
Starry Wip.jpg

🧵 /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 890966

/wip/ - Works in Progress
- AI Takeover 2: Electric Boogaloo -
>Art by Vincent van Wip

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>888112

List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB
/3/ Discord for those interested: https://discord.gg/ujt5vtr4DE

Anonymous No. 890967

>Collage posting
As mentioned in the previous thread, I'll be continuing the collages in the next thread.
I won't be putting everything from the thread into it, and it'll be on an opt-in basis. If you'd like to opt-in, simply post your work as a transparent PNG. If it's an environment or larger scene, don't worry about posting a transparent image since there's a specific place I put those. Depending on the circumstances (I like an image, it makes an impact on the thread, etc.), I may put something in the thread that wasn't posted as transparent.
Really these are just suggestions of how you all can make things easier and quicker for me, not hard rules.

So to bullet point
>get into the collage by posting transparent PNGs
>environment/scene anons don't need to
>I might add images that aren't transparent if they're noteworthy or useful to the collage



Anonymous No. 890991

bun, if i dont get lazy ill make it for 3d printing



Anonymous No. 891017

Here's my progress for now. Her expression is still stale because I haven't rigged her face yet, so I'm gonna go binge some tutorials I have saved because I haven't rigged a face before.
I completely reworked the feet because they didn't match her design, and their topology was awful. I also made her thighs, butt, and belly fatter.

The image isn't transparent because I didn't want to upload just a single pose, but having multiple poses on a transparent image seemed like it would make the collage messy. Having my stuff in the collage doesn't feel as important as compared to when I was new here, but I still like seeing everyone else's things in there.



Anonymous No. 891021

Trying to make a Ghibli-inspired piece and so far not succeding

Anonymous No. 891022

doesn't look that far off to me

Anonymous No. 891038

You're making good pace anon, keep it going.
Depending on what you're using, if you're rendering via raytracing, rendering low samples and cranking the denoise really high gives a painterly look. Though your mileage may vary.



Anonymous No. 891041

Kek it is hard posing with spotlight even with ref.

Anonymous No. 891042

looks like grub hub porn the biggest problem is the style your going for. The model itself looks competent but at that point you might as well change the design into something more appealing. Only critic i can give without saying do the whole thing over again would be to get rid of the pitch black pupils

>I haven't rigged her face yet
best advice i can give and just DONT maybe a very basic rig to open and close the mouth and use shapekeys for the rest

Anonymous No. 891047

Some elements are good, others aren't. For examples I can accept the mountains and the flowers but not the hills.
Just keep working on it, I take it the tent is not finished yet.

Anonymous No. 891055

Learn proper anatomy, stop making porn.



Anonymous No. 891056

Been refining some of my choreography lately.



Anonymous No. 891059

first try at making a base mesh but it looks nothing like the reference but how is the line flow and other things?



Anonymous No. 891060

supposed to be male btw



Anonymous No. 891061




Anonymous No. 891068

How bad is this? I've been staring at it for too long and I can't even tell if it looks right or not. It doesn't look like a 3d scan, that much is obvious, but I just don't understand why. What am I missing?

Anonymous No. 891069

looks like mr libido from yakuza 0

Anonymous No. 891073

He looks so god damn ripped but has no mass

Anonymous No. 891076

I assume that's a bad thing. Oh well. I also made it sound like it's somehow close to being like a real scan. I didn't mean it like that, I know it's not good, I meant more like, how do I even go in that direction?
So I should enlarge the chest and limbs or something?



Anonymous No. 891077

is that a sculpt or a poly model? if the latter how do i make those muscles? do i model a different mesh with the muscles then bake it into the low poly model? is 1100 triangles too much ?

Anonymous No. 891078

what reference are you using?
go look at some ufc flyweight and bantamweight dudes, and make special note of how tall they are.
manlets will have volume in their muscles at those weight classes, but they'll have midget proportions. taller dudes will just look like someone carved the muscles into flat boards.



Anonymous No. 891081

That's a sculpt. The basic procedure for sculpts, as you probably know, is to retopologize when you're done and bake normals from the sculpt.
If you want to poly model first you could do that too - in blender you can throw on a multires modifier, subdivide a few times and sculpt the muscles on, then bake normals from the multires modifier. But it's easier to go with a sculpt first because you can make the shapes you want up front without thinking about topology, instead of fiddling with the wiring for ages to possibly get it wrong in the end.
As for polycount, it really depends on what you want the model to be for. 1k triangles is very little if you want any definition. I've made what I'd call medium detailed models in the past, and they hover at about 5k vertices (around 10k triangles) for the body alone, mirrored. That is before subdivision, I subdivide those once to 20k vertices (~40k triangles).
The guy is supposed to be 180cm. As for reference, I mostly just used the anatomy charts from zarins book and then I glanced at these 3d scan images from it.

Anonymous No. 891092

It just feels like his muscles are too small, especially the shoulders and biceps and upper chest (especially the connection between chest and arm)
But it does look like your reference

Anonymous No. 891094

the whole area under your pecs is a mess (serratus, obliques etc iirc). note on your ref how the muscles 'peek' through from under the skin instead of being weird blobs under teh skin.
the transition to the abs is over done and the abs need to be flatter in general.

Anonymous No. 891117

The style is still something I'm working on. I assume it looks like grubhub because of the materials and the rendering style, but I would like to know what exactly is grubhub-ish about it, and what your opinion is on how you would fix the style. I would also like to know what elements you find unappealing, and what you would do to fix them.

Anonymous No. 891153

how do i stop procastinating shit i hate myself



Anonymous No. 891166

what is this shit
how can i find what group is causing these faces to look all fucked

Anonymous No. 891183

I think that's a face set. Go into sculpt mode and press face sets -> face set from visible and it should become all white.

Anonymous No. 891192

sorry pal you can't crowdsource a style, especially not for porn
i think your biggest problem is the 3d equivalent of symbol drawing
you're sure there's supposed to be a bellybutton somewhere around here, shoulderblades somewhere around there, but you don't have an intuitive enough understanding of anatomy to simplify those forms properly
when people say "learn anatomy," they don't mean make an anatomically accurate model instead, they mean learn to make an anatomically accurate model, THEN make an anatomically inaccurate one
in your case, your lack of knowledge is giving you big problems around the shoulders and neck and chest, the feet obviously, and probably the face as well
practice gesture drawing and 2d studies for a few weeks and you'll see some improvement

Anonymous No. 891194

Sometimes when you add faces to a smooth shaded mesh in edit mode they will appear flat shaded. Just shade it smooth in object mode.



Anonymous No. 891199

Really lacking in anatomy understanding and control, so doing some proportions and musculature studying using Zarins. Feel free to judge and offer advice (especially if you see obvious improvements that can be made especially in respect to shape and connections), but don't waste too much effort, as I'm just starting and a lot of the issues likely need hours of study and practice before most practical advice will even become useful, and I still have a lot of major muscles I have to place.

My main question, though. I am a heavy hotkey user and would like to avoid moving my cursor to the other side of the screen to select a brush and have to move it back and reorient myself, but some of the brush hotkeys in Blender are stupid. Nudge is Space shift 1. That's ridiculous, and half of the brush hotkeys don't even work unless you hit space first, but some of the others work without opening the brush context menu (Shift-C for crease is fine, for instance, but Draw Sharp needs Space 1, and 1 won't work on its own). I don't see why it can't be just Space to open the menu, then a single other key to select the brush, with each brush having its own key. Having to hit space to open the brushes and then a chord for a brush is stupid when there are way fewer brushes than alphanumeric keys.
Is there any good way of hotkeying around brushes that maximizes efficiency without being inconsistent as hell, or would I have to remap all my stuff for that? If it's the latter, are there any community-blessed mappings?

Anonymous No. 891203

sir very nice for the hips what happened?



Anonymous No. 891205

I haven't really refined that bit yet. I did a rough block-out based on a skeleton, then readjusted it based on the first two parts of this (so you see the hips are that weird trapazoidal shape shown in green here). I did that because the skeleton-based blockout turned out to be a relatively poor base for throwing muscles onto.
I've only really been working on the deltoids, pecs, and abs. Next was going to be the arm muscles and upper back muscles, then the hips and such. I'm mostly just throwing the major shaping and visible muscles on so I can adjust them and get a better understanding of their arrangements.

Anonymous No. 891208

skeleton bad not sir, re arrange, do not throw, maybe doctor will say so

Anonymous No. 891209

Your English is hard for me to understand, but I think I get what you're saying. I should still use a skeleton as a base, especially because I'm trying to get an understanding of musculature, and I should worry less about my blockout being a representation of a complete body, but rather anchor points for muscles because the point of the study is anatomy, not total shape.
Thank you; that's good advice. I still wish brushes in Blender were less of a pain in the ass, though.

Anonymous No. 891211

yes sir very nice doctor will say fine, you strong like buey from protein musculature dgjtd

Anonymous No. 891212

oh that anon is trolling you because he thinks that the base mesh isn't proportional

base meshes aren't meant to be perfect though, a lot of sculptors develop and tweak it over time

Anonymous No. 891215

Well it's not a rule by any means, a lot of people use basemeshes, but personally when I'd just started sculpting I tried to use remeshed basemeshes too, but I found that I was too afraid to change the shapes much fearing that I would ruin them when I'd finally gotten to sculpting. But when I started sculpting from spheres I found myself using bolder strokes for obvious reasons, and it only helped me. So instead of doing what you're doing, try just going from a sphere and see if it works better for you. I find that it's much quicker to start working from a sphere directly than be particular about the proportions and shapes of the basemesh for half an hour before even touching sculpt mode.
As for hotkeys, just remap them yourself. I try to limit myself to the simplest brushes most of the time so I use 1 for clay strips, 2 for draw sharp, 3 for grab, 4 for blob. Smooth is shift click by default as you know. Three other brushes I use semi-regularly are the first "draw" one when I need a less flat buildup, inflate and crease, but much less often so I don't use hotkeys for them. I have alt+mousehweel set to increasing/decreasing brush size in all modes because some piece of software which I forgot had this as the default and I set it that way in all programs I use. One thing I think I should hotkey sometime is the falloff mode on the grab brush. I toggle it back and forth a LOT. Since I don't use dyntopo because uneven poly density fucks with smoothing strength and that bothers me a lot, for blocking out I use projected falloff grab + remesh.

Anonymous No. 891222

Right, but I'm actually not really trying to make a basemesh for future use or anything just yet, just working on proportions and anatomy as a study.
Even if he's trolling, he did make me realize that I should just make a proportional base skeleton as close as I can get to a real skeleton and attach muscles to it. Throwing muscles on top of a base body blockout like I'm doing is going to end up with me either having a bloated mesh with muscles farther out than they should be or I'm going to be shrinking things in anyway.

I'll probably do that more later (maybe later today). I'm just trying to cultivate an eye and feel for muscle placement and arrangement at the moment, so I'm planning on keeping all the major muscles as separate objects for now. This whole study is just for anatomy. I'll work on probably more general proportions and blockout work later. I'm trying to cultivate a strong understanding of anatomy, then proportion, volume and form after.

I was trying to avoid remapping it myself, because I reset my config with most updates to keep things clean, and I hate syncing settings across multiple machines, but this is enough of a pain in the ass that I should probably just bite the bullet and remap them.

> One thing I think I should hotkey sometime is the falloff mode on the grab brush
I never thought about hotkeying that, but I definitely should. I find I want to change falloff a lot but it's kind of a pain. Accessing a lot of the brush settings can be annoying, really.

> Since I don't use dyntopo because uneven poly density fucks with smoothing strength
I feel that so much. I love the idea of having resolution only where you need it, but you get such ugly seams everywhere, and uneven brush behavior in general.

Thanks a lot for the advice, anons.



Anonymous No. 891239

finished watching wordgirl recently, figured I'd try to model a character



Anonymous No. 891287

I know there are still problems, but this is a ton of fun. I feel like I'm learning faster than ever before. I'm also learning the names of all the major muscles and bones as I go.
I'll probably get all the muscles down and roughly shaped, then I'll model out the pelvis and ribs more maticulously, add some more smaller bones, fine-tune the muscle anchor points, and further refine everything as I need to.

Really, everybody who hasn't done something like this should give it a shot. I see the human body in a whole new light, and am running my own fingers all over my body, finding all the landmarks, distinguishing major muscles, and feeling an understanding of the inside of my own body like never before.



Anonymous No. 891288

Nice man

Anonymous No. 891291

I think it’s strange that you would react so strongly to the model I made. It’s amateurish, sure, but far worse has been posted in these threads before, and people don’t freak out about those like you did. You don’t tell other people that they’re symbol drawing, that they lack knowledge, or that they need to practice gesture drawing, but you single me out for some reason.

I’ve seen people crab and nitpick people who are way better than me, like the goblin bandit, ponytail jiggle-physics woman, and archviz anons who posted really professional-looking models and renders, and I still remember that thread a short while ago full of people complaining about how some 14 year-old btfo’d them with an animation that none of them would be able to replicate.

I think you may be singling me out because I managed to make a decent model despite not being very experienced. I’m not even doing 3d as a career, I’m a programmer and I’m mostly doing this for fun. I enjoyed blocking out the character, sculpting them, I didn’t enjoy retopoing as much, but I still enjoyed rigging, weight painting, and optimizing the topology. I had some experience with art fundies in high school, and I still look at references and etcetera and plan to get better, but modeling the character this way is a lot more fun, and it’s annoying to see some of you go on and on about how you need to master the fundies before you can make something you enjoy. I assume you have much more professional training than I do, but I bet you can’t even make something decent and that’s why you feel the need to crab people. Why don’t you post some of your work (with proof it’s yours) to prove me wrong? I bet it would be pretty funny if you did.

And no, I’m not making this for porn, since that seems to make you really angry for some reason.

Anonymous No. 891311

NGMI, unironically

Anonymous No. 891313

A friend and I have been getting into voice, loading up blender and putting a tutorial video in cytube. It's a nice little classroom experience, and scheduled meetings has made both of us less likely to fall off.

Anonymous No. 891315

that table texture looks like shit

Anonymous No. 891316

i didn't even respond to your model initially
i was more commenting on you asking someone to tell you how to fix your style
that's just now how it works
if you want to improve your style, learn anatomy, that's all i told you


Rhyme and Reason.png

Anonymous No. 891322

more progress

Anonymous No. 891332

Cute models, anon. They look better than they do in the actual show, but I don't know how much of a compliment that actually is.

Anonymous No. 891343

so basically it looks like gh cuz its got long fat arms and legs. this is called alegria and facebook started it in graphic design. if you sexualize or muscle increase or reduce bodyfat she will look less grubhuby. dont listen to the haters its literally 5seconds to change proportions. i like ur art i think its cool. I ignore most 3 posters bcuz crab mindset



Anonymous No. 891344

I'm not doing any more of the arms on this bastard. Holy hell, there are so many arm muscles, and I've been trying to learn the names, but there's only so much I can do between "brachialis", "coracobrachialis", "brachioradialis", "extensor carpi radialis longus", "extensor digitorum", "extensor pollicis brevis" and the rest. I get that the name specifies the function, but many of these muscles are basically buried anyway. I'll call it good enough for now, since I still have the legs and hips to do (I'll probably save the hands, feet, and face for separate studies).

Anonymous No. 891373

you have the correct muscles but you are lacking the proportions.

Forearm muscle is far to big, they need to be smaller or nearly the same as the shoulder muscles

The pectoral muscles need to be more connected to the shoulder, once people get that lean the line becomes almost straight(horizontal from the nipples to shoulder).

The lower half of the rib cage needs to bend slightly which will give you the more V shape

The pectoral muscles come down and reach the beginning for the first row of abs

Back is good

Knees could be more square and align with the hips bones more.

The leg muscles look far to big im comparison to his upper body, not that its un realistic its just not appealing.

Apologise for the list of critics i am by no means saying that it sucks, its very good and honestly the only major flaw is the pectorals not meeting the abs. Only art spergs will notice these issues though so most end users probably wouldn't notice.



Anonymous No. 891443

Working on anatomy too. Any critiques please?
I know I still have some serious troubles in shaping arm/legs and how the muscles of these parts insert with one another (Chest and delts especially). But what about the rest ?

Anonymous No. 891445

Unreal Engine 5 Ready.



Anonymous No. 891455

I'd recommend doing what I'm doing here: >>891344
I was trying your way before, but actually modelling the individual muscles and skeleton blew my mind wide open about what I was missing and doing wrong before.

At a glance, here are the issues I see:
* Your deltoids are way too separated from the rest of the arm. They lay over the top of the upper arm and their texture is distinguishable, but they aren't a separate part, and the triceps, biceps, and brachialis tuck under them. They should be more continuous
* The triceps and biceps are too far down the upper arm, and bulge too high relative to their mass (they bulge in the right part of the arm, but they should have more mass higher up as well).
* The triceps seem rotated toward the body, and the brachialis is too far back. It should be facing more up than back, and the tricep should be more back than in. It looks like you've kind of merged the shape of those two muscles.
* The forearm has completely incorrect definition. It's a complex arrangement of over a dozen different muscles. You don't have to get them exactly right, but their influence on the shape needs to be recognizable. The most prominent muscles, the brachiordialis, extensor carpi radialis longus (yeah, stupid long name), and the flexor carpi ulnaris need to be really right.

* The traps and latissimus dorsi look pretty much fused. You might want to distinguish them more for an anatomy study, even if they aren't extremely distinguished on an actual back.
* The trapezius is too far forward on the upper part of the neck. It's a really deep swoop on the shoulder and thin up the back of the neck.
* The trapezius doesn't really connect to the scapula correctly. It needs to be deeper into the middle of the back. The trapezius shape as a whole is not quite right.
* The structure of the latissimus dorsi comes up kind of ambiguously into the ribcage thing.

[to be continued]



Anonymous No. 891458

Back, continued:
* The scapulae aren't really visible. I think that might be what you're trying to capture with those round bits near the deltoids, but if they're visible at all, they'll be more blade-like, and their visible edge will run up vertically toward the spine, and then angle sharply transverse to meet with the clavicle.

In general, you need to be very conscious of the shape of your clavicle and scapulae, because a lot of very visible muscles connect to them.

* The pectoralis isn't the right shape. It should narrow more on the edge to anchor underneath the deltoids (on the humerus). Look at the fan shape of fibers, and how they cross over each other to anchor on the arm. Your shape would be largely fine for stylized, but it's not anatomically right. You also need the bony areas for it to connect right. Pecs do not bulge at the top, they connect to the clavicle at the top
* The entire abdominal area is not defined at all. You need abs, you need obliques, and your ribs are not the right shape at all. The ribs should be taller, have a closer gap below the sternum, and should be widest at the middle (A different shape, like the famous inverted triangle, is caused by thick musculature, not the skeleton). I think a reason your latissimus dorsi is so ill-formed is because you don't have the obliques for the interface between them.
* Your pelvis needs a lot more care in how it's formed. The shape and placement of the Ilium is the most significant contributor to the shape of the lower torso, upper legs, and hips and pelvis in general. A ton of the biggest muscles in your body attach to the ilium in one way or another.



Anonymous No. 891459

* The upper part of your legs are sabotaged from the start by having an ill-defined pelvis. Your glutes don't know how to connect, your quadriceps don't know how to connect (and as such, aren't totally the right shape).
* The glutes aren't just a single mass. They're primarily two large muscles, the gluteus maximux and the gluteus medius. The gluteus maximus wraps around the outer side of the leg, and isn't cleanly defined and separated from the upper leg on the outside (keeping it separated and more spherical can be fine for stylization, and is visually appealing, but understanding the anatomy is essential to keeping it looking right, especially in motion).
* Remember that the quadriceps are a set of muscles. It's easy to focus overly on the rectus femoris, but don't reduce the front of the leg as if it's one big muscle. This might be largely due to the pelvis problem as well, because the shapes of these muscles are heavily influenced by where they attach to the pelvic bones.
* The back of the upper leg is a complex set of muscles. Yours is extremely flat. It should not be concave like that.
* The kneecap looks quite good at the front, but the back of the knee is not a crease like that.
* The lower leg is far too long.
* The calf muscle is too thick, the gastrocnemius is far too high, and it's missing attention to how it connects to the femur.
* The calf sorely needs more muscles. Where are the tibialis anterior and soleus muscles? The calves look like they literally only have a huge gastrocnemius and the rest of the muscles are missing.

All in all, it's a good effort, and it's not bad. Many of the shapes are great, and most of the proportions are sound, but it looks like an attempt to shape a human based on looking at references of fit people, but it doesn't speak of an understanding of anatomy. You need to know the arrangements of muscles and bones, and how they connect to each other.

Good work still. Keep it up.

Anonymous No. 891465

Keep practising and studying anatomy and use reference when you are sculpting, you are going to become good



Anonymous No. 891470

Thank you for the advice, I tried to fix the issues you guys pointed out, but I didn't wanna spam it too much every step of the way so here's what it looks like in the end. I may have ruined some things in the process because my eye for anatomy isn't trained yet. I didn't quite get what the horizontal line from the nipples to the shoulder meant, did you mean like, when the arms are down? Or the connection thingie that stretches from the pectorals to the deltoid thing? Anyway I think I'm gonna try to find consistent photo reference and make a whole bunch more sculpts from scratch before I ask for any more advice because I think I got some food for thought from this sculpt. Thanks again.

Anonymous No. 891473

Very nice, anon



Anonymous No. 891474


Anonymous No. 891476

much better, anon. work a bit more on the serratus. notice on your sculpt how you can follow each muscle from origin till it dips under the lattimus, but on your reference you barely see the origin on a couple before it all gets smoothed over by fat and skin. try and take note of that in general. you're not doing an ecorche: there's a lot of fat filling in gaps and a big sheet of skin pulled over everything you see in anatomy diagrams.


you are not gonna....png

Anonymous No. 891477



Anonymous No. 891482

Here's a cool website I just found that lets see you the human body by layers (muscles too): zygotebody.com
Just disable all the others parts you don't to see.
Thanks a lot man, I really appreciate the feedback. Yeah I tryed to go a little bit too fast and went directly for animated stuff but your posts made me realised how important it is to at least once do the entire human body realisticly.
I'm gonna do right now with the site I found.
Thanks m8

Anonymous No. 891483

Zygotebody is great; I really like it. Make sure you note those capsule-shaped buttons on the bottom of the left toolbar (right above the question mark). You can switch to individual layer sliders to disable cardiovascular and organs and stuff you might not care about and just focus on what's important for 3D art.

I forgot to say because I was posting on my lunch break, but your work does show a lot of promise. I wouldn't have spent so much time and detail giving feedback otherwise. Keep it up and focus on the right things, and you'll be crazy good really quickly.

Anonymous No. 891485

Thanks a lot. The feedback and encouragements, they got to my hurt mayne. I'll take advantage of this boost to ditch the rest of what I'm learning and focus on anatomy sculpting for the next few days.

Anonymous No. 891497


>box modelling anime instead of chad sculpting and retopologizing,

Do you like pushing verts one by one?

Anonymous No. 891500

ngmi loser

Anonymous No. 891507

>Do you like pushing verts one by one?
Unironically yes, it's a simple pleasure.



Anonymous No. 891509

Meatman anatomy study still coming along. Spent about an hour on the femur tonight. Wanted to do more, but didn't have time. Intend to finish all the rest of the leg muscles tomorrow, then I'll run back up to the forearm and fill out the missing space with a few more of the other smaller muscles.
Getting a little bit tripped up with my goals, as I just wanted to do muscles without connective tissue so I could focus entirely on the mass, but without the connective tissues, things like the abs are still kind of hard to align, and the latissimus dorsi in particular looked funky. I went and extended the lats at least to fill the middle space in the back.
After reshaping the pelvis a bit, now some things again don't connect right, but I'll fix that a bit later.
I might take out a lot of the muscles after this and try to remake them with paths, and texture them nicely too. Depends how motivated I'm still feeling after 3 more hours of "extensor peroneus fellator hallucius longus fuckus dingus dongus".



Anonymous No. 891519

You should look up what face topology usually looks like or you're not going to have a fun time if you try to do anything more with your model.

For anime characters it doesn't really make a difference.

Anonymous No. 891520

Normal topology doesn't work for some anime shading styles

Anonymous No. 891527

no one tried to guess the character baka
i usually do that, but its less efficient when you have to do anime style heads
look up raven from teen titans. cartoon characters dont have exactly stellar proportions

Anonymous No. 891528

Look up specific topology for your style then. But you should still have the main loops.

Anonymous No. 891530

look up guilty gear xrd topology.



Anonymous No. 891531


Anonymous No. 891533

i prefer putting image in full screen tabbing to zbrush and making teh ui transparent n top right corner

Anonymous No. 891566

You should be able to do both. If you can't box model and sculpt+retopo, you should learn the one you are missing. You'll never be sorry to have more tools in your toolbox.

Anonymous No. 891568

>look up raven from teen titans. cartoon characters dont have exactly stellar proportions
It's not about the proportions, it's about having an edge flow that won't look hideous for deformations. Topology is about setting up the edge flow so that the regular range of motions doesn't create ugly pinching or other issues. Bad topology means when you start trying to do expressions, including anything involving mouth, cheek, or brow muscles, or even just open the mouth, you'll get ugly artifacts where the topology wasn't properly set up for deformation.

It doesn't matter if you plan to have a static model that will never be posed or rigged, but like the other anon said, "you're not going to have a fun time if you try to do anything more with your model". If you have plans to rig at all, fix your topology if you don't want pain.

Honestly, I'd even recommend trying it the way you're doing just to experience it, and then do it right afterward. You'll learn better by doing it wrong first and being able to directly compare, but it will take more time and frustration.

Realistic topology doesn't, but you still need to pay attention to some sort of topology if you're going to do any sort of deformations. "Normal topology doesn't work" is fine, but "therefore I don't have to pay attention to topology at all" isn't the right conclusion (unless you're doing something like making all your expressions with flat textures). Doing stylized figures is not an excuse to not learn fundamentals like anatomy and topology.



Anonymous No. 891574

Working on making my Oc into an actual 3d model!
Now i have to work on making the materials for them, and eventually rigging this (It should be easy seeing i don't have much to rig.)

Anonymous No. 891576




Anonymous No. 891617

Early wip on this scene. Inspired by the book Future.


Scn 2.jpg

Anonymous No. 891650

Currently modelling a chair for a client. Made a quick photogrametry so I could get the angles right but it's mostly artistic world.

>Why not use displacement textures.

This is will be a virtual asset for catalog rendering so it has to work in 12k resolution and the chair is mesh translucent from some angles.

Anonymous No. 891652

How are you doing the weave?



Anonymous No. 891653

Always do backup measurements with a goniometer. That fucking ruler has saved me many times.


Scn 3.jpg

Anonymous No. 891654


Manually. I'm taking this approach because this is just one of many material options and all have artisanal weave with distinct patterns and materials. Some plugins can make a good approximation but no the real thing. This is going to replace photograph references so it has to be precise and my client knows its weaves like the palm of its hand.

Here take a look it's not that difficult.

> Make a planar repeatable weave geometry
> Bend it and stitch it into he basic shape
> Deform the whole piece using space modifiers and. (Over the photogrammetry model it's very easy.)
> Patience and love.

Anonymous No. 891655

that's what i thought but I wasn't sure how you stitched it together so nicely
i see now what you did, thanks



Anonymous No. 891660

Spent a bit setting up a basic curves-based muscle setup. It actually works quite alright to a degree, but only really for parallel muscles. Things like pectorals and deltoids make you do things like uneven scale and other annoying workarounds like a bevel object. Complex fibers like in the pectorals are just out of the question. Dealing with more than two simple anchor points is also awkward at best.
Was a fun experiment, but if I can't do it for all the muscles, I won't do it, because everything will just be inconsistent, and it's probably not really worth redoing all the parallel muscles as curves just for this study.



Anonymous No. 891661

finished the sculpt.



Anonymous No. 891664


>Spewing out technical terminology while presenting work that is not withtin said perceived ability.

Anonymous No. 891665

I'm literally doing this to learn the positions, shapes, and names of the muscles and bones. The terminology is half the point.
Do you have any specific suggestions or criticism?

Anonymous No. 891669


Read artistic anatomy, watch figure drawing videos, take an anatomy course, study a real ecorche. Download a 3d model, study proportions You are doing what most /ic/ or /3/ faggots do. Not working with reference and not studying fundies.



Anonymous No. 891670


Anonymous No. 891672

I don't have Artistic Anatomy on hand; I'm using Loomis and Anatomy for Sculptors, as well as https://www.zygotebody.com and whatever other anatomy references I can get my hands on.
I assure you, I am studying proportions, working with references, and "studying fundies". I'm just getting started at trying to understand anatomy, which is why my anatomy still sucks.

By "specific suggestions or criticism", I meant specific suggestions or criticisms about my approach or current WIP. Is studying anatomy, learning terminology, and constructing bodies from the skeleton up a particularly bad way to learn how a body is put together? I don't think that makes any sense.

I'm really trying to take you seriously, but your first criticism was that I'm using technical names for muscles while not having the artistic ability that knowing anatomical names gives the perception of. That's some retarded nonsense, like you have to be a talented artist to earn the right to use muscle names.

Anonymous No. 891677

> pic
how to do this? what kind of genre?


wip 1.png

Anonymous No. 891679

OP here.
How do you do what?
If you're talking about the effect on it, it's just an AI style-transfer done on Nightcafe (Starry Night by van Gogh, specifically)
If you're talking about the source image itself, I didn't make it. It's an ancient /3/ relic. If I remember correctly it had something to do with Warcraft though.

Anonymous No. 891680

This looks like a Metal Gear character

Anonymous No. 891681

>If you're talking about the effect on it, it's just an AI style-transfer done on Nightcafe (Starry Night by van Gogh, specifically)
This. Thank you!

Anonymous No. 891683

are you the same person who got butthurt over their grubhub porn model
anon is implying that you are studying ineffectively
you're trying to make some muscle fiber material when you don't even understand how knowing about any given muscle will help you
silhouette and gesture are prerequisites for details like striations

Anonymous No. 891684

>grubhub porn model
where is this?



Anonymous No. 891689

No, we're different people. I made an attempt at fixing the legs at least. It's not great, but I was gonna take a break from this for a while because I'm tired.

I'm not great with anatomy, but I'm ok with proportion and I know that anon's model has some proportion issues, but he found a fun way to study anatomy. You may have learned anatomy a certain way, but I know from my experience with learning other things that the best way to learn something is to make it memorable. You don't have to grind that hard that way.

People wonder why this is a dead board, but the reasoning behind that is easy to figure out when we have a bunch of pedantic schizos like you running around here trying to be the fun police while also trying to get people to learn using your gay textbooks.

Anonymous No. 891691

Learn proper antomy keep making porn :)<3

Anonymous No. 891700

Fix the fucking feet already

Anonymous No. 891705

Well, I like the direction you're going with this. Overall look and upper body looks fine and fits the minimalist aesthetic, but the lower body (especially crotch area) needs some work.

I could do a quick overpaint, if you're interested in feedback?

Anonymous No. 891716

I was just making the material as a fun diversion, and because I was tired of starting at salmon-colored blobs while shaping muscles. That wasn't really part of the study, and I was expecting to abandon it from the beginning.
If he thought I was studying ineffectively, he should have said that instead of shitposting about me using muscle names and then just listing off things that I'm already doing. Your last line alone is more useful than both of his posts, because you are specific about what is actually being done wrong.

Mostly, it rubs me the wrong way because last time I said I was working on proportion, I was told I should study anatomy and muscle and bone positions first because that aids proportions, and now when I'm doing that, somebody comes in and tells me not to do that, but to instead study things that I'm already doing. I'm just going to keep working fundamentals, proportions, anatomy, and the like for now and try to cultivate that intuitive understanding of anatomy. Gesture will come later. I can't do it all at once, and I can't listen to everybody's advice when they're all pointing me different ways.

Anonymous No. 891719

Looks really good anon. Something about the hands looks off to me, but it might just be that they're still completely flat while the rest of the body is posed, making them look lifeless.



Anonymous No. 891740

Well, I'm going to just call this one quits. It's good enough for what I wanted, and I've got the major muscle names and functions down. The extensors, flexors, and other muscle names that specify function are especially useful. I'll probably do some proportions studies, focus a bit on faces, hands, and feet, and then do some gesture studies, maybe with some fun little projects in between. Might not post most of it here; I was only doing this one because I knew it was going to take a while.

Anonymous No. 891769

>the hands

yeah i took 0 effort on those. i was just kinda tired and i wanted to see the rigged result, but it doesn't really matter since i'm gonna retopo this mess and make some okayish hands in the proccess.



Anonymous No. 891801

I took a lot of steps back all the way to the torso to block a lot of part that I was sculpting before. Ngl I'm getting tired of this sculpt but I'll try to finish it no matter what. The legs and forearms are a nightmare fuel tho. I think I'm starting to figure out the legs and all but these damn forearms, they just don't look right (lower legs were too bad to show but I know why they look bad in contrary of the forearms that look bad but I have no idea why).
You were right (the anon who game me critiques)
The anon who gave me the nice advices was right about detailing each muscles on their own, I fucking learned a ton of shit in the span of two days, thank you again for that



Anonymous No. 891820

Republic XF-12 Rainbow long range reconnaissance prototype.
Modeled with NURBS. The wing tips made me want to shoot myself. All that's left is the cockpit windows, engines and flaps/slats cutouts.

Anonymous No. 891821

You should do a skeleton or at least wrap the muscles around a skeleton beforehand.

It sucks to start from scratch, but the muscle insertions are very important. If you overlook them, then it'll turn out very wonky..

Anonymous No. 891856

the mountains are really nice

Anonymous No. 891880

Looks much better. The forearms are really hard. Upper arms are 1 bone and 4 muscles, including the deltoids, where the forearms are two bones that rotate and twist and over a dozen muscles that facilitate not only the flexing and twisting of the arm, but a lot of the motion of the wrist, hand, and fingers too.

I wouldn't really frame it as "starting from scratch", but rather as its own study. Lots of small studies and throwaway experiments are necessary for any technical skill. As a programmer, they are the bread and butter of learning any technique and pattern, and the same applies to technical aspects of any art in general. Your success and progress will advance so much faster if you foster the habit and ability to quickly jumpstart small, directed studies and experiment whenever you discover something you need to improve or a new skill you'd like to develop.



Anonymous No. 891897

fart in a canister

Anonymous No. 891899

Wew lad great work! Did you fixed hair on collarbone issue? Would like to see your progress

Anonymous No. 891907

buen trabajo ese



Anonymous No. 891921

Done with it. Zbrush crashed on me a couple of times while saving so I guess I'm done with this sculpt.
I think my next step would be to just sculpt the forearms two or three times in a row.



Anonymous No. 891936

Anonymous No. 891952

just keep working on that until it's done.



Anonymous No. 891956

Making stuff with cloth sims is a lot of fun. Here's a witch hat that needs more details.

Very nice

Anonymous No. 891959

Did you download a pirated version of zbrush? block the exe with your firewall

Anonymous No. 891963

The key to realism is asymmetry, from micro or macro. Imperfection is realistic.

Anonymous No. 891964

>micro or macro
micro to macro*

Anonymous No. 891965


Anonymous No. 891975

gracias hermano, voy a poner lo en mi portfolio -- yo pienso que tiene mucho calidad



Anonymous No. 891985

I'm using a crappy animation project to try out compositing.
It probably needs some color adjusting but I have no idea what things really mean.



Anonymous No. 891991

Been working on a little drone thing.
I didn't really appreciate the complexities of topology on a spherical object, so, it was quite informative, even if it's kinda simple and a bit wonky in places.
Gonna finish up texturing it.



Anonymous No. 891992

How do you know when youre done with a project? I feel happy with where this is going but I cant help but feel its still unfinished?

Anonymous No. 891994

There's no real way of telling if you're not working on a schedule, a deadline or any time limiting factor. You just have to put your foot down and decide that your model is finished. Really, there's not really a limit to how many details/work you can add even on the most basic stuff.
Are the shadows textured or did you play with the topology of the face for shadowing

Anonymous No. 891995

Im not drawing textures since im awful at 2d. Using a color palette method of applying colors to the topology / UV of the model to get what I have here, and also dragging certain parts that make sense for shadows into a darker color of the palette for fake shadows. Main curvy shadows are from celshading.

Anonymous No. 892019

It's done when the thought of putting any more work into it makes you want to puke.

Anonymous No. 892027

It's done when it looks the way you want it to look.

Anonymous No. 892039

Is it better to use sobol or progressive multi jitter for cycles animations?

Anonymous No. 892042

damn son very nice
I'd say its done when any more work on it would be looked over by the average viewer
ive wasted far too much time on shit people won't notice before, it'll drain you quickly



Anonymous No. 892073

Forgive me Lord for I have blocked out a coomer animu



Anonymous No. 892092

looks like it could be pretty Coomalicous but right now all i see is pic related

Anonymous No. 892106

If you want it to really look animu, I'd suggest beziers for the hair.

Anonymous No. 892107




Anonymous No. 892111

An update, i still think it looks a bit barebones

Anonymous No. 892116

I'd work on your composition a bit.
That tent, despite being the subject, is waaay off to the side. You really need to bring it in more. Right now the first thing your eye hits is the rock. Which would be fine if the rock had any importance, but it doesn't look like it does right now.
Some extra little "story" bits might help as well. Maybe a pack or something leaning against the rock with little bits and bobs you can see inside, or some emblems or something on them to hint at an occupation or affiliation. Some leading lines would be a good addition too, like a small line of fences leading to the windmill, snaking its way towards the camera and ducking behind the hill in the foreground, so the eye goes from the tent and follows the fence to the windmill. Even some little houses dotting the area near the windmill might be nice as well, treating that area like a smaller composition. I think the balloon is in a nice-ish place, but some extra "movement" could be suggested by tilting it a bit (remembering to take the basket into account), and perhaps some swirly wind-lines to further emphasize it.
That being said, I think the balloon fights a bit with the tent as to who is the main subject. Perhaps finding some kind of relationship between the two could work though. Like someone by the tent waving to the balloon or something.

It was a bit of a ramble, but I hope it helps. It's got potential.

Anonymous No. 892118

>Perhaps finding some kind of relationship between the two could work though.
Actually I had another idea as well, maybe make the camp where the balloon set off from, and have little bits of ballooning equipment, like sandbags some ropes and some stakes in the ground to suggest a closer relationship between the two without relying on characters.

Anonymous No. 892119

You could add a little bit of haze to give a better sense of depth, right now it looks like the tent, balloon and windmills are at the same distance.
The clouds are a bit boring and very flat, maybe you could try using actual geometry to make them?

Anonymous No. 892121

Oh, instead of haze you could also experiment with using cards with transparent textures like in



Anonymous No. 892130

wip sculpt i have been working on

Anonymous No. 892143

why are the megascans height maps so terrible.

Anonymous No. 892175

hips/ass way too wide/big, breasts too rigid
either lengthen the abdomen reproportion stuff

Anonymous No. 892183

Any pics of a woman with hips that big and an ass that flat? That's what feels unrealistic to me.

Anonymous No. 892184

>>890991 >>892111



Good shit.

Anonymous No. 892185

>>891021 >>892111



Good shit



Anonymous No. 892200

Damn man, the last girl I hooked up with had a pretty face, nice boobs, wide hips but the flattest ass I've seen. It looked weird and being the ass man that I am, every time she would get up after sex, I felt sad. Unfortunate stuff.



Anonymous No. 892206

Looking a little blobby and wobbly. You probably merged your shapes and bumped the resolution up too early. The breasts look stiff and weightless, like implants, probably because you either merged them too early or grew them out of the torso.
The neck should probably not be separated like that, because the trapezius muscle that defines the shape of the neck also goes down the middle of the back and to the clavicles on either side. The upper chest is also missing a lot of shape that should be there from pectorals.
The ass looks really fat, rather than muscular, and the top is not very well-defined.
The abs are really bizarre. If they're visible at all, they won't look like that, the upper part will be split in at least two. If you're going for fat, it should probably be smoother and unseparated, unless you're going for cellulite.
The legs connect quite low compared to the top of the ilium, which looks quite high, and the entire pelvis is huge in the vertical and horizontal dimensions, but very very flat for some reason. The anatomy of the hips in general is pretty questionable.

Focus more on realistic proportions first, keep your objects separated until the proportions are more defined, have your objects represent parts of the anatomy.
You have a lot of good shapes and good anatomy mixed with a lot of bad shapes and bad anatomy. Your leg shapes are good, the arms are largely well-shaped (the deltoids are maybe overvisible, but not too bad, and the biceps are a little short).

To put it very briefly and bluntly, what I see is one of the following:

Somebody with a lot of potential and budding talent bashing on way faster than they should, who should take a little more time to study anatomy and proportions and adjust major shapes before increasing resolution and merging.
Or somebody who doesn't know what they're doing, tracing references badly, and/or taking different existing models and trying to kitbash them together without the skill to do so.

Anonymous No. 892208

terrible how?

Anonymous No. 892209

Is that in Blender? Isn't there something that fucks up with height maps when you import an object from megascans into Blender and you need to connect it properly yourself?
I think it's height maps. I know they connect one of the maps to the wrong place and you need to do it.



Anonymous No. 892239

Alright, composition time. Let's put some effort in this.
It's supposed to be a massive array of capacitor plates, some being lit up by electricity.
I'm already happy with
>diagonally opposing ledges on the bottom left and middle right
>a good portion of the base (will be covered in cables and stuff) being visible

However there is still
>upper left side is supposed to be unlit to create a contrast but it feels empty - blocking the view by pulling a block down makes it feel cramped
>the ledge in the lower right. It's supposed to be there, but does it add anything?

any ideas?

Anonymous No. 892253

>you need to connect it properly yourself?
Yeah most of the connections are one node off from where they're supposed to connect. So shit like the alpha gets plugged into clearcoat or something.
It's less Blender's fault, and more the fault with Bridge's exporter. It's a known problem, but they've still not done anything about it.
For what it's worth, I haven't had any issues with the heightmaps. Once they're plugged up correctly they look how you'd expect.



Anonymous No. 892296

thank you for the advice, mostly i just wanted to sculpt a "busty animu milf", so i ended up with the wide hips and not paying much attention to the proportians. It kinda look ok, but it was always a bit off. Now i tried to fix the too wide hips.



Anonymous No. 892319




Anonymous No. 892385



Anonymous No. 892386


Anonymous No. 892407

Yo nice



Anonymous No. 892434

bishamon from darkstalkers, how did I do?



Anonymous No. 892446



Anonymous No. 892447




Anonymous No. 892477

First thing im actually happy with in a while.



Anonymous No. 892478

Ive been watching too much Ian Hubert stuff I think but its got me motivated to do a short film project.

Anonymous No. 892484

Damn, these are butt ugly "designs".
Not your fault though, you just replicated them. Still....
>Ive been watching too much Ian Hubert stuff
Yes, its kinda obvious.
What people forget or ignore is that Ian isn't just lazy, he does things the lazy way because he has so much stuff on his plate, he has to do 5x more stuff in the same time.
If you spent more than a couple hours on this, then you're doing it wrong.

Anonymous No. 892540

Muy bueno, ponele detalles a los costados de las columnas, quiza una formacion de triangulos?

Anonymous No. 892542

no quiero gastar mucho mas tiempo en este projecto, tengo otras cosas que neccessito hacer por el juego es para, pero gracias por los consejos

Anonymous No. 892544

Kim Kardashian?



Anonymous No. 892545

some really old sculpt i try to unfuck and practice anatomy on.



Anonymous No. 892562

Eyes for a scene. I can't make the cornea (transparent bit) look good in Eevee without using a HDRI, but then it gets a bunch of scenery reflected on it.
If I don't have a HDRI then it looks frosted because of the world's color.



Anonymous No. 892567

Sewing is surprisingly fun once you get it.



Anonymous No. 892581

Jackalope with textures:



Anonymous No. 892596

I spent three hours working on battle gore, only to wind up making a bumpy slice of low poly watermelon. I think I'm calling it a day, I'm going nuts.



Anonymous No. 892599

First time doing hard surface modelling (other than the anvil tutorial from Blender Guru). It's fun! I still have to finish the body binding, screws, foam mute, Jack plate, strings, and then go into materials, the current ones are just placeholders.

I'm probably breaking a ton of good practices, but oh well, I didn't even know they existed until today.

Anonymous No. 892600


Anonymous No. 892601

Every 3d model on the internet is kinda garbage in one way or another, so I decided to make my own.

BTW is 1.2 million vertices too much for a model like this? or triangles? I don't remember which one, now lmao



Anonymous No. 892603

Cycles version



Anonymous No. 892609

Try this node setup for the HDRI

Anonymous No. 892617

nice, are you the guy that posted that witch that one time



Anonymous No. 892621

Thanks. I have a better result without adding the second background node.

Anonymous No. 892623

Thanks bud, same base model actually. Sewed up some new clothes and gave them a more interesting texture following one anon's critique.

Anonymous No. 892632

very nice, definitely some improvement here

Anonymous No. 892649

Good stuff anon. You gonna add more detail/texture-work or are you aiming for a more flat-look?

Anonymous No. 892650

why are you adding a Light Path node when The Guru doesnt advise to do this and the docs dont advise to do this?

Anonymous No. 892651

I've never been good at textures or rendering. The learning curve was to steep for me. I wish I knew someone that could..



Anonymous No. 892656

I have no idea what I am doing and where I am going with this.

Anonymous No. 892657



Nostalgia Simulator.jpg

Anonymous No. 892689

Just finished this music video. Took me 3500 hours to make everything.
I want to fill this up with even more stuff, but for now, this is what I got.


Anonymous No. 892690


Anonymous No. 892704

Holy shit son, you're a fashion designer now. Looks very posh, nice rags.

Anonymous No. 892708

3500 hours is like 438 8-hour workdays.



Anonymous No. 892712

Anonymous No. 892715

>is 1.2 million vertices too much for a model like this
It's usually counted in tris, and for a high poly it isn't, but for games it's way too much, but you can optimize it later on by removing bevels and subd modifiers etc. 5-10k tris would probably be enough for this.

Anonymous No. 892716

he's aiming to work at square enix clearly.

Anonymous No. 892717

This looks pretty good actually

Anonymous No. 892719

Not a fan of how the camera whizzes around, but the models are nice. Thumbs up.

Anonymous No. 892731


Anonymous No. 892738

you are going in a very good direction, keep going

Anonymous No. 892750

A cute little character. Think it could really benefit from getting a bit more out of your textures. The perfect kind of character to practice your hand painting on. Or even procedural textures if you're more of a substance guy.
As it is the colors look a little flat atm imo, but cute character.

Anonymous No. 892756

Thanks anon, really put some blood and sweat into this one so I'm glad it shows.

Anonymous No. 892760

Just casually making my way to Gucci kek thanks though anon! That really means a ton since I was really trying for FASHION here.

Anonymous No. 892767

Well, you pulled it off buddy. Such a nice patterned fabric too. Very stylish! Superb.

Anonymous No. 892812

Great work anon. It's always rewarding to finish up something that's so involved. Rendering at 4k60 takes enough time as it is.
Great work and pat yourself on the back. You've done a good job.

If I'm going to critique it a bit...
I like what you have, though I wish there was a bit "more" to it. Seems a lot like a showcase of your modelling than any kind of coherent narrative. Relying a lot on the nostalgia of the movie posters and stuff (and I realize the irony in saying that, given the title) to keep the viewer entertained.
The room could feel a bit more "lived in" as well I think. It's decorated and everything, but everything is placed too perfectly (all the VHS tapes perfectly oriented and spaced), and there's no sense of presence that someone exists in that space. It's also a bit funny that the Amiga has some dust collected on it, but nothing else in the scene. You'd think the monitor and audio box would be caked in it, to say nothing about behind all of that.
I kinda also wished that you did something more with the Fright Night house, you show us the poster and then look outside and it's like "wow, it's the same house", but then you don't do anything with it. Seems like a missed opportunity.

For what it's worth, despite the other anon not being a fan of the flying camera, I think it's animated quite smoothly. Flythroughs like that can get really messy and have all kinds of weird movements, so good job.
I also think the intro flying through the pixels of the CRT was really cool and worked well.

Despite the criticisms I've raised, still feel proud of yourself. Good job anon, and keep it up.
Just think about what you can accomplish in the next 3500 hours.

Anonymous No. 892814

now add the tentacles


DoughBoy Blender.png

Anonymous No. 892849

Been working on this guy for a bit, just gotta figure out how to fix his collar for the lighting or make it pop out more

Anonymous No. 892851

> lawnmoverman
> the last starfighter
> highlander
You're the coolest anon on this board.
The video is amazing too, excellent work. I loved the Fright Night house shot. Unrelated question but are you from France ?



Anonymous No. 892867

got bored while working on a different project

Anonymous No. 892881

good shit



Anonymous No. 892886

>Following blender guru's couch tutorial.
>Made myself a rug using image to plane addon and paint.
>Individual couch pieces still as individuals.
>How do I make it one so that I can put it in a asset library?

Anonymous No. 892888

Move all the parts of your couch into a new collection
Then in the viewport Shift+A -> collection instance -> select your couch collection
Then in the outliner right click the couch collection instance -> mark as asset



Anonymous No. 892896

Working on this desk lamp. Will try to rig it but idk if thats too difficult for a beginner Rigger

Anonymous No. 892899

Shouldn't be difficult at all. just linking bones.

Anonymous No. 892900

springs will be tricky if you're autistic about correct deformation



Anonymous No. 892908

Thanks for the advice bros.

Anonymous No. 892939

Bro I'm blushing, thanks again.

Just like those Oregon Miyazaki/Anime ad vibes, noice.


Test 1-32.jpg

Anonymous No. 892943

Fell to a salmonella infection for almost 4 days I don't want to see a ceviche in a long time.

Anyways this is the first of 12 chair references for my client. I still have to calibrate the materials with a color checker.


Test 3l.jpg

Anonymous No. 892945


Anonymous No. 892948

Looks a lot better. Consider blowing out the lights a little so that it has a pastor kind of quality, like a very bright sunshining on a glorious day kind of thing.
Right now it's kinda "a lazy sunny day" like Ghibli loves to do but not 100%, but yet there's also that strong lighting; pick one and go with it.

Also are the shadows correct on the balloon and the tent? I feel like they're being lit from two different directions even though both are being lit by the sun.
Either way, I would probably play with that, maybe even deepen the shadows. Also are the clouds flowing from left to right (easterly I guess)? Right now they look confusing to my eye but that's also because they're not the sort of big soft fluffly cumulonimbus clouds.

My other complaint is that this still isn't quite visually that interesting or rewarding to look at because there are like several story elements here: You have a tent, you have a fire, you have a big log, then you have a balloon (with either no people or they're very tiny), then you have a windmill, then you have mountains and I'm not really being told what's important or what I'm meant to feel.
They all kind of have equal importance in the image; the balloon isn't quite small enough or far enough away or low contrast enough for it to be just a background detail and I'd maybe want a couple small ones rather than one to really drive home that it's a background detail, that I'm meant to understand this is a world where people go ballooning.

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to get from the tent. Is it the balloonist's tent? Maybe have some clue that that's the case, like spent gas canister things or something. If it's not the balloonist's tent, if it's just a person and they're out in nature, then maybe don't have it be so prominent if the balloon is what matters.
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to get out of the windmill; it's not like a Dutch thing where you see many windmills and so you understand that it's the land of wind

Anonymous No. 892949

Just to add to my post:

You may even want to subtract rather than add. I know my post was like "add this and this and this" but maybe consider taking out the tent entirely and do more balloons (with different patterns)

Anonymous No. 892950


I think what you are trying to say is the same principle that applies in every composition: Pick a subject. imo

Anonymous No. 892951

Yeah but also he could do a lot more with lighting and levels and color balance too.

If it's meant to be Miyizaki-like it's definitely missing the sense of motion (which admittedly is tricky when it's a still image); even the verticality of image is in some ways constrained

Anonymous No. 892952

lookin a lot better than last time, youre getting there



Anonymous No. 892957

Recent start of an attempt to replicate this bust of Undyne: https://www.deviantart.com/saturnspace/art/Tarjan-Undyne-570453878

Anonymous No. 892963

very nice improvement anon

Anonymous No. 892971

Is it composited yet? What do the nodes look like if yes?



Anonymous No. 892979




Anonymous No. 893049

forgot to post a better render




Anonymous No. 893051

first attempt at sculpting :D. he is in hell :DD.

Anonymous No. 893064

The windmill needs a little bit more work, and it will look very nice.




Anonymous No. 893095



Anonymous No. 893099

I'm trying to make my first character. I started learning to make characters but I got sidetracked for a couple months.



Anonymous No. 893117

Progress for today

Anonymous No. 893118

get out of my room


Scn 4.jpg

Anonymous No. 893129


Those vertical holes look weird you seem to be having smoothing artifacts due to incorrect loops.

Check this topo

Anonymous No. 893133

>Is that in Blender?
nah, it's the same in maya and houdini and it's not a quirk of a particular renderer, or trying to fiddle with zero values hoping to find a sweet spot - often times the height maps are just bad and do not match well with the hi-res geo. they're probably passable for mid-range vidya assets mind you, but for anything more it's worth just rebaking it (or if you really want good results redoing the low poly entirely)

Anonymous No. 893135

Hey, i've seen your sketchfab page. Really good stuff so far, please finish this piece


Scn 5.jpg

Anonymous No. 893137

Also making previz for a client that does launch events.

Anonymous No. 893148

That's pretty neat bud, looks like something that'd catch the eye on social media.



Anonymous No. 893156

Undyne retopoing. Some of the topology is kind of shit, but I'm pretty sure I just don't have the knack for it yet, and I'll get much better with more practice. Shouldn't cause too much pain for this one, I don't think, because I'm planning on really light deformation at the most.



Anonymous No. 893173

heh, picrel looks dumb now
thanks anon, I will redo it properly

Anonymous No. 893175

i've always wondered for image like this, do you uv every mode ? my first thought would be no, since for example the table top seems to be a solid color. looks great btw

Anonymous No. 893182

Not that anon, but the more you can do with just tileable textures the better.
Personally, I'll use tileables for 70% of the scene, and for the subject or things in focal points, I'll bring into Substance Painter and texture those objects by hand.
Basically, if someone's eye isn't going to be looking somewhere, why spend the effort making that area immaculate when there's better places to be spending that effort.



Anonymous No. 893185

Anonymous No. 893190

Wow, thanks a lot.
The cassettes are actually hand moved so they are not 100% exact and they are exactly like I had done in my real room. I also would love to make it a bit more lived in, but that means add more stuff = more time. The house thing is something I would like to see myself. I would especially want to see it in different angles. but there's issues. That angle is the only one that worked or I'd have to add a fuck more ton of trees. It would also fuck with the moon as Blender can't take the render distance from far to close without clipping. So the moon is just behind the furthest trees. That scene itself was insane to render as is. If I added more time or items to it... then fuck me. It's not because of me but the bloody assets I bought. All my stuff is quality low poly. Every grass straw has a separate model and all the trees are... a joke... So I couldn't really have done more in Blender. I'll hope to render everything next time in Unreal.

Hey thanks, nah, I'm Swedish.

Anonymous No. 893196

Yep answer is no. Since time is money 94% percent of archviz is solved with box mapping with real world dimensions. The other 4% are tileable maps or smart maps such as bercon that let us do the floor planks automatically and vary the colors randomly for the lamps. The 1% are ad hoc maps such as the wooden beams but even those are not unwrapped its just a cylinder map with mesh mods where the knots appeared on the texture.



Anonymous No. 893203

Anonymous No. 893204

Wow excellent work anon.

Anonymous No. 893211

thank you. need to fix that the booleans didn't work right segmenting mesh sections for the outline to work right such as the shirt pocket

Anonymous No. 893212

Seems like proper collections assets will be coming in 3.2



Anonymous No. 893274

used your images as reference. Thanks anon

Anonymous No. 893276

Yep looks much cleaner cheers.



Anonymous No. 893285

How's my abstract boid?


joker yotuba.png

Anonymous No. 893304

We live in a society.

Anonymous No. 893333

Nicu desu

Maybe bigger eyes and less separated? Yotsuba looks like a frog not that its not ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh



Anonymous No. 893337


Anonymous No. 893338

You should get rid of the super pronounced crease going down the center of the face.

Anonymous No. 893344

Very clean but >>893338 is probably right, lil smoothing and boom.

Anonymous No. 893345

But probably just below the nose,maybe keep that nose ridge for that anime look.



Anonymous No. 893346

Great work tho.



Anonymous No. 893348

Any room for improvement?

Anonymous No. 893349

Dude's got a crest even Woody Woodpecker would be jealous of.

Anonymous No. 893352

Yes, stop being a LOTR cuck.



Anonymous No. 893353

Minor improvements.

Anonymous No. 893354

Name 1(one) better movie series

Anonymous No. 893355

Better lighting, proper table texture and a bunch of assets to make the scene more interesting?

Anonymous No. 893356

The reflectivity is wrong. Also how are you rendering it, low samples or no denoising?

Anonymous No. 893357

Thanks, will try some of those
100 samples and no denoising purely for the aesthetics, I like how it looks. Too clean otherwise

Anonymous No. 893366

You're going to have to fix your aesthetics because they're making a polished ring look like brushed metal.

Anonymous No. 893385

>100 samples and no denoising purely for the aesthetics, I like how it looks. Too clean otherwise
Maybe denoise and then add noise and sharpness in LightroomClassic or Darktable (free)
Noise in renders is too uneven in my opinion and proper grain in post processing is far more consistent and controllable.



Anonymous No. 893388

I made one of these a long time ago and let me tell you, using reference for the color of the glowing text makes a world of difference.

Anonymous No. 893389



Blender Uzr1v2wof....webm

Anonymous No. 893397

working on my first ever basic rig. wouldn't have thought i would have been able to a few months ago but i finally got the courage. fuck weight painting though



Anonymous No. 893401

I'll ask here even if it don't belong in this thread but the only people who actually do shit post here so.
Don't you think we should split this board into several general threads? Like this maybe:
- Polymodeling general
- Sculpting general
- Rigging/animating general
- UV/Texturing general
- X general (for each softwares)

The board is in a shit state but at least we can contain some of the bullshit in these and ignore the retarded post instead of having the same fucking thread popping everyday and killing some of the few good ones we have from time to time. Tell me if you think it's a good idea and I'll do it myself

Anonymous No. 893402

fucking based bruh



Anonymous No. 893403

I like this idea, I've been reluctant to post anything because no existing thread seems fitting.

>Booty knight I'm working on
Unsure of what direction to go if I do go further, I initially meant for it to be short term low poly practice.

Anonymous No. 893404

Take a massive dick in the ass anon If you want serious content go to a forum.4chan is for nazis, hackers, incels faggots and frogs. But yes I agree.

Anonymous No. 893406

it would be a good idea. maybe a show-off thread as well

Anonymous No. 893407

Not a bad idea to try. Worst case, a thread just gets no traction and dies after a few weeks.



Anonymous No. 893413

How can I improve upon this?



Anonymous No. 893414

what a CRAZY dude!

Anonymous No. 893416

i would like to fuck that

Anonymous No. 893418


Anonymous No. 893425



Scn 9.jpg

Anonymous No. 893434

I'm sorry anon but cg is not for lazy people.

Have you looked at references? Have you studied light, composition? What are you trying to achieve from this image? if you don't know what to improve on or what you want to achieve is because you have not looked at sufficient examples.

This is a quick image made to prove my point. It is obvious what the reference is but loot at what is has, a sense of scale, a cliché contrast between lights and colors, some quick post-processing (yes not everything has to be 3d) it tells a story.

Dare to put on the work hours to achieve what you intended.

Anonymous No. 893441


Anonymous No. 893442

I see, and you’re right. I was being lazy. Honestly, I only made it on a whim within a few minutes or so, and I merely liked how it looked without even bothering to consider anything else. Thank you, anon. I’ll put in the time to achieve the result that I truly want.

Anonymous No. 893443

Cheers mate that's the spirit.

Anonymous No. 893466

real quality piece here. Now finish it

Anonymous No. 893467


how do you sculpt like this? Also yeah its dope, finish it

Anonymous No. 893471

It's been tried (many times), but they hardly get any traction.
At worst if it does pick up, it'll splinter the board into even more camps, on a board that hardly has any discussion to begin with.

It also requires an anon that's dedicated to maintaining the generals, and taking a neutral position. So no personal questions in the OP like "how do I do x? oh yeah, x general". And someone that'll blend into the thread without thinking it's "their thread" and thinking it's about them. They could poke their head out if it's relevant with thread business and the like, but they shouldn't be actively moderating the thread.
There's precious few anons on /3/ that have that capacity I think.

If someone feels up to the task, I'd say it's worth another try. I think a lot of the other generals failed because they don't have the right person behind them.

Anonymous No. 893472

Assuming you'll fix the fingers later? Looks nice so otherwise.

Looking great anon, maybe work on the side view for the face a bit, a little masculine right now.

I think you could start thinking about the composition in terms of level of detail. Right now the area with the lowest detail density is the tent, which looks a little weird. And I think some adjustments to the lighting on the windmill could help.

Anonymous No. 893474

To be fair to the other anon, you just copied a scene from LOTR verbatim, and the other anon is making something bespoke.

Anonymous No. 893477

>It is obvious what the reference is but loot at what is has
Shit, glossed over that bit.
Still, I feel like you could have just posted a screenshot of the same thing and got the point across, but it looks like you just wanted to flex on the dude and say "look what I can do" and claim it as "look how good I am and look at my good comp" while trying to point out focus here.
A screenshot from the movie would have sufficed. Though I guess it'd be more fun to make something if you had the time to kill.

Anonymous No. 893481

To be fair it also shows that he was willing to put some effort into the critique and not just say "your shit sucks".

Anonymous No. 893484

True, I'll give him that.
I guess the cynic in me is seeing "your shit sucks, look how much better I am and what I can do."
Dude obviously knows what he's talking about, it just came off a bit self-centered to me.
But if it helps, it helps.

Anonymous No. 893486

I couldn't tell the original was Gandalf in the mines of Moria, I thought it was a cat.

Anonymous No. 893487

I'm the same way. Spending your life on 4chan has a tendency to train your brain to think like that by default.

Anonymous No. 893493


Yes, I'm flexing yes I'm critiquing, yes I had time to kill and yes I was obviously copying lotr to get across the point that anon has to study references.

Seems that op got the message and will try harder and that is great. I still think that my render is better than an insult and if it works as as a wake up call to not be lazy that's is fine by me.

I've dwelled in countless forums and everyone from cgarchitect to polycount and artstation are attention seekers, everyone's a diva in everyone else's book an I've grown sick of it.

4chan is the only space I can comment on other people's work without me getting banned for hurting some fucking 12 year old's ego. Some times a good fuck you is well served it is not all witty and rose in the real world.

I've had my fair share of clients and colleagues flexing on me and telling me I am the worst scum and I have no talent but as a grown person I always chose not to get offended.

This is why I can gratefully say that I have made a life out of cg so let this anon bash some noobs, they'll get around eventually and maybe git gud.

Anonymous No. 893494

Would be better without the redditspacing, noob. lol

Anonymous No. 893495

Sorry kiddo my 4channing is rusty. I've been long away since the days of chris.


WIP heladero.jpg

Anonymous No. 893527

WIP, gotta do the shoes and add details to the clothes.

Anonymous No. 893531

I love it.



Anonymous No. 893535

Nearly finished retopo. Just need to do the eye and mouth cavities. Going slow the past few days, and have reshaped a bunch of pieces I wasn't happy with. Still not totally happy with all of it (topology is not exactly where I'd like it), but it's about as good as I feel I can get at the moment. I'll probably do a few human body topology studies after this and maybe retopo again if I feel that it could use it.

I gotta say, I love the pace and tone of the thread these past few days. Tons of interesting and varied WIPs and good discussion. I love all your art. I'd reply to all of you individually if it wasn't an annoying thing to do.

Personally, I'm thrilled if somebody not only takes the time to tell me how to do things better, but also demonstrates what they mean. Even if it's a flex, or even if I find it's not helpful in and of itself, I know that they're not some annoying drive-by shitter.
As a professional who works in multiple different high-skill areas (not a CG professional), demonstration is the most valuable way to get a point across. At some point, the nuance required makes conveying meaning in plain language (ie. without layers of jargon and assumptions about exising knowledge) difficult to impossible.

Anonymous No. 893537

I really like this. If you're going for stylized, I wouldn't change much. The only thing I'd adjust would be the hips, make them rounder and begin further up

Anonymous No. 893538

It's alright for a first try. The head could be bigger, and the breasts look like you were planning on giving her a bra. Since you're new to modeling, and I presume new to this board, I would strongly suggest you never post here again. A lot of people on here who complain about other people's anatomy skills can't actually sculpt an anatomically accurate model themselves, so they take out their frustrations on people who manage to get somewhere, especially if they're less experienced. Some of them do know what they're talking about, but their skill in modeling is the only thing that makes them valuable as a person, so they like to tear other people down. Go get critiques on any other website, because people there will actually want to help you.

Anonymous No. 893542

Why did you copy-paste this old comment in like 3 different threads?

Anonymous No. 893549

Reminds me of the mistress from dungeon keeper 2. I loved my mistresses.

Anonymous No. 893556

Hon hon Pixar patisserie hon. Fantastic work, assuming feet are still wip.

Anonymous No. 893566

i miss nisetanaka

Anonymous No. 893586

he's probably butthurt from when someone called his work shit

Anonymous No. 893588

>Tried something ambitious
>Got stuck with part of it
>Decide to try a different part of it
>Get stuck with that too
>I'll wait a day and go back to it
>Haven't done anything in weeks because every time I think of it I know I'm not going to be able to get it to work

How do I get over this hump? Should I just try modeling something that's totally unrelated to the project or something and then go back to the project?

Anonymous No. 893597

Yes. Major options are:
* Push through and do it anyway. Finish the work at your current level of skill and accept the flaws.
* Do different stuff for a while, and eventually come back to this one and hope you are better and can overcome.
* Do some small directed studies with simplified or more realistic versions of what you're having trouble with, then come back and apply that experience directly.

The last one is best, in my opinion.

Anonymous No. 893599

I think I'll do something quick that's unrelated just to get back into the swing of things and then try the last option.
I think I overwhelmed myself by trying to use two different programs I've never used before (in addition to Blender) and all of the tutorials for them are either outdated or I can't quite find the answers I need for them.
I'll persevere and see how things go. Thanks anon.



Anonymous No. 893606

Wip of a project which deadline is drawing near, critiques would be much appreciated

Anonymous No. 893611

Light sucks, everything looks flat
No depth, everything is more or less on the same plane
No sense of scale
No composition at all, what do you want your viewers to focus on?



Anonymous No. 893620

>Light sucks, everything looks flat
true how do I improve it? I'm not well versed in lighting a scene
>No depth, everything is more or less on the same plane
I usually do that in PS, here the same scene with volumetric scattering on
>No sense of scale
>No composition at all,
eh to late to fix that I guess



Anonymous No. 893637

A project I finished a few months back.



Anonymous No. 893643

Wasting time.

Anonymous No. 893648

Start running through it in your mind when you're on the toilet taking a shit. Trust me.

Anonymous No. 893650

I was the one who originally typed that in the thread about the 2d artist sculpting for the first time. Someone replied to me saying that, in order to make an anatomically-accurate model, you have to model all of the individual bones, then all of the individual muscles, attach them together with connective tissue, then put the skin on. Some people called him retarded for that, so I'm guessing he's trying to make me look like a fool to get back at me because he has some sort of mental health issue. What I said was probably true about him, and I think it got to him.



Anonymous No. 893653

Doing some interior modeling, for an animation I'm working on. Still quite a way to go with more furnishings and better textures

Anonymous No. 893656

very nice work so far bro

Anonymous No. 893666

Reminds me of Princess Peach's room from Paper Mario. Or at least what my mind pictures Peach's room to look like.



Anonymous No. 893670

Rigged it. Took the whole day until I realised the mechanics wouldn't work with the dimensions I had but after adjusting the model it was easy. Now I need to rig the springs and cables so they deform properly

Anonymous No. 893672


I've had two hobbies over the course of corona. If I'm creatively blocked in one, I jump to the other. In my case it's modeling and guitar, sometimes your mind needs a different challenge to refresh itself instead of getting caught up in decision paralysis.

Anonymous No. 893673

Yes, it is Peach's room :)



Anonymous No. 893683

Spent a while building the eye and mouth cavities and tweaking the face to my liking. I'm quite happy with it so far, but now for all the detail work, which is going to be tedious as hell. Probably do the eyes and teeth, then the hair and clothes and accessories.
In the long run, I'd like to rig this one a bit. I love how her "lips" don't go to the end of her mouth. My goal is that she should look quite pretty (like the original reference here https://www.deviantart.com/saturnspace/art/Tarjan-Undyne-570453878 ), but when she opens her mouth all the way, her jaw hinges back and her lips stretch almots to the corners of her mouth. As this happens, the skin on her eyes should pull back in a grotesque way.
I really want the beauty/monstrosity juxtaposition, and I'd love to make a good-looking animation that transitions between the two. I might not make it that far, but I'm definitely going to at least finish the bust.

I'm a person with tons of different hobbies, and while what you say is true, you need to recognize the line between getting a refresher and using your other hobby to procrastinate.
It's probably better with fewer hobbies, but it feels really shitty to look back 6 months, and realize that you jumped from one hobby to another every time that things started getting "blocked" and because of that, you didn't actually improve much at all in any of them.
There's a balance to strike, and you have to be really honest with yourself whether you're putting a hobby on the backburner because you're truly blocked and burned out or because it's just gotten hard and you don't want to be assed to push through. I made almost no improvement in 3D art for almost a year because I kept jumping hobbies, and only really started progressing when I dug my heels in and didn't let myself switch.
It's easy to procrastinate without realizing you're doing it because it feels like you're just taking a bit of time to do something else productive.



Anonymous No. 893685

I thought I could get a better result by sculpting a subdivided version and baking the diffuse map to get the base colors and shading but I ended wasting hours.
I can already tell that I won't be happy with the final result.

Moved them a bit closer, but I do want to accommodate a wide range of Yotsuba's facial expressions.

Anonymous No. 893699

nice anon anon glad I could help on the topo.
Rig the electrical wire as a challenge. It would be educational and nice to see.
Please for the love of god don't make it jump over an I or I'll go to your home and make you watch Turning Red 100 times.

Anonymous No. 893701

Nice one anon lovely bake maybe just a little bit too saturated on the high values? Remember perfect white does not exist.


hands up.png

Anonymous No. 893715

Anonymous No. 893723

>the discord turns into /pol/
why does this always happen

Anonymous No. 893725

The only people who'd actually want to join a 4chan discord are the types who just want to recruit or vent

Anonymous No. 893736

>retard comes whining on the board any time something is posted in the off-topic channel
why does this always happen

Anonymous No. 893737

nah, this is a slow board where posts/threads are relatively "heavy," so quick conversation on the board is obnoxious
it would be great to have a discord to post in where the userbase is filtered from "users of 4chan" to "users who would still be on 4chan if /pol/ got deleted"
but alas

attention whore

Anonymous No. 893750

I've done that sort of thing before and it does unironically work.
Reckon it's solved now though, I just went for it with a clearer head and it seems to have worked for the most part. Definitely think it's doable.

I really wasted that opportunity with lockdown. It was the perfect time to really learn 3D and take it a bit more seriously. Instead I didn't pick it back up until the end of lockdown when the ideal period, ie to not be interrupted, had gone.
I have this really bad fear of failure though. Even if something is enjoyable I'll stop doing it because I'm convinced if I keep going it'll get worse, or that I'm just wasting my time. It's why I've only finished maybe 3 projects I've ever tried and end up with big gaps in between what I'm learning. Doing my best to get over that mindset, that's why I'm so determined to complete this project.

Thanks for your advice anyway bros.



Anonymous No. 893763

Making my first completely from scratch base mesh. I *think* it's going decently, though I'm not too sure on how to approach the head.

Anonymous No. 893801

I'm not an expert on boobs since I like them small, but those look like they're sagging a bit too much.

Anonymous No. 893805

Im really curious about that knee topology, I've never seen that star shape before



Anonymous No. 893810

Topo can be quite subjective, but I'd say you need more loops in general, and those loops should usually convey the anatomy and musculature to a degree. In this example, notice the shoulder loops for the delts, the loops around the abs, the leg loops that go up the side around the glutes, the loops that trace the shape of the ribs. Topology is used for edge flow to be able to deform properly, but it's also a guide for the form itself, and helps you maintain proportion and anatomical shape. Remember that the way your actual body deforms is based on the muscular and skeletal anatomy.
To be specific in suggestions, you should have more loops around the abs, your breast flow should at least suggest the pectorals, the neck flow should help define the sternocleidomastoid, traps, and the triangles that form between them.
Those chin loops are not right at all. Look into facial topology and make sure to form the major loops. You should consider a face study in isolation.
Avoid triangles and n-gons. They're excusable for experienced modelers, but they're a crutch for a beginner when you haven't defined your edge flow well enough to justify them.

All in all, quite good work, though. There are a couple problems, but for a first from-scratch basebesh, it's pretty impressive.

Breasts vary a lot in shape. I've seen real breasts that look something like that. Personally, I'd bring the nipples a little bit lower, and either reduce the sag or make the crease in the bottom of the breast deeper; most breasts that hang like that will have a crease that is completely closed on the bottom, where the breast touches the chest. The bottom should be fully rounded from nipple to chest, too, and there's a weird interface on the last breast loop (which might just be caused by the subsurf, to be fair).

I imagine it would deform quite badly, given that bending the knee will fold the quads across the diagonal.

Anonymous No. 893835

Nah I've made insane progress in both, use them to ladder each other in doing both of these things everyday, occasionally skipping a day for one when I'm really blocked, but nah. Creativity helps ladder each other bud, if you can leverage that, it's great.

Just keep bashing your head head it until it makes sense, learn from all modeling vids, then let that info sink in. That sink in period, I've found, is the most important as it will set future habits. Best of luck anon!



Anonymous No. 893852

Finally found some real dimensioned blueprints



Anonymous No. 893853


Anonymous No. 893865

reported to the pentagon



Anonymous No. 893910

Thanks for the advice, lads. I've started a new mesh, pretty much retopologizing what I had before with surface snapping while mimicking the edge flow of >>893810.
I'm not quite back to where I was, but it's already looking better.



Anonymous No. 893996

Stopped anatomy and polymodeling stuff. I realised sculpting was an excellent destressant. I was pulling my hair for days trying to figure out topology and made pic related and felt refreshed.
Still have to figure out how the polish/trimDynamic/ brushes work for stylized work + how to avoid all the holes/artifact early when making stuff like hair.

Anonymous No. 893999

>stopped anatomy

Anonymous No. 894007

Not permanently of course. I'm taking a break is what I meant

Anonymous No. 894008

it doesn't look like you can afford any breaks

Anonymous No. 894019

>You're not allowed to have any fun with 3d modeling



Anonymous No. 894034

I finished my first 3d model!

Anonymous No. 894035


That's what you get for taking breaks anon. You need to think about anatomy the moment you eat, sleep, play vidya, watching porn or going to work.

Anonymous No. 894037

somehow I doubt this is the first one you've ever made.

Anonymous No. 894038

But its the first one I was able to fully finish without throwing it midway.



Anonymous No. 894052

I-I'm tired anons

Anonymous No. 894053

so basically, your first completed model.


Anonymous No. 894054

yes and thanks anon

Anonymous No. 894064

Looks good, anon. Sometimes you do actually need to take a rest and have fun for a little bit, otherwise you'll get burned out.

Anonymous No. 894080


Anonymous No. 894141

It looks nice. What do you plan to use it for?



Anonymous No. 894164

First time trying to make fur, do you guys think this looks alright or too blobby?

Anonymous No. 894181

very noice



Anonymous No. 894465

>Got the couch and asset thing figured out.
>Made a carpet design in paint and then added some fluff to it.
>Played around with texture nodes to make a material for the pillows
>Made a 60's to 70's coffee table.



Anonymous No. 896959

First go at an alien landscape. Needs some rocks and more mountains in the distance. Redditards weren't helpful with feedback as one suggested adding a hut and campfire to Titan

Anonymous No. 896963

I like it, but I think there is too much high frequency noise

Anonymous No. 896969

Colors look on point but maybe the exposure is a bit too high for Titan. The terrain in the foreground at the beginning especially is very bright compared to the Huygens pictures, maybe try lowering the material's value a bit.
The waves seem to move very quickly but maybe that's the effect you were going for, I don't know how liquid methane moves in low G.

Anonymous No. 896974

Thanks, will darken the sand a bit more. I already noticed that the waves were way too fast for being waves but I think they almost look like rain impacting the lake. In reality there is very little activity on the lakes of Titan, almost no rain and no waves.