
Wip Collage_Serie....jpg

🧵 /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 880222

/wip/ - Works in Progress
- Collage Edition: Series 3 -
>The golem grows in power, feed him more heads.

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>877029

List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB
Check out the /3/ Discord: https://discord.gg/ujt5vtr4DE



Anonymous No. 880225

i really want to kill myself. i have been trying to get down this pixel style but no clue how to make it look good.



Anonymous No. 880226

this is the style i am trying to evoke and emulate but i cant make my renders look good or even comfy as this. somebody please help my sorry ass

Anonymous No. 880228

What programs are you using?

Anonymous No. 880229

blembder and photoshop

Anonymous No. 880230

That honestly looks like a sort of ps1 graphic style. I would just look into ps1 photoshop tuts and as far as blender goes, I have a few I always refer to:


Anonymous No. 880231

The dude that made that is a resident /3/ anon if I remember right. He might be able to offer up some useful advice if he drops in.

As for what I can offer, I'd say composition on its own is an important thing that can help make your scene better.
What exactly is your subject? What do you want people to be looking at? Right now the brightest part of the image is the window, so people will naturally gravitate towards that.
You have the benefit of having a framed composition, which grants you the luxury of having 2 separate scenes. Think of what's outside the window as its own image. What do you want the viewer to get from it? How does it relate to what's going on inside the train? How does it differ?

If you look at the image you posted, there's natural elements and deliberate compositional choices that lead your eye through. The house is the main subject, placed in a location your eye would first fall, and emphasized by being the highest contrast element. Next your eye falls on the path, which is a leading-line and guides your eye to the sea and horizon. You can go one step further and follow the horizon to the right, which loops you back to the house, and creates a cyclical motion that gives you another go at taking in the details and all that jazz.

If you can break down how images you like are composed, you can use those strong elements in your own work and tell the stories and narratives you want to tell in your scenes. Right now you just have a pretty picture, but you obviously want something more.
Hope it helps.

Anonymous No. 880232

Just a reminder to everyone: art isn’t supposed to be a fun process, there is a long grind ahead if you want to be able to make something that is worth anyone’s time to look at, and you should avoid any type of creativity during this process because you might develop bad habits. If your models aren’t good enough to make money off of mass audiences with underdeveloped tastes, then please stop modeling, or at the very least don’t post in this thread because no one wants you here.


gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8 ....png

Anonymous No. 880233




Anonymous No. 880234

I already went through a few of these but its tad bit more than psx style. since it doesn't have all the warble and dithering stuff.
i have this kitty kat but getting fucked with unwrapping it and a red baron plane flying over the water to add and the texture of the train compartment. how can i develop my compositional skills especially color? the sky not fitting in with the sea is driving me crazy

Anonymous No. 880236

Not that anon, and I'm probably not right, but when you see those kind of PS1/mid 90s PC graphics they have a limited palette with dithering. It looks okay, but you don't need to look at it too closely to see the pixelation/dithering/whatever. However with yours, it looks like it has a much richer palette and you can only see the pixelation when you zoom in.
That might just be to do with the size of the image or something. You know when you save a thumbnail and it's a mess of pixels, but you zoom out and it becomes much clearer despite being smaller? Sort of like that.
I'm probably not right, but I get that sort of feel from it. I probably haven't explained what I mean very well neither.

Anonymous No. 880239

this 3D nigga said it best dude! I can't quite put it into more eloquent words than this anon but they are right. From a distance, it looks great. Even from your pic it looks fucking awesome. But I do slightly know what you are saying. Honestly, you should zoom in and explore old ps1 graphics. Even shit on the PC at the time with "3D". It all looks like shit the closer you get into it. From a distance it all looks comfy and nostalgic. It's only when you get up close do you see the flaws.



Anonymous No. 880250

This counts as 3D, right?

Anonymous No. 880256

lol yes

Anonymous No. 880260

okay so, i need to reduce the resolution of the textures to something like 256x256 or 512x512 then what do I do about the palette, i am not sure how i can limit the color palate since all i do is take textures from the net and pixelate it on photoshop? currently looking into how i can get a minimal amount of dithering in blender.



Anonymous No. 880261

okay not really much of a change between 800x800 and 256x256 textures, i will try adding dithering next



Anonymous No. 880263

okay added dithering as well but i feel like its just too much

Anonymous No. 880264

Looks pretty good to me



Anonymous No. 880265

damn I'm kinda poppin' OFF right now though



Anonymous No. 880266




Anonymous No. 880267

does it look too slow? supposed to be train chooo chooo

Anonymous No. 880268

>screen space reflections
What the hell are you doing.
Look at your own reference >>880226
Plug all your textures directly into the material outputs without any shaders and try to make everything look good and consistent like that, just with flat texture colors.
Switch View Transform in the Color Management settings from Filmic to Standard if you haven't already.
Try setting film filter size to 0 and/or render at a low resolution then upscale.

Anonymous No. 880270

>>screen space reflections
>What the hell are you doing.
sorry my bad, it was first time trying out evee and was astonished how faster it is than cycles

Anonymous No. 880272

i have a doubt regarding lighting, currently i am using an hdri, should i switch to a sun lamp since hdri doesn't really work well with standard color compared to filimic



Anonymous No. 880281

is it too pixelated now? reference pic looks a bit less pixelated



Anonymous No. 880287

The sand feels warm at night w.i.p

Anonymous No. 880301


texture the interior walls monkey. Perhaps a dark wood? Also is this a train or a boat?

Anonymous No. 880302

so it's a train. Right now the water comes up too high and looks like you are in the water

Anonymous No. 880304

i like the atmosphere of this, even if its unfinished, kinda gives a sense of isolation. make the sky orange too



Anonymous No. 880307

finding textures to fit the scene, i still stuck at unwrapping shit so i am fucking around to elongate the part i reach unwrapping
yeah i just noticed i put it wayyy up compared to one of the references

Anonymous No. 880308

is this for that pwnisher youtube challenge?
what you need is a texture on the wall, preferably something with a baked in transition of 2 different textures (think of panelling on a wall)
a table with some low poly decorations would help as well

also AO / hand painted lighting is more comfy



Anonymous No. 880309

one of my first render was a sand scene



Anonymous No. 880310

>is this for that pwnisher youtube challenge?
yup, it was the perfect motivation to start a new project and get closer to perfecting the psx.05 style but it looks like only photorealsitic shit is going to be showcased
>a table with some low poly decorations would help as well
yeah trying to make it cozy as possible, i might replace the 2 seats with 1 elongated one like pic related. working on the textures rn and planning on doing the ian hubert method of unwraping



Anonymous No. 880313

been learning stylised with 3ds max / substance recently. completely filtered by UVs in max so i used blender for that and rendering.

any good 3ds max uv tutorials?

Anonymous No. 880314

>i might replace the 2 seats with 1 elongated one like pic related

Will you be allowed to do that?

Anonymous No. 880315

i think as long i dont touch the camera, i am fine

Anonymous No. 880317

I mean it doesn't mention in the rules that you can't change the seating, but you might still want to ask on their discord or something to be sure. I don't want you being disqualified anon.

Anonymous No. 880321

>I don't want you being disqualified anon.
love yu anon but as you can see from my work i am far from being even considered for the contest let alone the top 100.

Anonymous No. 880337

That looks unreal, great job anon. :]
Thanks!! Orange? I'll try it out some sort of sunset maybe.

Anonymous No. 880376

Also nice, fucking love that band.



Anonymous No. 880377

New threat, new day, not much progress, but i got a question to all you guys.
>Do you model first, materials afterwards ? Or both at the same time to get Form and color down simultaneously?
Also here is a shitty screen recording.
Still some transparency shading bugs, but i'll get to it once i am done modeling.



Anonymous No. 880380

Turns out that 240 Frames of screen recording do not equal 240 frames of spin animation. The more you know.
So here some better pics.
Not sure if i'll leave it with a mannequin or actually leave my comfort zone and slap a face into this. Straight into the uncanny valley!

Anonymous No. 880384

What I wanna know, is why your thumbnail has the correct aspect ratio, but the actual video is stretched beyond belief.

Personally I just slowly work things until I'm happy with it. Kind of like a painting. I could have one part of a scene completely finished while another is still blocked out. Obviously though you'd make a model before you put textures on it.

Anonymous No. 880385

model first, UV and then use substance for materials.

handbrake probably fucked it up. it looks fine on chrome (for me).

Anonymous No. 880395

i'm just a retard hitting buttons until its <3mb

Anonymous No. 880436


I did the pixelated effect using Indexed Color in Photoshop (Image\ Mode\ Indexed Color). This option allows me to limit the amount of colors in the texture. This give the “retro” feeling.

By default I use 128x128 resolution. However, it doesn't work well for everything. For instance, the sky is a huge object and 128x128 looks awful. So I had to change it to 1024x512. Visually it works, but not correct if you want emulate a ps1 configuration.

As light source I used only Skylight with no shadow. I turn off antialiasing and texture filter. The material is very basic too, I only use the diffuse map. Except for the water material, it also has opacity.



Anonymous No. 880447

I'm coming for you, DQ/MH anon!

Anonymous No. 880448

I love this
Can't wait to see it finished



Anonymous No. 880450


Anonymous No. 880453

You never say that about yourself. You have to be your own biggest fan otherwise you'll go nowhere.
You never really know what they're looking for neither. They like things that are different and unexpected. The majority of people are probably going to be aiming for photorealism and high end CGI, but that's where something like yours sticks out because it's the opposite.
Good luck to you anon.

Anonymous No. 880461


- for the ear the anatomical elements are there but they're all off, the tragus-antitragus plus lobe all are too forward, move them back
- the helix is also off, looks very weird from the front
- the eyes+cheekbone are off compared to the rest of the face, they need to be a little more forward
- you made the lips have a distinct outline, this is unrealistic, remove it
- she's a female thus the skull needs to be bigger (think inverted teardrop shape) but from the front it looks kinda pointy



Anonymous No. 880471

>I did the pixelated effect using Indexed Color in Photoshop (Image\ Mode\ Indexed Color). This option allows me to limit the amount of colors in the texture. This give the “retro” feeling.
do i just use the default settings?
>By default I use 128x128 resolution. However, it doesn't work well for everything. For instance, the sky is a huge object and 128x128 looks awful. So I had to change it to 1024x512. Visually it works, but not correct if you want emulate a ps1 configuration.
i love your style, its like the missing link between psx and ps2 and as another anon stated your composition is very comfy
>As light source I used only Skylight with no shadow. I turn off antialiasing and texture filter. The material is very basic too, I only use the diffuse map. Except for the water material, it also has opacity.
ahh i was trying a lot of shaders for the water texture but completely forgot about changing transparency. Do you have anymore renders with this style? i love having em as wallpapers, gives me a boost in motivation whenever i see em.

Anonymous No. 880474

>do i just use the default settings?
Not that anon but...
Obviously not considering it's gonna change your image to black and white by the looks of it.
Turn off the forced palette.

Indexing colors just means you're taking an image with (lets say) millions of colors, and removing most of them until it fits into a specified range of colors. If you've ever made .gif files, it's the same concept.

Your "colors" in the menu there is the amount of colors you can use in the image.
256 means you can sample 256 individual colors. So every color will be made to fit within those 256 colors you allow it to be used. Which you can let the program pick automatically, or you can "force" it to fit with a specified palette (in the case of your menu, you have Black and White selected). If your forced palette has less colors than you specified above (the BW one has 2), it will ignore the above value (256) and only use the colors specified in the "forced" setting. But you can always try and see how it looks, and just undo it right after (it's a good way of seeing if your palette works).

Aside from having the palette forced to BW in your image (which you shouldn't), 256 colors is actually probably too much for your texture there. As I doubt it even has 256 to begin with (or is already indexed to 256). Indexing to something like 128 might give you better results with that specific texture.

A rule of thumb is to just look at how many primary colors are in a given texture (yours has 4, red, white/cream, dark blue and light blue), and aim for something a bit higher than that. Sticking to powers of 2 tends to help too (2,4,16,32,64, etc.) and just aim for the next highest power that fits within the range of primary colors.
So since you have 4 primaries, try 16 for the amount of colors. Then go up if it doesn't look right.



Anonymous No. 880499




Anonymous No. 880500




Anonymous No. 880501



Anonymous No. 880503




Anonymous No. 880507

okay added the plane and textured the compartment, just to need rig and texture the kitty kat and i think i am done after i change the wallplug to a vent or something.
yup experimented with it and i got the gist down, what i had been doing was downscaling the texture to 512x512 and just using mosaic pixelate on photoshop. using indexed color is way more natural-looking.
the imperfections looks kinda off to me or maybe its because studio lit objects don't have imperfections?



Anonymous No. 880517


Anonymous No. 880524

>MiG-21 pilot fleeing the horror below him at full afterburner
Who can blame him?

Anonymous No. 880527

Les Paul’s have a curve radiating out from the body and a slightly larger bevel. Generally good, but details are slightly off. Add a coating layer to the body texture and fix up the fresnel. I like the surface degradation on the humbucker though, good job.



Anonymous No. 880531

how can i improve this?

Anonymous No. 880536

Model a cat that isn't an eyesore.
Have a sky.

Anonymous No. 880587

what tis wrong with mr.kitty ? is he too long ? the textures looks completely retarded ? finding a good sky image that will fit the scene.

Anonymous No. 880588

really enjoying the visuals so far. as the other guy said, just have a sky, the cats alright.
i just think the airplane is kinda strange, its like if it's floating inside the train. maybe make move forward and back just a little bit to give an illusion of movement

Anonymous No. 880605

I've been struggling to do PS1 graphics forever so I can't help you there, but from a compositional perspective:
Camera needs to be higher and a little further back. Scene's too claustrophobic, and if the ocean is the focus of the scene you ought to be able to see more of it. Otherwise the empty sky is the focal point.

The cabin window needs an actual window. Looks like a television screen otherwise; the window will give the illusion of depth.

Do you need the beveled edges to the window? It contrasts with the boxy seats.

If I were doing this I wouldn't even be doing wide screen. 4:3 is authentic, and it'll make the scene cozier and more intimate than sparse, even a bit cold. But that's just me.
Similarly the cabin window might be a tad too wide.

Lastly, you might be modeling too much. If the scene is a still shot, then the ocean should be a simple animated texture (there are tutorials on YouTube on how to do this). Similarly, the windowsill itself would also be just a texture, rather than a fully modeled out scene. In the old days what they'd do is fully model it out and then use the rendered image as the texture for flat surfaces. While there's no longer any technical reason to do this anymore, there's an aesthetic advantage to this by creating a certain distance between the viewer and the environment everybody calls just SOUL on here. In general though you should think carefully about what needs to be modeled and what doesn't. The plane, for instance, might be more effective as a texture (and as the other anon said, it should be further away and less active)

Anonymous No. 880609

>Camera needs to be higher and a little further back

Not that anon, but the main rule of the competition is that you can't move the camera.



Anonymous No. 880616

do you guys get the aesthetic i'm going for? ive posted some of these individually before, its for my game. the vaporwave one was kind of a one off that turned out like that, i just threw it in there.



Anonymous No. 880617

do you guys get my games aesthetic im going for? i've posted some of these individually before.

Anonymous No. 880619

you can move the scene itself however ;)

Anonymous No. 880621

Love it :D


angle 3 solid copy.png

Anonymous No. 880625

working on this fella again

looks sick. I'd play this game



Anonymous No. 880634

>do i just use the default settings?
No, it is better to test different settings to see what works best for you. This is the configuration I use, in case you want to try it. What this anon said >>880474 is correct. Use power of two. You can choose between 8/16/32/64/128 and 256.

>Do you have anymore renders with this style?
I have others in this retro style, but not like this one. I usually make abandoned or post-apocalyptic places.

Anonymous No. 880635


this looks a lot better since last time i saw it.


bun render.png

Anonymous No. 880636

I spent a week making this while learning how to use blender. I don't know how to drop her ears and there are no tutorials on how to rig backwards knees. How do I rig and animate this/use it for gmod?


Gun Wip 6.png

Anonymous No. 880638

A little more progress today



Anonymous No. 880640


,,currently working on this spaceship, since two days. trying to get better at detailing stuff and building up a parts library.



Anonymous No. 880642

Thank you for the crit anon, anything else I should look out for?

Anonymous No. 880648

Is she supposed to attractive or ugly? The ears are seriously fucked up in any case, and the eyes are too deep even for an ugly character.

Anonymous No. 880650

it's shit.



Anonymous No. 880651

Yo Yugoslav furry nigga where did you go. This game has so much potential

Anonymous No. 880655

Download some good sculpts like this on the internet and compare them in 3d, side by side. I'm not a character artist though, but this doesn't seem like a homo sapiens to me.

Anonymous No. 880658

Dig the old skool rave poster aesthetic. If you got Phong shading it'd be perfect

Anonymous No. 880661

plane needs tail wings and a cock pit.

Anonymous No. 880662

i've been posting here quite frequently, now that free time's over im not sure if will.
inkinda shifted from that, it just wasn't quite worth it. too much of a scope/feature creep i guess, and to make matters worse my programming skills are too shaky to make it "good".
i really don't want to blogpost in this thread but im in the /3/ discord, we can talk there or you can add me if you want xyz864#5835



Anonymous No. 880667

more texturing
still not done with it, i never really know what level of detail is acceptable -- i dont want to go over the line into visual noise hell

Anonymous No. 880674


...its a good level! you should keep in mind that when you use this item in a scene, the details vanish very fast and comepte with all the other things around it - the human eye will not see anything that is maybe missing in the vast amounts of details.


mixamo 2.png

Anonymous No. 880676

Punched a fella I'm working on into Mixamo. UV unwrapping 'n texturing are next, God help us. For the texturing I mean, UVing is pretty easy all you gotta do is look up seam references on Google images

Anonymous No. 880677

its for a game viewmodel, so pretty up close to the camera lol

Anonymous No. 880679

>game viewmodel

...you could sit on it until of your natural livespan without finishing it, find exit point. your item looks very cool, focus on the next.

Anonymous No. 880681




Anonymous No. 880683

Anonymous No. 880685


Anonymous No. 880686

looks like a star trek character.



Anonymous No. 880687

Made the Lance of Longinus in space, will try and make it pierce through clouds tomorrow

Anonymous No. 880688


Anonymous No. 880719

looking good, but as the others said add a sky


big bird1.png

Anonymous No. 880731

im going to try to unwrap and start texturing this tomorrow



Anonymous No. 880734




Anonymous No. 880754

yeah planning on moving the plane around the scene but need to get the interior sorted
i was going by references are trains usually have big ass windows but maybe making it more compact, i can make the scene more cozy and comfy, could you link some tutorials regarding the simple animated textures? blender doesn't seem to support gifs as textures.
>have others in this retro style, but not like this one. I usually make abandoned or post-apocalyptic places.
would love to see more of your works
completely forgot tail wings, will add the cockpit after i figure out how to make the interior more comfy
still looking good? the more i stare at it, the more i find it souless

Anonymous No. 880755

is that a harpie

Anonymous No. 880756

>the more i stare at it, the more i find it souless
do you prefer it with no sky or just a dark sky?

Anonymous No. 880757

initially wanted to go a sunset scene with the ocean having an orange tinge but i couldn't figure out how to do it without making it look ugly



Anonymous No. 880758

opinion on camera look im not a huge fan of the framing but ive tried different angles and fov yet this is the only one that resembles what im looking for so i think this will be the definitive look for the final image

Anonymous No. 880759

i honestly like this one more >>880267

Anonymous No. 880760

looks nice but whenever you change the sky you need to adjust the interior color balance right now it looks warmish almost reddish yet the outside has all cool colors



Anonymous No. 880764

the bloom or the water being more closer?
switching around the skies to see whats fits the best, did i match the interior color with the outside one with this one or should it be more red/yellowish?

Anonymous No. 880767

That's your best one so far imo.

Anonymous No. 880768

got any ideas for what else I can add for the interior? I can only think of more suitcases and a couple of posters on the wall



Anonymous No. 880770

I'm not really sure. A folded newspaper on the seat? The satchel gives me that "university professor" feel so a closed umbrella standing up against the seat? An overcoat or something draped over the back?
I'd probably add the newspaper. I don't think I've ever been on a train that didn't have a newspaper left behind on a seat.
If you added one of those tables that separates seats that you sometimes get then you could add more stuff on that that you wouldn't find on a seat (teacups, playing cards [who plays cards against a cat?], or whatever). I've tried to show you what I mean, albeit using paint, with pic related but you'll obviously have yours to scale and with the right perspective, the downside to that is that it would cover your plug sockets.

Note: You probably shouldn't take my advice. The phrase "less is more" is always lost on me and scenes I make end up convoluted with far too much going on.

Anonymous No. 880796

thats a wonderdul idea, i really need to develop my scenes other than just having the thought "cat looks at a plane on a train"


Screenshot 2022-0....png

Anonymous No. 880826

look bitches i made glass


Screenshot 2022-0....png

Anonymous No. 880827

meow im a glow puddy

Anonymous No. 880831

lower, zoom in. move to the right a little bit

Anonymous No. 880835

needs boats.



Anonymous No. 880867

Is it better?
pls be patient with me, this area of modeling is hard.

Anonymous No. 880873

Look up how to rig if you want to animate the ears, otherwise if you want to keep her static use proportional editing. To rig digitigrade legs, the calve is the very little short bit, and the rest of the leg is basically an extended foot, with the bottommost bit being the toes.


painted version24.png

Anonymous No. 880875

Yes I tried to make a harpie that looked ok. Today I made this texture version.

Anonymous No. 880879

eyes should be bigger imo



Anonymous No. 880888

Watched Houseki yesterday, so I thought I'd give Phos a try. Still gotta do another pass on the body and rebuild the arms, but I've just been focusing on the head.

Anonymous No. 880889

literally made for [spoiler]_me[/spoiler]



Anonymous No. 880895

i did another base with zmodeler



Anonymous No. 880896

He cute.
one thing I would critique is the texture of the hair. It's more smooth and "gel-like" in the show.

But I think using that specific grainy texture is interesting on the eyelashes and iris- I'll even go as far to say that it looks better than the original source material.

Anonymous No. 880910

good likeness, face topo could use some work

Anonymous No. 880914

Definitely an improvement. It mostly looks like a passable human face, but I'm not 100% sure if it looks right. If you put some color on the eyes, and added eyebrows and lashes it might look right.

I really like where this design is going. That being said, I think either the head is too wide, or the face is too small. I also think the height of the hair makes the character look like her forehead is really tall.


Screen Shot 2022-....png

Anonymous No. 880915

WIP object collage. Modeled and textured some items I have come across trying to coordinate them into some kind of composition that looks cool

Anonymous No. 880917

cute Phosphophyllite

Anonymous No. 880919

huge improvement compared to the previous one



Anonymous No. 880923


bun leg up.png

Anonymous No. 880925

I think I got it figured out, thanks. Also is there a way to set textures for certain animations?



Anonymous No. 880928



tron bonne.gif

Anonymous No. 880936

I said that in a very retarded way. I ment as in rig textures to animate the face of the character similar to mega man legends.



Anonymous No. 880942

Some architecture concepts. They still need some polishing. (1/3)



Anonymous No. 880944




Anonymous No. 880945


Anonymous No. 880949

is there a good tutorial out there for MML style? I imagine the UV's have to be meticulous

Anonymous No. 880950

Hey I use that HDRI sometimes too - materials look really good

Anonymous No. 880968

Do you also have the image of the wires of the face? It's been a while since I've been to that article.



Anonymous No. 880974

Still deciding on the hair, but I'm liking it so far.

Anonymous No. 880978

can't tell if that texture scaling when she opens from the blink is animated or just a glitch




Anonymous No. 880979

couldn't sleep so I decided to work on it more, fully modeled the hair and created a better shader for it, pretty happy with how its turned out so far



Anonymous No. 881007

not perfect but gud enuf.



Anonymous No. 881052

making a model for my coomer game. Forgot to take pictures of retopo.

Anonymous No. 881062

Texture could use more work, esp fretboard, metal bridge (and a few more poly also) and the guitar wood. Must be hard to get right so cant blame you. Otherwise looks good.
Also knobs are super weird, it's not a gibson but from memory i've never seen knob look like this

Anonymous No. 881063

Good shit bro

Anonymous No. 881083


Anonymous No. 881084

try lowering the detail on that skirt, its drawing the eye way too much
adjusting saturation/contrast probably wouldn't hurt either



Anonymous No. 881087

I didn't mean for this to happen but it goes kinda hard ngl



Anonymous No. 881089

Hod do you anons deal with time limitations? Rushing art will always be bad. Just look at current AAA game studios.
I have not much free time to sink into this, i try my best to make one good part at a time. This is the hard part after the block out, to stay motivated doing all the small bits.
Also roast my Topology pls.



Anonymous No. 881090


... changed some stuff, build a smaller thruster. next will be the cargo section ... currently thinking about if the ship can land on a planet, or do the colonizers need some cargo shuttles??



Anonymous No. 881091

do composits count? as in i only rly did the candle
but would love to hear some opinions about the image in general.
still needs a flame and etc but yeah this is the general feel

Anonymous No. 881092


...just cheat! dont waste time on stuff that will not be noticed by the viewer, and srsly, give a fuck about the perfect topology, especially when you havnt much time, just survive.


..btw, i like the design, like from the 60's.



Anonymous No. 881095


Anonymous No. 881097

Can anyone itt answer this question for me please? >>881082
It's really aggravating me because I can't move on until I can solve it.



Anonymous No. 881099

Your "Width Type" is brobably on percent

Anonymous No. 881100

It's on offset. Like I say I've even tried changing all of those options and none of them seem to work.
When I do mine it's like the vertices slide apart the more it bevels, but on the video they seem to stay the same distance. I've tried increasing the segments too and that makes no difference either, I still get that funky shit going on.



Anonymous No. 881101


..cant say how its works internaly in other programms, but in blender when you strech an object, and bevels the corners, it end like your example. applieing the transformation before beveling solves it .. in blender.

Anonymous No. 881102

Alt A, apply the scale of your object. You probably scaled it in object mode instead of edit

Anonymous No. 881103

Maybe try: Object Mode>select your object>Object>Apply>Scale (or All Transforms)

The issue is likely that you scaled the object outside of edit mode, and edits that are made in object mode are applied after edit mode, so the bevel gets applied first, then the entire object gets scaled according to its object mode transform.

Anonymous No. 881104

Fuck, that's what it was, I needed to apply the scale. I've been trying to remember to apply scale to things, just in case, and I always forget.
Thanks bros, and thanks for not making me feel like a retard. I'll have to remember in future to do that whenever something doesn't seem to be acting right.

Anonymous No. 881105


..this anon is nails it ... outside editmode stretching an object results in this "failed" bevel - kek, never realised it until now.

Anonymous No. 881112

what does she look like naked


yuman boi.png

Anonymous No. 881113

A bit of progress on my stylized yuman boye. I think I already fucked it because the textures for the eyes, the body and the hair are each on their own separate image. God damn it how do I fix that?

Anonymous No. 881122

Ye, good call, probably just gonna find a nice leather texture from an old proj and see if I can spray that in there as well as over the other brown bits.



Anonymous No. 881134

This is as good as it gets.



Anonymous No. 881136



Anonymous No. 881137

Your gif looks like it's just stepping between set textures, so >>880978 and drivers could work. Just make it so a bone location or rotation makes the UV warp modifier move the UVs to another spot on an image that contains some facial textures.



Anonymous No. 881140

do me do me

Anonymous No. 881141

Any time something doesn't work as expected, it's either because you need to apply the scale or rotation. If ever in doubt, apply scale/rot, and if it doesn't work after that, THEN go onto public forums to ask for help.
Applying scale/rot is like un-plugging and plugging something in, in that it fixes like 90% of weird issues. It's just important to understand why you might not want to apply them in certain cases.

Anonymous No. 881143

Very nice anon, it's a clean design and doesn't go overboard with the greebles. I presume a lot of this is done as boolean operations, care to share with us your topology?

Anonymous No. 881144

not fully modeled

Anonymous No. 881145




Anonymous No. 881148

Feel like I'm stepping too close to HZD Aloy hair here but...eh.

Anonymous No. 881152

I would say its good, but I do think the figurine should be lit warmer- the illumination appears slightly too cool .


red farm girl1.png

Anonymous No. 881155

Thank you for the feedback. Today I tried to make a farmer character in a similar look.

Anonymous No. 881157

I liked small eyes becuase they came from your heart. Big eyes look alright but I feel that you would not benefit from that critique. Make what you want to make.



Anonymous No. 881158

First ever humanoid model I've ever created [forgive the off-screen pics, originally just wanted to show the gf]. I started learning Blender a month ago and I'm still tweaking it, but I got the base shape, shoulder plate, and textures down, so I'm happy with it for now. But I can definitely see areas I need to fix up. Going for a low poly late-SEGA-Saturn or DS game look, heavy inspiration from Burning Rangers and FF8 character models.

Anonymous No. 881159

Just in terms of general character design appeal, a smaller nose and more rounded eyes would help a lot if this is a main character. Right now he looks like he'd make a good minor bully or background character. Stylizing AND making the design look good is hard

Anonymous No. 881161

That's rad as fuck! How did you get it to be all solid colors like that?

Anonymous No. 881167

bruh lighten up that figurine, there seems to be some really good stuff there.



Anonymous No. 881176

Do you find this style of shading appealing (as in, fappable)?


dishonored guards.jpg

Anonymous No. 881180

Never doubt it.

Anonymous No. 881181

Shadeless/emissive shaders exist.


whiskey n cigars.jpg

Anonymous No. 881190

Shall we gather for whiskey and cigars tonight?

Anonymous No. 881192

I mean, I like that general direction of shading and have been thinking about making something like this for some time, but there's a clear gap in the shader styles in 3D smut people make and consume.
Roughly speaking, you have (trying-to-be-)realistic PBR (from stuff like TLoU to photorealism attempts), stylized PBR (think Overwatch, Pixar/Disney), and then attempts at anime-like cel shading (BotW, GI, RWBY, stuff made in Koikatsu, probably most of MMD stuff).
It's unlikely no one has tried to make porn with this style of shaders before (which potentially should work pretty well with stylized PBR models at least), and one possibility is that most people simply don't like this style and/or don't find it fappable.



Anonymous No. 881194

spent 5 hours on the kid im not sure if i should bother with people in the scene maybe drawing them in post would be better

Anonymous No. 881195

I got told a while ago to apply scale and rotation if things weren't going as they should be, but for some reason I didn't even think about doing it to a plane. I'd made something just before I started the phone and I even applied scale to that to fix something with it. I can't believe I didn't think to do it with a plane.
>Applying scale/rot is like un-plugging and plugging something in
That's a good way for me to remember it.
>It's just important to understand why you might not want to apply them in certain cases
Could you give me an example of when this would be the case? I don't want to run into this problem further down the road and shit up any threads by asking why X isn't working after I've applied scale and rotation when it's the only thing I shouldn't have done.

Anonymous No. 881196

The decision is yours, keep it stylized or attempt photo realism. And In 9/10 cases PBR is headed straight into the uncanny valley.
Looks good enough for cooming.

Anonymous No. 881198

Blow off, choffer.

I wasn't being sarcastic, I think what you have is pretty neat. It'd definitely get someone going if they're really into the underlying form. What you've got is like when you cover up a female model to be glossy (for that oiled look), but in the opposite direction. Where the forms aren't accentuated by the specular highlights, but instead the interplay between light and shadow and your clamped falloff between them.
In other words, I like it. I'm sure there's others that do too.

I'd tinker around with the stippling a bit though. In some places it comes off as very heavy freckles. Generally stippling isn't a uniform density, and instead gets denser in heavily shadowed areas, and less dense in lighter areas. Though I've dabbled with stippling before, and I wasn't too sure how to get that to work. Maybe you'll fare better than me.

>Could you give me an example of when this would be the case?
Not off the top of my head, no.
Armatures and rigging would probably give you issues if you had made one scaled to a certain size (or forgot to apply scale), and then animated it or put constraints on it. Then if you had tried to apply transforms, it could break the constraints in a way that could be a pain in the ass to fix.
Not applying scale on really big objects also helps a bit with procedural textures, since you don't have to use fuckhuge numbers too.
Honestly you'll just run into something that will break when you apply transforms, mostly from not applying them in the first place and continuing on. Sorry I couldn't give a better example.

Anonymous No. 881200

That's cool, thanks. I'll just have to cross that bridge when I come to it. Although I feel it will still be some way off for me so I'm not going to worry about it too much just yet.

Anonymous No. 881216

Vertex colors and no shadows



Anonymous No. 881238

Working on this scene with the AAA Wunder. Still shit tier. How do I improve the underwater effect?



Anonymous No. 881242

Thanks for the advice guys. Not sure if I did it well but ended up with this as a final version. Thoughts?

Anonymous No. 881245

For underwater scenes, I would usually say add more flora and fauna, but given the context, there wouldn't be any.

The only other thing I would try would be to add glossiness to the material for the water, subdivide the surface, deform to add waves then put a light source shining from above. Ripples in the surface of water create fluctuations of light underwater.

Also, I've been looking everywhere for a decent model of the AAA wunder. Where did you find yours?

Anonymous No. 881248

the best underwater effects are mainly post-proccessing but
>change colour to blue
>being able to see the sky
>as someone else said, fauna / fish

Anonymous No. 881250

Anon can't change to blue water and add life. The oceans in Evangelion are void of life and stained red.

Anonymous No. 881252

Cool, I need more Subnautica / Outer Wilds type of stuff in my life.

Anonymous No. 881265

Its only the spine for now, but I'm going for a full model in the future. Still not decided on realistic vs anime shading

ty, will try to do whats possible in the context of the scene



Anonymous No. 881271

What do you think of these characters I made for a game?



Anonymous No. 881275

chanin things up a bit. Dunno why I'm making such a fuss about trying to get the proper ps1 render settings when it's so easy in Unreal where she's gonna end up anyway



Anonymous No. 881288

I'm modeling this PARA 83. What do you guys think? How can I make it better?



Anonymous No. 881290


...added four more fuel tanks, started with the cargobay and i decided to make it possible to land on a planet with this ship. next will be the crew and passenger section.

Anonymous No. 881291


....currently its mostly just boolean operations, so, no great topology around. in the end, when i am happy with the overall look and stuff, i union everything that belongs to each other, clean up the mesh, make it sub d ready and start to add details - the stripes on the surface currently are just to show the idea of a segmented surface.


Default Aorta.png

Anonymous No. 881300

Worked a bit more on this, any idea how I can make it look more like in-game PS1 visuals instead of a pre-render? This is great for production renders but I want the final animated series to look like a PS1 game recorded on VHS.

Anonymous No. 881301

the bloom makes it look so amateurish,

Anonymous No. 881302

post wire with matcap

Anonymous No. 881309


...it transports the idea, thats enough for me in the current stage of the project.

Anonymous No. 881310

Assuming that those two side thrusters are meant to be for the RCS, you should probably allow them to rotate significantly more. And of course add more of them as you make the ship longer. If they're meant to provide VTOL-capability on a planet, they are probably too small compared to the main engine, since 1g of thrust from them would mean far more from that huge main engine, i.e., going full thrust would pretty much kill the passengers with g-forces.

I think it looks nice overall, though.

Anonymous No. 881312

Not much to be completely honest, no offence, EXCEPT for the 3 little fellas in the middle row, on the left. Of the three the most left one (the one with the light violent/pink skin) is the coolest: the head shape makes the creature distinct and visually pleasing, the color scheme between clothes and skin is spot on, and the clothes' design is cool too what with the lil' cape there. The brown skinned creature is also cool, has a good color scheme; the middle one on the other hand I don't like for the skin color. That black with the golden stripe thingies, ehhh not my style tbqhwy. I do like the overall shape of the little fellas though, visually interesting

Damn son looking good



Anonymous No. 881316

I can't seem to get a matcap that looks descent and shows proper wires Yes, im fucking retarded. I'll show you some shitty lowpoly wire pics at least.

Anonymous No. 881334

Who the fuck was the moron who decided constrained bones should have no values you can pull from? I can't just use my deform bones to grab rotations from for my elbow shapekey, nonono, I need to make two shapekeys 1 IK, 1 FK then mix those and do epic fuckery so they don't mess up if one is active while the other is inactive. this is fucking retarded



Anonymous No. 881335

I made some clothes for my waifu.

Anonymous No. 881337

why is she flat?
gross dude



Anonymous No. 881339

She's not flat.

Anonymous No. 881343

how would you even approach unwrapping a model like this? i'd guess you'd have to go piece-by-piece right?

Anonymous No. 881351


Anonymous No. 881355

Not that anon, but unwrapping is pretty simple once you understand the basics.
Most hard surface (and even characters), are unwrapped like cylinders or cubes. You might pick and choose where to have seams or not (for contiguous islands), but ultimately if you know how to unwrap a boxy object and a cylindrical object you're like 50% of the way there.
And yeah, you'd go piece by piece for something like this.


Walker WIP.png

Anonymous No. 881357

I've enjoyed working on this. But, there's a bunch of stuff about it that really bothers me that I can't really put into words or properly remedy.
But, I also don't have a whole lot of time to keep working on it.



Anonymous No. 881361

Making this chunky dude

Anonymous No. 881385

Cant see anything bro

Anonymous No. 881388

what a sweetheart

Anonymous No. 881393

any more issues of cgworld available anywhere?



Anonymous No. 881398

face is a bit long



Anonymous No. 881404

I'm feelin like Pygmalion here boys



Anonymous No. 881406

I'm getting filtered by Blender. I would rather write a modelling program than learn it.

Anonymous No. 881409

donut pill

but also honestly, get retopoflow 3 and download some high quality sculpt off artstation or sketchfab, then retopologize it. You'll learn how to use the program and actually end up with something satisfying.

Anonymous No. 881411

Wow, you're right. That's really subtle. You have sharp eyes. It's incredible how delicate the features of the face are. 1 or 2 % change anywhere can make a big difference.

Anonymous No. 881412

try this

Anonymous No. 881417

Wow thank you. I'll check those out.

Anonymous No. 881419

>ps1 render settings
>so easy in Unreal

I'm not sure you know what PS1 rendering looks like.

Also way too high poly for a PS1 character.

Anonymous No. 881421

I'm not aiming to perfectly recreate PS1 shit, what I'm referring to more specifically is faking dithering, wobbly pixels, etc. I'm far more interested in the texture of PS1/dreamcast games than the specific modeling. I'm hoping the shading might better "glue" anime-ish models and pixelated environments,

There are a lotta user-made shaders and tools for unreal that've figured it out:

For whatever reason, it's more difficult to do this in blender, as far as I can tell at least. Lopsec is making PS1 shaders for blender, but from my experience they don't work too great



Anonymous No. 881465



Anonymous No. 881466



Anonymous No. 881481

little run test



Anonymous No. 881491

Bros you have to bear with me here. I know it's like firefly city but that's just because it's a test render and if I start cranking things my computer will probably explode.
I tried to keep things to scale but some things went a bit fucky so I had to do them by eye, which looks like a mistake in hindsight because I see the errors now. I know I still need to texture a lot of things and some things are missing that I haven't made yet (including that fucking phone that I asked for help with because I ran into a boolean issue and deleted the whole thing, I'll probably do that when I get back tonight).
I can see most of my mistakes, but if anyone wants to point out something please feel free.

What do we think so far? Thumbs up or thumbs down?
You might also recognise the map, I stole it form the Goonies to save making my own :3

Anonymous No. 881494

Love this piece, dude. The framing on your final version is excellent and that figurine is really impressive.

Anonymous No. 881508

i'm not sure why you're going for "ps1 graphics" when 1. that's already starting to be over-done 2. what you have on the left, is much, much more appealing



Anonymous No. 881511

I mean what I'm really aiming for is a 3D PC98 type aesthetic; what's useful about having a PS1 guiding light in the process is the dithering, limited color palettes.

Anonymous No. 881512

Use your denoiser, you can activate it in preferences

Anonymous No. 881514

you'd probably get more useful information out of looking at megaman legends style things, not "PS1" since thats super vague


Screen recording ....webm

Anonymous No. 881521

My first fucking with 3d, I'm trying to make a liquid soap dispenser.

Anonymous No. 881526

really good shit dude



Anonymous No. 881527

Finally got some straight panel lines in substance painter. Will probably go with realistic for the AAA Wunder model for now



Anonymous No. 881528

I could be more specific on here, but when I say "PS1" I feel like everybody gets generally what I'm talking about.

Megaman Legends has been a good reference for moving towards cell-shading. It's interesting how influential it's become among the low-poly scene: the game looks like total dogshit compared to, say, Metal Gear Solid. I myself am fucking terrible at texturing things, so what's nice about looking at the PC98 shit is how few objects or surfaces have any notable texturing at all, it's all just shadowing. The question is how to mimic it in 3D without it looking too cartoony, like your typical cell-shaded game.

Anonymous No. 881529

could use some butt bones, losing too much volume on the forward extension of the thigh



Anonymous No. 881552

Dithering seems to play a big part in that, whether that dithering is part of the texture or in a shader is up to you I guess.



Anonymous No. 881558

Anything that jump out as bad ?

Anonymous No. 881560

I think its her eyes bro

Anonymous No. 881565

You're asking how it changes facial expressions? It has a face UV of different facial expressions

Atelierlily uses shape keys.



Anonymous No. 881591

i really like the legs and arms but the torso was so hard to make i feel like it needs more details but idk what to add
really want to make cool looking mechas but its pretty hard



Anonymous No. 881594


Anonymous No. 881595

the lips and inner eye lining? i think the lips look painted on and the eye lining is to thick and pink
the model itself looks fine

Anonymous No. 881597

Everything lmao.
Look at a picture of an actual female and copy from that.

Sick stuff anon.

Anonymous No. 881598

the shape is ok
the texture, material, eyebrows and lashes are all bad though basically everything outside the important stuff you should focus on as a beginner

Anonymous No. 881599

Looks cool. Depending on what sort of poly count you want in the end, you could call it done, and add your details in textures.

The easiest way to figure out what sort of details to add is to think about the function this robot might serve, how this robot was physically assembled, how it is maintained, how it actually works, what cools it, what fuels it, what considerations might be made for weight reduction. Imagine you are engineering this thing for real and it will all come to you.

Or you can be a no talen hack and just select some face here and there and greeble them like a faggot and plebs will probably love your contribution to the ongoing death of mecha.



Anonymous No. 881600

Hey thanks that works much better.

Now it's a bit clearer to see does anything stand out as being dreadfully bad?

Anonymous No. 881601

quality of the wall is pretty bad. The bottle seems to be a bit small but im not sure. the scene overall is a bit weird, you have some adenture items like the map, cig, bottle, and on the side you have some pringle and slurpy whatever it is next to it, looks just very random. idk know about the meds and theres a pill merging in the map btw

If Iwere you id just rework the texture and improve the quality of the lighting

Anonymous No. 881604

The wall hasn't been done yet, that's just a plain plane, same as the desk, for the render. I plan on putting a window there. I noticed the bottle too. When I first did it seemed to be about right, but in the render it looks more like it's about 4" tall.
I only included the Slurm can and Pringles tube because everyone seems to say you should have something organic in there to give a sense of life. I'm not good enough to do anything that's really organic and that was the best thing I could think of with the ability I have. I can easy remove those though.
There's two pills merging in the map (one white and one blue/yellow). I just forgot to move them kek.
I think it being somewhat disjointed will make more sense once I put the other things in that I haven't done yet, and ties in with the other scenes I've done.

Thanks for your feedback, it's always appreciated. I'll use it, roll with it, and see where I end up from there.

Anonymous No. 881606

i sincerely hope you're no older than 18

Anonymous No. 881655

Before I ask you anything of any substance, are you the anon who's obsessed with shitting on everyone but never posts anything themself?



Anonymous No. 881667

How would I go about making a shader that emits a specific color when hit by light? For instance, let's say I have a red object but I want its shading to be a specific color of green. Toon/cell-shading is of course very similar but I want to limit the color palette. So rather than having just a plain shadow/darkened color like in pic related, I want it to be a specific color, if that makes any sense

Anonymous No. 881668

Blender or?

Anonymous No. 881671

Ya you could work on the texture alone and a bit of light and it will go way farther than changing some of the model or what I wrote. texturing is more important that modeling imo

Anonymous No. 881674

Yeah Blender



Anonymous No. 881686

you can use shader to rgb for the super limited look

Anonymous No. 881694

Good shit, love vintage tech stuff

Consider using a Subdivision Surface Modifier, found on the bottom right under that blue wrench icon, if you're feeling like giving your prop more curves. If you are then use Ctrl + R to add loop cuts and give it extra geometry, more volume, more solidity, otherwise if it's too low poly the Subsurf Modifier will just turn your mesh into an amorphous blob

Mesh wise it looks good. If you mean to add details I think you should do that via texturing. Heat vents are pretty cool on this techy stuff


yuman boyo.png

Anonymous No. 881695

ITS ALIIIIIIIVE. Sort of, weightpainting is next, then animation controllers, and then I might even start making some actual animations, how 'bout that ah



Anonymous No. 881698

Thanks man. It's a composit tho, I only rly did the candle and letters lmao

Like 2weeks into 3d, focused on mastering lighting and composition

Anonymous No. 881707

You sculpted that in two weeks? Bullshit

Anonymous No. 881708

>I only rly did the candle and letters lmao

Anonymous No. 881709

my b. can't read



Anonymous No. 881713

Yes, you are completely right. I'll just go piece by piece, is kinda tedious but not necessarily difficult. I'm not great a UV unwrapping tho.

Anonymous No. 881714

Can you fix those twisting UVs on the barrel? They're triggering me

Anonymous No. 881719

It will be done. There's several places that I need to fix.


Character model.jpg

Anonymous No. 881722

After a few weeks of hiding from my projects I finally gathered enough references and did some changes to my game character. I have some anxiety about the polycount, the majority of the vertices are in the gloves which will be close to the camera most of the time, and there is definitely a bunch of places I could remove the backsides of objects to reduce polycount which I'll probably end up doing as I try to do a real UV unwrap and make actual textures and whatnot.

Anonymous No. 881725

so fucking siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick

Anonymous No. 881728

Copy that, happy modeling, 'tis looking great so far



Anonymous No. 881733

Almost done with the body
Going to detail the overgrown grass an trees and start building an environment for this guy

Anonymous No. 881735

Looks cute as fuck. Would love to have it as a companion in a game.



Anonymous No. 881748

hit dimension & polycount limit (2x256x256 & ~500 respectively)

Anonymous No. 881759

Excellent shit. What's your texture painting process like? They look great


Screenshot 2022-0....png

Anonymous No. 881762

I made this lounge chair.


Screenshot 2022-0....png

Anonymous No. 881763



Screenshot 2022-0....png

Anonymous No. 881764


Anonymous No. 881766

it looks like a weird urinal



Anonymous No. 881768

Yeah I realized it, I was trying to get this form, but i distorted it way too much :|

Anonymous No. 881770

jesus christ
next time, make the basic form out of primitives, or hell even just polymodel it first
trying to use grab tool to morph things is a recipe for disaster

Anonymous No. 881771

looks like you started sculpting without having a block out of the major forms first

Always block out before sculpting

Anonymous No. 881773

Ok thank you guys

Anonymous No. 881775

looks like a gib from an exploded fat enemy


Gun Wip 7.png

Anonymous No. 881798

A little progress

Anonymous No. 881803

See that there is just a cylinder and a cut cylinder and work from there. Really don't need to sculpt it, subd or poly modeling modeling would work just fine for this.



Anonymous No. 881808

This is a Frog lady I started working on this morning.

Anonymous No. 881823

Doesn't look quite right anon, hardly looks like a lounge chair

Lookin' pretty baller. The foregrip, is it at least 10 centimeters long? So that a hand can fit in there

Anonymous No. 881831

mostly the sharp edge created by the swap in material between lips and Skin.
I would recommend using something like "thispersondoesnotexist" to grab a face and then use bits of that image as a texture stencil to get a quick face texture. The eyes look a bit flat, but the rest is good enough.

Anonymous No. 881833

sample metals from google image search processed & PBRized in gimp then baked in 3dsmax, followed by handpainting using layer w\ overlay\addition\multiply blend modes to accent the style

it's meant for C&C Zero Hour so I kinda have the theme set for me to follow

Anonymous No. 881838

It *looks* cool enough, but I don't understand the design at all.

What on earth is this structure at the front?



Anonymous No. 881843


Anonymous No. 881844

Thanks. Yeah it's just wide enough for a hand.
A light/camera.


Uno Moralez ball.png

Anonymous No. 881847

>Generally stippling isn't a uniform density, and instead gets denser in heavily shadowed areas, and less dense in lighter areas. Though I've dabbled with stippling before, and I wasn't too sure how to get that to work. Maybe you'll fare better than me.
You can control density of a pattern in a few ways, the problem is the Shader to RGB node is the only way to get a gradient for shading in Blender, at least as far as I'm aware, and that is very limiting in many ways.

Anonymous No. 881849

>are you the anon who's obsessed with shitting on everyone but never posts anything themself?
no, i'm cris.



Anonymous No. 881857

I modeled this easter bunny for 3d printing. Pretty happy with how it turned out.

Anonymous No. 881859

Cute Phos! I'd recommend rendering shots at a FoV of 20-25deg and see how it looks



Anonymous No. 881866

Started texturing this guy

Anonymous No. 881867

beautiful little creature, it looks simultaneously retarded while smart enough to chase you then suck your soul out once it gets to you,



Anonymous No. 881868

is this booba?

Anonymous No. 881872

looks more like a STD

Anonymous No. 881875


Anonymous No. 881877

no i think it's definitely booba. very close to my reference.



Anonymous No. 881881

Currently rendering this scene with camera orbit animation and moving ramiel. Not entirely happy but want to see how it looks rendered



Anonymous No. 881882

I started work on the Type VII-A today. Any opinion on the general shape?


Sans titre.jpg

Anonymous No. 881889

My second humanoid sculpt. Working without any reference so I don't know what will be yet



Anonymous No. 881904

Worked on it some more

Anonymous No. 881906

Is it supposed to look like it's made out of half-melted marshmallow? If so, good job.

Anonymous No. 881907

>Working without any reference
Why would you EVER do that? Even if something is completely made up you should use reference, dummy. If it's alive, it has anatomy, and if it's mechanical there's no shortage of different mechanical bits and pieces that exist in the real world to reference from.
There's simply no excuse to not have something to reference at all times. At least until you're skilled enough to not need it.

Anonymous No. 881955

nice, nice

Anonymous No. 881986

Fuck, bump limit already, eh?
Guess I'll start on the next OP tomorrow night.



Anonymous No. 882007

took a week's break and i think i am going to shift from the whole serial killer and his cat thing



Anonymous No. 882010

New progress for today

Anonymous No. 882021

You should have the plane at least pan across the screen, or move back and forth slightly. There'd be no way a plane would be able to match speed with the train so perfectly that it's essentially a static object. The plane flying across the frame would be more interesting anyway.


wunder fleet.png

Anonymous No. 882022

Now we just need the dude to progress on the Wunder, and I'll have a ship for it to float in the OP



Anonymous No. 882028

hehe more booba



Anonymous No. 882034

sorry, no progress on the Wunder this week, learning substance currently and generally improving skills before going back to the wunder

Anonymous No. 882078

how is the rest of the scene? is it comfy?



Anonymous No. 882086

Today's progress



Anonymous No. 882095

This is how he looks in-game. Best shadowed, as he has no texture yet.


Sans titre2.jpg

Anonymous No. 882110

> At least until you're skilled enough to not need it
That's the level I'm trying to reach as fast as possible. I'm trying to remember anatomical stuff by memory (only for humans tough, I'm not a madman) and see through people's critiques (and my own eyes) where I fucked up and what I forgot to work on.

Anonymous No. 882152

That's not how you do it though. It's not an exam where you regurgitate knowledge.
You don't memorize how to ride a bike, you practice with training wheels until riding a bike is so ingrained into your muscle memory and mind that riding it without the training wheels comes naturally.
You're getting confused between having knowledge about something, and having the skill to do something. Theory and practice are two different things.
Sculpt with reference until you can see those forms absolutely everywhere.


1533482961145 copy.png

Anonymous No. 882154

Weightpainting. It's like I hit a wall, everything esle I'm slowly improving on but weight painting is just pure fucking agony. Oh Lord help me retain my sanity


Crappy body.png

Anonymous No. 882159

Trying to make a body. Use blocking out. Needs polishing



Anonymous No. 882191

Almost done with the highpoly,just need to detail the trees and grass, going to start the retopo and rigging after the bakes and after i set up a basic scene inside of unreal



Anonymous No. 882194

I started a low-ish poly warthog, I'm thinking of going with a 512px texture for it

Anonymous No. 882207

Okay I think I'm finished, I touched a little bit of polypainting but it's quite weird to use. I went for stylized but I feel like it's quite too stylized, the skin looks weird but I don't know if I have to put that on the matcap I chose or the way I polished the face.
Critiques please
> That's not how you do it though
Man I'm happy with the progress I'm making, that's when I stop to think about how shit is supposed to be done



Anonymous No. 882208

Forgot pic

Anonymous No. 882227

OP here, I was hoping on getting the new /wip/ thread up by tonight, but making the new OP images of late have been taking up more time than usual.
It's not a big deal, and I'll still do them, I'm just giving a heads up that things have been taking a bit longer than usual. Though it doesn't help that I wait until the thread reaches the limit before starting work on the image.
So yeah, I got everything from thread so far onto the next OP, but I still have to place them in the scene, which I'll do tomorrow night. So expect the new thread to be up then.

Obviously, from now on, I'll put in a little more planning into things next time. Adding images and stuff every few days rather than waiting to do it all at the last minute.
This one kinda snuck up on me with how quick it reached the bump limit. Sorry friendos.



Anonymous No. 882230




Anonymous No. 882253

Any tips on how to improve lighting here? Dunno why but i just don't like it

Anonymous No. 882254

show lighting without any color textures on the model

Anonymous No. 882261

Cant post more pics since limit was reached, but i think i know how to improve now, thanks

Anonymous No. 882266

looking based anon

Anonymous No. 882305

half of the scars fdont make sense, look at how real scars heal and how the color variation works.
Eyes are slightly off center and the gloss/shine makes them look incongruent with the rest of the model
Skin also looks like plastic and the single tone material on it doesnt really help
Hair looks simultaniously over and under detailed at the same time.

6/10 pretty close to being decent, a little bit of refining the major forms, painting and fixing the materials and color details could go a long way to make this look a lot better

Anonymous No. 882356

almost makes me throw up

Anonymous No. 882436

Sorry about the wait, guys!

Anonymous No. 882483

I'm an absolute beginner, so be patient with me if I'm wrong. Have you applied (CTRL+A) scale? I've found that beveling problems happen when you don't do that.

Anonymous No. 882484

Oh never mind. I see you've already found the solution.

Anonymous No. 883084

Looks very lively, yeah I like it.