
Wip Collage_Serie....jpg

🧵 /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 882434

/wip/ - Works in Progress
- Collage Edition: Series 3 -
>Valentine's wipfu

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread:>>880222

List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB
Check out the /3/ Discord: https://discord.gg/ujt5vtr4DE



Anonymous No. 882489

My first WIP uboat



Anonymous No. 882490

This is him inside Unreal Engine



Anonymous No. 882504



cropped render.jpg

Anonymous No. 882531

Started taking a Max class at my local CC a few weeks ago. I'm still mostly winging it, but I think I'm getting better.


cropped render 2.jpg

Anonymous No. 882539

Other chair I've been fucking around with. Haven't figured out what I wanna do for the legs yet, so the metal stool base is just a place holder.



Anonymous No. 882560

I tied her hair back

Anonymous No. 882569

Good job, keep at it. Seems like a decent class if you're doing this already. My 3D class was horrifingly bad and teacher didn't know what he's doing. And there's apparently a lot of shit places like that.


Screen Shot 2022-....png

Anonymous No. 882578

WIP object collage. Made the scene have creepy moody lighting. Thoughts guys?

Anonymous No. 882614

grubhub porn?



Anonymous No. 882617

Progress on Prog Knife. I think the edge wear needs improvement the most. Anything else that needs improving?

Anonymous No. 882629

Cute style it looks like a McBaise character



Anonymous No. 882637

When working on video game models, do you guys think it makes a difference to push the level of detail past pic related's point? do I benefit much if i push it to 4-5 million considering the time investment it would require if pushed more?
asking here, polycount usually ignores me and i don't know anybody else.

Anonymous No. 882640

I don't do games, but I guess it would depend on the texture resolution you're gong for. It also depends on the type of detail you're adding and whether adding it will make a significant enough difference and will be noticeable in game.

Do some tests, bake it down, see what it looks like and go from there.

Anonymous No. 882642

I think it lacks a focal point and it might be too hard to identify the objects. I had to look five times at the image to recognize the camping stove.



Anonymous No. 882643

Heres my printed and painted bunny. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.


20220214_224518 -....jpg

Anonymous No. 882645



Anonymous No. 882670




Anonymous No. 882681

It's a solid enough class, but I wish it was faster paced and the assignments were a little more challenging. Fortunately (sorta) my little adderall-fueled brain can turn a 30 minute assignment into a multi-hour one trying to see how much more I can do, so I've learned a lot because of that. Like, pic related were the first two assignments for the class. Left side are the examples from the instruction. Right side is what I ended up making.



Anonymous No. 882688

I modeled this girl for fun over the past several days.

Anonymous No. 882694

>for fun
God, I envy you. I can't remember doing anything 3D related "for fun" in the past 10 years. Doing this for a living was a big mistake.

Anonymous No. 882707

I guess you nailed the plastic look.

Anonymous No. 882731

I nod to the the wip-thread-image-maker
I think the images are great and would be a good way to introduce more people to our board here. I wonder why more people aren't regular posters here (not just the WIP thread, but all over...) In my head there are like 6 fucking people total who post here, sometimes 10 on a busy month. I like to go on here at the end of the day- its nice to see engaging threads . Not just noobs crying for help, french schizos screaming about their failures. Obviously this board is pretty trash, but it doesn't have to be that way. It is a weird situation

Anonymous No. 882779

I'm kinda fine with /3/ being a smaller board. There's nothing inherently wrong with that.
>In my head there are like 6 fucking people total who post here, sometimes 10 on a busy month.
That's pretty true, though in my head I'm sure it's like how you are, where you go on maybe 1-2 times a day. I'm at least that way. The fact that it's a small/slow board means you don't have to constantly be here in case you miss something, and you can spend that time actually working on things. I like to think that there's a lot of people that are busy working on things, and you really only see a small fraction of it. Not everyone is here to post work and get jerked off, some people are here for discussion (or to shitpost for fun). It's both a good thing and bad thing about /3/, but it is a unique thing that you don't really get anywhere else.



Anonymous No. 882786

im doing big mouth

Anonymous No. 882791

>why more people aren't regular posters here
I mean besides doing the work, what is there to talk about? Most people on this website are dumb fuck schizos or teenagers. 3D requires people to actually do stuff and be interested in something beyond shit posting. This website just doesn't foster that kind of community.

Though this is not unique to this board. 3D as a whole is not the most social or community oriented space. There was a time when a bunch of communities popped up like 3-4 years ago, and people were excited so there was a lot of activity. Now the original community hype is gone, especially in the past 1-2 years everything has completely dried up. There is like 1 or 2 game art discords that are kind of active, flippednormals one is pretty active but it's cringe af, automotive cgi is also quite active. But literally every other 3d community is dead af, maybe has 1 person asking a question and it could go days without anyone responding.

Before discord there was literally just polycount and cgsociety forums, where your threads go to die unless you're constantly updating and bumping your thread for months/years. Polycount was slightly more active because game art people seem to be more "online" on average. But VFX people just have no online presence, because they don't seem to give a fuck about 3d outside of work.

Anonymous No. 882803

>because they don't seem to give a fuck about 3d outside of work.
Can you really blame them though?

Anonymous No. 882855

I noticed as the schizo/cris posting got more frequent, this board started to get less active too.

Anonymous No. 882925

animation i literally just finished like 10 mins ago


Walkcycle version 1.webm

Anonymous No. 882950

I need some input on this please sirs.

Anonymous No. 882951

I mean, I'm stoned and that's kinda funny but there's a lot to unpack. The walk cycles could be way more fleshed out, there is a shitton of noise in the character and moreso the reflection.

Anonymous No. 882952

No that's an artistic choice.

Anonymous No. 882955


Anonymous No. 882956

Good job, yours look better. That plane on the left is similar to cringe models my retard of a teacher made. Now it makes me think yours isn't better either, but you're doing the good thing by pushing further and learning by yourself. That's what I did as well as it was also way too slow. A couple of weeks to cover basic modeling tools like extrude and inset, fucking pathetic. We didn't even have modeling homeworks like that one, just some offensively braindead tasks during the class.


Walkcycle version....webm

Anonymous No. 882967

I made some artistic alterations.



Anonymous No. 882968

That made me laugh, and it does kinda resemble the style, though the body shape isn’t the same. I’m not really going for a particular style, but I did draw inspiration from the character sprites from Elgard (discontinued zoomer mobile game I used to play, but it wasn't the first to use this style). I do want to give her a nose and a mouth, but I think I’ll have to rework her head and face shape for that.

I’m really glad you pointed that out. The feet right now are just one solid thing because I got stumped on the toes, but after looking at McBaise’s work, I think I have an idea of how I want them to look.

Anonymous No. 882977

looks cute so far anon

Anonymous No. 882978

very nice



Anonymous No. 882985

very? really? thanks!



Anonymous No. 883024

Progressive Knife progress for today. Need some feedback pls

Anonymous No. 883026

I like the materials you used for the character and the floors, the first floor in particular. How did you make those?



Anonymous No. 883040

the start of the blade looks a bit odd too squared i guess. Making it more curved, serrated or straight would look better imo the indents on the blade just looks like normals (you can tell theres no real indent) either modelling them or getting rid of them all together would make it look better everything else looks ok

Anonymous No. 883043

Made me laugh too hard at the end

Anonymous No. 883046

I stacked two noise materials in arnold.
One of them a cell noise which I plugged into the p of the second noise.
You can make some very intricate patterns quite quickly using that method.
For the color and roughness I took the end result of the noise and made some further alterations to it until it looked interesting.
The character is just some blue subsurface, not too deep, with a slight metalness to let the orange base color shine through on the surface depending on the specularity.
Needs some 'Get Down'.

Anonymous No. 883048

looks interesting but kinda hard to tell much about from a single orthographic shot

is this a design you came up with yourself? it's pretty creative. not bad for just starting out senpai

i love the stylization, you've clearly put a lot of effort into the lines.

needs something to focus on

think about the distance at which an item will be seen on average from the camera. if a single polygon or single normal map pixel will never be larger than a single pixel on the display, that detail will genuinely never be seen. that horn is very highly detailed, the only time i could see needing more is if it's part of a literal landscape the player traverses.


crisp, good job so far

cruelty squad ending

most blades are sharpened at a different angle than the stock. changing the angle of the shiny part just slightly will aadd a bit to the aesthetic

Anonymous No. 883049

looks good if it's a low poly assest.

Anonymous No. 883050

Texturing on the handle needs some work

Anonymous No. 883053

Thank you. Will try to improve the blade and handle textures. The indents on the blade were just a test on how it would look. Is only my second week as a blendlet and the goal for this week is to animate it unfolding

Anonymous No. 883054

good luck also did you model the knife and handle with it being able to fold in mind im having a hard time imaging how that would work unless its a switchblade in case i can kinda of see it


prog knife 01.gif

Anonymous No. 883057

Folds upwards like this, so no problem



Anonymous No. 883072

I always imagined the prog knife to have little sawblades or something rotating on the edge to actually cut through shit. Which is why they start glowing.
Either that, or some AT-fieldo bullshit.
It's a bit weird just having it be an edge. Depending on the media, like pic related, it can be a bit chunkier too (likely for internal mechanic stuff).

Anonymous No. 883073

Fuck, meant to reply to >>883024
My bad anon.



Anonymous No. 883077

Started having probably a bit too much fun with it, I guess that means I more or less achieved what I was aiming for: it working well with non-/semi-stylized models and having fine control over every aspect of the look.

Anonymous No. 883078

remembered it being described as vibrating at hypersonic speed, but maybe that was some other show

Anonymous No. 883079

why are you in here? go back to discord and start pinging industryfags for a job.



Anonymous No. 883091

Hi, anons
I'm making a sweet shop but obviously it doesn't look sweet
Will some dust save the situation?
Any suggestions?

Anonymous No. 883095

>Will some dust save the situation?
Right, because dust is what I want on my cakes and pastries.
Think about color psychology and stuff, does a drab green speak "oh boy, sweets!"? Because to me it screams pretzels and baked goods.
I don't really know the exact tone you're going for, but try brightening things up color wise and tonally. Maybe some rococo-ass filigree or something. A super-cliche sweets shop in my head looks like some pastel-goth lolita shit. Frills, pink, frosting, "sweet stuff".
Getting some actual sweets in there might help too, but you're probably not there yet.



Anonymous No. 883112

Anyone needs a hand saw?



Anonymous No. 883113


Anonymous No. 883127

Looks too clean, needs some more grunge. Just look up irl photos of sweet shops son

Anonymous No. 883133

rules of thumb i go by in order of importance:
will the camera ever see this (e.g. will it be embedded in some terrain or something)

will the camera ever BOTHER to look up close to this

will the player controlling the camera give a shit

answer those three questions and youll have a good idea if its worth the effort



Anonymous No. 883136

pos (people of sculpting), what's the better way of making a posed sculpt? should i sculpt in on the a/t-pose and pose it later with a brush or an armature (if that even works) or should i already sculpt it with a pose in mind?



Anonymous No. 883160


Anonymous No. 883165

very nice, is it for a mobile game?

Anonymous No. 883177

sculpting already posed is very hard for me
i need the symmetry to be clean exact so T pose
then put a skeleton on him and pose him


female character ....jpg

Anonymous No. 883184

nah I'm doing animation
painting that texture took way longer than I expected.

Anonymous No. 883213

depends on your needs
If its going to be 3d printed or you just need a static pose from a certain angle, then sculpting in the pose should not be an issue.
But if you need the character to deform, animate and look good from various angles then you are better off sculpting in T/A-pose then posing it after.



Anonymous No. 883237



Anonymous No. 883249

been on a shitty lod binge lately so i made this duder.



Anonymous No. 883256

yes, that anon is correct, it vibrates at a high frequency



Anonymous No. 883286

Working on a High poly imp girl for an animation project. I'm still new to sculpting, but im having a lot of fun with this. Crituque is welcome



Anonymous No. 883295

I need some input with the face redesign. I decided to open up a new file and bring in the hair to practice and make some concepts, but I don't know If this face feels like it belongs on the rest of the character. Yes, the sculpt does have lips, but the edges of them are hard to see. Also I censored the eyes because they scare me.

Anonymous No. 883297

>but I don't know If this face feels like it belongs on the rest of the character
then post a pic with the face on the rest of the character, dingus

Anonymous No. 883299

Copy IRL sweet shops like the other anon said
Put an open sign
Maybe some form of advertising like a poster or a chalk board
Place some form of lights inside to make the ceiling more believable
Plug in some surface imperfections into the roughness and put some grunge and cracks on top of the surfaces with decals.
If you haven't already try and put in some subtly reflective windows and if they don't have anything to reflect place in some images of actual stores on the other side (or actually model them if you want to)
Also why does the sun have such a weird angle?
Make it more natural and have the wall cast shadows onto itself to make it more interesting.

Anonymous No. 883302

Beautiful face. Very good. I'm jealous.

Anonymous No. 883310

I find it kind of funny how they developed these high tech robots and then giving them a knife to fight with.
Imagine all those marines in star craft with their fancy exo suits being armed with knives to go into combat.

Anonymous No. 883319

paint that motherfucking wall pink nigga

Anonymous No. 883323

Is it a ye olde sweet shoppe or a faux ye olde sweet shoppe?
The really old ones normally always had a large handpainted wooden sign on them, like "Anon & Son's Confectionery" or something,. They always had jars of sweets and things in the window to advertise their wares, and a sort of whitewash on the windows with prices and deals and things. Also pretty common were those tin advertising signs that they had on the buildings and that you can sell for a pretty penny to collectors nowadays.
I only get that impression it's a ye olde because of the colour scheme. If it's faux ye olde then you should probably use brighter colors.

The only thing that's bugging me is the pavement. The window cuts across the whole thing which means you would need to walk on the road to pass it. There's buildings like that where I live, but the window is either setback and is level with the doorway with the door slightly further back, or the path is wider so people can still get past with ease, or the window is level with the door if there is no doorway.
Maybe I'm just being pedantic though, it's not like you're making a blueprint.



Anonymous No. 883382

Got the hair highlights going



Anonymous No. 883385

I took the face and put it on a copy of the original with the head cut off and a few details removed, and that helped me visualize it better. I think the head shape fits nicely, but I'm not sure about the nose and mouth, I think I made them a bit sharp. I included the floor because the perspective looked skewed for some reason.



Anonymous No. 883426

More progress on m rifle textures



Anonymous No. 883460

help with sculpt rok?



Anonymous No. 883463

Face progress

Anonymous No. 883470

Unironically, the face without any features but the eyes was way better. To use the catch-all buzz term of the past few years, it had "soul".



Anonymous No. 883475

i did a little girl base with zmodeler



Anonymous No. 883476




Anonymous No. 883477


Anonymous No. 883478

One frame of get down would be a nice touch

Anonymous No. 883479

Head makes the model look uncanny now. Like a normal woman's head was grafted on to a play-doh body. The head's approaching realistic proportions while the body is obviously not.


citadel attempt.png

Anonymous No. 883486

not enough space shit here

Anonymous No. 883491

Creative projects end up sterile because anyone can give their own opinion during creative phase. Reading through everyone's opinion gives you the average of what everyone wants. This result is average content that everyone is 'ok' with but nobody loves.

you guys need to stop posting work here and see where your creativity actually wants to take you.

Anonymous No. 883494

Isn't that what anons have been doing in the first place?

Anonymous No. 883498

There's lots of work being posted here. Some of the critiques are totally destructive to artistic process. Technical feedback might be ok but I see so many projects change their course just from some random person's feedback. The same thing happens with big media items too. for example Game of thrones seemed to want to subert everyones expectations because the creators were reading too many fan theories on social media Its that same kind of thing. The internet makes everything sterile.

Anonymous No. 883499

>Creative projects end up sterile because anyone can give their own opinion during creative phase. Reading through everyone's opinion gives you the average of what everyone wants. This result is average content that everyone is 'ok' with but nobody loves.
bretty good take



Anonymous No. 883500


Anonymous No. 883504

That's the risk you take when you post here (or anywhere) for feedback. You have to have courage to hold true to your artistic vision while trying to only take advice that is in line with your vision, will improve on it or increase the quality of it.



Anonymous No. 883511

Made the knife serrated, angled the blade sharpening and changed the handle material to a leathery material. Locking bolts are too dark currently and not sure how to make a good vibrating effect in blender.

Anonymous No. 883516

very nice

Anonymous No. 883518

I feel like if they came to 4chan of all places to anonymously post their work they should be ready for any kind of feedback. Whether they change the entirety of their project is up to them. If a random anon somehow manages to convince them to "change course", that's on them.

Anonymous No. 883520

I prefer posting here because you get honest feedback, No one is really bothered about hurting your feelings like they are with places that have sign ups. On some/most places with sign ups, people get butthurt when you tell them the truth and they'll just shit on whatever you post in some bizarre "revenge" to "see how you like it". Like I say you don't get that here for the most part. Whether it's good or bad you can more or less be sure the criticism is the truth. Most of 4chan is like that.

Not who you're replying to but I still don't know what that anon meant when he said he hoped I wasn't older than 18 in the last thread. My assumption is he meant if I'm older than 18 I'm ngmi and should give up. The irony is that being older than 18 I'm not out to impress anyone so I'm not going to stop because one anon made the implication that I should. Which I probably would have done had I been 18 and much more self-conscious.



Anonymous No. 883530

I've been working on an animation inspired by metal gear rising.

Anonymous No. 883542

It goes both ways. There are also a bunch of people on 4chan that are professional trolls/ dunning-kreuger no modelers with very high standards.



Anonymous No. 883577


Anonymous No. 883580

>honest feedback
Most people here are complete beginners or terminally incompetent, their feedback is worthless 9/10 times. You should join some discords instead, because there will be people who know what they're doing as well as actual pros. And you can always check their work / post history to see if their feedback is worth considering.
>not hurting your feelings
The people giving some generic feel good "feedback" are just useless cheerleader types who have nothing to say. They have no idea what is going on and it's like asking your mother for criticism.
>most sign ups people get butthurt when you tell them the truth
Which ones? I've literally never seen this happen unless someone comes in and their feedback is "That's shit and so are you".
>revenge by shitting on your posts
Where are these places? Who does this?
>you can more or less be sure criticism is the truth
>most of 4chan is like that
The only thing you can be sure of is that it's criticism, whether it's useful or truthful is very unlikely.

Anonymous No. 883594

The same thing happens when you sit there and look at a project too long and get tunnel vision.
There's merit in holding off on showing a project to others, but there's also merit on getting extra eyes on something for different perspectives on things and to see things that you've completely gone blind to.
You can always take a break from a project for a while and come back with a fresh mind, but you'll never be able to completely separate yourself from a project in the same way as any other person looking at it.

The reason things end up sterile is because those artists have no backbone and didn't have an artistic vision in the first place. A good artist with a clear vision can take critique and opt to apply it or not if it compromises their intentions, or augments and elevates it. Any schmuck can a crit, but it takes a real artist to know when to apply critique and when to ignore it.


oh yeh.png

Anonymous No. 883599

a lot of detailing still to come

Anonymous No. 883605

That looks nice. I like the highlights



Anonymous No. 883614

Not bad.

The ripple pattern has more of a defined directionality to it based on references. Each ripple has more of a softness to it too. Yours looks like a perlin noise stretched in one direction with some increased sharpness + distortion.

Based on the direction of your ripples it looks like the window is blowing from bottom right corner of the camera, cutting diagonally across the dunes. But none of your dunes seem to be shaped in the direction of the wind. A lot of times the ripples will follow the direction of the waves, not always but most of the time.

Also your dunes look like a mountain range. Like 2 plates of the earths crust collide, pushing up and creating a ridge in the middle. When you look at actual dunes, they look more like waves in the ocean, where one side overlaps the other from the wind blowing the sand over the top in the direction it's blowing. Imagine the sand churning like water. They are also more fluid in their shape, some of yours look look decent, but the rest have a very jagged and planar look to them. Needs to have some bigger flowing shapes I think.

Overall I think you definitely need more atmosphere as well. Atmospheric perspective should be kicking in a lot sooner, not just the mountains at the back. You would barely see those mountains anymore because of all the sand, heat, etc. The lighter colored dunes in the back look like they're from a different image. The atmospheric haze should begin around those, don't forget about atmospheric blue shift, things get more desatured and more blue the further away they are.

I see you tried to add things for scale too, nice. Though I'd make them more pronounced, maybe add one of them dry bushes here n there.



Anonymous No. 883623

A bit raw but very nice shapes you got going there anon I see a lot of promise in you.
Your style reminds me a lot about my own work (example to the right in image) so here's some points I wish someone would've given me at your stage.

In order for a surface to look deliberately designed and read nice you need to pay extra careful attention to how your lines extend beyond
where they begin and end and how they flow and interconnect into the adjacent areas. In general the more you can get your surfaces to
extend and resonate with one another the more they come off like a chord played on an instrument as opposed to just a bunch of nice notes.
The more you can push this concepts into a design the more well-tuned and refined it'll look and the more tied together and strong it'll read.

Cars and especially expertly drawn exotic vehicles like the McLaren in pic related highlights the concept well and you'll easily see it
employed everywhere studying such surfaces. You also see it a lot in nature studying anatomy of animals and humans in seeing how the muscles
and skeletal frame interconnect with each area flowing into the next with continuous smooth curvature.

I'm sure you can make sense of what I'm getting at from that description as it looks like you're already employing these ideas to some degree instinctually.

>TLDR: How to make a walking Lamborghini.

Anonymous No. 883628

are you going to recast that in chocolate?

Anonymous No. 883634

To some degree I've already figured as much. I've noticed myself becoming lost while working. I struggle between the difficulty of creating a cohesive design and my inability to execute. I often get stuck on an area, move to something else and eventually find myself with a bit of a hodgepodge mess. I mostly chalk this up to inexperience, so I really appreciate your articulated feed back. P.S the front is mostly place holder crap because I'm not sure of what I want to do there.

Anonymous No. 883676

Woah! how did you get the shader to look like that?



Anonymous No. 883687

Anonymous No. 883690

nice model
the center support pole, the main silver one, that material looks great. I think the whole thing would look sweet if it had just been buffed by the owner. So, to take the green parts, saturate the color and buff them close to spotless. Could be bold



Anonymous No. 883692

I'm about to kill a motherfucker. I wanna learn how to rig and animate but all I'm finding is what boil down to ads to download/buy this or that addon. I DON'T WANT NO FUCKING ADDON I WANNA LEARN HOW TO DO IT MYSELF. GOD.
Looking for rigging/animation tutorials on forums yields no results either, they're more like troubleshooting sites or places to share artwork instead of top-to-bottom learning.
In particular I'm looking for FACIAL animation tutorials (body tutorials aren't a problem), but again it's all done via automated processes. I wanna learn to do it manually. Isn't there some magical Blender guide somewhere that goes in full depth on the ways to animate faces be it blendshapes, bones or whatever?

Anonymous No. 883696

Little update: dug some more and here's a good series
If you got more please share, the more the merrier right?

Anonymous No. 883706

Thanks man, I think you might be right, the grunge on the green parts might be a bit much



Anonymous No. 883728

My first XM8 that I ever made. Are holes in guns terrible? They seem to blow the polycount into the sky and for topology it's not very good

Anonymous No. 883730

What topology?
And the reason the holes are high poly is that they're cylinders. What program is this?



Anonymous No. 883733

never done a winter scene before, so I thought it would be a good idea to give a try.

Anonymous No. 883735

Solid ps1 vibes.

Anonymous No. 883736

walls and floor could be better integrated. some type of ambient occlusion or trim or something



Anonymous No. 883743

trying to make a.b.a. any tips on the general sculptings phase? imma try do the guilty gear shaders, anime shapes are super weird considering later the weird topology im gonna have to make out of it. just wanna know what can i do to improve her lazy eyes she always has or other areas that i should focus on

Anonymous No. 883745

very comfy, where are the textures from?

Anonymous No. 883748

I dowloaded from textures com

Anonymous No. 883758

I fuckin' love it bro

Anonymous No. 883762


Anonymous No. 883763

Feels like a Hitman level.



Anonymous No. 883765

to make a quick and easy vibrating effect you can use the wave modifier. Just make a new mesh surrounding the blades bevel subdivide and use a wave modifier adjust the setting until you get the effect you want.
Videos a really really rough mock up what it could look like might not be the best method but with some refining it might look passable

Anonymous No. 883780

>how to make a good vibrating effect in blender.
Dupe the blade edge a few times and offset them from the mesh so they're "floating", then have them appear/disappear really quickly with alpha.
So it's like a fur shell almost, but instead of seeing all the shells at once, they pulse in and out individually, giving the illusion of fast movement.


HF Blade.webm

Anonymous No. 883799

Here's a quick example of the shell method in action.
I've got each shell positioned at different points on the UV layout, and using the texture on the top right, as I slide the texture to the left, each island goes over the white area making it opaque.
Shift the X texture coordinate to the right fast enough (I used a generator at 0.5), and you'll get the pulsing effect.

Anonymous No. 883800

>as I slide the texture to the left
Meant to say right, but I guess it'd work in either direction really.

Anonymous No. 883815



Retarded candle.png

Anonymous No. 883841


Anonymous No. 883863

Wow that looks almost exactly like the one I inherited from my grandfather.

Anonymous No. 883864

flame is candy corn



Anonymous No. 883868

My bonsai tree.

I've only been going at blender 3 days and I'm very proud of how much I've progressed!

I've only done engineering 3D modeling, modeling for art is very different and its intimidated me for a long time.

This is the second project I've ever done, the first just being a bucket.

My understanding of shaders is in a good spot right now, but I'm having difficulty with were to place the light source, and how bright to make it.



Anonymous No. 883872

Same here with facial rigging. I'm trying to edit one games' extracted model face bones for animation, but every motherfucker just does fucking shapekeys/blendshapes all the time whenever i search. Literally no joint based tutorials that go in depth on this shit.
In the end i just said fuck it and started copying constraint setups and etc from smutbase rigs, but those suck ass also.



Anonymous No. 883873

theres no sculpting in the guilty gear workflow.



Anonymous No. 883874

Nobody makes comprehensive tutorials on advanced animation and programming topics because the audience would consist of ~12 viewers.
You can't make any money making courses on that type of stuff, if you sell it you do it by holding workshops for companies doing inhouse training.
However if you wanna engage with such stuff watch the GDC talks and such and stalk old forum threads where the experts who build these things
talks amongst one another to gather information about good ways to to roll your own.

Realize how nobody really told the people who build these kind of systems how to go about it, for the most part it's stuff they've invented themselves.
They do share lot of information amongst each other on conferences and such where they're talking to an audience of other experts.
This audience only need a birdseye view of how they work in order to reverse engineer them and do their own implementation.
Thus can be trained in a keynote talk that can be over in one evening without the need of producing lengthy tutorials.

There's enough information out there for anyone with half a brain for this sort of thing to build their own system if they so desire.
By the time you're advanced enough to successfully engage with this sort of thing the training wheels are long gone.

>Pic related was my 2nd attempt at a bonebased facerig. It's based mainly on some Naughty Dog GDC talks for ME1 and Last of Us 1 that can be found on youtube.


face bone structu....png

Anonymous No. 883893

Can you post the bones alone please? I've been experimenting with my own face bone structure, been making a "bone contour" around the mouth for instance but I've been getting better results placing them vertically instead, with one horizontal bone controlling the edge of the mouth. Doing a contour was the most intuitive thing as it follows the actual shape of the lips, but not the best apparently.

Also it seems that if you weight paint it correctly you can get away with a single bone per eyelid to open/close it. For most people that's all they're gonna need, myself included.
Personally for the eyes for anyone wondering I placed 3 bones , all of which have their origin from the exact center of the eye: one to rotate the eye itself, one for the upper eyelid, one for the lower eyelid

Anonymous No. 883894

>Naughty Dog GDC talks for ME1 and Last of Us 1
Also thanks for this I'll look into it

Anonymous No. 883897

Read up on the basic 3 point lighting setup. It should teach you what you need to know.

Anonymous No. 883912

i know i wont be doing any baking. is just to guide myself later on in 3d space. besides ive never sculpted a girl so it's gonna be good practice anyway



Anonymous No. 883952

Thanks anons. This is what I came up with for now. Couldn't get the method of >>883799 working but wave modifier + emission also looks decent I think. Will try to replicate the shell method again sometime.

Anonymous No. 883953

The knife folding up makes absolutely zero sense in any context.

Anonymous No. 883954

Look at the gifs further up


doubleswat (1).webm

Anonymous No. 883955

fixing rigs and animations

Anonymous No. 883956

damn, pokemon on the 3ds looks hardcore

Anonymous No. 883969

>just started putting up my stuff on artstation with nice renders
>industry professionals start following me
b-bros? is this "making it"?

Anonymous No. 883970

i love it

Anonymous No. 883982

ironically the 3ds pokemon models are stupidly high poly for the platform and are the same ones currently used on switch

Anonymous No. 883983

been playing the pokemons recently. the high poly ones are only the actual creatures in the battle mode. after that, in the world, they have a lower poly model. you can check the...forgot what island it was, it had eggxecutors which they are low poly. guessing the 3ds can handle 2 high poly models. but go to adecuate poly levels once you factor levels and other characters


Gun Wip 8.png

Anonymous No. 883984

A little more progress on this thing.



Anonymous No. 883996

finally - a clean diffuse bake from hp.. . its rough but at least I've got the hang of this now I think

Anonymous No. 883997

What problems did you have with the shell method? I'll admit I kinda came up with it on the spot, so I didn't really know if it would work until I tried it. I thought the concept was pretty simple though.



Anonymous No. 884017

i revisited my deer model and realized it looks way more interesting when it's an aggressive low-poly silouette, now i wanna try and make an apropo nature scene for it

Anonymous No. 884018

post wire frame
post uvs



Anonymous No. 884032



Anonymous No. 884035

Like what?

Anonymous No. 884047

I can't find neither of those. You got a link?

Anonymous No. 884048

Nice rok
Me rate it Unga/Bunga

Anonymous No. 884060

these shoes have seen the world



Anonymous No. 884065

rate my door



Anonymous No. 884066


Anonymous No. 884067

Your animation is really important to me. Keep up the good work.



Anonymous No. 884068

thanks anon. I'll post it in wip once I got it uploaded



Anonymous No. 884081

Made my own vtuber avatar

Anonymous No. 884086

The vibrating effect worked somewhat but with it I had some problems with the hdri showing through the vibration even with transparency setting enabled. And it only worked somewhat for me in that the alpha changes were rather abrupt and that the shell left dark shadows on the knife. Will still try out the shell method when I get better at blender.

Anonymous No. 884101

Not bad



Anonymous No. 884104

Anonymous No. 884107

post webm

Anonymous No. 884108

Imo this would look cool in a low poly nature scene in ue or unity.



Anonymous No. 884110

Pls tell me is im a good boi, so my pp gets bigger


2022-02-22 22-25-48.webm

Anonymous No. 884115


Anonymous No. 884117

>hdri showing through the vibration even with transparency setting enabled
Huh, didn't actually think to try it with an HDRI. If you're using cycles, it shouldn't be an issue, but I could see Eevee being a bit wonky. Probably a blending mode issue that could be fixed by changing the transparency from Blend to Clip since there's no in-between values and it's just on or off.

>that the shell left dark shadows on the knife.
If you were using Eevee, you did change the shadow blending-mode to none, right?
You can do the same in Cycles by turning off the shadow visibility in the object's ray visibility. Those should get rid of shadow casts for the object entirely.

Lookin good, though the chromatic aberration is a bit extreme. Like you're looking through some guy's eyes and he's about to vomit.

Anonymous No. 884126

YEa. Went a little overboard with chromatic aberration. I thought it would make it look like the one viewing it is high. Also, gotta render out a bit extra on the edges next time. Lenss distortion fucked up the corners

Anonymous No. 884142


Anonymous No. 884144

post wire frame or it's a real sneaker

Anonymous No. 884153

the noise is kinda cringe>
just go full parapa

Anonymous No. 884176

youre telling an artist to change their style because it doesnt fit with what you're accustomed to and what you personally feel as 'cringe', whatever that is supposed to mean. This is the bad kind of feedback.

Anonymous No. 884178

I like the chromatic aberation for once. It makes me feel as though I'm really small. That would be a really fun game btw. Running and jumping around this world as the size of a mouse.

Anonymous No. 884179

Yes, I am telling an artist that a part of his composition looks bad, you faggot



Anonymous No. 884180

tortured my cpu to produce this wonderful result.


2022-02-23 03-42-57.webm

Anonymous No. 884181

Thanks dawg. I'll be sure to remember you and your very valuable input.



Anonymous No. 884183


Anonymous No. 884185

People say mini potbellys are the cutest pigs, but I think you've proven them wrong. :3


2022-02-23 03-42-57.webm

Anonymous No. 884186

I'll be sure to make an effort to remember you and your very valuable input.

Anonymous No. 884189

youre telling guy to 'dumb it down' and turn it into parapa the rappa because thats what you 'member. It feels safer to you. You want him to make it more bland and safe. I dont think you did this intentionally but what you've said and done is whats wrong with most art these days. You dumb it down too much and make it similar to things people already know. I dont hate you but I hate your guts.

Anonymous No. 884191

she cute

Anonymous No. 884192

Not that anon, but to play devil's advocate a bit, that static is gonna kill compression and probably will create artifacts anywhere it's streamed or posted.
Only the actual raw file will be free of blocky artifacts. If the dude's fine with that, then he should go for what he likes, but considering this is a VTuber avatar and they're for streaming, he might do well to think about the static and whether or not its worth keeping. There's probably a creative solution that'd allow him to keep it, and minimize artifacts, but right now it's not there yet.

Anonymous No. 884194

IF YOu split the head from neck and body and create yarn from top off-screen or popsicle sticks from below screen. . This will look perfect with the artifact static- It was as if the avatar was being puppeted live on webcam by your little brother in realtime

Anonymous No. 884195


I like that point better. The webm looks good but who knows what those big websites are going to do you your art.

I hope we can make successful stuff one day that doesnt have to rely on those awful big aggregator sites.

Anonymous No. 884196

yeah im seconding on the noise being a problem if compressed, it'll go to shit if your tuber moves around too much

Anonymous No. 884201



sake render w cle....jpg

Anonymous No. 884202

1 month into my 3ds max class. Feels like I'm getting better at doing things intentionally, rather than fucking around till things come out the way I want.

Anonymous No. 884203

tryhard garbage

Anonymous No. 884207

he should be trying harder to pull it off

Anonymous No. 884208

he should be trying to find an original aesthetic rather than do a weak rip off of ENA


Nip Patterns.jpg

Anonymous No. 884209

>that pattern
I made one of those a while back and a few other other ones to use as alphas in Substance. I could post them if you want.

You might want to use a different mapping method for your texture though, since you're getting a lot of stretching near the bottom of your jug. Or fix your UVs.

Anonymous No. 884211

How the ever loving fuck do people bake bevels from a high poly onto low poly guns? Im trying to bake a nerf gun I made into an asset and I keep on getting clear lines on the edges

Anonymous No. 884212

check your bake settings?

Anonymous No. 884214

>I could post them if you want.
Yes, please.



Anonymous No. 884215

Say no more, m'senpai.



Anonymous No. 884216

Damn, tried to creatively dodge the filter, but I guess the ol boy caught me.



Anonymous No. 884217

Hope someone finds them useful.
Had these all posted up on Substance Share, but if I remember right that site got nuked by Adobe.

Anonymous No. 884219

holy shit all this retard projection, just stop

Anonymous No. 884221

Thanks, homie. Appreciate it. Hopefully I can figure out how to map shit properly and put these to good use.



Anonymous No. 884223

Working on a kitbash.

Anonymous No. 884231

Damn, I get lazy and make these masks on procreate but these are sick.

Anonymous No. 884232


Anonymous No. 884233

idk when I'll get use out of these but thanks regardless.


George Washington....png

Anonymous No. 884246

It's from that famous george washington masonic painting. still not sure where i'm going with this



Anonymous No. 884249

Silly goofy sculpt practice.

Anonymous No. 884253


Anonymous No. 884277

holy shit
the Glasgow EVA



Anonymous No. 884280

Working a little bit more in this character. If Zbrushfags could help with a few problems I'm encountering:
- I'm trying to reduce the polycount to work on more general shapes but Zbrush won't let me Zremesh nor use Dynamesh. I tried to reconstruct and freeze the subdiv level but it tells me that it can't because the mesh contains triangles. So what should I do now ?
- I'd like to move the arms a little bit towards the back, what would be the correct process when you're already advanced in your sculpt?

Anonymous No. 884281

looks like a dick with hips and legs



Anonymous No. 884282

forgot about this for a week, this has to be the 4th fucking time i tried to sculpt a body (and its still shit). i hope whoever invented vertebrate beings falls into a pit and dies

Anonymous No. 884284

delete the subdiv levels, duplicate your subtool first so you have a back up
look up a tutorial for transpose master



Anonymous No. 884306

Anonymous No. 884307

If you're using substance, look into triplanar mapping. If you're using Blender, use object coordinates (or whatever the equivalent is called in your 3d software). They should tile nicely without distortions.

Yeah I made them in Illustrator. I've got a good few years in professional graphic design, so I'm pretty quick at making vector stuff for textures.

Hope they come in handy. I mean I've only used them for a single project, so it's not like I got much use out of them, but it seemed like a waste to have them sitting around on my HDD when they could be useful to others.

Throw some ferns in there, get some pink lighting, a few sculptures and you've got a super vaporwave pape.



Anonymous No. 884311

I seen anons making guns, and I think guns are cool, so I thought I would try one. I got filtered originally so I went back to trying something more simple.
Couple of things that don't need pointed out.

>I'm not sure what it's called but, that dark black line on the middle of the magazine is supposed to be more like a divot, but instead it's been cut entirely out that's why it's so dark. I'll fix it later
>There's supposed to be a cutout on the strap holder at the front, but I kept getting meme artifacts with it that I couldn't fix so I just left it

I know it might be hard to tell from the shitty lighting and no textures or nothing, but does anything leap out as being stupidly wrong? I'm not sure if I should add the stock because that might be a bridge too far for me.

Anonymous No. 884312

>>There's supposed to be a cutout on the strap holder at the front, but I kept getting meme artifacts with it that I couldn't fix so I just left it
Don't give up. This is a surefire road to mediocrity. I can tell from the rest of the model that you are more than capable so just persevere.
As for the stock, add that after you overcome the aforementioned hurdle.
The model looks good for being what appears relatively low poly.
Post a wireframe so people can give more constructive criticism.

Anonymous No. 884313

not bad. maybe bevel the edges, also itll look a lot better when textured.

Anonymous No. 884314

>meme artifacts with it
either use bevels and weighted normals, or start marking appropriate edges as sharp so ngons get flat shading



Anonymous No. 884315

Very unskilled amateur hobbyist here, still doing a lot of anatomical studies, and decided to do a butt sculpt based on an anime reference for fun. Spent a very long time trying to get the panties to look right, and I'm still not super happy with them. Doing clothes is difficult. I just did a really low-resolution flat mesh of them around the hips, then did mirror -> shrinkwrap -> subsurf -> shrinkwrap -> solidify -> subsurf, but the amount of manual tweaking to get it even looking this decent (and it's still not very good) was pretty tedious. I'm feeling like if I ever wanted to do any sort of animation, it would similarly fall apart, and I haven't retopo'd and don't even have a multires on it yet.

How do you guys do clothes, particularly skin-tight ones? I had another study for tight clothes with the skin bulging out past the edge, but I had a lot of trouble getting that the way I like it too.
Do you just simulate it or something? Is it just a pain in the ass that takes a lot of practice, rather than specific techniques?

Anonymous No. 884316

>Don't give up. This is a surefire road to mediocrity
I was thinking along those lines myself. I think I did realise afterwards how I could have solved it, but I got sidetracked. I will go back to it tomorrow though.
>As for the stock, add that after you overcome the aforementioned hurdle.
I'll do that too.
>The model looks good for being what appears relatively low poly.
Hey thanks. I think part of the reason it looks so low poly is because I went full retard with the loop cuts and took them too close to the edge. It's given them way more of a sharper edge than they should have. I wouldn't have noticed though unless you'd mentioned that. I'll see if reigning them in improves that and if not I'll do what the other anon says and bevel them.
>Post a wireframe so people can give more constructive criticism.
Man that's a double edged sword. I know that by posting it I can get better help, but also by posting it I can be ridiculed for how bad things really are.

I'll try beveling it if my amateur loop cut slide method doesn't work. Or maybe I'd be better off just beveling them first. I should be able to finish it tomorrow and texture it so I'll see how it goes then.

>start marking appropriate edges as sharp so ngons get flat shading
Cool thanks I'll try that too. I didn't know you could do that.

Thank you frens for your kind words and encouragement.

Anonymous No. 884317

>by posting it I can be ridiculed for how bad things really are
Why cares? If it's not constructive then brush it aside and move on.

Anonymous No. 884318

Good point. I'll post that up tomorrow in that case.



Anonymous No. 884319

>by posting it I can be ridiculed for how bad things really are.
In addition to what the other anon said, these threads are usually quite constructive and helpful. I posted this pile of shit here about a year ago (almost exactly a year, actually, based on the stamp), and I didn't get praised for it, but I got a lot of really helpful advice. Nobody gave me shit or ridiculed me at all (probably because I made it very obvious that I wasn't overestimating my abilities, and knew that I was an early learner). Since then I've improved a lot, even though I haven't been able to devote as much time to learning as I want to ( >>884315 is me).
I don't see anybody usually getting ridiculed in here unless they're delusional or otherwise being an ass.

Maybe I should revisit Kumatora, now that I actually have a clue about how to sculpt.

Anonymous No. 884322

I dont know about blender, but if I was doing skin tight stuff, I woud get the body how I like it then project an underwear sculpt onto it.. It's easier to do skindentation that way.

Anonymous No. 884326

Blender makes it kind of difficult. There's the shrinkwrap modifier, but it will fully flatten the mesh you want to project. You can try to do a lattice and then shrinkwrap the lattice, but either way, I keep having the problem of the shrinkwrap behaving badly in creases, especially when I have a subsurf.
I'll probably do what I'm doing, proceed with retopo and multires, and try to figure out rigging and see how that works.
I might also experiment with some cloth and soft body physics, and see if I might be able to get the physics engine to do a better job than I can do manually.

Anonymous No. 884328

try making a flat plane around a piece of clothing
make the flat plane a mesh deformer of the clothing
shrinkwrap the flat plane to the body, should preserve volume of your clothing

Anonymous No. 884329

Why not just duplicate the polys on the area you want to be clothed then extruding it?

Anonymous No. 884331

that could work too, but youd have to hope the topology of the underlying mesh follows your clothing

Anonymous No. 884332

generally people only get shit on if its obscenely shit (cris) or if its obviously low effort

Anonymous No. 884333

I'm not having trouble with preserving volume, more with getting the shrinkwrap to work right around creases and worrying about how to get it to play well with rigging. Skindentation is tough, too. It's mostly the combination of everything. If I want this to be a separate mesh, with indentation, and to interact well with moving joints, how do I do that?
I'll probably stick to static sculpts for now, but doing some searching, this kind of thing looks really promising: https://twitter.com/lateasusual_/status/1470465247668494342
I might have to dig into geometry nodes at some point soon.

Wouldn't work for me right now because my underlying mesh is a dyntopo mess, and even after retopo, there's no way I'm topologizing my body to facilitate extruding clothes out of it. Would be easier to just do the clothes separate in any case.

Anonymous No. 884334

>If I want this to be a separate mesh, with indentation, and to interact well with moving joints, how do I do that?
shape keys

>I'm not having trouble with preserving volume, more with getting the shrinkwrap to work right around creases
should still work for your use case

Anonymous No. 884335

Yeah, shape keys are probably a good way to go. I've messed with them a little bit before, but never got them quite right. I wish they worked with multires, but they only deform the base mesh, but I should be able to work alright with that.

Thank you for all the advice, everybody. I've got plenty of practice and experimenting to do.

Anonymous No. 884336

Anything I could fix with the sculpt? I don't know what I could do without much input.

Anonymous No. 884340

I tried softening his face a bit more but I feel like I've lost something that made it look masculine.



Anonymous No. 884343

I made a 3d fanart of a character made by Sabrina Cutogno; it's a lesbian sexual harasser knightess that the author tries to force Disney make a series about her, or so /co/ says. I like the designs tho.



Anonymous No. 884344


Anonymous No. 884345

You're working in too high a sub division for what you're doing. You should take it way down and refine the primary forms before you start detailing.

Anonymous No. 884346

Very cute. The materials could maybe use some work

Anonymous No. 884347




Anonymous No. 884349

Here’s my progress now. The face still isn’t 100% finished, but it looks less weird than the last one (the one with pink lips). I made the top of the eyes lower and flatter to fix the yang sanpaku look, and I made her lips wider and darker because they were hard to see from far away. I also did some minor sculpting and fixed some lighting to improve the shape of her face, then gave her a pose, but I’m not an experienced rigger or animator so it’s a little wonky. The body still needs a lot of work now because of the style change.

That’s an interesting discussion my character sparked. Personally, when I try to get criticism, I don’t do it for the sake of getting instructions, but so that I can get a few extra pairs of eyes, because other people may be able to see something that I don’t. If someone points out something, and I think it is a flaw, then I can fix it.

I view this character as being more of a study rather than something that has a specific goal in mind, since this the the first fully-assembled character I am making. I originally went with the chibi-esque design because it was easier to do and still had an appeal to it, but I changed the face because I think it would serve as good practice to pave the way for future characters.

I still have all of the original meshes for the old character and a bunch of iterations in between because I’m too much of a coward to make a change and stick with it, so I could always change my direction back. That being said, I like where my character is going right now, and I do want to make some rougher characters eventually.

Anonymous No. 884350

crease some edges around the base of the neck



Anonymous No. 884352


Anonymous No. 884353

now post the high poly



Anonymous No. 884354

thats not the same shoo



Anonymous No. 884359

it is the same shoe



Anonymous No. 884360

butterfaced joe + terrible anatomy knowledge in one fun bundle



Anonymous No. 884361

not it is not

Anonymous No. 884363

was a few years back it might be buried inside some lengthy talk, if you scrub thru all their talks from like 2013 onward you'll find it eventually.
One I recognized was posted on autodesk tho when I googled it.


Anonymous No. 884366

based retard



Anonymous No. 884368

i zmodeled koopa

Anonymous No. 884372

Sir I was only pretending

Anonymous No. 884376

i wonder if this amount of sculpting poly is possible in blender.

Anonymous No. 884380

very good, post smooth version desu



Anonymous No. 884382

no dynamic subd + with dynamic subd

Anonymous No. 884400

it is. i am currently using blender, right now it's sitting at 2.3 million polygons.



Anonymous No. 884413

Another day, another failure. I badly want to nail something similar to the DoA style (namely Nyotengu's look) so I could have a more 2.5d model (as opposed to full npr) I could play with but I can't come up with anything good because I think my fundamentals are bad from all the npr I did. While I detest ultra realism because I don't think it looks sexy I think I need to study actual realism because this model's skin, for example, just looks bad. I mean I realize I didn't add any detailed normal mapping so it obviously won't look like realistic skin but I don't think DoA's models have any either and they look a lot better. Also I'm only now figuring out the pbr material thing because I only recently moved from blender 2.79b to 2.93.
This is supposed to be Kaede from Legend of Kage 2. I haven't made the clothes yet.

Anonymous No. 884420

find a rip of DoA models and study them



Anonymous No. 884421

box modeled a loose hand for a project. it's purely for demonstration purposes of a tech thing so texturing would be wasted effort.
still neat, maybe i wont HAVE to learn sculpting after all



Anonymous No. 884424

The face is fine, but the body proportions have some issues. The hip bones don't connect right, the buttocks are way too high, the hips are far too narrow, the forearms are too long, the ribcage is too small, the upper torso is too long, and the upper legs are too long.
"detesting ultra realism" is not an excuse for not learning basic anatomy and construction. Even if you're going for stylized, if you're making something that is supposed to be human, it should have human proportions.

Learn "ultra realism". You don't break the rules until you learn them, know why they exist, and know how to properly get around them. Choosing to do stylized works because you prefer it is perfectly acceptable, but you still need to learn how to do anatomically correct work, and manage form, volume, construction, and anatomy. You can either learn it up front and start making things that look the way you want them as early as possible, or struggle along trying to replicate references and feeling like a failure for a long time until you get much better and then realize that you learned the same thing, but it took significantly longer and much more work and you still have holes in your knowledge.

Check out the resources recommended by >>881530 . The Zarins ones are top notch. I'd strongly recommend a sculpting course as well, if you don't have sculpting under your belt. It's a far faster route to quickly shaping and refining your mesh (even though everybody hates retopo). I got started in sculpting from this course: https://academy.cgboost.com/p/master-3d-sculpting-in-blender

You've got great promise, anon. Put your time in the right way and you'll be amazing in no time flat.

Anonymous No. 884426

That's a really good looking hand for box modeling.

> maybe i wont HAVE to learn sculpting after all
You never HAVE to learn sculpting. Some amazing work has been done without sculpting. Sculpting is a tool in your toolbox to help you carve out forms more quickly, and give you much quicker ability for refinement and detail work, but it's never been absolutely necessary.
I'd strongly suggest learning it, though. It makes much more sense to learn it and then decide whether you want to use it or not than it does to decide not to learn it because you think you can get away without it.
Sculpting is also really good for banging out really quick concepts when you just want to play with forms and/or try to shape out a concept when you don't have a solid end-goal in mind, or when you're quickly exploring an idea. It gives you probably the best 3D analogue to sketching.

Anonymous No. 884427

>That's a really good looking hand for box modeling.
thank you!
>Sculpting is a tool in your toolbox to help you carve out forms more quickly, and give you much quicker ability for refinement and detail work, but it's never been absolutely necessary.
Yeah, I've gathered as much in some sense, it's just that I keep seeing sculpts being used by the industry and box modeling relegated to remeshing and while I haven't had personal hands-on experience I feel like maybe I'm just being backwards and wasting time.
But box modeling is so comfy though
>I'd strongly suggest learning it, though. It makes much more sense to learn it and then decide whether you want to use it or not than it does to decide not to learn it because you think you can get away without it.
I probably will force myself to do it. I'm getting a tablet after drawing with a mouse for literal years and maybe it's a sign to pull the trigger on learning sculpting as well.

Anonymous No. 884428

Maybe I should, though outright dissecting someone else's models feels wrong to me.

Struggling to loosely replicate reference solely by eyeballing is basically how I learned up until now. I'm a bit stubborn and always felt I was above using books and tutorials and such because I approach everything with trial and error (for example I am trying to learn to draw in parallel and I don't even use reference at all, I just sketch things forever until they look right), but I wasted so much time on this approach so I guess you're probably right. I think I will download some real study resources and try to finish them before trying to make any more non-study models.
And yea, I can't sculpt either. I do everything with poly modeling. I've been putting off learning sculpting for ages but maybe I should try that as well.
Thanks for the feedback.



Anonymous No. 884429

Tryna improve on my work here.

Anonymous No. 884430

>I keep seeing sculpts being used by the industry and box modeling relegated to remeshing and while I haven't had personal hands-on experience I feel like maybe I'm just being backwards and wasting time.
You see that because it's the most efficient way of doing it. Just like you'll see significantly different practices between a home kitchen and a professional kitchen. In programming, you see big differences in operations between big and small industry in the name of efficiency, too, and it doesn't stop the small companies from still doing good work.
I wouldn't worry so much about feeling backwards compared to the industry; if you intend to stay a hobbyist, it really doesn't matter unless you are feeling like you'd like to improve your output. The primary goals are to have fun, make things that look good, and constantly improve. But you might be surprised at how much more quickly you can achieve high-quality results with sculpting once you get the hang of it. You should learn sculpting because it might help you on your journey, not because of what some companies do with their workflow.
That, and sculpting is really fun.

Anonymous No. 884433

You can continue with trial and error and you will reach your goal if you stick with it, but it will be slower and more painful, with many more failures. One of the worst parts is that there will be distinct point that things look wrong and you can't tell why, and you won't have any idea how to fix it, so you'll tweak it over and over again, and it will still look wrong and you don't know why, and eventually it starts looking right, but you can't be sure whether it actually is right or if you just can't tell anymore.
The very worst part is when you start getting really close and simply can't tell anymore whether something is wrong or not, but to everybody else it's firmly in the uncanny valley. Getting out of this stage is the hardest. It's hard enough to fix a problem when you know it's there but can't put your finger on what it actually is. It's nearly impossible to fix a problem when you don't even know whether or not something is wrong.

That's the biggest part about learning proper anatomy and construction, just getting a really good eye for anatomy and proportions. Remember you NEED to have a better eye than a non-artist to succeed as an artist, and learning by reference doesn't do a lot for that. At best, you'll get really good and replicating references, and still be entirely unable to do your own sculpts and forms from scratch. It's like learning the guitar entirely from tablature; good luck writing your own music when you learned entirely by just putting your finger on the right frets and never learned why.

The reason I'm hammering this point is because I know this pain by experience, and am still working to undo and unlearn a lot of bad habits.



Anonymous No. 884434

Looks pretty decent. The eyes look a little low to me, making him look a little bit alien because the cranium looks extra large.


Guts_2 (2).webm

Anonymous No. 884438


Anonymous No. 884439

that is very cool.



Anonymous No. 884441

Try moving the temporal bone down more. It should nearly line up with the nose.


red line guts.png

Anonymous No. 884442

This is looking pretty good, a decent step up from your last post. You're missing the mark on a couple of Gut's facial features though. his nose bridge should be flatter with a more pointed nose tip, and a much more pronounced chin and sharper jaw line. the bottom lip should be a flatter W shap then a continuous bow shape. It's a very nice and clean sculpt and I'm looking forward to see where you go with it



Anonymous No. 884443


Anonymous No. 884445

>though outright dissecting someone else's models feels wrong to me.
ok well don't use references either



Anonymous No. 884453

Yes, though the proportion you had before wasn't unrealistic (head shape can vary quite a bit), It looks more like the average male head now.
I do think the head seems a little long on the Y axis, though. The cranium seems a bit too large on the top back. The chin seems a little long too, but that might just be the effect of the thinness of the neck at the top there.



Anonymous No. 884454

Thank you.
Cheers for the reference and advice. I've readjusted the problem areas of sculpting and ill be working on them in a few hours after I've given Elden ring a go.

I'll be working on adding pores and tertiary details as soon as I'm ready

Hair and eyebrows aren't worked on just yet

Anonymous No. 884462

to me (new ip) it looks like he has a bit of the classic kissy-lips syndrome common in /beg/ sculpts.
but overall he looks pretty cool, the stylization is very nice



Anonymous No. 884483



Anonymous No. 884487

i kinda like it, but something looks wrong idk



Anonymous No. 884500

Needs a lot of optimization before I can scatter it properly and make it look like a sea of riches.
Gonna add some gemstones and things as well.

Anonymous No. 884521

the big Gay club

Anonymous No. 884523

anon, i.....



Anonymous No. 884529

got bored last night so i had the idea of giving him a metal gear esque cyborg armor thing




Anonymous No. 884533

I'm learning Blender so I can make a LoGH short, respectful of the original OVA.

The model is a placeholder, since I'm modelling the ships myself (and I'm not confident enough). The background is handmade.

I've installed Blender a few weeks ago, and I'm learning intermittently.



Anonymous No. 884538

why not xD


what is this.png

Anonymous No. 884544

I tried to move a part of the model in with the g button and then it moved but it also left behind this?
What is this? Can i fix this or do i have to start over?

Anonymous No. 884545

nevermind i fixed it.

Anonymous No. 884550

Fucking love this. Nice.



Anonymous No. 884574

been looking at anatomy for sculptors
tried to make lips, but it still feels off
crits welcome


Image Finale.jpg

Anonymous No. 884610

Finished render "Kstovo Gaming Klub"

Watched a video about cybercafes in post soviet russia and wanted to make someting out of it. All models & textures (except the CS screenshot) made by me.
I rendered with LuxCore, found that cycles was not accurate enough

What could I use to make a better render?

Anonymous No. 884615

i'd say the lighting is on point. add some grime and grunge, try to make it look dirty



Anonymous No. 884627

Thank you, here's more just for you

Anonymous No. 884630

Does this tank have subsurface scattering on the metal?

Anonymous No. 884633

No it doesn't,
why? Does something look weird?

Anonymous No. 884635

i think it's just the colors and lighting which make the metal look a bit skin like

Anonymous No. 884656



ZBrush Document 2.jpg

Anonymous No. 884687

looks off since you lack the surrounding structure, especually the bottom of nose
>I'll be working on adding pores and tertiary details as soon as I'm ready
detail never matters, you mesh looks too dense overall, i would focus more on just general body proportions, even ignore specific anatomy for now
add a torso blockout, adjust proportions, then remove the torso again
looks good, but eyes feel too big

anyway, posted a basic body sketch in other thread, might as well post it in main wip thread

Anonymous No. 884715

>looks off since you lack the surrounding structure, especually the bottom of nose
thanks, i'll work on that



Anonymous No. 884745

I've been trying to solve that strap holder thing for far longer than I care to admit and I've ended up with this shit. Naturally I didn't save it before I fucked around with it so this is as far back as I can go.
That's all the non-manifold that I have no idea how to solve and with the subdiv on it looks like a Coke can that an elephant has stood on. It's just all kinds of fucked up. I thought I could maybe add more topology to it by connecting the ngon vertices with their counterpart on the opposite side. But it's such a chore, I'm not even sure if I should do something like that, and none of them are lined up on the same ngon because of the bend which will just create even bigger problems.
I know I could just delete it and start it afresh, but I don't want to do that. I want to know why it's fucked up and how to fix it because I want to learn.
Someone please halp.



Anonymous No. 884763



Anonymous No. 884764



Anonymous No. 884765




Anonymous No. 884769

You dont need that much detail, the subdivision will take care of that. Just take a look what pre-exisiting geometry you can extrude/ cut out and push it in the right place (bottom of image)
If you still need more resolution you can bevel the edges to give them some actual curvature, but you have wrangle the geometry a bit to end up with quads - that takes practice.
In this case (and >>884765) this will form a face loop which causes the subdivison to flow along the shape of the hole

You also need support loops (some already included in the face loop) keep the everything in shape. Or use the bevel modifier for that (marked blue)



Anonymous No. 884804

working on nishizumi miho for 256fes and just for fun. Lets see if i can go lower this time



Anonymous No. 884814

basemesh done. Exactly 256. Rigging next then texturing.



Anonymous No. 884842

fumbling a bit with 3dcoat. Will continue tomorrow.



Anonymous No. 884899

OP of >>884610 here

downloaded ZBrush today and followed a beginner tutorial with sculpting Hellboy as an exercise.

After the tut's ending i continued with some reference images, this is where i stop tonight.

What do you think about my first sculpt?



Anonymous No. 884901

reference image



Anonymous No. 884902

that captcha tho

Anonymous No. 884948

Thanks /3/ros. Hopefully I'll be able to do this tomorrow.



Anonymous No. 884984

Hi, anons
I'm almost done with my sweet shop exterior
I've tried my best to make it look sweet as fuck
So what do you think?:3



Anonymous No. 884987




Anonymous No. 884995

Placeholders. Placeholders everywhere.

Anonymous No. 885014

Looks much better than the last time I saw it.
What are you using to render?

Anonymous No. 885019

I'm using blender cycles 1500 samples+ denoise

Anonymous No. 885022

I was mostly asking so I could provide some input on improving the illumination on the sign but idk how blender works. Just applying emissive to the entire thing tends to make colors look washed out and doesn't provide a significant amount of light unless you crank it to 11 which completely destroys the colors.
You should either texture a specific emissive map to give the illusion of it being illuminated from the inside or experiment with transmission settings and an actual internal light.

Anonymous No. 885024

Well, thanks a lot
I'll try to do something about the sign



Anonymous No. 885036

Is this version better?

Anonymous No. 885040

I like the cream decor at the top and the sign looks good without the illumination. The muffins were good as well.
I'd suggest looking up some storefronts at night to see how they use lighting to try to stand out from the surrounding area.



Anonymous No. 885107

My first sword. Anons with good taste will immediately recognize it.

Anonymous No. 885109

seem to remember a guy in here working on a similar project like a year ago, was that you?



Anonymous No. 885112

I don't think that was me, but I appreciate it. In order to learn Blender I needed a goal and this seems like a good one. I'm learning a bit of everything; modelling, animation, shaders (at first I considered using an environmental texture for the background, but generating it with shaders is way more handy).

It's not that easy to find quality references for the original OVA, so my plan is to emulate part of the chapter 6, when FPA' fleets leave Heinessen under Yang's direction. So you know, the Hyperion, some generic ships in the background, a Spartanian model and a planet.

Anonymous No. 885114

That's a huge step up from what you started with.
Looks like it actually sells cakes instead of pretzels. Good work anon, proud of u.

Anonymous No. 885131

OP in the house, next thread will be posted up tomorrow night (so around this time, 24 hours from now).
In the mean time, keep on posting.
Also if you'd like, float some ideas for some other OP image ideas once this series is done. I was thinking it might be cool to throw the image into a neural network and get some style-transfer shenanigans going, but I'd like to hear your opinions first.
I could always keep going with the collages, but I think I'm going to have to dial things back a bit in terms of what gets put in them. I've been including everything in the thread so far, but that takes 2-3 hours to assemble the image.
But yeah, lemme know what you prefer!



Anonymous No. 885154

thank you for your service


My sword.png

Anonymous No. 885294

Hey this is my first sword too. Sat it in my lap and tried to copy it as best I could. Happy with the hilt. I have no idea how to get rid of the lines on the image texture on the blade though.

Anonymous No. 885296

Looks like a normals issue.try applying a uniform smoothing group to the entire blade. Separate for each side of course.

Anonymous No. 885314

New thread, fresh from the oven!