and videos to so it doesn't look so heavily compressed and artifacty?

Anonymous No. 872489

Vimeo is generally considered better for that use case

Anonymous No. 872491

I want to 3d print some character models from my favorite game Quake 3 Arena. How would I go about doing so? Ideally I would control the pose, preferably just a frame from an animation of theirs.

Anonymous No. 872496

Thats not legal bud.



Anonymous No. 872614

Now let's see if I have this right for blender
>Numpad 7 = Top Orthographic View (Z axis)
>Numpad 3 = Right Orthographic View (X axis)
all fine and dandy but here
>Numpad 1 = Front Orthographic View (-Y axis)
Did I change a setting somewhere? Why is it like this? It feels so wrong. Like a mathematical pattern has been broken. Why isn't my front orthographic view set to the positive Y axis? Getting the bottom orthographic or left orthographic views to require CTRL to be pressed to shift each to their respective negative axis. This tickles my tisms like no tomorrow so if I am missing the obvious then I would appreciate being set straight. Is that just a blender quirk?

Anonymous No. 872619

If the Y-axis would be positive your view would be upside down due to Z-Up camera.
Just try it go into top ortho and move the cam up/down 90° with Numpad 2

Anonymous No. 872621

Thank you so much. I've gone and jotted this down. Much appreciated anon.

Anonymous No. 872626

What would one or two good must-read books be for artists to learn fundamentals to keep in mind when modeling architectural scenes?

*(by "convincing" I don't necessarily mean "realistic", but rather the principle of abiding by real-life engineering-wise best practices that most artists wouldn't otherwise be cognizant of due to not being engineers, and other things like that)

Anonymous No. 872669

as a total amateur in UE but having enough experience in 3D, what would be a good course to specialize in Unreal Engine?



Anonymous No. 872724

How do you make sharp looking swords without keeping the model super low poly? I feel like whenever I add any amount of geometry to the blade, the edge immediately loses its sharpness and looks weirdly rounded, even when it's 'blade shaped' and basically razor thin.
How do I avoid that and make sharp looking blade?
Also, are there any good solutions to the pointy end that aren't 'triangle'?

Anonymous No. 872775

maybe keep it a triangle but manually monkey around with the edge normals?

Anonymous No. 872787

>load times
Yes. Whether or not its off camera is irrelevant.
>render times
In real-time rendering engines, usually not, as the triangles will be culled. It Raytracing engines like Cycles, yes, because it's calculating light bounces off the off-camera object. Put a white plane visible to a camera, and place a red cube off camera next to it, and you'll see the red from the off-camera cube diffusing onto the surface of the plane.

Anonymous No. 872788

Use edge creasing before subdividing.



Anonymous No. 872795

I want to create a d20 and give it materials procedurally. How can I make a displacement map from an image file for pushing the numbers inwards? Importing the numbers as an svg and then turning them into meshes and using them with a boolean modifier seems backwards as fuck, so there must be a better way. I'd also want to use the image as a mask for giving the numbers different material from the rest of the die.



Anonymous No. 872806

depends on how convoluted you want to get. if it's just a single-use thing for a render, booleans are probably the most sane way. you can boolean a whole collection of numbers fyi.
you can place the numbers with simple instancing (parent a number to a die, turn on face instancing, then object>apply>make real) or just use face snap.
then, if you have a font, you can use the same geo nodes tree for every number and boolean the whole thing.

displacement is the thing that seems backwards to me in this case. unless you're planning to animate the actual displacement. but sure, you could also prepare a number sheet on a grid and sample parts of it, or save every number as a separate file, or do normal maps, or floaters.

Anonymous No. 872807

first you need to unwrap it

Anonymous No. 872864

just finish one and let it be shit, you will learn

101 things i learned at architecture school



Anonymous No. 872871

I want to bake a normal map to a T. rex model in Blender but pink and red artifacts keep showing up in the final normal map.
How do I prevent this from happening?
I've already tried using a cage but that didn't work.

Anonymous No. 872876

Blender to Substance Painter workflow question:
I can successfully use a high poly mesh and a low poly mesh to bake normal maps.
Separately I can use vertex paint to make an ID map so I can click and drag different substances to different areas of the mesh.

How can I do both at the same time, or what is the workflow there? Because all of those verts I've colored aren't in the low poly mesh and the program doesn't seem to be looking for them in the high poly mesh. Is it a set-up/options issue? am I just trying to do something totally wrong? Do I have to do two separate passes? What order do I do all this in?



Anonymous No. 872878

by default ID map baker uses material color, switch it to vertex colors

thought I had an answer (picrel), but it only works for rendering and not for baking for some reason. if anyone else knows how to ignore backfaces in blender, I'd be interested as well. some sorta dot product somewhere, I just don't know how to get the ray vector.


d20 unwrap.png

Anonymous No. 872883

I didn't think of geo nodes, I instead made meshes out of an svg file which worked fine enough, and when I tried the boolean I was at least doing the collection thing and using the boolean on that instead of every number having its separate modifier. The problems came from placing the numbers on the faces. I could snap them to the faces, but couldn't orient them properly, so my next idea was to instead rotate the d20 so that I'd always have one face facing straight up and then I could easily place the numbers there and make subtle edits to the orientation if needed, but rotating an icosahedron the way that would give you another face exactly where the previous one was ended up being a massive pain in the ass. If I just unwrap it and use an image texture, however, it's much easier. The default unwrap is the same as pic related so I could just place the UVs using this and then replace the image with a modified version where I had removed the outlines and used a better font, so my idea was that maybe I could use the black and white image both as a mask for different materials and for pushing the numbers inside a little.


d20 unwrap 3.png

Anonymous No. 872884

And this is the one I was using.



Anonymous No. 872903

In Blender, model edit mode, how do I make the texture visible? I know it's loaded in the texture pain workspace, but I can't see it on the model in any other mode aside from shading.



Anonymous No. 872915

what is advantage of manually putting edge loops to straighten edges instead of just beveling everything

Anonymous No. 872916

Thank you very much



Anonymous No. 872926

I did something similar recently. The fastest way is to have a displacement node that gets the value from a texture and to set is to bump only. Given that the dice are small, you won't notice much difference from having actual geometry for the numbers. If you want to go further, you can use the displacement modifier to create geometry, but you'll need to put the subdiv before with more levels than you normally need (in the screenshot it's 6). Displacement node can also do this, but only for cycles, while the modifier works in eevee as well.

Anonymous No. 872928

more control of curvature/shading



Anonymous No. 872932

The cross-section of your blade is a bit off. Perhaps you just forgot to put a loop along the edge of the blade (or put a bevel on the edge) and it got borked by subdiv.



Anonymous No. 872965

this is the stupid questions thread.. well

is there a good guide someone can link me for their process of making low poly models that wouldn't be out of place for games like quake or neverwinter nights?

I know it seems straight forward but I just need to see what some people are doing/have done, I feel like a retard


Screen Shot 2021-....png

Anonymous No. 872971

is there a topology to cut a slot so it will subsurf cleanly? I had a few goes and I can't figure it out.


Screen Shot 2021-....png

Anonymous No. 872972

second attempt



Anonymous No. 872979

Is subdivision of a very low poly models a good practice or it's better to avoid it? I'm not professional 3Dist, just started learning Blender for fun. To be honest, for 3D printing chibi anime catgirl figures.

Anonymous No. 872982

I'm not an expert, but making stuff too low poly (like, making cylinders and spheres with few vertices) bit me in the ass a few times when I was trying to add detail, do Booleans, stuff like that.

Anonymous No. 872985

depends on your goals, it's not a bad thing to use subdivs on low poly in general
applying the modifier will give you more polys so if you want to keep the low poly look you wouldn't use it.
so use it to work on less verts early on and when you get what you like you apply the modifiers to get a higher poly smooth model

Anonymous No. 872986

Well, that looks good doesn't it? Just bevel the edges and you're all set.

Anonymous No. 872987

I sometimes see the bevel not being enough when a somewhat detailed mesh connects to a large ngon (like top of a cylinder). Then, without an extra edge loop inside this ngon, subdiv screws up with normals and uv.


Screen Shot 2021-....png

Anonymous No. 872989

it explodes when you try to bevel, I added some edge loops and merged some faces and it looks ok. The main issue was the distortions to the face and the uneven corners, which you can see from the cavity lines.

ngon fill is a nightmare, I just learned about grid fill and it's a game changer.


Screen Shot 2021-....png

Anonymous No. 872990

I'm aiming for straight edges with no side effects like on these other sides.

Anonymous No. 872993

inset before extruding.
or if you're going the bevel route, use 2-segment bevels with a profile value of 1.0.

Anonymous No. 872994

I having think a bevel or some edge loops around the outer edge as well would improve things.


Screen Shot 2021-....png

Anonymous No. 872995

insetting all the faces made it way more consistent, here's the topo I went with.


Anonymous No. 872996

you're still missing the basics.
insetting the whole side only controls the outer edges, and without corners at that. you need to inset the slit before extruding to prevent it from affecting the flat surface.


Screen Shot 2021-....png

Anonymous No. 872998

soz wrong screenie.

Anonymous No. 873043

Hey I’d like to know how well does C4D compared to Maya for fast modeling furnitures and simple assets for video games and if the time gained is worth learning a new software ?

Anonymous No. 873076

I don't know, but with C4D at least you own what you buy, no Klaus Schwab bullshit like with Maya.



Anonymous No. 873093

Were can i download this model?(not the mat ofc)

Anonymous No. 873107

Doesn't it come with substance painter.

Anonymous No. 873113

yep. found it

Anonymous No. 873115

They're about the same. Neither is really focused on modeling, both have mograph toolkits and Houdini style procedural shit (scene nodes in C4D, Bifrost in Maya).

C4D has some cool gimmicks like this though, which might give it an edge depending on what you're doing, and is also easier to use imo.



tail 1.png

Anonymous No. 873147

>your goals
I'm want to do something simple and cute without fine art skills like sculpting. In tutorials I see that subdivision allows to control hi-poly smooth shaded mesh with a very few vertices. I want to use it as alternative to parametric 3D (because engineering 3D CADs is not very suitable for cute things). Maybe I'm wrong and it's visible simplicity is a lie? It's not obvious how to make some things but I think it's because I'm too noob. For example adding the tail ruined cylindrical part and make it a little square.

Anonymous No. 873149

You need a higher density mesh for that, at least 8 sides for a good round shape, I'd work at 32 for a jet fighter



Anonymous No. 873155

the subdivided model follow topology, so shape will be influenced by nearby vertexes, in the top face where the tail begins, your verts are influencing the cylinder
you want to shape the square faces into a circular position so you can approximate your mesh to be cylindrical and allow you to extrude stuff from the faces without turning it back into a square

you can use LoopTools which comes with blender, select the vertexes/edges/faces, right click > loop tools> circle

Anonymous No. 873202

Thanks. But isn't it's better to use splines for so complex models?



Anonymous No. 873213

There were some images posted here before on /3/ on good ways to do booleans and edgeloops for mechanical objects. Does anyone have them?

Anonymous No. 873222

I come from an engineering background, in particular old versions of AutoDesk and Solidworks, and now am trying to make some 3D object renders for my own amusement. I've fucked around in Blender, but I really miss the workflow of Solidworks where you'd draw in a plane, then give it dimensionality based on extrusion and then define intricate stuff with subtractive cuts or further extrusions from a new plane on the surface of the object. Is there a software that I can use that has a similar workflow since that's how I visualize things, should I see if I can find a cracked copy of Solidworks to do object building in to export to Blender for materials and such, or do I have to just suck it up and go through the learning process again?

Anonymous No. 873226

you are doing it for fun right, try paint3d

Anonymous No. 873227

A quick glance shows that I have to freehand everything in Paint3D, right? Part of the reason I liked Solidworks was because it was very powerful about letting you construct things out of basic geometric shapes, using the align, merge, and offset type commands to allow me to make what I could see in my head instead of what I was capable of drawing. Given my current project is a personalized mic stand that I eventually want to render a picture of as a stream asset, I'm not sure I would be overly happy with how organic my terrible drawing skills would look on what's supposed to be a machined product. I don't mind learning new ways to think if that's the best solution, but I figured I would ask before doing so.

Anonymous No. 873230

You can use any free CAD (like a T-FLEX demo) that can export to STL (polygonal mesh format) and import it in Blender for rendering. Also you can parametrize objects in Blender if you want.



Anonymous No. 873242

Can Blender do a "true" 3d spline like a pic? What I googled is only tubular splines and it's not what I need. Or any other tool to define a smoothed 3D surface when you set an anchor points which belongs to resulting surface. It's not what subdivision does.

Anonymous No. 873248

Nope, not natively. There's a plugin I remember seeing on YouTube which has surface editing with bezier curves as the surface's controls, but I don't remember the name of the plugin. Decent spline-based surface editing has never been something Blender is good at, because Blender's devs are averse to putting anything "CAD-like" in the program because they're retards. For working with surfaces, if you have the money, I suggest Rhino3D or its less expensive (but also less featureful) blood-cousin, Moment Of Inspiration.



Anonymous No. 873253

I can get a decent start on a model by putting in some of the important loops first, like hips and waist and centerline. Hard part is filling in the rest while maintaining all quads and having them all be relatively similar in size, especially when the loops i'm trying to connect have a different number of edges, or there's some protruding geometry along the way like the asscheek. Spent a while just redoing the ass several times with more optimal(?) topology but still don't really know what I'm doing here, pic related.
I guess I gotta learn to use triangles and poles to control edge flow better, and learn how to fill spaces between loops in ways that allow for good deformation but idk where to start. it's like a series of logic puzzles

https://files.catbox.moe/ehqa6h.blend1 here's the file if anyone cares, I kinda like how it turned out so i'll use it as a base to practice heads next



Anonymous No. 873258

Thanks a lot, looks like it was "Bezier Mesh Shaper" addon, happily it's only $10. For me, trying to control 3D surface with subdiv when key points located "somewhere else" is a retarded and too hard, where is controlling surface points directly is easy, intuitive and obvious. It's strange there is no blender fork with it. Maybe I need to do it or it will be unpopular because "all normal 3D artists not need it"? Looks like "Mechanical Blender" fork isn't alive.

Anonymous No. 873267

try moi3d

Anonymous No. 873268

this guy knows why you should learn subdivision modeling

Anonymous No. 873283

can people in the know tell me the best place to live for working in the game industry as a 3d artist? I'd assume LA but Cali seems wicked expensive, info would be appreciated

Anonymous No. 873315

Bangalore or Kuala Lumpur.



Anonymous No. 873414

Thanks. I like it's 4-views workspace. It's have a curve "Through points" that doing what I want but I can't find how to edit this points (not control points somewhere outside the curve). I googled it but found only very old answer "just delete and create new curve". Sorry I'm not very clever.



Anonymous No. 873423

Ok guys, I cant figure this out
Just purchased Substance Painter 2022 and I dont have a clue on how can I activate the red part of the uploaded screenshot.
Where is it located?

Anonymous No. 873425

Anons how hard is it to get a job in CG without college, i have a choice of finishing college and learning nothing(a really small amount of everything and getting a job but spending 4 years really knowing nothing) or i can quit and learn it for my self at least 3 times faster learning only the things that interest me, anyone has expirience with that, i am kinda door stuck for the past 2 weeks. ty bros.

Anonymous No. 873431

They changed the interface. The explorer is now on the left by default.



Anonymous No. 873433

My fucking Wacom tablet is always getting disconnected from my laptop whenever I go AFK or any reasons really and I always have to reboot for it to work properly. If I don't, I can move the cursor around but all the particular features of the tablet aren't working anymore.
How to fix this shit, I got used to it but now it's straight up annoying.

I have an Intuos Pro on Windows 10

Anonymous No. 873436

I want to train sculpting by making fanarts of my favourite characters from the shows/anime I like. But for a beginner do you advise to go for realistic characters first (with a realistic anatomy I mean) instead of stylised ones or it doesn't matter for a noob's progression?

Anonymous No. 873440

Sculpt what you like, identify your weaknesses then do study pieces to fill that gap in your knowledge. If you don't like making realistic heads making 10 in a row won't help you, but doing one study with intention born of your main sculpts will

Anonymous No. 873443

maybe disable power savings for USB ports?

Anonymous No. 873453

So theres no way to configure that menu again?
Project/Alphas/Grunges ... its selection was far better than the current one



Anonymous No. 873520

Is there a chance to get T-splines or something similar in Blender, or I need to wait a tens of years till patent expires?



Anonymous No. 873527

I checked it out. You can drag it to the bottom if you want. You have to use the icons on the right instead of the directory structure.

Anonymous No. 873528

Patent expires in 2024.
But don't expect Blender devs to add T-Spline surfaces even when it does expire. They still haven't added NURBS except the most crude, basic 1980s-style NURBS.

Anonymous No. 873532

I see, so the menu got completely replaced by "Assets" and the icons inside.
Thanks for taking the time, I'll have to get used to it



Anonymous No. 873534

I want to learn more about anatomy,
Please recommend me some sources for labelled écorches _with_ Latin terms (e.g. [image related]), optimally as models I could look at in e.g. Blender.


I really like the idea of this Blender file ("Anatomic: Head Anatomy 3d Cheat Sheet"), but it's too expensive for poorfag me (it's not on CGP either), and it's only the head but not the other body parts:

Sadly, I haven't found anything comparable yet, but I did find a ZBrush file called "Ultimate Anatomy Tool Reference For Artists", but it doesn't look like it has the Latin terms I want:

I also read the book Anatomy For Sculptors (https://anatomy4sculptors.com/), but I want to be able to pan around the model like in the Blender file.

I have also watched Scott Eaton's video courses, but by god, that video production quality... I know it shouldn't be important, guess I'm coddled by today's 1080p standards.

Anonymous No. 873542

I can change subdiv algorithm if it's not hardcoded into blender sources (I'm not a programmer enough to deal with their monstrous compilers). It's easiest way to obtain something looks like t-spline if you want it for fun.



Anonymous No. 873554

When I model I spend the majority of my time trying to fix bad edge flow or trying to convert pentagons to quads without disrupting existing topology/ making new loops that span the whole mesh. I've watched as much as I could find on topology and loop reduction but I still can't figure out how people solve this stuff so quickly

What I can watch to learn the optimal way to poly model organic meshes? Like how a pro deals with these problems



Anonymous No. 873559

Example of the shit i'm trying to fix, it gets more fucked and complicated as time goes on. Spent an hour trying to get decent topo on the tits before I gave up and started putting triangles down

Also is there any way to have a subdiv modifier without a seam down the middle of the body, without needing to apply the mirror first (in blender)?



Anonymous No. 873562

>Like how a pro deals with these problems
Well, the industry thinks about how they will have to run muscle simulations to achieve realism so they start by building the character in reverse - bones then muscles then fat then skin then into the simulator



Anonymous No. 873575

TL;DR why does video game modelling look like this and not quads?

Newbie here. I've been working for the most part with modelling what I suppose is meant to be "realistic" modelling but wanted to try out modelling for video games. The first video I found shows what appears to be the most terrible geometry given what I know (pic related) but apparently this is the norm. I know everything gets turned to tris eventually, but is stuff like this really allowed in video games? I was under the impression it was the harshest when it came to quads...

Also here's the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eS6gI1bAvPA

Thanks in advance.



Anonymous No. 873580

anyone here knows how to fix this?

Anonymous No. 873583

>quad topology takes more time to create and games require hundreds of models
>game models needs a low poly count for a good frame rate
>shaders can cover up the mistakes from rushing in this way

Anonymous No. 873585

you want quads if you're planning to deform stuff, or if it's going to make things more convenient to work with, or if it won't subdiv correctly otherwise. on a flat surface with sharp edges it doesn't matter at all.
in subdiv hardsurface it often won't matter either, this is just an under the hood view of boolean workflow.
the logic behind what's on your pic is probably just avoiding concave polygons by whatever means. didn't watch the vid.



Anonymous No. 873589

Hey I ripped all the models a week ago.
take note of which ones are "non-color".
Switch R, G, B in the "separate RGB" at the top middle to pick between marbling effects.



Anonymous No. 873593

I don't know what I'm doing.
Trying to generate a mold for casting cement.
I want to take a model and give it a skin, divide the skin up and add a tab around the edge where it's divided. Like pic related but not so shit.

I divided the model up, extruded the outer edge and added a thickness modifier but it clips into itself everywhere.
Open to using any program.

Anonymous No. 873600

it's not 100% clear from the pic, but those just look like shading problems, not clipping. you can go to the green tab on the right and under "normals" tick "autosmooth". or just right click > shade flat. for printing none of this matters.
if needed, fixing things locally involves dissolving unneeded edges (ctrl+del) and connecting some verts: knife tool (K) or vert join op (J). I'd only expect this to be necessary for the little semicircle things.

Anonymous No. 873609

what's the most and least stressful 3d industries?

Anonymous No. 873610

What should I call myself on artstation if I'm still learning but want to get hired

Anonymous No. 873611

your real name

Anonymous No. 873612

My "professional title" I mean, 3D artist? 3D hobbyist?

Anonymous No. 873614

I have a mesh that was originally part of a much larger mesh with a single material that had several textures atlas'd together. Been trying to figure out if there are any inbuilt tools to generate a new, smaller texture from the subset of faces that are selected (the part of the mesh I want to use) from the much larger atlas'd texture for a new material so I don't have a crap ton of unused texture data in the model.
Is doing this within blender feasible? Or am I best going and doing it in an external program like PS?
New to blender (<20h), so if anyone can generally guide me on this it'd be appreciated.

Anonymous No. 873615

maybe student? or artist, since everyone who does 3d is a 3d artist, doesn't mean they're good tho

Anonymous No. 873616

Lots of people in the 3dcg industry dont deal with 3d, like nuke compositors (huge influence to the final result, but their work is 2d)

Anonymous No. 873636

If you intend your game to run at the maximum of 120fps, should you make all your animations at a lower fps or 120fps?

Anonymous No. 873637

never heard of animating above 30 fps

Anonymous No. 873638

pros don't poly model organic meshes

Zremesher gets you your working toplogy, retopology or wrap later.

Anonymous No. 873639

what? The hobbit series were all 48 and that was film

Anonymous No. 873647

its an ugly model fuck modern ff and realism

Anonymous No. 873648


Anonymous No. 873650

learn to do it yourself instead of depending on porn models

Anonymous No. 873651

Excuse me?



Anonymous No. 873741

pic related. downloaded freddy's model but the textures aremissing even when I try to find the missing files in the folder that has them



Anonymous No. 873934

I'm a beginner with 3D, and I'm trying to learn the poly modeling workflow. Is this topology and edge loops okay? And how do people get their quads to be so uniform and even when working this way?

Anonymous No. 873952

Are there any VR sculpting programs that support hand tracking?

Anonymous No. 873975

Considering that Pixologic offers free upgrades on ZBrush, is there a way to buy an older, cheaper CD key or something then try to get an upgrade?
If not are there any sort of other tricks/discounts that should be known for industry software?
Namely ZBrush, Substance, and Marmoset

Anonymous No. 874098


Anonymous No. 874099

any game engine worth it's salt will interpolate its animations so they look fine at any frame rate
so, it doesnt matter if you animate at 30 fps or 120
ideally you want to animate at the lowest framerate you can while still looking good, for most applications, this is 30 fps
if its something like killing floor where things regularly go slow motion, only then you'd want to animate at like 120 fps or something



Anonymous No. 874864

is 3ds max a good choice for something like this?

Anonymous No. 874929

How do I use multiple instances using geometry nodes in Blender 3.0?