
Wip Collage_Serie....jpg

🧵 /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 885313

/wip/ - Works in Progress
- Collage Edition: Series 3 -
>Golem Ascension

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>882434

List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB
Check out the /3/ Discord: https://discord.gg/ujt5vtr4DE



Anonymous No. 885324

It's a work in progress, I promise.

That's a nice sword, my fren. My Berserk sword >>885107 is one step below.



Anonymous No. 885331

haven't posted in a while, been working on lights

Anonymous No. 885354

Is it normal if pic related took a month to make? I usually model only a couple days a week but this has taken a considerable amount of time. Most of the time was used trying to set up the baking



Anonymous No. 885355

Forgot pic

Anonymous No. 885356

How many separate objects did you use? If any. Looks cool

Anonymous No. 885360

Multiple. I originally made a very High-poly model about a year ago and I recently made it a mission to convert that into a usable asset. I’m trying to keep it under 5000 faces and I’m fairly new to baking, so there was a considerable amount of difficulty in baking it all as one model, especially when it’s asymmetrical.

I used to care about making it all one solid object but I’ve learned that keeping it all solid, especially with trying to keep it all quads, is redundant and will give you more work than it’s worth

There’s around 10 separate pieces.



Anonymous No. 885361

A sculpt of mine. The eyes look off to me because of the shape and eyelids which are such a pain in the ass to get.



Anonymous No. 885365

I think it looks better than it did. Glad those kind anons helped me with the loop on the strap holder, and I'm glad that anon told me to add the stock.
My only problem now is that it looks like it simultaneously manages to have those blotches that denoising creates but also has fireflies everywhere so it looks grainy.



Anonymous No. 885375

Been doing anatomy studies, and I have to say: FUCK HANDS. I thought I was getting a good handle on things. Faces and heads were a little bit tough. Getting all the fat pads, muscles, and visible bones of the body was a slight challenge, but I got through it. Nothing, however, has made me feel so unskilled and like so much of a novice as hands. I can sort of get it if I'm following an exact reference, or sculpting it right on top of a photograph, but even then it's difficult. If I try from more in-depth anatomical references like bones and muscles without effectively tracing it, it always comes out awful. I'm going to need to put so many hours of practice into hands.

Anonymous No. 885377

Make a low poly box hand model first. Make one good finger and copy it.

Anonymous No. 885379

You're right. I should work on that first. I've been working on so much anatomy, I've been focusing muscles and bones first for most things instead of box modeling. Been starting from a quadsphere for all my other studies.
Anatomy for Sculptors is my bible lately (along with the other Zarins books).

Anonymous No. 885385

monke hand



Anonymous No. 885410

Here is an architecture thing I’m working on. It was something I remembered from a dream about at least a year ago, and I can’t remember what exactly it looked like, but I got the general essence of it, and not remembering the exact details forced me to be creative.

Right now it’s just the entrance to a cistern/underground aqueduct thing, but there’s going to be a lot of stuff inside it and around it. It will be a ruined city built into the side of a cliff. I used a part of the character I am making for statues, but I had to exclude the head since I haven’t retopo’d it yet. There’s also a to-scale version of the character inside the tunnel.

I’m not sure about the colors. Even though a lot of ruins are usually just one type of stone, and that’s how it appeared in my dream, it feels like it may be monotone, but that might not be a bad thing since it’s fun to see how much detail you can put into something without adding any extra colors. I suppose limiting colors makes the viewer focus on the form of the object since it’s the only detail that stands out.



Anonymous No. 885412

>I’m not sure about the colors. Even though a lot of ruins are usually just one type of stone, and that’s how it appeared in my dream, it feels like it may be monotone
Check out some classical paintings for inspiration, or even some other novel sources that aren't strictly architecture. You can make something seem vibrant and colorful (or at the very least, interesting) through the use of color-relationships and contrast as well.
Best to start creating a folder of images that speak to you and reference those, if you haven't made one already.



Anonymous No. 885413

Where did I fuck up.


scene render.jpg

Anonymous No. 885419

Trying get better at texturing. Shit hurts my head.

Anonymous No. 885424

looks horribly deformed



3D Steve No. 885426

Stuff I'm working at.



3D Steve No. 885428

Started from scratch, with anatomy and the whole body then the clothes/armor and etc. I started with Zbrush in October, but worked in the industry for around 4 years prior as hard surface artist/level designer.

Of course hair is just a place-holder for now.



3D Steve No. 885429

Anonymous No. 885433

Looks great.
It's not that complex of a scene. Let it run longer with more samples instead of relying on denoising.

Anonymous No. 885435

Reminds me of Test Drive 4. Check the contact of the wheels with the road.



Anonymous No. 885436

It's fun how 70% of time I am fixing technical stuff and tweaking things that should be fixed my default in Blender.

Since this is my first ship, I've also noticed that the order of the factors is decisive for the process as a whole.

Anonymous No. 885439

Do something with it to convey the proper scale. Lights, surface/hull details. Right now it could be 3 ft or 3000 ft.

Anonymous No. 885442

I don't know what the original car looks like, but there are a couple things out of place.
>door looks curved like it's open
>rear is flying off, no shadows
>tyres feel very thin, the rubber part
>the windshield has no curve
Again, it might be specific to that car.

Anonymous No. 885444

Add some greebles. You can't go wrong with greebles on a spaceship.

Anonymous No. 885446

This shit is so lazy.



Anonymous No. 885447

No, you are either just bad at what you do or you don't understand scale.

Anonymous No. 885456

Thanks! I'll try boosting the samples and turn the denoiser off and see if that works out better.

Anonymous No. 885459

very nice

Anonymous No. 885468

I agree. That's what I am going to do as soon as I finish the main model.

Good idea. I am collecting different reference pictures so I can add something faithful to the original design.


futuristic demon ....png

Anonymous No. 885471

sketching a helmet to cover up his hideousness from the rest of the earth



Anonymous No. 885507

did the guy that modeled this mesugaki use it for anything?

Anonymous No. 885520

bro no... i liked his face...

Anonymous No. 885523


i like the helmet, i liked his face too though. if its for a game im assuming he'll take it off.

Anonymous No. 885525


mr. almond head isn't forever losing his identity, don't worry. and no, this isn't for anything specific, it's just something i wanted to do for myself, more like just practicing

Anonymous No. 885526

does he have a penis

Anonymous No. 885527

i do not have any knowledge regarding this information.

Anonymous No. 885529

Give him a penis


quick render.png

Anonymous No. 885547

Ayo check mah drip nigga
Next up: UV unwrapping 'n texturing

Anonymous No. 885560

Had a dream in the WIP landscape
>standing in the WIP image
>just me
>and empty green landscape
>suddenly loud music
>tons of character models came running over and was like a party



Anonymous No. 885575


Anonymous No. 885578

It looks like the Vanquish protagonist but as a demon

Anonymous No. 885579

Does anyone know why my render border won't work? The kind where you only select part of the scene to render.
I've watched someone do it in a video to make sure I was doing it right, I've looked it up in the manual, I've seen people discuss it, and no one seems to have a fucking problem with it except me. Whenever I do it I get the marching ants/dotted box but as soon as I let go of lmb it's like I haven't done anything. I've tried it in Eevee and Cycles. I've tried it render view, solid, wireframe and materials preview. I've tried it edit mode and in object mode. I've had everything selected and every deselected. I've mixed and matched every possible variation, and it will not work. Shit is driving me insane.



Anonymous No. 885593

I'm making a Bonnibel but it doesn't look like her yet.

Anonymous No. 885595

animate it.



Anonymous No. 885601

Anonymous No. 885604

how is this in any way worksafe?

Anonymous No. 885606




Anonymous No. 885609




Anonymous No. 885717

Hey, I'm this guy >>884413
I tried out sculpting for the first time following that blender course, and it sure is different from poly modeling. Poly modeling for subdivision is much less destructive, so the process, for me at least, involves wiring the topology I imagine I need first, deferring the actual shape adjustment phase to later. But sculpting really puts you on the spot for what shapes you actually want in advance, kinda reversing the process for me. I think I'll get more actual "shaping" experience if I stick with sculpting for a while.
I tried to study the suggested anatomy book, but I wasn't sure how since it's all charts. So I just opened some of the main graphs and tried to make sense of them on paper. The charts are pretty dense with information so I think it'll take me ages to take it all in. After a few days of sketching I made this base mesh thingie and tried to sculpt in some details. Looks like utter shit, I think mainly because I did it completely from memory, using some of those basic ratios and angles I memorized from the book. I'll try to follow actual reference next time.
Whoever suggested I try this, thanks. I think this will lead somewhere if I stick with it. If I don't give up and if I make something worthwhile I'll post my progress in a few months or something.
Wow, this sure came out like a blog entry. Sorry about that, I mainly wanted to thank the guy who told me to try this.


One ticket to the....webm

Anonymous No. 885719

Brace yourself..



Anonymous No. 885721


Despite anyone that telling me to fuck off, learn to draw figures. I find even if I didn't sculpt for months on end, my sculpts became better despite practicing in a different medium and relying alot more on reference than I receive random critique. Pic is my 1.5 years of progress excluding my autistic drawings. At some point software does not matter when artistic ability comes into play. Did you know you can "sculpt" in photoshop? Same fucking thing as painting or drawing.



Anonymous No. 885773

almost done with this one, quite happy with the outcome

Anonymous No. 885796

you cant fool me you are a pro


ZBrush Document.jpg

Anonymous No. 885797

im zmodeling a character. name suggestions welcome.

Anonymous No. 885798


Anonymous No. 885800

She looks like she'll be singing in Boba Fetts throne room now that Jabba is gone.


better render.png

Anonymous No. 885821

And a slightly improved version. Sadly the image is still quite grainy, apparently my computer doesn't support Denoising? Bah can't make sense of it, gonna look into some tuts about Rendering which is still pretty unexplored territory for me



Anonymous No. 885861

t. coomer



Anonymous No. 885865

Started to work on a sculpt of the OC I posted here months ago so I can send a 3D print to send to my dad.



Anonymous No. 885875

this is my kinda low poly tank. Currently learning Blender coming from 3ds Max

Anonymous No. 885887

nice, although presentation could be a little more flashy

Anonymous No. 885889


Anonymous No. 885890

Is he supposed to be Watch Dogs™ ?



Anonymous No. 885907

My first first modeling project that I didn't pressure myself about, it's not good. BUT i'm happy i actually finished a model.



Anonymous No. 885909

I wanted to try remaking this wagon off the top of my head, was way off.



Anonymous No. 885926



Anonymous No. 885927

megastructure porn

Anonymous No. 885953

>those normal shading errors
oh no

Anonymous No. 885976

bro ur shading?

Anonymous No. 885980

I understand the shock- the absolute outcry- I really, do... I won't argue with mathematical error. But I can argue that, subjectively, this overpass fits my mind's eye like a lock and key!

Anonymous No. 885982

toggle on autosmooth nigga



Anonymous No. 885983

It's me again. I'm re-scaling and detailing the stuff that already exists before I play with greebles and texturing.

Anonymous No. 886030

looks crisp af, esp the handle geomtry is very well executed from the irl ref

you're doing a great job. not the biggest fan of this genre of sculpts but your execution is really good, esp if this is you just starting to learn sculpting after hard surface

veri cute



this has a lot of charm

Anonymous No. 886037

How you do this?

Anonymous No. 886045

He posted a wireframe, dude. It's all laid bare for you to see how he did it.

Anonymous No. 886049

>tl;dr: he's not from watch dogs but from a fictional world where the globohomo conspiracy is real

Nah, just some character of mine living in this absurdist dystopia where the continents of the world have inexplicably merged together again into a new Pangea, bringing about an age of ultraglobalization. There are no more natural borders, turning the fears of nationalists, for example europeans being replaced by foreigners, into a reality as those boats crossing the Mediterranean have turned into an unstoppable tide of migrants. In this world there actually 100% is a world dominating cabal that uses liberal values to shape the world to its forced, impossibly utopistic "united-colors-of-Benetton" design. There's so many immigrants in Europe in this strange world that they've begun thinking they own the place, some still respect the rules of the natives, but most act prepotently, resulting in the rise of ultranationalist ethnocentric groups.
This guy >>885821 is friends with another guy I'll model soon who just try to get by, pursuing their creative endeavours despite all the chaos. They'll try staying out of the historical processes in effect, taking no sides, but they'll question whether they can even afford that luxury. This character is the most prone to violence against migrants, but his friend, who is the more level headed fella in the duo, will play a crucial role in containing his autism. Despite the ethnic hate permeating this new Europe, a sense of justice still remains in the hearts of the duo, preventing them from going ballistic on all migrants they see, bad AND good. Ultranationalist groups will try winning them over to their ethnic crusade, and frightfully so it makes some modicum of sense...
As for the tone of this world, I'm thinking a 90s movie tone if not 80s even, I just can't stand the ultra serious and frankly quite sad "Netflix tone", you know? With characters that are serious all the time and never crack a fucking joke. Ain't havin that

Anonymous No. 886054

>from a fictional world where the globohomo conspiracy is real

So a fictional version of our world? Sounds based.

Anonymous No. 886064

>So a fictional version of our world? Sounds based.
Ye, and thank you! It's just an idea and some characters for now but hey it might develop into actual stories, videos and shit. For now I'm gitting gud at Blender, then we'll see

Anonymous No. 886091

Looking pretty good, legs and feet/hand connections could use some work, but very solid.

Anonymous No. 886092


Oh I guess that's the progress on the right , nice. But are you avoiding the legs and arms? Torso is great though.



Anonymous No. 886109

Another hand, less monke.

I did this one from a box model, but I still had to do it over a reference to get the proportions right. I need a lot more practice; I'd like to be able to model a hand with proper proportions without a reference. I'd especially rather be able to properly extrude it directly from a sphere; I find that a more comfortable workflow usually, because then I don't have to remesh other shapes on and ruin details.

I'll probably get a feel for it more as I practice more.



Anonymous No. 886120

Appreciate any feedback I can get, my first time trying to model something somewhat realistic. This is from ue5 with low render settings. I'm working on the window part that seems are a bit weird and the lighting.
I don't know why my light is so strong when it's pretty low intensity. It makes the whites blown out but at the same time if I lower it more i'm losing on indirect lighting :/

Anonymous No. 886132

>I don't know why my light is so strong when it's pretty low intensity. It makes the whites blown out but at the same time if I lower it more i'm losing on indirect lighting :/
Auto exposure is on by default in unreal engine.
In other words, since most of the image is naturally dark, it exposes for that and the bright areas get demolished. Technically realistic and probably part of why the atmosphere looks pretty good in the image but if you want to manually adjust it you need to make a postprocess volume, set it to infinite extents and adjust the exposure manually on that.

Anonymous No. 886133

For me it's the bicycles, especially the frames



Anonymous No. 886136

Sculpted from a sphere

Anonymous No. 886142

Needs more dirt.

dirt = realism (meme)

Anonymous No. 886143

Good job m8.

Anonymous No. 886164




Anonymous No. 886168

Progress on rebuilding my 1:12 articulate figure. I need to figure out a good ankle joint solution.



Anonymous No. 886170

At least my knees have come a long way. I can get a full bend of the knees with these.

Anonymous No. 886188

Aren't you looking at ball jointed dolls for reference?

Anonymous No. 886189

Yeah but I dont operate on the same scale, otherwise I would use ball joints for everything. Ball joints for 3D printing for a 15cm figure are kinda finnicky. Inspired by, but not exactly ball jointed dolls. I've made a number of different joint designs that work in theory but when material comes into play act completely differently.


Excercise 21, Tak....webm

Anonymous No. 886260

Anonymous No. 886264

>taking a breath
>doesn't actually breathe

Anonymous No. 886265


Anonymous No. 886280




Anonymous No. 886318

Took me way to long to get anything done. But today i managed to find some time to make another piece. At this rate i will be done in like 3 years. good thing to still see this threat up and alive.

Roast my design and tell me why i'll never land a job in product design!



Anonymous No. 886325

Yeah I guess I could have poofed out the cheeks more to show that


Since you asked for it: I feel like this would be uncomfortable to hold. I can't imagine someone holding the strap and being able to press the buttons without the thing slightly flopping forward and back with each press. It looks pretty thick too, so holding it like a phone wouldn't look like it'd work either. The only way I could see this working is if you hold it with your right hand and grip the thing such that your right thumb supports it under that little "ledge" near the middle. Having an ethernet port on a panel that looks like it screws off is dumb, what if I have something plugged in there? I won't be able to get the panel off.

The bars on the top and bottom for strapping onto is really neat, but the antenna is so stupidly large that it would only work if it was strapped on your back or arm or something. You'd whap yourself a bunch with it if it were on your hip. I'd imagine it'd zip up and down the strap when you're running too (if it wasn't being secured with some third thing). Plus how the hell are you supposed to use the thing if it's strapped onto you facing OUTwards?

Are the knobs supposed to be layered / operate independent of each other? That's pretty cool.
If that's supposed to be a button on the right side, it's not obvious it's a button. It looks awkward to grip if it was.

Real life bnc coaxes have a small notch at the end of the connector. You're supposed to push it in, screw it onto the tracks on the female side of the connector and let go so the little bumps on the male-part of the connector catch onto the female notch and prevent it from coming undone.
I've seen bnc connections used on larger electrical instruments, but not smaller RF devices like that. I've only seen SMA-type coaxes, or whatever that smaller screwless type is called maybe SMA B. Look up mini rf sig gens or mini rf spec analyzers and you'll see what I mean



Anonymous No. 886330

firefighter wip

Anonymous No. 886333

more like a fire-raiser to me



Anonymous No. 886335

looks like her arms has 6 sides
if you manage to add 2 more edges to her arms
you can build a nice flow between forearm and hand and have enough geometry to shape it better.



Anonymous No. 886337

I am never modeling claws on the same mesh again. This was a bad fucking idea

>those tris
Is that not a no-no for a lot of models? Seems like a bad place to have them.

Anonymous No. 886339

it depends where you place them
some cases in subsurface modeling triangles is better than quads
in that case when subdived a nice edge flow will be built
but if you really dislike triangles you can connect the edges between them

Anonymous No. 886342

How do you even learn how to sculpt in blender, it feels like I'm constantly fighting the UI/tools more than anything whenever I try to approach sculpting.



Anonymous No. 886358

thanks a lot for the feedback

I roughly made it hand sized. No real consideration into ergonomics has been made other than it looks about right. Gotta restrain myself form detail creep on larger projects to get done eventually.

The aesthetic is more that 80/90 Plastic consumer electronics stuff / Industrial equipment, no sleek / comfy stuff here.

The BNCs are dumb / not the right size. I modeled them ages ago and have been littering my projects with them cause they are cheap / easy detail and i deal with them at my job and the high quality ones just feel very nice. The Ethernet port is just there to fill some empty space.
But i have to agree on the circular button, it looks low effort, i think i will replace it with some cheese wedge looking button.

But coming form /K/ the antenna is not big enough.



Anonymous No. 886364

I tried doing something a bit more difficult than a Mac 10. A Derringer has more curves to it so it seemed like a nice challenge plus Derringers are cute :3
I missed a hinge(?) that's supposed to be above the barrel because I couldn't see it on my reference images. I couldn't get the grip to be nicely rounded so it has some sharp points on it, I think I should probably have done it a different way. There's a couple of things I should have done differently with the handle too and probably not went over the top (or made a better map) for the engraving. Not sure what happened with my lighting but that got all fucked up too.
All in all, I feel it's coming along okay and I feel I'm improving.

Anonymous No. 886369


Anonymous No. 886372

16th century art (21st century edition)

Anonymous No. 886374

Then don't retopo. Model out a low poly blockout first with the silhouette mostly finished, then sculpt on that.



Anonymous No. 886375

I am A simple bridge-man

Anonymous No. 886376

No, the problem is that there is hardly any chest expansion or contraction, unless it's meant to be abdominal breathing


mirror issue.png

Anonymous No. 886379

Got a wee problem: I had to make tweaks to pic related after I drew the textures. I used a mirror modifier, then applied. Now the textures are mirrored but I need them to be in their previous state, i.e. WITHOUT that scar on his cheeks on both sides, in fact I only want it on his left cheek. What the FUCK do I do to fix this without having to redo the texturing

Anonymous No. 886381

he ugly

Anonymous No. 886383

it's the uvs buddie



Anonymous No. 886389

Don't talk shit about my son, son, it's just the angle that's unflattering 's all. He is BEAUTIFUL, David Hasselhoff ain't got shit on him ya hear, when he was young too!
Copy that, I moved some UV faces around and all is good now

Anonymous No. 886390

Got two observations regarding the design and its "usability" so to speak:
1) the strap looks like it might be more useful if placed at the back of the object, as that way it will fully wrap around the palm of the user, allowing for better grip; in its current state only the fingertips would barely reach the strap and barely make an effect on the grip;
2) the ethernet port on the right might conflict with the user's palm if an ethernet cable is plugged in; if it does it might be advisable to move the ethernet port to the other side of the object.
All these observations are made assuming the object is designed for right handed users.
Other than that I'm diggin' the retro aesthetic, always a fan of those



Anonymous No. 886394

Please rate

Anonymous No. 886396

Is this from a tutorial? Because I swear I've seen this, but then again it's a very common looking design

Chin seems weird (in a technical sense) from the front view, but might just be a matcap / lighting issue?
Not an aesthetically appealing model but nothing else is particularly wrong from a technical level.

If this is something you think you're going to put in your portfolio, or even show off to people, you need to take it a lot further because right now it is fundamentally not visually interesting.
Mind you, that's not like an attack on you or your skill or something, I'm not saying "You did a bad job".
If you use a better piece of concept art, or have a real concept (you seemed to suggest you sort of speed sculpted this in one go, perhaps without any concept or references) you'll end up with something that actually shows off your skills.
Right now you'll get two kinds of responses from people: "That's cool man, I wish I could do that!" and "[looks at it for 10 seconds, clicks Next]"

Anonymous No. 886402

Aesthetic as fuck, not sure if deliberate or you just got lucky.

Technicals ("How you made things"):
Some textures (floor, food on sign, outdoor tile) don't match the (presumably) deliberate style of emulating the hardware limitations of 3D graphics from the late 80s.

Composition and Aesthetic ("What you made" and "What you did with what you made" aka the Scene)
Having the door frame be right in the center of our view is not good, our eye is drawn toward it due to the lines in the scene.
Our eye is also drawn to the sodas, but they tell us nothing, our eye then wanders in a circle and out the door.
The "story" it tells is a little mixed: some shelves are well stocked, some are barren; there's no people, there's no trash. The stuff on the counter is very far away and our eye is not drawn to it; a casual viewer would barely register those items, and they might miss things in the oven (if there are props in the oven?) overall it looks very sterile and almost abandoned as if the people ran out and left their order on the counter, the lights are still on, but the street and the store is deserted, there was no time for looting or anything "the bombs are in the air right NOW!". Was that deliberate or am I giving you too much credit? You don't really have quite enough little details to really support that, like say a trampled on flyer that said 'EVACUATION ORDER!' or whatever.

>Treblinka ovens
Oy gevalt cool it with the antisemitism!

Anonymous No. 886404

looks like shit

Anonymous No. 886413

No, no tutorial, it's for my school's character art course. Our teacher is really good and has worked on things like street fighter so he's helped me with figuring out the shapes and all the students have had anatomy lessons but the sculpting is done by me. I agree that the concept is kind of boring, I didn't know what I wanted to do so I just picked a few league of legends skins and mixed them together last minute. I think I just need to figure out what it is I actually want to make so I can be more passionate about it, but i don't really know, I always have a hard time deciding and there's not really a good tutorial for figuring yourself out. Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate your honest thoughts.


ep1 thumbnail.png

Anonymous No. 886425

finally managed to finish this

Anonymous No. 886426

You can offset the mirrored UV in the modifier options.



Anonymous No. 886440

Any tips for my hand topology here? I think I'm okay with the look of the claw-fingernail things but I'm not sure about how the palm and the fingers will animate.



Anonymous No. 886442

The hands they're replacing, by the way. Finishing up a model I posted here a few months ago.

Anonymous No. 886443

try to use edge spin, extrude, and inset to keep the edges on the hand instead of sending edges across the rest of the arm with loop cut (pointer finger looks like lots of loopcuts). You have a lot more verts than the detail really needs. 6 edges subd wrist is all you need for this, four edges fingers



Anonymous No. 886445

Still doing basic shapes, I'm getting a little bit faster when using the hotkeys.



Anonymous No. 886446

I actually got into 3d because I thought it would be a good path to take, I mainly want to do animations. But it's probably gonna take forever to translate my animations into 3d. BUT I'm also really excited to try. 2D is nice but 3D I feel might have a bigger influence in the future.

Anonymous No. 886448

Okay... I'm no 3D expert.
This is just an opinion take it or leave it,
1. I like the energy this video has. It's pretty fast paced, but honestly I feel like the shots and constant camera changes are a little bit jarring (too fast). There are some shots that are given too little focus to know what exactly is going on, by the time I have a chance to look at the shot it's already done.
2. An animation quirk, I notice for example some animation ending and beginning frames are drastically different and honestly makes the animation a little choppy. A huge example is 0:33 to 0:38 both the Rat's? and the Sky Boxing animations are not looping very well, feels like for the rat there need to bet 1 or 2 more frames to help it ease back into it's starting position in the run. and the sky box is not going anywhere it moves few frames and resets to it's starting position which is bad for a sky box, it needs to cycle completely as if gliding from on end of the camera view to the next. and these are just 2 little bits that stuck out the most.

This is all I can really say at the moment, The music was Kino. The animation was synced very well with the music in certain parts. The human character was animated well.
Best part of the video was honestly the beginning section, but then the tune changed so quickly it was odd.

>TLDR 6/10 will subscribe if you make more.

Anonymous No. 886452

"It's a nice gun I'll give you that, but the engraving gives you no tactical advantage whatsoever..." - Magnum Lynx



Anonymous No. 886466

Big titty WIP. Going to be a girl in workout clothes, but this will be my first full-human work, so it's going to look like shit. Just focusing on anatomy (though the proportions are obviously stylized) and trying to not fuck up too bad.



Anonymous No. 886467

too many edges
subsurf modeling is low effort to build complex shapes
i modified >>886335 i posted b4 to something close you are trying to do
with those many edges you're using you'll have a hard time to do shape it or do big changes.

Anonymous No. 886482

thanks anon i appreciate it

Anonymous No. 886484

Ah shit if only I had known this sooner. No matter, thanks friend, I'll use this tip next time

Anonymous No. 886519

That's a really nice mid poly monster hand.

Anonymous No. 886522

Mid poly? How could it be a functioning hand and be any less polygons than that

Anonymous No. 886533

>subsurf modeling is low effort
good topology is everything but low effort. this is why you see so many brainlets struggle with it.

Anonymous No. 886537

Looks good but can we see it in action as it deforms please

Anonymous No. 886565

looking good so far anon


ZBrush Document.jpg

Anonymous No. 886567

the wireframe is there you can copy it and try yourself



Anonymous No. 886573

laying some pipes

Anonymous No. 886577




Anonymous No. 886578


Anonymous No. 886587

Am I being mocked ;_; I'm too autistic to understand MGS humor


groggs in engine.png

Anonymous No. 886593

in engine before shaders

Anonymous No. 886603

>I didn't know what I wanted to do so I just picked a few league of legends skins and mixed them together last minute.
Ah THAT'S what it is, it looks like Lee Sin + Xin + the Dragon skin stuff

Go to artstation or conceptartworld or pinterest and type in something like "space robot" or "martial artist" or whatever and find something interesting, ideally several things, then find a bunch of real world pictures that relate (example real world chinese swords or some shit), make a big ass collage of all of it and then go from there.
Bonus if you can actually sketch or doodle in some way to put things together a little bit into your own concept, even if you're cutting and pasting other people's stuff on top of it and stretching/scaling it.
The better your initial concept, the better your results.

Anonymous No. 886604

Good job on finishing a project. I bet you spent a lot of time on it and went through a lot of difficulty and effort to produce that.
There's a lot wrong with it, and I'm not going to list all the many things (much of which you already covered) as that's really not relevant; what is relevant is that you pushed through.
All that difficulty, all that pain you felt, the frustration you're feeling now at it not looking how you wanted, all of that is what it feels like to grow.
You're getting better, and it's hard. You should focus more on tutorials and other learning material; simply put your fundamentals are lacking and the only way to improve them is to buckle down with the tutorials and go through them.
Eventually you'll hit a point where anything you want to make you can, and then the challenge becomes imagining in your mind something that others find interesting.

Keep at it. Save this render, and after six months or a year of additional studying, come back and see how far you've come and maybe do the project again.

He was trying to say "good job" but clearly doesn't know anything about 3DCG but if he were to admit to that it would invalidate his praise.



Anonymous No. 886607

frame 20something the fingers veer right on the downward- will throw out some keys. I ..need to play with the timing to give it more hit



Anonymous No. 886608

Anonymous No. 886609

its 3am, i am sick, 38C° inside my apartment and to make matters worse the air conditioner fucking broke

modelling time

Anonymous No. 886620

holy SOUL

Anonymous No. 886632

Yeah, you're right, spending time finding/making a better design concept will definitely be rewarding. On a side note, even if it's not super inspiring, do you think it's decent enough to get an internship at some small game studio?



Anonymous No. 886636

bros, help me... does the train frame more than some loopcuts and beveling?



Anonymous No. 886637


Anonymous No. 886642

Ah so it IS for left handed users, or rather placed in the left hand; disregard this then >>886390

Anonymous No. 886687

Thanks fren. I'll take that onboard.
Is there any particular tutorials you would suggest?
Whenever I follow a long step by step with a tutorial I never really feel like I'm doing anything or progressing, if that makes sense. A bit like tracing something compared to doing it freehand. I mean it looks much better than I could do on my own, but that's because it's someone else's work and I'm just taking credit for it.
Either way I'll see if I can find some tutorials that concentrate on fundamentals and go from there.
I appreciate your response anon. Thanks a lot.



Anonymous No. 886692

Looks that way anon, you might want to revisit the bevels and insets you have for the front so far as the silver/aluminum sections are pretty thin around the edges.



Anonymous No. 886693

no you got it wrong
go find more reference photos you lazy cunt
especially from the side



Anonymous No. 886698

I just realized where the disconnect in design theory was. The 80s where 40 years ago. Most here are not even that old and don't even remember the first hand held telephones. Typing one handed was not invented yet due to the bulky construction requiring 2 hands for most operations. Anyways, as with cosplay it is not supposed to be functional just to look cool. And a big red button is an improvement for that.

Also started to work a bit more on the Space suite side of things. Adding stitching in the least performance but quietest way. With simple edges, displacing every other vertex, subdiv, and skin modifier. Idk if this will even survive the materials phase where replace all the placeholders with actually materials and textures. But painting in stitching seems like a loot of work compared to this. Currently at 344k vertices and my computer can handle about 2 million before the lag becomes to aggravating, so i should be fine for some static renders. Rigging this mess will probably just be auto weights / transferred weights form my human basemesh and a quick pose.
Or does anyone have an even lazier method for stitching ?


ZBrush ScreenGrab01.jpg

Anonymous No. 886707

observe the planes



Anonymous No. 886710

need to fix eyes

Anonymous No. 886712

made for molesting japanese milfs

Anonymous No. 886713

thanks anons, i got pretty depressed when i couldn't even model a simple train. collect more than 3 reference pics is the moral of the story

Anonymous No. 886714

sexy work bro

Anonymous No. 886715

>no Trunks, I'm your dad



Anonymous No. 886761

BROS i need help why does this happen when i export the model in OBJ



Anonymous No. 886776

1 sample

Anonymous No. 886780

Looks like some normals are flipped.
recalculater oustside and delete custom normals

Anonymous No. 886786

Sample of what?



Anonymous No. 886787

one day

Anonymous No. 886788

Unlock your normals you faggot



Anonymous No. 886796

modeling using this post >>886589 as reference.
i thought shes cute and funny.

Anonymous No. 886801

turns out blender exports the materials by default and this model has non so thats what happened



Anonymous No. 886806

This is the first time im using blender and im trying to get used to the GUI first before watching any tuts,this was made sculpting from the basic sphere but every time i try to put on more ''clay blobs'' the polygons get uglier and uglier..
Kinda want to make the whole body...



Anonymous No. 886808

Delete this Dx


ZBrush Document.jpg

Anonymous No. 886816

needs internal lines and shadows



Anonymous No. 886837

Remesh or dyntopo. are basically your options.
Remesh will completely recalculate your mesh's topology with the voxel size you specify. You can use the eye dropper to sample a spot on your mesh to get that resolution, or you can put in your own resolution, or you can hit Shift-R to scale your resolution and eyeball it. Then you hit Ctrl-R to remesh. You will lose some fine details, so with a remesh workflow, it's best to sculpt your entire figure at a lower resolution, then iteratively increase the remesh resolution and sculpt more fine details as you go, so you don't end up having to redo details all the time. Remesh will not work if Dyntopo is enabled.
Dyntopo is a dynamic topology. It will automatically regenerate topology where you work (some brushes don't work with it, notably draw sharp and grab). You hit Ctrl-D to enable it first (might take some time as it triangulates everything), then you can choose your detail type. "Constant detail" chooses a global detail size that is the same for all of world space. "Relative detail" is relative to size on the screen, so zooming in will increase detail, and zooming out will decrease detail. "Brush detail" will set the detail relative to brush size, so you get more detail with a smaller brush. Either way, when you hit Shift-D, you can scale your detail by eye, or you can use the Dyntopo dropdown to manually enter it in (or use the eye-dropper with "Constant detail").


Anonymous No. 886838

I use both Remesh and Dyntopo. Some artists exclusively use one. They have trade-offs. Remesh is more predictable and easy to use, and is an easy approach to joining meshes. It also always gives you a very even topology to work with, but it doesn't handle adding or removing a lot of volume as well, as it forces you to remesh more when you do more of this. As said, it also destroys finer details.
Dyntopo is slower to work with as it's always calculating your local topology, and I often have to turn it off for performance reasons, then turn it back on to get my topology scaling. It's also annoying to have to use the "Simplify" brush (which has a retarded name, as it just means " Dyntopo can make your entire mesh faster to work with, though, as you can localize your higher resolution to some areas and keep the rest of the topology simpler. It also prevents you from having to destroy details in one area of the mesh to change detail in other areas. It is really good at adding and removing volume, so you can use things like the blob brush to really blob things out without losing resolution. The toporake setting can also use dyntopo to avoid harsh edges, but it can be really slow. Dyntopo can give some rough results if you keep it on all the time, so it's best used intermittently, using it to add rough detail and then turning it off to refine. Dyntopo provides no help at joining meshes, so you have to find another way of doing that, like bringing in retopo or fooling with boolean modifiers.

Experiment with them, read documentation, and use the best tool for the job and for your workflow:

Anonymous No. 886839

>It's also annoying to have to use the "Simplify" brush (which has a retarded name, as it just means " Dyntopo
I lost this bit in an edit and missed it.
"Simplify" basically just does dyntopo without doing any actual deformation to the mesh. It's a bad name because it can increase or decrease detail depending on your dyntopo settings, so it doesn't really "simplify" anything.

Anonymous No. 886869

jesus christ lmao



Anonymous No. 886873

more firefighter



Anonymous No. 886878

How do I get this thing to retopo from 2.2 mil without those wack ass micro holes in the flat parts.

Is there like a tolerance or threshold setting for how close verts are that get included in the plane?



Anonymous No. 886880

Generic as fuck but i'm trying to do something

Anonymous No. 886890

I like the designs both of you are doing, but their faces need improvement.

Your character looks like she is derping out. I think the pupils are too far apart, and the mouth is hard to see, which adds to the derpiness. You might not need to fix the mouth if you fix the eyes, but that's all up to you.

Your character's face has some serious anatomy issues. That doesn't mean you need to make the face more realistic, but the proportions and the shape of the face are unattractive, both from a realistic and stylized standpoint.
Whether you are going for a realistic or a stylized look, I would recommend you study some anatomy, not because I am a stickler to the rules, or because I think "You need to learn the rules in order to break them properly", but because learning anatomy will help you understand what makes someone attractive, and how to replicate that attractiveness.

Anonymous No. 886906

replace the odd rock with a skull or a crown, something more of interest because the current composition leads the eyes to the rock



Anonymous No. 886907

vrooom vroooommm, i kind of liked the more cartoony look of this train over the reference, also is it possible to get into the industry with ian hubert's way of texturing? anyone got any good texturing tutorials because my head cant really unwrap the ideas around it



Anonymous No. 886908

should i try procedural textures or just use image textures?


S L I G H T L Y.jpg

Anonymous No. 886915

Gold bars look out of place. probably need to darken them a bit or reduce specular idfk. i'd reduce the strength of the bump on the chest too. the closed one's left side (viewers right) looks weird.

honestly there's a lot of things that could be improved slightly, and i really want to emphasize the world SLIGHTLY, because it looks really good imo. I think with a bit more practice and studying you'll probably be getting into the photorealism territory idk.

Anonymous No. 886916

on second thought the only gold bar that looks out of place is the smooth one on top of the opened chest. the others look alright i think



Luis Leos No. 886926



Anonymous No. 886957

>, or because I think "You need to learn the rules in order to break them properly", but because learning anatomy will help you understand what makes someone attractive, and how to replicate that attractiveness.
That's exactly why "You need to learn the rules in order to break them properly". It's not being a rule stickler, it just means you need to understand the purposes behind common guidelines, because there are always underlying reasons.

There's a difference between "this rule is restrictive and technically unnecessary, so I'm not following it" and "this rule involves a lot of work that I really don't feel like putting in". When it comes to artists avoiding realism and anatomy studying, it's usually the latter excuse.
"If you want to make representations of humans that look good, either realistic or stylized, you need to internalize a good understanding of human anatomy" is a rule that no artist can really get around, and the Zarins books are some of the best resources to have at your side.

Anonymous No. 886958


Anonymous No. 886960

doesn't matter, as long as you cater to weebs, furries, pedos, and other assorted fringe internet pervs, they will pay your bills, your mortgage, your second mortgage and your car even if your entire schtick revolves around avoiding a lot of work you don't really feel like doing but still want to reap the rewards of. coomers will promptly put down anyone who dares point out the irony of lazy artists and lazy, uncanny anatomy in content that predominantly features naked bodies.
you spend 10 years and 20'000 hours to learn the in and outs of anatomy to maybe land a $24'000/yr pencil monkey job and get overworked until you an hero from being burnt out while some yahoo spends 1 evening in MS paint for the lulz and the next day rolls a brand new sports car off the dealership, while simultaneously getting complimented for their anatomy """"skills"""". welcome to clown world.

Anonymous No. 886962

>doesn't matter, as long as you cater to weebs, furries, pedos, and other assorted fringe internet pervs, they will pay your bills...
Yeah, honestly, I can't look down on that. If you find a way to efficiently make money and are happy with what you do, I won't criticize that.
I'm not an artist for a living. I'm a programmer. I'm an artist because it's fun, and because it's something that I can work on and continually improve at. It provides fulfillment for my free time.
Your blackpill shit isn't really relevant here, though. This is specifically a place to discuss and improve at 3DCG. This isn't business or career advice, and whether or not somebody hopes to make a career out of 3DCG or not isn't usually that relevant for most discussions here either.

The point is "do you want to get good? Then this is what you need to do". If you're arguing "You don't need to get good because you can make loadsamoney while sucking at anatomy", sure, but why waste your time hanging around people who legitimately want to improve their art and help each other improve if you don't actually have any interest in that? Just download some basemeshes and make porn and try to rake in money from Patreon and be done with it.



Anonymous No. 886977


Anonymous No. 886979

The problem I have with people viewing fundamentals as rules instead of tools is that it misses the point of why we study art fundamentals. Even though there were skilled pieces of art made before the Renaissance, it wasn’t until the Renaissance that proper art fundamentals started becoming the standard. When Renaissance artists developed the fundamentals, they weren’t doing it so they could impose rules on artists for no reason, but because they wanted to understand what made good art good, and how to create good art more reliably. For anatomy, they wanted to understand what the human body looks like, since that is what we find attractive, and that would help to make attractive art.

The issue with viewing fundamentals as rules instead of tools is that it makes people view them as constraints, even though they are quite the opposite, because they can enable an artist to create even greater art, in less time, with less effort, than if they were to try to make art without knowing anything. I also think the strict view people have on fundamentals is why we have pretentious, talentless artists who refuse to study fundamentals out of some reverse psychology defiance, and would much rather prefer to tape bananas to walls.

Anonymous No. 886983

That's fair enough, but I don't really view these rules as things imposed by people on artists, but more observations distilled by artists for use by other artists. More akin to the laws of physics or rules of nature than to any regulation. Nobody "invented" any of these rules, they discovered them. That doesn't make them any less "rules", and I don't think there's any reason a rule can't also be a tool.
Maybe the word just has too many meanings.

Anonymous No. 887010

Looks like a younger version of Skyler from Breaking Bad. Anyway keep up the good practice, WAGC (We're All Gonna Coom)



Anonymous No. 887014

Anyone here have any advice/examples on modeling anthro toony animal feet? Someone here posted a nice anthro hand they sculpted a while ago, and looking at that helped improve mine. I'm kind of lost on the feet though. Seems hard to make the toes individually animatable.



Anonymous No. 887016

I understand now that I don't know a thing about head anatomy.
Please help zbrush chads

Anonymous No. 887028

Would probably help if you posted your reference as well. IMO you've got too many random saggy half-forms stuck on it. If they don't look good with more defined creases they may not need to be sculpted on.



Anonymous No. 887030

will take a while to make the hair ngmi lols



Anonymous No. 887068

to look toony it has to have straight lines and clean curves
simpler geometry helps to achieve the result



Anonymous No. 887070

>Be me
>Pro athlete
>Wake up at 4am every morning for 3 hour sprint and 1 ton deadlifts
>Multiple awards to my name, very well celebrated
>Have a 10/10 qt3.14 wife and 2 daughters
>One is stunning and talented
>Other is a 3/10 NEET who thinks shes a hacker or smt
>One day the fugly tard comes into my room
>"Can I show you something daddy?"
>Leaps onto my laptop and opens this thing called 4chan
>Starts furiously typing
>Slams enter, giggles and leaves my room
>Look down at my computer
>Instantly grow neckbeard at the sight of this image
>Lose washboard abs and sunglasses appear on my head
>Fedora flips onto my now-receding hairline
>Wife turns into a bodypillow of Hatsune Miku
>Good daughter grows up to be Belle Delphine
>Simultaneously turned on and disappointed
>Massive boner shrinks into a one-inch wonder
>Medals turn into cold pizza and Code Red mtn dew
>This is why we hate furries
>Pic related

Anonymous No. 887075

In substance painter you can. Honestly i'd just fill the holes if their that much of an issue or you could just paint them out of the bake.

Anonymous No. 887077

shit looks tight the way it is hombre

Anonymous No. 887096

Nah, not that toony. I just mean the "animal toes on plantigrade foot" anatomy that only exists in cartoons. (Also I don't think I meant the hand you posted, I meant one someone sculpted from a few months ago, sorry.)

Anonymous No. 887109


Anonymous No. 887113

Does he have a black hole in his taint sucking in his pants?

Srsly tho, pretty good mate.



Anonymous No. 887138

honestly don't know how much time and energy I want to spend on this. Made everything in Nomad sculpt.



Anonymous No. 887169

wip head for a goblin



Anonymous No. 887178

Testing out some rendering and test light set ups in Marmoset before starting to texture and make the unreal forest scene

Anonymous No. 887183

looks like shoenice



Anonymous No. 887197

i really love this style and it its kinda fun to notice the texturing (left side balconies have the ac texture on em

Anonymous No. 887203




Anonymous No. 887204

Hand from scratch takes me longer than I thought, but I'm new to zbrush. 3 hours. Have to go over the fingers again, finger shape drives me crazy...

Anonymous No. 887206

Looks good. The bulge over his eyes shouldn't reach all the way down to his eyelids though.

Anonymous No. 887207

And the ears shouldn't stick so closely to the head...

Anonymous No. 887213

Cool snek man


Zrzut ekranu z 20....png

Anonymous No. 887217

What do you think about this head?



Anonymous No. 887225

Looks like an one eyed alien with learning disabilities

Anonymous No. 887227

she looks like she has 25% of the intelligence of the average joe

Anonymous No. 887255

Anyone knows any good fish anatomy resources? Mostly concerned about the fins and head.

How would you make the scales of a fish in zbrush?


Zrzut ekranu z 20....png

Anonymous No. 887270

I'm not sure if I cured the stupid completely

Anonymous No. 887272

downsize that skull bro


Zrzut ekranu z 20....png

Anonymous No. 887280


Anonymous No. 887283

much better, try slapping some placeholder hair on it to gauge how it looks

Anonymous No. 887285

>What do you think about this head?
I think it'll be a fine addition to the head golem in the next OP.



Anonymous No. 887287

Anonymous No. 887307

Is there a good place to post pornographic 3D WIPs?

Anonymous No. 887308




Anonymous No. 887315

look at those totally subtle sexy scratches haha so sexy and realistic

Anonymous No. 887317

The discord allows for NSFW posting as well, provided the entire server doesn't devolve into people just posting their favorite porn all day.

Nice work anon. Not many people have the chops to pull off car models, let alone the design aspect as well (I'm assuming it's a self-designed car and not one that I'm just not aware of).

Looks like the neighborhood kids were throwing rocks at it, scale that shit down by like 10, tighten up the scratches, and lower the frequency a bit. Use that scratch mask to alter the roughness of your metal as well.
Your normals on the door are facing the wrong direction btw.

Anonymous No. 887318

>Your normals on the door are facing the wrong direction btw.
is there any quick fixes?


show normals.jpg

Anonymous No. 887320

Select the faces that are fucked in edit mode, CTRL+N.
If you want to be doubly sure to get everything, select all the faces and do the same thing.

AND if you get unsure in the future about which way a normal is facing, press pic related when in edit mode to see the normal direction.



Anonymous No. 887322




Anonymous No. 887329

CHOOO CHOOO!!!! all abroad the space train bros, next stop gmi station, no crabs and no ngmi losers

Anonymous No. 887341

fuck discord though.

Anonymous No. 887347

I don't see anything appropriate for WIPs. Maybe if I was dropping finished renders. I just want to drop my shitty in-progress 3D porn and get anatomy pointers and critique.
I was looking around /ic/, but it seems entirely 2D-oriented, so even if 3D was welcome there, I'd rather get pointers from people with 3D chops, and I don't want to flood threads with 3D content if the board in general won't appreciate it.

I don't like Discord at all, and I'm legitimately annoyed about all my favorite FOSS projects hosting discussion that would be much better suited for forums in a IM black box that isn't easily searchable, isn't indexed by search engines, is proprietary, has a really non-committal stance to selling your data (harvesting an absolutely retarded amount of data from your machine, too), for no real gain. It just makes an annoying cult of personality around the most active users and leads to everybody asking the same questions over and over again.
Discord is a fine thing for ephemeral chat in a chat room context, but it's a poor replacement for forums.
I'd much rather just have a NSFW 3D WIP thread on some NSFW board friendly to it. Maybe a dedicated thread on /ic/ wouldn't be too bothersome.

Anonymous No. 887352

>dedicated ic thread
way to make the retards there go on a meltdown. they can't even stand with their own threads without turning them into soap operas

Anonymous No. 887356

I guess as long as you don't make your own thread, you'll be fine. People there won't know 3d, but they do know about anatomy, composition, color theory, etc., so they can still help you. I have gone there to ask for tips on anatomy before, and no one had an issue with it being 3d, but that may be because I specified my purpose in being there. There's even a guy who keeps posting lego models he made in the redraw thread.

Anonymous No. 887359

Yeah, I figured as such. I thought maybe I could avoid too much shit posting in the /salt/ thread, but I really don't want to shit up some other board's culture.
Thanks for the pointers. I'll post there, be clear about what I am looking for, remain humble, and I'll fuck off if people think I should. I'm amateur as hell as it is, and I can use any advice that I can get. Anatomy books and references are only taking me so far when my posing and composition get more complex.

Anonymous No. 887369

>I don't like Discord at all
just use the web version, iirc discord also lets you chat without an actual account

Anonymous No. 887378

That addresses almost none of the complaints.

Anonymous No. 887379


Anonymous No. 887382

>waah i dont like discord
>waah blue board
censor your render and post a pic and go do your arguing on /g/ or whatever

Anonymous No. 887385

>I don't like Discord at all
Fair enough, I'm not a big fan of it either. It was just a suggestion, nothing more.
The /3/ discord was kind of an experiment, and provided an excuse to post NSFW things while also keeping the same kind of discussion found on the board. And for what it's worth, this
>It just makes an annoying cult of personality around the most active users and leads to everybody asking the same questions over and over again.
Is something that I've been actively trying to avoid with it as well. For the most part it's been pretty successful. There's regulars on there, but no one is jerking anyone off, and things are pretty laid back.
All that being said however, I respect your position, so no worries.

This is also a decent suggestion >>887382
As long as it's not too explicit, you should be able to get away with censoring it and posting it here if you really want. Plenty of other anons post nude models and such without much issue.
Or there's always the loophole of posting an Imgur/Catbox link as well. Mods don't come here frequently, and I doubt there's really much to be done about posting a link.

Anonymous No. 887399

Censorship works for some anatomy, but not all (I'm finding vagina sculpting difficult, even at the blocking out phase). Catbox could work.

Anonymous No. 887421

Wrong. It's Select All > Shift + N



Anonymous No. 887482

Trying to sculpt a 3D rendition of this Bonbon art. Finding it kind of difficult to balance the stylization with the urge to put in more realistic details and anatomy. When I start adding muscle detail, it starts looking really fucky, even when I look into rabbit anatomy (making the legs shaped like those of an actual rabbit looked pretty weird). The pelvis is also really hard to fit with the really wide-set femurs, too. I may have joined the upper legs a little too early. I might backtrack that, since I'm keeping my progress saved in git.
The breasts on the original are also pretty spherical, with less hang, but that is possibly due to the tight shirt, so I'll probably tweak those to be squished water balloons more like the original as I start adding clothes.
I had the hand wedges at one point but really didn't like the look in 3D. I'll probably try it out with little four-finger hands and see how I feel about that leave it rounded if it looks off. The feet will probably end up staying rounded on the ends.



Anonymous No. 887486

Making my first non-tutorial project, a skull.
I cant stop laughing at how silly the teeth look right now and I'm not making progress.



Anonymous No. 887500

A bit more work on Bonbon. Reverted to an older version to fix the pelvis, which was a little too small before. Squished the breasts in preparation for the shirt, and added some shorts (which was tricky. I modeled them loosely first from a circle using a subsurf modifier, then duplicated it, used the duplicate as a SurfaceDeform mesh, and mostly manually manipulated the deform mesh into place. I applied the deform mesh's subsurf, and then sculpted it the rest of the way until it looked good enough).

The form looks really close to the reference now that I look, though I didn't trace it. I've been resisting tracing, because it feels like a crutch that interferes with understanding of form, and I'm trying really hard to cultivate an eye for shape, form, and volume rather than just trying to replicate silhouette from a reference.

Anonymous No. 887502

Get all the teeth there, and it'll look more normal, then shape them all to look like the proper teeth. The teeth mostly look goofy right now because you don't have enough of them, and they're all the size and shape of incisors.
That looks like a good skull, though. The volumes and shapes are not bad at all.

Anonymous No. 887505

Ya you rite. My muscle memory knows it, but I guess my brain doesn't. Good catch.

Anonymous No. 887509

keep it up I am also working on a skelli



Anonymous No. 887510

also working on a skeleton



Anonymous No. 887513

Just messing around today.

Anonymous No. 887515

That skull looks stoned.



Anonymous No. 887518

HELP, this site threatens our economy. You need to put it, just click on the link below, or go to this program and connect, if you know how to use it. Please click or start the attack every hour at HH: 05, HH: 25, HH: 45, HH: 05 https://mail.ru/



Anonymous No. 887521

Had to retopologize the head and body for a smoother rig and molding:


high poly render.png

Anonymous No. 887522

Thanks, I learned a lot about skulls and teeth today.

Skeletons are cool



Anonymous No. 887537

Not my M4, trying again to wrap my head around a good transparent shell material for realtime

also never ticking auto smooth my ninjas



Anonymous No. 887559

Gave her some paw-like cartoon hands, as an attempted balance between the hand wedges in the original ( >>887500 ) and realistic hands. I tried little thin-fingered four-finger hands, but I couldn't get it right. More puffy-style paws without true fingers looked off too, but I might try that again if this doesn't look the way I want after I add the top. I still feel like it could look better, but I'm done fiddling with it at the moment.



Anonymous No. 887560




Anonymous No. 887561

Looks quite a lot like a painted whittled figurine. With some more whittling details and wood grain effects, it could really pass for a wood carving.



Anonymous No. 887564

here she is textured and etc im still learning how to do muscles
thank u


ZBrush ScreenGrab01.jpg

Anonymous No. 887579

thanks for sharing this gem

Anonymous No. 887582

its literally not that bad just turn on weighted normals



Anonymous No. 887587

A filthy disgusting whore slut I'm working on

Anonymous No. 887589

Yeah, its filthy and disgusting, but for entirely different reasons.



Anonymous No. 887593

u mad at these skillz son
get shit on



Anonymous No. 887595


Anonymous No. 887597

>kinda burned out at the moment, feel like dumping some of my stuff
>rangebanned from making threads
Well, fuck you too.
I don't want to flood this thread with my shit.

Anonymous No. 887599

That's basically the point of this thread anyway. Threads should be devoted each to a specific subject for discussion or other public contribution, not "dumping some of my stuff". Sounds like you got banned from making threads because you were spamming and making many threads that were just about you, instead of proper discussion.
If you're bumping threads off the board, it shouldn't be for your "look at my WIP" and "how do I animate" spam. I don't know if that was you, but the fact that you thought it made sense to "dump some of your stuff" as their own threads instead of in the WIP thread shows that you have things backwards. If you wanted to dump your finished art that you haven't previously posted WIPs for, this board isn't the place for it in general.

Anonymous No. 887602

its nerf or nothing

Anonymous No. 887604

The last time I made a thread was, uhhh, an attempt at a general NPR thread like 2 years ago IIRC. The one with the zombie girl from a CGWORLD cover.
My whole region is rangebanned from making threads, it seems like.
I posted a few WIPs relatively recently, but not for most of the stuff I wanted to post this time.
Which 4chan board finished original 3D artwork is ought to be posted on for critique and/or just for the sake of sharing then, Mr. Emperor of /3/?

Anonymous No. 887606

>If you wanted to dump your finished art that you haven't previously posted WIPs for, this board isn't the place for it in general

Just out of interest, is there a FW general?

Anonymous No. 887609

no work is ever finished

Anonymous No. 887610

yeah, it's called artstation

Anonymous No. 887611

I misread your second line as ">ragebanned from making threads" and mistook you for one of the spamming assholes who makes tons of threads for trivial self-focused bullshit and spams the board. My bad.

>Which 4chan board finished original 3D artwork is ought to be posted on for critique and/or just for the sake of sharing then, Mr. Emperor of /3/?
On second thought, this board would be fine for it in a dedicated thread for finished works, or a thread for a specific theme or topic, just as long as the whole board doesn't devolve into discussionless art dumps, and people don't take the threads as an excuse to just dump their entire existing portfolio.
I'm not claiming to speak for all of /3/ or anything, and I'm not an oldfag here by any means, I just see the existing board culture as primarily valuing discussion and learning over anything else, rather than just showing off something you've done for the sake of showing off or sharing interesting 3D art that you either made long ago or that somebody else made. Anybody else is free to disagree with me, as the board is only what the majority of the denizens decide it is.

No. You could make one. It could be a good slower-paced counterpart to the WIP thread, and could be a good showcase of the capabilities of the artists here.



Anonymous No. 887613

Nearly finished,
Needed cleanup and rigging



Anonymous No. 887620

I fucked up the unwrapping process so the texture painting got all fucked up. But there was a bunch of shit I fucked up at the beginning crucial steps so it was a dead model from the get-go.
At least I learned somethings along the way which was the most important part. I hate throwing away models and ideally I want to finish them until the end but I think it'll be better if I go back to the study table.

Anonymous No. 887621

What's the problem here, looks good to me



Anonymous No. 887623

The main problem came from texture painting because my UV layouts were really, really shitty. I thought texture painting was some magic tool that would magically cancel out the bad foundations of the model.

I should of kept them as 'tubes' instead of merging them into one triangle. There wouldn't be much of a difference anyway.

Anonymous No. 887625

If you want to post recently finished stuff, that's fine.
Hence the
>recently finished projects
section of the OP.

I'd say posting a few things you're looking for crits on is fine as well.
If you're just posting to show off or get your e-peen sucked, there's better suited places to do that than this thread.

As for the issue of not being able to make a thread yourself. Alternative idea is to throw together a webm slideshow and post that here, or if you want, post an imgur album, or just post your artstation/social media if you're brave enough. Using a VPN to make a thread could also work.

Anonymous No. 887654

I don't think the arms fit with the rest of the model but if this is for a game maybe it'll be too low res to tell.



Anonymous No. 887659

Anonymous No. 887661

i love that idea, ill try some things out to try to get it looking similar.

Anonymous No. 887662

this is quality stuff, looks like an artstation piece
now make saci pererê



Anonymous No. 887663

lols shes cute and funny

Anonymous No. 887668

play around with the windshield material some more the body has a soft additive blend between the tri colors but the windshield doesnt so it looks a little off
perhaps paint your own studio reflection map and pipe that into the toon shader
do you also have a falloff map applied because its a bit strong makes the car almost blend in with the background or are you just using fresnel reflection that stuff should not be used for metals other than that good work on the model tires could use some support loops for sharper edges



Anonymous No. 887670

I somehow fucking forgot to save, and lost hours of work. Not just the hands in their entirety, but also a lot of other minor tweaks in preparation for adding the top.
I'm fucking stupid. I just had to do the hands again from the start. I'll do the top tomorrow. Damn it.


Thompson wip3.png

Anonymous No. 887674

New to modeling but this is my first real attempt without tutorials. Trying to model a ww2 Thompson and this what i got so far. Gonna try to go for a "low poly" style with it.

Anonymous No. 887676

1000% this. it's not completely necessary, but it helps a lot with being able to eye proportions, and get into your head what looks right and doesn't. figure and gesture drawing itself is still just as much of an art form itself though, so just know that for it to actually yield useful results, you'll have to spend some time working on that skill. i'm a physical/digital 2d artist and i can definitely say even just sketching out/full rendering my vision for a 3d render in 2d to get a rough idea in my head for composition is so much more helpful than any other method i've tried in my years. good luck on your stuff, >>885717

Anonymous No. 887677

looks wicked


ZBrush Document.jpg

Anonymous No. 887679

t-pose. lets go to 3ds Max to rig the bunny.

Anonymous No. 887687

Cute! You're working through this much faster than I am. I'm happy somebody else is doing it too, so I have a more talented artist to cross-reference against.



Anonymous No. 887688

there is no such thing as a "low poly" style.
Its what Hipsters call their low effort no style shit.
If you want to grow as an artist and modeller, I would suggest you stay away from the 3D equivalent of a doodle with crayons and rather try to get as close as possible to the actual shape of an object.
Pic related - a low poly Thompson I did 10 years ago, when I was a noob.


Thompson wip5.png

Anonymous No. 887689

Yeah honestly after i posted that I realized saying low poly was a mistake. It's not nearly as good as what you posted but it's coming along

Anonymous No. 887705

Thanks. I probably looked stoned off my ass with the amount of time I spent just sitting at my desk staring at my hands.

Anonymous No. 887711

lets gooooo...<3

Anonymous No. 887714

I don’t know exactly how new you are to 3d modeling, but low poly can be a decent style if you’re really new and just trying to learn the basics of the program you’re using, like grabbing, extruding, beveling, etc., but if you actually want to learn how to model, it would be best to make something with a lot of detail. Low poly can be done well by an experienced artist that understands construction and deconstruction, but that usually isn’t done because there’s just so much more that a talented artist is capable of. I remember when I first got into 3d, I also wanted to do low poly, but after you start really getting into things, you realize how much potential you have to do other things.

Anonymous No. 887719

You know you can just re uv the model and reproject the texture. Don't know what software you use but I'm sure it's possible.

Anonymous No. 887724


Anonymous No. 887749

Keep going guys, you can do it. I just stumbled upon an artist working at Naughty Dog whose works are of much lower quality than what you're posting here. I have no clue how that is possible and it is a quite recent work as well, so yeah.

Anonymous No. 887753

Whenever you encounter cases like that count on nepotism to be the culprit.

Anonymous No. 887754

Post a piece? Just don't dump twenty of them. It might be a junior artist that's accomplished in another medium (like clay) but has only just started working in 3D (and is female, and a friend of another employee).

Anonymous No. 887758

Not him but: TL;DR go find a long form (multi-part 40 hour variety) tutorial to go do.

Your fundamentals are clearly lacking and that means you're going to have tons and tons of gaps in knowledge such that you will need to google every little thing AND there will be things you don't even know you need to google because you haven't encountered them yet.
It's understandable that you want to apply what you've already learned, and you've likely already spent a lot of hours on tutorials and you're feeling like you don't have much to show for it. But you do, it's just that your normie friends and non-artist randoms cannot comprehend how much time and effort goes in to even just learning how to set up the program before you even begin to use it.

Go as far as you care to with your exercise here (you are effectively practicing "blocking out" a model), then when you get stuck save it and set it aside.
Then go find a very long tutorial, there are many on weapons or other metal mechanical ("hard surface") things that either aren't going to be animated ("static mesh") or can be broken into parts that can easily be animated via some automated process ("procedurally")



Anonymous No. 887759

Today I modeled this character.



Anonymous No. 887770

Shirt done. God, clothes suck.

Anonymous No. 887772


Anonymous No. 887780

It's a very pretty female, might mean something. Don't want to doxx here, but VFX area, most basic effects in Unity and Unreal imaginable, and presentation is weaker than an average WIP post. All published recently while she was already working in another equally big studio. Honestly I feel bad even writing this, not cool to shit on people, just want to say standards are not that high I guess, so you all can make it.

Or maybe it really is just connections, in that case, good luck bros.

Anonymous No. 887784

you truly are a box modeling master. are you the dude who made that cat lady?

Anonymous No. 887785

I never wanted to "make it" anyway. I have a career as a programmer and I never want to leave it. I just want to make good looking things on my free time.

Anonymous No. 887790

cute character but aliasing badly



Anonymous No. 887793

My "finished" Bonbon. All in all, I'm relatively happy with it. Lessons I learned:

* Always save and keep backups.
* Just sculpting in-pose to avoid the T-pose phase doesn't really save much effort, because then your now all your symmetric details have to be applied asymmetrically. Even if you have linked meshes with Alt-D, joining with the boolean modifier isn't the nicest or easiest and you have to asymmetrically smooth everything.
* Avoiding remeshing for the same reason turns UV seam marking and unwrapping into a mess.
* You can not screw with dyntopo or remesh after your UVs are unwrapped unless you want to do it all over again. This is obvious, but I didn't think it through, and the mouth area is way too low-resolution and has ugly artifacts.
* If you think "I'm going to try this subsurf, it might crash Blender, but I can just save first", make sure you've also saved all your texture images, either packed or unpacked. Retexturing everything from scratch isn't fun.
* Be confident. Stop making everything so small to start with. Make it larger than you initially feel like you should.

I say "finished" because I could do a lot more with it, like going back, cutting the whole thing in half, T-posing it, retopoing, rigging, and retexturing properly. I might come back to it at some point, but I'm ready for something else at the moment.

Anonymous No. 887794

Very nice, got any recommendations for good tutorials that teach you to model this sort of ting?



Anonymous No. 887798

i've not done anything complex yet to be considered a master. i've just started doing something decent recently thanks to Zbrush's bevel algorithm together with zmodeler, polygroups and polish by feature.

i like the mspaint look i think it combines with the colors and helps to look less 3d.

Anonymous No. 887808

Thanks anon,
Cuca and Saci are on my list of future projects.



Anonymous No. 887809

Think i'm done with him for now.
Time to work on setting up a burnt forest scene to put him in,


how to overlap uv....png

Anonymous No. 887813

I got two UV islands with identical polycount and similar layout. How do I make their vertices perfectly overlap without doing it manually? I'm aware this will cause some stretching but I don't mind because one of these islands won't be visible in the final model anyway (it'll be the underside of the hair mesh)

Anonymous No. 887827

nvm not gonna overlap those uvs after all

Anonymous No. 887828

That's pretty cool

Anonymous No. 887854


Anonymous No. 887855

I'd fuck it.


Screenshot 2022-0....png

Anonymous No. 887860

Rate my foot topology lmao

Anonymous No. 887866

I think it would be a good idea to put your textures on an emission shader since the lighting clashes with the cartoon style and makes it look strange. Giving her an outline may help with the look too. You could also look into toon/cel shading, but I don't know much about that.

For the actual details on the character, the eyelashes are hard to see, which kinda makes her look like a dude with tits, The character could also maybe stand to be smoother, regarding the musculature, but that's just a personal gripe.

Anonymous No. 887872

Thanks. I noticed a lot of those things, considered the shading stuff, and a handful of other things (The belly button disappeared in a remesh and I never put it back, the nose doesn't look right, the pupil actually extends beyond the eye because it's a stretched sphere, there's some dyntopo artifacts in the legs, breasts, and around the mouth, the hands still look like shit, the mouth looks totally like shit, the hair looks like shit, I forgot to turn smooth shading on for the ears).
On the musculature angle, I struggled a lot with the stylization. I've been working on a lot of anatomy, so I kept wanting to define the musculature more, but the stylization is very smooth, and more realistically-defined muscles really clashes with the style. Smoothing it out more also looked weird.
But by the time I was setting up the render, I was just sick of working on this thing (especially because I crashed blender and had to retexture everything again and was grumpy about that). I'm happy with where I decided to call it quits. This was only supposed to be a fun quick sculpt job, and I wasn't originally even planning on getting it that far. It was more educational than I expected (I'm still VERY amateur).

Anonymous No. 887890

i've seen worse


geo metro wip.png

Anonymous No. 887892

im building a geo metro

Anonymous No. 887901

of the bottom of the foot wont show up for most scenes you can remove 90% of those edges


sculpt horns.png

Anonymous No. 887906

Whats the best way to sculpt horns on a head? I tried by adding a sphere and giving it a mirror modifier, but it disappears when I turn on dyntopo. Is just dealing without dyntopo worth seeing both sides while sculpting?

Anonymous No. 887908

apply the mirror modifier and then go to sculpt, retard

Anonymous No. 887913

alright, applied the modifier and then the transform and it works perfectly. thanks



Anonymous No. 887966

First time trying to sculpt. Making a chess set to work on my modeling and sculpting skills. Need some feedback for this Knight. I feel like something is wrong with this horse but cant put my finger on what exactly is wrong.

Anonymous No. 887977

Very cool!

Anonymous No. 887981

Knights are carved, they have sharper lines.
Try creasing a bit more.



Anonymous No. 888008

Deeper lines, sharper creases, thinner middle muzzle, the whole thing should be made a whole lot more angular with much more defined forms.
You should probably model the base shape from simpler shapes, then join the shapes for further sculpting. Pulling everything out from a sphere can be faster and easier to start with, but takes longer to get your forms properly defined.

Take a constructive approach. Make the base form with lots of simpler shapes as separate objects, apply modifiers on those objects if you want to sculpt them, keeping them separate, working with them until your whole form looks pretty good, then join and do further work.
Personally, I'd probably have my objects separated into upper skull, muzzle, neck, ears, mane, and base. I'd shape those all until they look roughly like the shape I want, keeping resolution low (maybe doing a remesh when necessary to increase or decrease density, but keeping dyntopo off). Then I'd join the muzzle to the upper skull and reshape, then the neck, mane, ears, and then base.
Joining shapes can be a pain. Your main options are remesh or boolean modifier (add boolean modifier with union, targeting the shape, apply, then delete the other object), depending on your workflow. For something like this, I'd probably do mostly a remesh workflow.

Importantly, keep things as different shapes until the whole thing looks quite a lot like a low resolution form of what you want. It shouldn't look soft and blobby. It should have strong, well-defined shapes and volumes, and just be lacking details. It should look something like pic related before you join any shapes. Whether you model the base shapes or sculpt them is a matter of taste. I find that modeling the base shapes rather than sculpting them is much more natural and really helps achieve stronger form where you can get away with it. I usually model until I can't, then I sculpt the ones that need more subtle flow.



Anonymous No. 888058

Thx for the feedback. Used the crease tool a lot and that made it look way better.
I started with the basic shape with like 30 vertices total and just subdivided 2-3 times after that. Will definitely try to make the shape less soft and blobby still. Especially the snout, mouth and back head.

Anonymous No. 888060

I think you may have emphasized the neck muscles a bit too much. It has something kinda penisy about it.



Anonymous No. 888066




Anonymous No. 888074

>the basic shape
That's the thing, though. There isn't "the basic shape" here. Basic shapes are things like spheres, cubes, capsules, cylinders, cones, and the like. "horse head" is not a basic shape, and you should be thinking about how you would construct it from other shapes. Also, study real horse head anatomy for this one, instead of just chess pieces. I suspect that your muzzle is too wide in many places, and the cheek muscles don't attach the way they should.
Define your forms clearly and you'll have a much better result. Block it out really roughly, adjust as you need, and increase the level of detail as you go down. Sculpt and model with purpose and direction, not just mashing things that look wrong until they look good enough.

Check out this quick example. Generally, start with as simple forms as possible, and increase resolution and detail gradually as you go. Keep your resolution as low as you can handle working with for the pass that you're on, and gradually increase as you go. Add landmark details that you need, and refine it as you go.
Keeping your resolution low early on helps you define forms more regularly and easily, lets you adjust and do early major reshaping that is harder when resolution increases, and avoids the blobby softness and ill-defined forms that yours has. Yours has a "melting butter" effect typical of beginners who are using way higher resolution than they should, and trying to mash out their entire mesh from a single starting object.

Not that these are hard-and-fast rules. Experienced modelers can sculpt great things from a single high-resolution starting mesh (usually still with dyntopo and remeshing), but it takes a really practiced eye and hand to do so. They still consider construction and volume very deliberately, even if they do some of those steps implicitly. Just like with drawing, for a beginner, these construction steps are essential to training these senses of volume and shape.

Anonymous No. 888076

Saved, thanks. Will try to finish this one and then try your approach and compare afterwards.

Anonymous No. 888114


Anonymous No. 890071

I don't know if you still haven't figured this out, but if you want to denoise you have to go to the "compositing" tab and click on the "use nodes", then put a denoising node between the render and output.

Enable denoising data in the layers tab for better denoising.