
Wip Collage_Serie....jpg

๐Ÿงต /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 874161

/wip/ - Works in Progress
- Collage Edition: Series 2 -
2022, Baby.

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>871586

List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB
Check out the /3/ Discord: https://discord.gg/ujt5vtr4DE



Anonymous No. 874166

Looking good, nice to see the sky more filled with fun


sei unica wip.png

Anonymous No. 874171


Ammonite (2).png

Anonymous No. 874186

Thanks for putting in my Tiktaalik <3

Making procedural ammonites now, fucking around with displacement


Screenshot 2022-0....jpg

Anonymous No. 874196



Anonymous No. 874215

Working on an anzu model right now. So far 315 vertices.
Lower the better.

Anonymous No. 874217

i think the old one looks better.



Anonymous No. 874227

Looking good so far anon, now you just need to make the rifle kit as well


What's your poly budget?

Ditto. I think the hairless/short-hair look is a much stronger aesthetic and silhouette that complements the clothing better. The current model is not poorly executed, but simply looks... like a normal cat?

Anonymous No. 874229

less than 350 vertices if possible. Im really fond of low poly. It makes me work on my texturing skills too.
Im still not that good however. Theres some other artists using less verts and having good textures.


Screenshot 2022-0....png

Anonymous No. 874250


Characters for a video game I'm working on. Inspired by webkinz and super auto pets.



Anonymous No. 874260

working on the hair for my sculpt

Anonymous No. 874281

Yeah I originally was debating extending out the sky, but there's so many fun things that can be done with that extra room. I'm glad I didn't leave it as a small area!

I was gonna have the whole picture on the environment board. After seeing him though I just had to put him in there. That DQ kid might wanna watch where he's running now!

Anonymous No. 874285

looking great familia, best of luck with the hell that is retopologizing hair

consider doing some character sketches before implementing your models in 3d. think about a single or set of characteristics that make that character unique. pokemon or neopets are a good reference to this.

your lil duders are cute and promising but going just that lil extra mile will make them pop immensly!



Anonymous No. 874304

Been working on this bastard for weeks, getting the topology right on complex warped triangular curved surfaces like this is absolute hell. Some anon mentioned modelling with nurbs but I don't know how well they convert into normal meshes and if they will really solve my topology woes


Screenshot 2022-0....png

Anonymous No. 874310

how can I improve the topo for this ugly little shit? I did the basic racoon mask thing but I think I went astray somewhere.



Anonymous No. 874312

It's like pic related's sleeker sibling.



Anonymous No. 874317

The AAT was definitely a big source of inspiration, though one of my main goals was to make the design more sensible from a usability standpoint i.e. have actual sloped armour and gun depression. I really did pick the wrong kind of shape to learn modelling with though holy fuck is it hard to get the curves and slopes right.



Anonymous No. 874318

In general, you want your quads to not be super distorted, to help with shading as well as rigging. If they start looking really crazy see if you A: need to add a tri instead or B: need to simply increase the density of quads in that area.

I see a few of these distorted quads on your model as well as some poles (points where many edges meet up at a single vertice) you in general don't want to have more than 4 edges meet up a whole lot (5 is ok sometimes when it comes to starting a new edge loop)

Also, your quad density is off. You have a bunch of polygons making up the relatively featureless back of the head, but very few, large polygons making up important features like the nose and browline. Add more geometry to the face!

It's not too bad for an attempt, and topology is really an art into itself, so don't get discouraged.



Anonymous No. 874319

r8/critique my booba pls
(the pushed up booba will get a pushup bra)

Anonymous No. 874321

left : good
right : could be really good if the boobs were more under if you can see what I mean, the nipples are supposed to be in the middle, and the fact that they are not highlight the fact that these boobas are ugly, I don't really know how a pushup bra looks like so maybe it'll resolve the problem



Anonymous No. 874322

>the nipples are supposed to be in the middle, and the fact that they are not



Anonymous No. 874323

I meant that with sillicone, the nipples are higher and at the middle from that point of view. I really rarely see the ones like you did (I'm a fake boobas specialist)



Anonymous No. 874326

Anonymous No. 874329

ngl he be vibin.



Anonymous No. 874331


Anonymous No. 874333

>holy fuck is it hard to get the curves and slopes right.
I'd recommend NURBS, but Blender's implementation is from like 2004 or something. Even then it's only added at a super basic level. Not really usable for anything but a feature checkbox.

Anonymous No. 874338

>waiting for op to deliver

Anonymous No. 874341

She answered the call.



Anonymous No. 874343

Finally managed to tackle hair cards, that Johan Litvall tutorial was hell he goes at 5x speed without barely explaining anything, but I think I got it down.



Anonymous No. 874344

mad respect for the man tho, this shit is crazy obtuse. specially that heigth map.



Anonymous No. 874346

added more butt topo and changed a little bit around. Started rigging the face, and began a very lewd space dress for her. Still need to go back and fix the fingers since I can't into hand topology, overall happy where she is so far



Anonymous No. 874350

looks good, nice poopa.
Mind sharing a few pics of the butt topology? I've been really struggling with mine.



Anonymous No. 874353

it's not from the alien (since it's FULLY MODELED and slightly modified so it might be a little hard to follow) but this is a much cleaner pic anyway.

I used the exact same topo on my alien. It's all about having the loop between the legs flow from the sides of the crotch, between the legs, and to the inner cheeks. both pics use the same topo, the bottom is low poly so it's easier for you to follow. The super smoothed out legs on the bottom right might help clear up the how

Anonymous No. 874357

Did you just make this reference now? At any rate, thank you, super helpful.

Anonymous No. 874363

had the top one lying around, made the low poly one just now, glad to help :)



Anonymous No. 874365

Some more work on the videophone scene.
There's a bit more length to it, but I just chopped off some extra frames at the beginning and end to render faster.

Anonymous No. 874366

looks very nice, I'm assuming you saw that 90's anime in blender tutorial everyone's been doing

Anonymous No. 874367

great ojete anon, keep it up

Anonymous No. 874372

Shit, there's a tutorial?
I've just been trying to feel things out until it starts looking right. Had I known there was something like that it would have definitely saved me some time. If you've got a link I'd definitely give it a watch for some extra info.
I've just got a huge PureRef file with a bunch of images from old animes that I've been using and trying to replicate the style. Or at least replicate the "memory" of what it looks like.
Even still, the scene isn't quite where I want it yet. Still comes off as really 3d to me. There's split-seconds in there where it looks 2d if I really squint, but it feels more like an anime with shitty 3d effects than anything else.
I did come across a neat trick with the denoiser when I was working where if you give it really low samples, and heavily denoise it, it flattens a lot of things out to look a bit painted.

Tomorrow night I'm going to go through everything again and re-do a lot of the shaders and stuff. I was using Cycles since I wanted to project shadows from the windows of the train onto the buildings, but since there's nowhere that would be actually visible, I'm better off switching to Eevee for more creative control. I think that'll really get things looking better. I just hope I can still use the denoising thing in Eevee.

Anonymous No. 874373

not him but I guess he's talking about this https://youtu.be/ZsvZsVPhTVs



Anonymous No. 874379

Thanks for this.
There's some pretty interesting ideas in there.
I like the bit about separating the mid/fore/background. I was trying to do something similar by having the videophones and train look hand drawn and the background look painted, but I think I need to push it quite a bit more since for one, it doesn't look painted/drawn, and two, there's not a clear separation.

I've also been playing around with different framerates on animated objects. The rain is on 1s at 24fps, the train is on 1s as well (since from what I saw, things that you see from one side are slid across the frame like a single image), but the car is on 2s. The thing about the car on 2s though is it doesn't really look like it's animated frame by frame, and just looks like a low fps animation. Not really sure what to do about that.



Anonymous No. 874408

added hands and tweaked some hair vertices. Too sick to actually do shit today. Hair model is gonna be the last one then im gonna start painting.

Anonymous No. 874417

is that fucking shmorky


hover truck.png

Anonymous No. 874434

hover truck



Anonymous No. 874436

this was for a post apocolyptic package delivery game i wanted to make, where you deliver your packages and take out the rival megacorps hovertruck drivers to upgrade your rig. all the parts on the truck would have been physics simulated at some point and the individual parts would have had properties like war thunder.

Anonymous No. 874442

looks cool but sounds kind of over ambitious

Anonymous No. 874457


those are the only kinds of games i make lol

Anonymous No. 874460




Anonymous No. 874468

Just thought I'd pop by to tell you thanks for the advice, doing these shapes as bridged NURBS surfaces is far far easier than the regular poly modelling way I was doing before. Managed to get a decent looking shell in a few minutes instead of several hours. And furthermore the converted topology doesn't make me want to kill myself. Thanks Again!

Anonymous No. 874469

you're welcome anon



Anonymous No. 874472

right: before
left: after

Anonymous No. 874474


Anonymous No. 874479

seems better

Anonymous No. 874480

No problem anon.
Like I said, the NURBS is pretty shit, I'm glad you were able to make it work though. Last time I tried to fuck around with them it was like trying to work uphill.



Anonymous No. 874481

give me acces to your build anon, ill do some cool stunts.
looks super good btw


Screen Shot 2022-....png

Anonymous No. 874497

muppet flying wooooo

Anonymous No. 874516


i like this lol. did you do the city too



Anonymous No. 874520

first 3D project

Anonymous No. 874532

Yes made the city too

Anonymous No. 874536

Aesthetic as fuck, dude.

Anonymous No. 874569

epic liar



Anonymous No. 874584

3Dcoat painting now. Its not really the best in painting but i feel like im getting better bit by bit.
Im still trying to learn 3Dcoat too. So far its 100x faster in my PC than blender.


spear thingy.png

Anonymous No. 874589

Following an axe tutorial i found i a torrent
I have already failed.

Anonymous No. 874610

i like it.
will check in on your work

Anonymous No. 874619

what's the axe course called?
i like your halberd more by the way

Anonymous No. 874621

Have you tried putting the arms down to her sides yet? Something about the arms makes it feel too long, but it might be that they're too thin

Anonymous No. 874645

You haven't failed anon, it looks fine.



Anonymous No. 874649

"FlippedNormals - Switching to Blender for Experienced Artists"
The axe tutorial was included in there. Though i'd go through it - maybe ill find something interesting in there.
So far i stumbled across the "edge flow" add-on which is nice. https://github.com/BenjaminSauder/EdgeFlow

Not feeling confident with all the support loops i'm placing here. I usually do this with the bevel modifer which makes the mesh easier to work with



Anonymous No. 874651




Anonymous No. 874668

yeah i always do that first before everything else.


arms n hands.jpg

Anonymous No. 874672

hmm... Can I get a closer look at the hands? Now that I'm looking at it again, I think it's because it looks like there isn't enough of that are between the wrist and thumb, and again I think the forearms might be just a bit too thin. made a little paint over to better show what i mean



Anonymous No. 874676




Anonymous No. 874696

I don't know this character but it reminds me of kozakura from otherside picnic
pretty cute, carry on



Anonymous No. 874762

critiques would be much appreciated on both the creature and the weapon

Anonymous No. 874765

Pangolin is awesome

Mortar is lacking in detail. Consider adding a bolt handle or a choke or a sight. Also, think about where the rounds of ammunition would be stored and how they would be accessed. Even if it's meant to be a heavily stylized piece those lil elements can help a lot.

Anonymous No. 874794

Depending on the look of the piece you are trying to achieve, if I were you, I would make the weapon more angled and crude rather than round. Stylistically I think the composition would benefit if gun (and it's mount structure) would match scaly-angled-edge style of pangolin.

Otherwise it looks really cool, keep it up anon!



Anonymous No. 874818

I'm done with her body, now onto the accessories.

Anonymous No. 874837

lookin good



Anonymous No. 874847

how is my ass doing?

Anonymous No. 874850

if you add hip bones you can get a more sturdy looking hourglass physiche.



Anonymous No. 874852

brobably, but im trying to adhere to the reference.

Anonymous No. 874853




Anonymous No. 874861

Started work on proper textures, only finished the legs for now.
I'd say i got better at topology since my last work. Still, i am not getting the desired results..



Anonymous No. 874867



Anonymous No. 874868

Anonymous No. 874875

Bit if a stupid question, but is this >>872555 drawn in greasepencil or is it the model opened in greasepencil and some other things done to it?
I know the OP mentions greasepencil and stuff, but I've never used it so I know nothing about it. I just like those kind of pics, they look neat so I'd like to try one at some point.

Anonymous No. 874877

nice, but how is the lens actuated? I'm assuming the robot can move it by itself



Anonymous No. 874881


Anonymous No. 874882

I still have to redo the bellows mechanism but mechanics wasn't the focus on this one.

Anonymous No. 874892

Better add some straps for your cargo, mate.

Anonymous No. 874917

the jar, the glass some of the fixtures have a modern style, while the legs and camera have a steampunk style.

What is the intended setting, of spider jar?



Anonymous No. 874930

ring ring /3/


someone lend me a....png

Anonymous No. 874959



Anonymous No. 874962

he's animated now.

Anonymous No. 874967

did you use any booleans?



Anonymous No. 874968

mine too was a hatchback car



Anonymous No. 874969

i want to make kitty cat but don't know if i should learn sculpting or poly modelling

Anonymous No. 874973

If it just for fun then sculpting is easier to get into, poly modelling can be very tedious. If you want to work then you need both.

My usual workflow is sculpt -> lowpoly.

Anonymous No. 874974

Hell yeah that's awesome anon

Anonymous No. 874976

>If you want to work then you need both.
got it, i want to get into environment design but character modeling/sculpting looks fun and looks like it will come dandy in my portfolio

Anonymous No. 874986

this is very cool, the geometric designs remind me of old cgi (insektors comes to mind) except better animated



Anonymous No. 874989

I was trying to go for circa. 1920's aesthetics, the legs themselves are made using old nitting machines as an inspiration.
And yeah, the glass jar ended up looking way more modern than i intended.



Anonymous No. 874993

Getting the hang of things, slowly.
Gonna work with this and then try another pose with the shades off.
I've got a lot of issues but I like to think I'm improving. I hope.

I agree, so I changed it again.

aw dawg, that's sexy.



Anonymous No. 875016

>Pangolin is awesome
Thank you
>Consider adding a bolt handle
it's coming, I'm tired of how the booleans work in Zbrush
>or a choke
I'm going for some sort of Metal Slug design, a bit like the crab tank, so I like the "smoothness" of the barrel
>or a sight
it's coming, pic related
>Also, think about where the rounds of ammunition would be stored and how they would be accessed
good idea, It's tight on the pango so there wouldn't be a lot of space to store the ammunition, I tried something like a gun magazine but it looked a bit too silly and also ruined the silhouette, I think that top right is the slickest solution
>I would make the weapon more angled and crude rather than round
as I said I'm stealing from Metal Slug without the talent needed to do so, the scene is supposed to represent the american soldiers in Vietnam traversing a pond or river, a round design would suggest that they are the good guys, but who cares really, I have to finish this shit by the 18th, I don't really have time to change the design too much.
>Stylistically I think the composition would benefit if gun (and it's mount structure) would match scaly-angled-edge style of pangolin.
what do you mean? I quite like how the plated mount turned out but I guess it doesn't really make sense, I may consider changing it.
>Otherwise it looks really cool, keep it up anon!
Thank you!



Anonymous No. 875020

Aight. Another done. Just gotta keep pushing.
Better topology with 429 verts only.
I think im really getting better at it bit by bit.



Anonymous No. 875021

oh yeah also picture for WIP anon.



Anonymous No. 875025

>trying to make a low poly human
>study game models
>come up with a topology
>make model using references
>it's non-planar af
>this has been going on on and off for years
FUUUUUUUUUCK! EVERYTHIIIIIIING! I am fed up with godamn everything I do failing, being beaten to the punch when I'm getting something right, and everything I hold dear dying in front of me from factors outside my control. I will die mad and I will die cursing God.

Anonymous No. 875027

Just sibdivide a million times.
Or model with tris.

Anonymous No. 875032

If you just started sculpting you would have less headaches. Poly shit and topology is technical and not artistic.



Anonymous No. 875039

You need poles my friend. Search for tut on poles and it will help your topology a lot.

Anonymous No. 875041

Youre that narrow minded fool. Get outta here with your lumpy models.



Anonymous No. 875048


It's not as low-poly but this tutorial is the BEST topology I've ever seen in a free tutorial. I'm going to be one of those fags that tells you learn to actually do it properly first, and then go even lower poly with it. If you're animating and don't want it to look stupid as fuck when it deforms, topology matters more than anything else.


Anonymous No. 875061

why do the quads need to be planar?



Anonymous No. 875066

Anonymous No. 875068

because he is a retard

Anonymous No. 875070

quads don't need to be perfectly planar but distorted quads *can* cause lighting artifacts.

desu, when it comes to stuff like this i'd say don't worry about it unless issues actually show up with you turn on smooth shading. in that case just tweak the geometry manually and move on with working.

Anonymous No. 875071

or, ya know, make it a tri. It's a low poly

Anonymous No. 875078

Looks fanastic man, got any socials? It'd be a shame to only post here (much like too many anons)

Anonymous No. 875081

Looks like Angelina Jolie's portrayal of Lara Croft

Anonymous No. 875087

Reaching levels of "free your mind" here.

Anonymous No. 875100

what are you making with this?



Anonymous No. 875104

It's coming along



Anonymous No. 875107

pushing verts

Anonymous No. 875124

The arms of the t shirt need to come down more.
I'd also take liberties in either making the chin bigger or moving the lips mouth up more.

Your nose is also too low look at the refernce in >>874215
were the nose sits slightlt above the bottom of the eyes.

Id also take another artistic liberty and make the nose bigger because once you are furher away from the character you won't be able to see the nose in a 3d space.

I really like it though man good job

Anonymous No. 875132


Anonymous No. 875140

this has a dstinct 'resident evil inventory 3d item preview' aesthetic

<3 reminds me of the film Robots but with much more early CG soul.

i like it! kinda like a human/cat chimera with the vellous hair.
like the tattoo, this isnt a suggestion for improvement just a cool idea consider trying it in white like how a cattle is branded

sculpt first. it's much more iterative and will give u skills that will also apply to poly modeling



Anonymous No. 875143

there's a challenge going on where you sculpt rocks so i'm gonna try and bust out a couple more this month


Ponytail still wip.webm

Anonymous No. 875149

Three months later, still working on this shit.

Anonymous No. 875171

Ngl it looks like a golem turd travelling through space.

Anonymous No. 875172

That looks beautiful. Character design used to be so fast but I feel it's exponentially harder with new tech.



Anonymous No. 875175

Screwed around yesterday and made this guy. I don't feel like messin around with him anymore. Just trying to improve my sculpting skills.

Anonymous No. 875196

Back after a month-long ban because of terrorist theats against an Ausfag

Anonymous No. 875299




Anonymous No. 875302

pushing verts

Anonymous No. 875359

Lookin very clean


walk 5 (4c).webm

Anonymous No. 875362

First time trying to make a decent animation. Any critics would be nice

Anonymous No. 875368

beeeg stompy



Anonymous No. 875376




Anonymous No. 875377



Anonymous No. 875378

Anonymous No. 875379

you are great at squash and stretch and overall animation technique senpai. how long have you been animating? were you originally a 2d artist?



Anonymous No. 875380

Animation, I've sunk my time into since a very young age- since maybe 7 years old,, Making funny videos for friends family and myself. From 15-19 I was mostly focused on digital video- that is where I taught myself a lot about framing and sequencing and 'shots' and lighting and flow... I don't consider this my 'area' but I picked up a lot during that time period of self-teaching,, Age 20 to present I started getting serious about learning the bare metal animation bedrock foundation- building my knowledge and skills on top of my skills I had as a young gun. If you would like, I can give you a reading list, books which I studied from to learn animation,, Originally, 2d was where I began and wished to excel at- but I really dig cg and the workflows go deep

Anonymous No. 875381

pretty nice for polymodeling

Anonymous No. 875402

Hod do you do that buttock jiggle?

Anonymous No. 875408

Must say /3/'s WIP thread looks really impressive these days compared to how it used to look a couple of years ago. Some real skilled artists here. We' re starting to feel on par with /ic/'s WIP thread. Good job /3/! Keep it up.

Anonymous No. 875424

a videogame

Anonymous No. 875427


Anonymous No. 875431

It took way too long considering /ic/ doesn't have WIP threads

Anonymous No. 875432

>If you would like, I can give you a reading list, books which I studied from to learn animation

this would be really cool to get a list, if you wouldn't mind. do you find yourself trying to 'bend' or 'break' 2d rules you've learned at all, or has the 2d mindset only helped master 3dcg work?

I'm currently learning some of the foundations of 2d animation as a support to really master 3d, but there is a [unfounded] worry that I will drift away from an 'outsider' art style. some of my favorites in animation (like AC-bu) specifically have said they they minimized their outside influence to create such a distinct, creatively ambitious look.


Anonymous No. 875433

I meant draw threads. Whatever.

Anonymous No. 875434

the way zbrush renders low poly stuff in the viewport is so ugly

Anonymous No. 875435

from the anons that said in the past, we are all gonna make it. I believed

Anonymous No. 875446

Wow that AC-bu video is amazing, thanks for showing that. The thing with self-teaching- is that it is pretty easy to retain an outsider artist skillset while simultaneously refining your skills in what you wish to make. The thing with animation, for me, is to Make the thing move no matter what.... And learning the core of what animation means, what makes motion tick- with that knowledge and skillset you will be better able (more equipped) to apply yourself to your ideas that you want to bring to life. Consider it like an arsenal of weapons in your head; that's what a core animation skillset is like to me. Just a bunch of weapons in my head so I can execute ideas if I wish

Learning how motion ticks in 2d will help with all of it. 3d- mograph, stop motion... Just need to read the Good Books from the ancient Cartoon Dungeon Masters; absorb their skills; apply what you know, and never lie down to the 'correct' methods. Always boring work comes from doing things the totally by-the-books way. I say one of the biggest benefits from learning the 2d ways; it gives you a much quicker eye to determine whether something looks 'right' when it is moving. and it gives you freedom to warp something into what looks 'right', sometimes from the totally opposite side of the coin

I don't have to break any bedrock in order to get things in motion- It is easy to ignore the fundamentals as it is to rely on them heavily. It helps that I have a lot of untrained years of making things the wrong way, I'm sure- My ways are not gold standard... But Like a lot of people here say, all that matters it the end result and that you actually make something. Respect to anyone who ever makes something ,,, nothing is easy - most of our jobs is just to make it look like it is
Timing For Animation - Whitaker and Halas
Anatomy of Movement - Calais-Germain
Character Animation Crash Course - Eric Goldberg
The Animator's Survival Kit - Richard Williams
Cartoon Animation by Preston Blair


testShotB - Copy.png

Anonymous No. 875448

thanks for your reply/recs, greatly appreciated and good to hear perspective from someone who knows what's up. Dick William's book has been a pretty good read so far, but will definitely check out the others (especially the timing one).

progress is made when you make stuff [even shitty] so ill keep putting time in. feels good to look back at work knowing you've improved. My experience in the past has been mainly photo editing [adobe suite]/drawing which has laid a decent foundation for some 3d work, but there's a long way to, much to look forward to.

Anonymous No. 875452

Well you are not supposed to do low poly with it. But the Zbrush move brush is too good even with low poly, while Maya's sculpt tools are all garbage.

Anonymous No. 875454

You just use dynamic subdivision if you want it to look all smooth like.



Anonymous No. 875475

I'm going to struggle so hard render her hair, any animebro have tips to shade hair?

Anonymous No. 875477

it's usually a hand drawn texture



Anonymous No. 875481




Anonymous No. 875489

cheese wedge.
dont know how im pulling off the panels though, thinking of painting them with height channels on substance



Anonymous No. 875492

so far so bad
wish me luck /3bros

Anonymous No. 875494

square UVs, draw a zig zag up and down? i dont know

Anonymous No. 875508

With jiggle bones in Blender, and spring controllers in Unreal.




Anonymous No. 875510

Wanted to challenge myself with a more complex body shape than I did in >>873470; went through a bunch of failures and restarts, and I'm still not entirely happy with the roof (or rear side window), but it finally seems to be getting somewhere.
Critique would again be appreciated, especially since I intend to go much deeper into detail with this one and would like to get any potential problems out the way in advance.



Anonymous No. 875513

I should have given a better view of these bits inside the fenders since I had almost no idea what I was doing there (and I'm sure it shows)

Anonymous No. 875516

care to post your jiggle bone setup?



Anonymous No. 875521

I love the OP image and how it evolved over the years. I remember when it was just the bridge and barely anything more.
I'm blocking out this basic robot, we'll see how much detail will i be able to add to it. Before i abandon it for 10 years like my last project. I'd love to make something like those Risk of Rain 2 characters.

Anonymous No. 875523

Your style is so distinctive, Jack.

Never change.

Anonymous No. 875531


...dont know what you want to build, looks like a east german trabant. greatings, you did it well!! apply a sub-d modifier, and work on the mesh until it looks not like shit, ...

...simple objects can be a cunt, respect it!


Jiggle Setup.png

Anonymous No. 875546


Anonymous No. 875548

pretty based



Anonymous No. 875564

Wanted to post this for the op image. Also had to pay respects to based blender cube.

Anonymous No. 875566

jesus christ label your fucking meshes retard



Anonymous No. 875568

finally started on a project I've put on for long enough

Anonymous No. 875576


Anonymous No. 875577

Some real "Virtua" aesthetics. Nice.

Anonymous No. 875578


Lookin' good, man.

Anonymous No. 875579

i like crab and big booba green kini girl

Anonymous No. 875581

>she doesn't have a face but i can tell the girl in the pink is asian

Anonymous No. 875583

thin, slightly yellow, black pig tails with a bang, light colored bikini?



Anonymous No. 875586

You're making me want to animate my fox.

Alough I didn't give her separated titty geometry.

Anonymous No. 875587

Thanks. I like your result, thought maybe you needed more bones arount the butt, but I see you used the setup I've seen posted for the breasts. Good work.

Anonymous No. 875589

you definitely should

Anonymous No. 875590

and disgusting flat

Anonymous No. 875617

Ive been lookiung for a way to do full body jiggle like VAM and a bunch of other unity games are doing. It seems like every indie dev has that tech. I havent found a way to do this with UE5 yet tho :(

Anonymous No. 875677

virtua fighter vibes!! i love it. also nice sillouettes

hand paint using either square uvs or very high res textures. you can bake some ao into your base tex if you want a lil help. also if you want you can do rim lighting using a fresnel.

looking good anon, topology looks clean too.

looks warsaw pact enough. i think you've done a clean job so far.

what does the face look like up close?


pink haired highs....png

Anonymous No. 875684

practicing making anime vtubers. made a quick color test to review the model + make adjustments.

Anonymous No. 875685

Man your usage of squash and streetch is amazing. It does seem to lose motion at some points but it adds to the style of animation.

Anonymous No. 875693

The only reason they have so many verts is because they don't know how the body is going to animate and thus don't know were to insert the topology. But i do think 100k is over kill.

Anonymous No. 875728

Weird, I'd just assumed they had a soft body simulation tool already?



Anonymous No. 875736

Anonymous No. 875737

looks good
anime shading is notoriously difficult and something i want to one day tackle but just a tip if you dont already know fake the shading by painting it into the texture otherwise the basic cel shading will just ruin the entire look thats how most of the vtuber models have it



Anonymous No. 875738

>what does the face look like up close?

Nothing special. It's purely vertex colours and pretty simple.

It's a bit of a mash of Virtua Fighter (no texutres) and Tekken (Smooth shading on certain faces).

Anonymous No. 875740

i can coom to this

Anonymous No. 875741

is this blender i tried to make a low poly fox in blender too



Anonymous No. 875742

I don't know if I've discovered some weird avant-garde style and I don't know if I want to stop now or keep going.
Pointers are appreciated as usual.

Anonymous No. 875743





Anonymous No. 875745

>eternal procrastination keeps me from even starting to get into 3D modelling

How do you cope, /3/?

Anonymous No. 875746

i dont cope because im too busy working on my my modeling

Anonymous No. 875753

You face up to fact that your procrastination is fear of getting poor results.

Fear is the mind-killer. It is the little death that kills you over and over again, every single day.
Face that fear, let it pass over you and through, until it is gone, and only you remain.
When you can do this, you will only have to die once, and you will have modelled a good looking pair of tits by the time you do.



Anonymous No. 875754

Ok chief!



Anonymous No. 875756

nah bro, im just lazy and want to lay in bed all day

Anonymous No. 875758

she is STACKED

Anonymous No. 875760

make her skin brown and her hair white

Anonymous No. 875762

Face might need some work, but I want to stick my dick in everything else, so well done.

Anonymous No. 875766

Next don't post a gif so we can have a real look at the model.

The ass is square, nose is too long, the breasts are too big that they make her look like a comic book character, feet are too small they look like she wouldn't be able to even walk, the pinky it too long and i cant really see the hand but their seems to be more issues then that.

Not saying your work is crap, like maybe it could of been passed off as some booba model for second life.



Anonymous No. 875791

I think this came out ok as a first attempt at making a run cycle (or any kind of animation), but now I'm kind of at a loss of what to do with the model. [spoiler]don't suggest porn[/spoiler]

Anonymous No. 875792

Somehow managed to fuck up the spoiler tag

Anonymous No. 875800

[spoiler]spoilers don't work on this board[/spoiler]

Anonymous No. 875806

I can hear the acid techno

Anonymous No. 875807

do the other animations from the game, add the obstacles, get some practice in.

Anonymous No. 875814

Has anyone been contacted by Fracture Labs for work??

Anonymous No. 875815

you should hard surface model a vehicle or some other accessory for them



Anonymous No. 875824

i don't know how to fix the face, here is the sculpt.


Anonymous No. 875839

make a spoon. trust me

Anonymous No. 875840

i think an anon here had a way around making the weird vertex jittery nature of the ps1 with geo nodes. it would add a lot if you manage to make her with that


spoontang 2022.jpg

Anonymous No. 875842

Why a spoon

Anonymous No. 875845

it'll all be revealed once you make it

Anonymous No. 875846

I actually already did that by converting the mesh into grease pencil and using the noise modifier. I'll try to make it more visible



Anonymous No. 875850

Here we go



Anonymous No. 875851

rockman 7 count bomb

that's pretty neato

Anonymous No. 875856

clean, but off model

Anonymous No. 875857

Oh yes, soul
Based Megamanbro



Anonymous No. 875859




Anonymous No. 875860

>off model
yea, tried to combine the design of both the artwork and spritework but also tried to make some changes to make modeling it easier.

the side... "baubles" or whatever the fuck those are were especially weird since it looks like the pipes are meant to connect to them in art but in 3d it ended up looking really weird so i ended up just making them more cylindrical.

thanks mate, i'm doing a bunch of items and entities from mm7, already did both count bombs and now im gonna do this guy next.

very nice



Anonymous No. 875869

Not that guy, but making a spoon is actually hard.

Anonymous No. 875874

To me, I think the issue is the eyes. Instead of using 3d eyes, you could set the hollow area where they eyes go to an emissive or diffuse white material, and use a floating circle as the pupil. This works a lot better for stylized characters, especially if they are trying to be anime-ish. You could also make they eyes lower, or the hairline higher.



Anonymous No. 875882

3d eyes need to have a natural eyebrow resting over the top of the eye by about 30-35% and 20-15% on the bottom.
This is good advice to solve the issue but you will lose realism.

Anonymous No. 875883

im not using 3d eyes


anime trash.jpg

Anonymous No. 875884

Then you need to smooth out the eye sockets. It should be a semi circle around the eye not a sharp edge. Also need to make the eyes smaller.

Anonymous No. 875888

I have to say, I made a spoon for the first time not long ago and it was much more difficult than I thought it would be. My handle is way too long and my little scoopy part doesn't look deep enough.

Also I have a question if anyone can help me with it
>Started to name my meshes
>Started adding meshes to collections
>I can toggle all of the meshes either on or off no problem
>Can't find a way to toggle one on and the rest off

Normally you just hold ctrl/alt/shift and click the eye within the collection, but that doesn't seem to work when I try with Blender. I know there's obviously a way to do it because I've seen people do it, I even did it myself. But I can't find out how to do it again and I've tried Google.
It's so fucking tedious having to click everything on and off individually when there's lots of stuff in there.



Anonymous No. 875905

now i want to try modeling one of those fancy vintage spoons

>one and the rest off
there a couple ways to do this, one way is using SHIFT + H. the other way is to use / which will do something similar but is more of a "solo" toggle rather than a full on hide of other objects.

Anonymous No. 875906

Thanks dude I'll try those out.

Anonymous No. 875907

select the object u want to not hide, press ctrl+I this will invert selection, press H and everything is hidden.



Anonymous No. 875910

no prob.
also to reveal all hidden objects you can use ALT + H. i usually just undo the hiding though since ALT + H will also reveal anything you may have wanted to stay hidden or had hidden earlier.



Anonymous No. 875914

added textures



Anonymous No. 875918

spoon chads rise up

Anonymous No. 875920

all of you guys are so good and im so bad it makes me sad :(



Anonymous No. 875927


Anonymous No. 875928


Anonymous No. 875933


Anonymous No. 875935

Don't be sad, practice more, you will get there.

Anonymous No. 875936

Make her breasts bigger and saggier



Anonymous No. 875938

now bend it and make it a melee weapon



Anonymous No. 875939

Working on the physics asset for the body. I'm pretty sure the number of physics bodies that will work for collision within the asset are limited, or at least they were when it came to cloth a few versions ago. If they still are, then I'll make a second physics asset and assign it to the ponytail separately with fewer physics bodies to handle collisions.



Anonymous No. 875945

now bend it and make it a melee weapon

Anonymous No. 875946

is this a first person spoon furry game

Anonymous No. 875948

You can use KawaiiPhysics, mobile battle royale games like PUBG and Final Fantasy use it



Anonymous No. 875950

perhaps... maybe yes maybe not. who knows.

Anonymous No. 875951

can you eat soup

Anonymous No. 875954

i love soup... so yes

Anonymous No. 875955

she caked up

Anonymous No. 875956




Anonymous No. 875960

I remade it, as it was bothering me... Still not ideal, but way better than the first one.



Anonymous No. 875964

I unironically wanna get into 3d modelling and game development because I wanna make a megaman game, keep it up

Anonymous No. 875965

Leona the Purrfessional

Anonymous No. 875978

Is ammo stored in the platform beneath the guy? How does he get up there? Is there a retractable ladder of sorts? Otherwise a chain-like ladder hanging on the side would be pretty rad. Other than that, cool shit anon

That's fucking awesome

Me on the right

Anonymous No. 876007

Pilot redsun looking ass

Anonymous No. 876009

ffs the psx guy is a furry?

Anonymous No. 876014

more likely that a furry is doing a bit of work within the style




Anonymous No. 876036


Anonymous No. 876039

I like her. Good work.

Anonymous No. 876040


Anonymous No. 876041

you will assimilate into being one of us whether you like it or not owo



Anonymous No. 876049

>Is ammo stored in the platform beneath the guy?
nope, check >>875016
>How does he get up there? Is there a retractable ladder of sorts? Otherwise a chain-like ladder hanging on the side would be pretty rad.
Yes it will be some sort of ladder, but It'l take a while before I actually add it, there's a lot of shit left to do first



Anonymous No. 876062




Anonymous No. 876064

This is pretty fun.

Anonymous No. 876065

you are nigger cattle

Anonymous No. 876069

oh hello schizophrenic source bro, didn't know you posted here

Anonymous No. 876072

How is this relevant to /3/ in any way?

Anonymous No. 876075

he's working on something in 3D

Anonymous No. 876077

Doesn't look like it to me. Where is the 3D model? All I see is garbage sourceshit like a profoundly retarded child playing with LEGOs.

Anonymous No. 876079

not sure, but there's a hammer thread here, likely made by him.
this guy is a schizo from the old days of /agdg/, he's been making these really weird hammer maps/things since the beginning and he's kinda known as a nuisance there.

Anonymous No. 876080

a game map is a 3D model dipshit
stop being a dick in the /wip/ thread

Anonymous No. 876081

This, sourcenigger is a known criminal. He also doxxes and even BOMBS YesDevs constantly because he can't even make a game, lol. He is insanely jealous and jealously insane

Anonymous No. 876084

not in this case honestly, it's not really /3/ art. so yes in this case he should just stop right there

ive never been really connected to AGDG but yeah from what ive heard this guy is a prick. hes also probably the author of this mess: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=142358862

Anonymous No. 876085

>hes also probably the author of this mess:
this fully this we confimed it back in 2015. we have his steam handle and full name because of this.

Anonymous No. 876086

source is not /3/ and never will be

fuck off sourceniglet

Anonymous No. 876087

i actually discovered this whole rabbithole when a friend told me of that bizarre "game" of his, we even played it and it was totally awful. i just automatically assumed it was him, guess i was right haha

Anonymous No. 876088

>everyone I don't like is the same person

Anonymous No. 876089

i never made that statement, why are you so upset?

Anonymous No. 876090

Yes. Now you understand. Reek, Rotate, birdmath, PepsiFag, eromattifarg, sourcefam, they are one and the same.

Anonymous No. 876092

I can't believe you so easily found proof that >>876062 is in actual FACT the author of https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=142358862

Anonymous No. 876095

Sourcenigger absolutely fucking destoyed. Good job, boys.



Anonymous No. 876100

i sort of uncovered this mess out of pure luck, a guy from a groupchat im in found it while browsing the remnants of steam greenlight and we even got to play it.
it was absolutely awful, over 10gb of stolen models and other assets, random out of place shit and even the entire team fortress 2 directory for some reason.
im amazed how he managed to fit so much garbage in a single source engine game and make it sort of work. everything was terrible and nothing made sense, it was like an AI generated game but not really. he even has a github repo for the "sourcecode" (https://github.com/bmk10) , this guy is absolutely loony.

i feel kinda bad for him. when i looked at his steam group, it had only him and two people, and the discussions tab had like a hundred posts made by him that were just gibberish.

also his moddb page is just riddled with nonsense and pictures of notebooks, picrel

Anonymous No. 876101

forgot to mention that i also found actual porn in the game's directory for some reason, lol. and he also had a discord server and a twitter, but both seem to be gone.

Anonymous No. 876102

Unbelievable. We finally have proof of sourcenigger's true identity. This is irrefutable proof that THIS is the spectre that has been haunting /agdg/ and /3/ for over seven years!

Anonymous No. 876104

This is watertight evidence. This shit would probably even fly in court. Should we notify the FBI that this is the guy who was bombing all those YesDevs?

Anonymous No. 876106

the fuck, bombing? what do you mean by that, like for real?

Anonymous No. 876107

are you going to put this in /agdg/ so the real YesDevs know who to look out for?

Anonymous No. 876108

sourcenigger has committed MANY crimes he faked boku's death when she lived in chicago and sent many bombs to YesDevs like MothDan and all the Boat Jam participants

Anonymous No. 876110

i already posted this on the agdg cord but nobody seemingly cared, like always...

Anonymous No. 876111

post it again every day until they Realize and take Action.

Anonymous No. 876112

>some guy posts a hl2 map wip
>thread loses its fucking mind in conspiracy theories and delusions

Anonymous No. 876114

Post it on the thread and on discord. We need everyone to see this.

Anonymous No. 876116

Unbelievable. This is really sourcefam.... Should we start harassing them on moddb and twitter?

Anonymous No. 876117

nah they wont. anyways, just posted that since he appeared here, i don't really care about the drama he caused in the past. it was a quite funny experience honestly, you should definetly download it and try it out.

Anonymous No. 876118


Yes. Activate it. This nigger will LEARN today.

Anonymous No. 876120

I'll take up the mantle then anon. We have to remind /agdg/ of sourcenigger's crimes until the FBI finally gives him the boom boom crash he deserves

Anonymous No. 876121

this is absurd



Anonymous No. 876122

? talk about WIPs and give advice on making 3d booba and spoons nobody cares about your 50 page deep obscure usenet board drama manifesto

Anonymous No. 876123

Guys, pls don't fill the /3/ wip with drama.

Anonymous No. 876124

Why is it covered in pasta sauce?



Anonymous No. 876126

>he's seriously defending the likes of source
Lol. Just lol. Wasn't pic related you too? Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.

Anonymous No. 876127

i think im gonna be sick

Anonymous No. 876128

lil piggie gonna SQUEE SQUEE SquEEEEAL when the BOOM BOOM CRASH comes hehe thats what you get for fucking with MY thread sourcenigger or should i say bm killer10 aka reek aka bmk10 aka eromattifarg aka rotatefam aka pepsifag

Anonymous No. 876129

yeah i apologise, i just posted these messages because i thought people were just gonna find it funny and forget about it in 3 minutes, i didn't intend to spark some slimy community vendetta...

Anonymous No. 876130

Why would someone make that and then think it's okay to post anywhere ever?

Anonymous No. 876131

Because they are a literal terrorist, mailing bombs to YesDevs.

Anonymous No. 876132

imagine being responsible for this existing and not killing yourself

Anonymous No. 876134

samefag pls stop spamming your adgd discord drama

Anonymous No. 876135

i spit out my fuckn beer

Anonymous No. 876144

Who the fuck are YesDevs? and why should i care? or anyone should care?

Anonymous No. 876151

the fuck is this autistic samefagging going on right now?
please fuck off back to your discord with whatever garbage you're taking about faggot

Anonymous No. 876152

what's actually wrong with these images? why do they trigger you so bad?

Anonymous No. 876153

A YesDev is a Dev who is Yes. Being YesDev is the opposite of being nodev. A nodev is a slovenly pile of nigger filth with no game who only can offer limp-dick "advice" no one should listen to because they are a drunk. A YesDev is clean, sober, white, and has a Game. Being a YesDev is a state of being. It is the peak of human achievement to be YesDev, and 4chan is a YesDev website for YesDevs only.

They are, professionally speaking, what is called "nigger-handed trash by and for kikes with no Game"

Anonymous No. 876154

>it's your fault! no u! omg discord! steamchat! pls leave me alone ;_;
No it's just this thread, sourcenigger. You have no one to blame but yourself for your FAILURE to make anything worthwhile.

Anonymous No. 876156

is this that nightmare vision i've heard so much about??

Anonymous No. 876157

I fucking hate sourceniggers. I bet he's a fucking furfag too.

Anonymous No. 876158

so wait if i shit on sourcefaggot am i going to get exploded by mail?

Anonymous No. 876162

I fucking hate /agdg/ now for derailing /wip/ and turning it into their own discord tranny soap opera shitfest. Fuck you all, and fuck this source engine schizo piece of shit too, for turning this thread into a mess!



Anonymous No. 876164

By not making an axe the original stencils wont fit
So i made my own - which was actually really easy so i'll shill the software here

Anonymous No. 876167

holy shit that's sick. thanks for sharing the software. fug, a bit too late for my argonian

Anonymous No. 876172

I wish they had taken it to the Discord that OP set up. It seems like it would have been a better place for it.



Anonymous No. 876175

been lurking for a year now. finally posting my own stuff.

leman russ from 40k im working on, using some 3d-printing stl's as reference

Anonymous No. 876176

crime wars changed my life... i have sex with 500 hot women every week after experiencing it



Anonymous No. 876187

I optimized it to hell, unwrapped it, put it in substance painter, and it looks like shit. This took me over 36 hours to make

Anonymous No. 876188

maybe take off the chromatic abberation and upload a higher res?

Anonymous No. 876190

you can make like an 8k render in jpeg and will still fit under a mb. what's your goal, because i dont see anything bad with it. any areas that you feel you have trouble with?

Anonymous No. 876191

Just trying to make a portfolio piece to show i can model and make assets, but it seems I need more practice

Anonymous No. 876192

it's alright, what's important is that you finish it. bet you learned a lot making it. if you can do what we asked about looking at it at higher res. even if you are done with it, you can still get useful feedback for your next project if we have anything to say



Anonymous No. 876194

incredible, that is a cool tool

fucking nice, i should probably learn to sculpt but i want to learn as much fundamentals with just straight box/poly modeling as i can ahead of time.

Anonymous No. 876197

nice and comfy
good stuff so far

Anonymous No. 876204

Nigger hands made these. I can tell.

Anonymous No. 876209

I challenge anyone to name anything NOT wrong in those images


Mega Man 16255632....png

Anonymous No. 876231


Anonymous No. 876247

you post your stuff anywhere?

Anonymous No. 876256

you sir are based



Anonymous No. 876273

anyone know how i should go about doing the eyes? should i make them 3d or should i do something more along the lines of this


seoul, its getting there friendo



Anonymous No. 876282




Anonymous No. 876298

i decided to switch to blender 3 and every is blue now and i dont know why


blue man group.png

Anonymous No. 876302


Anonymous No. 876303

neato, thanks

Anonymous No. 876305

In due time.
I'm working on the next OP image, and we haven't even gotten to page 5 yet.
Keep working and keep posting, I'll add it to the OP.



Anonymous No. 876312

I really hate do retopology. Constantly thinking where and how polys must flow is melting my brain



Anonymous No. 876313

better? what else? help!

Anonymous No. 876317

yes this fully this
this thread is tainted by source

Anonymous No. 876320

nice, that's the topology from that popular book, right?

Anonymous No. 876322

Lol at the subdiv windows, nice tho

Anonymous No. 876323

get this literally gay shit off my thread immediately



Anonymous No. 876325


Yes. It sucks that content on that site is behind paywall now. I was able only to get shitty pdf of it from cgpeers.

Anonymous No. 876335

sharing is caring

Anonymous No. 876344

Which popular book?

Anonymous No. 876345

Begone cumfarti!



Anonymous No. 876349




Anonymous No. 876362

She's in dire need of eyelids, for one.

I wouldn't go with that nose if you're trying to look like anime.

Anonymous No. 876367

i don't sculpt eye lids and im not going for a cartoonish look but non 'anime'

Anonymous No. 876370

*I AM going for a cartoonish look, but not anime



Anonymous No. 876401

the shape of the ears makes no sense
the way the ear connects to the head is wrong
the eyes have no defined corners
the harmonic angles/proportions of your face are off.
In a face (or any organic thing) angles and shapes should repeat and be similar to each other.

Anonymous No. 876413

this is complete bunk fuddlore on par with EVERYONE IS *___EXACTLY___ 7 HEADS TALL *goes on to make a character with 52:21:78 proportions*

Anonymous No. 876418

>52:21:78 proportions
hubba hubba



Anonymous No. 876423

sure anon reality doesn't apply to you, you just follow your heart and let your creativity flow freely with no restraints, and if people tell you your stuff isn't good they are actually just jealous

Anonymous No. 876424

that man's ears done line up with his nose and his eyebrows arent perfectly parallel wtf is this uggo shit !!!!!

Anonymous No. 876427

It's a stylized character, of course reality doesn't apply to it



Anonymous No. 876430

if you don't understand the fractal nature of biology pic will always fool you

Anonymous No. 876431

meant for

Anonymous No. 876432

bro what the fuck his head isn't made of parallel lines at all. look at how his ears and chin clash so hard.... his cheekbones arent even parallel to his brows...



Anonymous No. 876433

stylized doesn't mean abstract mess.
rules of reality still apply
if you make a skinny character using a sphere as his body it will not work.

making a stylized face with really sharp angles and strong jaw and cheekbones and giving it a small round nose will clash with the rest of the face.

Anonymous No. 876436

>no parallel lines
>no cubes or cylinders
this nigger needs to read loomis



Anonymous No. 876447

I'm not sure i know how to actually apply this knowledge, but I'll give it shot. I might just start over.



Anonymous No. 876512

Some good progress today, next is texture clothes.

Anonymous No. 876518

knee pit texture is looks too low



Anonymous No. 876528

Stylized can mean an abstract mess, it all depends on the artists desires. The cool thing about your imagination is that you can use it to defy the laws of reality, and use art to show other people your imagination. Your imagination does not have to apply to reality, that is unless you have a hard time imagining things you haven't already seen.

I also don't think even the worst artist would ever consider depicting a skinny character with a fat shape, since they are trying to make a skinny character.

Anonymous No. 876530

Crazy how good of a painter Picasso was and then he started doing complete dogshit like that.



Anonymous No. 876540

I'm trying to stay relatively true to the dwarf from the flipped normals sculpting course.

This is hard because they are more competent than me. Eyes and lips still and probably always will confuse me.

Anonymous No. 876551

>use art to show other people your imagination.
good meme
I don't think he wanted to convey a women making horse sounds, because that is what I get here.

Anon you can do anything you want and if a bunch of rich jews decide to use your art to launder money midwits might start writing books why your art is so brilliant.

If you want to convey your imagination to other people you have to use a common language (nature)

>depicting a skinny character with a fat shape
This is about self-similarity and anons absurd posts that it doesn't matter. If you give a guy with roman sculpture features a flat bent nose. It will look like he got his nose broken and not like that is his natural nose.

This the same as the golden ratio you don't need to apply it with mathematical precision you can just use it as a guide.

tldr if you want your shit to be good use self similarity as one of your tools.

Anonymous No. 876555

>It will look like he got his nose broken



Anonymous No. 876587

Still polishing this ... Probably should have moved on to retopo ages ago but I'm just too scared sloppy work now is going to come back and bite me in the ass later. Inexperience I guess. I haven't actually ever finished something. Anyway, let me know what you think of this little character.
Hair is just a placeholder. Planning on making some nice hair later.

Anonymous No. 876591

I see what you mean now, but to rephrase, it isn't that proportions aren't important, but that I think >>876401 is wrong in thinking that elf anon's character needs to be perfectly anatomically correct. it still looks weird, but I think that is because the character has a weird stare to it. I think if they were to color the pupils and irises, and give the character some eyebrows and eyelashes, it would be easier to tell how good/bad their character is.

Anonymous No. 876593

hand painted? love the tan lines. very nice.


Hair Wip 4(1).webm

Anonymous No. 876599

Finishing the physics asset. I probably should have done a bone chain for each hair card to minimize clipping.



Anonymous No. 876605

>I think you are wrong in thinking that elf anon's character needs to be perfectly anatomically correct.
Elf anon can do what he wants
I never said anything about being anatomically correct
I guess you just can't see what I can see?

Self similarity is a rule you can find in all living things.
You can find very similar shapes angles and proportions repeated inside an organism.
If you do not follow self similarity it will at best look like a damaged living thing or have an uncanny valley look or at worst don't look like a living thing at all but like a plastic figure.

Anonymous No. 876619

really like the body and legs, but I'm a little worried about the width of the mouth, feels like the corners are too wide, giving it a bit of a froggy appearance. Thumbs and fingies seem a little long, toes are a bit fucked but I'm not a footfag either so I kinda get it.

Anonymous No. 876628




Anonymous No. 876630

Thanks fren, all hand painted ^^
I don't know about loli proportion so I just follow ref, and my ref's knee is even lower though. What do you think?

Anonymous No. 876642

I only meant the texture
the crease in the knee pit looks too low



Anonymous No. 876648

most obvious things I could find
where the pecs and the ribcage meet
lower pecs connecting to the groin looks a bit bulbous
for the thighs think about the bones especially the femur insided and how the muscles connect to them
the muscles on the ribs have a weird direction
either your upper arms are to short or your biceps isn't long enough
thumb is very skinny and long
palms of the hand connect to smooth to the arm
pits are a bit extreme
check your neck again
outer eye corners don't look correct
when it come to the mouth I am with>>876619

hope this helps you and doesn't just confuse you.

Don't try to make one Grand Masterpiece just get this one finished it's better than a lot of characters I have seen, well done.

Anonymous No. 876651

ps knees and toes are pointing in diffrent directions

Anonymous No. 876657

Thanks for the feedback. I'll check these. At
some point I was considering going full cartoon mouth on this character with lips in the middle. Perhaps it won't really fit with the rest of the aesthetic tho.
Thanks based redline bro. This is gold.

Anonymous No. 876734

i like this critter, very metroid



Anonymous No. 878289

This is my first sculpt. I have followed tutorials before but this is the first one I did on my own. I am still learning basics of KeyShot 10 HD so just did a simple render in ZBrush instead.
I will probably fix the pupils, paint the lip better as I missed a spot, and figure out how to do render/lighting in KeyShot properly. There is a weird white circle around the eye but that went away once I was in KeyShot so must just be an issue in ZBrush (probably because I pinch tooled around the eyes).

All feedback and links to tutorials that helped you as a beginner are very welcome.