

🧵 /sqtddtot/

Anonymous No. 879611

Stupid questions that don't deserve their own thread.

Prev. >>874000



Anonymous No. 879614

I'm making a custom UI for Zbrush and I want to know what are the mandatory masking buttons/options to have near by except for basics like blur, sharpen, clear, etc.?
I don't have much experience so I don't know what is really important between all the "Mask by X" options. Can someone make some recommendations.
Other recommendations are welcome. Here's my UI.


fucking retard.jpg

Anonymous No. 879624

Alright /3/, I'm so fucking frustrated feeling like a g.d. retard here. I have a hat and a bust. I want to just scale them together. I've selected them I've set the origin I've added them to a collection. They are "linked" don't even know wtf that means. The just will not scale together, the hat scales and moves (due to origin) the bust just moves the opposite fucking direction. am stupid, pls send help.

Anonymous No. 879625

Select mulitple objects (Head and hat) hit Alt while clicking on the scale value in the transform panel and put the value you want.
If I remember correctly that's how you change the transform of multiple objects so they scale together.

Anonymous No. 879660

Guess I’ll ask here too: What does 3dcg stand for

Anonymous No. 879663

CG is computer graphics as in CGI
3D is something about anime chicks idk

Anonymous No. 879664

google it


Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 879668

There was a link to the /3/ discord in the last thread I think, I'm posting a fresh link here.


Anonymous No. 879738

Are there any decent courses on 3D scene and image composition out there, preferably oriented towards Blender?

Anonymous No. 879741

is this the original one that was made in like 2016? I used to be in that but left by accident when I was cleaning up servers I was in

Anonymous No. 879750

Just use parenting
Collections help with instancing and toggeling visibility
Linking causes Objects to use the same mesh/modifier/textures/whatever
Parenting will treat the object as part of the parent and copies its transforms like position, scale and rotation

Just select the Hat (and the pedestal if you want) and then the head. Ctrl-P will then mark all selected objects as children of the active one (the head)

Anonymous No. 879769

Who is cris

Anonymous No. 879770

Satan wants us all

Anonymous No. 879772

from another thread:
Cris, aka ca3 on youtube, ca3studio on gettr, is some autistic hispanic who has been posting on this board for nearly 10 years.

In those 10 years, he has not improved his skills one iota. Why? Because he doesn't listen to any advice. Ever.

He posts precisely two kinds of threads - He either asks if there is or will ever be some tool that will magically make him better at things, or he posts an example of something made with his 'new AAA indie workflow' or some other such phrase.

Cris infuriates everyone, because everyone has, at some point or another, tried to give him useful advice. But it's like talking to a wall. He's beyond help.

The only purpose his posts serve is as examples of how NOT to do things.



Anonymous No. 879774

why are triangles used? i thought the aim was to use only quads. also is this texture a trimsheet? how do i go about making trimsheet?

Anonymous No. 879794

anyone know any cool tutorials worth checking out?

Anonymous No. 879801

>why are triangles used?
Triangles are ALWAYS used.
every quad = 2 tris.
>i thought the aim was to use only quads.
context matters
1. this is a screengrab from the engine? All game-assets are triangulated in engine. It was all quads before.
2.its a static asset that doesn't deform.
>also is this texture a trimsheet?
hard to tell
>how do i go about making trimsheet?
there are always several ways to do a thing.



Anonymous No. 879809

So im a new fledgling blendlet. Im just experimenting with things right now
how would you fix the obvious neck seam? Head and body are different objects. Same with the hands
Please disregard the horrid rigging and ugly face

Anonymous No. 879820

the megascans lod0 + displacements are really shit and don't get anywhere near the original full-res asset right? i've been losing my mind thinking i've been doing something wrong, but I've just rebaked the height map myself and now it actually looks right (ish).



Anonymous No. 879847

Okay, newfag here, trying to unfuck my geometry here. I want to get rid of that crease above the plane's edge as pictured. Is there a way to move the vertices into the right position, or should I start over?
For the latter option, seeing that the fuselage is a complex shape, I was thinking of using beziers to draw the cross-section in an orderly way, but when I convert them to meshes they get 9001 vertices. How do I prevent that?


top view.png

Anonymous No. 879851

>turns out that it does look fine if I just grab and move the vertices in question
I am in fact rartred
Now I just wonder how to shape the wing right, with that dogtooth and the trailing edge shaped that way.



Anonymous No. 879853

what plane is this

Anonymous No. 879854

>>how do i go about making trimsheet?
>there are always several ways to do a thing.
sorry i meant to ask how do i go about making the texture, specifically the bg ones with blots and shit. is it just a bump map?

Anonymous No. 879859

uuh, it's a fairly new one I think, it only has like 30 or so users.


Chimera three vie....png

Anonymous No. 879863

>made by /aceg/ back in 2017
>featured in Project Wingman in 2020, but the guy that made the game took some liberties with the model
>now I'm trying to make a mod for AC7 with a model accurate to what was designed back then
Also yes, the front uses chines like the SR-71

Anonymous No. 879881

There could be a few reasons why this is happening. I see it's also happening at the wrist. Without being able to see the project files, it's hard to say exactly what to do.

Things you might want to try :

1 - Check the uv layout on the body/head. The vertices could be off the correct colour area.

2 - Check that the edges of the mesh do not have sharps set. In solid view they will be highlighted blue. Clear them by selecting and pressing ctrl+e.

3 - Combine the meshes by selecting both of them in object mode and pressing ctrl+j. Whichever is the last object selected will be the main. Go into edit mode on the joined mesh and select all the vertices where the two meshes should join then hit m and choose "by distance".

In the merge by distance context menu at the bottom left, set the distance until you see the expected number of vertices to be removed.

This method assumes that the skin and body textures have the same tones.

That's the best I can suggest without knowing more about your project.

Anonymous No. 879915

blender won't let me use a lighter color than the texture's base color for texture painting. It's a dark green, and will let me paint darker green, but not white.

Anonymous No. 879936

Do you have the brush set to multiply



Anonymous No. 879959

I would like to learn how to draw cute girls but I have no drawing experience at all. I started following tutorials and practicing using Inkscape.
However, I noticed that some people do that in Blender. Moreover, Blender can animate. I found some videos on Youtube where is shown how to draw girls and other things in Blender. Are they enough to get started or should I continue using Inkscape and reading theory on how to draw humans in 2D?



Anonymous No. 879983

does anyone have some quick free anatomy resources and guides? this is like my third attempt at a skinny monster torso and it sucks

Anonymous No. 879987

Nope, it's on mix. I have cycled through the other brush settings, but none do what I want, which is let me paint a lighter color on a texture with a dark base color.

Anonymous No. 879990

I want to make 3 to 4 minute music videos. Everything would be made from scratch, except for the music.

How would I have to go about avoiding being copyright struck or demonitized?
Is it even possible without striking some deal with music creators?

Anonymous No. 879996

Have we tried giving him blatantly wrong advice?

Anonymous No. 880011

royalty free music

Anonymous No. 880014

those nips tho.


images - 2022-02-....jpg

Anonymous No. 880019

it's an alpha. and yes, demon nips

Anonymous No. 880021

That's the new one.
Link is also in the OP of the wip thread.

Anonymous No. 880044

i'm trying to bake some few step of stairs I did that has some damage to it, I just can't get the low poly correctly. I have my decimated high poly from zbrush, retopoed the low in maya but the low poly just doesn't have the same thickness as the high poly and the bake doesnt work. Tried zremesh aswell, poly count is way too high.
I'm trying to get a realistic look so I want the dmg to be in the mesh and not texture. What could I do ?

Anonymous No. 880050

Does anybody know where to get .dcm MRI scans? All of the databases I go to seem to be completely paywalled or offer 3-5 "samples" which are unusable for various reasons.

Anonymous No. 880054

I've got a copy of Grey's anatomy but it's in italian and is like 1.4 gigs



Anonymous No. 880198

If I buy an asset can I not respect the "up to 2k sales or 20k views" or will I have problems with it, very dumb question I know but I want an answer

Anonymous No. 880210

There'd be no way they'd be able to hold it up in court. Unless you just have public information that anyone can see about your sales.
Worst you'd get is a slap on the wrist and be told not to do it again. You'd already be a customer they're making money off, so they wouldn't want to fuck one of them over since it'll scare off others.

Anonymous No. 880211


Anonymous No. 880227

I doubt you'll even surpass over 4 sales and 10 views. So shut the fuck up and just do it you little ding-a-ling.



Anonymous No. 880274

Blender, Boolean'd the rings to the bar, and afterwards smooth shading gives me these weird artefacts. They don't appear on the bar though. How to unfuck?

Anonymous No. 880275

nevermind I unfucked that by joining them

Anonymous No. 880311

3D models are broken up into polygons by the computer. quads make it easy to do that (all it needs to do is cut it in half). ngons are bad because they can cause more polygons than necessary, and if your working between programs you may encounter errors as to how they are handled.

that looks to be similar to a trimsheet but not in the true sense. it is a baked texture with overlapping UVs to use as much texture space as possible.

you can make a trimsheet just by going into photoshop or whatever and putting a load of different images in the same file. you need to be smart about it however, textures you want to be seamless on the Y axis must be so in the trimsheet. this video:
gives you a good explanation. watch 3:00 onwards if you want a better version of what i just said

Anonymous No. 880312

Trimsheets are only useful when you're catering to the lowest common denominator. If you have high amounts of ram or youre doing film, there is no need and you can be more creative, in ironically, less time

Anonymous No. 880316

i still struggle at unwrapping so i think doing trimsheets could help me learn it

Anonymous No. 880339

sure thing homo



Anonymous No. 880381

I'm trying to make some simple hair (First project making something close to a humanoid) however I need to build to make up for the mistakes I make when "cutting" away the hair, but I need it to curve with the head, and adding new vertices won't let me position how I want it, as far as my knowledge goes (only making simple shape-based stuff)
how do i
yes, blender. I don't intend to be a pro.

Anonymous No. 880398

When you add a union boolean mod to a mesh and target another, leaving that mesh visible will create weird artefacts like in your picture because the original mesh still exists.

Hide the original mesh, or apply the boolean and delete the original.



Anonymous No. 880400

There are multiple ways to make hair ranging from simple to super realistic. One obviously takes more time, but you don't need a lot of skill to accomplish it.

How realistic do you want your hair? Because you could go down your route of making a solid skull cap and texture it using a transparent texture to hide the edges. Probably the easiest route.

If you want something a little more advanced, you could make a bunch of flat strips and position them then apply transparent textures like above, and it looks pretty good. Most games use this method.

If you want really good looking hair, use nurbs curves and circles.
The circle defines the cross section of a block of hair, the curve is its path. You can make some really amazing looking hair relatively quickly without having to do any mesh editing.



Anonymous No. 880419

I intend to model for MMD first, anything else secondary, so while I do want some decent detail, it all has to be bake-able and riggable, so the aim is fully 3d-modelled.
Say, around the level of this classic girl.
Though, I suppose starting with what I had might not be the best, and I should instead make the clumps of hair to then attach to the skull...?

Anonymous No. 880424

You'll probably want nurbs or box meshes.
Join this if you want to try a couple of things together.

Anonymous No. 880425

Anybody know some communities for blender beginners? Sharing shitty renders feels wrong on most communities where pros share their stuff

Anonymous No. 880430

If you don't mind starting in a new one: https://discord.gg/6zXa52j

Anonymous No. 880459

Is it fine to automatically retopo complex shit if it's just gonna be a background asset?

Anonymous No. 880460

What's a good site to actually hire a 3d modeller? I've tried fiverr and it's fucking aids, and I know for sure I'd regret it if I tried to recruit straight from here.



Anonymous No. 880489

Could modern hardware render Shrek 2 in real time?

Anonymous No. 880520

With some optimizations, I believe so.

Anonymous No. 880521

Not in its original form

Anonymous No. 880523

Not yet, but hopefully all the source files for it get leaked at some point. It would be cool to have that stuff. Probably 100s, maybe 1000s of gigs.

Anonymous No. 880528

Invite link doesnt work

Anonymous No. 880711

Link expired. New one -> https://discord.gg/rgCKk9Pf

Anonymous No. 880712

i think if you took the base meshes, simplified the shaders, backgrounds, used haircards, etc etc (all the standard optimisation video games use) it would be entirely possible. the best bet is to import most if into something like UE5



Anonymous No. 880724

Where can I find for sale higher quality high rise buildings, possibly that include basic interior structure?

I'm talking arch plan level quality but optimized to the extent they are for sale.

Pic related is what I don't want, stuff like evermotion is gameready and not detailed. I need balconies, int structures, etc. Evermotions models are not it and I'm not sure where to look.

Anonymous No. 880725

To add, I'm looking for more detail like this skp model has geometry wise, but with high quality textures too, ready to render in anything or look good in realtime in UE




Anonymous No. 880745

How would I make something similar to the low-poly prop cars that you see on the side of the road in racing games, without having to actually go outside and photograph random people's cars 5 times?

Anonymous No. 880765

buy pictures of cars from the interent

Anonymous No. 880787

Does anyone know where I can get, or easiest find, reference images for objects? I can normally either only find front, back, or side views, never all of them. The odd time I do find all of them they're such low quality that they're useless.
Same goes for product packaging too. Those are usually photos or scans someone has made, but I need them to be more like graphics if that makes sense.

Anonymous No. 880790

For this, all I can recommend is going into stores and taking the photos yourself.

Anonymous No. 880793

Is that for the references? I could do that but for some things it's going to be completely impossible, like firearms for example because I live in Bongistan.
For the product packaging I have been doing something similar to that where I've been getting photos or scans of packaging templates, but then to have them in a "graphics format" (to eliminate imperfections, reflections, the texture, that kind of thing) I've had to recreate the whole design and lay it over the top of the image to keep scale etc. Which is beyond tedious as you can probably imagine and takes forever.
Thanks for that suggestion though.

Anonymous No. 880843

Hello my negros, I have basic to intermediate knowledge of 3d modeling software, I can do basic sculpting. Now I want to create a base mold form for my IRL face mask project. I'm looking for the best way to get accurate face shapes that I can sculpt upon. Anyone have an idea?

Anonymous No. 880858

Ah yes, firearms would be an issue. You could try going on a weapons forum and post a request for someone to take photos for you.

Anonymous No. 880885

They're all just lines and stuff, but I find it to be really useful.

Anonymous No. 880894

I’m hung up on trying to model based on vertices and all that jazz. But sculpting just kind of makes sense in my mind. Is a workflow based on sculpting out something and then going back and refining it with more traditional modeling a viable one or am I just fucked?

Anonymous No. 880901

if you want good reference for guns the the UK, you could probably borrow realistic-enough airsoft guns from someone
a few people on reddit upload pictures of firearms as well, https://www.reddit.com/user/Othais/submitted/ for example. i'm sure you can find more on the relevant subreddits.

for paid stuff:
https://www.the-blueprints.com/blueprints/weapons/ has a big collection of weapons dimensions and cad files you can use. i'm sure you can find alot of this stuff pirated somewhere as well.

Anonymous No. 880951

>workflow based on sculpting out something and then going back and refining it with more traditional modeling a viable one or am I just fucked?
Isn't that literally just the regular sculpt>retopo workflow? I don't even think you can count it as a workflow anymore, it's just what you do to get something usable out of a sculpt.

Anonymous No. 880996

That's a good idea. I wonder if /k/ would do something like that. Although the other anon mentioned reddit so they might be more willing.
I'll try all three.

Thanks anon. I've been using that for some things (mainly furniture), and like you say, it is a really useful site.

Thanks dude, I'll try reddit for them because I know they can be generally helpful if you request it,
Based I'll take a look there too because I'm sure there'll be more than a few files I can use. I'll see if I can pirate whatever it is I need, I'm trying to save as many shekels as I can at the minute.

Thank you for the help frens.



Anonymous No. 881000

So, is there a way to edit to bounds of meshes in Blender so I don't end up like this in Unity?
Box colliders use the mesh bounding box, I would like every mesh planes bounding box to be like the mesh, now they are warped and weird.



Anonymous No. 881005

Stupid question with a simple solution, how do I get the side faces to be equal when I invert the face? Like the top and bottom created faces are twice as wide as the sides ones but I want them all to be equally as wide as each other.
I don't want to use push and pull because I'd still be doing it by eye anyway.
I've tried Googling it but for some fucking reason it only brings up shit related to flipping normals.



no body buys your book but ur- No. 881008

any summary of 3d cg workflow like this, i really need an easier pointer than youtube searchbar https://github.com/EbookFoundation/free-programming-books/blob/main/books/free-programming-books-subjects.md#compiler-design

Anonymous No. 881009

These have been made in edit mode, rotating in edit mode have the bounding box re-calculate and it skews and fucks up compared to mesh geometry.
By rotating it in Object mode, The bounding box will also rotate.
Is there a way to re-calculate the bounding boxes so they line up with the box mesh?



Anonymous No. 881016

Not applyikg transforms, and only move it in object mode gives desired results.

Anonymous No. 881033

in object mode hit ctrl+a and select 'apply scale'. should fix this issue

Anonymous No. 881034

Thanks cutie, I knew it was something really simple



Anonymous No. 881039

Can't believe how much my post was ignored



Anonymous No. 881041

>trying to bake a wood trim onto a plane in substance
>end up with pic related
any help /3/bros? really not sure what i'm doing wrong here

Anonymous No. 881057

are the high poly and low poly the same size?

Anonymous No. 881059

i get your feeling, my shit tends to get ignored a lot too.

Anonymous No. 881061

Id say divide, mask by polygroup, uv if you uv, zremesh, dynamesh, split, crease and a few brush are those I put on the side from memory. Nobody answer your question cause its up to you, put what you use a lot, and we dont know what you use a lot



Anonymous No. 881079

Am i the only one who does this to get rid of edge loops?


bevel vertices.jpg

Anonymous No. 881082

Anyone help a brainlet out?
I'm watching this tutorial https://youtu.be/Up3cxVQRQrI?t=62 (I've copied it from the time I'm having the problem with) and whenever I try to bevel the vertices, they don't fit the way his does. Like my falloff is all fucked up.
His corners fit perfectly and line up perfectly with the reference when he bevels them. Mine either go in too far or out too far. No matter how many segments I add or remove it doesn't make a difference they're still fucked up. Pic related to try and explain it better.
I've tried changing the width type, the width, the shape, the material index, and everything else he doesn't mention but nothing will work. What am I doing wrong?

Anonymous No. 881098

I tend to ignore shit when I don't know the answer or don't have anything useful to add or say. I'm sure a lot of anons are the same way.
If it's being ignored, try rephrasing the question instead of complaining about it. And use that time spent waiting for an answer by finding one yourself. That way if you do find one and a nice anon answers, you can compare the two and figure out what's complete bullshit and what's not. Since most anons here aren't industry experts with 20 years of experience in absolutely everything.

Anonymous No. 881108


I want to download what I assume is this 3D model in the 360 degree view window. With textures, naturally. https://www.yamahamotorsports.com/supersport/models/yzf-r1 How would I do that?

Anonymous No. 881110

Apply scale

Anonymous No. 881111

Have you tried increasing max frontal distance?

Anonymous No. 881114

moving the plane in front of the trim ended up working out, maybe i should try increasing max frontal distance in the future. thanks anon

Anonymous No. 881115

Is it wise to upgrade my 3d pc before I've made a significant amount of money with the barebones one I have right now? So far I've only made $500 which makes me hesitate to buy a expensive new rig.



Anonymous No. 881323

How would I make panel lines follow the curvature of this? Have been trying for the past hour but it seems impossible

Anonymous No. 881324

While unwrapping UVs make the edges straight and aligned to pixels.

Anonymous No. 881326

Thanks, but when enabling aligned to pixel theres more than one vertice per pixel now

Anonymous No. 881356

Make a high-poly version with the panel lines and then just bake it to low. If you're not going to have straight UV islands.

Anonymous No. 881413

So say you have a whip that's coiled up and like object and you want to scale it proportionally by connection-distance from the tip instead of by distance from the center (so it would scale smaller around the curve instead of uniformly), how would you do that?
I swear I've seen it done but I forgot in which video.

Anonymous No. 881443

make a sketch

Anonymous No. 881458




Anonymous No. 881493

How to not get these topo errors when dynameshing an object? It creates problems with shading.



Anonymous No. 881507

Let's say A and B are equidistant from the center
I want to scale the center down with proportional editing on, but have B be more affected than A since A would be further away if the coil was a straight line instead of curled up.
Come to think of it, can I use the spin tool and simultaneously scale down as well (instead of manually extruding,scaling down, and hoping I get a spiral at the end)? That would achieve the result I want too. I'll have to look into that.
Sorry that my explanation sucked.

Thanks, I'll look at that video too. I admit that geometry nodes are a bit mystifying to me still, I'm still grappling with the basic tools.

Anonymous No. 881537

The closest thing I can think of is create a shapekey scale (or shrink/fatten when you want it just thinner) the whole spiral to the most extreme value you want create a vertex group assign that group to the shpekey with the group selected and the shapekey at 1 go into weight paint mode and paint the gradient you need

Anonymous No. 881609

What's the best software for making normal/bump/height maps, guys?

Anonymous No. 881625

substance painter, xnormal if youre making from scratch

or can generate one from a height map with software like normalise?

Anonymous No. 881628

are there any sculpting discords for i guess zbrush? i'm a beginner and it would be nice to have a community to lurk

Anonymous No. 881701

can someone teach me how to make a 3d moddel

Anonymous No. 881716

No, teach yourself.



Anonymous No. 881747

What is the fastest way to model a cute hair as a placeholder (I'll make normal ones later) in Blender?

Anonymous No. 881751

i remember saving gifs/webms and links of well rigged crotch deformation posted on /3/ years ago, but lost my old hdd and archive search doesn't work. it was mostly japanese porn animators iirc, maybe 3dsmax. anybody got some examples?

Anonymous No. 881757

Did you apply all transforms? Ctrl + A

Anonymous No. 881784

Substance Designer



Anonymous No. 881908

what is the proper topology for pic if i wanted to shade smooth?



Anonymous No. 881911


Anonymous No. 881913

Why aren't there up to date versions of octane/redshift to torrent on like cgpersia or whatever? Anywhere else I can find them or what's the deal?

Anonymous No. 881914

make it not one face

Anonymous No. 881918

if you using normal maps then dosnt matter, go with the one with less geo
but still cleaner normal maps are much better, and for the geo waste on the surface you can bevel the edges and weight the normals or use split edges

Anonymous No. 881923

Apply Weighted Normal modifier.

Anonymous No. 881924

he needs bevels first ...
how are you plnning to point one vertex in 2 directions?



Anonymous No. 881925

How do i export this blush texture from properly from unity so it doesn't come out as a single flat color?? in the .mat preview it looks fine, wat do?



Anonymous No. 881930

any reference to make a girl like the pic

Anonymous No. 881932

Look at some pictures of children? You're allowed to google pictures of children without being on the fbi watch list.

Anonymous No. 881940

thank you!

Anonymous No. 881941

Source Filmmaker is actually fucking terrible.

Anonymous No. 881987

I'm not really "in the know" when it comes to those renderers, so take it with a grain of salt, but I think I remember reading somewhere that they got hard to crack for some reason. I think they need to phone home to render or something. So cracking them has been hard.
Again, I don't know if that's true and I just imagined it, but if anything that's probably the case.

Anonymous No. 882018

it's probably masked off in the tint file or something



Anonymous No. 882033

Can someone tell me wich of these is the worst to learn and the worst to do in the process of making a vg character? I'm in the tutorial purgatory and there's not many stuff I still need to learn but damn, this shit is tedious. I want to know what awaits me.
> sculpting
> retopo
> UV and texture stuff
> Rigging
> Weight painting
> Animating
I learned most of the process but never touched retopo and UV/texture stuff and I feel that it's the worst two things of the list. Am I right?

Anonymous No. 882035

Sculpting isn't needed.
Retopo is only needed if you sculpt.
UV is simple once you understand the principle, but texturing can be rough, especially as HOW you texture depends on engine shader stack
Assinging weights for bones isn't hard, but trying to create feature complete rigs to simplify the animation work is hard. Which do always mean animation is the hardest, which is still hard enough that people want to do mocap instead of hand animation.

Anonymous No. 882037

Look on used car websites. People will often have already photographed the car 5 times (sometimes more).

Anonymous No. 882038

Interesting, but I bet it ruins the shading there.

Anonymous No. 882039

this might have some cars on for reference

Anonymous No. 882041

Yeah I know about sculpting and retopo, I already began the sculpting journey since it was mandatory for my workflow. Never touched retopo tough besides what I read in books and some tuts I watched when I was bored of everything else. From what I hear, it's this part that's causing a lot of baldness in the industry.
I feel comfortable with rigging and WP (not WP it was a pain in the ass desu) and I made a few baby steps with animation but not enough to know where I am at.
So if I got you, texturing and animating are the two shit I should be prepared for? Okay it's relieving since I'm not a stranger to both things since I'm a 2D fag and that I already touched a little bit of animation

Anonymous No. 882047

Very stupid question, but do models need to be one continuous watertight mesh to work in substance painter or can I have multiple meshes and import them as one fbx?

Anonymous No. 882048


Always work with multiple objects. an example:


Anonymous No. 882059

Ah thanks. I guess the artifacts in the AO map in Substance Painter come from bad UVs then and not the overlaps between objects?

Anonymous No. 882074

Is it really possible to make precise, print ready pieces in Blender or is this guy bullshitting me?

What can I get from joining?

Anonymous No. 882147

you can make anything in blender if you have enough patience

Anonymous No. 882148

Does anyone here make money off making models for nft autists making a collection?

Anonymous No. 882151

my guess is that it has something to do with the subsurface scattering. try to match up the subsurface value in both meshes and it should work. Another solution would be to just join the two meshes together and merging their vertices.



Anonymous No. 882218

How do you do character design if you can't draw? I've been making stickman tier stuff, with notepad of things I want in the design. Is there a better way or do I got to get good at drawing?

Anonymous No. 882243

Modeling and uv is fine when it's going smoothly. Retopo/rig is fucking annoying and boring. Hand animation is hard but kinda relaxing imo. Texturing can be fun, it's annoying for environment because you end up doing more of opening, closing, importing, exporting fbx rather than texturing



Anonymous No. 882256

I'm self-teaching 3d Sculpting (Z-brush) alongside learning traditional art.

Currently I am practicing making sculpts based on things I also study for 2d art pieces.

I am a huge fan of Charles Bargue since he has an approach similar to how I prefer to do 3d sculpting: A few large panes are defined and put into place, then each step of the process increases the "resolution".

Anyone having done something similar, or learned 3d and 2d alongside each other?

I could really benefit from some tips or course recommendations I think, as digital sculpting is a very new area for me.

Anonymous No. 882295

i am in the same boat but i dont know what to tell you. zbrushes ui makes me want to chew off my legs.

Anonymous No. 882301

> A few large panes are defined and put into place, then each step of the process increases the "resolution"
It's pretty much the best workflow for doing sculpts. If it's for characters, you should read "Anatomy for sculptors" a few times until you're familiar with everything that compose the human body and face.
For other stuff, I don't know, just gather a ton of references and sculpt them.
Also a good tip is that you should watch some custom interface tutorials to change Zbrush's one and get more comfartable sculpting.



Anonymous No. 882307

Im trying to made large flat objects (the tail fin of a whale) sculpting in blender but I keep ending up with these serrated broken edges after using flatten/scrape etc. Smooth just rapidly eats away at the shape.

Anonymous No. 882327

this is why you start with clean topology before sculpting on it unforunately

could remesh t?

Anonymous No. 882364

Ok I was just wondering what causes it, this is my first model ever so I just want to make sure I can do it eventually even if I have to start all over. Thanks.

Anonymous No. 882368

I guess I have a follow up question, what makes "clean" topology. I just started with a square

Anonymous No. 882390

why did valve even bother making it? even their own work looks like shit using it.



Anonymous No. 882404

A trimsheet is just a traditional texture.
It can either tile on the sides or not. It's straightforward.


Apustaja Profile.png

Anonymous No. 882420

How to make a head turnaround of Apustaja? I can't imagine the model out of imagination.



Anonymous No. 882451

Focus on symmetry and proportions.
Use horizontal line guides to get the vertical proportions.
You only need the first and third reference image to get started.
The fourth reference can be useful but only if you're modeling something technical.
Once you get that done, you'll have enough geometry to work with to tweak to your liking.

Anonymous No. 882458

but I want to model Apustaja so it'll mimic the 2D drawings instead of 3D.
For example in this Shin Chan game. The Misae hair and the face retains the 2D aesthetic of the original despite being a 3D model.

Anonymous No. 882459

Raf Grassetti has made some 3d pepes. https://www.instagram.com/rafagrassetti/

Anonymous No. 882460

>worst to learn
Whichever one you enjoy the least.
>worst to do
The one you're not very good at and/or don't enjoy.

Why are you trying to learn all of these things at once? It would be better if you focused on one discipline at a time and once you get decent at that, learn the next. So like Modelling + Texturing, then rigging/skinning, then animating. Or collaborate with someone to do the things you can't.

Anonymous No. 882461

Well, from what I can tell, Shin Chan's head is just a simple bean-ish shaped model with geometry pushed /inside/ of the mesh, that has in-front rendering (no culling). Seems like to do the same with pepe is you'd get the head proportions then make a plane/mesh inside the blob-like-form-that-is-pepe's-head, and work on lining it up from there.



Anonymous No. 882463

But I want Apustaja, not pepe.
I'll never know how he pull it off.

Anonymous No. 882466

that's a single-sided render
the left/right side likely looks uncanny

Anonymous No. 882467

so we'll never know the other dimension of Apustaja ? This is disheartening. All I want is to animate him in his world and maybe 3D print him for personal use. he's adorable.

Anonymous No. 882468

Just fucking do it. It's literally a potato with eyes. It's not gonna translate 100% from 2D to 3D, but it'll probably be close enough.

Anonymous No. 882476

How would you fix the incomplete side view here >>882420 because I'm stuck

Anonymous No. 882477

>side view
It's literally a sphere. Start sculpting and do it by eye.

Anonymous No. 882479

I-I'm not that advance. I do my models from extruding ortho

Anonymous No. 882486

how long does it take to render normally ? my first time rendering and it's taking half an hour. should i be worried or us this normal ?

Anonymous No. 882488

I believe in you. You can get away with just the front view to get the silhouette down, and then eyeball the position of everything else. It's literally just 5 spheres, place them where you need, dynamesh (or whatever the equivalent in blender), sculpt details. It'll probably look like shit, but there's not much to it but to do it. Sucking ass is part of the process.

Anonymous No. 882491

Usually takes me about 7 measurements to finish.
If you're going by metric, that's about 12.3 units.
Sometimes I rebatch to coldstart the render engine and I get a few more fps, but that can damage the central interpreter.

Anonymous No. 882492

do i need a good pc to animate in 3d or does it not matter ?

Anonymous No. 882493

whatever your computer can handle game-wise is what you'll be able to animate, within reason.

if you can handle cyberpunk 2077 at max settings, you should be alright.
if all you can play are ps1 emulators, you'll have a hard time previewing your work.

it all depends on what you're doing. theoretically you could just animate the bones, but who does that and where can i see their work???



Anonymous No. 882495

>if all you can play are ps1 emulators, you'll have a hard time previewing your work.
ps2 actually, but i guess it's over for me.



Anonymous No. 882497

is there any way to pose a sculpt in blender without warping it?



Anonymous No. 882544

how do they make textures like this??
texture painting them seems impossible.

Anonymous No. 882549

I hope this is helpful, found it a while back and thought it was neat


Anonymous No. 882557

You paint them in a 2D paint tool, like the artists back then did.



Anonymous No. 882567

>using solidify modifier to get cartoon outline
>trying to model mouth
>get this fucking duck-shape every time I try
>solidify modifier goes apeshit when I try to make the mouth bag
what do I do

Anonymous No. 882568

whats this and how does it help

Anonymous No. 882787

this is completely out there and I'm probably fucked, but
I am making an animation in Blender and I want to look at it in VR. With the VR plugin, I can technically play it within Blender itself, but at an awful framerate. What are my options if I want a VR environment where I can look at animations fluidly? My current idea is having to slap together a Unity game but here's to hoping someone more experienced has an opinion.

Anonymous No. 882805

Unity is probably your best bet, like you said.
But if you just wanted to look at it from a static place, you could just render out as a 360 stereoscopic video and play it through something like Whirligig. It'd just be a 360 video, but depending on what you're trying to do, that might be enough.

Anonymous No. 882821

Where the hell do these hack porn "artists" get their background scenes? Do they just rip models from video games or reuse royalty-free scenes?

Anonymous No. 882861

Suggest advance (paid) tutorial on facial rigging (talking and expressive human/creatures)?

Anonymous No. 883056

How to do a slow render in blender? I just don't want my old toaster get frayed.

Anonymous No. 883080

For hard-surface, is it normal for the resulting topology to be completely fucked and triangulated?
I've only ever modeled/sculpted organics so I'm used to the topology always being nice and clean. Trying to adjust to hard surface where everyone just booleans and bevels the shit out of everything is confusing the hell out of me.
I'm not sure exactly where in the modeling process the "just fuck my topology up senpai" stage lies.

Anonymous No. 883093

Develop drawing skills, it's not too hard to get to a level where you can design stuff with appropriate dimensions as you don't really need a fancy render/painting of your character to make it in 3D, trust me being able to sketch out stuff on paper pays off tenfold if you are remotely serious about getting into art.

Anonymous No. 883138

bitter... hilf mir , niggas >>883136

Anonymous No. 883173

non-destructive Kumpel - always favor a non-destructive workflow.
Especially if you don't know shit. Sculpting in pose is for the pro's who know what the fuck they are doing.



Anonymous No. 883178

Ah well, thanks for that. Looks like I'll be going to >>>/ic/ and >>>/3/ now. Cheers, and may you be blessed

Anonymous No. 883201

How do you sell NSFW animations? Do you build an audience on twitter and then what? Leave a burner email and take commissions?

Anonymous No. 883207

Also, how do you get money doing nsfw animations without your conservative day job employer finding out?

Anonymous No. 883209

If you are rushing or dont give a fuck then yeah, my guns and props for my studio are as clean as possible
For one clean topo and clean normals gives me clean normal maps that are resistant to compression artifacts, and for other its just easier to work with.

Anonymous No. 883211

ignore it? who cares what happens in mouth

Anonymous No. 883214

patreon or hit up one of the established teams and ask if thy looking for animator
there is no real market for paid animated porn as most of it is free, only a handfull of donation based projects around

Anonymous No. 883217

Should I be concerned about taking payment from patreon bux and having to report it and potentially not qualifying for my government assisted low income health and dental insurance?

Anonymous No. 883219

lmao dunno, i never report shit, though i made less than 20k on it


Time Stretching.jpg

Anonymous No. 883224

>slow render
You mean like slow motion?
Take a look at the "Time-Stretching" option under where you change the amount of frames in your animation. It's a ratio.
Make the 1st number bigger to speed it up, make the second bigger to slow it down. So for example, 200:100 (2:1) means the animation will play 2x faster than usual, while 100:200 (1:2) means the animation will play 2x slower than usual.
You'll have to adjust your start and end frames to compensate, and the playhead will kind of "separate", making the line encompass the entire range of the slowed down animation, but the numbers follow your original.
So if you had a 100 frame animation to begin with, and you played it 2x slower, at the end of the animation, the numbers at the top would be at frame 100, but the line would be at 200. It's a bit confusing at first, but it'll make sense once you see what's going on.

Once you render with the time remapped, it'll render out like that at slow/fast motion without having to do anything crazy.
Hope it helps.



Anonymous No. 883231

Is there a Stadia/Geforce Now equivalent for 3D artists? Like a low-latency cloud desktop with good, up-to-date hardware performance for 3D creation? Usually I'd write-off cloud streaming stuff but there seems to be no end to this current chip shortage and I just can't take working with this outdated, slow GTX 1060 anymore. It's broken me. I'm seriously willing to go cloud now if it helps me get my work done better.


Apustaja first tr....png

Anonymous No. 883517

I-I tried.
I don't know how to mix the clay together so here it is. It's still not looking like Apustaja. :C



Anonymous No. 883536

I tried too... I failed

Anonymous No. 883556

In blender, I copy pasted a grease pencil and the copy has the orientation of the original, but I want to stick it in a different surface, is there any way I can snap my (floating) grease pencil to this new surface?



Anonymous No. 883609

hello. i'm making a game with animated models, but some of the models' feet don't line up with the skateboard. it looks fine in the .blend file but not as a .glb file, pic related. some of my models are worse off than others where the armature looks nothing like what's been animated, mesh sprawled everywhere. the models have around 90+ unique animations each, which i fear could be the source of the problem. is there something i can do to fix this/re-export a properly aniamted glb? i want to avoid using fbx and obj if i can.

Anonymous No. 883643

Make a duplicate of the blend, and try selecting the models and rigs, hit CTRL A and apply all transforms, and then export your glbs

They're all simple but hard work to master. That anon who said retopo is only needed if you sculpt is wrong about that, how good you are at retopo is tied to how good you are at poly modelling, if you find it difficult, your poly work probably isn't actually that good. If you take shortcuts with any of these things, your work will suffer because of that area not being developed. Bruce Lee didn't skip muscles and neither should you.

Everything is difficult when you're just starting.
>I want to know what awaits me
You know already, you're wasting time here talking instead, go work anon


apustaja 3D fall.jpg

Anonymous No. 883646

this guy made him looks like him.


apustaja 3D(1).webm

Anonymous No. 883648


Anonymous No. 883677

anons, I need help
is there a tool to take measurements from pictures?
let's say I have a floor plan with a stupid perspective, I've only found fspy but it only works to set the camera in the 3d application, I need to model the thing, there must be something faster than this

Anonymous No. 883679

bretty good

Anonymous No. 883689

but how does one translates the head to 3D ?

Anonymous No. 883697

unironically learn to draw, you need to be good at the 7 arts to make good 3d

Anonymous No. 883708

How do you guys make your stencils? (I hope at least one person here knows what those are). SD? Shooting photos IRL? Extracting them from downloaded images?

I realized I can make some nice ones from scanned Megascans assets, but I worry a bit I'll get blacklisted from the industry and thrown in the 3D jail if somebody finds out. /s

I also created some just from high res google images, I don't really need them to be super sharp. And I should definitely shoot more things when I'm outside, even just with the phone, I missed a ton of interesting textures that way, and I pay for it later on when I need that kind of detail on things I'm working on and then I waste time because I don't have enough sources ready to be used.

Anonymous No. 883711

>google images
plebbitor you disgust me

Anonymous No. 883720

what's wrong with google images



Anonymous No. 883769

I have an fbx file with textures ripped from CoD with Greyhound. I have tried importing it into blender and the textures are not applied to the objects (I can link the texture to tba files, but there are some UV maps or something that I can't figure out how to import). Same thing happens when I tried to import the file in 3DS which the ripper claims to have been able to make the model appear in. There are also material .txt files that are comma separated and appear to be references to other files in the directory structure.
Is there any way to open it with textures, mapping, and all?



Anonymous No. 883854

same thing. i think it's something wrong with blender's gltf exporter. forgot to metion that the models use rigify. it could be the problem...but everything is properly keyframed and stored as NLA as it should be. i swear this worked better in blender 2.9 but using it is no use because files with animation/rigging that are saved in 3.0 are not backwards compatible. still stumped.
>captcha PRAY 0



Anonymous No. 883899

anybody knows the source on that chinese cartoon girl? it's on https://flippednormals.com/



Anonymous No. 883900

nvm found it, Ryan Reos

Anonymous No. 883904

The virtual desktop you hire has to have the cloud software work in a browser. You can only get Autodesk cad programs at the minute. They will probably expand soon because they have token subscription in place.

Anonymous No. 883929

I've been collaborating with some other people on a small game. It's me and one other artist. She's a Bitch who looks down on others and acts like we don't do any work. So far I have sculpted, retopod and handpainted 5 different characters using completely different bodies, all from a sphere and made the terrain. She has made a flat floor with a wood texture and flat walls with a single color, a table and a chair. She also rigged and animated the characters I made by using blenders autorigger. Has she done more work than me? Has she really earned the right to be such a fucking bitch?

Anonymous No. 883935

Unfortunately there are a lot of egos around, especially recently. It feels like since software has become easier to accomplish "good results" with presets and semi automated features, people are unironically thinking "Yes, I made that."

If you haven't done this already, you need to set up a timeline and when you want things to be done by. So in a month you could say you need like X amount of characters done, X levels, X amount of characters animated, etc. And then break it down to weekly quotas. So as long as everyone is meeting their quotas nobody feels like they're working harder than others. If it's just a free for all, then this type of shit will always come up.

Anonymous No. 883937

ikd man but you sound like a shitty boss. the goal is to get the project done and hit deadlines, not btich about each other

Anonymous No. 883940

I'm not the boss I'm the other artist she is being a bitch to everyone in our team. It's not industry work so we don't really have a boss



Anonymous No. 883942

I have a few faces (front, back, and top) on a cylinder and I want to select every other face, but I also want the selected faces to "loop" with the ones they're directly connected to on the top and back.
Just as a note, the cylinder isn't a pure cylinder anymore. I inset the top face somewhat and extruded the "main" face down.That's what I mean when I say front, back and top.
I've included a crude example of what I want and what I get when I use checker deselect (first one is what I want obviously). Is there any simple way of doing it? I tried to trick it by selecting all of the faces and checker deselecting them all at once, but it outsmarted me and clumped some together so it could keep the offset. If I change the offset it doesn't do anything, it just switches the selected and deselected around.
I don't want to click them all individually like a caveman.
In Blender btw.

Anonymous No. 883951

>don't have a boss on a team project
It's not about having a boss, you need structure. People need to have a clear idea of what the goal is, what they're doing and what's expected of them. Either have a top down approach where someone is the project leader or you have some kind of coop approach where you all agree on the rules and expectations. This isn't just some shit where a bunch of people show up, go off doing whatever they like the most and hope it all works out in the end.

Your first step should be to resolve the issue. Have a meeting where people can voice their feedback or ask her what her expectations are. Then you have something to work with and come up with a solution where everyone is happy. If she's still gonna be a bitch then you tell her to change her attitude or fuck off.

Anonymous No. 883960

Ok, we do have a project manager. This is a school project and we were paired up in groups of programmers, artists and designers to make a game in one month. We have had regular meetings but the problem is, she doesn't fucking show up to half the meetings and then blames me for not telling her about stuff when she isn't even present.

Anonymous No. 883966

Oh, that's unlucky man. School projects fucking suck, especially if they paired you up with random people. I had the same shit happen to me in my second and third years of uni. In second year I literally had to quit my team and do my own project so I could at least pass the module. In 3rd year my team was pretty decent but my animator was too busy smoking weed and then after not delivering work and barely any time left to do it, he quit uni.

Sometimes shit happens, you'll probably be marked mostly for your individual contribution. Try and fix your team dynamic, but sometimes these type of shitters just can't be helped. They suck ass themselves and try to sabotage everyone around them. So just focus on doing your part really well and you'll be alright.

Anonymous No. 883967

Thanks man, I'm glad you made it in spite of those teams, hope things are going well.

Anonymous No. 883978

Talk to her, and then talk to your teacher however she responds, to make him aware she's not turning up and when she does turn up her only contribution is automatic weights suzanne ear bone dancing


Blender Quick Menu.png

Anonymous No. 884054

Saw this quick menu in a tutorial. What button do I press to bring it up?

Anonymous No. 884058

in my experience teachers only care about students paying that moolah to the school. I've ratted on students before to a teacher, telling the teacher they were doing no work and they told me to stfu

Anonymous No. 884074

Does anyone know why some objects don't have a
>select by trait > non-manifold
option in blender?
There's only loose geometry, interior faces, and faces by sides.

Anonymous No. 884092

is there good site to download models from a game? i don't have it installed but i'd like the models anyway

Anonymous No. 884118


Anonymous No. 884141

sadly it doesnt have the model i want, but thank you

Anonymous No. 884163

Where to upload beginner level renders? Want to share my stuff but dont want to post mediocre renders to artstation and shit up the platform. I know its the internet and I can post wherever but I also want to respect standards

Anonymous No. 884164


Anonymous No. 884167

what model are you looking for?

Anonymous No. 884170

What's the workflow for making 3DCG stuff for games? As far as I understand:

>make models in high poly and low poly
>place them in the same space
>unwrap the low poly
>bake the high poly normal map into the low poly unwrap to make a normal map
>paint texture on the low poly
>export normal map and texture as images
>export low poly model
>maybe do some image editing on the images to add further stuff
>bring them all in on your engine or whatever, plug the maps into the model, magic happens

How wrong am I and where?

Anonymous No. 884171

Flippednormals discord. It's one of the most active beginner friendly communities I think. Forum/reddit format for artwork and progress posting is fucking cringe.

Anonymous No. 884173

Pretty much yeh. But why are you guessing? Just watch a tutorial.

Anonymous No. 884177

It is possible to save two animations of two separate objects as one action in blender?

Anonymous No. 884291

My teacher said that it takes around 2 months to create a character going from a 2d concept to a sculpt to a retopologized model. He has worked on street fighter as a character artist and also other fairly famous stuff. Is 2 months a correct timeframe for characters? Without textures or rigging done.



Anonymous No. 884295

I have an art test where I have to model a small item like pic rel. Should the topology be one object ? or is it ok if I give back the asset with the part in red seperated, but combine with the rest of the clock ? Stupid question but i'm having a doubt now

Yea can even be shorter/longer than that. It doesn't mean anything actually, it depends on the complexity of the character to the skill of the guy doing it

Anonymous No. 884305

Separate parts, separate meshes.
If it's not a single piece of molded material, and it's screwed, glued, welded, or stuck there with a piece of gum, it should be separate.

Anonymous No. 884377

Looking for books and rules on making an animation "realistic"? Kinda like how unpolished mocaps look but done by hand... just wondering if there had been any study on this since animation has always been kind of, old? So i wanna be able to, efficiently produce the realt motion...

and ofc u d ask "why not just mocap" and the answer is cuz i m doing this mostly for hobby and i cant find cheap mocap or videos...


Anonymous No. 884378

when you are working in a team for and with a company, yes, that seems like a fair assessment. If you are on your own you can do it in a week or two depending on complexity.

Anonymous No. 884379

yeah just do reference tracing, as in record a video of yourself doing whatever action you want and animate forward on 4s staying exactly on your reference footage. It'll look floaty because less detail needs exaggerated motion. You can read up on that in the animators survival kit.

Anonymous No. 884383

What is the oldest version of Blender that you would feel comfortable using?

Anonymous No. 884384

Hmmm. so you can create realism from from adding weights? so there IS indeed a way to form realism from scratch then?

was it really richard williams? i only recall he has this long ass book and very strange animation, that are, very attractive but not very real to me...
like this.

what would "adding weight" constitute of? any books or links are appreciated.

Anonymous No. 884386


Anonymous No. 884391

Can you measure the worth of your project and how much traction it will generate for you?

Anonymous No. 884399

Thanks for the feedback bro.

Anonymous No. 884402

you can get through animators survival kit in around a week of reading. There is also an ipad/app version and a dvd collection you can find thru torrents. If you are interested in animation you won't get around reading the animators survival kit. There is also disneys 12 principles of animation as a long ass book, it's older but those people did lay the foundation for understanding motion and weight between real and cartoon characters, what the differences are and where you can push and pull realism in motion.
tldr just read the book bro

Anonymous No. 884447

Sure as fuck can't.
Source: Trust me.

I could put months and hard effort into a project that I think is really important and cool, with the hope others will see the value in it and quality/work put into it. And I'd get a comparable amount of buzz from the project as I put into it, and time and again it falls short.
Meanwhile, I'll put an hour into a low effort scene/animation and it blows the fuck up.

You really can't predict the shit at all. Just do the work without worrying about the metrics. Enjoy the process of creating, and the reaction is just a little bow on top.

Anonymous No. 884463

Can't create if i dont have profits. You saying even Pixar or EA dont know too what the hell is gonna happen? How have they been staying afloat?
They are not doing another jobs to support that company...

Anonymous No. 884476

>You saying even Pixar or EA dont know too what the hell is gonna happen?
As evidenced by all the movies from every studio with millions poured into them and sky-high marketing budgets that don't even make half the money back in the box office, yes, I'd say not even they know what the hell is going to happen.
Every creative endeavor is a gamble. You can do whatever you want and put all your resources into having it do well, but ultimately it's out of your hands once it's put out into the public.

Anonymous No. 884479

So then whats their secret to survive once they lose? just slim down their production i suppose?

Anonymous No. 884489

If I want to make 3d animations am I wasting my time learning zbrush?
I am very new to all this, I like zbrush so far but is it not much more focused on sculpting?

Anonymous No. 884492

Yes. Just use pre rigged model and practice from there. Can't be jack of all trades or you'll learn nothing.



Anonymous No. 884536

How do I fix this shit?
It was like this on both corners and someone suggested it was to do with non-manifolds. I checked that out and took care of it on the opposite corner with that information so it's nicely rounded. But this shit persists on the other corner and I can't seem to do anything about it.

Anonymous No. 884537

Never mind I was being retarded.

Anonymous No. 884553

They've got backing by fuckhuge companies. If a movie does poorly, they can just eat the cost. If a game does bad by a studio that's owned by a publisher, they can eat the cost and yeet the dev.
They can take big hits because they've got money to throw around.
If things ever got bad to where they've really taken a hit, then yeah you're right, expect layoffs and downsizing until they're profitable again, or the shareholders they're jerking off under the table are satisfied.
As an individual you can't really compare your success to that of a company, you just gotta do what you gotta do. No one knows the future, make what you want to see, and hope that others are looking for that same thing. It doesn't help that a lot of the success as an artist relies on how much you suck-off social media algorithms, so if you're not good at that shit, git gud, or find someone who is to post on your behalf. If you can't chalk it as an individual artist, consider getting employment somewhere and doing art on the side.



Anonymous No. 884588

How to do this in blender?

Anonymous No. 884593

p3dm.ru is a ruski site with a load of ripped models from games.

Anonymous No. 884594

curves. sculpting, or maybe a displacement map but that would look kinda crappy

Anonymous No. 884681

In Blender, can I append IK constraints, or do I really have to set them up manually for my models with the exact same name bone hierarchy I always make?

The only reason I said that, was because during my law degree, the two students I was supposed to be working with on a two part task (first an essay, and then a report on working together) fucked off somewhere and later told me they had finished everything, fucking me over for the report. I reported them, and I said I was okay with us all taking the grade hit for not working together, and my professor agreed. If you're paying to be there, you should get your money's worth.

>I've ratted on students before to a teacher, telling the teacher they were doing no work and they told me to stfu
Was this in high school? High school teachers don't care about anything, they just want to get through the day.

Anonymous No. 884699

poly modelling

arnold swach"jew""negger" berger No. 884742

how to do walk cycle in general



Anonymous No. 884747

Is it true that most offline DCCs like Maya and Blender have a really hard time handling really large scenes like pic related in Unreal Engine?

Anonymous No. 884748


Anonymous No. 884762

1 quad is 2 tris, all engines divide cuads to tris, automatically, sometimes if you are not smoothing the mesh ,like in real time, you can sneak some tris in there,
also sometimes you force the direction of the tris in the quad for reasons

Anonymous No. 884766

is there any point in trying to learn substance designer if I'm a brainlet?

Anonymous No. 884767

Don't try to learn it all in one go, start with the basics and work your way up.



Anonymous No. 884768

Is a GTX 1060 still enough to get by in 2022?

Anonymous No. 884770

I have a 1070 so yes.



Anonymous No. 884808

You can join the objects together (WARNING ! This makes it 1 object if you use booleans). You can parent them together.

Or you know simply scale them independently.

Anonymous No. 884824

using a 1660ti so yes


blend shape with ....png

Anonymous No. 884827

>tl;dr: how to make blendshapes with multiple objects, having them move together at the same time while still being separate objects
So I wanna make some blendshapes with the jaw lowered. By applying Armature As Blendshape I can get the jaw into position, however separate objects that are not part of the body mesh, so lower teeth and tongue, will not move along with the blendshape I created for the lowered jaw/opened mouth. How do I fix this? How can I make jaw+tongue+lower teeth move together within the same blendshape while having them still be separate objects? Is that even possible or will I have to join the tongue and lower teeth to the rest of the body?

Anonymous No. 884829

use a wrap deformer and maybe a lattice as well

Anonymous No. 884834

How should I use them in order to accomplish what I'm looking for? I'd rather not have the lower teeth nor the tongue deform as they move with the jaw

Anonymous No. 884847

Thats some disgusting furry shit, right?
If so, please kindly kill yourself and optionally others of your kind.


blend shape with ....png

Anonymous No. 884850

Actually scratch all that: I did further testing and it seems that blend shapes you do on the mouth while the jaw is closed actually transfer pretty well when you open the jaw in Pose Mode afterwards.
So basically:
1) make a mouth blendshape with the jaw closed
2) that same blendshape looks just as good when you open the jaw in Pose Mode afterwards.
So yeah I made a whole fuss over nothing. Apologies, sometimes things seem more complicated than they really are


anon is a gay nig....png

Anonymous No. 884854

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me you little bitch

Anonymous No. 884858

Nice rigging your spastic

Anonymous No. 884867


don't polymodel characters like this.



Anonymous No. 884868

I'd be jealous too of these mad skillz



Anonymus No. 884895

Newbie here. What would be the easiest way to make pic related? I want basically the same, so an image extruded into a 3d model

Anonymous No. 884898

wtf is this abomination?

Anonymous No. 884911

Theoretically you can try doing the following:
1) Shift + A > Add Image as plane
2) with the Knife tool make a cutout of the image you'd like to extrude, delete everything else
3) select the vertices > extrude
I'm not sure you can Edit images that you import via the image as plane function though, so try at your own risk. Also I'm pretty sure Image as planes is an add-on that you have to enable in the settings first

Anonymous No. 884925

I'm kind of wanting to go for an early 2000's style where the only textures are just plain diffuse color. is there a good resource for this? what are some texture libraries I could use? preferably nothing too expensive.

Anonymous No. 884939

I'm working on a first person game. I made the player character and one of the weapons in separate files in Blender What I would like to do is rig the weapon in it's own file, then link it into the character's file for animation. Is this possible or do i have to import or append the file instead of link? I'd like to have it linked in case i need to make changes, but it looks like the make proxy function was removed in 3.0.

What's the best workflow for making first person weapon animations?

Anonymous No. 884941

>after applying ACES, textures suddenly look 3 times better
What did tonemapping mean by this?

Anonymous No. 884945

because they'd be trying to display and process every single vertex instead of decimating them

Anonymous No. 884949

Is boxcutter and hops trash?

Anonymous No. 884954

how do I export a godot scene to blender?

Anonymous No. 884957

Why would you think that?

Anonymous No. 885000

people on 4chan are natural contrarians so when they see something that is pretty universally considered good they assume it's bad.

Anonymous No. 885002

what have you made with it thats actually good?

Anonymous No. 885004

versions above 2.8 should have a gltf / gltb option in the File -> Export menu



Anonymous No. 885006

see too much human topology with different workflow, which one better, left one or right one for it's topology

Anonymous No. 885008

I think the closer it is to a "bendy tube" the better it will deform

Anonymous No. 885009

ACES is a color space not a tone mapper

Anonymous No. 885011

is it alright to put tris in hidden place where no one can see it

Anonymous No. 885013

why would you do that?

Anonymous No. 885015

too much edge on the head, so i can't combine it with the body

Anonymous No. 885018

Why is it that if blender crashes, i lose my previous save if i saved with ctrl+s (overwriting previous save) and i have to in fact make an entirely new save file with ctrl+shift+S to be able to recover to upon a crash?

Anonymous No. 885021

Ok, let me rephrase the question.

>after applying ACES, textures suddenly look 3 times better
What did colorspacing mean by this???

Anonymous No. 885026

ACES shouldn't change the colors at all
you sound like you don't know what you're talking about

Anonymous No. 885028

it does change the colors and even the instructional team at pixar say so on their official youtube channel


Anonymous No. 885029

I'm not watching 30 minutes of babbling

ACES is just a color space, it's an extremely wide color space including all visible colors and even extending into negative maths nonsense just to make sure it contains every visible color

if the conversion between the source color space and the target color space is done correctly there should be no difference in the resulting color

it's not a filter, it's a working color space meant to make sure colors from all sources can be combined losslessly

Anonymous No. 885030

>I'm not watching 30 minutes of babbling
Dude, I linked the start time to 5 seconds before where they talk about ACES. Get out of here.

Anonymous No. 885037

unreal engine has an automatic LOD / billboarding system that makes scenes like this possible. regular 3d software needs something like this but the devs are retarded

Anonymous No. 885039

I'm the OP. Anyway, I'm talking about switching to ACES inside of Substance Painter. It definitely changes colors. This is the one I'm talking about, everyone uses it.


But it also changed when I used it in Blender. It clearly boosts the contrast and makes some other changes. It happens that things usually look a lot better with it as well.

Anonymous No. 885041

> This is the one I'm talking about, everyone uses it.

actually no one uses that since SP added ACES support officially and much better in their latest update several months ago.

Anonymous No. 885042

Yeah, I'm just reading about this now, he mentioned it in the description, didn't even know that.

But still, it doesn't answer my question, as you can clearly see this is changing colors, while you say it doesn't.

Anonymous No. 885043

no, i said it did change colors and i linked to a video of pixar saying the same thing in their official youtube channel

Anonymous No. 885045

ok, my response was to the other guy >>885026

Anonymous No. 885047

that other guy is a fucking idiot



Anonymous No. 885048

That's a LUT, which transforms colors. It's just a filter with buzzword name.


Anonymous No. 885053

Thanks, I'll check this out as well. Seems like a topic that is more confusing than it should be.



Anonymous No. 885096

Can someone help me please? What am I doing wrong here? I'm trying to model something simple in Maya and on zbrush, I'll try to add details, I look up in a couple of tutorials how to export the displacement map back to Maya, but when I do it, the map is misplaced, bloated etc.

Anonymous No. 885108

fuck off cris



Anonymous No. 885113

what are some actually good places for 3d/CG discussion?

Anonymous No. 885136

4chan /3/

Anonymous No. 885141

ironically you get the best and most up to date discussions on discord, far better than this site. This site is an abomination full of racism and cris trolling


rigging issue.png

Anonymous No. 885163

Got a problem here: I'd like to make the bone sitting on the world origin be the root bone, and I want to have the pelvis bone (which is currently the root bone) stop moving the entire armature but only the lower torso.
So far I parented the "floor bone", let's call it, to the hip bone and that did a good job at making it a root bone i.e. it moves the entire armature. Great, but the hip bone also still moves the entire armature when I only want it to move the lower torso. How do I fix this?

Anonymous No. 885164

Nevermind I fixed it:
1) deleted the hip bone
2) duplicated the "floor bone" and placed it where the hip bone used to be
3) reparented everything
Also the new hip bone I placed it with the smaller end facing downwards instead of upwards, might be worth keeping into consideration



Anonymous No. 885177

I'm still confused, is it really alright to use tris for certain shape you can't make with quads?

Anonymous No. 885178

pic not mine btw, take it from nips twitter

Anonymous No. 885197

quads deform better and subdivide better, but it's not a hard rule

Anonymous No. 885198

traditionally the root bone points forward and has the correct rotation for "up"

Anonymous No. 885199

so it's alright if i add some triangles in area that doesn't deform too much?

Anonymous No. 885352

What is the closest thing to the standard 3D modeling software in the industry? I heard maya was one but it’s incredibly shitty and slow. I get it being the go-to for animation, but I want to focus on 3D modeling.

Shit like selecting faces and edges is incredibly slow, especially compared to how fast it is in blender.

Anonymous No. 885404

Max, probably, but a lot of people in various industries (that aren't blendlets and haven't started with Blender) swear by Blender's capabilities when it comes to modelling speed. Whether or not they use it in a production setting is a different matter, but most people (outside of /3/) have good things to say about Blender's modelling.



Anonymous No. 885423

When I first got this model, the only bone was the one at the ankle and it was able to deform the mesh. I added the second bone where the toes should be by extruding in blender (so that it is parented) and it doesn't deform anything even though the settings appear to be the same. What am I missing?

Anonymous No. 885460

the main thing is not to disrupt the edge flow too much

Anonymous No. 885517

What are the programs most used in animation and videogames? I am specially interested n making articulated humans.

Anonymous No. 885518

Are any of Yansculpts tutorials worth the money or is there someone better and cheaper?

Anonymous No. 885597

Everytime I zoom with Ctrl + Middle mouse in blender it zooms on the center of the screen. Is there any way to make it zoom to the direction where the pointer is? Something like what C4D does.



Anonymous No. 885599

ok I just saw the option in preferences, picrel for anybody with the same problem



Anonymous No. 885730

Anyone know how I could create texture like pic related ? I've been trying for days and can't get it right. Mine shows a ton of the wall behind but it's too much.



Anonymous No. 885805

is there easiest way to make a pair of tits?



Anonymous No. 885878

Im stuck
idk how to achieve a stonewash material like right pic.

Anonymous No. 885905

Are there any good tutorials out there for people who've learned CAD-style modeling to learn how to use Blender? I've taken courses for Solidworks and CATIA, but I feel like a complete retard when I try to use any of those skills in blender. Doesn't help that CATIA (which I've learned the most) is a very constraint-and-geometry heavy program while Blender seems a lot more freeform.

Anonymous No. 885938


Anonymous No. 886281

If I want to post my work to the rookies, but I have also posted that work here before am I fucked? Do you think they have people who browse here regularly?



Anonymous No. 886323

In blender, how do I make this wave texture wrap radially around this object?
The texture looks unnatural, I want the lines at the base to move outwards like the arrows suggest, and the side angle to have matching vertical lines.



Anonymous No. 886341

how come eye textures aren't like this?



Anonymous No. 886367

How do I make the bones look normal instead of whatever the fuck this is? Someone else made this model.


help pic.png

Anonymous No. 886432

how can i join these three bones?

Anonymous No. 886449

join the butts of the 3 bones to the tip of a 4th bone

Anonymous No. 886450

bones got fucked on import. software other guy used probably used a different coordinate system. maybe you can move them back like a bone surgeon



Anonymous No. 886746

why isnt my boolean working?


blender no ffmpeg.png

Anonymous No. 886858

why is ffmpeg video not showing up in blender, im running manjaro kde and i just updated everything with pacman -Syu and somethings broken

blender debug says

WARN (bpy.rna): source/blender/python/intern/bpy_rna.c:1346 pyrna_enum_to_py: current value '24' matches no enum in 'ImageFormatSettings', '(null)', 'file_format'

what am i doing wrong

Anonymous No. 886862

nevermind figured it out



Anonymous No. 886864

how do i get my faces to not be one solid color?



Anonymous No. 886910

wut this thing for?
it opens a new one with each new instance of max
wut it do?

Anonymous No. 887015

in armature edit mode, select them all, switch to individual origin pivot mode, scale until everything is reasonably sized

thread's about to archive for the ledditors, so post in the new thread if you have any issues



Anonymous No. 887072

When exporting models in Blender, how can I set a custom texture path? In my project folder I save .blend files in ./art but models, textures in ./sandbox/models and ./sandbox/textures. My game loads assets by a path relative to ./sandbox, and blender writes '../sandbox/textures/img.png' (which works but is kinda annoying and will stop working if I move the art folder), but I'd like it to be just 'textures/img.png'.



Anonymous No. 887100

Is the donut still the beginner tutorial to do?
Saw someone recommend the official blender youtube series and then do grant abbits series.
Anyone got a clue?

Anonymous No. 887157

>the beginner tutorial to do
Don't worry about what you start with, if it's labelled for beginners, they'll show you what to do (but not necessarily how it works, remember they just want your views and ad money). Most of your learning will come from trying to make what you want, and then looking up information on the things you need. The most important thing is to get comfortable and actually use the program instead of just thinking about it.

For instance, if you wanted to make a can of cola, you might just make a cylinder, at first. But you can look up tutorials on how to make the details and the things that make a can of cola more than just a cylinder.

Anonymous No. 887171

If you want to learn how to draw the only way is to draw. Don't learn how to draw anime, read books on how to draw anatomically correct the classical way and practice that, if you get good at that anime is easy as it is an abstraction of that. Try to draw from photos but live models would be ideal.

Anonymous No. 887172

Google anatomy pictures of the muscular system. Tons out there.