🧵 /wip/ - Works in Progress
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Mar 2022 03:01:20 UTC No. 888112
/wip/ - Works in Progress
- AI Takeover -
>Do androids dream of AI-Generated wips?
Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.
Previous thread: >>885313
List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB
Check out the /3/ Discord: https://discord.gg/ujt5vtr4DE
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Mar 2022 03:02:02 UTC No. 888113
Hey dudes, wip OP here.
I figured it was time to start a new wip series for a little bit. I know a lot of people were into the collages, and to be honest I am too. It's just gotten to be a bit too much for me right now, and I've started seeing it like work instead of something fun to do for the board. It takes around 3-4 hours of repetitive work to get them all put together. Mainly boiling down to separating backgrounds (which isn't very engaging). I figured instead of trying (and failing) to reign in the scope of the collages, I should just take a break from them for a bit and come back to them later with a bit of a fresh mindset. So sorry about that, guys.
And so, I present the next series of wips. Figured it'd be fun to let some AI take a crack at the images (with a bit of light editing by me at the end). First round here is just a run of the mill GAUGAN "re-interpretation" (some of the nicer rejects are in pic related), but I'll be trying a bit of other things as well, like style transfer, and maybe some outputs based only on text. Who knows. I'm open to ideas as well.
Again, sorry about the change of pace with the wips. The collages aren't gone for good though, and I'll be coming back to them a little later.
Now let's get this show on the road!
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Mar 2022 03:32:25 UTC No. 888119
Its no problem, thank you for putting them together for these months- the work goes on
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Mar 2022 03:59:37 UTC No. 888120
>It takes around 3-4 hours of repetitive work to get them all put together. Mainly boiling down to separating backgrounds (which isn't very engaging). I figured instead of trying (and failing) to reign in the scope of the collages, I should just take a break from them for a bit and come back to them later with a bit of a fresh mindset. So sorry about that, guys.
Wouldn't it make more sense to just say "If you want your WIP to be eligible to appear in an OP collage, post one with a transparent background and start the filename with 'collage'"? Then your job is way easier (or somebody else can do it), and most people posting WIPs could easily make a quick transparent render for the collage. Either that, or a separate place to submit transparent WIPs for collages.
Also, thanks for doing it in the first place. I didn't even notice until now that you worked my own shitty Kumatora from last year into it. That makes me feel all warm inside.
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Mar 2022 04:17:12 UTC No. 888122
>That makes me feel all warm inside.
No problemo, that's what it was all about. Even if something is a project that never gets finished, it still gets its time in the sun. Someone put time and effort into it, so it's nice to give it some recognition.
>Wouldn't it make more sense to just say "If you want your WIP to be eligible to appear in an OP collage
Oh yeah, it would make my job easier, I just didn't want to compromise people's posting of wip images and make them render out something specifically "for me" to go into the OP. That's not really what the thread is about, ya know?
I don't really know the best way to explain it.
Like if I just make do with whatever format people are comfortable posting, it's all good. The thread is focused on posting wips, and the collage is just a nice bonus for everyone. But if I say "you won't get in the OP unless you post a transparent PNG" then it's about me, and the focus of people posting in the thread is about posting pictures to go into the OP, instead of just posting their work for discussion and critique.
Like I said, I don't really know the best way to convey what I mean. Just that putting a requirement to go into the OP might cultivate a certain mindset and change the dynamic of the thread. Which I want(ed) to avoid.
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Mar 2022 04:37:16 UTC No. 888123
I tried bros.
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Mar 2022 06:44:26 UTC No. 888129
just fuckin around before bed. I like taking random pictures of little artifacts and things that come up on tumblr and trying to turn them into models. im still super amateur, so any advice / things to work on to help me get better?
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Mar 2022 12:12:52 UTC No. 888147
I love middle east architecture.
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Mar 2022 12:12:58 UTC No. 888148
to be honest im fine with some variation like this. the collage thing was fun but it got a bit boring over the time, maybe you should post a link with all the previous collage pictures on the next threads.
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Mar 2022 14:15:52 UTC No. 888162
Does anyone here know if that model of the shitty dwarf is still floating around anywhere or what search terms I can use to find it? I tried the archives but none seem to have search on for /3/ and searching dorf on google obviously doesn't return anything useful. Last time I browsed this board was around 2011, it's good to see the WIP OP hasn't changed.
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Mar 2022 14:38:06 UTC No. 888166
This one? I think it's mostly a russian meme than a /3/ one. Here's the original source, I think:
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Mar 2022 16:05:50 UTC No. 888171
Bing bing, my husband Mario! Good job!
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Mar 2022 16:18:43 UTC No. 888173
I do as well.
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Mar 2022 17:16:11 UTC No. 888186
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Mar 2022 19:33:06 UTC No. 888198
how do i into modular buildings?
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Mar 2022 19:51:03 UTC No. 888203
Model a building you think looks cool, then break it down into constituent parts.
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Mar 2022 20:26:07 UTC No. 888209
Hey don't sweat it man that shit was tight but we don't pretend it out of you: it's fun for us only if it's also fun for you. I know this post sounds really gay but I really liked the collages, even if you won't do them again I'm still glad you made them. Godspeed you magnificent bastard
>If you want your WIP to be eligible to appear in an OP collage, post one with a transparent background and start the filename with 'collage
Great idea
You know CollageAnon just take a break for a bit, and next time you'll feel like making collages again we'll enforce some new rules like the other anon suggested. Your concerns are fair but it also ain't fair for you to do ALL the work, and it'll also ensure you won't burn yourself out
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Mar 2022 20:51:24 UTC No. 888212
looks cool
Modelling takes a lot of time. You seem to know how to use your software, at least the hard modelling tools, so put some time aside if you can and go for something a little bigger.
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Mar 2022 21:14:12 UTC No. 888213
My first sculpt using this blockout method everybody has been talking about.
It kinda looks like shit but this is my first dive into sculpting tools and using a drawing pad, so I'm happy with it.
Gonna call it wip because I might remesh and rig it up later for animation practice.
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Mar 2022 21:16:39 UTC No. 888214
can you share the original image you used?
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Mar 2022 21:32:16 UTC No. 888217
rendered it out with more forward-facing eyes
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Mar 2022 22:47:53 UTC No. 888233
sure thing
>so put some time aside if you can and go for something a little bigger.
definitely. I'm gonna be putting in a ton of practice hours this year
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Mar 2022 23:12:37 UTC No. 888244
Don't just block out by location in general, but by major shapes and landmarks.
For most of the body, you can block out by muscles, fat, and skeleton. Facial landmarks are more difficult.
Anatomy of the Head and Neck by Zarins has some good blocking out progressions, but that's geared more toward physical sculptors.
Remember, the goal of blocking out isn't just to keep things as separate objects. That's actually not even a necessary part of a blockout (and wouldn't be a part at all for physical sculpting), it's just a very useful tool to that end. Blocking out is about defining your major forms and shapes first so that you can refine on a good base. When your major shapes are defined well, you can put good details on top. If you are putting a ton of good details and then find out your major shapes aren't right, you're in for pain.
Blocking out is the sculptor's equivalent of building a good foundation. Every constructive and creative craft has a similar concept, and they usually rely on an analogous set of fundamentals.
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Mar 2022 23:24:03 UTC No. 888250
This is closer to what your initial blockout should look like. It can be smoother if you like, with subsurf and all, but the effective resolution should be low. It should well define the nose, brow, eye, cheek bone, lips, and chin (and ear, neck, and cranium if you do more than the face), and it should make the contours and topology at least roughly identifible. Like most human topology, the contours should be tied into the flow of the underlying anatomy, predominantly muscle and tendon connections.
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Mar 2022 23:42:26 UTC No. 888254
I guess its hard for me to understand those finer details without them actually being there. I do have a hidden helmet-head layer and grease-pencil sketches of where the eyes and nose should be and stuff. That 2nd level diagram is blowing my mind though.
My long term goal is more cartoony models, but I should fit an anatomy class into my schedule one of these days.
Anonymous at Fri, 25 Mar 2022 00:23:17 UTC No. 888259
I wasn't expecting a mario show reference kek
Anonymous at Fri, 25 Mar 2022 00:45:46 UTC No. 888266
I appreciate the support anons. Thanks everyone.
I guess if people are responsive to it, I guess we could come up with a few posting guidelines to get into the collages.
I think we can come to a consensus here, put the info in the OP of the next AI thread, and then go back to the collages after that.
Transparent images make things a whole lot easier, so do simple backgrounds (since the AI-based subject selection in PS works pretty good with those, and human shapes).
Environment/Scene anons don't need to do anything though, since they just go on the bulletin board as-is.
I wouldn't expect those to be hard rules though. If there's something in the thread that doesn't follow those, but would be interesting in the collage or wouldn't make sense to not include it, I'd probably put it in.
I think that'd cut down a lot on the amount of work involved, and won't make me feel too bad about people missing out. Since if people want to opt-in there's a way to clearly make it known.
Anonymous at Fri, 25 Mar 2022 01:25:27 UTC No. 888277
That's it thank you. Yeah it was Russian originally but it also used to get posted a lot here.
Anonymous at Fri, 25 Mar 2022 09:53:11 UTC No. 888323
Anonymous at Fri, 25 Mar 2022 16:53:14 UTC No. 888367
The 'rec.
Anonymous at Fri, 25 Mar 2022 17:09:19 UTC No. 888368
Jellyfish sister progress for /v/ drawthread.
After this, I'm probably going to do a few non-lewd projects, like some D&D creatures/characters or something.
Test 1.jpg
Anonymous at Fri, 25 Mar 2022 18:40:38 UTC No. 888377
Wating for client to approve perspective so I can take the back plates.
Fucking state.jpg
Anonymous at Fri, 25 Mar 2022 18:52:14 UTC No. 888378
>See someone capable of doing something as well as this on /3/
>Meanwhile my local council pays people cash money to come up with pic related as an "artistic concept" that's supposed to help people "envision the future"
Pity you don't live here anon you could be making bank from these retards. They have them done constantly and never go through with any of the "concepts" anyway, it's just a big waste of money. Maybe I should try it myself, there's no way I could do worse than pic related.
Anyway I think it looks really neat.
Scn 1.jpg
Anonymous at Fri, 25 Mar 2022 19:01:28 UTC No. 888379
Ty anon. Well I live in a shithole country but I never work with state clients only private Construction firms. You wont do bad. I truly think archviz is the retarded side of cg.
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Mar 2022 01:33:32 UTC No. 888433
Mine is not modular, but i made a rectangle for visualization and then i modeled half of it and separated it into pieces, then copy pasted it across, i made some changes along the way to fit where the bathrooms and kitchens would usually be. if it helps i kept irl measurements, like the the height should be 2.4m-2.6m, entrance doors bigger, room doors 2m-2.10m and 80cm width.. the rest is just putting borders at the end of each piece, thats about it.
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Mar 2022 09:34:00 UTC No. 888474
That perspective looks fucking terrible, either that or the building is weirdly shaped like it's not even vertical wtf???
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Mar 2022 12:56:39 UTC No. 888509
Sorry, you don't seem to have understanding of ArchViz. Please be quite, thank you. :)
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Mar 2022 13:00:10 UTC No. 888511
I'll be quite alright not being quiet Ahmed, why don't you fix your shitty camera settings instead of getting butthurt.
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Mar 2022 13:06:08 UTC No. 888515
I'm Finnish, you mutt ;^) Also 20 years of working in visualization.
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Mar 2022 13:18:31 UTC No. 888517
Ended up finishing this to this point. My first real retopo and rigging job. Spent forever on cleaning up weight paints for something this simple, and forgot to add a subsurf to the hair. Oops.
Going to do some D&D stuff next.
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Mar 2022 14:20:26 UTC No. 888527
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Mar 2022 15:33:14 UTC No. 888541
>Crabbing on the most professional-looking model in the thread.
I do wonder why a crab would crab on such a thing. I assume it's because your models are much better than his.
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Mar 2022 15:36:08 UTC No. 888542
post your work
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Mar 2022 15:55:55 UTC No. 888543
I didn't say anything about the model learn to read.
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Mar 2022 15:57:03 UTC No. 888544
Maybe after 20 years your eyes stopped working then cause the perspective is painful to look at.
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Mar 2022 16:06:24 UTC No. 888545
It's just a three-point perspective. The vanishing points aren't in the most common places, but three-point is ubiquitous in architecture renders.
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Mar 2022 16:09:59 UTC No. 888547
post your work you imbecile bastard
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Mar 2022 16:10:07 UTC No. 888548
>three-point perspective
then how come the building looks curved when clearly it isn't?
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Mar 2022 16:32:52 UTC No. 888555
The lines look straight to me, but I can't verify that. Might be an optical illusion making parts look curved.
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Mar 2022 16:38:50 UTC No. 888556
He did nothing wrong and your mind is playing tricks on you.
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Mar 2022 16:47:26 UTC No. 888557
Ok, we'll go with "render" then, if you want to grasp at straws. If you're going to critique someone, either be professional, or at least be funny if you're going to be rude. No one gets any enjoyment or knowledge out of reading shit like that, and the way you reacted to such a minor flaw in his render tells me there's something mentally wrong with you. Do you have a bully complex because someone insulted something you made once? Did your work get insulted because you suck, and that's why you're crabbing?
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Mar 2022 16:52:08 UTC No. 888558
My guess is he's from /v/ or something and doesn't know that some places in 4chan are capable of being generally friendly and constructive instead of just cynical and shitty.
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Mar 2022 16:57:06 UTC No. 888560
still learning zbrush, but does anyone have some tips on making hair cards with the fibermesh system like the team ninja hair from DOA. the majority of search results just lead to a addon from artstation to buy
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Mar 2022 17:15:17 UTC No. 888562
How hard is it to just fix the camera FL instead of getting upset that someone called you out on a shitty render? The composition sucks too, learn the rule of thirds.
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Mar 2022 17:17:52 UTC No. 888563
i'm with the "building looks like it has a curve in it" anon, but i'm not confident enough to say to that it's caused by lens distortion vs the building is actually curving out. i'm leaning towards the latter.
Screenshot 2022-0....png
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Mar 2022 18:08:29 UTC No. 888570
It's not my render, schizo. Not everyone who disagrees with you is the same person. A bunch of people are replying to you because you're an ass.
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Mar 2022 20:40:28 UTC No. 888587
I for example take any criticism as criticism even if its written with slurs or whatever.. its still has the same meaning.. taking internet serious is bad for ur health... If someone is on 4chan then they agree to the free speech and the ability to say whatever u want.... you should cherish that too. and like i said words are just words... meaning is the same.. even if it was written in a more pleasant way.
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Mar 2022 22:08:32 UTC No. 888600
Rigging and posing
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Mar 2022 02:03:36 UTC No. 888638
Done with colors (for now)
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Mar 2022 02:07:32 UTC No. 888642
isometric 90s RPG vibes
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Mar 2022 02:14:41 UTC No. 888644
If you write the same sentence with kind or rude words, they both may have the same meaning, but they both show a different intention. If you want to help someone improve, why not just be direct and neutral in attitude with what you say? Most people don’t get the idea that someone wants them to improve when people are rude to them, but I guess a lot of people on 4chan wouldn’t understand why it’s bad to be rude for no reason. You can say, and should be allowed to say rude things in real life too, but that leads to a life of loneliness because excessively negative people are not fun to be around. Similarly, it’s not fun to be in a thread that is full of negativity, so people will just leave and the thread will be boring.
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Mar 2022 02:53:37 UTC No. 888648
good shit nigga. really like your sonic models
adepta wip.png
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Mar 2022 04:11:07 UTC No. 888654
wip trying to make an adepta sororitas from 40k
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Mar 2022 05:30:57 UTC No. 888665
>trying to make
You sure are, son. You sure are.
Keep going. The face might look like shit and the body is lumpy as fuck, but the topology of the body is good at least. In terms of edge-flow anyway.
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Mar 2022 08:06:15 UTC No. 888685
A nice start anon, a lot better than my 3 million vertices model I made for a final. Keep working on that anatomy around the face, take references/ notes on styles you like and expand.
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Mar 2022 13:43:32 UTC No. 888715
the shape is good
the topology looks ass
though id have probably done the same i suck at topology
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Mar 2022 14:09:14 UTC No. 888717
LoGH spaceship-anon here. I've been busy with other stuff, but here it is, one of my first planetary tests.
Everything is procedural, from background to land/clouds.
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Mar 2022 16:38:19 UTC No. 888737
What the fuck are you all talking about, we're looking up the building some meters above the ground level and despite that the top edges of the building appear to be longer than the corresponding bottom edges?
Is this an inside joke of this board I'm not aware of?
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Mar 2022 16:42:49 UTC No. 888738
>three point perspective
It's unbelievable how retarded those guys are.
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Mar 2022 17:58:57 UTC No. 888749
All along I thought it was just one of those modern buildings with a top wider than the base.
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Mar 2022 18:20:29 UTC No. 888752
Nice.. what engine?
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Mar 2022 18:23:53 UTC No. 888753
>You can say, and should be allowed to say rude things in real life too, but that leads to a life of loneliness because excessively negative people are not fun to be around
That's why there is the ability to hide posts or the ability to abstain from feeding the troll.. its a choice. no one forces u to interact with someone (rude).
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Mar 2022 18:57:41 UTC No. 888757
Cycles. But Eevee can be tweaked to look very similar. It would be hard to notice differences.
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Mar 2022 20:57:17 UTC No. 888771
and done
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Mar 2022 21:26:21 UTC No. 888775
I think it needs a little more displacement and some highlight on the highmap, looking from far away not seeing mountains and shit is fine, but in the pic i think it could use some more detail.
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Mar 2022 22:03:06 UTC No. 888781
90's education cd mascot.
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Mar 2022 22:11:01 UTC No. 888783
I don’t even know if I’m getting better or worse at this point fellas.
tilt shift.jpg
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Mar 2022 22:20:07 UTC No. 888784
Architectural photography (and thus archvis), use a technique to make all the vertical lines parallel to avoid a visual effect called "keystoning". Which is where the building takes a shape like /-\, which can make a building look like it's going to tip over or some shit.
By using photographic techniques, like tilt-shift lenses (they're not JUST for making shit look like toys), and in some cases warping it in post, you get the straight, parallel lines like you see in anon's render(making a |-| shape) and a lot of other architectural images.
Look up tilted-shifted architecture photography for more examples.
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Mar 2022 22:33:34 UTC No. 888786
Well that works when you're far away from the building, i'm pretty sure you don't even need post processing wizzardries if you're distant enough and have a really flat lens.
That guy's render is really jarring, it looks like he set the camera lenght really low and the cone of vision really high, which distorts the building to hell. I'm guessing the point of that tilt shift thing you're talking about is to AVOID distorting the building to make it look "regular", no?
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Mar 2022 22:38:39 UTC No. 888787
That's not a good sign.
skyrim imperial s....png
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 01:31:51 UTC No. 888802
For practice I tried making a new model for the imperial sword in skyrim but I think it ended up a bit too simple and generic for something like Skyrim. Could use some more detail, but I'd rather try again with a different weapon.
tilt shift.jpg
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 02:13:32 UTC No. 888806
You can do the tilt shift stuff somewhat close too, I just gave examples that have a similar wonky look to the post.
>I'm guessing the point of that tilt shift thing you're talking about is to AVOID distorting the building to make it look "regular", no?
Yes and no. There's a bit of getting rid of camera distortion to make the lines look straight, but the real goal is to avoid creating converging lines. The reason that one might want to avoid it, is because it can sometimes make a building look like its leaning in a certain direction and make it look unstable (an effect known as keystoning like I mention before). Using the lens/distortion can make a building look more grounded and solid, which is why its used.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 02:15:26 UTC No. 888808
Here's another example with the camera a bit closer to the building.
In the post people are on about, the camera isn't at eye level which is what gives it a weird look, but the camera doesn't HAVE to be at eye level. With the camera raised a bit, it just extends the effect in both directions instead of just up.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 02:46:23 UTC No. 888814
>quotes every post
>dude no one cares lmao
888474 is fucking....webm
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 03:29:02 UTC No. 888825
Hello archviz test op here. Wow now I remember why I love this thread. Some people love some salt in their shit. The fact is this is a normal camera perspective with corrected verticals, call it " 2 point perspective" if you want to. Personally I do not like this kind of camera correction but many clients seem to prefer it because it gives a more "monumental" feeling specially when it goes on a 30 foot billboard. As for the rule of thirds, not every image is a work of art get over it, it shows how the facade will go and period, no environment no fuzz, just a publicity piece. Here I just made a script for you to understand.
The salt in this thread...I may bring my popcorn with only butter.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 04:30:12 UTC No. 888827
looks good
where do you get your stock interior textures?
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 06:47:37 UTC No. 888866
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 09:42:01 UTC No. 888929
They usually put these together using collage esque techniques of bad shitty cuts of transparent and people/objects/places shot at different povs, focal lengths, etc. all in the shot. It's nauseating how they get paid to do it.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 09:43:05 UTC No. 888930
Quite disconcerting yes.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 10:49:26 UTC No. 888934
Interesting. I wrote a bunch of different cameras for a different software package. Tilt is by far the easiest projection do to.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 11:35:50 UTC No. 888946
I appreciate the advice, fren. I'll try and play with these settings.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 16:46:27 UTC No. 888977
What's the point of posting in the thread anymore when there's the Discord group?
What's the point of posting in the Discord group when we have the thread already?
All 3d.webm
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 17:23:02 UTC No. 888980
Nope all 3d, no interior textures. 40% is from 3d libraries and 60% is from previous projects that's about 380m polys just for furniture The thing in archviz is that you get to recycle a lot.
FYI textures.com is pretty good for interior textures.
Two eyed equirectangular is a nightmare to code.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 17:29:18 UTC No. 888981
Wasn't the discord made so people could ask questions without feeling like they were shitting up the thread and not to fill the thread with every step of their project? You can post nsfw stuff on discord too that might get you banned on /3/, I'm not sure if the same is true for posting "racialism" stuff.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 20:15:54 UTC No. 888997
Still working on my shitty spacesuit.
I been watching a lot of Arrimus 3D lately for hard surface topology.
And i been trying to replicate this Bulgarov Style.
I feel like the back got very busy very quickly. and i am currently blocking out some exo Skeleton type deal.
Somme feedback form you lovely anons would be appreciated.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 20:17:02 UTC No. 888998
ok like we don't care
may we please continue
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 20:27:02 UTC No. 889001
Also been enjoying using geometry nodes to instance objects onto curves. Its a cleaner solution for rigid chain links than using an array modifier + curve modifier which ends up distorting geometry.
The spine design looks really chunky, but the in the side profile it does not stick out too much, so i guess its fine. Going thinner makes everything look too futuristic. But what do you guys think.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 20:28:14 UTC No. 889002
forgot Image
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 20:30:12 UTC No. 889003
Nice setup overall. That sphere attached the cone seems the dumbest way to solve a topo just orient it the same way as the cone. Also. If this is getting rigged the bar attached from the shoulder to the arm would seriously limit the mobility unless you add some sort of extension. BUt very nice overall.
As archviz op agreed.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 20:35:07 UTC No. 889004
Also pens don't work in the void of space so is it a Space suit or an enviro suit.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 20:36:42 UTC No. 889005
They do if it's a space pen with a pressurized ink compartment.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 20:40:36 UTC No. 889006
I know pens work in the iss but I do not think inthe void of space. Even the best ink would freeze over. That's an oportunity to model a super badass laser perticle accelerator quantum pen imo.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 20:41:25 UTC No. 889007
>freeze over
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 20:43:32 UTC No. 889008
Reminds me how America invested millions into pens that write in zero g (and still didn't work well) while everyone else just used pencils.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 20:44:05 UTC No. 889009
Space is incredibly cold my n
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 20:46:09 UTC No. 889011
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 20:46:27 UTC No. 889012
It really isn't unless you're in shaded from the sun by some object and even then there's radiation bombarding you from everywhere.
Whatever heat is in an object also doesn't have any real means of dissipating beyond radiative emission which is incredibly slow.
You're more likely to get slowly cooked by solar radiation in space than frozen to death.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 20:47:46 UTC No. 889013
Actually I'm wrong any sort of liquid would not freeze in the void of space it would just evaporate. No form of ink can maintain its liquid state in the vacuum of space only very viscous liquids. see https://astronomy.stackexchange.com
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 20:49:37 UTC No. 889015
Which doesn't apply since I specified using a pressurized compartment.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 20:51:32 UTC No. 889016
No because once it leaves the compartment and coats the tip of the pen it would just evaporate. It would be like trying to write with a pen that is always dry. Or a fucking cheap bic pen to be exact.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 20:52:34 UTC No. 889017
Anyways if you want to put a pen on a spacesuit be my guest.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 20:52:59 UTC No. 889018
My man, it already exists.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 20:55:38 UTC No. 889019
Yes I know! And it only works inside a cabin! THe presurrised chamber is made to work in zero gravity not the vacuum of space.
Ok no more discussion Im going to hang myself brb.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 20:57:40 UTC No. 889020
hard too see, but in the other sleeve is a pencil, regular ass graphite pencil. The Russians used those fr quite a while, but with complaints about floating debris form use. Bot those work in a vacuum.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 21:03:13 UTC No. 889022
The Fisher Space Pen is a gas-charged ball point pen that is rugged and works in a wider variety of conditions, such as zero gravity, vacuum and extreme temperatures. Its thixotropic ink and vent-free cartridge release no significant vapor at common temperatures and low pressures.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 21:04:29 UTC No. 889023
This looks like black magic to me.
I would just have an array of planes with a curve modifier and instance the spinal things on top of it.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 21:05:23 UTC No. 889024
these pivot points, are just a cone and a separate sphere to make selecting the center of rotation easier. The alignment is a bit mangled i agree.
For rigging: Idk if i ever make it that far with my snails pace. But when i come around to it, i will do the Ian Hubert lazy way of making linkages. Just add more and more joints until the range of motion is good enough and let IK solve the rest. That approach worked good enough for me in every other rigging related project.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 21:18:27 UTC No. 889030
>>889022 >>889024
Searched for documentation and apparently no pen has been used in an EVA. but only because it is not needed.Also ok on the joints. Anyways it is always fun to ask those questions. I prefer when the artist takes the time to ask questions about the viability of a 3d model. Specially when it is sci fi.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 21:33:26 UTC No. 889035
Discord is to chill around and shitpost, the channel is a more laid back place. It's less focused on posting wips, and more just 3d stuff, like sharing reference images, different artists, and that sort of thing.
Thread is for conversing with fellow anons on a more "serious" level. And it's focused on posting your projects.
Also, Discord posts don't make it into the collage, if that's a thing someone's interested in.
Also like the other anon said, it's for NSFW posts, and questions (even though we have a thread on the board).
It's there because anons asked for it. I don't want to say "if you don't like it, don't use it", but there's really no reason to go there if you don't want to.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 21:34:38 UTC No. 889036
Ignore the bottom mess. Its a redundant way of believing a curve with a profile, just convenient to do it all there.
The best part of this that you can resample the curve to exactly how many instances you need and align those instances to the curve rotation.
Here is an example in action. Some CNC concept that i did some time back. It was the best method of animating cable chains without using a bone for each linkage.
>priority 1: make something that looks cool
>priority 2: it should not clip into itself
You get the idea. not really panning on much animation other than a pose + turntable.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Mar 2022 21:35:47 UTC No. 889037
Whoa nice one
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Mar 2022 03:24:07 UTC No. 889069
Looks great!
>Going thinner makes everything look too futuristic. But what do you guys think.
Embrace it and make the segments look like they were designed with topology optimization.
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Mar 2022 04:33:02 UTC No. 889076
I'm doin a thing.
the only humanoid work I've ever really done is with Space Marine armor so trying to do an actual body is a bit difficult. I have no idea how I'm going to do the hair but I'll worry about it when I get there.
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Mar 2022 04:38:24 UTC No. 889077
That profile will give you the flattest of bobs and ass, consider adding some extra volume or your character may turn up like my bulimic ex.
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Mar 2022 04:39:29 UTC No. 889079
It's a dude
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Mar 2022 04:41:00 UTC No. 889080
Ok so remember to model an empty head for mental illness.
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Mar 2022 08:29:30 UTC No. 889095
arigato anon.
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Mar 2022 10:31:13 UTC No. 889119
>High quality, smooth
>But ear clips away from head
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Mar 2022 11:27:42 UTC No. 889125
good call on the Topo optimization / Generative design. With the Retro Future design it never occurred to me that this could work design wise. But it makes a lot of sense to go that with a sub-division workflow. Just as in CAD you can just model you critical things, like where the part interfaces with other parts as you need it and then connect everything with withes tree branch type structures. Its quite fast to do too when you throw clean topology out the window.
So here is my new spine design. Even more cluttered than before, but looks less bulky and with the additional actuators like it could plausible work.
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Mar 2022 11:41:45 UTC No. 889127
Yeah I really need to learn topology. I tried rigging it and needless to say it did not animate well.
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Mar 2022 12:59:34 UTC No. 889138
rate shoulder topology. Im feeling a little iffy about it.
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Mar 2022 13:28:03 UTC No. 889139
Still playing with different settings. I think the atmosphere is more believable now, but I am not happy with the terrain and its height (I tried to link the colour to its height, but I'm still a newbie). I'm also feeling that I can not control clouds as much as I'd like.
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Mar 2022 13:47:17 UTC No. 889141
I'd say focus on the clouds first. The cloud layer seems way too dense/noisy. Makes it hard to see the surface in the first place.
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Mar 2022 13:47:29 UTC No. 889142
>using old blender
but wjy tho?
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Mar 2022 13:48:28 UTC No. 889143
fast in my 8 yo laptop.
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Mar 2022 13:49:25 UTC No. 889144
Fair enough. cute model by the way
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Mar 2022 13:58:31 UTC No. 889148
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Mar 2022 20:20:56 UTC No. 889215
I started sculpting about a month ago and made this over a couple of days from 4 spheres - one for the body, head, hand and ear. Is this good enough to retopo and work towards actually finishing it as a model or should I stick to the drawing board and keep "sketching"? The main thing I was working on is anatomy and sculpting, but I'm tired of just sketching and want to finish something. I mean like, I don't really need poly modeling practice, but is this even a good enough base for a finished model?
Excuse the derp face, it's really hard to work with only one reference picture (it's supposed to be a character and there's a grand total of one actual official picture of her) and I figured I'd adjust it after retopo. And the awkward things sticking out from the shoulder blades are supposed to be wing stumps. I wasn't sure how to stick them in so they're just there.
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Mar 2022 22:44:03 UTC No. 889239
Small scene I am working on to into NPR I guess
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Mar 2022 22:48:34 UTC No. 889240
Is this an Evangelion reference?
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Mar 2022 22:57:29 UTC No. 889241
It may be a reference to the 1995 hit anime Neon Genesis Evangelion, yes.
Rendering animation for this >>889239 atm. Webm is just me fucking around with Mixamo, and some eva models.
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Mar 2022 23:29:54 UTC No. 889244
I wish that I could turn back time,
that orange juice was all mine...
Good job, btw :)
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Mar 2022 00:07:57 UTC No. 889249
a piece clips at the start of animation.
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Mar 2022 01:04:15 UTC No. 889258
Nah, that's completely understandable, it's a lot of work to compile a new one every time
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Mar 2022 01:11:24 UTC No. 889259
That's the goal
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Mar 2022 01:18:38 UTC No. 889260
really sick work, super appealing.
please make a 12 fps gif for peak soul
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Mar 2022 01:24:10 UTC No. 889263
Wasn't that the femboy that flirts on twitter?
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Mar 2022 01:56:02 UTC No. 889267
I don't think so.
It's someone's OC that got memed and who's presence now annoys people excessively and exclusively despite not actually being all too special. I'm making it to annoy my friends in VRChat and to practice softbody modeling at the same time.
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Mar 2022 01:57:15 UTC No. 889268
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Mar 2022 02:00:36 UTC No. 889269
Now even more so after my edits to the body shape.
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Mar 2022 02:43:13 UTC No. 889277
that what I meant by femboy who flirts on twitter; That Rat is the Femboy.
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Mar 2022 06:01:11 UTC No. 889288
looking great anon, is this for lewd for just as a general model?
0001-0096 (1).webm
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Mar 2022 12:46:44 UTC No. 889320
wip animation for this scene. wind and speed of the rotation are completely wrong and the tiles on the thing need more diversity and depth. But overall I'm happy that the rotating red thing works, if only from this angle
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Mar 2022 13:01:32 UTC No. 889323
Trying to learn Marvelous but damn it's inuitive and when I type a problem on Google, the pages dedicated to my problem don't work anymore...
Like anyone knows why when I click on the top shelf buttons of each windows, there's no pop up menus anymore????
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Mar 2022 15:34:58 UTC No. 889338
me throwing around an IK handle like a jackass does not count on an unfinished model.
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Mar 2022 16:05:39 UTC No. 889340
how make the wires good? bezier curves really filter the fuck outta me, i think i might attempt a character next but cant decide between poly modelling or sculpting. any thoughts?
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Mar 2022 16:17:50 UTC No. 889344
You might consider looking at how cables are organized in real life.
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Mar 2022 16:46:52 UTC No. 889348
this is the reference but I have no clue how to make the wires look like wires
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Mar 2022 16:46:59 UTC No. 889349
I would sculpt and retopology instead of poly modelling a character as a beginner.
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Mar 2022 17:39:16 UTC No. 889355
is poly modelling harder?
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Mar 2022 17:48:46 UTC No. 889356
unironically easier to sim wires if you want them to 'hang' naturally. or in the case of things like powerlines using a catenary equation driven curve.
yours aren't terrible but have a few too many kinks in em imo.
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Mar 2022 18:01:10 UTC No. 889360
It's harder when you don't have a clear idea of what the topology for a humanoid looks like.
You're doing too many things at once, trying to form the mesh in a way that looks like your goal and doesn't have a fucked up topology.
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Mar 2022 18:31:48 UTC No. 889364
>yours aren't terrible but have a few too many kinks in em imo.
yeah trying to fix em as i go but gonna use the caternary sim to get the ropes for the T shaped thing
makes sense, got any tutorials you would recommend?
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Mar 2022 19:56:47 UTC No. 889379
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Mar 2022 20:20:38 UTC No. 889385
general anatomy is a little bit disconcerting (those fingers in specific) and those eyes look a bit lifeless looking straight ahead
materials could use some work as well, its mostly just flat diffuse colors
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Mar 2022 21:06:39 UTC No. 889389
For what it's worth, props for getting that far.
Doing that shit with curves was always really time consuming to me.
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Mar 2022 21:44:30 UTC No. 889395
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Mar 2022 23:57:16 UTC No. 889403
I know it isn't the most original thing, but it's something for an ambitious scene I'm going to attempt.
I had a nightmare with those hieroglyphs and still couldn't get it right, that's why some of them look more fucked up than others. I don't think they'll be a problem when everything else is in there and will probably workout better that they are fucked up.
Anonymous at Thu, 31 Mar 2022 00:36:44 UTC No. 889407
Made some changed to the texture and some geometry. i like how it looks.
Anonymous at Thu, 31 Mar 2022 04:48:17 UTC No. 889429
Went with a simple design.. and sharper.
Anonymous at Thu, 31 Mar 2022 05:02:33 UTC No. 889430
Finally finishing this up. Mouth (gums/teeth) is still sculpted in, will probably try to remesh that as a very final step when I'm adding the tongue. Before that, I still have to somehow deal with the giant stack of shrinkwrap modifiers holding this thing together.
It's not very apparent from the reference but you'll want to pull the hip forward a bit. Also try to tuck the hamstrings more to get better butt definition
Anonymous at Thu, 31 Mar 2022 05:17:04 UTC No. 889431
Hey thanks anon, I'll look over those aspects.
Anonymous at Thu, 31 Mar 2022 05:53:21 UTC No. 889433
Anonymous at Thu, 31 Mar 2022 07:08:51 UTC No. 889441
could use some wider bevels but i like the concept
Anonymous at Thu, 31 Mar 2022 07:11:56 UTC No. 889442
I've heard Grant Abbitt being recommended for blender sculpting, but ultimately you'll just have to play around with the tools and watch how different people do things.
Also, block out things. Don't try to pull out a whole body out of a ball.
Anonymous at Thu, 31 Mar 2022 07:12:49 UTC No. 889443
I mean, barely. I have no idea how you actually go about modeling those parts in any useful detail, I just did what I do for mouths and called it a day. Should probably do the ears and nose too.
Anonymous at Thu, 31 Mar 2022 07:19:01 UTC No. 889444
look at a cross section, duh
Anonymous at Thu, 31 Mar 2022 07:24:49 UTC No. 889445
That's not really "useful" detail, fortunately.
Anonymous at Thu, 31 Mar 2022 09:09:11 UTC No. 889450
nice kecksburg object
die glocke.gif
Anonymous at Thu, 31 Mar 2022 09:14:02 UTC No. 889451
the top part should look like a Schauberger Repulsine
Anonymous at Thu, 31 Mar 2022 10:03:25 UTC No. 889454
Anonymous at Thu, 31 Mar 2022 19:28:50 UTC No. 889536
Slowly coming along. I wonder if anyone else recognizes this.
Anonymous at Thu, 31 Mar 2022 19:52:08 UTC No. 889540
It's well documented that the Kecksburg acorn was just a comet and everyone who witnessed anything other than that was high on swamp gas :^)
Which top part? Do you mean the very top that's like a dome, the part below that, or both?
Anonymous at Thu, 31 Mar 2022 22:34:31 UTC No. 889570
boobs are misshapen and need more polygons
Anonymous at Thu, 31 Mar 2022 23:28:54 UTC No. 889577
Looks like you sculpted the boobs out of the body. It might be easier to start them as separate objects to really help give them that weight, shape, and definition, then join them to the torso when they look right enough. I've noticed that you've got that unround line between them where they kind of flatten against mirror axis, too. Some of Blender's tools, like blob, can cause that effect with mirroring on as both sides of the mirror line are affected at the same time by the same brush, and defining the shape separately with a normal mirror modifier stops that mirror weirdness.
Anonymous at Thu, 31 Mar 2022 23:30:22 UTC No. 889578
Some advice would be appreciated
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Apr 2022 00:36:55 UTC No. 889585
remember to keep your artistic constraints consistent- The hands convey a much lower resolution than the other parts of the mesh- If you want the character to match that resolution, begin by simplifying the topology on the other parts of the character to remain consistent- Nailing the character's silhouette from all sides is critical
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Apr 2022 02:54:07 UTC No. 889593
i did its because she will have clothes covering most of her body the boobs are there just for the silhouette
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Apr 2022 04:41:39 UTC No. 889605
Finally I've done it. I can now eat my own creations with a FORK to survive, now I can thrive!
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Apr 2022 06:43:11 UTC No. 889611
a pelvis
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Apr 2022 07:10:54 UTC No. 889614
ITs fine wip bro, do what ever you want to man.
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Apr 2022 07:24:18 UTC No. 889619
yeah but your silhouette is still fucked
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Apr 2022 09:48:20 UTC No. 889628
You are sööy
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Apr 2022 11:56:29 UTC No. 889635
please use anything other than the default blender font, everytime i see it just makes the render feel so much worse
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Apr 2022 15:14:40 UTC No. 889664
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Apr 2022 15:32:31 UTC No. 889668
Went ahead and retopo'd it anyway. The result is unfortunately terrible. First time retopologizing a sculpt, I watched a short video some time ago on it so I had a rough idea, but I still had to figure some stuff out. Made a 350k vert sculpt into a 450k multires, and then I baked normals onto a 14k mesh, and subdivided it once to 31k verts. But I guess I had fun. I'd have to finish the hair and the texturing and add the jewelry and make some kinda robe and rig all of it to actually "finish it" but I'm not sure it's worth spending any more time on a failure. And I am way off the reference, too. I thought I'd nailed it a bit on the sculpt but nope. I pasted the only official portrait of the character in the attached pic.
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Apr 2022 16:39:41 UTC No. 889676
Not perfect, but far from terrible, and it sounds like it was a really good educational endeavor. Good work, anon. Even with the issues, it's firmly in GMI territory.
I'd recommend finishing it anyway. Even if the sculpt isn't up tor your own standards, the finishing bits are skills of their own and it would do you well to practice those as well.
It's also easier to gauge your own improvement when you finish your projects, because you can compare them all at the same stage of progress, and you get more of a feeling of accomplishment from actually capping them off. It's way easier to burn out if you've done months and months and all you have to show for it is a graveyard of unfinished projects. Sure, you likely improved a lot, but finishing is good for your sense of self-worth as well.
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Apr 2022 19:44:35 UTC No. 889706
Thank you for the kind words. I guess I'm just vexed that I didn't nail the reference picture. Working on a model normally might be a good change of pace from the last few files where I did nothing but sculpt. I think I'll make a limited few attempts to fix the face from the multires mesh that still has the details from the sculpt, and then I'll try to finish the rest regardless if I succeed in fixing the face or not. Maybe it'll look a little more like the reference with all that junk in her hair too.
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Apr 2022 20:27:35 UTC No. 889708
cute tummy and body
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Apr 2022 20:45:26 UTC No. 889711
is there a way to grow a selection in geometry nodes by linked geometry? trying to delete entire elements if any of their verts get caught in the selection
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Apr 2022 02:15:37 UTC No. 889725
I too can eat with a fork.
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Apr 2022 04:18:43 UTC No. 889743
You actually did a pretty good job matching the reference, but the reference itself is very weird. Maybe find a 3d model with some aesthetics you like and see if you can elastic-grab your model's face to match its structure instead.
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Apr 2022 07:44:56 UTC No. 889764
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Apr 2022 09:22:25 UTC No. 889767
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Apr 2022 12:07:58 UTC No. 889773
Stopped being a lazy fuck. Hands, Ears are next.
Might have a hard time on the bottoms.
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Apr 2022 13:22:05 UTC No. 889780
doin some brawlhalla fanart for the easy clout, and for learning of course. hoping to get this thing rigged , animated, and maybe even ported into unity or something when I'm done
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Apr 2022 16:50:34 UTC No. 889799
looks nice. I'd pull the base of the teeth a bit further down so the shading makes them look less disconected
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Apr 2022 18:14:08 UTC No. 889811
body like a cardboard box
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Apr 2022 18:50:55 UTC No. 889814
Started making an environment
most assets are still only low poly meshes with a landscape blend material on them
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 01:31:51 UTC No. 889850
The anatomy needs some serious work. The face looks quite decent, but the proportions of just about everything else are off.
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 01:32:54 UTC No. 889851
That looks really cool, anon. I really like the weird hollow tree things.
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 01:51:52 UTC No. 889853
>Also, block out things. Don't try to pull out a whole body out of a ball.
it's better to blockout to control proportions, but you can remesh it constantly with shift+r and ctrl+ r
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 02:44:25 UTC No. 889859
Now, a flying Jackolope
It's been years since I did a 3d Animation, maybe when I finish with the wings I would animate him soaring.
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 03:49:05 UTC No. 889862
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 04:09:06 UTC No. 889864
nice, but the colors for the environment look a little too much like spore's randomly generated palettes imo, clashes with the deliberately picked ones for the creature
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 04:10:23 UTC No. 889865
you've got some mighty fine bait, made me reply twice
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 04:15:24 UTC No. 889866
why do you even come here
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 04:17:22 UTC No. 889867
>"Ok Guys I Sculpted It Is It Better?"
>nothing changed except the bellybutton looks worse
if it isnt bait then jesus christ
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 04:31:42 UTC No. 889869
love the 4teen lingo critique what needs to be changed or stop posting
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 04:34:06 UTC No. 889870
its already been pointed out, proportions and general anatomy are fucked
do you really expect someone to go piece by piece when it all can be summed up with "it needs work in general"
im probably the retard here for replying to the bait this long but i guess i cant resist
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 04:43:56 UTC No. 889872
3/3 for 4teen lingo i appreciate your help ill write down "general anatomy are fucked" nice english by the way on a piece of paper and stick it up my ass and shit it out tonight you reminded me why i stopped coming to this site years ago and cemented my desire to never come back
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 04:51:09 UTC No. 889875
How about "learn to draw first," does that help? You don't know what a body looks like, are trying to make a body, and are getting butthurt when you're more than a few quick tips off of being right. There's no use critiquing something in detail when there's nothing there to critique. Learn your insertion points, bony ridges, proportions, etc. and make sure they come through in your art.
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 05:02:35 UTC No. 889877
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 05:08:17 UTC No. 889880
>write down "general anatomy are fucked" nice english by the way
When you take a list, truncate it to the last item, then pretend that the grammar is wrong because you made a plural set look singular, you can just go fuck yourself.
To actually give you help, though, buy or pirate Anatomy for Sculptors and practice building mannequins for a while first. Don't use any shapes other than cubes, spheres, and cylinders (elongating them is allowed).
Get your fucking proportions right. Get your volumes and shapes right. Make sure you can build mannequins that have the right arm and leg lengths relative to their height, the right hip width, the right torso sizes and shapes, etc, before you start adding any details or features.
You want specifics right now? Your femur is too long, hips are too narrow, torso is too long, hands are thin and creepy, feet are too small breasts are too low, upper arm is too short, lower arm is too long. Basically, it's totally fucked. Some of my analysis might even be wrong because everything is wrong, so I barely have any proper landmarks to compare against. If you try to fix the things I say bit by bit, it will still look fucked.
Hit the fundamentals, man. Don't be a cris. Take the advice, do the work, do good, directed practice. Don't just hammer against references and pray that you'll make it eventually. Your success is in your own hands, but only if you actually put in all the work the right way.
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 06:43:02 UTC No. 889889
I posted about it in the blendlet thread, but I'm trying to figure out how to mirror this mesh when it's got a multires modifier on it. I duplicate the object, mirror it, flip the normals so they look right - everything looks good until I go to join the meshes, at which point it gets this weird asymmetry. I assume it's something like one of the multires modifiers eating the other one. Any idea how to fix it? Nothing I've tried has worked.
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 07:22:42 UTC No. 889891
Blender sculpting in general doesn't handle mirrors well.
That's why it has some handy buttons in sculpt mode.
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 07:36:50 UTC No. 889893
I don't care about the base sculpted object, that thing is an amalgamation of stitched objects that I shrinkwrapped to. What I have is a retopologized mesh with that shringwrapped data stored in a multires modifier, and all I want to do is cleanly mirror that without applying the modifier. I sculpted with symmetry on; that's not what I'm talking about now.
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 08:12:52 UTC No. 889894
I reread the blender thread but I guess ultimately I'm still confused with what you're trying to achieve by making your subdivided lowpoly mesh match your highpoly sculpt when it's still just a lowpoly mesh
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 11:22:09 UTC No. 889910
>rig based on low poly version
>switch to pose mode and see how high-poly version deforms
Right? Same reason you wouldn't want to apply a subsurf too early.
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 13:06:03 UTC No. 889919
Polymodel done(?)
Got the buttocks/hip topology from
I still dont know how to rig skirts which i should work on learning.
Dont know how to rig buttocks that much too.
Hope this deforms good.
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 13:47:35 UTC No. 889924
Finally made some progress.
While porting my grass nodes to 3.1 i realized that they were shit and re-made them. I'm still not quite happy but i want to finish this first
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 13:49:47 UTC No. 889925
My lighting is usually kinda bland so i still want to put either some dramatic clouds or interesting fog up there
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 14:35:06 UTC No. 889929
Noted, these are mainly base colors to use before i make more defined materials, but I will try to make everything more cohesive color wise
thanks, i am going to try and something similar to pic related to the trees(vines and smaller trees growing inside of the hollow ones), in addition to having some of them be burnt/petrified
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 14:50:20 UTC No. 889930
sunday afternoon doodle
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 15:50:36 UTC No. 889936
It's not easy. What I do:
* Duplicate your basemesh into a "base" object and a "multires" object
* Delete the multires from the "base", apply it to "multires"
* In sculpt mode do a symmetrize to both meshes
* Add a multires to the base and shrinkwrap to "multires", then delete the multires
Clean up and fix things as you go.
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 16:19:15 UTC No. 889938
I tried doing something like that with multires reshape instead of shrinkwrap, but that sounds like it might work better. I'll try it, thanks.
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 17:52:20 UTC No. 889946
Wings are Complete
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 18:32:09 UTC No. 889953
I enjoy your artwork these pictures make me cheerful about 3d when you post.
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 18:33:57 UTC No. 889954
what a jolly little fag
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 18:50:35 UTC No. 889959
wip handpainting texture, still pretty simple
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 18:51:44 UTC No. 889960
those brows are atrocious
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 20:13:02 UTC No. 889982
Is she semi realistic enough? People complained I make too realistic bodies with an anime head. Idk what waifu I'll be making.
backpack merge.png
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 21:16:35 UTC No. 889985
WIP happy with the hair working on modelling more armor
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 21:33:50 UTC No. 889988
I don't think she's too realistic. belly looks a little weird around the sides, like she's sucking in her gut or something. I'd personally make the thighs bigger, but I'm into big thighs, so that's subjective.
Toning down the realism after the fact is way easier than the inverse. Usually, you can just smooth away some of the details and maybe accentuate some curves and you're good.
I wouldn't worry about those complaints at this point. It looks good. In any case, it's good enough to move onto whatever you have planned next for it.
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 21:37:02 UTC No. 889990
the fuck's up with the teeth man
where are the lips
why can i see their scalp through the hair
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 22:11:29 UTC No. 889994
fa/tg/uys would worship
Anonymous at Sun, 3 Apr 2022 22:27:42 UTC No. 889998
good base so far, although eyebrows could be a little more feathery, rather than drawn on >>889982
muscle definition is a little bit too visible if youre going for a stylized anime look, but i'd say its a hair away from being "semi-realistic". its mostly just nitpicking at this point
jesus christ
zzz (1).png
Anonymous at Mon, 4 Apr 2022 00:53:02 UTC No. 890025
wanted a window-less, mute copter but ended up in HL2 style which I dislike
the leg haindpainted part need redoing too
Anonymous at Mon, 4 Apr 2022 05:28:10 UTC No. 890038
Base fem so far
Anonymous at Mon, 4 Apr 2022 06:43:45 UTC No. 890045
I had to summon my ass from the 'cord to drop this:
Anonymous at Mon, 4 Apr 2022 06:48:27 UTC No. 890046
pretty soulful anon, good work
i like thick thighs but isnt it a bit too curvy for a base mesh?
kinda looks like the legs are 15% bigger than they should be
Anonymous at Mon, 4 Apr 2022 09:31:05 UTC No. 890055
fair point, i was just thinking with my dick
now that i look at it both the carpi radials in the forearm and gastrocnemius in the leg are far too high as well
will fix it up when i get back to my pc
Anonymous at Mon, 4 Apr 2022 14:15:08 UTC No. 890077
Progress. Slowly but surely. Model will be used for real time stuff. Going for an artstyle that's fast but still looks at least kind of good. I try to simplify shapes to make them faster and easier to model while retaining the overall design. My turret is completely flat on top, whereas this is not the case on an actual M1A1 turret. I don't think the flatness detracts from it too much, and I think the sacrifice in detail is worth it for the slight increase in modelling speed and ease.
Anonymous at Mon, 4 Apr 2022 16:10:24 UTC No. 890095
You forgot the "Z" and the turret goes to the side anon.
Anonymous at Mon, 4 Apr 2022 16:11:48 UTC No. 890096
Neuron activation
Anonymous at Mon, 4 Apr 2022 16:19:37 UTC No. 890098
Anonymous at Mon, 4 Apr 2022 16:54:49 UTC No. 890104
good job anon, you are in contrast to that other anon who had a meltdown over the word "bait"
Anonymous at Mon, 4 Apr 2022 18:11:19 UTC No. 890118
So I tried to match the reference more and made it worse. Sad! The face looks a little okayish when it's still, but making any facial expression makes it plain bad. I've only ever done pure npr before this so I rigged the face like I usually do as that's all I know, but it's clearly not the way to go on a face with actual cheeks and stuff I think. I'll make sure to remake the character from scratch someday when I'm better because I'm really not satisfied with the result. Still, it was an experience I guess. I only quickly rigged it and didn't texture the robe (not pictured because it's just a solid color base) and didn't even rig the hair properly and stuff so it's far from being polished, but I really want to move on and finish a combat armor fanart thing for a certain game. And then I'll need to study more before I take on another project.
Sorry for the eye cancer.
Anonymous at Mon, 4 Apr 2022 19:32:00 UTC No. 890125
Thanks to the anon who suggested a technique for mirroring my multires mesh. Now I get to learn all about how fun correcting the weight paint on a rigify rig can be.
Anonymous at Mon, 4 Apr 2022 19:59:17 UTC No. 890128
Anonymous at Mon, 4 Apr 2022 20:12:52 UTC No. 890132
Don't beat yourself up so much, anon. Failure is the most important part of any worthwhile pursuit. You're doing perfectly fine, and I'm glad you shared your work.
You've got a good, humble, productive attitude, and you WILL make it if you keep it up and keep that attitude of self-improvement.
Too much of an ego is counter-productive, but the reverse can also stunt you. Make sure you recognize where you're doing things right, and especially where you've been improving.
Let me know if you discover any good workflows or techniques for it. In my experience, when you've got a lot of bones, weight paint tweaks get really fucking tedious, and it multiplies with every new object you add.
I've found it can help to set up vertex groups as I retopo and assign those to the bones directly, and then work from there. It's not perfect, but it can cut down on the tweaking a little bit. Automatic weights are better in some ways and worse in others. I find it really painful to have to go through all the bones and make sure that all the nearby areas are cleared out, and symmetry options can sometimes be temperamental with weight painting.
Anonymous at Mon, 4 Apr 2022 20:46:22 UTC No. 890136
I wish there was a lasso select for drawing weight paint, I feel like some other program I've worked in before had that and it felt so much better than drawing on a model where the vertices are moving around beneath you. But I think I'm going to wind up having to rely on sculpted shape keys and drivers a lot because getting weight paints right for every deformation seems impossible anyways. E.g. I can get the Achilles heel weighted right for either the right foot's pose or the left foot's pose, not both. Maybe I could correct that with some kind of loops on the inset parts of the tendon but that would probably fuck with the ankle.
Anonymous at Mon, 4 Apr 2022 21:00:46 UTC No. 890138
You did good anon.
Be proud of what you've accomplished, and learn from what you didn't.
For what it's worth, I thought it was a cute girl in the thumbnail. Opening it didn't give me the abomination you claim, but it definitely wasn't what my brain was thinking the thumbnail was.
I think you did quite well in capturing the essence of the reference.
Keep moving forward anon. Every project is a step in the journey, and you're never finished.
Anonymous at Mon, 4 Apr 2022 21:17:34 UTC No. 890141
Don't worry, I could still masturbate to it.
Anonymous at Mon, 4 Apr 2022 21:38:45 UTC No. 890142
old bun vs new bun.png
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Apr 2022 00:33:54 UTC No. 890155
I redid the bunny I made from earlier. I based the first one on the drawing and I tried making it original on my second go, and I want to know what you guys think. Also do you guys know of any tutorials that show one how to simulate anal and vaginal penetration
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Apr 2022 01:31:11 UTC No. 890165
You can keep working on it, anon. No need to go all the way back to square one.
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Apr 2022 01:39:54 UTC No. 890168
The second model needs a ton of improvement if you plan on using it for those types of things. If you search for [your software] flesh simulation or softbody simulation, you can find what you want.
I usually like to be positive with the way I critique, but the texturing on the second model is awful. The hands also clash with the style, and the face is less appealing than in the first model.
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Apr 2022 02:36:40 UTC No. 890175
Sorry, here's a relatively early WIP to ease your mind.
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Apr 2022 02:53:36 UTC No. 890177
changed up the proportions a bit to make it less of a coomer model and more of a base
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Apr 2022 05:01:50 UTC No. 890183
Nice , you sculpt it?
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Apr 2022 07:45:58 UTC No. 890201
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Apr 2022 07:51:02 UTC No. 890202
You texture it in substance painter ?
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Apr 2022 08:09:46 UTC No. 890204
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Apr 2022 08:11:08 UTC No. 890205
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Apr 2022 08:13:34 UTC No. 890206
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Apr 2022 10:37:33 UTC No. 890211
rekt Chigger lol
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Apr 2022 10:39:28 UTC No. 890212
>shape is awful
>topology is actually ok
I don't think I've ever seen this particular combination of success and failure before
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Apr 2022 15:10:23 UTC No. 890250
Flat textures for the meantime. Im waiting for my drawing tablet to arrive.
Rigging now.
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Apr 2022 15:22:00 UTC No. 890252
show pantsu
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Apr 2022 15:25:02 UTC No. 890253
nothing too special
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Apr 2022 15:48:01 UTC No. 890257
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Apr 2022 17:18:05 UTC No. 890263
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Apr 2022 17:19:31 UTC No. 890264
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Apr 2022 17:43:02 UTC No. 890267
What happened to that anon who was doing the train scene for the competition?
>Watch the 100 best ones
>Gives me pure inspiration and reminds me of what is attainable
>Followed by the crushing reality that it will take years to reach that level and I left it too late to get started
Very bittersweet.
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Apr 2022 17:45:50 UTC No. 890268
Look at the complete compilation and feel superior to all the shitty ones.
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Apr 2022 17:59:43 UTC No. 890270
Good idea. I'll keep that in mind.
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Apr 2022 18:52:23 UTC No. 890278
>That's not really what the thread is about, ya know?
It's fun, it's not distracting, if someone sets the background as transparent and puts 'collage' in the filename (or maybe just makes it transparent) then they're giving you permission to put it in the collage.
If they don't then they don't care about the collage. Just add a line to the OP that says 'If you want your render in the WIP, make the background transparent'
If you know python, or if you don't know it learn it (if you're a blendie it's the internal scripting language, if you're not it's the internal language for a number of programs), then have it assign a random position and scale (with sanity checks) and hit the redo button 10 times until you get something that looks nice.
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Apr 2022 20:02:16 UTC No. 890291
Why is Renderman so shit???
Me in the process of texturing an X-wing in Substance and Mari...
Hey, why not render it in Renderman, using the new LAMA materials and the new XPU feature (fancy way of saying CPU+GPU).
Renderman: XPU only works for paying customer, no plebs, go fuck yourself.
Me, fine my CPU isn't too shabby.
Renderman: gib new license, license expired.
Renderman license manager: go fuck yourself, you must install everything from scratch.
Renderman website: you must do this survey or we wont give you the new installer.
20 minutes later: OK, now lets see how my textures/shaders look in the new Renderman version.
Maya: What new Renderman version?
I tried the older version instead with the new license, but when I added a Lama Surface shader Maya crashed (consistently).
I wasted an hour with this shit and in the end I don't even know what the fuck is going on/wrong.
Tried Renderman in Blender, but it downgraded my Blender user-experience to an Maya experience - when I loaded my model Blender crashed (consistently).
I could try Houdini, but why waste my time further...
pic related is a Cycles render.
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Apr 2022 20:28:38 UTC No. 890300
It isn't. You are, anon. Sorry.
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Apr 2022 20:38:37 UTC No. 890309
the industry standard, everyone
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Apr 2022 22:35:10 UTC No. 890332
I am a shit-magnet when it comes to Renderman.
I am trying to get a project done in Renderman since they released version 21 or 22, but whenever I tried, in Maya, Blender, Houdini and Katana even, Renderman would constantly crash like a ghetto-whore on crack-cocaine.
I am not a computer-illiterate and I keep my system in top shape, but this shit is like the most unstable Renderer I have ever seen.
The problem is I don't even get to actually using it.
to be fair though, I rendered this model out in Arnold and I even threw it at the new GPU renderer in Clarisse with no problems and I am sure it would be the same in Redshift, Octane and V-ray.
It's just Renderman that shits the bed for whatever reason.
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Apr 2022 23:48:34 UTC No. 890338
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 00:28:21 UTC No. 890344
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 00:31:48 UTC No. 890345
Is it normal to not want to complete a project?
I’ve tried to retopologize my nerf maverick model for a good few months. The gun is asymmetric, so modeling it was hard, and I can’t seem to get the bevels right since it’s deforming
I feel like just not completing that disgusting project
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 01:07:38 UTC No. 890348
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 01:09:22 UTC No. 890349
Do it nigga, finish it and learn.
Screenshot 2022-0....png
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 01:16:36 UTC No. 890352
I guess just as long as you learned or gained something from the project, then you could consider it "complete". If you do another project similar to the old one, you could just view it as a continuation, and when the new project is complete, the old one is complete as well since it was a stepping stone.
If you feel like your project is incomplete because of the bevels, then you may still want to learn what the problem is, even if it's in a new project. Idk what your problem is, but IME with bevels, the issue is usually the topology. Both of the cubes in picrel have the same bevel modifier, but the loop cut on the one on the right is too close to the edge, and the modifier can only bevel it so much.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 06:31:23 UTC No. 890384
Need to make the holding handle and its good to go. Bonus points for those who know what this shield means.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 06:32:37 UTC No. 890385
Forgot pic.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 06:52:19 UTC No. 890386
Why the useless polys around the vagina?
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 07:52:38 UTC No. 890391
pic related
No. Am i actually doing something wrong? Im actually trying to practice to model some vagina forms that i might as well start now.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 09:36:16 UTC No. 890402
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 09:38:57 UTC No. 890403
warcraft 2 cinematics
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 09:49:33 UTC No. 890404
owari desu
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 12:13:45 UTC No. 890420
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 12:27:08 UTC No. 890421
same vibes doe
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 13:38:07 UTC No. 890432
Your smoothing & poly count seems to be all over the place, some stuff are hard and simple, while the boobs are super smooth and clearly have a lot of topology. I think you can get away with increasing the amount of topo in the head, especially in the eye and ear regions.
Hands need to be redone as well, and I'm surprised you didn't actually follow your own reference as she has plump 4 fingered hands there, while the model has poly-model-tutorial looking human hands.
Also, please use a bigger sized uv map. the painting looks really sloppy as it is. Use smoothing on the brush strokes if you need to, and change the stroke profile to a sharper one so you don't get those bleedy and blurry lines on the clothing and stockings.
Still, it's not all that bad, and I think you can make it better, you got this bro
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 16:00:57 UTC No. 890464
>join the op's discord
>someone unironically shilling mein kamph as a self-help option
i've seen some shit but that's next level
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 16:08:05 UTC No. 890466
Legs are fucked, bruv, and not just the calves. The knee area is also really wonky.
Other bits of anatomy need work too. The pelvis looks really detached from the abdomen. Your widest part of the hips should be above the glutes, not below them, so your pelvis is gargantuan vertically, about as tall as the entire rib cage. Remember, the glutes anchor to the top of the pelvis (the ilium in particular is a very important anchor bone for many major muscles).
Your shoulders are set too far out from the ribs, too. The arms are positioned in about the right place, but the upper torso should be a bit bigger in general.
Much of the muscular attention is quite good enough, but the skeleton would look really inhuman. Getting the greater proportions right should be the first step before shaping out muscles.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 16:12:43 UTC No. 890467
Do they actually spell it like that? It should be Mein Kampf.
It's probably just some shitposting in any case.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 16:21:34 UTC No. 890468
Have you tried reddit?
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 16:24:02 UTC No. 890469
How would Reddit help remove retarded, edgy teenagers posting off-topic neo-nazi spam in a 3DCG chatroom?
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 16:31:43 UTC No. 890470
I'm just saying, I'm sure they would have the sort of trans positive 3d discussion you're looking for. Very active mods will make sure theres 0 discussion about mein kampf at all. You would love it!
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 16:42:39 UTC No. 890473
no, they were very sincere, i've seen larping and that wasn't it.
anyways suggestion for OP: almost every small blue board discord i've seen immediately gets run over by racist shitposts and literal neonazi recruitment
you either moderate it and have nobody want to use it because of the drama that causes, or you put up with it and nobody wants to use the discord because it's there
in the long run you basically wind up with two completely separate communities between the thread and the discord anyhow
probably better to find some other things to put in the OP
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 16:50:19 UTC No. 890474
4chan is nice because i can read your other posts here and pretend you're a human being worth respecting, reply to them as such, then carry on my way. and vice versa. you can go off to /pol/ and say some stupid shit and i won't know or care. but if i see someone with a name posting about how fascism cured their depression, i can't take any of their other posts seriously. this is part of why i like using an anonymous imageboard. i could get into other reasons, but it's already too off-topic. non-anonymous discords are just antithetical to the kind of discussion that is actually attractive about this website. it's not even a question of moderation.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 16:55:00 UTC No. 890475
what makes you think you have the right to tell anyone to police things to suit your own personal taste and politics? If you want that, go to reddit or literally anywhere else. They have that. Noones "recruiting" anyone, get a grip.
In case you haven't noticed, THIS IS 4CHAN
also pywips
Then don't go on the discord if you're so assblasted by the slightest whiff of a dissenting opinion.
the guy literally hid the thing with spoilers and posted in the "off-topic" channel for anyones information.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 16:56:32 UTC No. 890476
You literally got kneejerk reaction to some anon name dropping a book. He also said it motivated him to work out, which is pretty believable, and laughed at being retarded enough for this scenario to be real.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 16:57:35 UTC No. 890477
yeah unfortunately the discord has a handful of people who arent there for 3d and just treat it as their discord sadboy club
theres one fuckin guy whos an unironic incel and pretty much only posts about how he wants to kill himself cause he cant get any pussy lmao
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 17:09:14 UTC No. 890480
Why are you so obsessed with chicks with dicks? Nobody was talking about trannies.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 17:13:33 UTC No. 890482
I was thinking of redditors and that came to mind for some unexplainable reason...
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 17:14:42 UTC No. 890484
You need some therapy, then, if your fetishes are intruding into other aspects of your life.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 17:15:33 UTC No. 890485
Aren't there alot of trannies on reddit though?
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 17:21:41 UTC No. 890486
Better question: Who the fuck cares? Stop going on about trannies.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 17:25:47 UTC No. 890489
stop replying then.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 17:30:13 UTC No. 890492
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 17:49:09 UTC No. 890495
Getting the hang of ice cream hair.
Doesn't look great, and I'm just using a path with an object bevel of a circle, so it looks probably way too regular, but it's not too bad.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 18:00:08 UTC No. 890497
>tfw still have difficulty determining how much detail things in the background need
Does this become second nature at some point?
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 18:01:02 UTC No. 890498
When wip anon made a discord server and making a general chatroom instead of just actual wip posting and tutorials i fucking knew drama would already leak here.
Just fucking delete it. No one fucking wins. Theres gonna be underage zoomer normalfag faggots who cant contain themselves and their edgyness and unironically saying """THIS IS 4CHAN GO TO REDDIT"""
go fucking kill yourselves and contain your faggotry in the discord. This is way worse than cris spamming the fuck out of this board you fucking gaylords.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 18:04:11 UTC No. 890499
do you have a camera down? do a quick render at full res (but low samples) and see how much pixel real estate how much the stuff takes up
should give you a good baseline for how much is gonna get seen
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 18:09:01 UTC No. 890501
Thanks senpai, I'll give that a shot and go from there.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 18:15:39 UTC No. 890502
eh, its decent anime hair but bro... that character....
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 18:28:32 UTC No. 890507
The character is very unfinished. I just have the rough shapes for proportions, and the little bits of detail that exist for the face are just there to be landmarks so I can position the hair.
It's just jarring right now because everything else is sculpted at low resolution (and still incredibly rough, most of the body proportions still really aren't right), but the hair is generated from curves and is really sharp.
The character is Kumatora, so the face is going to stay quite simple in any case (probably not as simple as the official art, but I don't want to stray too far).
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 18:46:25 UTC No. 890510
are you the same anon that was doing kumatora a while ago?
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 18:48:39 UTC No. 890513
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 18:49:52 UTC No. 890514
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 19:14:03 UTC No. 890520
I don't know, I'm asking so I can learn.
It could help with deformation if you plan to make her do splits?
Are you planning to use that model for, things?
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 19:20:08 UTC No. 890521
Cris its been a year and you havent finished it. Please give up.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 19:40:12 UTC No. 890524
dont talk about cris if you dont even know about him dumb newfag. Cris wouldnt be even able to achieve shit like that.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 19:41:27 UTC No. 890525
I'm not Cris. Nothing about my posting style even suggests I'm the same person, if it's the person I think it is; the one who argues with everything, never improves, never works on anatomy, and insists he knows everything. He's the one whose posts are incomprehensible and basically word salad, right? The one who posted all those weird threads about animation and yelled at everybody who told him to study his fundamentals?
I'm always well aware of where I need to work, and I work on that. I did that Kumatora last year, then took about a year to slowly go through a paid Blender sculpting course while working over full time (and I didn't post or lurk here during that time, because my progress was too slow to really warrant it), then I came back after I finished that and started working on anatomy and other things. That Kumatora (which is "finished" to the degree I wanted to finish it at the time), the Jellyfish Sister thing, and this latest shot at Kumatora are the only bits of my own work that I've ever posted here. I'm doing her again from scratch to benchmark my progress a bit. This isn't any attempt to "finish it" over the course of a solid year. I might do a fresh rendition every year to track my progress and keep aware of where I still need to work.
If you've got actual advice, I'd be glad to hear it, but it's probably not going to be all that useful given that I've just barely bashed the major shapes together at this point and I know my proportions are still not right by far. Here's the full body at the current point. Also, the plan isn't for this to be a lewd project, and most of the body will be covered by her hoodie dress thing.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 19:50:31 UTC No. 890526
I also tried with textures. tfw you realize that geodesic spheres are a thing.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 19:59:52 UTC No. 890530
You gotta lurk moar before you can identify the works of cris
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 20:23:13 UTC No. 890531
Doesn't look bad. The atmospheric glow looks really interesting, especially on Mars. Earth looks really hazy and low saturation and low contrast, though. The atmospheric glow should be more visible on the edge than the middle, and made more transparent straight on (maybe with a fresnel) to avoid obscuring planetary features. The clouds and surface need a lot more clarity to look good. Earth's shading looks really flat on the bottom left, making it look less spherical and more flat, but that might be an effect of banding and such. The dark areas of Earth can look much more interesting if you position it so there are visible continents and you have some visible city lights, depending on how stylized you want it. Same goes for some simple bump mapping to add some visible texture. You can also make the clouds somewhat more visible a bit past the edge of the darkness to emphasize their higher altitude and add a more interesting appearance.
Your space is pretty boring. Space images are much more interesting if you make the stars vary more in brightness and color, make most of them a lot sharper and less fuzzy, make them clustered in some areas and more sparse in others, and maybe make other space features like nebulae visible, even slightly.
> geodesic spheres
If you're looking at avoiding polar artifacts, rounded cubes are also an option.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 20:31:00 UTC No. 890534
>Also, the plan isn't for this to be a lewd project, and most of the body will be covered by her hoodie dress thing.
okay but what if you modeled her naked just for fun haha
like what if you could see her Vagina under the hoodie dress thing hehe itd be pretty funny
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 20:34:43 UTC No. 890536
>rounded cubes are also an option.
Not that guy but they tend not to smooth as well as geodesics.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 20:35:40 UTC No. 890537
I'll model her vagina, anus, and nipples in explicit detail, but never show any of it in any renders or WIPs. They'll be there only for me.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 20:36:53 UTC No. 890538
you need to add a cast > sphere modifier after
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 20:38:45 UTC No. 890539
you fucker
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 20:45:25 UTC No. 890541
I use them as a quad-based spherical base for sculpting usually, and so I just use them for spheres as well. Looking at it now, I can see how they might end up with artifacts near the cube corners as there will be a slightly higher concentration of vertices there (not to mention the polygons being a different shape at the center of the cubic faces, where they'll be more square, compared to the corners, where they'll be more rhomboid). The artifacts are not extreme, but I get a much better result with an icosphere than a rounded cube with lower polygon counts. Thanks for the heads up.
Even with this, you end up with slight surface warping in different parts of the sphere. It's not very noticeable, but you can see it in motion when the polygon count isn't very high. Better to just use an icosphere for spherical or nearly spherical objects.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 21:04:57 UTC No. 890543
I appreciate your multiple advices, mate. I'm combining different knowledge I've learned from multiple random tutorials. I agree about improving the background (space), and I'll fix it asap. I also have a night Earth texture, so I'll try and make it visible in dark areas.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Apr 2022 21:51:53 UTC No. 890549
But there's not even a self-help section of the Discord.
If you're gonna talk shit, at least get it right.
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Apr 2022 05:13:18 UTC No. 890587
Anatomy is hard.
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Apr 2022 05:25:05 UTC No. 890588
you went highpoly way too fast, sculpting on this mesh at this subdivision level will make everything muddy and wobbly,
Arms and stomach/crotch look good(for a basemesh), the rest needs a lot of refinement
If you are going to study anatomy, go for realism first, then move to stylized, trying to learn anatomy by doing stylized stuff is going to give you a ton of extra work for minimal benefit.
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Apr 2022 06:03:21 UTC No. 890590
Yep, I'm definitely feeling all that. I really wanted to use this as a benchmark for progress, but I can shelf it for a month or so while I do a few more realistic projects.
One thing I've been struggling with is getting rough details properly defined at a lower resolution (my resolution is actually about the same for most of the mesh except the head, which is really high; I have smooth shading on for some of the objects).
If the resolution is low, I have trouble defining things like nose and mouth, which can end up really angular, and if I use dyntopo, the mixed resolutions really screw with things like the smooth brush (and transitions can be hideous), so I just gave up and cranked a bunch of it up with remesh. Some brushes, like crease, feel a lot more responsive in a higher resolution as well, but I may have just not learned how to wield them correctly yet. I really like the idea of dyntopo, and only having resolution where I really need it, but it's hard to properly manage. Are there any particular tricks, or does it just come with practice and experimentation?
I also really need a lot of work in a bunch of other places, particularly hands and heads. Back to the Zarins books with me, I guess.
As far as highpoly goes, though, I find that the same level of detail for something like hands needs much smaller polygons than something like the torso or upper leg. Should I try for a roughly consistent polygon size as I iterate and refine, or should areas have polygon sizes relative to the size of their details?
Thanks for your input. At my level, even telling me that any of it looks good for a basemesh is a compliment.
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Apr 2022 06:11:50 UTC No. 890592
Just started to pick up zbrush again. Got a basic blockout going on for my sculpt
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Apr 2022 06:16:46 UTC No. 890593
I would suggest learning how to measure out your portions maybe pick up some PDFs you can find online like Anatomy for Sculptors, Loomis Anatomy etc etc. Never give up Anon
Also Pic is sculpt warm up from a few days ago
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Apr 2022 08:28:37 UTC No. 890598
haha, monke
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Apr 2022 08:41:36 UTC No. 890599
Spent about six hours total over the last nine months looking at tutorials and infographics saying "man I should really start learning to model stuff."
I finally sat down and started ramming meshes together and out came this little guy. Am I gmi guys?
2022-04-07 110827.jpg
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Apr 2022 09:15:26 UTC No. 890603
I'm feeling a bit stupid right now. What should I do if I want the bump map to be displayed correctly through Cycles? (pic related is Eevee, also feel free to laugh if nodes are wrong)
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Apr 2022 13:52:57 UTC No. 890626
If you keep practicing right and working on fundamentals, yeah.
Anybody can do it. Just remember, practice doesn't make perfect; perfect practice makes perfect. Putting in hours is important, but if you put them in wrong, you can actually just waste your time.
Right now, your primary focus should be on having fun. That's a cute model, but the realistic dirt texture clashes with the simplistic geometry.
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Apr 2022 14:35:27 UTC No. 890633
A good point and well made, thank you.
The dirt was actually the first thing I textured. I was hoping to do a little displacement map thing with the pebbles in it, but I didn't really look into how that works and it just broke so I got rid of it. It *is* bump mapped though, for all the good that does.
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Apr 2022 14:36:52 UTC No. 890634
finally got to touch this junk after two weeks
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Apr 2022 15:08:39 UTC No. 890639
>I would suggest learning how to measure out your portions
What do you mean by this? You mean measuring proportions? I've been kind of doing that by eyeball (and using parts of my hands and fingers to compare lengths of things), or are there better techniques to making the proportions right?
> pick up some PDFs you can find online like Anatomy for Sculptors, Loomis Anatomy etc
I've been doing Anatomy for Sculptors. I pirated the other Zarins books, but I'll probably actually purchase them all soon to have hard copies on hand. I wasn't aware of Loomis Anatomy, so I'll look into that too, thanks.
That looks really interesting. I would love to be able to bang out stylized faces like that and keep them looking good. I think I need to work the fundamentals and anatomy study harder.
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Apr 2022 15:13:20 UTC No. 890640
Your elevation map might not be what you expect. Make sure you preview it to be sure the elevation is what you expect, and then the Bump node to be sure that looks right too, and tweak the strength and distance and stuff.
Using the Node Wrangler addon and using Ctrl-Shift-LeftClick can be really good for previewing.
> feel free to laugh if nodes are wrong
Your first two nodes on both your color and bump textures are identical. You can use the Vector output for the same one on both Vector inputs
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Apr 2022 17:07:09 UTC No. 890654
I'm checking with the Node Wrangler, but I don't see the problem. Could it be that Bump workflow is different for Cycles?
>Your first two nodes on both your color and bump textures are identical.
Oh boy, I can't believe I haven't seen this. Thank you!
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Apr 2022 17:41:45 UTC No. 890662
Looked like fun, so I got in on the action too.
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Apr 2022 18:04:05 UTC No. 890665
I'm actually having the same problem with cycles in this setup here: >>890662 . Bump Node is only working in Eevee, not Cycles. Interestingly, when I remove the bump map input texture's vector input, it starts working sort of, so I think it has something to do with how cycles calculates the new normals using object local coordinates. I think it's because we're calculating the texture coordinates rather than using UVs, which confuses the bump map node. This should be fixable by just specifying the "Normal" input or something, but it's not working for whatever reason. Might be a cycles bug.
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Apr 2022 18:36:44 UTC No. 890671
As expected, when I switched to a UVsphere and actually mapped my UVs, it all just worked. I think I'll open a bug report for this if I can't find one. This is definitely a bug.
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Apr 2022 18:40:44 UTC No. 890672
Looks like this bug, I think: https://developer.blender.org/T7497
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Apr 2022 20:48:50 UTC No. 890695
You gonna rig it anon?
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Apr 2022 20:56:46 UTC No. 890698
mightve gone a little too hard on the greebling hombre
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Apr 2022 21:38:03 UTC No. 890709
>reddit fag with popteamepic avatar starts trooning out on the discord
it was inevitable, i suppose
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Apr 2022 21:43:31 UTC No. 890711
no one fucking cares about discord
just leave the group and do some work instead.
Render Capture 1.png
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Apr 2022 22:39:15 UTC No. 890723
Very nice Mayl! I saw your updates on /v/ and was inspired to make a Jasmine.
4vs 5.png
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Apr 2022 23:42:46 UTC No. 890734
I redid the textures and the hands. I autisticly continued to use 5 fingers until I looked at other models/drawings and decided that 4 would work better. I think she looks better with low poly eyes as apposed to the high poly eyes on the subdivided one tell me what you think.
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Apr 2022 23:50:22 UTC No. 890736
>Actually hanging out in the discord
What were you thinking?
Anonymous at Fri, 8 Apr 2022 03:39:00 UTC No. 890753
Those shoulder loops looks like a problem anon.
Make a loop like this because i think your shoulders will collapse if its facing down or up.
Anonymous at Fri, 8 Apr 2022 03:42:43 UTC No. 890756
Thank you for the tip anon. I haven't started altering the topology for deformation yet.
Anonymous at Fri, 8 Apr 2022 03:54:00 UTC No. 890759
probably something like number 2 >>890753
Theres a lot of ways to tackle it. Id give some breasts supports too for form.
Green lines are correction if her waist is slim(?) and also so it doesnt clip with the arms when its facing down.
Anonymous at Fri, 8 Apr 2022 05:02:21 UTC No. 890776
The discord and board are separate.
No one gives a shit about what happens in one compared to the other.
What did you really hope to gain from complaining here about it? Kudos from fellow anons and upboats? Seems like you're just as reddit.
Anonymous at Fri, 8 Apr 2022 10:33:10 UTC No. 890806
>No one gives a shit about what happens in one compared to the other
i do you fucking dick
and i am in both
stop jumping into conclusions
Anonymous at Fri, 8 Apr 2022 13:48:12 UTC No. 890815
Anonymous at Fri, 8 Apr 2022 13:52:26 UTC No. 890817
That's pretty neato.
Anonymous at Fri, 8 Apr 2022 22:26:00 UTC No. 890863
bruh, that's sexy.
What's it for?
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Apr 2022 05:51:24 UTC No. 890895
If you've got a problem with someone, take it outside like a man, instead of airing out all your laundry in public, in hopes of rallying people to your cause.
There's a face and a name you can single out, one of the blessings and curses of using a Discord. DM the dude and call him a bitch.
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Apr 2022 06:08:51 UTC No. 890898
This irks me. Yes, rotating objects are cool, but it looks out of frame and unbalanced.
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Apr 2022 08:53:08 UTC No. 890907
Its rendered from the viewport and for some reason when u put 1024x1024 it creates a camera thats really far away so i had to zoom in into the object to render is closely.
Was just wasting time making random shit...
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Apr 2022 10:27:20 UTC No. 890915
>my ancestor
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Apr 2022 16:29:41 UTC No. 890943
>for some reason when u put 1024x1024 it creates a camera thats really far away so i had to zoom in into the object to render is closely.
I think that may be the fov.