
Wip Collage_Serie....jpg

🧵 /wip/ - 3d Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 877029

/wip/ - Works in Progress
- Collage Edition: Series 3 -
Reposted and retoasted.

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread(s): >>874161 and >>876627

List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB
Check out the /3/ Discord: https://discord.gg/ujt5vtr4DE

Anonymous No. 877032

Alright, let's see if this bad boy bumps.

Anonymous No. 877034

Uh oh...

Anonymous No. 877036




Anonymous No. 877037

Worked, guess we are never allowed to be C or F.

Anonymous No. 877038

Guess it works for you and not for me. Curious.
Well, in any case, it works. Carry on, friends.
Sorry about that little snag with the last thread.



Anonymous No. 877064

What happened to the last thread? Are jannies banning the only one thread on /3/ that's actually productive?

Anonymous No. 877065

Nice metal slung tanks.

Anonymous No. 877071

>manages to get the first post in /wip/ for the first time
>thread gets cancelled
born to not make it

Anonymous No. 877078

big guy in the squat position would fall over backwards. all of his mass is behind his feet.



Anonymous No. 877089

mein fĂĽhrer, hopefully, we will be able deploy our newest wunderwaffe just in time for steiner's counterattack plan. oh wait a minute-

no idea why hbao isnt working at all though

Anonymous No. 877101

Bump limit, newfriend. There is a link to the last thread in the OP.



Anonymous No. 877103

Does this look alright?

Anonymous No. 877105

It wasn't the bumplimit. It was autosaging. It only had like 30 posts in it.

Anonymous No. 877107

I don't see any arms or legs. Missing his penis too. Back of skull doesn't seem like it's connected to anything. Going for a gorilla skull shape?



Anonymous No. 877113

Shading folds is kinda fun when you get it.
Hair is my nightmare so maybe I will do it last :)

Anonymous No. 877127

Probably because the automods didn't like the quip about the thread in the OP.
I never actually knew that was a thing that could happen, but I guess I know for future reference.

Anonymous No. 877129

>all of his mass is behind his feet.
I mean, he's in the middle of a dance move, so he's not sticking there for long. I also tried to put him in a relatively flat area there. Really, I'm surprised that's what you have issue with and not the abomination made of severed heads.

Anonymous No. 877131

Alright? His penis and balls are far too tiny, they need to be bigger and veinier. Some hair would probably help too. On top of all that, he doesn't even have any nipples.

also learn to texture please.


eletank 5.jpg

Anonymous No. 877138

yours is way better but I would love to see that fight my old wip

Anonymous No. 877140

Based art critique bro/sis



Anonymous No. 877141

Tried splitting some panels into separate meshes, and had a go at cutting some vents out of the trunk lid.
Are there any better ways I could do this?

Anonymous No. 877142

Should add that I'd also like to know if anyone's got any critique on the overall geometry in >>876867 since I made a few changes elsewhere

Anonymous No. 877143

it's probably good enough

should have looked at some better anatomy references.

Anonymous No. 877144

you are making pinch points that way, unless you want that keep it quads

looks a bit silly because it looks like precision cut slits

Anonymous No. 877145

care to tell us your folding secrets?



Anonymous No. 877146




Anonymous No. 877152




Anonymous No. 877153

>>877152 sketching more stuff to add to the comp

Anonymous No. 877155

but I don't wanna live in a pod

Anonymous No. 877156

fug i want to play tf2 now

Anonymous No. 877157

you will live in the pod, cope



Anonymous No. 877168


Anonymous No. 877170


Anonymous No. 877174

Based, I'm digging this.

Anonymous No. 877185

What parts are the biggest problems?



Anonymous No. 877186

finally moved on to the low poly.


step shade folds.jpg

Anonymous No. 877192

I learn from this video:



Anonymous No. 877194

Real abs are not symmetrical, they have different sizes and positions.

Anonymous No. 877195

A lot of the critique in this thread has been shit. Can you guys keep posting and not talk so much? I think the critiques on this board have gotten to the point where people dont even want to make anything anymore because sperglord anon over there doesnt like the way one of the pixels looks on other anon's waifu. Then other anon ends up focusing too much on fixing inane autism level details that no one but the first anon will notice or care about. Its destrcutive critisism for the whole community.

Anonymous No. 877199

muh realism
shut up



Anonymous No. 877201

you can take some liberty since it's not a normal human
But the muscles should connect roughly to the right spots so they could theoretically move the arm etc.

Anonymous No. 877202

>low poly
I see you are aiming to go below 10k

Anonymous No. 877203

It may not be a current wip, but as you posted it in the wip thread, your wish is my command.
Prepare to see them fight in the next OP :^)



Anonymous No. 877204

you have to imagine the skeleton within and where the muscles need to attach to make it work as a moving system.

Anonymous No. 877206

"Cute and Funny, cunny, etc" triggers autosage.

Anonymous No. 877207

where did you learn how to handpaint? Also if you're using a tablet what do you use?



Anonymous No. 877208

i think i got a pretty good morph effect, by using shapekeys and blending different materials. but holy guacamole is it a pain to get the shrinkwrap right. is there an easier way to do this?



Anonymous No. 877209

So i'm actually aiming for 150k - 180k.
do you think that's excessive? what should I aim for for this kind of character? most pieces look like pic related and that's not including the face and hair cards, which alone are like 50k.

Anonymous No. 877210

Why should I stop critiquing people? Criticism is something an artist can use to improve their skills and accomplish their goal of making lots of money. These threads would be a lot better if people would conform to my standards for what passes as a good model because I am one of the best modelers on this board and know what I am talking about. My expertise makes a lot of the flaws in other peoples’ work obvious, but a lot of less professionally trained people forget that art is serious business and that they should be creating hyperrealism instead of creating things for fun and using their imagination.

Anonymous No. 877211

don't know anon.
that depends on what this model will be used for.

Is it intended for closeup shots in cutscenes or animations, is it a game character never bigger than a 10th of the screen.

It's getting less and less important to reduce the polycount, but generally you should aim for the lowest possible without reducing it's visual fidelity.


material study.png

Anonymous No. 877213

I learn from youtube and google, include some resources from /ic/ too.

I start with material study which help me grasp basic lightning, ambient occlusion and blending color.
I think blending color is the most important thing here, when you can blend properly the different is HUGE.

My tablet is a cheap One by Wacom. No, not the Wacom One.



Anonymous No. 877228

Long range? I'd kick your ass, I don't think a soft elephant would stand a chance against any artillery shell
Short range? you'd kick mine, elephants are fast and oversized pangos are not, I don't think pangolin scales could deflect 99mm rounds very well
Add the tanks I don't wanna lose

Anonymous No. 877229

Nice rock, bro!

you should probably also be transfering normals from the target to the morphing object
see: data transfer modifier

Anonymous No. 877235

Depends on what you're aiming for, your stuff is great for film. In gaming however, last gen "hero" models are usually 100k-300k

Anonymous No. 877237

last gen AAA models were above 100k. Look at God of War, TLOU2, and FF7R

Anonymous No. 877247

why is this kid wearing a shirt like that

Anonymous No. 877266

Cause she is a female brat in need of correction.

Anonymous No. 877272

>last gen AAA models were above 100k

Kratos is 80k, and almost half of that is in his face, because faggot game devs want to tell themselves people play God of War for the story.

Anonymous No. 877281

Cunny I can understand, and arguably cute, but why funny?

Anonymous No. 877290

>Add the tanks I don't wanna lose
Will do. The stakes just keep getting higher.

Anonymous No. 877291

Because it's a "code phrase" for the word.



Anonymous No. 877308

i am trying to learn sculpting here is a picture of my wip

Anonymous No. 877346

most ppl practice sculpting relatively muscular figures at first because the exaggeration allows one to understand the location of all of the important flow lines and subtle definition changes.

the knowledge gained from that will make you good at sculpting very skinny/anemic figures (as you will be able to visualize the subtle, diminished muscles, and will be able to exaggerate certain small muscle profiles to get your desired silouette)

Anonymous No. 877359


Learn to draw. Don’t be like Raf grasetti who can’t draw.

Anonymous No. 877362

are you trying to get on the same level as chris and animation sperg?

Anonymous No. 877421

>animation sperg

Anonymous No. 877450

Sakuga-fag; spams the board with topics written like someone with actual down syndrome was trying to find a solution to the human walk cycle; his posts show confusion mixed with arrogance, mixed with stupidity... A persistent poster, who will get banned for several weeks, and return with the same nonsense questions. Never applies himself to any of the questions he asks- This is why I question whether he is actually "all there" - Should mention he is also ESL , and posts topics with 2d art most of time- Don't think he has ever actually used 3d software. Easy to spot- Just report and hide the topics if you see them

Anonymous No. 877454

>Don’t be like Raf grasetti
wait what

Anonymous No. 877469

your brain is pouring out of your skull like soup



Anonymous No. 877480

Blender newbie working on model rendering. Comments/suggestions pls.

Anonymous No. 877485

More DOF
Real grass if you have it
praving too white
Overlay the faccade near the bottom with some grime texture using a gradient maybe

But all in all this is some nice modelling here, anon

Anonymous No. 877508

Thanks anon. Will work on it.

Anonymous No. 877531

seconding what the other guy said, modelling is fine, just needs better presentation
keep it up



Anonymous No. 877597

I think all the time on how I would best animate a 'marquee selection' inside of blender with the ants marching along properly during scale and transformation - this was a test - how would you approach it



Anonymous No. 877605

Anonymous No. 877612

I taught myself blender for a week but then had to stop because of school. Now I am back using it! I am a complete beginner and I probably should make something easier. However I wanted to try modeling and rigging even if it looks like ass. Does anyone have a good tutorial? especially for anime style models?



Anonymous No. 877613

forgot to attach the picture

Anonymous No. 877618

tf is snox ?

Anonymous No. 877622


>box modelling
>doesn't know art fundies

kek do blendlets really?

Anonymous No. 877647

go away faggot, this thread is not for people of your kind

Anonymous No. 877662

You mind becoming a tripfag so we dont have to deal with you?

Anonymous No. 877667

Not bad for 1 week of progress. I'm going to shill the Dikko tutorial (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01WQlMD7dsk&list=PLL3OEv6vd5VA4owAPOI0QdCcEmvl1f3BT) because it's the best.



Anonymous No. 877674

Redid her feet and legs to look more alien (animal) like

Anonymous No. 877680

grass and in all ground is too flat, its impossible to get this flatness irl.

Anonymous No. 877686

back to /ic/ crab

nice job so far for just a week, though you might want to use a better side view reference— it seems to have a twist in her spine which is giving you a very wide tors from the side view

Anonymous No. 877705

what tutorial is this from?

Anonymous No. 877711

Either shapekeys, or a path with hooks at each corner. Then you can just use an object with an array for the ants and move the array. As long as you have the array length set to "fit curve" instead of a fixed count, it'll always fill the box, and it won't change scale. When you move the hooks, the box changes shape, and the ants follow just fine.

That's how I'd do it in my head at least.



Anonymous No. 877713

plane with line art modifier + grease pencil dot dash modifier



Anonymous No. 877716

looks pretty good
post topology/wireframe

>art fundies
you can't just say that and not pyw


Screen Shot 2022-....png

Anonymous No. 877719

I think I'm done with my muppet bros. What do you think?

Anonymous No. 877727

pretty good, looks like a badly edited photo, which is what im assuming you were going for

Anonymous No. 877742

looks good



Anonymous No. 877746

thank you - Have only touched Gp. once before. Not a vector guy-this approach looks nice, and cleaner than what I had working- The hooks and bones with curve is my other option but I've found the array of animated planes on the curve tends to get buggy when deformed

Anonymous No. 877757

Pyw. I'm not the greatest artist I'm still learning my fundies.
thank you I will check it out! I appreciate it
I don't have my tablet yet so I will have to continue without a better side drawing I will try to find more models to look at toe improve my proportions in the mean time.



Anonymous No. 877760

Pyw. I'm not the greatest artist I'm still learning my fundies. attached is one of my wips
thank you I will check it out! I appreciate it
I don't have my tablet yet so I will have to continue without a better side drawing I will try to find more models to look at toe improve my proportions in the mean time.
here's my topology its not great TT



Anonymous No. 877764

It's not a single tutorial, I just google them all. And there is a lots of tuts about material study.
I recommend you start with easier things like wood and stone.



Anonymous No. 877768




Anonymous No. 877773

just posting here so i actually finish the model

Anonymous No. 877777

It's like snow but it's from the planet Eartx.

Anonymous No. 877779

Cool. I didn't realize material studies were such a popular subject.

Anonymous No. 877793

looks clean as fuck, hope u finish it

Anonymous No. 877810

guess it was only a matter of time before some autist came and ruined the comfyness of the /3/cord

Anonymous No. 877816

Who was it that ruined it for us?

Anonymous No. 877819

Fuck i was about to join it

Anonymous No. 877823


It's just one guy so far, everyone else seems pretty chill.

Anonymous No. 877851


Anonymous No. 877856

Stop feeding the troll guys.

Anonymous No. 877857

very nice

Anonymous No. 877859

foo man shoo

Anonymous No. 877882

Collage anon still going at it strong. You the real OG nigga, respect


double shorty des....png

Anonymous No. 877885

>literal tube homes
Brilliant! How did I not think of this. Also that smoke up there looks like someone's profile, with a suspiciously large nose

Anyway here's a gun with a bit of a "blunderbussy"/"muskety" aesthetic. You don't wanna look at the topology on this lmao, at one point I just stopped giving a fuck about it, and wouldn't you know it helped me get to the end of this model. So if you're ever stuck on a model just stop giving a fuck anon and brute force your way through


double shorty des....png

Anonymous No. 877886

1:1 scale 20 gauge shells and chamber. For strong wrists only



Anonymous No. 877887

Finally made some progress regarding texturing
>edges are sharpened, which means they're less rough than the flat parts
>shiny edges become too reflective, making them look like shit
>damaged parts are fresh and thus also reflective
>except if they're old and wear/dirt makes them rough again
In the end it looked like shit so i did start over



Anonymous No. 877888

This one uses just the base textures and the pattern i made, but looks already miles better than the old one.
Still no idea how i'll handle the edges, i feel like they are required to look sharper than the other parts

Neat, the blunderbuss style makes it looks very distinct from a sawn-off


render 4.png

Anonymous No. 877893

Did this as one of my first sculpts. Glad to see so many anons and new friends posting.
Impressive texture work man i like it.
I love this muppet bro, reminds me of a old school sketch show.

Anonymous No. 877897

>Neat, the blunderbuss style makes it looks very distinct from a sawn-off
Thanks bro, 'preciate

Anonymous No. 877926

Thanks bro. They take a bit of work to do (it's not hard, just tedious), but it's fun to see the end result.



Anonymous No. 877934

i am going twisted on this 1 and I will make it my best animation YET



Anonymous No. 877935

Building the set

Anonymous No. 877936

add the sound effect with imagination

Anonymous No. 877942

how do you infuse so much soul into one little snippet



Anonymous No. 877947

nice, i like the engraving,
you could try reducing the bumpiness around the edges as sharpening the blade would naturally smooth the metal out, but some of the dents would still remain

Anonymous No. 877952

>how do you infuse so much soul into one little snippet
He still has one.

Anonymous No. 877955

damn.... deep....

Anonymous No. 877959

Is this for a game? A cutscene maybe?

Not that anon but it might have to do with the slightly stop motion-ey style he went with, which is more noticeable towards the end as movement gets a bit more jerky (in a good way). Stop motion is often associated with stuff like Wallace & Gromit or Chicken Run which OOZE with S O V L, so by extension that anon's animation has it too.
Oh and of course the exaggerated handmade animations as opposed to done via motion capture add to the S O V L too

Anonymous No. 877980

it's for his series, you should check it out if you liked that snippet

Anonymous No. 878029

It's criminal how underviewed that shit is bro, awesome work

Anonymous No. 878035

On another wip thread someone asked me to post my game...
it still super early so maybe it will look a little more interesting in a few months...
You can look at my progress on my twitter: https://twitter.com/AndyOettGamedev
Mind you that I literally started this year so there isn't much.

Critiques please and what do you think of the name of the game?



Anonymous No. 878037




Anonymous No. 878047

Worg in brogress

Anonymous No. 878058

Based fishbed enjoyer



Anonymous No. 878062

gonna rig this tomo to make cute gifs with, end goal is making my own anthology short about tomoko trying to become popular by making a short film



Anonymous No. 878073



Anonymous No. 878074




Anonymous No. 878075


Anonymous No. 878076

Very cool.

Anonymous No. 878082

super good. where's the secret gunt?
my only nitpick is the lack of enamel coating on the broken urinal should have made the cut edges yellowish or even mossy.

Anonymous No. 878084



>my only nitpick is the lack of enamel coating on the broken urinal should have made the cut edges yellowish or even mossy.

Good observation, I had absolutely no idea about that.


Strip 1.jpg

Anonymous No. 878090

Doing this for practice, mostly finished. The monitor needs some smoothing on the bevels. I'm happy with the keyboard.

Damn getting the monitor glass to look right and reflect some smooth lights will be a pain in the ass.

Anonymous No. 878112

There was a glory hole here. It's gone now.

Anonymous No. 878123

Lookin good. What's the story here?

Anonymous No. 878125

So this guy gets a letter from his dead wife, telling him she'll be waiting in their "special place".



Anonymous No. 878126

Redid the wings. Made progress on materials. Test render.
Based fishbed recognizer. It's one of my favorites.

Anonymous No. 878127

I gotcha. Is it part of a bigger project?
What makes a public bathroom their special place? Did they meet each other at a glory hole?

Anonymous No. 878130

nice work, the texturing could use some little work to make it look even more realistic. Like roughness variation and maybe color to show some slight usage

Anonymous No. 878133

very nice



Anonymous No. 878134

Damn, using premade alphas and IMM brushes in Zbrush feels like cheating.

I thought sculpting wood and rocks like in God of War was hard as fuck until I found out about these. Obviously it is still hard to get it looking good, but nobody actually sculpts every single atom of a wooden asset or a rock from scratch, huh... Now I'm playing with some ornamental shapes by using alphas and it is even easier, just drag apply wherever. I thought you're supposed to sweat and cry blood by sculpting all those ornaments by yourself.

Suddenly all those The Order 1886 Artstation posts like pic related look slightly less mind blowing because now I feel like this type of thing entered into my realm of possibilities.

But to be fair, using premade stuff like that still won't beat making original things from scratch and my dumb head will probably still decide to waste a shitload of time doing MY OWN stuff, even if it might end up looking almost identical to all other ornamental pieces.

Anonymous No. 878155

no you can turn into one of these retards that suffer from horror vacui to.

looks nice except for the angels

beautiful topology anon

the broken pieces of the urinal lying only slightly pushed to the wall looks so wrong

if it was vandalized most of the trash should be in the corners from the people kicking it or in other containers like another urinal from people throwing it in there.

very well done model anon.
I hate your artstyle

Anonymous No. 878165

>scrotum creature
>the ball boi
>reptilius testicus



Anonymous No. 878222

the artstyle reminds me of pic related.

Anonymous No. 878223

isn't this just the bathroom from the start of Silent Hill 2? I recognize the hebrew on the wall.

Anonymous No. 878224




Anonymous No. 878229

I'm done with this damn brat!

Anonymous No. 878230

show wire framen



Anonymous No. 878231


Anonymous No. 878233

*post untriangulated wire frame

Anonymous No. 878235

hair came out well, nice job



Anonymous No. 878237

Here you go my guy.

Thanks, took me a whole day to paint that hair.



Anonymous No. 878238

remove the tris, dude

Anonymous No. 878239

I've never done an anime face before due to how retarded it looks without textures and flat shading. Where did you learn how to make?



Anonymous No. 878240

Yeah about that, I was a retard and used a free triangulated base mesh which is a nightmare to do anything with. But I thought it would be a good chance to practice my topology by cleaning up the mesh. I only clean the parts that needed modify though lol.

I talked about it here >>877213

Anonymous No. 878241

is that model available? I'd like to study how the faces are modeled and rigged

Anonymous No. 878242

It's official free genshin impact model, you can follow the guide here to download https://www.hoyolab.com/article/27195

Anonymous No. 878243

thx but at any rate, good job finishing a project. (Even if i want to blow her brains out the back of her head)



Anonymous No. 878245


Anonymous No. 878246

>(Even if i want to blow her brains out the back of her head)
Thanks, the cheeky brat deserved it :)

Anonymous No. 878248


Yeah. I wanted to reboot the exterior too (making it quite different but with the original feel). It was too much work so I gave up.

I've also made an otherworld, I'll see if I can find the pics.

Anonymous No. 878260

Trannycord down for anyone else?

Anonymous No. 878285

love this
do u have a bigger version like a webm or something?



Anonymous No. 878291

This is my first sculpt. I have followed tutorials before but this is the first one I did on my own. I am still learning basics of KeyShot 10 HD so just did a simple render in ZBrush instead.
I will probably fix the pupils, paint the lip better as I missed a spot, and figure out how to do render/lighting in KeyShot properly. There is a weird white circle around the eye but that went away once I was in KeyShot so must just be an issue in ZBrush (probably because I pinch tooled around the eyes).

All feedback and links to tutorials that helped you as a beginner are very welcome.



Anonymous No. 878293

making LE epic bird lmao

Anonymous No. 878294

rofl XD epic af

Anonymous No. 878297

is the frog the new donut?



Anonymous No. 878299

You can't spell UV mapping without PAIN

Anonymous No. 878300

it's clothes bro, makes the UV seams where they would be realistically placed as stitched seams.
ya big dummy

Anonymous No. 878304

Dude, get some definition in your limbs, everything feels so soft and smooth.

Anonymous No. 878306

I believe cohesion is more important than technique, he'd have to "fix" everything else to match the level of detail

Anonymous No. 878309

How do you guys feel when you complete a project you're REALLY happy with? I obviously feel great, but I've realized that I don't think I ever got that feeling of being on top of the world I got often when I was making music, and I don't know why it doesn't happen here. Did YOU ever get that with 3D? The feeling of pure satisfaction with your work and life at that moment while looking at your completed piece..

I miss that feeling, I have to get back into music.

But you know what can be even better? When you work on a short film and also compose music for it, then edit it and you cut everything just right. That sense of accomplishment is possibly even better. I also got it many times when editing videos, but when it's your music, it's a level above everything. That's pretty much why I've decided I'll try to make everything I do into a cinematic of some sorts. Just to chase that feeling again, nothing else matters.



Anonymous No. 878313

wtf kind of color settings so I have to use for blender to correctly draw a gradient from black to white? Given the brush falloff in pic related, only the center of the brush should be pure white, but it goes from pure black to pure white in only 10% of the length of the brush. What am I doing wrong?

Anonymous No. 878314

that's probably because of the stroke method, you're drawing like 100 dots per click



Anonymous No. 878317

Hello fellow frog connoisseur.



Anonymous No. 878318

I tried anons



Anonymous No. 878319

that was indeed the issue, thanks. But now I need a work around.
lower the top of the head
make the eyes bigger
widen the philtrum
increase lips on z axis
bring the chin up

Anonymous No. 878322

>now I need a work around
painting in blender sucks dick, I recommend using anything else and binding a shortcut to reload textures. if this is a mask mind the color space (linear/sRGB)
if you need the clean gradient from the center I'd do something like drawing with a single pixel brush in photoshop + a precise glow layer effect.

also I think you killed a bit too much of his forehead



Anonymous No. 878323

I'm trying to draw a bump map for the veins in these wings. They end up with a squarish profile because the white gets blown out.

Anonymous No. 878334

Thanks fren.



Anonymous No. 878335

body mostly done

Anonymous No. 878343

Amazing, all them hardsurface details, the doom like armor is great!



Anonymous No. 878389




Anonymous No. 878412

Updated. Still learning.

You are absolutely correct. My 3d cad world is flat, irl, the build area is flattened.

Anonymous No. 878415

Wow. Nice work.

Anonymous No. 878418

Insane man

Anonymous No. 878452

The nuclear green grass is killing me... and likely killing the occupants as well.

Anonymous No. 878468

Clearly as the other anons have said learn how to do 3d grass but id say what could be more useful is learning lighting.


Idk what your goal behind learning blender is but i think lighting will help you a lot.

Anonymous No. 878479

You can easily make grass that was cut or just grows, dont forget to use gradient and noise, also you should use displacement on the dirt.

>displacement - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Yfp4WbqO9A

>grass - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOS9k6kqBsc

Anonymous No. 878480

neat, neat



Anonymous No. 878509

Anonymous No. 878520

Someone has the "Spanish Town" from Thiago Klafke?

Anonymous No. 878521

wrong thread my bad



Anonymous No. 878527

update on pink-haired anime girl.
I completely finished the hair and right now I'm working on her clothes.

Anonymous No. 878538

Thats Ceoot

Anonymous No. 878613

Grass is just greener on his side

Anonymous No. 878619

Thank you. On it.



Anonymous No. 878672

MiG-21 nose gear complete. Not perfect, but more detailed than it needs to be for my purposes as it is. Just need materials now.

Anonymous No. 878680

Making a plane?

Anonymous No. 878694


Anonymous No. 878728


Anonymous No. 878734

Looks like an easy job for substance painter or whatever the equivalent is... fuck quixel mixer..



Anonymous No. 878744

Anonymous No. 878771

Chest plate isn't wide enough.

Anonymous No. 878778

Winner of the wet shirt contest June 3048

Anonymous No. 878781

Fuck I still gotta paly this.

Anonymous No. 878786




Anonymous No. 878787

wasn't able to get as much as i would like done today, going to try set up a basic rig and start texturing over the next couple days
nice wheel, what does that cylinder thing on the main strut, a dampener or something?
you think? its supposed to be more of an eva/flightsuit than anything protective.
the chest plate is more to hold the o2/propellent tank on his back

Anonymous No. 878789




Anonymous No. 878790


Anonymous No. 878803

Oh damn, it does really look like a buff version of him, I could always change the colors I guess

Anonymous No. 878826

>you think? its supposed to be more of an eva/flightsuit than anything protective.
>the chest plate is more to hold the o2/propellent tank on his back
Yeah, but that's just like, my opinion, man.
I think the whole chest is too small. It's weird having a chest that's skinnier than the hips (or the appearance of such).
That said, I didn't realize it was an anime, so proportions sort of go out the window.
It looks good, don't get me wrong.



Anonymous No. 878876



Anonymous No. 878889

Made another train. Not sure what I'm going to do for the background yet, might just leave it.



Anonymous No. 878903

textured bird lmfao



Anonymous No. 878905

critique my waifu

Anonymous No. 878918

need bigger boobs and toes seem little weird



Anonymous No. 878927

I thought I was good until I saw the professional quality stuff

Good to remember I'm just some kid doing this as a hobby as opposed to a professional when I zoom the camera out and have a stroke at the alien-faced monster I'd just awkwardly hammered into existence

Anonymous No. 878928

tits too big


Screenshot 2022-0....jpg

Anonymous No. 878929

Please only fix this for now and keep doing what you think looks best. Anon never knows what they are talking about so critique would be 95% useless.

Anonymous No. 878932

Also your taste is going to be different and bodies can be varied. You can disregard replies like this >>878928

critiquing your critique No. 878933

Useless as well. Its a wip thread and everybody here knows anon will work on those toes. Breast size is personal choice and should be disregarded again.

Imo, critique is overrated.

critiquing your critique No. 878934

Useless as well. Its a wip thread and everybody here knows anon will work on those toes. Breast size is personal choice and should be disregarded again.

Imo, critique is poor on this board.

Anonymous No. 878937

I'm not shitting on this or nothing because it's really nice, but why do the knees face inwards the way they do? Are they like that on real suits and they straighten out when someone is wearing them?

Anonymous No. 878939

Cool birb dude

Anonymous No. 878952

excellent work with the old rusty boy
totally tubular bird
this is not how hips work anon
look at some reference photos is the same pose



Anonymous No. 878953


pls explain or I'll leave it as is. Didn't use a ref. Literally posed a base mesh and relied on my figure drawing skills.

Anonymous No. 878956

Just keep at it anon. We've all been where you are, well, most of us anyway.



Anonymous No. 878960

How do you get your renders to a photorealistic level?
Is it just better and more accurate materials, imperfections etc., or what? Another renderer?

This is made in Blender using materials mostly from blenderkit and rendered with cycles. I know the carpet and wall texture look awful and the curtains are misaligned, no need to comment on those.

Anonymous No. 878968

From what I've read the most important things, apart from modeling obviously, is the lighting and compositing. Although I've seen people say compositing isn't nearly as important as the lighting. I can't do either so all of my stuff looks early '00s tier at best.



Anonymous No. 878983

A render i've done in unreal for the last month poly count challenge
on top left my editing and bottom right the render out of unreal. first impression is that my editing is way too overblown, but at the same time theres something I kinda like about it, probably tone the saturation down, looks amateurish ( same for the birds lol)
My concern is the white in the middle that is blown out, i've tried to bring it down in photoshop but I suck. I also cant render another image as i've changed the lighting and like an idiot saved it on top of the original file. Any thoughts?

Anonymous No. 878984

Also the bloom (from unreal) is too much.. but yea can't really change it now



Anonymous No. 878990

How feasible would it be to make a face like pic related? Im trying to make Betilla and I just can’t seem to get it right

Anonymous No. 878996

hope you plan on doing a static sculpt because youre gonna need some serious rigging skills to do that on a dynamic character



Anonymous No. 879010

where do the muscles connect on the hip?
there is no muscle connected to the ilium.
your legs connect with a sharp panty line.

Anonymous No. 879042

>Rob Liefeld wants to know your location

Anonymous No. 879043

yeah people always talk about lighting and composition. This however is basically my own room with accurate lights and everything placed where it is. It's obviously missing some small details like more chords and cables etc. but the room and furniture are 1:1

I'm basically just wondering if I need something better to render with than just cycles. I mean there are some parts that look really accurate and nice but overall I feel like there's something missing.

Anonymous No. 879048

Photorealistic is all about imperfections. Modeling is probably the least important, with texture and lighting being the key. We all try to do a perfect acurate render but the truth is if you look at your room i bet the floor isnt that clean, the wall isnt that white, your guitar doesnt have a pickguard that is that clean because you use it ( I suppose) your table probably have a few object laying here and there, your speaker are probably not that clean and have some scratches or slight color variation. The bottom of the chair looks good. Basically its too perfect, doesnt look like anybody lives here. Also the screen is weird, doesnt look like a screen but just an image pasted on it. Put the image of your room from the same angle and toggle it on and off and see whats the big changes
It's definitely not the renderer you use.

Anonymous No. 879051

good advice, thanks! So I guess just need to spend more time modeling all the nick nacks and making surface imperfections etc.



Anonymous No. 879085


Thanks anon.



Anonymous No. 879110


3d demo with full physics, dynamic lighting, sam hyde disco room with meshuggah audio

i later added randomly generated platforms and a speedrunning "race to the top" feature

would be cool if anyone wanted to play it

Anonymous No. 879122

its just how my sketch turned out so i stuck with it
i see what you mean, i fleshed out the chest a bit around the pecs/armpits but i will leave the chest plate alone because I'm lazy

Anonymous No. 879135

What a cuty. Even w/o textures. Good job.
Nice. Good job.
Clothing folds seem a bit forced, so does the muscle defenition. But interesting character.



Anonymous No. 879138

A friend of mine asked to model her in Judy's costume. Almost done (haven't rigged the face though)
what do you think?

Anonymous No. 879146

I do like it
Maybe bigger hair?

Anonymous No. 879151

Bigger like longer or shaggier?
I wanted to create two ponytails but my friend insisted on bob haircut:/

Anonymous No. 879154

I would make the overall shape bigger. It would add some toon character feel and make her look a little more like a diney cjaracter rather trhan real life.

At first I was going to say that the middle of her face is too big. Like the face model and body model have different FOVs. Almost like the reference for the face was really close to her face irl and gave her bigger features due to this in 3d. But that could be wrong and I think increasting the size of the hair would be better.

Anonymous No. 879155

*camera was really close to her face in the reference

Anonymous No. 879157

Thanks a lot:3
I'll try this

Anonymous No. 879158

Jesus man how long did this take


generic animu gir....jpg

Anonymous No. 879219

finished all the clothes and unwrapped the UVs
now onto painting the textures and stuff

Anonymous No. 879240

Absolutely wonderful work!

Anonymous No. 879244

Seeing things like this is what encourages me to improve.
I do have one question, I know you said you might just leave the background but, are you going to leave the track and stones that kind of generic material colour? I didn't notice them at first.



Anonymous No. 879247

I made a girl.

Anonymous No. 879251

Your waifu is very cute. Reminds me of Nagatoro. That pose looks a bit unstable, though, since her centre of mass can't be very far from the very tip of her toes.



Anonymous No. 879254

If I was to commission a full body sculpt of pic related, how much do you think it'd cost?


Gun Wip 1.png

Anonymous No. 879266

Making a gun!

Anonymous No. 879272

you're getting good fast bro. Nice girl.

Anonymous No. 879280

>garter belt over panties

Anonymous No. 879315

How is it supposed to be?

Anonymous No. 879316

garter goes on first, panties over. The whole point is to be able to take of the undies and still have the garter on.

Anonymous No. 879322

Cool silhouette son, really diggin' it. Only gripe is the stock which may be a bit too short and small, even though I must admit that enlargening it might compromise the nice plucky, compact silhouette it's got now. It's up to you anon, just know that the length of pull (i.e. the distance between the trigger and the end of the stock) is about 32-36 centimenters for most guns, look it up to be sure. If you even want to make a realistic gun that is and aren't going for a bit of a more stylized approach 'cause again I'm really diggin' that silhouette as is

Anonymous No. 879325

Cool, how did you get that old school rendering style?

Anonymous No. 879343

half decent artists? 1k$
really good artist? 5k$
poo in loo? 100$ and it will look like ass



Anonymous No. 879346

Probably would look better with hair but are there any glaring issues

Anonymous No. 879350

She be monke...

Anonymous No. 879352

>are there any glaring issues
The lips are too small and deformed. The philtrum is badly deformed and too long. The chin is squashed. Ears are too far back. The forehead is a too small. The skull is too small above the ears. The cheekbone is nonexistent between the ears and they eyes. The cheeks are too plump. The upper eyelid is too flat and there is way too little fat. The eyelids should connect around the tearduct, not inside it. The nose is very sharp, and it connects too sharply to the cheeks.

Anonymous No. 879356

If you're going for a stylized look I don't see much wrong with it, except for the ears: too far back and too small. Mouth also seems too small but this depends, again, on whether you're going stylized or not. If the former you might get away with it



Anonymous No. 879360

And i though my Topology was "clean" enough but this is on another level. Very nice work i think i have to step up my helmet game.

Anonymous No. 879377

uf, thanks anon got to get to work
ye not too realistic

Anonymous No. 879378

put walter white and goku somewhere in there

Anonymous No. 879396

Based coomer.


mongolian beauty ....png

Anonymous No. 879415

a criminally ugly motherfucker



Anonymous No. 879468

i did a head with zmodeler

Anonymous No. 879494

looks good but also why…

Anonymous No. 879497

I actually find him cute

Anonymous No. 879504


not him but gb2 DAZ thread. you dont get it.



Anonymous No. 879524

tryin' pores for the first time



Anonymous No. 879526




Anonymous No. 879527

got started on the textures, may change the colors up later on
damn nice, i like how the visor is connected to the helmet as well as all the details on the inside as well
he's pretty cute

Anonymous No. 879528

Does it subdiv properly with those triangles?



Anonymous No. 879530

getting my groove back

Anonymous No. 879532


Some quality pieces here. Good job anons



Anonymous No. 879534

you can make anything in blender


fruito eato.webm

Anonymous No. 879537

shape keys are fun

Anonymous No. 879538

I want to make backgrounds like Kizumonogatari, how long would it take me? Am I wasting my time on this?

Anonymous No. 879539


Anonymous No. 879540

What? Lighting and Textures? I don't know how to do that?



Anonymous No. 879557

Anonymous No. 879558


Anonymous No. 879560

Thank you.



Anonymous No. 879563

Fucking around with materials and coloring while I figure out how to make this thing more visually interesting without resorting to dumbass 'let's put random greebles and lines over this thing to make it look futuristic" design principles



Anonymous No. 879565

finally getting around to kinefx

baby steps...

Anonymous No. 879566


Anonymous No. 879568

good shit bros



Anonymous No. 879570

Hey guys, recently completed this model, would love some criticism!

Anonymous No. 879582

its black i cant see.

Anonymous No. 879584

this is cute anon love the colors

Anonymous No. 879652

The Visor hinge was very inspired by the ones used on the MIG fighter jet helmets. But i never got around to rig it to actually open. The design is not really up to spec to open and close. I'll save that for the next project once i find the time. AN then i wont spend half the time looking at Viet Nam helmet graffiti and spend too much time vandalizing my helmet with decals.



Anonymous No. 879657

Damn compressing into webm is annoying,
but here is my turn table. why even bother with ray racing and very long render times if i have to crush it down into 384x384.

Anonymous No. 879659

>Damn compressing into webm is annoying

What file type you saving them as before you convert them to webm? Just leave them as they are and put them on streamable then post a link in the thread.
It might not be perfect, but it lets you keep them about 384x384.

Anonymous No. 879671

you shouldnt make things 4 just this board. We dont deserve it.

Anonymous No. 879742

Imagine being a real woman and knowing that you have to compete with THIS.



Anonymous No. 879757

looks pretty solid, maybe add some more interior detail?
very nice, the ethernet looking port is a nice touch
does the qr code do anything? i already have too much dolphin porn

Anonymous No. 879773

whats the workflow like for these shapes?
makes me think of mid 20th century thick cast iron machinery.

Anonymous No. 879778

why with zmodeler lol



Anonymous No. 879780

once i polish it up some more this goes into my art portfolio, its not just for this lovely board.
>>879757 Its just listing the Universal constants like Light speed, Electromagnetic flux and such for that world building as the helmet was supposed to be used in time travel. I just wanted to make some Futuristic soviet helmet some space mercenary would wear.

I start with a dummy to get the scale and proportions right of some base shape. IN this case something Motorcycles helmet shaped. All just standard Subdivision Modeling workflow, starting form primitives. Then you look at a bunch of reference and recreate bits you like.
In my case i tend to reuse some assets form other projects, like shading setups, or here the head phones where i just adapted them to fit the helmet. The dcals are just planes projected onto the surface because i'm too lazy to make an good texture map for a static render.



Anonymous No. 879786

also here some more dolphin stuff you might like.


Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 879797

Starting to get into modelling. Trying to create some simple models. Texturing up next.



Anonymous No. 879848

Panzer IV

Anonymous No. 879856


Based Wehrchads



Anonymous No. 879857


looks familier

Anonymous No. 879888

You should have made this a horror webm so that on the second turn there's a dismembered head (that shows signs of the victim's violent death including an expression of pure horror) inside the helm and the background turns alert red.

Anonymous No. 879894

what a qt


other SHittyProject.png

Anonymous No. 879896

Reminds me of another abandoned project. Still counts as WIP if the progress has stopped since some months ?

Anonymous No. 879898

nah, this way it loops seamlessly.
But this reminds me of this concept / idea that i don't know where i heard it form. That if you are stranded out in space it would be the most efficient to decapitate you with the life support only keeping your head alive. In the future where they can reattach it to a new body once you get rescued.



Anonymous No. 879960

Recreating the AAA Wunder from Evangelion as there are no 3D models of it out there


Gun Wip 2.png

Anonymous No. 879979

Blocking in!



Anonymous No. 879980

How do the bullets go from the magazine to the chamber? As it is, it looks like the magazine feeds into the trigger guard



Anonymous No. 879985



Gun Wip 3.png

Anonymous No. 879986




Anonymous No. 879995

very quick and shitty animation.
going to spend time learning shaders and rigging for the next project


blue happy.png

Anonymous No. 879999

playing with UVs



Anonymous No. 880005

Yeah, that might just work, I'd move the magwell just a bit further forward but just cause the rear wall of it seems a bit thin but that's just me


Gun Wip 4.png

Anonymous No. 880010


Anonymous No. 880017

OP here, working on the next OP image now. I've got all the posts so far into the file. And tomorrow night I'll be putting them in wacky places and stuff.
So I expect to have the next thread up sometime around this time tomorrow if the thread reaches page 5 before then.
For now, just keep on posting. I'll be adding wip posts to the OP until the last minute before I start the next thread!
Keep up the good work anons!



Anonymous No. 880041


Anonymous No. 880042

Pat yourself on the back for making one of the less shitty threads on this god forsaken board. To escape the endless braindead arguing over software and threads where nothing gets done.



Anonymous No. 880043

Any better in terms of face



Anonymous No. 880046

Thank you based OP, you the man, we're all grateful for your work



Anonymous No. 880048



Anonymous No. 880075

how do I make the pixelated sea texture to look like sea. i wanna make megaman legends water but with a pink sunset tint



Anonymous No. 880077

my le epic node setup



Anonymous No. 880085

Le low poly waifu

Topology is fucking shit. I don't know how to do it at all



Anonymous No. 880091

screw you anon. Seeing your work motivated me enough to start a new project.
Just in the color concept / block out phase with some bits recycled form other projects. Because eventually i have enough abandoned projects to kit bash a good one out of them all.

Anonymous No. 880160

I do it because I like the board and like to see the good side of all you anons and /3/.
The OPs and all your hard work that goes into filling it with awesome stuff is testament to that.
/3/'s a good board if we all strive to make it one.


Gun Wip 5.png

Anonymous No. 880200

A little progress. Still not really committing to anything beyond the basic silhouette.

Anonymous No. 880223
