
Wip Collage_Serie....jpg

๐Ÿงต /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 894078

/wip/ - Works in Progress
- Collage Edition: Series 4 -
>And we're back!

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>890966

List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB (embed)
/3/ Discord for those interested: https://discord.gg/ujt5vtr4DE

Anonymous No. 894079

Yo dudes, OP here.
If you're wondering why there isn't a lot in the collage despite a lot being posted in the last thread, for the time being, I'm treating the "images posted as a transparent PNG" thing as a slightly harder guideline. I'm still getting a feel for how much I want to deviate from the rule, so for the first round I figured I'd do ONLY the transparent images (with the exception of environments). As the series progresses, I'll be feeling out how many images I'm able to get into the OP in a timely manner that aren't transparent.
If getting into the OP isn't important to you, no worries, keep posting as you do. If you'd like to contribute to the collage however, posting a transparent image is the way to go.

Anonymous No. 894093

Great work OP, thank you for your service.

Anonymous No. 894110

Why do you waste your time making a collage with all this bad art? No one who is good posts anything on 4chan of all places. Its all artstation and discord.



Anonymous No. 894112

Thanks 86anon your WIP finally got my brother to open blender and try learning it. I've been telling him to pick up blender and get back into drawing for years, but you did the trick lol. With the right motivation hopefully he'll make something that can inspire someone else too



Anonymous No. 894120

when will ai retopo come to save us scrubs

Anonymous No. 894121

Why you seething?


face of god.jpg

Anonymous No. 894124


Anonymous No. 894125

the what now?

Anonymous No. 894130

86anon here, never I thought I would inspire someone to learn new stuff when I too was inspired just looking at artstation, twitter and zbrushcentral all when covid started Lol.



Anonymous No. 894132

Please,Rate like and Subscribe.



Anonymous No. 894145

How's the textures now?



Anonymous No. 894155

It's been a while since I last posted an update on this, but the Reggie model I'm working on is coming together very nicely. I managed to recently complete the hair and clothes and so far the rigging hasn't fallen apart.

Anonymous No. 894162

i hate being that one guy but i think the collage thing's been overdone to be honest.

pyw or kys

Anonymous No. 894166

Yeah, same. He didn't put even half of the models on the last thread on this image.

Anonymous No. 894174

I think it's a good balance, and I really like what you've done with what is there. Way to keep the fun going, OP.

Why are you such a buzzkill, and why even come to this thread? I don't think almost anybody posting art in these threads has any misconceptions about their skill; it's just fun and practice for mostly novice people working on a hobby.

Anonymous No. 894182

Here's your (You) you were expecting.
I know you're having fun being like this all the time, but you may want to look into why acting like this gives you pleasure. Mentally healthy people don't roam image boards saying negative things to get attention.

Anonymous No. 894185

Fuck off faggot, CollageAnon is a chad and not a useless doomer like yourself

Anonymous No. 894209

No problemo.

I like to be nice to people because it makes people happy. Maybe you could learn a thing or two.

>the collage thing's been overdone to be honest.
I'd agree, but when I took a break from it, people wanted it back.

Read the first post.
I'll be ramping up what goes into the collage that aren't posted as transparent, but for the first round I was posting only the transparent ones to get a feel for how long it took. I don't want to burn myself out like last time, so I'm trying to find a good balance of posts that don't take 2-3 hours to add. Most of the time spent getting the collage together was just cutting out images from the background. It's not really the fun part of making the collage, and if it's not fun, it's work. And I've got other things I consider "work", that I probably could and should be doing.

Anonymous No. 894214

Cute Rat Boy.



Anonymous No. 894223

Here's a posed shot

Anonymous No. 894233

a rat is fine too...

Anonymous No. 894234

Looks like its painted plastic, if that's what you were going for.



Anonymous No. 894241

I started figuring out how to make the strings, I have a decent looking procedural material in another file but I'm lazy and still have to do the wraps around the machine heads.

It's REALLY coming together, but after the modelling is done, I'll still thinker with materials. Can't wait!

Anonymous No. 894248

Keep doing god's work OP.



Anonymous No. 894260

Please help anons I don't know how to rig my character's eyeballs.

The shape and size make it so a normal eyeball won't suffice thus requiring his eyes to be sort of unique shape. I tried shrinkwrap but thay gave awkward results. I tried using lattice and it was impressive from the front but trying to rotate the eye around led to weird undesired effefts and deformations on the iris.

Anonymous No. 894263

Why don't you rig the eye texture instead?



Anonymous No. 894280

A project I finished about a month ago.

Anonymous No. 894303

Board tourist here, damn man, your skills are on point if that's a fucking 3D guitar.

Neat stuff dude.

Anonymous No. 894320

I wanted the eyes to have some depth but at this point I might have to

Anonymous No. 894321

I also wanted the eyes to be able to change shapes



Anonymous No. 894332




Anonymous No. 894369

I didn't want to ask here because I know this isn't the thread for it, but do any of you know why this is happening in Marvelous Designer? He's looking like Sylvester Stallone and Luke Wilson's lovechild.
I tried something I thought might fix it and it just twisted the whole fucking face 90 degrees. I'm also not sure why the eyelids completely detach from the rest of the face neither.
Someone pls halp.

Anonymous No. 894370

Looks normal to me. You sure you're not having a stroke?



Anonymous No. 894372

Kinda, I'm more or less experimenting with shader at this point, especially in regard to the fur itself.

Anonymous No. 894373

Friend please this a serious issue.

Anonymous No. 894375

You're just using MD for the clothes, right?
Does it really matter what the face looks like if the clothes properly match?

If I had to guess though, it might be some weird issue with shapekeys (or whatever they're called in other software, blendshapes?), and the combination of whatever you exported your model as.



Anonymous No. 894376

I'm making the texture of my character now. Hope everyone like it

Anonymous No. 894379

>You're just using MD for the clothes, right?

Sort of, the face will be visible though which is why it's an issue, otherwise I wouldn't be bothered. I might be able to get away with covering it up somehow, but I don't want to run into this problem in the future when there'll be no way to do that.

>it might be some weird issue with shapekeys (or whatever they're called in other software, blendshapes?)

They're still called shapekeys in blender as far as I know. I didn't make the model so I'm not sure what went into it.
All I know is that whoever made it made it 180m tall for a reason I still can't get my head around. Having said that, the one in the pic only got fucked up when I resized it. When it was still ridiculously gigantic and I crammed it into MD the face was fine, albeit still too big to use.

Fuck it, I'm too tired. If the problem comes up where I can''t hide it I'll see if I can fix it then.

Anonymous No. 894381

you do realize that's a gay as fuck demon rat boy, right?

Anonymous No. 894382

even better



Anonymous No. 894384

Please tell me how to clothing. Did you use Marvelous or went another way?



Anonymous No. 894385

Is this version better?

Anonymous No. 894409

This fur looks much nicer here, those little darkened areas in the crevices in the fur. Have you baked an AO map? You could overlay that on your texture to push it even more.



Anonymous No. 894424

I think I like this artstyle



Anonymous No. 894427

My computer shit the bed last month and it took me a couple of weeks to get a new one. Feel like I've forgotten half the stuff I've learned over the past few months in that time span. I think I'm starting to get back to where I was previously, but overall I'm pretty disappointed with my skill progression.



Anonymous No. 894463

Yeah, I'm going to stop working on this Yotsuba, I don't think I can fix her.



Anonymous No. 894467

Finally got some time to work on the eyes, my first chance to get a couple hours of art work since Sunday. They're more spherical than I wanted. I kind of wanted more flattened fronts, like actual fish eyes, but I decided to be lazy because I didn't want to have to deal with that annoying deformation on the eyelids. I have a feeling that I could work it out with geometry nodes or something, but my procedural chops are way below the point where I could figure that out. I'll get there eventually, but for now, I just want to work through this one.

Anonymous No. 894470

You know it's funny, ever since getting a job in 3D I spend no free time thinking about it, or vising this board despite being on here daily when I was at uni or looking for a job. I don't have any grand observations of it, just sharing my stream of consciousness.

Anonymous No. 894472

Same happened for me with programming. I was all about programming on my free time and everything. Now that I do it for a living, I still enjoy it, but 8 hours a day every 5 days a week is enough.



Anonymous No. 894482

Anonymous No. 894491

What do you want to achieve? Show us references andwires.

>Skill progression
Don't worry dude it's not a race. I've been doing cg for 16 years now and believe me I can't rig for shit or do organic modelling. Well that is because I'm into the archviz business but one does not neet to be an expert in every thing. Enjoy relearning some things. Time away from a computer should be cherished these days....

Anonymous No. 894492




Anonymous No. 894504

a suggestion


WIP batman.jpg

Anonymous No. 894513

Another WIP, still needs some remeshing and polishing



Anonymous No. 894517

Started working on lipsync shape keys and pumped out this render in the middle of it.



Anonymous No. 894524

started this today. no subdivisions yet. Can't show my friends cause i already have several projects they know i haven't finished and they'll yell at me.

Anonymous No. 894552

Gay ass rat. What does he look like with a subdivision?



Anonymous No. 894581

Already did, but it's not by much.


ticonderoga rende....png

Anonymous No. 894590

I regret trying to make this model, i just can't get it to look right. everything is still W.I.P. and some things still haven't been textured but man these bigger objects just are hard for me. also the water is a WIP too i thought i had something for rough ocean but it's too rough and just messy. Probly gunna redo it entirely.

Big regret so far.


Witch WIP.png

Anonymous No. 894594

Wanted to try the 256fes challenge, she's exactly 256 tri's, still need to do quite a bit for the dress. I might have to rearrange my UVs again :'(



Anonymous No. 894595

4th day into blender after making a dumb frog and a well with youtube videos.I really wanna get into making digimon since they seem to be fairly simple in the beginning. Koromon for example. I thought the jellyfish from spongebob would be cute and fun but I have no idea how to get the deeper pink spots on the surface of the mesh without it fucking up the roundness so I just stuffed what I could inside thinking if it was transparent it would show up nicely but it didn't work out so well. I wanted things to glow/be their own light but that didn't pain out too well either. I wanted to do more with the rocks as well since the rocks in spongebob since they have multiple colors in them but I just threw in the towel. I'll probably be doing more tutorials before trying to make something on my own again.

Anonymous No. 894598

Just use a texture my guy



Anonymous No. 894600

If it wasn't for the shrink wrap modifier i would of killed myself...



Anonymous No. 894601

you know what that little character needs? He needs a dark nose with some appropriate accompanying texture on it and maybe even a little wetness.
Also, there are different overlay modes that you can use with your AO map (multiply, darken, subtract, etc that can give you different effects if you wanna play with it.)

Anonymous No. 894611

Why bevel the joints?

Anonymous No. 894612

superior deformation?
Idk man I'm still noob I'm just googling this shit and following what looks good to me.

Anonymous No. 894614

holy smokes Batman!
I've never modeled anything this big. I can Imagine that it's quite a job. It doesn't look half bad tho. You did some decent work.
Very good. I'd have to say perfect likeness.
Awesome. Nice paint job.



Anonymous No. 894621

My first ever vehicle I made. Critique the good and bad



Anonymous No. 894622




Anonymous No. 894624

Last time I checked, hares don't have nose like that:

Anonymous No. 894636

don't feel too bad about it, even it if doesn't come out how you envisioned it in your head you still learned something in the process.

Anonymous No. 894643

This is exactly my taste! Awesome work

Anonymous No. 894654

I think you're right about the bigger eyes being better (but I won't go to that degree, because I still need room for the eye shadow), but the mouth needs to stay large so I can make it open monstrously and deform the rest of the face.
I'm mostly going based on this concept: https://www.deviantart.com/saturnspace/art/Tarjan-Undyne-570453878



Anonymous No. 894656

Good point. But antelopes do right? And he's a Jackalope, so maybe he should have a nose like THIS!



Anonymous No. 894667

He's actually half sheep

Anonymous No. 894668

it's okay, they're related.



Anonymous No. 894669

Plus I think his fur/nose started to stand out now.

Anonymous No. 894670

>superior deformation?
Deformation on what? Unless you doing low poly subdiv animation with no blend shapes then whats the point?
Do normal loops, no dumb ass bevels or other dumb shit, its 2020 +2, we are using blend shapes or extra bones for volume corrections, not retarded topology.
That video seems like it was made in 1998.

Anonymous No. 894672




Anonymous No. 894674

jesus christ bro where did the time go? blend shapes? extra bones? I'm never going to make that game am I?

Anonymous No. 894675

yeah, that fur is really starting to pop. much better.



Anonymous No. 894676

Its nothing new, you got people whose only job is sculpting blend shapes all day every day, even in vidya.
No matter how magical complex and dense your topology is you will never make a topoflow that will work on 50+ expressions on a face for instance.
Also due to the fact skinning works to the bones you will always lose volume, there is no way around it.
The simpler the topo flow the better, and should only define the main body forms.

Anonymous No. 894677

for sure? the simpler the better? aren't blend shapes expensive, processing wise?

Anonymous No. 894679

Great tips if you want to work as an office monkey for some ungrateful megacorp.
The workflow you described is literally impossible for a single person working on their own indie project.



Anonymous No. 894680

That's the retro shader, it's less pronounced in the Principle shader for some reason/



Anonymous No. 894681

That's the retro shader, it's less pronounced in the Principle shader for some reason/


45454 sdsafasf.jpg

Anonymous No. 894682

They are pretty cheap, its just one more vertex position set per blend shape, no different from having extra UV maps, since UV maps are the exact same, same vertex order but different vertex position.
Games like God Of War or new Spiderman have couple dozen for the characters, and like 5 extra normal maps for blending detail, this is hulk from marvels avenger, 6 normal map variations for blending for head, 4 for body, multiple blend shapes and a really clean topo before triangulation.
Movies arent much different thanos had clean topo but base was 1mln poly.

Anonymous No. 894683

>Great tips if you want to work as an office monkey for some ungrateful megacorp.
>The workflow you described is literally impossible for a single person working on their own indie project.
Nobody tells you to make 100 blend shapes.
You make simple model, rig and skin it, then pose legs, arms and elbows into bend shape, add a blend shape and just eyeball correct forms in 5 minutes.

Animation takes super long be it for amaterurs or pros, you wont be making movies with proper facial animation by yourself anyway, no reason to worry with topo at all. Just go with the faster solution and make it fancier at the end if you have time left over.



Anonymous No. 894691

I'm improving each day



Anonymous No. 894702

made this quick dirty model of a character i came up with



Anonymous No. 894704

Looks really good fren
What do you think of my recent sculpt?

Anonymous No. 894717


Anonymous No. 894730

That lighting is pog, nice textures too

Anonymous No. 894737


Anonymous No. 894739

>Its nothing new, you got people whose only job is sculpting blend shapes all day every day, even in vidya.
use Ziva Face Trainer instead at 4k 60 in any game engine or offline.




Anonymous No. 894757

This is my first sculpt. How can I improve the hair ?


AV7 Tankwip5.png

Anonymous No. 894768

Just got done with the bolts



Anonymous No. 894779

Gave it new horns



Anonymous No. 894780




Anonymous No. 894781

I moved on for the sake of something harder but not 'personal preference.
I'm trying to get use to curves and plan to array spines and whatever trick you do sprinkles (I forgot the name of it) with donuts. I know you can orient the scales a certain way and also determine where they show up with weight mapping.

Am I making this overly complicated or how else would you go about making this absolute pantie wish granting bro?

Anonymous No. 894782

Why is the belly curving inwards?

Anonymous No. 894783

I have the curve on half at the moment of screenshotting. I thought it gave a better idea of how the back would go if I could figure it out. I've tried color ramping too but not sure how I can get it to follow my bezier curve with nodes. I'm total blendlet



Anonymous No. 894812

check out my car

Anonymous No. 894832

how did you make the window transparent?

Anonymous No. 894856

who cares



Anonymous No. 894921

Getting arrays down has been good practice for this shit head. Wish I could get the bellypads to squish more but this is all still just theory and practice. Now I gotta try blocking out his head and I have no idea how Im gonna do that.



Anonymous No. 894922

Keep up the good work, it's already looking cool



Anonymous No. 894966

I think I'm gunna call it done i don't know how much more detail i wanted but i cant really imagine what else i can do to improve it (even though i know it can be improved.)

Anonymous No. 894970

I'm trying the same thing (256fes), how do you go about your texturing workflow? Draw/paint high res then downscale and fix via nitpicking?

It's a nightmare for me to get things to look decent if I try to start out pushing pixels

Anonymous No. 894971

Looks great by the way. I'd consider going unlit and baking the lighting into the textures but honestly it looks fine even with the flat shading

Anonymous No. 894987

Brother, that looks like a painful way to retopo...major shapes, loops, then blockout from big to small. Just looked up a hand wireframe and copy, no need to reinvent the wheel.

Anonymous No. 894989

weathered textures

Anonymous No. 894995

>Wish I could get the bellypads to squish more
Try using curve weights or the radius (it's one of those things) to shrink/expand the belly along the curve. You might have to use a separate curve to do that though so you don't fuck with the width of everything else.



Anonymous No. 895004

Testing glossiness.

Anonymous No. 895008

way too glossy

Anonymous No. 895010

not glossy enough

Anonymous No. 895016

The results look pretty mediocre to be honest, it dosnt take into account volume movement instead applies deformation from a base mesh.
Ok if you are making a human or a deformed human face without any unique facial traits, but the moment you do something else you are fucked.

Anonymous No. 895017

It's glossy enough

Anonymous No. 895018

glossiness looks like it's a bit too perfect imho

Anonymous No. 895019

Is it even supposed to be glossy?

Anonymous No. 895020

That's absolutely great work

Anonymous No. 895021

retopo is one of the most zen parts of 3d modeling once you get the hang of it, i love doing it.



Anonymous No. 895029

No glossy shader..

Anonymous No. 895030

substantially improved

Anonymous No. 895032

could use about 7% more gloss



Anonymous No. 895040




Anonymous No. 895049

Thanks! I put down the general big shapes directly through texture paint, no downscaling or anything, and then refining a little bit from the texture map afterwards. I've mostly been using texture paint directly though

Thank you!


scene block.png

Anonymous No. 895050

Also decided to go forth and make a small scene for her to be in, the scene is exactly 256 tris, including the cat, I'm gonna try to fit it all onto a 256x256 texture, would be cool

Anonymous No. 895120

A bit late for that: >>894779

Anonymous No. 895122

Make sure you limit the colors to 256 as well.



Anonymous No. 895163

I'm making an 18th century dress for a vroid character.
Right now the poly count is sky high but I want to try to bake as much as possible.

Anonymous No. 895175

how does it look with smooth normals, and with an unlit shader?

Anonymous No. 895190

Why the fuck is it so hard to make a transparent glass window in blender

Anonymous No. 895192

The fuck are you talking about?

Anonymous No. 895195

Actually, after some more retopo this week, I get what you mean. It's almost a bit like the MMO grind, but I hate playing mmos now so this is better.



Anonymous No. 895200

This is my first ever attempt of modeling something other than a shitcoin.
My question is does it look like the person it is trying to represent?
How do I transfer weight painting data to the skirt? I simulated it rather than blocking it out.

Anonymous No. 895212

you cant fix whats not broken, that is 10/10 shitposting ready.



Anonymous No. 895227

"How 'bout I remodel that face of yours faggot."

Anonymous No. 895229

>who's steve jobs?


WhatsApp Image 20....jpg

Anonymous No. 895233

Just finished the webxr template. Added andorid and ios functionality.



Test 2.jpg

Anonymous No. 895236

The first model is for catalog renderings and the second for webxr.

Anonymous No. 895251

Looks very nice anon... good job. Better use bones for the skirt.

I don't know how but here is a video i did a quick google about.

Anonymous No. 895262


Thanks a bunch.

I swear the most useful things in blender are hidden away where nobody can find them.



Anonymous No. 895279

i fuckin hate bridge looping so much, wish there was a better way to attach 2 different objects

Anonymous No. 895281

i dig it

Anonymous No. 895282

Best you mix it with a Glass shader.

Anonymous No. 895283

looks like my wife alright but how did you make the clothes?



Anonymous No. 895284




Anonymous No. 895286

Thank you and I'll try that next. A lot of this is just using tools how I would think they should be used. Arrays and what not. Was told in another thread I should sculpt his head instead of modeling which I have no idea what are good practices so I've been really annoyed with getting Shenrons eyebrow ridges right so he looks angry.
Still have to work on his spines, scales, belly, background, trees, clouds, his horns, give him more mouth detail and fix his teeth alignment and sizing on a few to break up the pattern.
Regardless. Im happy I went from making a little blender frog to making Shenron within a week. Wish you guys the best too.

Anonymous No. 895293


The skirt was stimulated. The top was made by copying the torso, smoothing out the boobs, so it wouldn't look skin tight and the rest was done by extruding and pushing certs like a caveman



Anonymous No. 895300

Can I get some pointers on my flipflops. Trying to keep them as low poly as possible without looking blocky.

Anonymous No. 895303

How did you cope with blender's inability to paint a single pixel?


Screenshot 2022-0....png

Anonymous No. 895313

How's this for having no anatomy and using mouse in Blender? I'm just working from reference. I know the side profile is scuffed though.

Anonymous No. 895314

If they are not going to deform make the sole a single poly not everything has to be quads.

Also you can try and reduce the 3 loops on the strap to 2 and not loos much detail.

Anonymous No. 895316

>I'm just working from reference.

Oh ok we thought you had memorized the human form as some faggots in /3/ claim to have done.

No comments on the rest, yes it needs improvement but if I know it you know it too.



Anonymous No. 895324

Multires and accessories are done, now time to UV, simplify, texture, bake.
Didn't make body.

Anonymous No. 895328

>memorized the human form as some faggots in /3/ claim to have done.
You say that like it's some insurmountable task lmao.

Anonymous No. 895330

Did you use arrays for the ribbons and the multiple repeating little details?



Anonymous No. 895341

Yes. I'll probably apply the modifier at the end and tweak them by hand so they don't look so unnaturally regular.
Also the vertebra looking things are supposed to be lace ruffles, I'm hoping it looks fine when baked into a place or box.

Anonymous No. 895380

Glass bsdf gives it the reflective property I want but leaves it opaque under that. Combining with a transparency shader and a mix shader does nothing. Every tutorial I can Google shows me ways to combine it with an image texture or whatever, but none of them allow me to make a glass panel that is both see- through and reflective.

Anonymous No. 895381

Are you using Eevee or Cycles?

Anonymous No. 895382

Cycles primarily, though I tried eevie and saw no improvement

Anonymous No. 895384

Also I want to take it into Blender ultimately so I don't think viewport stuff matters all that much, unless I'm mistaken about how exporting the model works

Anonymous No. 895385

Do you have an image of your issue?

Anonymous No. 895386

Not at pc at the moment but I'll get one in a bit when I'm there. Thanks for taking interest in this though



Anonymous No. 895399

Help me improve

Anonymous No. 895403


>Help me improve
Stop masturbating, quit tobacco, alcohol and anything that fucks with your mind. Stop watching porn, call your parents, keep in touch with your friends, do physical activity, search for a moral compass, avoid social media, read more books but most important of all don't use blender.



Anonymous No. 895412

Impromptu dinner plans slowed this way down - There's a bright yellow plane just behind the glass for proof that it's opaque. At this point I've torn up everything and just plugged a Glass BSDF into the output.



Anonymous No. 895413

Still working on this model. I want to make the cell shading pop but I can't find any good guides on shaders to make it crisp.

Anonymous No. 895414

You probably don't want the shading on the skin to be the same shade as her top.



Anonymous No. 895433


Right. I made a mistake with the color pallet.
I also figured out how to get an outline around the model.

I new to this...

Anonymous No. 895435

The outline is a definite improvement

Anonymous No. 895438

Which method did you use to make the outline?

Anonymous No. 895445


Solidify modifier with the normals flipped options ticked.
I then in the materials option on the modifier I used a material that matched the color of the outline I wanted.


Cute glass.jpg

Anonymous No. 895448

Not who you're talking to, but transparency works differently in Eevee and Cycles. I always fuck it up in Eevee because I forget which additional options you need to turn on. In Cycles I use the old Andrew method because it seems to work pretty well.
Just fuck around with your roughness and IOR until you get what you're looking for.
There's probably a better way to do it, but it works for me so I use it.



Anonymous No. 895459

Worked like a charm. Fucking with the settings will take a year but this is exactly what I was looking for, thanks a ton.



Anonymous No. 895465

started leaning marvelous designer, this is pretty fun but i really hope it isn't much of a hassle to export it back to blender and learning a whole new software so i can get a t-shirt flying in the wind
love it anon, looks like my crab waife alright but how did you manage the hair and face? i tried sculpting but i really don't like doing a extra step of repto so i rather directly learn polymodelling



Anonymous No. 895466

are you trying out cellshading?

Anonymous No. 895468


The hair was made with a bunch of nurbs paths into roughly the shape of her hair.
The face was done through polymodeling. I can't think of any other way to do it. I feel like sculpting would yield inaccurate results. That being said, I feel the results of this one look a bit flat and lifeless. I'll just make a bunch more until I'm satisfied.



Anonymous No. 895469

got any tutorial recommendations and tips? i find polymodeling faces 10x harder than the body because of the lineflow and the need to use of the knife tool



Anonymous No. 895471

All I'm trying to do is make a funny little TV head guy to use as a VRChat model, honestly. Never done any modeling before this.
Have a bonus shot of the back.



Anonymous No. 895527

without giving her a body, how can I make her sexier

Anonymous No. 895528

How about we put a smile on that face?

Anonymous No. 895531

unfortunately I have a irl fetish for girls that dont want me, think im pathetic and below them

Anonymous No. 895533

based rapist

Anonymous No. 895534

This kind of shit is exactly why sculpt and retopo is a nicer workflow. You can just join and remesh, or boolean modifier it on.
When box modeling, it can be a real pain in the ass. What does your wireframe look like after that bridge?



Anonymous No. 895599

Not a wip anymore, but did a full workflow from high poly to retopo then texturing. Broke down and got substance painter as well, pretty nice.

Anonymous No. 895601

that head is sooo bad and those hands are soooooooooo bad. No hips, looks like a crossdresser

Anonymous No. 895607


Can you do the hair seperate. She has no neck muscles. Head on a stick syndrome. Might be time to do a retopo.

Anonymous No. 895610

thinner lips, smaller nose, less defined jaw



Anonymous No. 895611

Small glasses. Now that's a GMILF.



Anonymous No. 895634

first time modelling a hand but wont be mastering poly modelling better in the long run? sculpting then retopo will be slower method in the end yeah?


mudbox rex1.jpg

Anonymous No. 895637

Sculpt it. Im so in love with mudbox and i love dinosaurs.

Anonymous No. 895638

isnt retop annoying?

Anonymous No. 895639

No. Just retopologize in mudbox with guide lines (its an auto machine), then do some hecky areas manually with quad draw in maya. Its easy



Anonymous No. 895645

What should I do to make it more interesting before I just go ham on it in post?

Anonymous No. 895655

Render the water with some actual gloss so they look less like scaled down mountains. Working a bit on the foam would help as well but the glossiness is the quickest and easiest fix.

Anonymous No. 895656

scale is extremely off, the yotsuba boxman gives off the look of being gigantic due to the look of the ocean. either tweak the ocean to look smaller or make box man



Anonymous No. 895665

I think the depth of field is messing up the scale.

Looks better than my ocean though, started on a new base mesh for a Tupandactylus model and want to have it fly over an ocean too

Anonymous No. 895672




Anonymous No. 895696

>wont be mastering poly modelling better in the long run?
Yes and no. They're different skills with different benefits and drawbacks. Mastering both is advisable. To make a good hand, you need to learn the proportions and basic anatomy of hands. Your proportions look quite decent, like they were traced from a reference, but they're unnaturally flat, where a resting hand looks more like this. Your topology also isn't built for deformation.

> sculpting then retopo will be slower method in the end yeah?
Faster, usually. Some people get by fine without sculpting at all, but getting the total shape and topology right the first time takes some real mastery. Usually for a beginner, you end up with fucked up shapes and topology as you try to revise as you go.
Sculpt+retopo helps by breaking it up into multiple steps. You can get the shape just how you want it with sculpting, and then get the topology down during retopo. The workflow lets you ignore topology, points, vertices, and everything else while you focus on just getting the shape right, and then handle topology as a separate step in the workflow.
It feels slower, and topology is a pain in the ass, but it saves you time "debugging" your mesh afterward. And there are other topo tools. Retopology isn't about dropping vertices, but about setting up loops and edge flow for deformation and to reinforce the underlying form. If you can speed up retopo without sacrificing quality, do it. Personally, I'm fine putting on some music and pounding through retopo manually in Blender. I find it relaxing.

There is never a good reason to avoid learning something new, or to avoid adding a new tool to your toolbox. You should learn everything that might be useful. That's for the long run, though. I think you should finish your current project the way you're doing it before moving on to learning sculpting. You have more to gain from focusing on this current project the way you have started it.



Anonymous No. 895699

thanks for the advice anon, gonna dive into sculpting and the retopo workflow on my next project, i find poly modelling faces pretty hard

Anonymous No. 895705

Sculpt+retopo also lets you cheat adding detail by baking from high poly to low poly, that's something to consider as well. But then you can also sculpt a subdivided version of your poly modelling.
In the end retopology and poly modelling are basically the same thing if you have enough experience.

Anonymous No. 895710

>In the end retopology and poly modelling are basically the same thing if you have enough experience.
They accomplish the same goals, but in the reverse order and with different up-front focus (volume and shape vs construction and flow). In any case, they are both valid approaches, and often times there is a good reason to choose one over the other for the situation at hand (poly modelling is often better when the ideal topology is very obvious and clear, or when there's a very clear form and topology is unimportant), so it's best to learn both.
Often, I'll use a hybrid approach, and poly model a simplified representation, then remesh and sculpt, then retopo for a better topology anyway. It allows a similar workflow to a 2D art workflow of gesture drawing -> construction -> refinement, and hits a good balance for me. I'm far from a professional in any case.



Anonymous No. 895721




Anonymous No. 895726

this is amazing, my current wip that i am kind of stuck on is a thicc braixen



Anonymous No. 895728

anyone have any suggestions for how to finish/improve this?

Anonymous No. 895730

very nice



Anonymous No. 895731


Anonymous No. 895732

Wow muy bien trabajo aqui

Anonymous No. 895734

>I always fuck it up in Eevee because I forget which additional options you need to turn on.

Anonymous No. 895741

Gracias por el cumplido esa!



Anonymous No. 895743


Anonymous No. 895755


Anonymous No. 895772


Some sort of belly would really help balance the model out

Anonymous No. 895796

using a shader is the best way. don't forget you can attach up parts of the shaders to drivers if you want to change up the shape or whatever.

Anonymous No. 895798

i like the shape but granted it's clearly inspired from the halo mongoose
i also like the wiring details you've put in
but generally, texture resolution / detail is way too low, alot of the textures are just generic substance painter shit. put more thought into actually painting shit on.

also the shape of the vehicle isn't very defined, and the way it's constructed doesn't make a lot of sense. think about how it would be constructed in terms of panels rather than 2 big moulded pieces. also the area for the handle bars to rotate on seems a bit off and doesn't make much sense. there also isn't a good place for the user to sit on. tires need a lot of work

Anonymous No. 895799

>his main focus is game dev
make a few small game mods first. you'll learn the mistakes of 3D and design without risking it on a big project

Anonymous No. 895807

why do people still recommend this? The documentation is more sparse than Unity and the tools aren't useful. It is more difficult to make a unique game with it than free engines and modders will trash it if you're new.

if you want to make stuff with optimization in mind just check out model rips

Anonymous No. 895809

mod a game with actual documentation like the source engine or creation engine. noone's expecting you to pull some shit out your ass from scratch

Anonymous No. 895816

nice work bruv, but what's up with the face circles?

Anonymous No. 895822

Looks like they're meant to be freckles, friendo.

Anonymous No. 895823

regarding muscle and chest details, since most of the models are going to exported to marvelous designer and clothed, does it matter?

Anonymous No. 895827


You have the technical know-how but you lack fundamentals in art. Time to practice your anatomy skills anon.....


brackrooms render....jpg

Anonymous No. 895842

Just Finished this, Thoughts?

Anonymous No. 895843

You misspelled backrooms. Also reddit meme.
Aside from that it looks good.

Anonymous No. 895844

>any suggestions
kys furfag

Anonymous No. 895845

yeah it's reddit tier but I just really like the aesthetic. Thanks for the upboat

Anonymous No. 895848


Good. Time to upload a youtube video with VHS distortion and make a few bucks on a backrooms video.

Anonymous No. 895853

it feels like I'm looking at an old era video game, like Doom or Duke Nukem

Anonymous No. 895869

Thanks N-word I've bookmarked that.

Anonymous No. 895884

I can definitely recognise it's Senjougahara. Nice job on the shaders.



Anonymous No. 895888

Found this useful infographic about using orthographic vs camera vs 3d viewport.

Just thought Id share it here.

Anonymous No. 895893

did you make the water in quixel?



Anonymous No. 895894

Speed modeled and textured this in about 2 1/2 hours is it passable?



Anonymous No. 895896

Okay, redid materials and reduced the size of the ocean. Still not sure how to fix the scale issue.

Anonymous No. 895897


It's a star wars!

Anonymous No. 895907

what tool are you using?

Anonymous No. 895917

What exactly is this telling me

Anonymous No. 895920

jeez 2 1/2 hours? surely you had some pre-made stuff in there like materials/greebles



Anonymous No. 895925

learning hard surface as a complete beginner

Anonymous No. 895946

Ortho viewport doesn't do reflections on flat surfaces either (because ortho rays are all parallel). It just reflects a single pixel.
It's not a perfect solution, but if you throw a noise texture in as a bump map, and turn the scale up really high so the noise is imperceptibly fine, it can somewhat fix it. Just gotta fuck around with the strength value.

Found that shit out last night.

Anonymous No. 895959

I don't believe you've played either of those if you think that's what they look like.



Anonymous No. 895983

I have not, but there's something about the texture grain and perspective, and height of the corridor to width ratio.



Anonymous No. 895984

had another go round with her. Now I feel like long fake eyelashes will go a long way towards making her look hella hot. I'm going to see if I can do this within zb

Anonymous No. 895988

Source Filmmaker



Anonymous No. 895992

new scene moar rocks

Anonymous No. 895996

cute pebble :3



Anonymous No. 895999

This will be fine for something in the background right /wip/ bros? The texture could be better but it'll be so far back that it doesn't need to be perfect, neither the textures nor model.
It's supposed to be a submarine btw.

Anonymous No. 896000




Anonymous No. 896004

Making some progress on my retopology.



Anonymous No. 896046

Anonymous No. 896066

where's the cock?



Kahze No. 896069

Kahze No. 896071

nice for two hours

Anonymous No. 896073

the scale still looks off to me, might be because of the dof



Anonymous No. 896074

just started a fresh Instagram account for art shit, how can I gain an audience ? is it just hashtags? is making a twitter account better?



Anonymous No. 896080


Decided to give up on this one and try another project this weekend. This is from an obscure anime from 10 years ago that nobody watched. I wanted to try using square UV maps to give skin details instead of painting them on this time.
Also, doe anyone have any advice on how to paint clothing without destroying geometry? I feel like I have to cut the faces into the clothes in order to get an appropriate UV map, but that destroys the quad topology.
Once I get the basics down, I'd like to put my name to something, but I've got a long way to go.

Anonymous No. 896099

doing a great job

Anonymous No. 896101

For clothes make them highpoly and project them onto a body mesh. You can have any topology you want then.

Anonymous No. 896103

Looks cool. You're learning HardOPS/BoxCutter too or did you do this the vanilla way? I'm following the blenderbros course, it's great so far. I'm still struggling with some operations and their meaning but these addons are so powerful.

Anonymous No. 896105

Based. Thanks for that confirmation.



Anonymous No. 896117

i rate myself trash/10

Anonymous No. 896119

The feet seem off but the rest is very nice.

Anonymous No. 896120

No problem, bro.



Anonymous No. 896121

took me 4 days to get him to this state
sculpted the high res in mudbox
manually retopologized in maya
sewed UV lines
created textures in maya
it was my first time after following tutorials on how to do each part, better than expected

Anonymous No. 896122

>created textures in maya
why would u do this to yourself.

Anonymous No. 896123

in substance i mean, typo

Anonymous No. 896124

carry on then, bud


ูขู ูขูขู ูฅู ูง_ู ูกูกูขูคูค.jpg

Anonymous No. 896125

Two weeks progress

Anonymous No. 896126

this introduced me to the fact on how long it takes to make game ready assets, holy shit its tasking as a character artist. retopology with quad draw tool took me the longest, i had to restart 3 times over because i got the face wrong, then i learned the loops by memory
now put in rigging and weightpainting then making animations

Anonymous No. 896127

good job, dude. You working on a game?

Anonymous No. 896128

im a gamedev but it's not for my game, it was just part of learning the workflow. 6 hours ago i did not know how to use any of the maya tools at all, but now i know how to properly design a game ready character.

Anonymous No. 896130

What's this render thing called? i always see it.

Anonymous No. 896131

any particular part of it?

Anonymous No. 896132

Color palette and material balls

Anonymous No. 896135

You should learn to take screenshots.


unknown (1).png

Anonymous No. 896136

And that's how his technical side looks like. The white lines are UV, blue is topology. Not sure how it looks like since I just blindly followed the UV structure of that zombie timelapse video by autodesk



Anonymous No. 896137


Anonymous No. 896138

>The white lines are UV, blue is topology.
you're on a 3d board

Anonymous No. 896143

Neat. Reminds me of one of the Slipknot members if they had been some kind of rebel king instead of a musician.



Anonymous No. 896144


>Green Screen

Anon you are adorable I fucking love you.

Remember that only semi-subs had camo for when they surfaced in ww2 and the camo has usually striped so they could hide their size and break visually with the waves.
If it's rust oh god poor sub. Watch some docked subs and you'll see that it's the bottom half that gets corroded cuz they last long periods with the upper half exposed.



Anonymous No. 896146

allahu akbar



Anonymous No. 896149

here's what i'm using.

white ball: 0.85 diffuse / 100% rough
grey ball: 0.18 diffuse / 100% rough
black ball: 0.04 diffuse / 100% rough
chrome ball: 0.6 diffuse / 0.2% rough / 100% metal

the palette is called a macbeth chart. diffuse only, spec disabled.
you can pick up a texture for it in your colour space here:

desaturated my main hdri for good measure

Anonymous No. 896153

What reason are they used for?

Anonymous No. 896155

macbeth chart and grey/chrome balls
honestly, I have absolutely no fucking idea why people add them in renders (not trying to shit on this anon btw >>896117)
they are supposed to be standardized colors and true neutral grey and true chrome so that you can match the physical lighting conditions 1:1 in the digital world and the 3d elements will match the plate.
if you aren't comping your 3d elements over real footage and/or you don't have the real, physical macbeth and balls references, they are pointless, literally no reason to ever include them other than "cool factor".

Anonymous No. 896156

good model, but consider overlaying some roughness maps on top for variety



Anonymous No. 896159

I see now the neck is too long, what else? I'm very new to blender. Please ignore the background (and foreground)



Anonymous No. 896162

Nice i like it

Anonymous No. 896163

Thank you, but I've heard it's shit. Any quick fix for someone with very limited blender experience?



Anonymous No. 896165

i mostly use it as a neutral shading environment (hence the desaturated hdris). the black and white balls also remind me of where my extremes really are - it's mostly there to stop me from doing dumb shit and crunching my maps up too much.

then i'll just flick through a bunch of hdri options i have in there to see it under various lighting conditions.

there are a couple of imperfection maps, but it's relatively subtle. it'll definitely show on close ups.
i don't actually want the bag to look dirty. it's for lolsorandom mograph stuff. the "modelling" is just the result of a sim, which also makes the model ready to sim further, which is why there's a weird band at the top and not a knot.



Anonymous No. 896168

I sincerely think it's nice. Maybe this could help to have the proportions ok?


Anonymous No. 896169

yeah that looks good

Anonymous No. 896170

Thanks, that is very useful. I definitely need to redo the neck and jaw part

Anonymous No. 896173

thanks. it's my first time using vray houdini for anything as well and it's not bad so far. i like its look and pretty fast as well. parts of it feel weird and unfinished though.

Anonymous No. 896175

Pretty nice exercise anon keep it up.

Glad to help. Remember the internet all knowledge is a search away.

Anonymous No. 896183

The green screen isn't being used for anything, it was just to better show the parts with no texture on. But thanks anon I love you too :3

>If it's rust oh god poor sub

It is rust but it's an underwater scene which is why I put it all over rather than just the bottom half (which I wouldn't have thought about unless you had mentioned it desu, so thanks for that shout).
I'm planning on putting a couple of holes in it and having it lying on sea floor/ocean bed and having some cute fishes or something coming out of it. Although I'll probably do that and you won't be able to see them anyway because it'll be in the background. Even still, it's never wasted time because at least I'll still be learning something I haven't done before.



Anonymous No. 896186

>t is rust but it's an underwater scene which is why I put it all over rather than just the bottom half

Oh ok anon nice. Look for the finding nemo scene. That shader is old but fucking brilliant. Rust underwater always gets barnacles all over and whitening due to sulfatation.

>Search for sulfatation

Anonymous No. 896190


Anonymous No. 896191

Yep sorry imma nigga form a 3rd world country so no good english.



Anonymous No. 896197

Almost there. Calling it a day.

Anonymous No. 896219

all vanilla from the tutorial for now, and yes organizing modifiers is getting tedious, I see the appeal of addons. Once i finish the course I'll decide if I want to use hardops or not

Anonymous No. 896221

Link me the tutorial, I'm interested.

Anonymous No. 896254

I really wanted to get into the Blender Bros style of doing things, but I am not really a fan of the cleanup after booleaning. It makes me feel like I am doing low level janitorial work instead of art. It is like programming in C, when I should be doing it in a functional language.

Luckily there are alternatives like HS sculpting in Zbrush which might be good for design, but who is going to retopo that afterwards?. Zbrush favors such dense meshes, and doesn't even have ngons and smooth shading shading for that matter, so you don't really have to worry about cutting into curved surfaces with it.

One thing I was really surprised when I tried cutting a box into a sphere in Moi 3d and exporting it into Blender is that the resulting object had perfect shading. The striped matcap showed nothing wrong at all. I'll probably go with that style in the end.

This experience made me realized that when it comes to topology there are two aspects to it.

* Whether the mesh shades smoothly..
* Whether the mesh subdivides smoothly.

The two aren't the same thing. If you don't intend to deform the asset, you don't need the later.

Anonymous No. 896264

reminds me of Myst

Anonymous No. 896275


he starts going very fast near the middle of the course, so be aware youll have to pause a lot if taking notes

Anonymous No. 896281

>Rust underwater always gets barnacles all over and whitening due to sulfatation.

I didn't think about the whitening, but I was planning to put some kind of flora on it to maximize that aged look. I'm going to see how it looks in the scene first though because it might not be noticeable enough to warrant inclusion.
I'm going to take a look at that Finding Nemo scene too.

Anonymous No. 896291

Looking forward the results! Nice project!


i mean.png

Anonymous No. 896301

nope literally from scratch all materials in substance were made from scratch, i don't really save materials I always start with a default layer and build from that.

Honestly if you look at it you can tell how lazy i was being when i modeled it, and textured it i still feel like my texture/model quality skills are lacking i can never get things to look just right or look full if that makes sense. but i sat there and i just cant think of what else i can do to make it look any better, i find i have this isue on almost everything i make. I tried to make a stealth-y texture version but same issue it just doesn't feel complete.

Anonymous No. 896302

> cleanup after booleaning
Yeah I'm starting to get comfortable with the addons but I fucking hate the cleanup part too. I'm trying to figure out and to print in my head the process of making the low poly/clean mesh first and then add all the details that are going to be baked later so I can care less about how I fuck up the topo (I'm modeling for games). But it stops you from making any design changes later.
I'm still testing different solutions too but Blender + addons is currently the best one I tried.
> Luckily there are alternatives like HS sculpting in Zbrush
I don't know. I use Zbrush but never tried Zmodeler yet.



Anonymous No. 896315

more progress, can't do much since work is fucking insane right now. Just learned what n-gons are and that they're the devil and must be avoided at all costs.



Anonymous No. 896324

>I don't know. I use Zbrush but never tried Zmodeler yet.
No, HS sculpting is not actually about using Zmodeler. In Zbrush, Zmodeler is a brush that has a ton of different subtools for box modeling, kind of like Blender's.

But the way you'd actually approach the problem from a sculpting perspective is by instead using projective cuts with clip and knife brushes, as well as making judicious use of masks. In terms of workflow, this is quite different from char modeling for example where you'd use regular brushes. Booleans as well, but they don't give you trouble in Zbrush because of what I said in my previous post.

Unlike with Blender, there isn't that much on Youtube on the subject of HS sculpting, so I'd recommend getting a course or two off Persia if you are interested in checking it out.

I think that when it comes to hard surface, working in Zbrush has a lot of similarity with Moi which is a NURBs program. The later does not have strong deformation ability like Zbrush does with its bevy of tools, but where the two styles overlap, they overlap quite strongly.

If you are interested in Moi, it has the benefit of being by far the simplest of all the art programs that I've tried so you could cover it in half a week in its entirety. Another benefit of Moi is that it has the ability to import subdiv models as NURBs which worked impressively well the one time I've tested it on a monitor model. Arrimus has a good playlist on Moi.




Anonymous No. 896327

I know that I am being a shill here, but that is because I am battling it out in my head myself. The project I am working on is not that hard and I could have been done with it a while ago in Blender if I just sat down and ground it out, instead I've spent it learning new things instead and trying to optimize my workflow. I am trying to find a sweet spot with using 3d for illustrations, and I am obsessed with trying to find a way of doing it with least effort. Since I won't do animation, I don't need the model to be subdivisible, but I do want to get good shading with it.

In Blender boolean cutting into a curved surface, then selecting the perimeter loop around the boolean, then using MESHmachine to do an offset cut and cleaning up afterwards is meh. I know that I could have gotten good shading results if I had put in proper effort to make the mesh quads manually, but those are just excuses and the overall style has a ton of fotguns.


Take this for example. All these fixes feel like hacks. Yes, you can do proper memory management even in C, but do you want to? You'll note that because of these issues, when people use booleans in Blender they'll try to avoid doing it on curved surfaces, and indeed most of the tutorials that I've seen practice that avoidance because otherwise they'd spend all their time doing clean up.

Anonymous No. 896328

For my own purposes, I don't have enough evidence to rule out using high poly Zbrush models as non-viable yet. Also I haven't stress tested Moi enough to make sure how good its export really is. A backup NURBs export plan is to use Rhino's NURBs compatible quad remesher which gave me really good results on that bottle model. I've been trying to make Zremesher work, but like the Exoside quad remesher it does not preserve edge flow properly and ends up destroying edge work while Rhino (Moi's big bro) was good at preserving it when I gave it a try.

I'll do a serious stress test of modeling all the stuff in my room in Moi and doing an informal bechmark of how good its exported models are in terms of shading, as well ones converted using Rhino's quad remesher. Hopefully I'll be able to post the results on /3/ by the end of the month.


Anonymous No. 896331

The feathers just clip straight through the ends of the wings, but otherwise I like it.



Anonymous No. 896332

Anyone has that MS painting of a guy saying
>I will prevail because my stubbornness is greater.

So something like that while 3D modeling ? Can you post it ?

Anonymous No. 896338

you dont give yourself enough credit



Anonymous No. 896345

Working on this at the moment and am trying to make everything from scratch. Still need ideas on what I will do for the outside but I like the idea of a very alien landscape.

Anonymous No. 896350

Topology anon here. Just tell me if you need any aid on that.

Also alien landscape i suggest you search for Socotra.

Anonymous No. 896351

Bump test.

Anonymous No. 896352

Oh shit oh no.

Anonymous No. 896354

Can I see the wireframe with and without the smoothing?

Anonymous No. 896355

My bad I knew what hard surface implied in Zbrush but I was focused on Zmodeler (since I have to learn it and postponed it for so long that it annoys me). Thanks for the insight on Moi 3D. Ngl, I also too much time on testing several softwares and addons to add another one to the list but I've seen it mentioned a lot of time (in Arrimus channel like you said).
But to be completely honest with you, if shading is important to you and that you also want to model complex shapes, then you are bound to clean your mesh topology or use subd modeling. There are (I guess) some softwares like Moi that makes the creation of these shapes much more smooth and faster but if you are planning on importing/exporting these into different softwares, having a clean topo will make you gain a tremendous amount of time and save you from some headaches. My word isn't to take too seriously cause I'm a beginner too.



Anonymous No. 896395

Anonymous No. 896486

just the tip



Anonymous No. 896510

Doing some testing for skin shading. Some places like the nails are a bit wonky but I like the overall lighting

Anonymous No. 896521

seems like too much sss to me

Anonymous No. 896529

True, it's not at physically correct skin values right now, cranked it for emphasis

Anonymous No. 896532

I figured as much. Most people seem to make the same mistake.
The thing is, in real life the hand is comprised of more than a solid mass of skin so increasing the sss on a real hand would reveal veins and bones and the scattering profile would be entirely different.
Keep that in mind.



Anonymous No. 896541

So did ya finish?

Aite bros, but damn I didn't think she looked that bad? Maybe I won't make it kek



Anonymous No. 896548

Working on interpreting an abstract alien robotic design I drew once into a 3D format. I had the idea to try making a small game in the future once I've finished developing the proper skills and this is a design idea for the antagonist species.

Anonymous No. 896561

Your >>895599 model demonstrates a better understanding of anatomy than some people on this board, but it definitely needs improvement in some areas. Studying anatomy and proportion would be the best thing to do since you're the only one who can determine how your model should look, and if I just point out a bunch of flaws for you to fix, your model may not look the way you wanted it to. That being said, I'm going to anyways.

- The size of the chest and hips are weird compared to each other. I would either make the chest smaller, or the hips bigger.
- The fingers look too slender, but I like them for some reason.
- The head in general looks weird.
- All of the hair comes out from the top of the head, which may not be a problem for all characters, but since the hair is floating, it reveals the lack of hair on the back of the head.
- Something seems wrong with the face, but I don't know if that's just because of the angle and/or the lighting.

Anonymous No. 896563

Hmm I see. Yea I understand what you're getting at about how only you can determine what you want your pieces to look like. I guess I'm still trying to find the line I want to straddle between stylized and realistic and it's causing conflict. Also it does seem as if the retopo around the mouth was bretty shitty, but thanks anon, I'll try to reflect on the anatomy/hair for the next project. I guess I was just excited to share since I finished the full pipeline on that chara.


rig fin.png

Anonymous No. 896630

Here is my third significant hard surface modeling project. It took me 10h. I'd say 5 of those hours were good modeling work, and other other 3-5 were wrestling with mysterious failures in Moi. It is my first time using it non-trivially. That grate on the side I really should have done as a subdiv model and imported it into Moi for drilling. The network node for some reason was acting crazy I spent way too long trying to figure what is going on. Same for some of the earlier booleans. For more complex shapes, Moi hates it when they overlap with others so it helps to scale or move them a little so that is not happening.

Moi is pretty fun to use when I am working with it instead of bashing my head against it. I am glad I finally resolved myself to just do this rig.

The next is exporting it into Blender and doing a distortion check with the striped matcap. I'll also check how good of a job Rhino's quad remesher does. After that comes texturing in Substance which should be easy.


rig is perfectly ....png

Anonymous No. 896633

I exported this from Moi into Blender and put in a striped matcap. As far as I can tell, the shading is perfect. No distortion anywhere despite the topology being fairly nasty. The export is quite large and comes out to 40k faces at the lowest setting and 150k at the highest. I think even the lowest setting has a lot of detail. Next is Rhino's quad remesher.


a good model beat....png

Anonymous No. 896639

Tried Rhino's quad remesher, but even with 100k quads for the big piece, it makes a mess of the grate. It is a waste of time using it. I'll stick with Moi's regular export.

So far I've tried the quad remeshers in 3 different programs (Blender, Zbrush, Rhino) but they've been underwhelming. They are a lot better idea on paper than they are in practice. They have plenty of room for improvement.

Anonymous No. 896649

Why do you need to remesh it at all? What are you planning on doing with it?
I'd probably not bother getting a good topo unless you plan on using it as an asset for a game engine or something. I'd just shape it right, punch the holes out with a boolean modifier targeting a cylinder/prism with array modifiers and various other similar techniques. That project could be almost entirely procedural and defined largely with modifiers, if you're just trying to get some good renders or something.

Even if you need to export it, I'd just apply the modifiers and call it a day. You don't need to remesh or retopo that thing. You're not deforming it. Clean topo isn't necessary for hard surface modeling beyond what needs to play nice with other modifiers.
Good topology is pretty much entirely about accentuating the underlying anatomy, allowing good deformation, and interacting properly with modifiers. If you don't need any of that, don't bother. You're just punching holes in metal, so act like it.

Anonymous No. 896672

>Why do you need to remesh it at all?
Just testing how Rhino's quad remesher performs on an moderately complex object. I've read that most CAD software don't have as good export capability as Moi does. For example, when I modeled that water bottle in Rhino and converted it to poly, I had shading issues off the bat and had to ramp up the poly count to eliminate it. The quad remesher was actually better when it comes to doing NURBS to poly conversion in Rhino.

Anonymous No. 896673

Than the vanilla converter I mean.



Anonymous No. 896678

Wasn't sure how to do clouds and while I'd like to figure it out I think it's time to move on because I'd working on this too long without learning anything new where I'm still really new to Blender. It'll be a project I'll visit again later. Figured out arrays and negative lights. How to make trees. A bit of sculpting.

Anonymous No. 896697

>Wasn't sure how to do clouds
Like the green clouds in the back?
I'd use plane and a noise texture, stretch it a bit, throw a color ramp on there to crunch up the contrast a bit, and change the color to green.

Still, lookin good. The arms seem in a weird place though. I'd move them a bit further up towards the head.

Anonymous No. 896716

>Wasn't sure how to do clouds
>it's time to move on because I'd working on this too long without learning anything new



Anonymous No. 896720

Doing clouds is easy.. its just a noise texture with some color ramp


9k Rhino, 5k Rhin....png

Anonymous No. 896723

>The quad remesher was actually better when it comes to doing NURBS to poly conversion in Rhino.
I've been concerned whether I am unfairly bashing Rhino since a water bottle which I've tested it on and the rig here which I did in Moi are two separate objects. The rig is boxy, while the bottle is curvy so the later should be a tougher job for the exporter. So I actually went out did a few obj exports from Rhino to Blender. I also exported the Rhino model into Moi and from there into obj. My conclussion - Moi's exporter is in fact way better than Rhino's and even if you are focusing on NURBS modeling in Rhino, it would be worth getting Moi just to get the better export functionality.

Anonymous No. 896725

You convert the object to a volume and add noise to the surface to get the wispy shape. This is quite similar as if you were making it in Houdini.



Anonymous No. 896728

Serious question, why would you use nurbs for any of this?
It would take literally seconds to get the same result with poly modeling and the end result would have perfect topology and almost certainly be sub 200 polys.
In fact, here you go. The differences can be accounted for with normals and texturing.

Anonymous No. 896730

I did not mention it, but during obj export Moi marks sharp edges which is really making UV unwrapping a lot easier than I'd anticipated. It is really a happy accident that the sharp edges just happen to be in the exact places I'd want to place the seams.

Anonymous No. 896732

>Serious question, why would you use nurbs for any of this?
There are bunch of benefits, but I just want to find the right way of modeling. There are 4 competing styles and I've been moving between them:

* Box modeling
* Subd modeling
* Sculpting

In you own model, you did the overall shape, but you didn't do that dent. The way I did it in Rhino is by cutting off a piece to the size, scaling it down and insetting before booleaning union it back again. If you took that approach, the boolean cleanup would take you a while and it would certainly take longer to do than a NURBs model. It is not like drawing a curve and revolving it is hard to do in NURBs.

Suppose you took a box modeling approach (no subdiv) you could draw a polyline and revolve it to get the bottle shape. I am guessing this is probably what you did in your own model. But unlike with the NURBs or the subdiv or the NURBs approach, you are now stuck with your target poly count. You could subdiv it, but you'd need to clean up the top and bottom parts so don't get pinching where the triangles meet.


With the subdiv approach rather than revolving a curve, you'd have to start with a plane and extrude and scale it upward. But then you'd have to apply the modifier anyway to get the bottle dent. You could try doing it without the boolean, but you'd have to do some real wizardry to get the shape directly. I wouldn't be able to do it without much effort at my level. It is really annoying to have to keep track of topology like this and I'd rather not do it unless I can't help it. I admire the techniques he showed me in that playlist, but subdiv modeling the right way is black magic.


Anonymous No. 896734

With the sculpting approach, the process would be the same as with NURBs. You'd probably want to start out with a very high poly model and downscale to get the appropriate count. Using high density meshes makes booleans even easier than they are with NURBs so the design itself would be easy and you wouldn't need to worry about cleaning up that dent, but you might need to retopo and need to put in extra effort during UV unwrapping afterwards. You can do a lot more with sculpting than you could with NURBs, but you would not benefit from the added flexibility of sculpting while modeling an object such as this. You'd need to spend time wrangling the Zremesher to get a good result. Retopoing by hand would not be that much different from box modeling it to begin with. Unlike retopoing a char model, you'd want precision for a model such as this so that in fact is the retopo approach you'd take, to box model it from scratch.

The NURBs approach would be the easiest for a hard surface object such as this and would give you the most succinct representation of it. You don't have to worry about the poly count or the topology. If you want to turn into a poly model you can export it as low or high as you need to. The sharp edges that Moi gives you out of the box can be converted into seams so UV unwrapping is no problem either.

Anonymous No. 896737

>Suppose you took a box modeling approach (no subdiv) you could draw a polyline and revolve it to get the bottle shape.
I just extruded a cylinder but using lathe on a spline like you suggested doesn't lock you into any kind of polycount resolution.

Anonymous No. 896738

>box modeling
>subd modeling
those are the same thing

Anonymous No. 896740

they're not, because box modelling can be done without subdivision

Anonymous No. 896744

>box model
>apply turbosmooth
wa la

Anonymous No. 896745

>If you want to turn into a poly model you can export it as low or high as you need to.
not sure I'd consider 2k polys 'low' for that bottle

Anonymous No. 896746

thats not how subD works, you have to do creasing as well and check and adjust every single crease

Anonymous No. 896747

>crease modifier
wa la

Anonymous No. 896748

again, you dont do that in box modelling so there is a big difference between subD modelling and box modelling you clown

Anonymous No. 896749

The inside doubles the count if that matters.

Anonymous No. 896750

applying two modifiers doesn't make it an entirely new modeling method

Anonymous No. 896751

anon, one method has a wide variety of creases that you have to manually test each time. The other side does not. One method has 4x the amount of polygons per level. Are you retarded?

Anonymous No. 896752

>a wide variety of creases that you have to manually test each time
you're doing it wrong

Anonymous No. 896753

I'm not doing it wrong, you just dont know what you're talking about and want to get the last word in. I've been using MODO since 2012

Anonymous No. 896754

guess you're just stuck in the old way of doing things

Anonymous No. 896755

Do you want full control of your creased edges yes or no?

Anonymous No. 896756

ever heard of work smart not hard? you can set up proper creasing using data channels so when you work it's handled appropriately on the fly
going back and forth a trillion times to micromanage creases is idiotic

Anonymous No. 896757

>you can set up proper creasing using data channels so when you work it's handled appropriately on the fly
Not that guy, but what are you talking about?

Anonymous No. 896758

>you can set up proper creasing using data channels so when you work it's handled appropriately on the fly
What are you smoking? Edge creasing is an artistic choice handled on a per edge basis. MODO has exactly the right tools to manage this. I take it you're new.

Anonymous No. 896759

Imagine if NURBs modeling only had straight lines and you suddenly got curves. The is what subd modeling does to poly modeling. It is a very significant step.

Anonymous No. 896762

literally the same thing except higher resolution
prove me wrong

Anonymous No. 896767

>literally the same thing
Do you mean NURBS and subdiv? If so, not at all. Consider how booleans work with them. Booleans are easy with NURBS, but hard with subdiv models. Also it is not a matter of resolution. Rhino for example has spline based subdiv, but the structure still has the same properties as the mesh based one.

Anonymous No. 896769

no i did not mean that

Anonymous No. 896774

Every time someone explains why you are wrong you reply with incredibly short, "no i didnt mean that" type answers with no counter argument. Get tf out of here

Anonymous No. 896775

try not to get so butthurt in the future boomer


rig rendered.jpg

Anonymous No. 896778

Textured and rendered it in Iray. Maybe some of those thin edges could use a small chamfer so they catch light, but otherwise this is fine I think.

Anonymous No. 896779

you should learn how to light a scene

Anonymous No. 896780

Yeah your lighting is making you a big disservice. Grab a studio HDRI at least.

Anonymous No. 896781

Looks cool, but I have to reiterate what the other anons say about lighting. Lighting makes a huge difference.

Anonymous No. 896798

you need better lighting.

Anonymous No. 896831

Just wondering if anyone can help.
Whenever I put on face orientation everything is right, but if I change the angle or zoom out then some parts of the mesh get a mix of red and blue, like the normals are simultaneously correct and incorrect. Does anyone know why this is? I've recalculated them both inside and out and there are no double vertices or anything.
It has a subdivision modifier on it that hasn't been applied. It's not that is it?

Anonymous No. 896835

Sounds like z-fighting. Either you have overlapping geometry or you need to change the clipping distance on your camera.

Anonymous No. 896839

Thanks, I'll take a look into that and see if that fixes it. Overlapping geometry was what I thought at first too, but I took a look and it all seemed fine.

Anonymous No. 896868


Are you a ycfcg student? Are you lost? nice work btw.

Anonymous No. 896918



thing 001b.jpg

Anonymous No. 897864

Anything obvious showing that means this wouldn't 3d (resin) print, or be problematic?

Anonymous No. 897871

Nothing obvious except for the normals that look a bit messed up.
Blender ships with an addon for 3D printing that does a bunch of automated tests IIRC, you could try that.

Anonymous No. 897873
