
Wip Collage_Serie....jpg

๐Ÿงต /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 876627

/wip/ - Works in Progress
- Collage Edition: Series 3 -
Cute and Funny.

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>874161

List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB
Check out the /3/ Discord: https://discord.gg/ujt5vtr4DE



Anonymous No. 876629



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Anonymous No. 876635

kind of forgot about the flying traffic cone, but now that im free of my assignments ill try to texture it tomorrow.
hope it doesn't look shittier than it already does. i tampered with the normals to make it look a bit less wonky, and added the "landing gear"

Anonymous No. 876637

I think you should come up with a better design, that barely even resembles an airplane.

Anonymous No. 876638

is it your final plane?


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Anonymous No. 876640

i didn't come up with that lol, it's a real thing.

Anonymous No. 876641

>>876638 sorry, quoted the same guy twice

Anonymous No. 876645

>that crockomire

Anonymous No. 876652

He's been friendzoned for the last time.



Anonymous No. 876663

what do you think guys?
I would welcome some critique


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Anonymous No. 876664

it's supposed to be monica bellucci

Anonymous No. 876671

Looks good. I guess we won't know for sure if it's really Monica until you apply the texture map.

Anonymous No. 876675

pretty, i like it
nose shape from profile is a little off nose bridge is longer on model, the apex of the nose's angle is too flat on model, also mouth is wider
the rest seems good but what >>876671 said



Anonymous No. 876711




Anonymous No. 876715

Never posted in the wip thread before
finished the hair, need to work on her neck fluff and maybe redo her leg fluff after, then make a version of her hair not in a braid

Anonymous No. 876768

>Never posted in the wip thread before
Welcome to /wip/, make sure to stick around to see your bug-girl in the next OP!

Another head for the head golem :^) Very good.
On a serious note, lookin good so far. Kinda hard to really see how close it is without any hair/skin. Echoing that other anon, I think textures will really pull it together and make or break the likeness.



Anonymous No. 876790

Posting my art improvement, just heads tho.
First got into zbrush in 2017.



Anonymous No. 876791

I'm not too sure you guys, I see barely any improvements myself.
Eyes are still FUCKED UP!



Anonymous No. 876792

I love ears btw

Anonymous No. 876793

Might have to drop it altogether it's no use.


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Anonymous No. 876810

more of my muppet flying

Anonymous No. 876819

amazing. keep it up



Anonymous No. 876820

What did you do to get to this point.
I feel like im stuck at a point where I know what looks wrong and right, but I don't know how to get from wrong TO right. And my mind's eye is all but blind.

Anonymous No. 876823

is think it's just to grind making stuff. ive been sculpting since 2017 like him but i have no where near good looking stuff as his because i just been lazy sculpting a few things a year. you see twitter koreans posting sketches of a billion poses for a reason.

Anonymous No. 876826

the rendering on her leg is cool. I look forward to seeing it finished.
also is she from that paper mario bug game?



Anonymous No. 876829

Alright, not perfect but I think im happy with it. Havent retopo'd yet.

Anonymous No. 876863

Where's the eyelids?

Anonymous No. 876866


Improve your drawing skills.



Anonymous No. 876867

I feel like I've done enough to justify posting progress again now
>fixed(?) front fender
>made some modifications to greenhouse (still not happy with it but it's an improvement)
>made lights
>started making/arranging some internal parts to make sure everything fits where it should
In hindsight I should have done that last one at the start, but fortunately my estimates seem to have been about spot-on and I've yet to find anything that won't fit

It's an original design, meant to be a small (western) european sports car from the late fifties. The shape's mostly derived from real cars of the period, but it should look a lot more distinct once I've got all the fixtures and stuff in how I'm imagining



Anonymous No. 876881

No, she is my oc, please don't steal
making clothing is hard



Anonymous No. 876895

>mfw can't even into simple glove cartoon hands
gonna go study the fuck out of normal hands real quick. anyone know some good tutorial or docs on hand topology?



Anonymous No. 876920

wipperino. may have to rethink the concept before going any further


Anonymous No. 876927

thanks, will do
just practice a lot, even if it's shit continue practicing, that's all there is to it, eventually your eyes will catch up and you'll be able to develop an eye for detail, so practice, again, if you make ten sculpts and nine of them suck but one is decent then if you make a hundred sculpts there is a possibility that you'll end up with at least a few good ones.



Anonymous No. 876951

Trying to fake glowing surfaces in eevee using a mixture of fresnel, shader to RGB, and emission

I kinda like the vibe but i need to figure out a way to dither/blur the hard edges of the fresnel somehow

anyone know how?

Anonymous No. 876952

Experimental bump.
The thread seems to be abnormally low in the page count for how active it is.
Is there something up, or is it people just not bumping when they're posting?

Anonymous No. 876953

Yeah, something is definitely up.
Refreshed the catalogue a few times, and this thread didn't bump.

Can jannies/mods make it so a thread doesn't bump and slowly dies? What's the point of that?

Anonymous No. 876954

Looks like you're right. Your post didn't bump the thread and the countdown is still doing 5 seconds rather than 30.
Something is awry here.



Anonymous No. 876955

der fliegende leitkegel, part 2

Anonymous No. 876957

how do you do eye lashes like this? I can't figure out how to model it

Anonymous No. 876960

I'm not the anon you responded to, but I've made those types of lashes before:

- Add a plane
- Turn on snapping, project individual elements, inherit rotation, and shrink ur plane down until it's a lil square the the height of the brows, sitting right where u want your lashes.
- Add two modifiers, first add Solidify, second add subdivision surface.
- Now in edit mode you can extrude edges along the eye and make whatever shapes you want and they'll be nice and flush against the head. Adjust the thickness in the soldify modifer to make things thicker.

Anonymous No. 876965

i feel like that's been a thing for a while now, don't remember when i started seeing it

Anonymous No. 876980

Might be because there's another /wip/ thread still sctive.

Anonymous No. 877020

Yo guys, OP here.
Seems like for some reason, this thread is fucked.
It's not bumping, despite it being a new thread.
I'm guessing what happened was some errant mod decided to pop into /3/, and got triggered by the caption for the thread, and decided to just perma-sage the thread. Lord knows we don't have any jannies here.

So I'll leave it up to you.
Should I make a new thread now?
Or should we just ride this one till it dies?

In either case, I won't make a new OP image for it just yet, but everything that'll be posted in this and the new thread will make it into the next proper one.

Anonymous No. 877021

Make a new one bruh

Anonymous No. 877022

that phrase causes threads to autosage, just make a new one

Anonymous No. 877024

make a new one

Anonymous No. 877027

New thread, deffo.

maybe change the name a lil so it dosent trigger an automod (i.e. instead of /wip/ maybe /3dprogress/ or something dunno

Anonymous No. 877030


Alright, I made a new one. Sorry about that guys. Guess automods are no fun allowed.

Anonymous No. 877391

practice what exactly. I'm sure you're not just sculpting all the time. I assume you can draw



Anonymous No. 877881

>Never posted in the wip thread before
Are you sure? I though I got this from here.

Anonymous No. 877889

>thread started bumping


Anonymous No. 877943

Should I shill my Twitter here?
I just started working on a game and I want to know if it is a good idea.

Anonymous No. 877956

Post your game.



Anonymous No. 878021

it still super early so maybe it will look a little more interesting in a few months...
You can look at my progress on my twitter: https://twitter.com/AndyOettGamedev
Mind you that I literally started this year so there isn't much.

Critiques please and what do you think of the name of the game?